Codename Panzers - Phase 2

Codename Panzers - Phase 2

17.10.2013 17:47:22
To win battles, you do not beat weapons.
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CODENAME: | __ \/ _ \ | \ | ||___ /| ___|| ___ \/ ____/
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|_| |_| |_||_| \_|/_____/|_____||_| \_\____/ PHASE 2

You beat the soul of man.

Copyright 2005 - Staley, Deuce ex Defcon. Any site that wishes to host any of
my guides is free to do so, provided you contact me prior to posting the
guide(s), as I like to know where they're being used.

I cannot guarantee any site other than GameFAQs will always have the most
current form of my guides, so if there's ever any doubt, always check GameFAQs.
If you find an outdated form of any of my guides on any site, please contact
me, and I will contact the site to get it updated.

All questions, comments, and so forth concerning this guide can be posted on my
site here:

Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon).

Note: I'm just writing about the methods I personally used to win these
missions. Don't be surprised if you find a strategy for some missions that's
better than the ones I've written down. Hey, at least I tried, right?

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| | CONTENTS | |
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0.00) A Few Notes Before You Get Started
0.10) Important Controls
0.20) Campaign Difficulty Setting

1.00) The Axis Campaign
1.01) Sidi Barrani
1.02) Headquarters 1
1.03) Mersa Brega
1.04) Headquarters 2
1.05) Halfaya Pass
1.06) Operation Battleaxe
1.07) Headquarters 3
1.08) Sidi Rezegh
1.09) Headquarters 4
1.10) The Cauldron
1.11) Tempest
1.12) Headquarters 5
1.13) Tel El Eisa

2.00) The Allied Campaign
2.01) Breakthrough at El Alamein
2.02) Headquarters 6
2.03) Tobruk
2.04) Kasserine Pass
2.05) Headquarters 7
2.06) Tunis
2.07) Operation Husky
2.08) Crossing the Volturno
2.09) Headquarters 8
2.10) Monte Cassino
2.11) Headquarters 9
2.12) Anzio-Cisterna

3.00) The Partisan Campaign
3.01) Operation Sheathed Saber
3.02) Running the Gauntlet
3.03) Reclaiming Belgrade
3.04) No Easy Way Out

4.00) Unit List
4.01) Unit List Key
4.10) Axis Units
4.11) Axis Units - Infantry
4.12) Axis Units - Armored Vehicles
4.13) Axis Units - Transport Vehicles
4.14) Axis Units - Artillery
4.20) Soviet Units
4.21) Soviet Units - Infantry
4.22) Soviet Units - Armored Vehicles
4.23) Soviet Units - Transport Vehicles
4.23) Soviet Units - Artillery
4.30) Allied Units
4.31) Allied Units - Infantry
4.32) Allied Units - Armored Vehicles
4.33) Allied Units - Transport Vehicles
4.34) Allied Units - Artillery

5.00) End
5.01) Version History
5.02) Closing

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In this section, I will list some notes about various things you should keep in
mind while playing, in no particular order:

I) Always make sure the compass is pointing due north.

- The camera sometimes starts pointing in a stupid direction, so to keep the
walkthrough instructions as simple as possible, you should always turn your
compass so it's facing due north at the start of every mission. If, for any
reason, I tell you to rotate the map so it faces any other direction, I will
include some reference points to make sure you have it facing the right way.
(The map can scroll by holding down the two mouse buttons and rotating it.)

II) You can adjust the camera zoom.

- By rolling the wheel in the middle of your mouse, you can make the camera
zoom in or zoom out. I tend to keep it zoomed all the way out, since you can
see more of the map on your screen at once.

III) Optional and Secret objectives give extra Prestige Points.

- The more objectives you complete, the more prestige you'll get, which means
you'll be able to get more/better units during your trips to Headquarters.

IV) Using Special Abilities doesn't cost you anything, and they don't stack.

- Using Bomber attacks, Fighter-Bomber attacks, Artillery bombardments, and
so forth doesn't cost you prestige. They don't pile up from one mission to the
next if you don't use them either, so there's really no reason to not use them.

V) This game has a 2X Speed option.

- In the top-right corner of your game screen, you'll see the speed options.
Clicking on the fast-forward icon will double the speed of the game, which I
find very helpful through most of the missions.

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No offense to the people at CDV, but their set up sucks pretty bad... So I
strongly suggest using the "classic" control set up. Every time I mention a
command or hot key in this guide, I will assume you are using the "classic" set
up style.

(NOTE: I will only be listing the ones I find useful.)


Stops the highlighted units. Very useful if you just accidentally sent a
group of your units somewhere incredibly stupid. >_>


Makes the highlighted units attack a target. very useful for destroying
unmanned vehicles and buildings that haven't been identified as a threat.

Changing the direction a unit is facing without actually moving:

If you select a unit, then right click and hold it down, you will have an arrow
that you can use to manually turn a unit without actually moving it. This is
great for making sure your units are facing the enemy when they are lined up
for defensive positions.


Either use your Space bar or click on the pause button in the top-right corner
of your screen. This is very beneficial on timed missions, when you might want
to form teams without taking time off of the countdown timer.

Double Speed:

Either use your Backspace key or click on the fast forward button in the
top-right corner of the screen. Honestly, there are very few cases where I
don't suggest using this feature. Even on fast mode, this game is painfully
slow for my liking.

Making Groups:

Holding the Control key while you have something selected and then pressing a
number key will form a group. Groups are invaluable for effective fast-passed
combat. Once you've made a group, pressing the corresponding number key
without having the group selected will select the group for you. Pressing the
number while the group is already selected will center the screen on that

Selecting Every Unit of a Certain Type:

If you hold down the Control key and click on a unit, all units of that type
will be selected. This is great for sorting out your forces and quickly
making groups.

Using Special Items/Weapons:

When you have a unit selected, any special abilities or items the unit has will
be shown in the command bar on the bottom-right of your screen. Left clicking
on the icon will cause the unit to use the item. if it's a rubber boat, you
must be standing on the water. If it's a grenade, Molotov, or so forth, you
will have to select a target. Some things, like grenades, Molotovs, and even
the cure ability medics have, can be set to automatic. Right click on the
ability's icon, and you will see a green light come on. This means that the
unit will automatically use their special ability when appropriate. Medics
should always have their healing ability set on automatic, and infantry should
have Grenades set on automatic if they will be fighting a tank.

Entering/Exiting a vehicle or structure:

You will be given a box with an arrow in it if you hover over something your
unit can enter, whether it happens to be a vehicle or a building. Once inside
a building or vehicle, the unit can be told to leave by clicking on the eject
icon in the bottom-right corner of the command bar.

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| | 0.20) Campaign Dificulty Setting | |
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When you start a new campaign, you will be given the option to choose between
three different difficulty settings. These are the settings:


- When one of your core units is destroyed in combat, you will automatically
be given reinforcements during your next trip to Headquarters. These
reinforcements will still have the same amount of experience points as they did
before they were destroyed in the previous mission. This makes each mission
much easier than on harder difficulty settings, since you don't need to worry
about losing units during combat.


- When one of your core units is destroyed in combat, you will automatically
be given reinforcements during your next trip to Headquarters. Unlike easy
mode, these reinforcements will start with no experience points. This makes it
a little more important to be careful with your units during the campaign, but
it's still very easy to win the campaigns on this setting.


- When one of your core units is destroyed in combat, you lose it permanently.
Lost units will not be replaced during your next trip to Headquarters, so you
will need to make sure you minimize your losses on each mission. Personally, I
think this is by far the best way to play as far as fun goes, but a beginning
player might become a tad frustrated while trying to play some of the missions
without taking any casualties.

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| | 1.00) The Axis Campaign | |
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| | 1.01) Sidi Barrani | |
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1) Recon the area.

This'll be automatically completed when you try to follow Sergio's tracks,
so don't worry about doing anything special for it.

2) Discover Sergio's airplane.

The plane's quite obvious, sitting in a smoldering wreck in the middle of
the eastern side of the mountains. You should probably stay away from it
if possible until after you've completed the secret and hidden objectives,
just to make things a little easier.

3) Follow the tracks to find Sergio.

After you find Sergio's plane, head south-east to the blue objective symbol
to accomplish this objective.

4) Retreat to the evacuation zone immediately.

Move as fast as you can, since British reinforcements will be all over the
map. Head all the way to the west where the new blue objective symbol is
located, and when you drive onto it, this mission will be complete.

These four objectives are worth 150 prestige points together.


1) Take control of both oases.

You'll find one oasis in the middle of the south side of the map and one in
the middle of the north side of the map. Eliminate all resistance around
both of them to accomplish this optional objective.

This is worth 100 prestige points.


1) Hidden support camp secured.

There's an aid station in the middle of the map, accessible by the path on
the east side of the mountains. Take control of it to complete this secret

This is worth 50 prestige points.

2) Enemy air defense group neutralized.

You'll find a small enclave in the mountains on the far eastern side of the
map that's housing four anti-aircraft guns and some infantry. Kill
everything in the area to accomplish this secret objective.

This is worth 75 prestige points.


1) Dario DeAngelis must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.


3 Heavy Artillery bombardments


This mission's obviously fairly simple, seeing as it's the first one. Make
sure you remember to rotate your map so your compass is facing north if you
want my directions to make sense to you. You won't be needing your four
infantry units, truck, or tank crew for this mission, so I suggest you simply
leave them where they are. [You can capture a British tank near the aid
station with your tank crew if you want, but it won't be necessary.]

Take your three tanks and the repair vehicle due east until you come to a very
small hill, then wait for two British tanks to appear. Blast them both,
healing your tanks with the repair vehicle when you're done. Send all four of
your vehicles south now, then east all the way to the trees near the water.
A few more British tanks and some infantry are waiting for you on the other
side, so make sure you keep your tanks close together, and make sure you're
constantly repairing them as you fight.

You'll be notified of the optional objective now, which is to secure both oases
on the map. This area is the first one, so make sure everything nearby is
eliminated. Next, head north until you see a path that leads west into the
center of the small mountain range. You'll see an aid station in the middle of
those mountains, and capturing it is one of your secret objectives. Send your
tanks and repair vehicle towards the aid station and destroy the two field guns
nearby, then slaughter any straggling infantry units to take control of the aid

Let the aid station repair and reload your vehicles if necessary, and if you're
interested, go take the tank crew out of your transport truck and take control
of the British tank near this aid station. You don't really need it though, so
unless you really want it, don't waste the time.

Head out of the mountain area and turn north, then clear out the area around
this second oasis. When the British forces around it are gone, you'll
accomplish the optional objective. [If it doesn't complete like it should,
take a look around both oases for infantry units hiding behind sandbags, in
buildings, or in trees.]

The next target is farther to the east and a little bit south, due east of the
airplane's wreckage. Four anti-aircraft guns and some infantry are entrenched
in this mountain area, but they're no match for your tanks. Eliminate every
unit in the area to accomplish the second secret objective.

Make sure your tanks are repaired, then send your repair vehicle all the way
back to your infantry pile on the far western side of the map. Send your tanks
down to the airplane wreckage to find your new objective, then send them
south-east to the blue mission symbol to receive your last objective. When the
order to retreat is given, simply send all of your tanks together in a cluster
back to the rest of your units in the far west. Don't bother stopping to
destroy any British stuff, since it won't help you.

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| | 1.02) HEADQUARTERS 1 | |
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Assuming you've accomplished all of the available objectives, optional
objectives, and secret objectives, you will have a total of 375 Prestige Points
available for this trip to Headquarters.

Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no
more than 10 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles,
and no more than 8 may be artillery.

*Note: You'll be able to purchase Italian and German units from the same trip
to headquarters. The infantry units function the same, but the German
versions usually tend to have slightly higher firepower than their
Italian counterparts. Keep that in mind if you're wondering why the
German infantry units cost slightly more than the Italian ones.


Infantry: [Italian] [German]

Riflemen...................35 Riflemen...................40
Medics.....................35 Medics.....................40
AntiTank Riflemen..........40 AntiTank Riflemen..........45
Submachine Gunners.........50 Submachine Gunners.........60
Machine Gunners............50 Machine Gunners............60
Tank Crew..................80 Tank Crew..................80

Armored Vehicles:

Flammpanzer I.............118
Carro Armato L6/40........125
SdKfz 223.................140
Autoblinda 41.............152
Semovente 75-18...........175
Panzer III F..............186

Transport Vehicles:

Opel Blitz.................25
Krupp Ammo Truck..........100
SdKfz 11 Support..........150


Pak 36.....................38
Flak 88 mm.................93
LeFh 18...................103


Definitely get a Krupp Ammo Truck. Upgrade* your Tank Crew to an M13-40, then
sell all four of your other infantry units. Purchase two Semovente 75-18s, and
you should have 104 prestige points left over. Keep in mind, however, that
what you buy is almost totally optional for each mission. I will give
suggestions based on my personal preferences, and I will make special notes
about any units that will greatly impact further missions as they come up.

*Vehicles and tank crews can be "upgraded" rather than sold. Select a unit and
click on the Change Vehicle button below its information panel.

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| | 1.03) Mersa Brega | |
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1) Break through British defenses and occupy the supply depot.

There's a heavy concentration of British tanks and field guns near the
supply depot in the north. You'll have to punch a hole in their line and
take control of the supply depot to win the mission.

This is worth 200 prestige points.


1) Neutralize both howitzers on the western path.

Two field guns are mounted along the path in the mountains on the west side
of the map. Tanks won't be able to get up there, so you'll have to use
infantry. Or, if you're like me and don't like to use infantry, they can
each be completely destroyed from one of your Heavy Artillery bombardments
if you land it right on top if it.

This is worth 100 prestige points.


1) Mustafa the honorable healed.

The path through the mountains on the east side of the map leads north to a
small camp where Mustafa is being "tortured." Tanks won't be able to
access the path, so you'll have to use infantry - or in my case, tank
crews, since I don't like to keep infantry around. Fight your way to the
camp and use the medics you start with to heal Mustafa.

This is worth 75 prestige points.


1) Dario DeAngelis must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.

2) Hans von Grobel must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.


3 Heavy Artillery bombardments

2 Recon Plane scouts


Let's take care of the optional objective first. Assuming you've listened to
my advice on purchasing new units, the only infantry you've got right now are
the two units the mission gave you. The two mountain paths are only accessible
by infantry, so you'll have to use a few unorthodox strategies to take care of
the optional and secret objective.

Use one of your scout planes in the middle of the mountain range to the west.
It'll eventually reveal each of the field guns underneath the blue objective
symbols. As soon as you can see one of the guns, drop a Heavy Artillery
bombardment directly on top of it to destroy it instantly. Destroy them both
to accomplish the optional objective.

Time to turn your attention to the eastern mountain path. Just to be safe,
eject all of your tank crews from their vehicles and group them with the unit
of snipers and the unit of medics. Head up the eastern mountain path now,
slaughtering the enemy infantry you encounter along the way. When you reach
the spot where the paths converge, make sure your medics have healed everyone,
then head north towards the camp.

Quickly move down the path heading west to deal with the mortar infantry and
the other infantry unit, then turn and head into the camp. After eliminating
the last unit of guards, use your medics to heal Mustafa, then head south all
the way out of the mountain path the same way you entered it. Put your tank
crews back into their vehicles, then start moving them north towards the supply

Lots and lots of British tanks and field guns are waiting. You can take one
field gun out with your last Heavy Artillery bombardment, but the rest of them
will have to be dealt with by your tanks. Even though it looks like there're a
lot of enemy vehicles, you'll have no problems destroying them all if you use
hit and run tactics. Rush their front line, destroy a couple vehicles, then
retreat to use your repair truck. Repeat that process until you can safely
approach the supply depot.

Watch out for infantry piles near the depot. They like to crouch on the
ground, which'll sometimes cause you to literally be right on top of them
before you see them. Sweep the area and take control of the depot to end the

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| | 1.04) HEADQUARTERS 2 | |
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Assuming you've accomplished all of the available objectives, optional
objectives, and secret objectives, you will have a total of 479 Prestige Points
available for this trip to Headquarters.

Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no
more than 10 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles,
and no more than 8 may be artillery.

*Note: You'll be able to purchase Italian and German units from the same trip
to headquarters. The infantry units function the same, but the German
versions usually tend to have slightly higher firepower than their
Italian counterparts. Keep that in mind if you're wondering why the
German infantry units cost slightly more than the Italian ones.


Infantry: [Italian] [German]

Riflemen...................35 Riflemen...................40
Medics.....................35 Medics.....................40
AntiTank Riflemen..........40 AntiTank Riflemen..........45
Submachine Gunners.........50 Submachine Gunners.........60
Machine Gunners............50 Machine Gunners............60
Flamethrowers..............55 [NEW] Flamethrowers..............70 [NEW]
Tank Crew..................80 Tank Crew..................80
Snipers...................100 [NEW] Snipers...................120 [NEW]

Armored Vehicles:

SdKfz 263.................115 [NEW]
Flammpanzer I.............118
Autoblinda 41.............152
Semovente 75-18...........175
Panzer III F..............186
Semovente 105-25 Basotto..191 [NEW]

Transport Vehicles:

Opel Blitz.................25
SdKfz 250/1................48 [NEW]
Krupp Ammo Truck..........100
SdKfz 11 Support..........150


Pak 36.....................38
Pak 38.....................52 [NEW]
Flak 88 mm.................93
LeFh 18...................103
Sig 33....................113 [NEW]


Upgrade both of your Semovente 75-18s to Basottos, then purchase two more
Basottos. You should have 65 prestige points left after this trip to
headquarters. Keep in mind, however, that what you buy is almost totally
optional for each mission. I will give suggestions based on my personal
preferences, and I will make special notes about any units that will greatly
impact further missions as they come up.

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| | 1.05) Halfaya Pass | |
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1) Secure both British encampments.

There's one north of your current position and one to the east of your
current position. I suggest taking the northern one first, swinging across
the top of the map to collect deserted vehicles, and then heading south to
take the eastern encampment from above.

2) Tow and place the 88mm Flaks to the marked positions to fend off the
counter attack.

