Flight of the Amazon Queen

Flight of the Amazon Queen

17.10.2013 19:23:32
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PC Adventure

FAQ - Walkthrough

Version 2.03 ...16.06.2006

(c) 2004-2006 by selmiak

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-1- - Content

-2- - Legal Stuff

-3- - Charakters

-4- - Controls

-5- - Walkthrough

-6- - Jokes

-7- - F.A.Q.s

-8- - Version History

-9- - Thanx and bye

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This FAQ is written by me, selmiak, just for the purpose to help you, so that
you are allowed to look at it, download it or print it.
The only websites allowed to host this FAQ are:

www.dlh.net or just dlh.net, without the www.

If you wnatto host or publish this guide you need my permission. I'm a nice
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you commit a crime.
Same is for claiming this guide as your work altering it'S content, selling it
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!!! please make sure that you have the name of the game in the subject !!!

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I replaced these symbols because of robots scanning the wev for email-adres-
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So, that's enough to my position of right, that means:
you have no right! :P

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...this above here is supposed to mean characters
so, here you find informations about the cha-
racters in Flight of the Amazon Queen!

\ \
\ Joe King \

Joe is the Hero with the deep voice and the Hero of the adventure The Flight
of The Amazon Queen!
Joe is Captain of the Amazon Queen, a little old and rusty, but cute and fly-
able Plane, with witch he delivers Parcels and passengers safely to their des-
tination. He is always accompanied by his mechanic Sparky.
Joe has a girl in every Harbour and knows how to treat women, especialle Rita,
Big Hugh's girlsfriend.

\ \
\ Sparky \

Sparky is Joes nearly puperal Mechanic on the Amazon Queen, the plane they
both earn their living with by bringing freight or persons from A to B and some
times C.
Sparky likes Commander Rocket Comics and would love to read them all day long
and not be working or so. Other have this habbit with Videoames.

\ \
\ Anderson \

Anderson ist Joes Rival in Flightbuissiness. The stupid Dutchman wants to take
away Joe's Flight for Faye Russel and for this he locks Joe up in a Hotelroom.
This need Revenge. Later Anderson turns out to be not that big moron.

\ \
\ Faye Russel \

Faye is a Moviestar. She's Joes favourite Actress and he's very honored to
take her with him on teh Amazon Queen.
Only a stuid Dutchman called Anderson (is a Dutchman really called Anderson?)
has something against that and wants to take Faye with his Flying Dutchman Air-

\ \
\ Gorilla \

A little strange brown Gorilla that can be found in the Jungel. But he's very
good on the insight.
Well, you always force him to disappear.

\ \
\ Jimi und Mary Lou \

They both are the preachers in the jungle. Jimi more than Marylou. Jimi is also
interestet in raising and studying the apes.
Marylou instead like to talk bad about her husband and fileing her fingernails.

\ \
\ Dr. Ironstein \

Frank Ironstein is the crazy villain in this adventure.
It's your and Joe Kings Duty to stop his evil Plans of taking over the world by
the use of his Dino-Ray. Sounds like a good start into an exciting adventure,
right, so what do you need to know...:

-4- __
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\ \
\ The Gamescreen \

Well, the upper part of the screen is the actual gamescreen, here you see all
the action just like in a movie, you see what Joe is doing, or what else is
happening. In the lower quarter of the screen there are the buttons you can in-
fluence on the happening in the game with.

On the left there are the actionbuttons and on the right is our inventory

The Actionsbuttons are as follows:

- Open

- Close

- Move

- Give

- Look at

- Take

- Talk to

- use

after this there is your

- Inventory

Once you collectet more than 4 Items you have to scroll through your in-
ventory by using the arrow buttons.

You can use your Mouse, oh, you have to use your mouse to klick on a action-
button to build little sentences that Joe will do. For example, you can tell
Joe to pull the curtain in the back of the hotelroom open. This is how it works

Click on "Move" an then on the Cutain cord.

Joe pulls the cord on the curtain opens.

You can also build sentence with the items in your inventory, e.g.:

Use sheet-rope on radiator.

Then Joe will think of a way he can use these two things together.

\ \
\ The Optionsmenu \

To get acces to the Option menu you must push F5.
The whole menu looks like a diary, Joe's Diary.

On the left side of the menu there are the Points of interest in the menu:

- Read Entry
-> this means:

load a saved game!

- Make Entry
-> this means:

you can save your Game here!

-> you can make up to 100 Diary entry! This should be enough, even for

- Close
-> this means:

You close the Optionsmeu with this button!

- Give up
-> this means:

End your actual game!

The Game will ask you if you are serious.

you can do a lot of other things in the Options menu, such as:

- Shut down the Talkieversion of the Game The Flight of the Amazon Queen

- Turn off the Soundfx!

- Turn on/off the shown Dialogscreens

- regulate the speed of these shown Dialoges

- turn on/off the grooving Muzak

- regulate the volume of this grooving Muzak!

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We are in the year 1949 at 11:58 A.M. and 36 Seconds. An Alarmclock attatched
to a bomb is waiting to blast off at 12:00.
Joe King and Rita are tied to a pole and wait for their end.
Oh, what a lucky incident, Sparky is coming to rescue them und now they must
run and pick up Faye Russel the famous actress to give her a ride, better a
The evil thing is, Anderson, the ugly Dutchman is waiting for Joe instead of
Faye Russel. Anderson wants to take Faye on a flight.
That's how everything starts.

... now let's get into the game...

Inside the Hotel

use the curtain Cord and pick up the wig.
look at the box.
Pick up the two sheets above the laundry chute. Tie them together and then tie
them on the radiator.
Now you can use this rope to get down through the laundry Chute.

Downstairs in the Hotel

Now you need the comedy Breasts out of that huge cupboard. To get them, just
move the ladder.
Once you moved the ladder, you can take the breasts with you :)
Now to the important part. Take a crowbar with you. The crowbars are on top
of the cupboard.
Now get one floor higher. Don't let the two strange looking guys see you.
Try to take the Key. Ask the bellboy about the key and tell him you want it.
Ask him again and say you are a friend of Lola.
Pick up the key.
Go to the red door on floor down and unlock it.

Inside Lolas Dressing Room

Ask Lola for help.
Now get back up to the room you were locked in.
Use the crowbar to open the chest and look at the chest.
Get back to Loala and give her the Towel.
So, got a disguise? Use the dress and get outta here!


the Crazy Doctor transforms a Amazonian woman into a Dinolady.
He wants to gain power over the whole world.
now we know our villian

<<< End of Cutszene

now get out of the hotel and drive to the airport.
Damnded! Followed!

On Sparkys Transporter

Change clothes and look under the hay. Pick up the oil and use it on Rico.
Now to the airport.


beat up the dutchman and get in the plane.

>>> Cutszene

Now you plane crashes and you are stuck in the jungle. At least there is no
rain anymore.

<<< End of Cutszene

In the Crashed Plane

open the dufflebag and look inside to get a knive and a lighter.
ask Sparky about some supplies and take some beef jerky
Look at the seats to get a wet coupon from a Commander Rocket Comic.

Outside the crashed Plane

now walk out of the hatch and feed the piranhas with the beefjerky.
pick up the propeller and use the knive on the lillystem.
use the propeller on the lilly.

Solid Ground

go to North East (NE) and let the parrot tell you a cryptic message! What was
this all about? Let's ask Trader Bob!

use the knive on the vine that swings around there.

Go South and then SW until you are at the hangingbridge.


use the cut off vine on the support rope of the wooden bridge to repair it.
pick up the banana on the other side of the bridge


Now go back to where the Parrot was and follow the path. There is Gorilla in
your Way. Just introduce yourself. Tell him, you don't speak his language (hope
he doesn't make you a sandwitch). Ask him if he's a Gorilla. Tell him that
there are no Gorillas in South America, just in Africa. So tell him, he's in
South Aerica actually, and is not supposed to be here.
He will accept your complaint at once and the disappear.
Now go to the pinnacle.

>> Cutszene

Faye is fed up from waiting and goes searching for help on her own.