Once you have control of both encampments, two sets of trucks will appear
along the west and south sides of the map, each towing a Flak 88mm. Four
blue objective symbols will represent the four spots you need to deploy
them. Once you do so, this objective will be complete. Careful though -
as soon as you complete this, the counter attack will start.

3) Hold both encampments.

The eastern encampment will be attacked from the north, the north-western
one will be attacked from the east. Split your tanks into equal groups,
and you'll have no problems fending off the attacks.

These three objectives are worth 350 prestige points together.


- None.


1) At least one abandoned vehicle found.

Three German tank crews are scattered around the map. One is in the far
north-western corner, another is a little to the east of there, and the
third is in the far north-eastern corner. Discover one of the crews to
accomplish this secret objective.

This is worth 75 prestige points.

2) British self-propelled gun captured.

East of the north-western encampment, on the northern side of the main road
in the canyon-like area, you'll find an abandoned Bishop surrounded by
British infantry. You just need to see the Bishop to accomplish this
secret objective, but capturing it for your own use certainly won't hurt.

This is worth 75 prestige points.


1) Dario DeAngelis must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.

2) Hans von Grobel must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.


2 Fighter Bomber strikes

3 Heavy Artillery bombardments

2 Recon Plane scouts


Gather your tanks and head west to the road, then turn north and enter the
encampment. Only some infantry and some light tanks are defending it, so you
shouldn't have any trouble taking it. Make sure you watch out for units inside
bunkers though - don't want your repair and supply trucks getting damaged.

Make a run for the north-western corner of the map, and you'll find a German
tank crew crouched near an abandoned machine gun vehicle. Move farther to the
east and you should find an abandoned Panzer III F with another tank crew near
it. Have this crew get back in the tank, then repair it and add it to your
pile. (Finding one of the crews will complete your first secret objective, by
the way.)

Turn south-east of where you found the Panzer III F and head for the high spot
near the road. A group of British infantry are guarding an abandoned Bishop,
and if you see it, you'll accomplish the second secret objective. Clear out
the infantry and send your second German tank crew into it, then repair it and
add it to your arsenal.

Move your column onto the road now, heading due east. Turn south when you hit
the edge of the map and follow the road. You'll find another tank crew near
another abandoned Panzer III F, so take it and repair it. Continue moving
south until you take control of the second encampment, then use the supply
depot to repair your units if necessary.

You'll receive four trucks with towing Flak 88s. Before you deploy them on
the four blue objective symbols, divide your tanks into two equal groups.
Leave one at this supply depot, then send the other group to the other
encampment. Park the tank groups between where the Flak 88s will be
deployed, then go ahead and deploy them.

The counter attack will start immediately. You shouldn't have any trouble
fending off the assaults, but if you want to make sure you don't lose anything,
you should actively attack with your tanks before the British units reach your
Flak 88s. You can even tow them back out of the way if you want, although it's
not really necessary. The mission's over when enough of the attackers are

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| | 1.06) Operation Battleaxe | |
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1) Lure the British to any of the marked areas, and destroy them.

A wave of British tanks and artillery will approach from the road in the
south-east corner of the map. Stall them for a minute with your three
tanks, then retreat due north to the rows of Flak 88s on the hills and
destroy them.

2) More British forces inbound! Lure them into the trap.

A second wave will eventually show up in the same place. This time, stall
them for a minute, then drop all of your heavy artillery bombardments and
bomber strikes on top of the pile to severely weaken it. Retreat north
when you take a dangerous amount of damage, then finish them off with the
Flak 88s.

3) More British forces inbound! Let them meet their doom!

The last wave will enter the map from the same location as the prior two,
but this time, don't meet them right when they come on the screen.
Instead, sit your tanks way to the west at the far western edge of the
minefield between the plane wreckage and your western supply depot. Run
north through the minefield once you've got their attention, and a great
deal of them will be destroyed or immobilized on the mines. Finish the
survivors off, then finish off the ones stuck in the minefield.

These three objectives are worth 250 prestige points together.


1) Do not let the enemy pilot escape.

Shortly after the cutscene involving the shot down Mosquito, a new blue
objective symbol will appear in the mountains in the north-east. Send the
two Riflemen squads from your defensive spot in the middle of the map over
there immediately to kill the pilot.

This is worth 50 prestige points. [It also earns you two Bomber strikes.]


1) Fuel truck destroyed.

When the third wave of tanks arrives, two Matilda II tanks and a fuel truck
will also appear. They, unfortunately, won't rush you like everything else
does. Once you've got some of the third wave stuck on the minefield, send
your tanks to the south-eastern corner of the map below your scout guy on
the cliffs. Destroy the fuel truck from the west before the Matildas see

This is worth 50 prestige points.

2) At least one Matilda II tank destroyed.

These are sitting a little to the east of the fuel truck. Blast one of
them to accomplish the secret objective.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) Dario DeAngelis must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.

2) Hans von Grobel must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.


4 Heavy Artillery bombardments

3 Recon Plane scouts

2 Bomber strikes [Once you complete the optional objective.]


The map's in a really stupid position again, so start by making north point
straight up. Make your three Italian tanks into a group, then find your repair
truck and send it down to the tanks. Send the two Riflemen squads near your
western Flak 88s to the west. You'll see a small path leading into the
mountains, and later, a recon plane will crash there. Park the infantry in the
middle of the path so they'll be able to accomplish the optional objective
later in the mission.

Meanwhile, send your tanks and repair truck due south to the road, then face
the tanks east and park the repair truck behind them. When the first wave of
British tanks appears, start hitting the front vehicles one by one to make them
stop on the road, blocking the ones behind them. You'll have time to destroy
three or four of them before you need to retreat, so head back to the north as
fast as possible. I recommend launching a scout plane between the mountains
so you'll be able to see the tanks from a distance.

Take control of your three lowest Flak 88s and blast anything that gets in
range, giving priority to the artillery vehicles. Make sure your repair truck
is fixing your damaged tanks during this time, and make sure you reload them
with your ammo truck. Once enough of the British are destroyed, the first main
objective will be complete.

[A cutscene will show an enemy recon plane crash in the mountains, but this
doesn't concern you if you placed the infantry where I told you to earlier.
The optional objective will complete itself almost instantly after the scene
is over.]

Follow any retreating survivors and destroy them, then get your tanks back into
position in the same spot as before to greet the second wave of British
vehicles. Stall them on the road just like last time, only this time, dump all
four of your heavy artillery bombardments and both of your bomber strikes on
them while they're piled up. Finish off a few of the survivors, then retreat
to the north when necessary.

Use your Flak 88s to finish off the survivors that chase you, and make sure you
repair and reload your tanks. Instead of fighting the third wave right when
they enter the area, we'll meet them way to the west. There's an anti-tank
minefield in the corridor between the plane wreckage and your western base, so
position your tanks on the road by the far south-west corner of the minefield.

When the third wave reaches your position, use the same tactic as before,
hitting the first several vehicles to cause a pile to form behind the column.
When things start getting ugly, retreat north through the minefield along the
western side. The British will follow you, and a lot of them will eat mines.

The tricky part is fixing your tanks fast enough so you can re-enter the
minefield and destroy the British repair vehicles before they fix any of the
damaged tanks. When you've done that, sit tight at the entrance to your
western supply depot and wait for stragglers to drive by. When it looks like
there aren't any left, send your tanks south-east to where you fought off the
first two waves of tanks.

A fuel truck and two Matilda II tanks will be waiting directly south of your
uncontrollable scout guy on the cliff. Pick off the fuel truck and one of the
Matildas to accomplish both secret objectives. Only thing left to do is head
back to the minefield and pick off the vehicles that're still stranded on the

| ================================== |
| | | |
| | 1.07) HEADQUARTERS 3 | |
| | | |
| ================================== |


Assuming you've accomplished all of the available objectives, optional
objectives, and secret objectives, you will have a total of 965 Prestige Points
available for this trip to Headquarters.

Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no
more than 10 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles,
and no more than 8 may be artillery.

*Note: You'll be able to purchase Italian and German units from the same trip
to headquarters. The infantry units function the same, but the German
versions usually tend to have slightly higher firepower than their
Italian counterparts. Keep that in mind if you're wondering why the
German infantry units cost slightly more than the Italian ones.


Infantry: [Italian] [German]

Riflemen...................35 Riflemen...................40
Medics.....................35 Medics.....................40
AntiTank Riflemen..........40 AntiTank Riflemen..........45
Submachine Gunners.........50 Submachine Gunners.........60
Machine Gunners............50 Machine Gunners............60
Flamethrowers..............55 Flamethrowers..............70
Mortars....................55 [NEW] Mortars....................70 [NEW]
Tank Crew..................80 Tank Crew..................80
Rocket Soldiers............85 [NEW] Rocket Soldiers...........100 [NEW]
Snipers...................100 Snipers...................120

Armored Vehicles:

SdKfz 263.................115
Flammpanzer I.............118
SdKfz 232.................150 [NEW]
Panzer III F..............186
Marder II.................220 [NEW]
Bison I...................239 [NEW]
Panzer IV D...............242 [NEW]
Bison II..................250 [NEW]

Transport Vehicles:

Opel Blitz.................25
SdKfz 250/1................48
Krupp Ammo Truck..........100
SdKfz 11 Support..........150


Pak 36.....................38
Pak 38.....................52
Flak 88 mm.................93
LeFh 18...................103
Sig 33....................113


Upgrade all of your Basottos to Bison IIs, and upgrade all of your M13-40s to
Panzer IV Ds. Get a new Bison II, then get a new Krupp Ammo Truck and a new
SdKfz 11 Support repair truck.

You should have 84 prestige points left after this trip to headquarters. Keep
in mind, however, that what you buy is almost totally optional for each
mission. I will give suggestions based on my personal preferences, and I will
make special notes about any units that will greatly impact further missions as
they come up.

| ---------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.08) Sidi Rezegh | |
| | | |
| ---------------------------------- |


1) Take the airfield.

Simple enough, just enter the airfield in the south-east and take control
of the supply depot inside.

2) Secure the village.

Also pretty simple, but don't underestimate the amount of British forces
defending the town.

These two objectives are worth 300 prestige points together.


1) Capture or destroy enemy howitzers.

You'll see them marked in the sand by a blue objective symbol. They're
easy to destroy, but be careful moving through the desert. The terrain
allows infantry and British tanks to hide, and you'll sometimes be right on
top of them before you notice them.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) At least one enemy plane captured.

When you enter the airfield, the British pilots will scramble for their
planes. Slaughter them all before they reach the aircraft, then head for
the far south-east corner of the map. Eject a tank crew and approach the
captive pilots to take control of them, then send them into the planes to
accomplish this secret objective. If the runway is clear, they'll take
off, giving you one additional fighter bomber strike for every pilot you
manage to get into a plane.

This is worth 75 prestige points.


1) Dario DeAngelis must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.

2) Hans von Grobel must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.


3 Heavy Artillery bombardments

2 Recon Plane scouts

2 Fighter Bomber strikes [+1 more for each plane you successfully capture]

1 Bomber strike


Gather your tanks and artillery and head east towards the airfield (your
southern forces, not your northern ones). A fairly heavy concentration of
British tanks is guarding the airfield, so move fast and don't stand still.
Send badly damaged tanks to the rear immediately for repairs, then send them
back into the action until there aren't any British tanks left.

When you're ready, enter the airfield. The British pilots will scramble for
their planes, so be alert and stop them all before they take off. Clear out
the rest of the airfield and take control of the supply depot in the middle,
but DO NOT destroy the aircraft on the runway. Instead, send a tank down to
the south-east corner of the airfield, eject the crew, and approach the German
prisoners to take control of them.

Clear the runway, then send the pilots into the planes. Not only will you
accomplish the secret objective, but you'll also be given one fighter bomber
strike for every plane you manage to get off the ground.

Head out the nothern exit of the airfield and eliminate the field guns and
light tanks guarding it. Make sure all of your vehicles are repaired and
supplied, then turn west and head for the large patch of desert below the other
blue objective symbols.

The desert is loaded with British troops and vehicles, and the uneven terrain
can make them hard to see sometimes. Stay alert, making your way north to the
howitzers until they're all destroyed. The optional objective will be complete
as soon as all of the guns have been either taken or destroyed.

Fix and reload your vehicles, then head for the road just barely south-west of
your Italian forces. Use a scout plane on the town to the west, then drop all
of your artillery and aircraft strikes on any targets you can find, preferably
ones that one be instantly healed by the supply depot if they survive the

Only thing left to do is rush the town, so send your vehicles across the top of
the town above the water. Crush the guns and mortars up there, then turn your
attention farther to the south. Once you take control of the supply depot,
this mission will be complete.

| ================================== |
| | | |
| | 1.09) HEADQUARTERS 4 | |
| | | |
| ================================== |


Assuming you've accomplished all of the available objectives, optional
objectives, and secret objectives, you will have a total of 509 Prestige Points
available for this trip to Headquarters.

Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no
more than 10 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles,
and no more than 8 may be artillery.

*Note: You'll be able to purchase Italian and German units from the same trip
to headquarters. The infantry units function the same, but the German
versions usually tend to have slightly higher firepower than their
Italian counterparts. Keep that in mind if you're wondering why the
German infantry units cost slightly more than the Italian ones.


Infantry: [Italian] [German]

Riflemen...................35 Riflemen...................40
Medics.....................35 Medics.....................40
AntiTank Riflemen..........40 AntiTank Riflemen..........45
Submachine Gunners.........50 Submachine Gunners.........60
Machine Gunners............50 Machine Gunners............60
Flamethrowers..............55 Flamethrowers..............70
Mortars....................55 Mortars....................70
Tank Crew..................80 Tank Crew..................80
Rocket Soldiers............85 Rocket Soldiers...........100
Snipers...................100 Snipers...................120

Armored Vehicles:

SdKfz 263.................115
Flammpanzer I.............118
SdKfz 232.................150
Panzer III F..............186
Marder II.................220
Panzer IV D...............242
Bison II..................250
Stug III-F................251 [NEW]
Panzer IV F2..............265 [NEW]

Transport Vehicles:

Opel Blitz.................25
SdKfz 250/1................48
Krupp Ammo Truck..........100
SdKfz 11 Support..........150


Pak 36.....................38
Pak 38.....................52
Flak 88 mm.................93
LeFh 18...................103
Sig 33....................113


Upgrade all of your tanks to Panzer IV F2s, then purchase one new Panzer IV F2.

You should have 152 prestige points left after this trip to headquarters. Keep
in mind, however, that what you buy is almost totally optional for each
mission. I will give suggestions based on my personal preferences, and I will
make special notes about any units that will greatly impact further missions as
they come up.

| ---------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.10) The Cauldron | |
| | | |
| ---------------------------------- |


1) Support the Italians in their attempt to penetrate lines.

Basically, as long as Dario DeAngelis survives the assault, you'll achieve
this objective. The best way to do this is to send your tanks north-east
through the minefield, then approach the British defenders from the south
near the oasis, since that's where Dario will eventually go.

2) Secure the supply depot.

There's a well-defended supply depot in the far north-east, guarded mostly
by artillery and some tanks. Use a scout plane first, then drop all of
your artillery and bombing strikes on prime targets. Move your tanks in to
mop up the survivors, and this part will be complete.

These two objectives are worth 250 prestige points together.


1) Do not let the Fort sentries spot you before the attack.

Pretty much the only way this'll happen is if you try to attack the fort,
so don't. Unless you wait until the countdown's over, then you can attack
it all you want. >_>

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) At least one enemy tank captured.

There's a group of four British tanks near a camp in the south-east corner
of the map, and their crews are hanging around near the tents instead of in
their tanks. Move your tanks in fast and slaughter the crews before they
can get in their tanks, then eject one of your crews and take control of a
British tank to complete this secret objective.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) Dario DeAngelis must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.

2) Hans von Grobel must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.


2 Heavy Artillery bombardments

2 Recon Plane scouts

2 Fighter Bomber strikes

2 Paratrooper drops


The trickiest part of this mission is making it through the minefield without
hitting any mines, but thankfully, the three Riflemen you start with are
equipped with mine detectors. Send them north-east towards the oasis slowly,
letting your tanks follow them to destroy the mines. When you reach the oasis,
turn north and start pounding anything that moves.

The Italians will start their assault, but don't concern yourself with them too
much. Instead, continue heading north to meet Dario at the eastern edge of the
British defensive line. Keep your repair vehicles close by - those British
guns emplacements hurt like hell. When Dario makes it over the river, head
back to the oasis with him to deal with the forces still guarding it. Wait for
any other British forces to attack, then go back to your Riflemen.

Clear a path to the south-east where the road leads through the mountains, then
send your tanks in towards the tents. Catch the tank crews by surprise and
slaughter them, then eject one of your own crews and take control of one of the
abandoned British tanks to accomplish the secret objective. Make sure your
tanks are all repaired and supplied with ammunition, then head back to the

Use a scout plane on the supply depot in the north-east corner of the map, then
drop your artillery and bomber strikes on any field guns and self-propelled
artillery units you can see. Send your tanks in after that to eliminate the
survivors, and this mission will be complete.

| ---------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.11) Tempest | |
| | | |
| ---------------------------------- |


1) Breach the walls and occupy the supply depot inside the Fort.

Use your field gun to blow a hole in the wall, then send your forces into
the fort to take the supply depot. Careful though - there're a lot of
mortar units in there that'll make short work of your units if you're not

This is worth 150 prestige points.


1) Surround the Fort and hold the strategic locations.

There're three blue objective symbols outside the fort, and parking a unit
on the indicated spot will let you "take control" of the spot. Park a unit
on all three spots at once to accomplish this optional objective, which
will also earn you an ammo truck.

This is worth 50 prestige points.

2) Von Grobel's panzer repaired.

When you blow the hole in the fort, Hans von Grobel's tank unit - or what's
left of it, anyway - will appear in the north-east. His tank is damaged,
so use your repair truck to fix it, which will complete this optional

This is worth 25 prestige points.


1) Detect the secret entrance.

This should be the first thing you do, since failing to do it will result
in an endless supply of enemy infantry forces being dumped into the area.
Move your infantry all the way up to the oasis in the north-west corner of
the map, then kill any nearby enemies to complete the objective.

This is worth 100 prestige points.


1) Dario DeAngelis must survive.

If he dies, you fail. He doesn't start in a vehicle, so be especially
careful with him during this mission. Stick him in one of Grobel's panzers
when they show up.

2) Hans von Grobel must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.


1 Heavy Artillery bombardment

1 Recon Plane scout


Gather all of your infantry units into a group, then head west along the south
side of the fort. Notice that your units will discover mines, so make sure you
destroy them as you find them, but stay far enough away from the fort to avoid
taking any hits from the guys in it.

Turn north on the western side of the fort, then make your way all the way up
to the oasis. Take care of any enemy troops left around it, then take control
of it to accomplish the secret objective. This will also stop the endless
trickle of enemy infantry units onto the map, so make sure you do it as fast as

Head to the east across the top of the fort, then stop in the north-eastern
corner. Leave a unit crouched on the small colored indicator to take control
of this "strategic location," then move south along the eastern side of the
fort to remove the mines before von Grobel's tanks show up. Leave another unit
on the indicator in the south-east corner, then send one over to the last
indicator. When you have control of all three spots at the same time, an ammo
truck will appear near your stationary artillery units.

Time to puncture a hole in the fort's wall. Man your field gun with a unit of
riflemen, then push it towards the fort until it can hit the south-east corner.
Continue destroy sections of the fort until a hole is made, and von Grobel's
tanks will appear along with several British tanks. Immediately fend them off
with your tanks, then run them south to cover your other units before they get
attacked. Use your repair truck to fix von Grobel's tank, which will complete
the second optional objective. [Don't forget to heal the other tanks, too.]

There're a ton of infantry units in side the fort, so try to lure some of them
out in front of your tanks. When you've taken care of some of them, start
making runs in there with your tanks, and retreat to repair them if necessary.
Repeat that process until you can take control of the supply depot, and
remember to make good use of your artillery bombardment.

| ================================== |
| | | |
| | 1.12) HEADQUARTERS 5 | |
| | | |
| ================================== |


Assuming you've accomplished all of the available objectives, optional
objectives, and secret objectives, you will have a total of 827 Prestige Points
available for this trip to Headquarters.

Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no
more than 10 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles,
and no more than 8 may be artillery.

*Note: You'll be able to purchase Italian and German units from the same trip
to headquarters. The infantry units function the same, but the German
versions usually tend to have slightly higher firepower than their
Italian counterparts. Keep that in mind if you're wondering why the
German infantry units cost slightly more than the Italian ones.


Infantry: [Italian] [German]

Riflemen...................35 Riflemen...................40
Medics.....................35 Medics.....................40
AntiTank Riflemen..........40 AntiTank Riflemen..........45
Submachine Gunners.........50 Submachine Gunners.........60
Machine Gunners............50 Machine Gunners............60
Flamethrowers..............55 Flamethrowers..............70
Mortars....................55 Mortars....................70
Tank Crew..................80 Tank Crew..................80
Rocket Soldiers............85 Rocket Soldiers...........100
Snipers...................100 Snipers...................120

Armored Vehicles:

SdKfz 263.................115
Flammpanzer I.............118
SdKfz 232.................150
Panzer III F..............186
Marder II.................220
Panzer IV D...............242
Bison II..................250
Stug III-F................251
Panzer IV F2..............265

Transport Vehicles:

Opel Blitz.................25
SdKfz 250/1................48
Krupp Ammo Truck..........100
SdKfz 11 Support..........150
SdKfz 10/4 Flak...........180 [NEW]


Pak 36.....................38
Pak 38.....................52
Flak 88 mm.................93
LeFh 18...................103
Sig 33....................113


While the Bison IIs can be quite effective in the next mission, they also have
a nasty habit of getting destroyed incredibly easily compared to Panzer IV F2s.
I suggest converting all of your Bison IIs to Panzer IV F2s, then picking up a
new Panzer IV F2 and three more repair trucks. You don't really need the
repair trucks, but since the next mission is the last mission, you might as
well spend the prestige.

You should have 52 prestige points left after this trip to headquarters. Keep
in mind, however, that what you buy is almost totally optional for each
mission. I will give suggestions based on my personal preferences, and I will
make special notes about any units that will greatly impact further missions as
they come up.

| ---------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.13) Tel El Eisa | |
| | | |
| ---------------------------------- |


1) Defend the supply depot.

The units that start near it can successfully defend it for at least an
hour, so there's really no need for you to worry about it. If you're
paranoid, leave two of your Panzer IV F2s next to it along with a repair
truck or two.

2) Occupy and hold the railway station.

This should be your first objective since taking it before the countdown
reaches zero will complete the optional objective. Head north along the
far western side of the map, then cross over the mountains towards the
station, entirely avoiding the god-forsaken pile of tanks and field guns in
the middle of the map.

3) Secure and hold the checkpoint.

This refers to the blue objective symbol in the north-east corner of the
map. It's not very well defended, so taking it will be easy. You'll want
to save this objective for last, though, since the second secret objective
will be easier if you can completely take the oasis without completing the

4) Occupy and hold the oasis.

It's in the south-east corner of the map, guarded by several tanks, field
guns, and a hoard of rocket soldiers. Slaughter them all and take control
of the supply depot in the middle of the town, but don't destroy the tower
in the middle - you'll need that for the second secret objective.

These four objectives are worth 350 prestige points together.


1) Occupy the railway station before enemy reinforcements arrive.

That's what the countdown on the top of the screen is counting down
towards. You'll have no problem getting there and taking it if you go
around the pile of tanks in the middle of the map instead of through it.
The train can't run into your units on the tracks, so don't worry about
that. As a reward for completing this objective, two Panzer IV F2s and
some infantry will unload from the train.

This is worth 75 prestige points.


1) Enemy air defense weakened. Additional airstrikes gained.

There's a plateau thing in the north-east corner of the map above the
checkpoint, and several anti-aircraft guns and field guns are up there.
Destroy all of the guns to accomplish the secret objective, and you'll
receive three more carpet bomber attacks and three more fighter-bomber

This is worth 50 prestige points.

2) Minaret entrance discovered.

Send an infantry unit into the minaret (the tower) near the oasis in the
south-east corner to accomplish this secret objective.

This is worth 25 prestige points.


1) Dario DeAngelis must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.

2) Hans von Grobel must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.


4 Paratrooper drops

4 Recon Plane scouts

1 Heavy Artillery bombardments [+3 from first secret objective]

1 Fighter Bomber strikes [+3 from first secret objective]

1 Bomber strike


Gather your tanks and head north as fast as you can to intercept the wave of
British tanks headed for your supply depot. When you've destroyed them all,
repair your tanks and head north along the western edge of the map. If you
want to make sure you don't lose any units around the supply depot, leave two
of your Panzer IV F2s and a pair of repair trucks next to the depot.

Move the rest of your tanks north until you find the path leading over the
mountains. Cross it to the other side where the train station is, but don't
linger. There're tanks and field guns waiting on the other side, so you'll
want to make sure you destroy them before they can cause any serious damage.
Continue advancing over the mountains and past the train tracks, since a large
portion of the British defense are on the other side of the tracks.

Remove all enemy presense from the train station to occupy it, and if you
manage to do it before the timer runs out, you'll accomplish the optional
objective. Two more Panzer IV F2s and some infantry will come off of the train
when it shows up, so make sure you add the tanks to your group. Repair and
reload your tanks if necessary, then head east to the mountains.

You'll notice another path leading up into them, so take four or so tanks up
the path. There're some field guns and some anti-aircraft guns waiting at the
top, and destroying them all will accomplish the first secret objective, which
will also grant you four more carpet bombing strikes and three more fighter
bomber strikes. Send the tanks back down the mountain and repair them when
you're done.

Despite how close you are to the checkpoint, you should avoid it for now. The
second secret objective will be much easier (and safer) if you can take
complete control of the oasis without winning the mission, so you don't want to
take control of the checkpoint yet. Instead, head below it, then follow the
train tracks down to the south-east corner of the map.

Assault the oasis, but be sure to avoid destroying the minaret (the tower in
the middle of the town). When the town's cleared out, eject a tank crew and
send them into the minaret to complete the second secret objective. If your
tanks are fixed and ready to go, head back north to deal with the checkpoint.
It's not exactly well-defended, so you should have no trouble crushing it and
finishing the mission.

[While the large pile of tanks, field guns, and infantry in the middle of the
map near the two supply depots is tempting, there's no benefit to destroying
them. If you'd like to though, it's quite possible. It'll just take a lot of
patience, as you'll need to repair your tanks a dozen or so times between

| ---------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 2.00) The Allied Campaign | |
| | | |
| ---------------------------------- |
| ----------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 2.01) Breakthrough at El Alamein | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------- |


1) Retreat to Kidney Ridge and hold it.

Your forces start under heavy attack, so you'll want to hurry. If you have
no moral objection to it, I suggest pausing the game as soon as it starts,
then ordering all of your units to move to towards your supply depot. When
you unpause it, they'll execute the last order they were given, which can
really be a lifesave sometimes. Defend the first wave of German tanks to
accomplish this objective.

2) Take the village by defeating the Axis garrison.

Pretty straight-forward. Crush the German tanks in an around the town,
then wipe out the infantry and take control of the supply depot in the
center of the village.

These two objectives are worth 200 prestige points together.


1) Salvage damaged tanks and use them.

You start with six tank crews near your supply depot, and there are
abandoned tanks along the north and south edges of the map. Send the crews
towards the tanks as soon as the mission starts and repair them as fast as
possible - they'll be a big help later.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) At least one 88mm flak captured.

There are two mounted Flak 88mm's on the east side of the village.
Approach one with some infantry to slaughter the crew, then take control of
it to accomplish this secret objective.

This is worth 75 prestige points.


1) Barnes must survive.

If he dies, you fail. He doesn't start in a vehicle, so make sure you
stick him in a large tank as soon as possible.


[All of these become available after the Sherman tanks arrive.]

5 Bomber strikes

2 Fighter Bomber strikes

2 Recon Plane scouts


Assuming you have no moral objection to making use of the pause feature, I
suggest you start by pausing the game with your space bar or the pause icon in
the top-right of the screen. Units ordered while the game is paused will
execute the order as soon as the game is unpaused.

Order all of your infantry and vehicles to retreat to the area to the west of
your supply depot. The infantry should continue all the way to the depot if
you don't want to get them slaughtered, but the vehicles should stay off of the
ridge to fend off the German tanks. Abandon the two field guns farthest to the
west, since there's no way you'll be able to push them out of the way. Move
the other field guns onto the west side of your ridge and turn them to face the
Germans to the west.

Find your tank crews around the supply depot and send one towards each of the
abandoned tanks you can see on the map. They'll make it to the tanks before
the Germans arrive, and if you can get them repaired, they're invaluable to
your efforts. When you're ready, unpause the game, wait for your vehicles to
get close, and send Barnes into the biggest tank.

Keep an eye on your tank crews and send the tanks they occupy down to your
others as soon as possible. When the Germans attack, there'll be a lot of
them. Be prepared to retreat critically damaged tanks to the supply depot or
repair them with your repair truck, but stay alert. Sometimes a few German
tanks will try to go around the ridge and attack your depot from the east, but
your pile of rocket soldiers should be able to deal with them.

Some Shermans and some recon vehicles will arrive to reinforce you, so send
them to the fight as quickly as possible. Avoid moving any farther to the west
than absolutely necessary. There're even more Panzers over there, and they'll
attack if threatened. Instead, destroy the initial wave, then repair, reload,
and regroup your vehicles.

When you're ready, head west slowly, eliminating the German tanks one by one if
possible. Stop before you come anywhere near the town - you don't want to risk
accidentally destroying the Flak 88s before you finish the secret objective.
Bring some riflemen and machine gunners towards the town when you're ready, but
leave the mortars and rocket soldiers behind, since they have a nasty habit of
destroying the 88s before you can take them.

Rush the southern Flak 88 with your infantry, slaughter the crew, and take
control of the gun to accomplish the secret objective. Retreat the infantry
back to your supply depot to avoid getting them killed, then launch an assault
on the village. Wipe out the Germans and take control of the supply depot to
end the mission.

| ================================== |
| | | |
| | 2.02) HEADQUARTERS 6 | |
| | | |
| ================================== |


Assuming you've accomplished all of the available objectives, optional
objectives, and secret objectives, you will have a total of 325 Prestige Points
available for this trip to Headquarters.

Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no
more than 10 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles,
and no more than 8 may be artillery.



AntiTank Riflemen..........45
Machine Gunners............60
Submachine Gunners.........60
Tank Crew..................80

Armored Vehicles:

Humber Mk II..............138
M3A1 Stuart...............172
Churchill Mk III..........222
Matilda Mk II.............262

Transport Vehicles:

Willis Jeep................21
Bedford QL Truck...........25
Bedford QL Ammo Truck.....100
M2A1 Support..............150
M1A51 Air Defense.........200


Bofors 40mm................44


Update your Stuarts to Crusaders, then get an ammo truck and an M2A1 Support
truck, which is your repair vehicle. You should have 21 prestige points left
after this trip to headquarters. Keep in mind, however, that what you buy is
almost totally optional for each mission. I will give suggestions based on my
personal preferences, and I will make special notes about any units that will
greatly impact further missions as they come up.

| ----------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 2.03) Tobruk | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------- |


1) Barnes must rendezvous with the spy to get an update on the Axis battle

The spy's waiting near the blue objective symbol, and the area's not very
well guarded. Unfortunately, there's a minefield between your tanks and
the dock, so you'll have to sweep it first. Also, watch out for the Tiger
tank patrolling near the rendezvous point. Get Barnes near the spy to
complete the objective, but make sure you take care of a few other things
first (see below).

2) Capture the roadside checkpoint.

The checkpoint is in the north-west corner of the map, and you'll have to
fight your way through several groups of tanks to get there. You'll also
want to clear out the artillery along the ridge at the far northern edge of
the screen. This should all be done before the first main objective.

3) Recapture the British High Commission, the administrative center of the

The High Commission building is in the north-east corner of the map. This
should be the last objective you complete so you can avoid accidentally
finishing the mission before you're done with the optional and secret

These three objectives are worth 300 prestige points together.


1) Destroy at least 50 percent of the German convoy (15 of 30).

Shortly after you accomplish the first main objective, a convoy of
defenseless trucks will start moving from the High Commission building to
the roadside checkpoint. Line four of your Crusaders on the road and man
the anti-aircraft gun to the south of the road to destroy the trucks before
they reach the far western side of the screen.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) German convoy completely destroyed (30 of 30).

Destroy all thirty convoy trucks using the method mentioned above to
complete this objective.

This is worth 50 prestige points.

2) Enemy radio used to initiate an airstrike.

A little south of the High Commission building, there's another structure
with two artillery pieces near it. You'll hear radio static when you get
near the structure, which should tip you off. What you need to do is kill
the crew manning the southern gun without destroying the gun. If you want
to do this without losing any infantry, I suggest you waste all of the
shells in your Matilda, then attack the guns while you're still empty. The
machine gun bullets will kill the crew while leaving the gun intact, and
you'll complete the secret objective.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) Barnes must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.


3 Bomber strikes

3 Fighter Bomber strikes

2 Heavy Artillery bombardments

3 Recon Plane scouts


First, gather your infantry and start clearing out the minefield directly to
the east between your current position and the docks. Be careful when you
reach the road by the docks - there's a Tiger tank prowling the area. If you
encounter it, just run away, and it shouldn't follow you for very long.

With the mines clear, you're safe to start clearing the area with your tanks.
Head north first, eliminating the first set of German vehicles in front of you.
Turn east after that and take care of the second set, then retreat to repair if
necessary. Continue north along the western side of the screen, eliminating
anything you find. Send your infantry up the hill on the west side, kill the
enemy infantry, and then kill the crew manning the anti-aircraft gun. Don't
get inside it yet though, since a nearby German tank will destroy it if you do.

Instead, continue moving towards the roadside checkpoint (marked with a flag)
and blast the German tanks and infantry there. Artillery will rain down on you
from above, so move fast and make sure you don't take too much damage. Once
you have control of the checkpoint, send some tanks up the ridge at the top and
take care of the artillery closest to the checkpoint so it won't bother you
later in the mission.

Your next objective should be taking the supply depot on the western side of
the town. The town isn't as well-defended as the outskirts were, but you
should still be careful with your tanks. Clear out a fairly large area, but
make sure you don't go near the spy's position until you've lined four of your
Crusader tanks along the road by the checkpoint to block the convoy that'll be
approaching soon. Man the anti-aircraft gun on the hill with some of your
infantry, then make sure your tanks are blocking as much of the road as

When you're ready, approach the spy's location with Barnes to complete the
first main objective. Return your forces to the supply depot, then start
emptying your Matilda's magazine. (Best way to do this is to sit the Sherman
close enough to the supply depot so it'll be continuously repaired, then
force-fire the Matilda on the Sherman from a far enough distance that you won't
get any ammo from the depot.)

The convoy will start crossing the map. Watch your checkpoint group to make
sure they can handle the trucks without any escaping, then go grab your empty
Matilda. North-east of the supply depot, you'll hear some radio static coming
from near a building. Run the Matilda up there and slaughter the crew manning
the southern field gun next to the building. A cutscene should start, and
you'll accomplish the secret objective. Retreat the tank to the supply depot
to repair and reload it.

Wait for all thirty convoy trucks to be destroyed, which will complete your
other secret objective. Once that's done, gather all of your tanks and make
one final assault on the High Commission building. There's another Tiger tank
up there along with some other tanks, vehicles, and infantry, so be careful not
to lose any of your units. When you take control of the flag in front of the
High Commission building, the mission will be over.

| ----------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 2.04) Kasserine Pass | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------- |


1) Defend the village of Kasserine until further notice.

You can't allow the flag to fall into German control, or you lose. If you
want to avoid unnecessary casualties, I suggest sending everything but your
tanks, rocket soldiers, and flamethrowers all the way to the south, then to
the east to capture the German artillery units on top if the hill. Leave
them there for safe keeping, then use your tanks and the seven units of
rocket soldiers to knock back each wave of German tanks and infantry.