<< End of Cutszene

Trader Bob

Past the Gibberish talking Pygmee you finally reach Trader Bob.
Talk to him about the Parrot and Princess Azura!
Talk to Naomi about the Barber Chair, and her Date with Bob, and why she's so
nervous about it.
Wedgewood, the Parrot drank her perfume she wanted to wear on her date and that
is why she's so nervous abot the date, but she will change some items with you
if you give her a replacement for her lost perfume.
Ask her why she speaks so good english.
Give some of your Beef Jerky to Trader Bob and he will give you money for it.
With that money, you can buy the vacuum Cleaner.

>> Cutszene

In a Bunker deep underground.

Dr.Ironstein is going even more crazy and wants to transform even more Amazon-
ian Women with his Dinoray. *poor Naomi*
Someone should stop him. You???!!!!

<< End of Cutszene

Floda Inc.

At Flodas, the Lederhosencompany inside the Jungle you take the flower from the
front yard with you.
You cannot do something else here at the moment so back to the pinnacle.


Head north until you meet Bud and Skip, the two Explorers in the Amazonian

Talk to Skip and ask him which Comicbooks he's reading. Tell him, that Sparky
also is a huge Commander Rocket Fan and he owns all issues except the one where
Commander Rocket battles the Mob.
What a happy little Coincident, Skip is actially reading exacly that issue! And
the best thing is, he'll give it to you for Sparky. Well, Sparky will be happy!
Look at the comicbook. There is a coupon dropping out. Look at this coupon too!

Talk to Bud and tell him it's very hot!
So you learn he's got a rash and need a rashcure! Let's see what we can do...

Go on to the Fish and the Beetle. Look at the Beetle!

Go on east and convince the Gorilla that you don't believe him being a Dinosaur
so he takes off his costume half.
Ask him if he'll disappear again, if you tell him he doen't exist, and so you
say then and so it happens. Again :)

So, walk South to Jimi und Mary-Lou.

Jimi und Mary-lou

Talk to Mary Lou about her husband training the Apes and if he had been suc-
cessfull already! It's also interesting how clever the apes are.

Talk to Jimi about everything that you can talk to him.

You see that Ape with the Coconut? Give him your Banana and he will give you
his Coconut.

Walk back to where the Dinogorilla once was and walk through that hollow log.
Sounds poetic, doesn't it? You see an Orchid with lots of wasps swarming around
it. Use your Vacuum Cleaner to get rid of the wasps and collect the Orchid.

Walk on to the entrance to the Temple. Look at the signs at the door, uuuh,
an Amazonian woman is comming, wait until she's passed and do exactly like her.
I said do exactly like her, not get trapped, ah, whatever you will wake up in

Amazonian Dungeon

Talk to that Guy with the two puppets and who's brabbeling lots of weired
stuff. After half an argument he has a present for you, the puppet with the
stick. And there comes Faye.

>> Cutszene

You can talk to Faye and find out a lot about the Amazonian women, but the
pint of this chitchat is that you must apologize Faye for whatever, hmmmmmmpf

<< End of Cutszene

Get out of your cell.

>> Cutszene

Faye and the other Amazonian women want you to do something that you already
intended to do (right?), They want you to rescue Princess Azura.
The Amazonians suspect the people at Floda, to have kidnapped Azura.

<< End of Cutszene

In front of the Amazonianbunkerthing

So, let's get out of here, well, you can actually talk to that wet hot chili
Amazonian under the shower, and then leave.
leave to the left, to the right you get back into the dungeon.
So go to the Pinnacle and the to the Crashsite to Sparky.


So Faye is gone. Give the Commander Rocket Comic to Sparky and get a rasp for
it. That's quite a deal.

Jimi und MaryLou

Go to Mary Lou and babble with her about the Pygmee people and how she was able
to talk to them and understand them.
So swap your new rasp for a English - Pygmee Dictionary.

Trader Bob

Back at the Trader!
Now you can talk to the Pygmee, because now you have the Dictionary.
Talk to the guy in the barberchair and find out, that he is the chief of the
village. Talk to him about the gods and the article in National Geographics.

Now talk to that witchdoctor in front of Bobs shack. Ask her if she can brew
Potions. Of course she can, she's a witchdoctor. Now she tells you what she
needs for the potion. She need the hair of a slow crouching animal, milk from
a holy place and something to add a little buzz.

Okay, now we go to Trader Bobs'!
Give the Orchid out of the Jungle to Bob. He will give it to Naomi on their
date and you can take one of his nets.

Crash Site.