2) Retreat to the supply base on the south, and hold it until relieved.

Once the first main objective is complete, retreat your tanks and rocket
soldiers to the north where the rest of your forces will be waiting.
German tanks will attack from the east and the south, so keep a pile of
tanks guarding each area. When more American tanks arrive near the back of
your base, you'll be told to retake the village of Kasserine.

3) Recapture the village of Kasserine.

All you need to do is take control of the flag in the center of the town.

These three objectives are worth 375 prestige points together.


1) Capture a Tiger.

I suggest you take the first one that comes your way, which will enter the
village from the north-east about half-way through the assault. (Use the
units of flamethrowers you start with, obviously.)

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) A German artillery piece captured.

There're some German artillery units on the top of the hill in the south
eastern part of the map. Send your infantry down there as soon as the
mission starts and take control of the guns to accomplish this secret
objective. Don't send your rocket soldiers though, since they have a nasty
habit of completely destroying the guns.

This is worth 50 prestige points.

2) Ancient tunnel found and used to flank the enemy.

You'll notice a camp fire in the south-east corner of the map and another
one on the high cliffs on the western side of the math. Send the infantry
you used to take the German artillery guns to the south-east camp fire and
look for the cave entrance a little to the north-west of it. Your infantry
should move through the tunnel on their own when they get close enough.
Note that this is pretty much completely worthless for flanking the enemy
or gaining any sort of advantage... >_>

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) Wilson must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.


The following will be added to your arsenal after the second main objective is

1 Bomber strike

1 Heavy Artillery bombardment

2 Recon Plane scouts

1 Drop Container

- This is the first time the drop container option's been available, so allow
me to explain what it does. An aircraft will drop a small crate on the ground
at the targeted location, and the crate will then act like a regular supply
depot. Note that it only has 1000 points though, which is much less than a
standard supply zone.


Pause your game right at the start (if you don't have a moral objection to
abusing the pause feature). Dump all of your infantry units out of the
buildings in the town, sending the rocket soldiers to a pile north of the town,
the flamethrowers to a second pile north of the town, and all other infantry
south to the bottom of the map. Have the infantry manning the field guns push
them all the way to the front of your base in the north-west corner of the map.

When the infantry pile reaches the bottom of the map, send them east up the
hill and capture the German artillery units up there to complete the first
secret objective. Gather your tanks on the east side of the village to face
the first wave of German vehicles. You'll have to beat them back as fast as
possible, then retreat back to the center of the town before the second wave
reaches Kasserine from the south-west.

Once you start fighting the second wave, don't leave the center of the town.
Keep your repair truck close to the middle of your tank pile and fend off wave
after wave, using your rocket soldier pile if your tanks get into trouble.
Keep an eye out for a Tiger tank approaching from the eastern side of the town,
and when you see it, try to keep your tanks from attacking it as much as
possible. Order the flamethrowers in, tourch the tank, then bail the
flamethrowers back to the base.

The tank will take a while to cool off, but that's fine - you'll be occupied
blasting more tanks anyway. Eventually, the first main objective will be
complete, and you'll be told to retreat to the supply depot. If the Tiger's
cool enough to take, dump a crew out of a Sherman and take the Tiger as well as
all of your other tanks to the southern part of your base.

Waves of German tanks will come in from the east and from the south, so grab
all of the tanks from the base and send them to the eastern side. It's also
probably a good idea to keep your rocket soldier pile between your tank piles
in case something manages to move past either of your tank groups.

Eventually, the tanks will stop coming, and you'll be told to retake the
village of Kasserine. If you haven't done the secret objectives yet, take care
of them now, but avoid taking control of the flag in the middle of the town.
Also, take the Tiger if you didn't take it earlier. Other than that, simply
eliminate what's left in the middle of the town to take control of the flag,
and the mission's complete.

| ================================== |
| | | |
| | 2.05) HEADQUARTERS 7 | |
| | | |
| ================================== |


Assuming you've accomplished all of the available objectives, optional
objectives, and secret objectives, you will have a total of 1021 Prestige
Points available for this trip to Headquarters.

Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no
more than 10 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles,
and no more than 8 may be artillery.

*Note: You'll be able to purchase British and American units from the same
trip to headquarters. There are very few differences between them.


Infantry: [American] [British]

Riflemen...................40 [NEW] Riflemen...................40
Medics.....................40 [NEW] Medics.....................40
Submachine Gunners.........60 [NEW] AntiTank Riflemen..........45
Machine Gunners............60 [NEW] Submachine Gunners.........60
Flamethrowers..............70 [NEW] Machine Gunners............60
Mortars....................70 [NEW] Flamethrowers..............70
Tank Crew..................80 [NEW] Mortars....................70
Rocket Soldiers...........100 [NEW] Tank Crew..................80
Snipers...................120 [NEW] Rocket Soldiers...........100 [NEW]

Armored Vehicles:

Daimler Dingo.............180 [NEW]
Churchill Crocodile.......222 [NEW]
Churchill Mk III..........222
Valentine III.............230 [NEW]
Matilda Mk II.............262
M3A1 Grant................325 [NEW]

Transport Vehicles:

Willis Jeep................21
Bedford QL Truck...........25
Dodge WC57.................25 [NEW]
M2A1 Truck.................40 [NEW]
Bedford QL Ammo Truck.....100
M2A1 Support..............150
M1A51 Air Defense.........200


Bofors 40mm................44
Crocodile Latex Trailer...103 [NEW]
BL5.......................117 [NEW]


Update all four of your tanks to Grants, then get a fifth one. You should have
228 prestige points left after this trip to headquarters. Keep in mind,
however, that what you buy is almost totally optional for each mission. I will
give suggestions based on my personal preferences, and I will make special
notes about any units that will greatly impact further missions as they come

| ----------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 2.06) Tunis | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------- |


1) Establish a defensive perimeter on the outskirts of Tunis before the
Germans arrive.

Taking both supply depots will accomplish this. Make sure you stay on the
outsides of the roads, and don't head too far north past the depots. Mine
fields are everywhere, and there're tons of mines in each field.

2) Destroy at least 50 Axis units and do not let more than 20 enemy units
enter the city.

Park all of your tanks between the two supply depots and wait for the fun
to come to you. Columns of German and Italian vehicles will head up from
the southern mine field, usually in groups of five vehicles. Keep an eye
on where they enter the map and adjust your forces accordingly - you don't
want many making it past you, and unlike usual, they won't stop to fight if
you smack them.

3) Bring Wilson and Barnes to the rendezvous point outside Tunis.

You'll see a blue objective symbol and a mark on the ground where the two
roads converge between the supply depots. Getting both Barns and Wilson
near the mark will complete this objective.

These three objectives are worth 250 prestige points together.


1) Neutralize the 88mm Flaks at the Axis radio station to stop the aerial

It's in the north-east corner of the map. Destroying the guns would be a
simple task, but unfortunately, you're going to need one of them intact if
you want to accomplish one of the secret objectives. Remove the bazooka
unit and the mortar units from your infantry pile, then send the rest of
them to your western depot. Wait to attack the guns - first, you want to
launch your scout plane at them, then blast two of them with fighter bomber
strikes while they're busy firing at your scout plane. Also, if you wait
for the groups of reinforcements you get later, you can add several more
units to your pile (including some medics). When you have your entire pile
ready later, rush the remaining gun and slaughter the infantry near it as
well as the crew manning it. Take control of it with a unit to accomplish
the secret objective.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) Only minor Axis forces made it to Tunis. Excellent work!

All you have to do is prevent more than ten vehicles from entering the

This is worth 100 prestige points.

2) At least one 88mm Flak captured.

See the explanation for the optional objective above. Basically, you have
to take one of the three Flak 88s in the north-west corner.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) Barnes must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.

2) Wilson must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.


3 Fighter Bomber strikes

1 Recon Plane scout


When the briefing said there were minefields, they weren't kidding. The entire
area in the middle of the map between Wilson and Barnes is a massive mine
field, and there's another line at the edge of the city. To be safe, always
keep your vehicles on the outsides of the road at all times.

The camera starts near Barnes, so send your tanks up the road to the German
forces there. You don't have time to actually control them, so just let them
move and fight on their own. Meanwhile, head over to Wilson's area and send
his tanks up the road too. Target the flamethrowers when they attack you, then
let them eliminate the rest of the forces on their own.

Meanwhile, launch your scout plane at the radar station in the north-west
corner of the screen. When the scout gets close enough, the guns will attack
it. Use this distraction to launch two fighter bomber attacks on two of the
guns, but leave the third one - you'll need it for a secret objective later.

Your tanks will be done fighting by now, so send Wilson's group north to the
western depot and send Barnes's group north to the eastern depot. Taking
control of both of them will complete the first main objective, and two more
will be added. You'll note a new blue objective symbol on the map, but I
suggest you completely avoid it for now - the rest of the mission will be
easier if you save that part for last.

Most of the rest of the mission will involve you defending against waves of
Axis units coming from the south. As long as you keep your tanks together,
they won't have a chance to escape. They'll approach on the south edge of the
screen from slightly different spots, so here's a list:

Closer to the eastern depot.
Between the depots.
Closer to the western depot.

- Reinforcements will arrive (two Fireflies, a unit of medics, a unit of
bazooka men, and a unit of riflemen for Wilson, two Fireflies and a Bishop
for Barnes). Add them to your arsenal when they reach your position.

Closer to the eastern depot.
Closer to the eastern depot.
Between the depots.
Closer to the western depot.
Between the depots.
Closer to the eastern depot.

- Reinforcements will arrive (two Fireflies, a unit of medics, a unit of
bazooka men, and a unit of riflemen for Wilson, two Fireflies and a Bishop
for Barnes). Add them to your arsenal when they reach your position.

Between the depots. [This should make fifty for you if you destroy all of the
vehicles that show up.]

*Note that you only get the reinforcements if you control the depots.

Move your tanks appropriately and demolish the Axis vehicles to complete the
main objective, and if you prevent more than ten vehicles from making it to
the town, you'll also accomplish a secret objective. Note that there are
slightly more than seventy vehicles, so it's not possible to run out of them
without either accomplishing or failing an objective.

You should still need to complete the third main objective and one of the
secret objectives, so take care of the secret objective now. Gather all of
your infantry (minus the mortars and bazookas) and rush the remaining Flak 88.
Take control of it to accomplish the secret objective, then send Barnes and
Wilson to the blue objective symbol to complete the mission.

| ----------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 2.07) Operation Husky | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------- |


1) Bring Barnes to the transformator to mark it as a target for Allied Bombers.

It's marked well, so you shouldn't have a problem finding it. The hill on
the east side of the structure has five German field guns on it, so be
careful. Make sure you take the guns without damaging them, since you'll
want to be able to use them on the tanks guarding the transformator.

2) Support the landing force by attacking the Axis defenses from behind.

You don't really need to do anything for this, it'll just complete itself
when the timer reaches zero.

3) Recapture the village.

Take control of the flag on the east side of the village to accomplish this
objective. Unfortunately, this won't be an easy task - the town is very
well defended, and there's not much room to move around. I suggest you
approach from the hill to the south-west of the town.

These three objectives are worth 300 prestige points together.


1) Destroy 30 percent of the Italian armor before the landing.

Considering the large quantity of Special Abilities you'll be given once
the transformator is destroyed, this won't be difficult to do. Just launch
a scout plane over the area and drop your fighter-bomber strikes on some
tanks to weaken them, then finish them off with the regular bombers and
the heavy artillery attacks. Use your captured field guns if necessary.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) At least 50 percent of the Italian armor destroyed before the landing.

Destroying thirty percent is fairly easy, but fifty percent becomes a
little more challenging. Position your captured field guns east of the
landing area before you send Barnes to the transformator. You'll want to
launch your assault between the two southern bunkers. Once Barnes tags the
transformator, use your bomber strikes and artillery bombardments to
severely weaken as many tanks as possible, then move your field guns in to
finish some of them off. If you don't get enough with your field guns,
send all of your paratroopers in and use their grenades to take some more

This is worth 100 prestige points.


1) Barnes must survive.

If he dies, you fail. He doesn't start in a vehicle, so be careful. When
your reinforcements show up later in the mission, stick him in a Firefly
for safe keeping.


8 Paratrooper drops

[The following will be available after the transformator is destroyed:]

5 Paratrooper drops

10 Bomber strikes

5 Fighter Bomber strikes

5 Heavy Artillery bombardments

5 Recon Plane scouts


Immediately drop all eight of your paratrooper groups in the far south-eastern
corner of the map while the rest of your infantry are fighting the small
German forces. As soon as you can, highlight all of the paratrooper units and
right click on the Grenade and Molotov Cocktail icons. You'll want these for
later, so right clicking on them will prevent the units from using them when
you tell them to attack other things. (Plus, infantry aren't very smart in
this game, and molotovs have a nasty habit of burning your own men.)

Group all of your infantry together and move westward, dealing with the guys
you encounter along the way. Your eventual goal is the pile of field guns on
the east side of the transformator (which is marked on your map). Move onto
the hill and eliminate the crews manning the guns, then take them over.
Destroy the house south of the transformator, since there's a unit of German
infantry inside.

Two tanks are in the immediate area - one south and one north of the
transformator. Use your field guns to eliminate them as fast as you can,
preferably without taking much damage to the guns. Take a look down the road
to the south, then glance to the west to see the bunkers near the beach.
You'll want to position the field guns to the east, directly between the two
bunkers farthest to the south. When you've done that, send Barnes to the spot
marked near the transformator.

Bombers will destroy the transformator, and you'll be given a slew of special
attack abilities to accomplish the next objective. Immediately drop the next
five paratrooper groups in the pile with the rest of your infantry, then launch
a scout plane or two over the beach. Use your fighter-bomber strikes on five
different Italian vehicles in the area between the bunkers I mentioned earlier,
then use your bomber strikes and heavy artillery to cause more damage.

Move your field guns closer to eliminate the badly damaged survivors, and you
should accomplish the optional objective fairly easily. Continue blasting
tanks though, since you'll need to destroy several more to achieve the secret
objective. You'll probably have to move your infantry in to finish the job.
If so, make sure you remember that most of them will have to be manually told
to throw grenades - left click on the grenade icon, then click your target
cursor on a tank.

Once you've destroyed enough tanks to complete the secret objective, retreat
your infantry and any surviving field guns to the east. When the countdown
reaches zero, massive Allied reinforcements will land on the beach. As soon as
the cutscene ends, be ready to frantically highlight your reinforcements.
They're all under the free move state when they land, and they'll suicidally
move east if you don't switch them to the hold position state. This is vital,
since sporadic mines will disable some of them if they're not stopped soon.

Use your tanks to destroy any nearby artillery and tanks, but be very careful
with your repair trucks. The area is mined, and if you get all three of them
stuck at once... Clear out the remaining Italians, then use your infantry to
sweep for mines. Move your tanks to the east when you're ready. Your next
target is the German concentration near the checkpoint on the road south-west
of the town.

Approach the checkpoint slowly and demolish anything you find, keeping your
repair trucks close for emergency repairs. When the checkpoint's taken, the
only thing left is the town itself. The hill near the checkpoint leads
north-east towards the town, and it's the best spot to launch your assault.
Move your tanks up the hill in a line with the Priests following closely.

If you haven't already stuck Barnes in a Firefly, do so now. A few quick raids
into the town with his tank will let your Priests rip up the enemy's defenses,
so just keep running in, taking some damage, and returning to your repair
trucks. Move your tanks steadily north-eastward when you can, and you'll
eventually clear out the east side of the town. Taking control of the flag
will end the mission.

| ----------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 2.08) Crossing the Volturno | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------- |


1) Occupy the enemy support base on the left island.

Fairly simple, just move your infantry over there, take out the crews on
the field guns, and eliminate the rest of the infantry on the island. Take
the supply depot, but be aware that air strikes will start as soon as you

2) Neutralize the 88mm Flaks on the middle island (3 of 3).

There're three Flak 88s on the next island to the east of the depot. Take
out the infantry on and around them, then take control of one of them to
complete a secret objective. Retreat from the guns as soon as possible,
since a wave of enemy infantry will attack from the last island.

3) Get to the boat house on the right island.

After the wave of infantry attacks you near the Flak 88s, there shouldn't
be much (if anything) left on the third island. Simply move over there and
approach the objective symbol near the boat house.

4) Destroy as many German panzers as possible.

Reinforcements will arrive in the south-west when you accomplish all three
of the other main objectives. Move them to the center island, then prepare
to move them north. Note that a minefield around the observation bunker
will severely complicate a frontal assault - instead, stick Wilson in the
Grant and move his tank along with Barnes's tank to the bunker until the
Germans attack. Keep the repair truck close by, and stick around until
you're in danger of losing either of the tanks.

Retreat before you lose either of them. The Germans will try to follow
you, but they'll run right into the rest of your tanks. Once a few of them
are destroyed, the rest will run, and you'll complete the mission. Of
course, you'll want to complete all three secret objectives and the
optional objective before you start attacking the tanks.

These four objectives are worth 200 prestige points together.


1) Secure the German artillery observation bunker.

Put Wilson, a unit of medics, and the rifleman squad into the three rubber
boats near the boat house, then move all three to the north side of the
river. Land them, then approach the bunker from the north-east after you
deal with the General (see second secret objective for details). When you
get close, the guy inside it will evacuate, and you'll complete this

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) At least one 88mm Flak captured to defend your troops from airstrikes.

Simple, just take one of the Flak 88s on the middle island.

This is worth 50 prestige points.

2) German general eliminated.

When you land Wilson and your other infantry units on the north side of the
river, move due north to the road at the top of the map. A jeep will be
roaming the area, so shoot it when it gets close. A General will come out
of it, and killing him will complete this secret objective.

This is worth 75 prestige points.

3) Bunker observer eliminated.

When you approach the bunker with your infantry after eliminating the
General, kill the observer after he exits. He'll try to run for the road
to the north-east, so cut him off, then retreat to your rubber boats before
the German tanks shred you.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) Wilson must survive.

If he dies, you fail. He doesn't start in a vehicle, so be careful. Stick
him in the Grant after you're done using him for the secret objectives.

2) Barnes must survive.

If he dies, you fail. Keep him in the Firefly for safe keeping, and if it
takes too much damage, either repair it or put him in another tank.


- None.


Dump the machine gunners out of the jeeps, then move everyone west towards the
crossing. Take out the crews manning the field guns, then take out the other
infantry around the supply depot. Take control of it when the area is clear,
then immediately move east to avoid the bomber attacks. Take out the crews
manning the Flak 88s, then take control of one of them to accomplish the first
secret objective.

Infantry will attack your position from the eastern island, so retreat to your
supply depot. Heal your units while you defend against the infantry, then move
to the third island when it's clear. Take care of any stragglers, then move
onto the spot marked near the boat house.

Put Wilson, a unit of medics, and the riflemen squad into the rubber boats and
send them to the other side of the river. Disembark them, then move due north
to the road at the top of the map. A German jeep will be patrolling the area,
so shoot at it when it gets close to you. A German general will get out of it,
and killing him will accomplish the second secret objective.

Approach the artillery bunker from the north-east next. When you get close
enough, the guy inside it will retreat to the north-east, so slaughter him as
fast as possible to accomplish the third secret objective (making him run will
also accomplish the optional objective). Run Wilson and your other infantry
back to the rubber boats before the German vehicles slaughter them, then send
them back to the third island.

Stick Wilson in the Grant, then move all of your tanks to the center island.
You're going to want to make sure all of them are facing north as close to the
edge of the crossing as possible, but don't let them block the crossing. Send
Wilson and Barnes north with the repair truck trailing behind. The point is to
attract the attention of the German armor in the area, but be careful - there
are mines around the bunker, so don't go very far.

When their tanks take too much damage, retreat to the south. The Germans will
follow you, and they'll have an unpleasant surprise waiting for them. Your
other tanks should completely wipe out the first few German vehicles that try
to approach, and once a few of them are destroyed, the rest will retreat.
Mission accomplished.

| ================================== |
| | | |
| | 2.09) HEADQUARTERS 8 | |
| | | |
| ================================== |


Assuming you've accomplished all of the available objectives, optional
objectives, and secret objectives, you will have a total of 1553 Prestige
Points available for this trip to Headquarters.

Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no
more than 10 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles,
and no more than 8 may be artillery.

*Note: You'll be able to purchase British and American units from the same
trip to headquarters. There are very few differences between them.


Infantry: [American] [British]

Riflemen...................40 Riflemen...................40
Medics.....................40 Medics.....................40
Submachine Gunners.........60 AntiTank Riflemen..........45
Machine Gunners............60 Submachine Gunners.........60
Flamethrowers..............70 Machine Gunners............60
Mortars....................70 Flamethrowers..............70
Tank Crew..................80 Mortars....................70
Rocket Soldiers...........100 Tank Crew..................80
Snipers...................120 Rocket Soldiers...........100

Armored Vehicles:

Daimler Dingo.............180
M7 Priest.................218 [NEW]
Churchill Crocodile.......222
Cromwell Mk IV............245 [NEW]
Sherman...................265 [NEW]
Sherman Firefly...........283 [NEW]
M3A1 Grant................325

Transport Vehicles:

Willis Jeep................21
Dodge WC57.................25
M2A1 Truck.................40
Bedford QL Ammo Truck.....100
M16 Quad AA...............140 [NEW]
M2A1 Support..............150
M1A51 Air Defense.........200


Bofors 40mm................44
Crocodile Latex Trailer...103


Get four more Grants and another repair truck. You should have 103 prestige
points left after this trip to headquarters. Keep in mind, however, that what
you buy is almost totally optional for each mission. I will give suggestions
based on my personal preferences, and I will make special notes about any units
that will greatly impact further missions as they come up.

| ----------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 2.10) Monte Cassino | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------- |


1) Capture all German checkpoints.

There are five of them, and surprisingly, none of them are very well
defended. I suggest taking the one directly west of your starting position
first, then move north to the top of the map and head farther west to the
supply depot. Take the south-west one next, then move into the center of
the city and take the one there. Take the one near the train station last,
then park your tanks near your starting position again.

2) Barnes and Wilson must get to the hilltop on foot to get a clear view on
Axis positions.

Once you've taken the checkpoints, remove Barnes and Wilson from their
tanks and send them to the road west of the central checkpoint. Drop all
five groups of paratroopers next to them, then move them all up the road on
the hill. It's not very well defended, but there are some field guns, so
be alert. Once Barnes and Wilson reach the target area, this will be

3) Launch a counter-attack and recapture your lost checkpoints.

German forces will appear all over the map and take all five checkpoints.
Use your tanks to take the one near the train station, then move north to
the one on the road on the east side of the town. Make sure your tanks are
repaired, then move through the city and take out the checkpoint near the
building. Retake the supply depot and the checkpoint near it, repair your
tanks, and head for the fifth checkpoint. Be careful with this one - there
are several very heavy vehicles down there.

These three objectives are worth 250 prestige points together.


- None.


1) Watchtower near the path captured.

When you take the supply depot near the north-west checkpoint, eject Wilson
(or any other infantry unit) and send him up the tiny path on the hill to
the west. The watchtower up there is undefended, and getting an infantry
unit inside it will accomplish this secret objective.

This is worth 50 prestige points.

2) Trainbridge used.

After taking the south-west checkpoint, eject Wilson (or another infantry
unit) and send him east to the bridge where the train tracks cross the
water. He won't be able to cross since the train's in the way, so send him
back to your tanks. Doing so will cause him to complete this secret

This is worth 75 prestige points.


1) Barnes must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.

2) Wilson must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.


5 Paratrooper drops


Take your tanks west towards the first checkpoint on the road and demolish
everything near it. The Panzerwerfer's pack a nasty punch, so whenever you see
one of them, give it priority over other targets. Repair your tanks and head
north to the top of the map once you've taken this checkpoint.

Head west along the top of the map to the checkpoint near the supply depot.
Destroy everything around the area, then take them both. Eject a hero or a
tank crew and move up the tiny path on the hill to the west. Get the infantry
unit inside the watchtower to complete the first secret objective, then send
the unit back to its vehicle.

Move your tanks south along the road until they're directly west of the central
checkpoint, them move them east and take it. Repair any that took too much
damage, then make your way to the south-western checkpoint and take it. The
last checkpoint is directly to the east near the train tracks, so go take it.
This will complete the first main objective.

Eject Wilson and Barnes, then send all of your vehicles back to your original
starting location. Move Barnes and Wilson south below the train tracks, get in
the train, and move it east to clear the bridge, then get back out of it.
Cross the bridge to move westward, then head north to where the road heads up
the large hill. (Note that crossing the trainbridge will complete the second
secret objective, and it's also a lot easier and safer than moving them through
the town.)

Drop all five of your paratroop groups next to Barnes and Wilson, then start
moving up the hill on the road. It's not very well defended, but there are a
couple field guns, so stay alert. When you reach the spot marked on the ground
near the top, the second main objective will be completed. Just leave these
infantry units (and Barnes and Wilson) there for the rest of the mission.

German units will appear and take control of the checkpoints again. Grab your
tank pile and retake the one near the train depot, then head north and retake
the one on the east side of the town. Make sure your tanks are in good shape,
then move into the middle of the town and take that checkpoint. Retake the
checkpoint near the supply depot next, then use it to repair your tanks.

The last checkpoint has several fairly heavy vehicles around it, so approach it
carefully. Once you demolish the Germans and retake the checkpoint, this
mission will be over.

| ================================== |
| | | |
| | 2.11) HEADQUARTERS 9 | |
| | | |
| ================================== |


Assuming you've accomplished all of the available objectives, optional
objectives, and secret objectives, you will have a total of 478 Prestige Points
available for this trip to Headquarters.

Keep in mind that you can only have a total of 25 units. Out of those 25, no
more than 10 may be armored vehicles, no more than 8 may be transport vehicles,
and no more than 8 may be artillery.

*Note: You'll be able to purchase British and American units from the same
trip to headquarters. There are very few differences between them.


Infantry: [American] [British]

Riflemen...................40 Riflemen...................40
Medics.....................40 Medics.....................40
Submachine Gunners.........60 AntiTank Riflemen..........45
Machine Gunners............60 Submachine Gunners.........60
Flamethrowers..............70 Machine Gunners............60
Mortars....................70 Flamethrowers..............70
Tank Crew..................80 Mortars....................70
Rocket Soldiers...........100 Tank Crew..................80
Snipers...................120 Rocket Soldiers...........100

Armored Vehicles:

Daimler Dingo.............180
M7 Priest.................218
Churchill Crocodile.......222
Cromwell Mk IV............245
Sherman Firefly...........283
M26 Pershing..............325 [NEW]
M3A1 Grant................325

Transport Vehicles:

Willis Jeep................21
Dodge WC57.................25
M2A1 Truck.................40
Bedford QL Ammo Truck.....100
M16 Quad AA...............140
M2A1 Support..............150
M1A51 Air Defense.........200


Bofors 40mm................44
Crocodile Latex Trailer...103


Upgrade all of your Grants to Pershings, buy an additional Pershing, and buy
another repair truck. You should have 3 prestige points left after this trip
to headquarters. Keep in mind, however, that what you buy is almost totally
optional for each mission. I will give suggestions based on my personal
preferences, and I will make special notes about any units that will greatly
impact further missions as they come up.

| ----------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 2.12) Anzio-Cisterna | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------- |


1) Capture the railway station.

Take control of the flag on the west side of the station to complete this.
The station is heavily guarded - if you haven't been following my
tank-heavy approach throughout the guide, you're probably going to regret

2) Capture K5 railway gun 'Anzio Annie'.

Anzio Annie's waiting in the north-east corner of the map. Thankfully,
it's not nearly as well guarded as the train station. The best way to take
it is by sending your infantry on the train, which will also accomplish the
secret objective.

3) Secure the town center.

You have to take control of the supply depot in the middle of the town.
I suggest you sweep as much of the outskirts of the town as possible with
your tanks, then use your infantry that you used to take Anzio Annie.
Come in from the east side of the town, move slowly, and use your bombing
strikes and heavy artillery bombardments to eliminate a lot of the infantry
near the depot.

4) Keep the town center secured.

This shouldn't be an issue if you swept the outskirts earlier, assuming you
have at least a few infantry units near the depot. If necessary, remember
that you can launch massive shells from Anzio Annie that'll pretty much
annihilate anything near where it lands. Just remember that this includes
your own units. >_>

5) Using 'Anzio Annie' to repulse the German counter-attack will make your job
much easier.

I don't think you even really need to use it at all to accomplish the
objective - all that really matters is that you destroy fifteen German
vehicles. It's much easier to destroy them with your tanks though, so
position them near the center of the west side of the map, which is where
the German counter-attack will enter the screen. (It's still fun to lob
shells from Anzio Annie though, so I recommend you try it out a few times.)

These five objectives are worth 350 prestige points together.


1) Take the railway station before the train leaves (6AM).

You have plenty of time, assuming you have a fairly powerful core. Head
west as soon as the mission starts, but be prepared to retreat damaged
tanks to the rear for repairs. Clear out the area around the station, then
take the flag on the west side. Be ready to deal with a fairly large
concentration of German units from the north-west.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) Train used to reach 'Anzio Annie'.

Put your infantry in the train cars, then move the train to the west. A
cutscene will start, and the train will be right next to Anzio Annie. This
is also a rather convenient way to take control of the gun.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) Barnes must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.

2) Wilson must survive.

If he dies, you fail. If the vehicle he starts in takes too much damage,
remove him from it and stick him in a safer vehicle.


5 Bomber strikes

3 Fighter Bomber strikes

2 Heavy Artillery bombardments

3 Recon Plane scouts

[After the the town center is secured, you will gain:]

10 Recon Plane scouts


Send your tanks towards the train depot in the west. The path is blocked by a
rather large hoard of German vehicles, so proceed slowly, and be prepared to
retreat severely damaged tanks to repair them. You have plenty of time, so
don't sacrafice tanks.

As you approach the train station, resistance gets more fierce. German units
will start attacking from the town, and heavier vehicles will be waiting near
the station. Your objective is the flag on the west side, so take control of
it as soon as you can (preferably before six, since doing so will accomplish
the optional objective). Be prepared to deal with a powerful hoard of German
vehicles from the north-west.

Once things have calmed down, repair all of your vehicles and move all the way
west, then north to about the middle of the map. This is where the German
counter attack will appear later, and you'll want to be prepared. Take a few
of your tanks around the town to sweep the outskirts for infantry and vehicles,
then return them to the pile.

Load your infantry reinforcements onto the train cars, then send the train west
up the tracks. A cutscene will occur, which will complete the secret
objective. Dumb your men from the train and slaughter the Germans around the
gun, then take out the ones manning it. Take control of the gun yourself, then
take the rest of your troops south to the large bridge.

Cross it and approach the town from the east. Move in slowly, eliminating
anything that fires at you as you approach the supply depot in the middle of
the town. Before attempting to assault it, launch a scout plane over it, then
use your bombers and heavy artillery to wipe out as many infantry units as
possible (try to take down some of the buildings on the east and west sides of
the depot, too, since some of them have guys in them).

When you've cleared the way, move your men in and take the depot to complete
the third main objective. This will start the German counter attack near your
tank pile - keep the infantry prone near the supply depot, since you need to
retain control of it. If things get too hectic around the depot, use Anzio
Annie to lob some ridiculous shells at the attackers, but make sure you don't
destroy yourself in the process.

Use your tanks to eliminate fifteen German vehicles, and the mission (as well
as the Allied campaign) will be complete.

| ---------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 3.00) The Partisan Campaign | |
| | | |
| ---------------------------------- |
| ----------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 3.01) Operation Sheathed Saber | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------- |


1) Find the Partisan camp.

Move Sergio north along the east side of the island, then attack the German
infantry near the crates. Some Partisan infantry will assist you - follow
them north to the Partisan camp.

2) Sergio DeAngelis must get to the Italian HQ.

The HQ is in the south-west corner of the map near the symbol on the
ground. The best way to accomplish this goal is by taking advantage of the
secret tunnel by the waterfall slightly south-west of the Partisan camp.
Get your troops close to the waterfall, then order them all right next to
it. They'll pop up next to a building above the Italian HQ, so immediately
order them south-west to the mark on the ground. When Sergio gets on the
mark, a cutscene will occur, and this objective will be complete.

3) Capture a German plane for Sergio.

There're planes on the opposite side of the map. Take the road out of the
Italian camp, then work your way to the German base, clear it out, and
get Sergio to the indicated spot. (Don't forget to take care of the
optional objective along the way.)

These three objectives are worth 250 prestige points together.


1) Find more Partisans.

They're waiting on the far south edge of the screen on a small path east of
the bridge. Approach them, then add them to your forces when you get
control of them.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) Secret passage behind the waterfall found.

There's a waterfall slightly south-west of the Partisan camp. Sending an
infantry unit through it will accomplish the secret objective.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) Sergio DeAngelis must survive.

If he dies, you fail. He doesn't start in a vehicle, so keep him out of
combat or keep your medics close to him.

2) Wolf must survive.

If he dies, you fail. He doesn't start in a vehicle, so keep him out of
combat or keep your medics close to him.


- None.


Send Sergio north along the east side of the island, then attack the German
infantry unit near the crates. A unit of Partisan troops will assist you, so
follow them north to their camp. Your next objective is the waterfall south
west of the camp, so send your forces there. When you get close to the
waterfall, your troops will be transported to the west side of the map inside
the Italian base. Make sure as many of your troops reach the waterfall at the
same time as possible.

Immediately retreat them south-west to the marked spot near the Headquarters.
When Sergio stands on that spot, a cutscene will occur, and Italian forces will
no longer attack you. Defeat the German forces left in the area, then regroup
your units near the HQ. If any units are still on the other side of the
waterfall, send them over to the HQ.

Two German vehicles will move north on the road. Let them go by, then move
south and take the two abandoned field guns. Move your forces south along the
road, then turn east to cross the bridge. Shortly after crossing the bridge,
you'll notice a small path leading south. Send Wolf down there to discover
some more Partisan troops, which will complete the optional objective. Add
these to your army.

Two field guns are waiting along with some infantry a little farther to the
east. Use your field guns, bazooka unit, and infantry to eliminate them, and
use your infantry to deal with their escorts. Continue north along the road,
but watch out for the guard towers along the German base. A tank and a machine
gun vehicle are waiting closer to the base's entrance, so have your field guns
and bazooka unit ready.

Move into the compound when you've cleared a path to the entrance, then deal
with the troops inside. Make a run towards the planes when you get the chance,
and as soon as Sergio gets near the marked spot on the runway, the mission will
be complete.

| ----------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 3.02) Running the Gauntlet | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------- |


1) Escort Tito and Churchill to safety.

Unfortunately, you can't control Tito, Churchill, or their escorts. You'll
want to move ahead of them as fast as possible to clear the way so they
don't take too much damage, especially if you want to accomplish the
optional objective. Reach the area in the south-east corner of the map to
accomplish this objective.

This is worth 150 prestige points.


1) Tito's staff must survive.

Since you won't be able to control them, you'll want to stick close to them
or clear the area ahead of them if possible.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) Overhead tramway used.

Clear out the Germans around the western half of the tramway, then stick
a unit on it. It'll be taken to the other side of the tramway, completing
this secret objective.

This is worth 50 prestige points.

2) All supply containers collected (3 of 3).

The first one is down a small path a little south of your starting spot.
The second one can be grabbed when you reach the tramway by taking your
troops through the tunnel directly above the western half of the tramway.
The third one takes a little more effort - head south at the second half of
the tramway and make your way along the cliffs, turning to the west when
you reach the southern end of the map. (You'll notice a small red flare at
each of the three locations.)

This is worth 50 prestige points.

3) Mine cart used.

Once you've found the third supply container, rush all of your troops north
of the eastern half of the tramway and follow the rail tracks to the north.
There's a series of mine carts in the little alcove in the mountains, so
load all of your troops onto it. Send it down the tracks to complete this
secret objective.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) General Tito must survive.