Use Bobs net to get the perfume out of the water.
Also don't forget to check back to the hanging bridge to get another banana.

Trader Bob

Give the Perfume to Naomi and you will get her scissors.


Take the other entrance and go to the sloth. Use the Flower you picked up at
Flodas on the sloth.

>> Cutszene

Sparky, joe, boredom, :)

<< End of the Cutszene

cut the Sloths hair with the scissors.

Go on your way to the fish and the bug and catch the bug with the net you just
got from Trader Bob.

Trader Bob

Use the knive on the Coconut. Give the coconuthalfes to the witchdoc, do the
same with the sloth's hair and the vacuum cleaner.

You get a rashcure and of course you go into the


to Bud und Skip! Now you can give the Lotion to Bud. You get loads of money
from him, because he's so happy.

And where else can you spend your money better in this Jungle than at Trader
Bob's. So let's go back.

Trader Bob

Buy the record thats on the shelf.

Floda Inc.

Finally we go back to that notorious Lederhosen Company right in the Amazonian

Talk to the fat Lady, and ask her what her firm is doing in the Jungel and
convince her that you are the fumigator.

Leave to the right side into the kitchen and tell the Chef, that you are the
fumigator. Ask him what he's doing and if he already had sucess with cooking
the food for the Doctor. So then give him the Banana.
After he has left steal the Cheeze Bitz and the dogfood, that is under the
cooking pot. Look at the doogfood.

Go on to the right.
Open the postbag and look inside. Read the letter you recieve. On of the lock-
ers can be opened, so open it and take the squeeztoy. Go back to the reception.

Go to the other room, you haven't been to yet. It's the library.
Look at the couch and get some money. Use the record you got from Trader Bob on
the record player. Whohah a secret passage.
Use the elevator.

Under Floda Inc.

Enter the door on the left, look for the one box and open it.
You get a canopener (for lefthanded).

Go back to the hallway and go down.

Hallway with Private John

Talk to Privte John and tell him, that you have a letter for him (if you al-
ready have red it, if not, read it and give it to him.)
He starts crying and now you can enter every door on this floor.
At first enter the door in the front. Read the duty plan.
Now go back to tha hallway with the wimpy and go into the other door.
Read all the memos as long as you read all 4 different versions.
Now examine the cupboard at the wall. Move it away and look at the safe.

Go back to the hallway with lift and go to the right when you're in front of
the lift.


Walk to the door on the left site.
Talk to Henry and tell him that he is neede in the kitchen. Colonel Jackson is
the one in charge today. So tell him this too!

Now read on the message board until you come to the special menue of the chef.

After you have red that leave this room to the right side.

>>> Cutszene >>>

The Dino is racing through the maze and Dr. Ironstein is happy with it. Oh, no,
what is that that creep Anderson is having business with Dr. Ironstein.!

<<< end of Cutszene <<<

Have you seen that map on the wall?
Take the book on the table with you. Use your knife with the book to get the
key thats inside the book.

Go back to the firexit and enter the firexit.


Take the serum with you.

use the stairs.

Azuras Prison

Talk with Azura about Wedgewood, the parrot! Talk about everything you can ac-
tually talk to her.
So this cute girl behind bars wants you to free her by finding the key. Hah,
just found it in the Doctors book you just opened with the knive.

>>> Cutszene >>>

Joe loves Azura!!!

<<< End of Cutszene <<<


Uh, oh, the Alarm is set off, so do something! But what? Use the puppets that
are standing there.

After the Guard has passed and is searching for you 2 outside ask Azura if she
remembers the Code, the guard used. Of course she does. Now you can enter the
code by using the panel.

Now gow back inside the building and get the pencil thats on the desk. Go into
the library and use the elevator to get back down under Floda.

Under Floda

Open the can of dogfood (With the canopener of course) and pour the serum on it
and then go and look for Klunk. Thats the one guard with the lots of muscles.
Give him the prepaired dogfood and then talk to him. Ask him if he thinks he's
a great guy, and the doubt it with your next sentence.

Now go into the room tha t Klunk was guarding and look at the piece of paper on
the desk. Use the pencil o n the piece of paper and voila, the combination for
the safe is visible. Now go to the safe.