If he dies, you fail. You can't control him, so keep a close eye on him.

2) Randolph Churchill must survive.

If he dies, you fail. You can't control him, so keep a close eye on him.

3) Wolf must survive.

If he dies, you fail. He doesn't start in a vehicle, so keep him out of
combat or keep your medics close to him.


- None.


Bombers will slaughter a large portion of your troops right off the bat, but
there's nothing you can do. When your reinforcements arrive, immediately
highlight them and deselect the grenade and molotov options (so they won't kill
each other in the next few seconds). German paratroopers will land right on
top of your position, so take them out before they cause any casualties.

You can't control Tito, Churchill, or their escorts, so it's important to move
ahead of them to keep them out of harm's way. Move south to the mountain pass
and take out the guys there, then head east through the tiny path to find the
first supply crate. Return to the main path, head a little farther south, and
take the path that heads south-east.

Tito and his men should start moving now, so clear out the Germans along this
route as fast as possible. Work your way around until you're headed north
again, and you should be approaching the tramway. Clear the area around it,
then stick one weak unit inside to accomplish the first secret objective. Send
the rest of your troops through the mine tunnel north of the tramway entrance.

They'll pop out right next to the second supply crate. Move eastward and take
out more German infantry on your way to the other side of the tramway. Collect
the unit you sent on it earlier, then move south along the cliffs. When you
reach the bottom of the map, head west, then move north to find the third flare
marking the last drop point. When you find it, you'll accomplish the second
secret objective.

Rush all of your troops back to the east side of the tramway. Get on the mine
tracks north of it and enter the small alcover in the mountains to find a
series of mine carts. There're just enough carts to fit all of your units in
them, so get them in there as fast as you can. Select the front cart and send
the whole group down the tracks to accomplish the last secret objective.

Exit the carts when you reach the bottom of the tracks. Some mine workers are
waiting in the area, but they won't help you until you eliminate the German
soldiers nearby. Help them out, then move everyone south to the mine tunnel to
complete the mission.

| ----------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 3.03) Reclaiming Belgrade | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------- |


1) Recruit new Partisans in the village.

There's a pile of them waiting at the blue objective symbol. Just get any
unit near them to accomplish this objective.

2) Arm the villagers with stolen German weapons.

There's a drainage system west of the village. Move the unarmed Partisans
to the southern pipe (where the footprints are) to discover a secret tunnel
that leads to Belgrade. From there, you'll be able to move them into the
city and onto the marked location to find some weaponry.

3) Destroy 75% of the Flaks before they reach German lines.

This is slightly misleading, since you just need to destroy the trucks
towing them. Either way, position your troops on the far eastern side of
the main road and demolish the trucks as soon as they show up.

4) Destroy 50% of the panzers before they reach German lines.

Some Panzers will enter the screen shortly after the Flaks arrive. Man all
of the Flaks and use your Partisans' grenades to take out the tanks.

5) Break through German lines with the help of the Russians.

Large amounts of Russian vehicles will arrive on the road. Use them to
wipe out the German forces around the flag near the blue objective symbol.

These five objectives are worth 400 prestige points together.


1) Stop the train carrying German tanks.

Before you find the Partisans in the village, use your starting troops to
raid the train depot south-west of your starting position. When you've
killed the guards, you'll be able to move the train. Send it south-east on
the tracks to block the German train later.

This is worth 50 prestige points.

2) Destroy the Tiger before it reaches German lines.

After the panzers arrive, a Tiger will also show up. Use your Flak 88s and
your Partisans' grenades to demolish it before it has a chance to get near

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) Secret passage to German weapon cache found.

There's a tunnel in the drainage system west of the Partisan village. Send
a unit through it to accomplish this secret objective.

This is worth 50 prestige points.

2) Tractor used to tow the captured Flaks.

When you enter the Partisan village, stick a Partisan guy in the tractor
next to the north-eastern house. Move the tractor south-east to the
eastern side of the road, then use it to move a Flak 88 as soon as you stop
one of them later.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) Wolf must survive.

If he dies, you fail. He doesn't start in a vehicle, so keep him out of
combat or keep your medics close to him. Once the Soviet vehicles arrive,
stick Wolf in one of the tanks.


[These become available once the Soviet forces arrive:]

2 Fighter Bomber strikes

1 Recon Plane scout


Your first target should be the train depot to the south-west. Eliminate the
German infantry units around the depot to take control of the train, then send
the train down the tracks to the east. When you get to the control building,
the engineer will exit the train. Later in the mission, this will accomplish
one of the optional objectives. Grab the engineer and send him to your other

Move north towards the village and take out the German units along the way.
When you get to the blue objective symbol, you'll gain control of a large
amount of unarmed Partisans. Stick one in the tractor next to the house in the
north-eastern corner of the village, then send the tractor down to the eastern
end of the main road along with your armed forces.

Send the unarmed Partisans west of the village to the drainage system there.
Notice the footprints leading to the southern pipe? There's a secret tunnel
there that leads to Belgrade. Send all of your unarmed Partisans through it,
then move them all to the spot marked where the German weapon pile is located.
Once they're all armed, send them back out through the tunnel, then move them
to the east side of the main road where your other units are waiting.

Four Flak 88s will appear on the road. Use your troops to take out the trucks
towing them, then move the tractor in to tow one of them, which will accomplish
the second secret objective. Man all four of the Flak 88s, then position the
rest of your troops above them. Four German panzers will arrive, so let the
guns blast them while your infantry throw grenades.

A Tiger will follow the panzers, so keep your Flak 88s and your grenades ready.
Stop it as fast as possible to complete the optional objective without getting
your troops slaughtered. By now, the Soviet reinforcements will have arrived,
so grab the tanks and rocket launchers and head west. Your target is the flag
on the souther half of the defensive line outside of Belgrade. Simply crush
everything there to end the mission.

| ----------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 3.04) No Easy Way Out | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------- |


1) Keep your supply depot secured.

This will be your primary focus for the mission, since massive quantities
of German armor will assault the depot constantly. At the start of the
mission, line your tanks up close to the supply depot to form a defensive
line, then put the rocket launchers behind them. Move all of your infantry
off to the east, including the crews that were manning the field guns close
to the depot. Retreat your northern group to the base too, but instead of
trying to get the guns into a usable place, simply desert them in the road
near your other deserted field guns. This slows down the German assaults
and lets your rocket launchers shred them from a distance. Add the guys to
your pile. Make sure your tanks and rocket launchers stay repaired and
supplied with ammo, and this setup should keep the depot protected

2) Use Wolf to plant explosives to the marked areas of the bridge (3 of 3).

There's a shallow spot in the water south of the waterfall, and several of
your infantry units have rubber rafts. Take them to the east side of the
bank, clear it out, then move north to the bridge. Two of the marked areas
are on this side of the bridge, the third is on the northern side. You'll
have to cross the road on the other side of the river to get to the third
one (you'll likely want to rotate your camera to see it, too).

3) Bring Wolf to the marked location.

Nothing hard about this. Once Wolf's placed the third charge on the north
side of the bridge, send him back over the road towards the radar station,
then have him step on the marked location.

These three objectives are worth 300 prestige points together.


1) Destroy the German artillery.

It's along the eastern edge of the map. Your infantry will be right next
to it when you go over there to place the first two charges, so you might
as well take care of it. There are two guns, neither of which are guarded
very well. If you're feeling lazy and you've already taken the radar
station, simply use a scout plane to find both of them, then destroy them
with fighter-bomber strikes.

This is worth 50 prestige points.


1) Radar station captured.

Approach it from the path to the south of it. Two weak units of infantry
are guarding it, and all you have to do to take it is eliminate them.

This is worth 75 prestige points.


1) Wolf must survive.

If he dies, you fail. He doesn't start in a vehicle and you'll need to use
him for most of the mission, so keep your medics close to him.


[These become available after you take the radar station:]

2 Paratrooper drops

3 Fighter Bomber strikes

3 Recon Plane scouts


Your primary focus for this mission is setting up an invincible defensive line
above your supply depot. As soon as the mission starts, evacuate all of your
infantry east of the depot, then move your tanks south closer to the depot.
Line them up in a straight line accross the road, then stick the rocket
launchers behind them. The depot should be able to reach both rocket launcers
and most of the tanks. Stick the repair truck behind the tanks that can't be
reached by the depot.

The field guns slightly north of the base aren't particularly helpful for
defending the base, so I suggest simply abandoning them right there. Send all
of the infantry to your pile east of your base, then go send the other three
field guns and the recon vehicles towards your base. Stop them near the two
abandoned field guns and abandon them as well. Why? The German vehicles will
be forced to maneuver around the abandoned weaponry, which slows down their
assaults and spreads them out. Send the infantry that were manning them to the
pile east of your base.

The first wave of German attackers will be the biggest, so watch it carefully.
If a tank starts to take too much damage, back it off the line immediately.
Pay close attention to your rocket launchers' ammo supply and refill them if
necessary. Otherwise, manually control the depot and the repair truck to keep
the most damaged tanks repiared as possible. If you can get through the first
wave without losing any vehicles, you'll be in great shape for the rest of the

Time to deal with your infantry pile. Highlight them and move north towards
the radar station near the bridge. Only light German infantry are in your way,
so you shouldn't have any problems reaching the station. Take out the two
infantry untis guarding it to take it, which will accomplish the secret
objective and add some air strikes to your arsenal.

Move your troops south-east to the shallow spot on the river now, being careful
around the German vehicle near it. Several of your units are equipped with
rubber boats, so send them all to the eastern side of the river. Clear out
the infantry, then move north along the far eastern side of the hills. Two
field guns are waiting up here, and destroying them will accomplish the
optional objective.

Farther north, you'll be able to move down the cliffs towards the river. The
first two marked spots are waiting for you there, so have Wolf plant the
charges, then backtrack to the shallow crossing where the rest of your troops
are waiting. Get back on the western side of the river, then send your forces
north to the radar station again.

Take Wolf and all of your medics north accross the road when the path is clear.
Rotate the camera to see the third marked spot, then have Wolf place the last
charge. Return him and your medics to the unit of paratroopers above the
bridge, then cross the road again when it's clear. Get Wolf to the new marked
spot west of the radar station to end the mission as well as the Partisan

| -------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 4.00) UNIT LIST | |
| | | |
| -------------------------- |
| -------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 4.01) UNIT LIST KEY | |
| | | |
| -------------------------- |

- In the following sections, I will list information about the various units
you can control in Codename: Panzers Phase 2. The main aspects I will be
focusing on are the following:


- This is the amount of Prestige Points needed to purchase the unit.


- This represents how much damage the unit can take before it is killed or


- This represents the number of times the unit can fire its weaponry before it
must reload. An "N/A" is listed for all units that have no ammo restrictions.


- This represents how fast the unit can move relative to other units.
Infantry have a speed rating of Zero, even though they are actually quite fast
compared to many vehicles. For vehicles, a higher speed number means a faster
relative speed.


- This represents the unit's ability to damage targets. The higher the
number, the more damage each hit from the unit will do to its target. It
should be noted that not all weapons can damage all units, though. For
example, rifle bullets will not damage a tank, and antitank soldiers can't fire
at other infantry. Some of the damage types I will be listing are:

I) AntiTank. This just means that the weapon is a shell, and will be more
effective against vehicles than infantry. [Abbreviated "AT"]

II) Bullet. This means that the weapon is only effective against infantry or
vehicles with no armor. [Abbreviated "B"]

III) Flame. Very effective against infantry. When used against a vehicle,
the heat can cause the crew to abandon it. When it cools down, you can capture
it with your own crew. [Abbreviated "F"]

IV) High Explosive. This means that the shells will knock down trees, destroy
houses easier, and be more effective against infantry than antitank shells.
Don't be fooled, though; they are still very effective against vehicles.

Every weapon also has a range, which I've added to the right of the weapon's
damage in the charts. A zero in the first part of the range means the unit can
fire that weapon from point-blank range, whereas a higher number means it has
to be farther away before it can fire (mortars, for example). The higher the
second number is in the range field, the farther the unit can fire its weapon.


- Heavy vehicles and some other vehicles have armor plating on one or more
sides. The more armor, the more difficult it is to damage that unit. I'll be
representing a unit's armor with a group of numbers like this:

13 13

The top value represents the armor on the front of the vehicle, which tends to
be the thickest. The sides are the two 13's, and the rear of the vehicle is
expressed by the 10 value. Pretty straight-forward. Note that a hyphen means
the vehicle has no armor plating on that side.


- This will be used for all units that can hold troops, supplies, or tow field


- This mostly pertains to the special items infantry units can wield, such as
mines and Molotovs. Other unit-specific abilities will be noted here when


- General notes about what the unit can do, as well as my personal comments on
the value and usefullness of the unit. These can be found along the bottom of
each unit's chart.

| --------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 4.10) AXIS UNITS | |
| | | |
| --------------------------- |
| -------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 4.11) AXIS UNITS - INFANTRY | |
| | | |
| -------------------------------------- |

NOTE: Infantry can be used to man field guns and occupy buildings, among other
things. Only the Rocket Soldiers and Snipers are particularly valuable in my
opinion, but if you can find good uses for them that outweigh the benefit of
getting an armored vehicle, then by all means, knock yourself out.

As the Axis powers, you can use Italian and German infantry. The differences
are small, but they're worth noting.

Note that infantry units have no ammo, speed, armor, or capacity value, so
those categories have been intentionally left off of the charts.


| Anti Tank Riflemen |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Italy | 40 | 200 | 23 AT| 2-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Explosives, Tank Mine, |
| | | | | |Binoculars, Boat, Mine |
| | | | | |Detector |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Germany | 45 | 200 | 26 AT| 2-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Explosives, Tank Mine, |
| | | | | |Binoculars, Boat, Mine |
| | | | | |Detector |
|These infantry units are armed with powerful rifles that will damage the |
|armor on vehicles. In large groups, they can be devastating. These units |
|can't fire at other infantry, however, which makes them sitting ducks at |
|times. The fact that they aren't available later in the war should tell you |
|something about their usefullness... |
| Flamethrowers |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Italy | 55 | 360 | 16 F |0-12 |Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Boat |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Germany | 70 | 360 | 20 F |3-12 |Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Boat |
|Very lethal against infantry, especially if you can surprise them. These can|
|also be devastating to vehicles, especially if the vehicle doesn't have any |
|machine guns. When Flamethrower units cause a vehicle to get too hot, the |
|crew of the vehicle must abandon it, and you are then able to steal the |
|vehicle once it cools down. |
| Machine Gunners |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Italy | 50 | 200 | 6 B | 0-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Explosives, Tank Mine, |
| | | | | |Binoculars, Boat, Mine |
| | | | | |Detector |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Germany | 60 | 200 | 8 B | 0-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Explosives, Tank Mine, |
| | | | | |Binoculars, Boat, Mine |
| | | | | |Detector |
|Very effective against infantry, but they also die fairly easily. They are |
|great for clearing out occupied buildings, and they're also great for setting|
|up ambushes inside buildings. Since there're only two men in each unit, they|
|don't work very well as field gun operators and things like that. |
| Medics |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Italy | 35 | 200 | 4 B | 0-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Boat |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Germany | 40 | 200 | 5 B | 0-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Boat |
|These can be used to heal other infantry units. If they are injured, they |
|will heal any other nearby damaged units first, and then they will heal |
|themselves (slowly). Very valuable units, especially in large amounts with |
|lots of other infantry to protect them. |
| Mortars |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Italy | 55 | 200 | 35 AT| 8-50|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Germany | 70 | 200 | 40 AT| 8-50|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat |
|These are very effective against both vehicles and infantry. They have a |
|fairly slow rate of fire though, and they have trouble damaging moving |
|targets at times, but other than that, they're decently effective. |
| Riflemen |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Italy | 35 | 500 | 4 B | 0-40|Genade, Molotov Cocktail, |
| | | | | |Magnetic Mine, Explosives,|
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat, Mine Detector |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Germany | 40 | 500 | 5 B | 0-40|Genade, Molotov Cocktail, |
| | | | | |Magnetic Mine, Explosives,|
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat, Mine Detector |
|Basic infantry units. In large groups, they can do some serious damage to |
|other infantry, and if properly equipped, they can be a nuisance to tanks and|
|other vehicles. They can enter buildings, empty vehicles, and can man field |
|guns. Very easy to kill, so I consider them to be an unwise waste of |
|Prestige Points. |
| Rocket Soldiers |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Italy | 85 | 200 | 45 AT| 5-35|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Germany | 100 | 200 | 50 AT| 5-35|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat |
|Extremely effective against vehicles, especially vehicles that aren't moving.|
|A few units of these in a forest or town can really decimate a tank force if |
|used properly. |
| Snipers |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Italy | 100 | 200 | 70 B | 0-55|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Explosives, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Germany | 120 | 200 | 80 B | 0-55|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Explosives, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat |
|Rather slow rate of fire, but they can still cause quite a bit of trouble to |
|enemy infantry forces. They also have a pretty nice visual range. Perhaps |
|their best use is picking off the infantry manning a field gun. |
| Submachine Gunners |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Italy | 50 | 625 | 5 B | 0-20|Genade, Molotov Cocktail, |
| | | | | |Magnetic Mine, Explosives,|
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat, Mine Detector |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Germany | 60 | 625 | 6 B | 0-20|Genade, Molotov Cocktail, |
| | | | | |Magnetic Mine, Explosives,|
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat, Mine Detector |
|Much more effective against infantry than Riflemen are. Like Riflemen, these|
|units are great for manning field guns, clearing out buildings, and so forth.|
|With enough grenades and decent cover, they can wreak havoc on vehicles too. |
| Tank Crew |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Italy | 80 | 400 | 4 B | 0-24|Needed to drive most armed|
| | | | | |vehicles. |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Germany | 80 | 400 | 4 B | 0-24|Needed to drive most armed|
| | | | | |vehicles. |
|When they're out in the open, these function like a weaker version of |
|Submachine Gunners. The benefit of these units is that they can be used to |
|take control of a tank and some other vehicles. When one of your tanks is |
|destroyed, the crew will often jump out, which allows you to retain the |
|experience of the crew if you're lucky. |