Use the piece of paper with the safe and open the safe. Look inside!

You get another piece of paper and a key.

Now get out of here.

in front of Floda

Give the squeezing toy to the dog so that you can pass him by. Enter the shack.

Surprise, the small shack is really big on the inside...

Use the key out of the safe on the top secret box and open this box. Whohah, a

Go into the Jungle and to the

Amazons Palace

Enter the throneroom and recieve the dinohorn.

>>> Cutszene >>>

You get the Horn from Azura, and what is this? Dr. Ironstein is also here and
sends you out to get a skull from an island!

<<< End of Cutszene <<<


The ferry is this place where you were not able to do anything until now.

Introduce yourself as Joe King and ask the ferryman why he's so upset.
Ask him if he already cought some. Let him tell you about the one that escaped.
Ask the ferryman if he's fishing. Then ask him what kind of BAIT he uses.
Give the bug to the stupid Charon as a bait.

So, and now ask him if he's willing to ship you over.

Sloth Island

Enter the Tempe! What else!

Go into the left entrance and do something with the mummys. They crumble and so
you take whats left with you.

Go to the left again and do the same as you did in the room before.

You see that little dinorat? Give her some Cheze Biz.

Now go left once again.

You are back in the room you started from.
Pull the bones in the holes where they should be and the use the one arm in the
strangely shaped thing on the left side of the screen. Drop a coin into the
slot of the strange machine. So, guess what now, use the armbone!


A secret passage. Take the Armbone with you and enter the secret passage!

In front of the statue

Talk to the Hologirl and tell her, that you know (you know it, don't you) that
it's about the human.
So you're right, so what? You can pass her by and enter the temple. So ask her
who she is.

Enter the door the right. Go through the "door" and continue to the right.
Look at the ded body on the ground and talk to the zombiegirls. Talk about eve-
rything possible.
It's important to ask them what happened to the prince, annoy them and ask for
evidence that he's still there until the brainless zombies open up the sarko-

Take the mummy wrapping with you!
Talk to the ladyzombie again! She wants a reason, okay tell he you took some-
thing out of the sarkophag.

After the zombies disappeared you can open up the sarkophag again and take the
crown with you and cut the roots away from the sarkophag. NOw you close the
kophag again and move it away. Now enter the hole behind the sarkophag.


USe your knive on the piece of sap and then take some of the sap with you.
Walk some steps. You reach a fountain that spill her water somehow out of order
so that it looks really crappy.
Move it so that it fits and take the blue gem with you.

Forget about the big lever by now and go on on your way. You'll meet Ian. You
can talk to him about how to find him, and then continue to the left.

Use you handpuppet on the hot disc so you won't burn your sweet fingers. Now go
back to the lever. Push the lever. kinda windy, eh?

back up at the huge Statue

Enter the door in the middle (the mouth). Use the disc from the statue on the
pole that'S coming out of the wall. Now use the vinerope on the disc. Now go
down one step in the same room (remember?) and there use the loose end of the
vine with the wheel. Now stick your baseballbat into the wheel and turn it.

Enter the door that opened and take the pick with you.
Go back one room and let the stone back down on the ground by using the base-
ball bat again.

Go up again in that room and take the back exit.

Dripstoneroom ...not trip stoner ohm!

Look through the hole with the ray of light coming through. USe the pick on
that hole.
Enter the hole. In that big room you must look at the coffin and then go back
to the dripstoneroom.
Here you use the pick on the Stalaktit. (Note: Dripstone that are growing from
the ground are called Stalagmites, the ones growing from the ceiling stalagtit)

Take that piece of flint thats falling down and stick it into your lighter.

Go back to the

giant Statue

Enter the left door this time.

Go on until you reach the

White snake

This mean animal won't let you pass, and gets angry if try though. But there
are always ways and means.
Build a torch out of the mummy wrappings and the armbone. Light this torch with
your now working lighter. With this burning torch you can get rid of the snake.

You now reach the room with the waterfall!

Here you go to the right side and come to a szene you already been to. Look at
the dead body and find half a statue and a ID Card.
Follow your trail until you reach the Laserdinos. Now go on one more time.

>>> Cutszene >>>

Anderson is cooperating with Dr. Ironstein and his conscience starts eating him
very bad.

<<< End of Cutszene <<<

Go on until you come to the

double waterfall

Take the big stick with you and now go back to the


Here you take the lower path, say you DON'T go up the stairs and you will come
into the


Talk to Ian everything thats possible and the pull the lever on the Dino in the
Talk to Ian again and tell him you have an Idea. He should pleeeeease cut the
rope on his cageball.
NOw you pull he lever on teh Dino again and experience that the world is so un-
thankfull as ever.
Now go back to the

huge Statue

Enter the middle door to the dripstone room and go on until the coffin. USe the
big stick on this thing. NOw look inside it!
You will get a deathmask. Thats kind of cool, but irty. So use the rest of the
mummywrappings to clean the ancient death mask.

Now go back to the huge Statue and through the right door until the tree with
the hole and then down.

After you took the sap with you, you go left to where the hot dosc was and now
a stoned Ian is. Take his part of a statue with you. Use the treesap on this
statue and use it with the other statue from the other dead guy.

Take some more tree sap with you and the go back up to the


Use the deathmask with the Laserrays coming out of the dinoheads here. Now you
can pass without any danger.

Treasure room

So you want to have that blinking green gem? JUst use the treesap on the base-
ballbat and then use this fishing rod to get the gem. Now go to the

Double Waterfall

For the right eye of the statue you use the blue Gem and for the left eye you
use the green gem. Just stick them in there and the statue will turn it's face
and reviele another secret passage.


Here you use your own little statue you just built out of the two broken parts.
Just stick it in and guess what, another secret passage.


This takes some time but the solution to this riddle is quite easy, just give
some Cheeze Biz to the Dinorat and follow it until your out of the labyrinth.


Read the markings and walk through the door.


USe the cacuum cleaner to get rid of the dustlayer on the ground and then push
the symbols on the wall that are not on the ground
The symbols on the wall change one time and then change back to the first sight
so you have to find the right symbol two times.

If you don't want to sear the first symbolis in the lowes colum the second from
the left, the one that looks like a "H" with the lower ends like |_ _|

The second symbol looks like a 31 and is in the second column from the bottom
the second from the right.

If you can't find it, or no matter if you can find it, check out my maps (that
were rejected by gamefaqs :'(

first Mosaik riddle:


second mosaik riddle:


after you managed to open the door go in!


Talk to the Hololady and tell her that you are Joe Almaxaquottl. Now this old
woman wants to have a key from you to proove that you are who you claim to be.
So give her the crown of the real king. Now tak the skull and head back to the


push the Throne and the 2 patterns to activate the whole thing. Now sit on the
throne and enjoy the

>>> CutSzene >>>

Just betrayers around

<<< Ende Cutszene <<<

Floda Prison

Take the mug behind you and use it on the door

After another cutszene you go straigt to

Trader Bob

Buy his alkohol in the bottles in the shelf on the right handside!

Now you can use the wet commander Rocket coupon with the other Commander rocket
coupon.You get the one from the Explorers comicbook in the jungle and the other
half in in the seats of the amazon queen.


Now you can fill in the alcohol and fly to the valley of the mists.

Valley of the mists

Well, it's not THAT misty here. Well, Faye is here to, so just follow her. Oh,
she's gone pretty fast.

Dino X-ing

So, there is a huge Dinosaur blocking the way. So what can you do here? Just go
to the distant clearing near to the dinos head and there you go one step fur-
ther and then you can see some plants the dino is eating at the moment.

With the help of your knice ou can cut some of the branches.

Now you go back to the Dinosaurs (a brontosaurus, iirc) head and feed the bran-
ces to him. Dino branch-brunch!

So now go on, they are waiting for you!

hungry Dinos

After the little Dinos went away from their prey (look at that, a rhyme) there
is an even more dangerous Dino coming.
Okay you just show him who's the mack and use the tyranny horn. He thinks of
course there is a real tyrannosuarus rex on it's way and will be away in a se-

Final Fight

After the introduction you can either watch the 2 fighters for some time or you
take action.

Once the fight gets boring for you take Franks Dinoray Gun and shoot at the mu-
tated Dr: Ironstein, whos suprisingly called Frank now. But who cares it's all
going wrong of course.
So talk to Faye and ask her tu turn her mirror around.
Shoot again, and see what happenes.
Okay, so give the deathmask to sparky ans shoot at frank for the last time.
Your dinoray shot get refelcted a thousand times and finally reaches it's aim.
Now, when I say last time and finally you can think whats up now, yes, you have
reached the


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Here is the place for all the funny things that happen and are said and none

So, you think I missed something?

-----> drop me a line at faqs (at) gmx (dot) de


Ask the ferryman for a magic trick!
Just pure genius!

Joes name ist already a Joke. Ah, well, just joking...

Here goes nothing

When Joe and Azura are in the Floda lobby with the door closed and the siren
going off try turning out the lights. Very funny.
(thanks to Sam for finding this)

Shoot at Princess Azura at the "Final Fight"!

/ /_ _______
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Okay, so this piece of crippled ascii art is supposed to read FAQs, what means
Frequently asked Questions.

Her everything I find usefull, or that ends up in my mailbox and is worthy to
be posted comes in here.
Even though the FAQ is very complete you might have some questions so they get
answerde here too, and posted only if you wnat to.
If you don't wnat to have your name under your send in question (because you
think your question is too nOObish or stupid, wich sure is not the case),
please make it cleare to me, that you don't wnat to be credited, otherwise tell
me which name I should use.
After this is clear go ahead and

for questions

-----> drop me a line at faqs (at) gmx (dot) de


Where can I buy Flight of the Amazon Queen? I asked and searched everywhere
but I can't find it!


You can buy it on ebay, and if you're lucky you can perhaps get the original
If the box is not that important for you and you justwant to play that gem of a
game, you can download it from the internet.
Just use a seach engine of your choice and you can find it everywhere, Flight
of the amazone queen is freeware right now, so there is no problem with copy-
rights at the moment.


How do I get Flight of the Amazon Queen running on my modern XP r Longhorn Per-
sonal Computer?


No way, you have to bid on a 286 on ebay and, ... no just kidding, there is a
cool tool on the internet thats called ScummVM that emulates a Scumm Engine on
you PC and lets you play all the old Lucas Arts and other Scummbased Games.

You can Download it for free at:




If you wnat to use ScummVM you need the ScummVM tool and then this rewritten
version of the game.

On the scummVM Site you can also get this game for free in the talkie and non-
talkie version, so what can I say, get the talkie Version!!!

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Version 1.00 --- 23.04.2005

This is in the european way of dating. Well, I'm not dating you, but dating
the date the FAQ reached some kind of completeness.
But somehow You will be dating me in the future, once you get stuck again.
Okay, so Version 1.00 is just the german Version of this FAQ I first posted on
gamefaqs, now I'm on the translation work.
Sometime it's a really odd job, so don't sleep in when the Walkthrough some-
times is written very boring, that's just cuz I'm just reding and translating,
reading and translating, but that how translating works.

Version 2.00 --- 02.05.2005

Right now everything is translatet and layouted (most of the FAQ). I don't know
if I have found all the Typos, cuz my spellcecker works only in german. If you
found a glaring typo, mistake or something else that needs to be in this FAQ
drop me a line at the emailadress mentioned in the legal stuff section.

Version 2.02 --- 08.05.2005

Just added dlh.net to the sites allowed to host my FAQs. The most current
version can always be found at www.gamefaqs.com

Version 2.03 --- 16.06.2006

Sam mailed me another Joke I missed, so I instantly added it to the FAQ. It's
found in the Jokes section, and now... play it again Sam! (Sorry, had to say it

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Thanks to Interactive Binary Illusion, you made a great game with a great
Thanks to casei, who helped me when I got stuck and without him this FAQ would
never been finished.
Thanks to Sam for finding anoher Joken and sending it to me.
Thanks to myself, I'm great!
Thanks to you, cuzyou still read this.


To find more FAQ to other great games penned by me go to:


or visit my website


...and now the very least:

Help for hungry guidewriters ;)

If you think, this FAQ helped you out, then please be so kind and type the
following url in your browser an click on one of the ads there.


You can't loose anything by doing so, except half a minute of your time and I
get some tips and write more guides! Even little money is money! Thank you!


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18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Hinweise

13.Октябрь 2013
Hinweise im UHS-Format

10.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

13.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
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