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| ---------------------------------------------- |
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NOTE: All units in this section come with a Tank Crew when you buy the unit,
and they will need a crew at all times to function properly. If you take the
crew out and get some of it killed, the crew may not be able to use the vehicle
properly anymore. For example, most medium and heavy tanks have four spots for
crewmen: A driver, a main gun, and two machine guns. If the crew were to drop
down to two men, you would not be able to use your machine guns. If you have a
crew with only one man, all you'll be able to do is drive.


| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Autoblinda 41 |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 152 | 200 | 100| 22 | 15 AT| 5-45| 12 |
| Italian Recon | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 12 12 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 12 |
|An Italian recon vehicle. It has a high speed for how heavy of a vehicle it |
|is, so if you need a recon unit, this isn't really a bad option. |
| Bison I |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| - |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Self-Propelled | 239 | 350 | 30 | 12 |150 HE|18-75| 13 |
| Artillery | | | | | | | 13 13 |
| | | | | | | | 13 |
|Very effective against pretty much all targets. Its total lack of machine |
|guns will hamper its performance, but if you can manage to keep them behind |
|your tanks, these will aid you with eliminating those pesky infantry groups a|
|lot faster. |
| Bison II |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| - |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Self-Propelled | 250 | 350 | 25 | 10 |150 HE| 8-90| 22 |
| Artillery | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 13 13 |
| | | | | | | | 13 |
|Slightly better armor and range than the Bison I, and more importantly, it |
|has a machine gun. Insanely small ammo supply sucks though... |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Carro Armato L6/40 |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 125 | 300 | 180| 17 | 10 AT| 0-45| 12 |
| Light Tank | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 12 12 |
| | | | | | | | 12 |
|An Italian light tank. Don't use these unless you're forced to do so. Or if|
|you want a good challenge... >_> |
| Elephant |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| - |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Self-Propelled | 338 | 400 | 60 | 12 | 88 AT|10-45| 150 |
| Artillery | | | | | | | 70 70 |
| | | | | | | | 35 |
|Extremely destructive German antitank unit. Its armor is ridiculous, so if |
|you run into one, make sure you keep moving and be ready to retreat damaged |
|tanks as fast as you can. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Flammpanzer I |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 118 | 400 | 100| 17 | 50 F | 0-24| 13 |
| Flamethrower Tank | | | | | 8 B | 0-10| 13 13 |
| | | | | | | | 13 |
|A weak flamethrower tank. They can slaughter infantry if used properly, and |
|in decent numbers, they can be used to burn crews out of enemy tanks so you |
|can capture the vehicle. |
| Jagdpanther |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| - |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Self-Propelled | 279 | 400 | 60 | 12 | 88 AT|10-45| 100 |
| Artillery | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 65 65 |
| | | | | | | | 40 |
|Better main gun and armor than the Panzer IV F2, but only half of the machine|
|gun strength. Still, I'd go with the Jagdpanther if I had the choice. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
|King Tiger - Heavy Tank | 428 | 400 | 60 | 12 |120 AT|10-45| 125 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 80 80 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 80 |
|Extremely powerful tank. The armor allows it to take an insane amount of |
|damage before being destroyed. The small ammo supply can be annoying, but as|
|long as you have an ammo truck nearby, it won't be an issue. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| M13-40 - Medium Tank | 191 | 400 | 60 | 17 | 40 AT| 5-45| 35 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 15 15 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 10 |
|An Italian medium tank. Inferior to German weaponry, but the best Italian |
|option you'll have in the game. |
| Marder II |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| - |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Self-Propelled | 220 | 350 | 50 | 17 | 75 HE| 8-45| 35 |
| Artillery | | | | | | | 15 15 |
| | | | | | | | 10 |
|German self-propelled artillery unit. Decent for the earlier parts of the |
|game, but its lack of machine guns will definitely make you want to replace |
|it with a newer model as soon as possible. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Panther A - Heavy Tank | 288 | 400 | 79 | 12 | 75 AT| 9-45| 70 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 50 50 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 7-24| 40 |
|This is a very solid German heavy tank. Of course, Tigers and King Tigers |
|are still better choices, but still. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Panzer I - Light Tank | 118 | 400 | N/A| 17 | 8 B | 0-24| 13 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 13 13 |
| | | | | | | | 13 |
|This is just a machine gun tank. It's very effective against infantry, but |
|it is completely helpless against armored vehicles. Since most large tanks |
|have machine guns mounted on them anyway, these are pretty much useless. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Panzer III F |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 186 | 400 | 131| 15 | 37 AT| 5-45| 30 |
| Medium Tank | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 30 30 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 21 |
|A tank with dual mounted machine guns. It's nice when you first get to use |
|it, but like a lot of the units in this game, it quickly becomes obsolete. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Panzer IV D |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 242 | 400 | 80 | 15 | 65 AT| 6-45| 30 |
| Medium Tank | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 20 20 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 20 |
|These are standard German tanks. You'll encounter dozens of them when you |
|play the Allied campaign, and you'll use quite a few of them when you play |
|the Axis campaign. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Panzer IV F2 |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 265 | 400 | 100| 15 | 75 AT| 8-45| 60 |
| Medium Tank | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 30 30 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 20 |
|These are a pretty nice improvement on the Panzer IV D design. Higher |
|firepower and much heavier armor for a very small increase in Prestige make |
|these the obvious choice. |
| Panzerwerfer |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| - |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Self-Propelled | 388 | 350 | 20 | 15 |150 HE|18-55| 8 |
| Artillery | | | | | | | 8 8 |
| | | | | | | | 8 |
|A rocket launcher. Absolutely devastating, too. If you can keep them behind|
|a line of good tanks, they are invaluable in combat. The low ammo supply is |
|a nuisance, but it's pretty much a necessity to help scale back how much |
|damage you can do with them. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| SdKfz 223 - Recon | 140 | 400 | N/A| 22 | 8 B | 0-24| 8 |
| | | | | | | | 8 8 |
| | | | | | | | 5 |
|This is just a fast vehicle with a single machine gun mounted on it. It's |
|very effective against infantry, but it is defenseless against armored |
|vehicles. Again, I find these to be a waste of prestige in almost all cases.|
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| SdKfz 232 - Recon | 150 | 400 | N/A| 22 | 8 B | 0-24| 14 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 9 9 |
| | | | | | | | 7 |
|Slightly less armor than the SdKfz 223 model, but it still has the same speed|
|and double the firepower. If that's worth the increase in Prestige cost, |
|go for it. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| SdKfz 263 - Recon | 115 | 400 | N/A| 17 | 8 B | 0-24| 14 |
| | | | | | | | 10 10 |
| | | | | | | | 7 |
|More armor than the SdKfz 223, but lacks the same speed as a result. |
|Significant reduction in Prestige cost makes this the better choice in my |
|opinion, but the SdKfz 232 model could be considered an even better option. |
|Sevomente 105-25 Basotto|Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| - |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Self-Propelled | 191 | 400 | 30 | 13 | 60 AT| 5-45| 45 |
| Artillery | | | | | | | 25 25 |
| | | | | | | | 25 |
|Another decent Italian antitank gun. No machine guns, and its short|magazine|
|will annoy the crap out of you... |
| Sevomente 75-18 |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| - |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Self-Propelled | 175 | 400 | 45 | 17 | 55 AT| 5-45| 37 |
| Artillery | | | | | | | 25 25 |
| | | | | | | | 25 |
|An Italian anti-tank gun, despite its classification. This isn't a bad unit,|
|but it'll quickly become obsolete when the Sevomente 105-25 Basotto model |
|becomes available. |
| Stug III-F |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| - |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Self-Propelled | 251 | 350 | 44 | 15 | 75 AT| 7-45| 50 |
| Artillery | | | | | | | 50 50 |
| | | | | | | | 30 |
|These would be a lot better if they had machine guns... Since they don't, |
|they're basically useless. They do have better armor than a Panzer IV |
|though, so they can be useful for absorbing large amounts of enemy fire |
|during combat. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Tiger - Heavy Tank | 325 | 400 | 92 | 12 | 88 AT| 9-45| 102 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 72 72 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 82 |
|An excellent German heavy tank, bested only by the King Tiger. |
| Wespe |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range | Armor |
| - |--------|------|----|-----|------|------|-----------|
| Self-Propelled | 196 | 350 | 42 | 15 |105 HE|14-100| 25 |
| Artillery | | | | | | | 15 15 |
| | | | | | | | 12 |
|A self-propelled artillery unit. The shells are very effective against |
|buildings, infantry, and vehicles of pretty much all types. The down side, |
|of course, is the complete lack of machine guns. This thing's a sitting duck|
|to enemy infantry units. |

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NOTE: All of the vehicles in this section are either empty or have an
irremovable driver when you buy them. You do not need a tank crew to operate
them, but some of them do require some form of infantry unit before they are
very useful to you.

| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Krupp Ammo Truck |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 100 | 200 | N/A| 22 | N/A | N/A | 0 |
| Ammo Truck | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|This is an ammo truck with 5000 ammo units on it. These will be expended as |
|you resupply ammo to a vehicle, and the only way to refill them is by sitting|
|the truck next to supply depot. They refill VERY slowly, however, so that's |
|really not a practical option. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Kubelwagen - Recon | 24 | 200 | N/A| 25 | N/A | N/A | 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|This is just a normal car. It starts totally empty, so you will need to put |
|an infantry unit in it before it can be useful to you. They can't tow |
|anything, and they have no offensive abilities whatsoever, so these are |
|utterly useless in my view. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Opel Blitz - Truck | 25 | 200 | N/A| 22 | N/A | N/A | 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|They start with a driver and can hold one additional infantry unit of any |
|size. Additionally, they can be used to tow a field gun or other towable |
|unit. Note that they're much slower while towing something. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| SdKfz 10/4 Flak |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 180 | 250 | 300| 17 | 10 AT| 4-45| 0 |
| Self-Propelled | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| Air Defense Gun | | | | | | | 0 |
|Mobile anti-aircraft guns that can also fire at ground targets. They can't |
|be used to tow other units, and their lack of armor is dangerous. Except for|
|multiplayer games, I wouldn't suggest ever spending any prestige on these. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| SdKfz 11 Support |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 150 | 300 | N/A| 22 | N/A | N/A | 5 |
| Repairer | | | | | | | 5 5 |
| | | | | | | | 5 |
|Has a capacity of 5000 repair units. These will be expended as you make |
|repairs to a vehicle, and the only way to refill them is by sitting the truck|
|next to a supply depot. They refill VERY slowly, however, so that's really |
|not a practical option. These are one of the most important components of |
|your army, so protect them well. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| SdKfz 250/1 - Truck | 48 | 400 | N/A| 22 | 8 B | 0-24| 12 |
| | | | | | | | 8 8 |
| | | | | | | | 8 |
|Comes with an irremovable driver, and can tow things. It has a machine gun, |
|but it won't be usable until you put an infantry unit into the vehicle. Only|
|one infantry unit can be transported at a time. |

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NOTE: All of the following units require an infantry unit to operate them.
Infantry units can slowly move most of these units, but only if there are at
least two men in the unit being used. All of them can be towed by a unit with
towing ability.

| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Flak 88mm |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 93 | 350 | 55 | N/A | 88 AT| 6-60| 0 |
| Air Defense Gun | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|These things can be devastating if you can manage to set a few of them up in |
|a good defensive position. They can hit ground and air targets, and they |
|have a fairly fast fire rate. The problem is, even infantry can't move these|
|on their own. You must have a vehicle tow them everywhere. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range | Armor |
| Lefh 18 |--------|------|----|-----|------|------|-----------|
| - | 103 | 200 | 45 | 3.5 |105 HE|18-100| 30 |
| Medium Artillery | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|These do a fair amount of damage, but since they're a field gun type unit, |
|they still require too much work to use them efficiently. Still, their |
|absurd range makes them a tempting item... |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Pak 38 |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 52 | 200 | 50 | 4.5 | 51 AT| 5-45| 20 |
| Anti Tank Gun | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|You must man field guns with an infantry unit, which makes them a tad |
|vulnerable to enemy fire. They have almost no armor, a slow rate of fire, |
|and most of them are not very powerful. Not a particularly good investment |
|in most cases, but if you can manage to find an abandoned one in a mission, |
|you might as well take it. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Sig 33 |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 113 | 200 | 30 | 3.5 |150 HE|18-75| 30 |
| Heavy Artillery | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|An insanely powerful field gun. A few of these can demolish enemy forces if |
|properly protected, but since they're a field gun type of unit, they're a |
|little awkward to use. |

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NOTE: Infantry can be used to man field guns and occupy buildings, among other
things. Only the Rocket Soldiers and Snipers are particularly valuable in my
opinion, but if you can find good uses for them that outweigh the benefit of
getting an armored vehicle, then by all means, knock yourself out.

| |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Anti Tank Riflemen | 45 | 200 | 26 AT| 2-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail, |
| | | | | |Magnetic Mine, Tank Mine, |
| | | | | |Binoculars, Boat, Mine |
| | | | | |Detector |
|These infantry units are armed with powerful rifles that will damage the |
|armor on vehicles. In large groups, they can be devastating. These units |
|can't fire at other infantry, however, which makes them sitting ducks at |
|times. Most of the time, you'll need way too many of them to cause any |
|serious damage that they aren't worth your prestige. |
| |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Flamethrowers | 70 | 200 | 20 F | 0-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Boat |
|Very lethal against infantry, especially if you can surprise them. These can|
|also be devastating to vehicles, especially if the vehicle doesn't have any |
|machine guns. When Flamethrower units cause a vehicle to get too hot, the |
|crew of the vehicle must abandon it, and you are then able to steal the |
|vehicle once it cools down. |
| |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Machine Gunners | 60 | 200 | 8 B | 0-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Explosives, Tank Mine, |
| | | | | |Binoculars, Boat, Mine |
| | | | | |Detector |
|Very effective against infantry, but they also die fairly easily. They're |
|great for clearing out occupied buildings, and they're also great for setting|
|up ambushes inside buildings. Since there're only two men in each unit, they|
|don't work very well as field gun operators and things like that. |
| |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Medics | 40 | 200 | 5 B | 0-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail, |
| | | | | |Boat |
|These can be used to heal other infantry units. If they are injured, they |
|will heal any other nearby damaged units first, and then they will heal |
|themselves (slowly). Very valuable units, especially in large amounts with |
|lots of other infantry to protect them. |
| |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Mortars | 70 | 200 | 40 AT| 2-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail, |
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat |
|These are very effective against both vehicles and infantry. They have a |
|fairly slow rate of fire though, and they have trouble damaging moving |
|targets at times, but other than that, they're decently effective. |
| |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Riflemen | 40 | 500 | 5 B | 0-40|Genade, Molotov Cocktail, |
| | | | | |Magnetic Mine, Explosives,|
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat, Mine Detector |
|Basic infantry units. In large groups, they can do some serious damage to |
|other infantry, and if properly equipped, they can be a nuisance to tanks and|
|other vehicles. They can enter buildings, empty vehicles, and can man field |
|guns. Very easy to kill, so I consider them to be an unwise waste of |
|Prestige Points. |
| |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Rocket Soldiers | 100 | 200 | 50 AT| 5-35|Genade, Molotov Cocktail, |
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat |
|Extremely effective against vehicles, especially vehicles that aren't moving.|
|A few units of these in a forest or town can really decimate a tank force if |
|used properly. |
| |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Snipers | 120 | 200 | 80 B | 0-55|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Explosives, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat |
|Rather slow rate of fire, but they can still cause quite a bit of trouble to |
|enemy infantry forces. They also have a pretty nice visual range. Perhaps |
|their best use is picking off the infantry manning a field gun. |
| |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Submachine Gunners | 60 | 625 | 6 B | 0-20|Genade, Molotov Cocktail, |
| | | | | |Magnetic Mine, Explosives,|
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat, Mine Detector |
|Much more effective against infantry than Riflemen are. Like Riflemen, these|
|units are great for manning field guns, clearing out buildings, and so forth.|
|With enough grenades and decent cover, they can wreak havoc on vehicles too. |
| |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| Tank Crew | 80 | 400 | 4 B | 0-24|Needed to drive most armed|
| | | | | |vehicles. |
|When they're out in the open, these function like a weaker version of |
|Submachine Gunners. The benefit of these units is that they can be used to |
|take control of a tank and some other vehicles. When one of your tanks is |
|destroyed, the crew will often jump out, which allows you to retain the |
|experience of the crew if you're lucky. |

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NOTE: All units in this section come with a Tank Crew when you buy the unit,
and they will need a crew at all times to function properly. If you take the
crew out and get some of it killed, the crew may not be able to use the vehicle
properly anymore. For example, most medium and heavy tanks have four spots for
crewmen: A driver, a main gun, and two machine guns. If the crew were to drop
down to two men, you would not be able to use your machine guns. If you have a
crew with only one man, all you'll be able to do is drive.

| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| BA 64 - Recon | 140 | 40 | N/A| 22 | 8 B | 0-24| 13 |
| | | | | | | | 12 12 |
| | | | | | | | 9 |
|Just a basic machine gun vehicle. It's fast and has some armor, but it will |
|most likely be pretty useless to you most of the time. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| IS 2 - Heavy Tank | 352 | 400 | 28 | 12 |122 AT|11-45| 110 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 90 90 |
| | | | | | | | 75 |
|Very high damage and very thick armor. Unfortunately, the lack of double |
|machine guns leaves it a little vulnerable to infantry, and the ridiculously |
|low ammo capacity will infuriate you. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| KV2 - Heavy Tank | 320 | 400 | 36 | 10 |130 AT| 7-45| 100 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 65 65 |
| | | | | | | | 65 |
|Very high damage and very thick armor. Unfortunately, the lack of double |
|machine guns leaves it a little vulnerable to infantry, and the low ammo |
|capacity is annoying. The IS 2 is better in my opinion, but barely. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range | Armor |
| SU-122 |--------|------|----|-----|------|------|-----------|
| - | 278 | 400 | 40 | 15 |122 HE|18-100| 45 |
|Self-Propelled Artillery| | | | | | | 45 45 |
| | | | | | | | 45 |
|No machine guns, so you'll want to be extra careful around infantry. The |
|insande damage and range on these things makes them a potent weapon, but the |
|low shell capacity is annoying. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range | Armor |
| SU-152 |--------|------|----|-----|------|------|-----------|
| - | 340 | 350 | 20 | 12 |152 HE|18-100| 82 |
|Self-Propelled Artillery| | | | | | | 75 75 |
| | | | | | | | 60 |
|No machine guns, and a dangerously low ammo supply. Still, these are a great|
|addition to your forces. Keep them behind other tanks with machine guns, and|
|these things will really deal out the damage. They also have really nice |
|armor rating, so they'll be able to take decent amount of punishment. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| SU-85 |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 265 | 400 | 45 | 15 | 85 AT| 9-45| 60 |
| Self-Propelled | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 45 45 |
| Anti Tank Gun | | | | | | | 45 |
|These are pretty nice antitank guns, but they'd be better with a second |
|machine gun. If you know you'll be fighting mostly tanks and not much |
|infantry, go with these. If you expect more infantry and not as many tanks, |
|go with a T-34. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| T-26 - Medium Tank | 160 | 400 | 100| 17 | 45 AT| 5-45| 15 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 16 16 |
| | | | | | | | 16 |
|Fairly low armor and only one machine gun... find something heavier unless |
|you're desperate. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| T-34/85 - Medium Tank | 284 | 400 | 55 | 15 | 85 AT| 8-45| 60 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 45 45 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 45 |
|A solid medium tank. These are your best option until the heavy tanks become|
|available, and even then, neither of the heavy tanks have double machine |
|guns, so you still might be better off with these if you expect to fight a |
|lot of infantry. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| T-34 Model 40 |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 256 | 400 | 76 | 15 | 70 AT| 7-45| 40 |
| Medium Tank | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 40 40 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 35 |
|A decent medium tank with double machine guns. If you expect to fight a lot |
|of infantry, go with these. If you expect more tanks than infantry, the |
|SU-85 is probably the better choice. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Zis-6 (Katyusha) |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 370 | 200 | 32 | 17 | 82 HE|18-80| 7 |
|Self-Propelled Artillery| | | | | | | 4 4 |
| | | | | | | | 2 |
|This is a mobile rocket launcher. It can cause massive damage in a short |
|period of time, but it's not nearly as effective as its German counterpart. |
|The low ammo capacity will annoy you, but due to the attack power of the |
|unit, it's needed to keep you from exploiting them for massive damage. |

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NOTE: All of the vehicles in this section are either empty or have an
irremovable driver when you buy them. You do not need a tank crew to operate
them, but some of them do require some form of infantry unit before they're
very useful to you.

| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Gaz AA - Truck | 25 | 200 | N/A| 22 | N/A | N/A | 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|Has an irremovable driver. It can tow field guns and so forth, and it can |
|hold two infantry units of any size. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Gaz AA - Air Defense | 120 | 250 | N/A| 22 | 12 AT| 5-45| 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|A mobile anti-aircraft gun that can also fire at ground targets. It doesn't |
|have any armor, so even riflemen will be able to destroy them. Defending |
|against airstrikes is basically pointless during the single player campaign, |
|so don't waste your prestige. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Gaz AA Ammo Truck |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 100 | 200 | N/A| 22 | N/A | N/A | 0 |
| Ammo Truck | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|This is an ammo truck with 5000 ammo units on it. These will be expended as |
|you resupply ammo to a vehicle, and the only way to refill them is by sitting|
|the truck next to supply depot. They refill VERY slowly, however, so that's |
|really not a practical option. They can't tow anything or hold troops. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Jeep - Recon | 21 | 200 | N/A| 25 | N/A | N/A | 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|This is just a normal jeep. It starts totally empty, so you will need to put|
|an infantry unit in it before it can be useful to you. They can't tow |
|anything, and they have no offensive abilities whatsoever, so these are |
|utterly useless as far as I'm concerned. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Zis-20 - Repairer | 150 | 300 | N/A| 19 | N/A | N/A | 5 |
| | | | | | | | 5 5 |
| | | | | | | | 5 |
|Has a capacity of 5000 repair units. These will be expended as you make |
|repairs to a vehicle, and the only way to refill them is by sitting the truck|
|next to a supply depot. They refill VERY slowly, however, so that's really |
|not a practical option. These are one of the most important components of |
|your army, so protect them well. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Zis-20 - Truck | 30 | 300 | N/A| 19 | N/A | N/A | 5 |
| | | | | | | | 5 5 |
| | | | | | | | 5 |
|No offensive capabilities. They can tow field guns and other tow-able items,|
|they come with a driver that cannot be removed, and they can hold two |
|additional infantry units of any size. The difference between these and Gaz |
|AA trucks is the armor, which makes the Zis-20 able to resist damage from |
|small weapons (meaning bullet damage will not be able to damage them). |

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NOTE: All of the following units require an infantry unit to operate them.
Infantry units can slowly move most of these units, but only if there are at
least two men in the unit being used. All of them can be towed by a unit with
towing ability.

| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range | Armor |
| D-1 152mm |--------|------|----|-----|------|------|-----------|
| - | 126 | 200 | 40 | 3.5 |152 HE|18-100| 30 |
| Heavy Artillery | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|You must man field guns with an infantry unit, which makes them a tad |
|vulnerable to enemy fire. They have almost no armor, a slow rate of fire, |
|and most of them are not very powerful. Not a particularly good investment |
|in most cases, but if you can manage to find an abandoned one in a mission, |
|you might as well take it. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range | Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|------|-----------|
| M-30 - Artillery | 116 | 200 | 50 | 3.5 |122 HE|18-100| 30 |
| | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|You must man field guns with an infantry unit, which makes them a tad |
|vulnerable to enemy fire. They have almost no armor, a slow rate of fire, |
|and most of them are not very powerful. Not a particularly good investment |
|in most cases, but if you can manage to find an abandoned one in a mission, |
|you might as well take it. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Zis-2 |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 58 | 200 | 45 | 4.5 | 57 AT| 5-45| 30 |
| Anti Tank Gun | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|You must man field guns with an infantry unit, which makes them a tad |
|vulnerable to enemy fire. They have almost no armor, a slow rate of fire, |
|and most of them are not very powerful. Not a particularly good investment |
|in most cases, but if you can manage to find an abandoned one in a mission, |
|you might as well take it. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Zis-3 |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 76 | 200 | 35 | 4.5 | 75 AT| 5-45| 30 |
| Anti Tank Gun | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|You must man field guns with an infantry unit, which makes them a tad |
|vulnerable to enemy fire. They have almost no armor, a slow rate of fire, |
|and most of them are not very powerful. Not a particularly good investment |
|in most cases, but if you can manage to find an abandoned one in a mission, |
|you might as well take it. |

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NOTE: Infantry can be used to man field guns and occupy buildings, among other
things. Only the Rocket Soldiers and Snipers are particularly valuable in my
opinion, but if you can find good uses for them that outweigh the benefit of
getting an armored vehicle, then by all means, knock yourself out.

| Anti Tank Riflemen |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| UK | 45 | 200 | 26 AT| 2-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Explosives, Tank Mine, |
| | | | | |Binoculars, Boat, Mine |
| | | | | |Detector |
|These infantry units are armed with powerful rifles that will damage the |
|armor on vehicles. In large groups, they can be devastating. These units |
|can't fire at other infantry, however, which makes them sitting ducks at |
|times. The fact that they aren't available later in the war should tell you |
|something about their usefullness... |
| Flamethrowers |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| UK | 70 | 360 | 20 F |3-12 |Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Boat |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| US | 70 | 360 | 35 F |3-12 |Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Boat |
|Very lethal against infantry, especially if you can surprise them. These can|
|also be devastating to vehicles, especially if the vehicle doesn't have any |
|machine guns. When Flamethrower units cause a vehicle to get too hot, the |
|crew of the vehicle must abandon it, and you are then able to steal the |
|vehicle once it cools down. |
| Machine Gunners |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| UK | 60 | 200 | 8 B | 0-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Explosives, Tank Mine, |
| | | | | |Binoculars, Boat, Mine |
| | | | | |Detector |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| US | 60 | 200 | 8 B | 0-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Explosives, Tank Mine, |
| | | | | |Binoculars, Boat, Mine |
| | | | | |Detector |
|Very effective against infantry, but they also die fairly easily. They are |
|great for clearing out occupied buildings, and they're also great for setting|
|up ambushes inside buildings. Since there're only two men in each unit, they|
|don't work very well as field gun operators and things like that. |
| Medics |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| UK | 40 | 200 | 5 B | 0-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Boat |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| US | 40 | 200 | 5 B | 0-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Boat |
|These can be used to heal other infantry units. If they are injured, they |
|will heal any other nearby damaged units first, and then they will heal |
|themselves (slowly). Very valuable units, especially in large amounts with |
|lots of other infantry to protect them. |
| Mortars |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| UK | 70 | 200 | 40 AT| 8-50|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| US | 70 | 200 | 40 AT| 8-50|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat |
|These are very effective against both vehicles and infantry. They have a |
|fairly slow rate of fire though, and they have trouble damaging moving |
|targets at times, but other than that, they're decently effective. |
| Riflemen |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| UK | 40 | 500 | 5 B | 0-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail, |
| | | | | |Magnetic Mine, Explosives,|
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat, Mine Detector |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| US | 40 | 500 | 5.5 B| 0-34|Genade, Molotov Cocktail, |
| | | | | |Magnetic Mine, Explosives,|
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat, Mine Detector |
|Basic infantry units. In large groups, they can do some serious damage to |
|other infantry, and if properly equipped, they can be a nuisance to tanks and|
|other vehicles. They can enter buildings, empty vehicles, and can man field |
|guns. Very easy to kill, so I consider them to be an unwise waste of |
|Prestige Points. |
| Rocket Soldiers |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| UK | 100 | 200 | 50 AT| 5-35|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| US | 100 | 200 | 50 AT| 5-35|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat |
|Extremely effective against vehicles, especially vehicles that aren't moving.|
|A few units of these in a forest or town can really decimate a tank force if |
|used properly. |
| Snipers |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| UK | 120 | 200 | 80 B | 0-55|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Explosives, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| US | 120 | 200 | 80 B | 0-55|Genade, Molotov Cocktail |
| | | | | |Explosives, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat |
|Rather slow rate of fire, but they can still cause quite a bit of trouble to |
|enemy infantry forces. They also have a pretty nice visual range. Perhaps |
|their best use is picking off the infantry manning a field gun. |
| Submachine Gunners |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| UK | 60 | 625 | 6 B | 0-20|Genade, Molotov Cocktail, |
| | | | | |Magnetic Mine, Explosives,|
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat, Mine Detector |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| US | 60 | 625 | 6 B | 0-20|Genade, Molotov Cocktail, |
| | | | | |Magnetic Mine, Explosives,|
| | | | | |Tank Mine, Binoculars, |
| | | | | |Boat, Mine Detector |
|Much more effective against infantry than Riflemen are. Like Riflemen, these|
|units are great for manning field guns, clearing out buildings, and so forth.|
|With enough grenades and decent cover, they can wreak havoc on vehicles too. |
| Tank Crew |Prestige|Health|Damage|Range|Special |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| UK | 80 | 400 | 4.5 B| 0-24|Needed to drive most armed|
| | | | | |vehicles. |
| |--------|------|------|-----|--------------------------|
| US | 80 | 400 | 4 B | 0-24|Needed to drive most armed|
| | | | | |vehicles. |
|When they're out in the open, these function like a weaker version of |
|Submachine Gunners. The benefit of these units is that they can be used to |
|take control of a tank and some other vehicles. When one of your tanks is |
|destroyed, the crew will often jump out, which allows you to retain the |
|experience of the crew if you're lucky. |

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NOTE: All units in this section come with a Tank Crew when you buy the unit,
and they will need a crew at all times to function properly. If you take the
crew out and get some of it killed, the crew may not be able to use the vehicle
properly anymore. For example, most medium and heavy tanks have four spots for
crewmen: A driver, a main gun, and two machine guns. If the crew were to drop
down to two men, you would not be able to use your machine guns. If you have a
crew with only one man, all you'll be able to do is drive.

| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Archer |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 235 | 400 | 39 | 17 | 90 AT| 5-45| 60 |
| Self-Propelled | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 45 45 |
| Artillery | | | | | | | 30 |
|These were antitank guns in Phase 1, but they're classified as artillery in |
|Phase 2. Oddly enough, they still do antitank damage... so it's highly |
|likely that it was just misnamed when Phase 2 was released. Either way, they|
|can cause some seriois damage, but there're better units available. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Bishop |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 185 | 350 | 32 | 12 | 90 HE|14-85| 60 |
| Self-Propelled | | | | | | | 50 50 |
| Artillery | | | | | | | 40 |
|These things will cause a lot of problems for you through the early parts of |
|the Axis campaign. Their lack of machine guns is compensated by their high |
|armor, although their small ammo capacity is still annoying. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Churchill Crocodile |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 222 | 400 | 130| 15 | 50 AT| 7-35| 50 |
| Flamethrower Tank | | | | | 35 F | 0-24| 30 30 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 20 |
|The Crocodile has a regular tank turret to deal shell damage, a single |
|machine gun, and can be combined with the latex trailer to turn into a |
|flamethrower tank. They're pretty slow when they're towing the trailer |
|though, and if you can't get your target to stand still, they're not very |
|effective. They work great against infantry though. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Churchill Mk III |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 222 | 400 | 130| 15 | 50 AT| 7-35| 50 |
| Medium Tank | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 30 30 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 20 |
|This is the Churchill Crocodile with the flamethrower element removed and a |
|second machine gun added. It's a fairly decent medium tank. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Cromwell Mk IV |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 245 | 400 | 64 | 15 | 75 AT| 7-45| 60 |
| Medium Tank | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 30 30 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 30 |
|Another British medium tank, this time armed with double machine guns. A |
|better option than Crusaders and Churchills, but still outclassed by some of |
|the American tanks later. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Crusader - Medium Tank | 190 | 400 | 130| 15 | 40 AT| 7-45| 50 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 30 30 |
| | | | | | | | 20 |
|A very solid medium tank. Nothing altogether too special compared to Sherman|
|or Pershing tanks, but still pretty nice. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Daimler Dingo - Recon | 180 | 200 | 100| 22 | 15 AT| 5-45| 15 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 15 15 |
| | | | | | | | 15 |
|Another lighly armed recon vehicle. Don't bother with these unless you |
|really need a fast scout vehicle. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Humber Mk II - Recon | 138 | 200 | 100| 22 | 15 AT| 5-45| 12 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 12 12 |
| | | | | | | | 12 |
|A very lightly armed vehicle. It's speed is the only good thing it has going|
|for it, so don't waste your prestige unless you need a scout. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| M26 Pershing |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 325 | 400 | 70 | 12 | 90 AT| 9-45| 102 |
| Heavy Tank | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 75 75 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 50 |
|The heaviest Allied tank available in the game. Unfortunately, they're only |
|available for the last mission in the Allied campaign. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| M3A1 Grant |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 325 | 400 | 92 | 12 | 70 AT| 5-45| 72 |
| Medium Tank | | | | | 8 B | 0-30| 68 68 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 70 |
|You'd have to be pretty stupid to pay the same amount of prestige for one of |
|these as you would for a Pershing. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range | Armor |
| M7 Priest |--------|------|----|-----|------|------|-----------|
| - | 218 | 400 | 40 | 15 |105 HE|14-100| 40 |
| Self-Propelled | | | | | 8 B | 0-24 | 25 25 |
| Artillery | | | | | | | 20 |
|These things will cause a lot of problems for you through the early parts of |
|the Axis campaign. Their lack of machine guns is compensated by their high |
|armor, although their small ammo capacity is still annoying. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Matilda Mk II |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 262 | 400 | 67 | 16 | 40 AT| 6-45| 70 |
| Medium Tank | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 65 65 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 55 |
|Better armor than a Cromwell, but barely half of the attack power. Not worth|
|it in my opinion. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Sherman |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 265 | 400 | 97 | 15 | 65 AT| 4-45| 55 |
| Medium Tank | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 50 50 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 35 |
|These are the standard Allied tank for most of the game. Fireflies are |
|slightly better for very little additional prestige, so I'd go with those. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Sherman Firefly |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 273 | 400 | 97 | 15 | 76 AT| 8-45| 65 |
| Tank | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 50 50 |
| | | | | | 8 B | 0-24| 40 |
|This is what you'll want to use for most of the game as the Allies. Pershing|
|heavy tanks are a better choice, but they'll only be available for the last |
|campaign mission. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Valentine III |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 230 | 400 | 92 | 17 | 55 AT| 8-45| 50 |
| British Medium Tank | | | | | 8 B | 0-30| 48 48 |
| | | | | | | | 40 |
|Yet another generic medium tank. Nothing too special. |

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| | | |
| ---------------------------------------------------- |
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NOTE: All of the vehicles in this section are either empty or have an
irremovable driver when you buy them. You do not need a tank crew to operate
them, but some of them do require some form of infantry unit before they are
very useful to you.

| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Bedford QL Ammo Truck |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 100 | 200 | N/A| 22 | N/A | N/A | 0 |
| Ammo Truck | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|This is an ammo truck with 5000 ammo units on it. These will be expended as |
|you resupply ammo to a vehicle, and the only way to refill them is by sitting|
|the truck next to supply depot. They refill VERY slowly, however, so that's |
|really not a practical option. They can't tow anything or hold troops. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Bedford QL Support |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 150 | 400 | N/A| 19 | N/A | N/A | 12 |
| Repairer | | | | | | | 12 12 |
| | | | | | | | 6 |
|Has a capacity of 5000 repair units. These will be expended as you make |
|repairs to a vehicle, and the only way to refill them is by sitting the truck|
|next to a supply depot. They refill VERY slowly, however, so that's really |
|not a practical option. These are one of the most important components of |
|your army, so protect them well. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
|Bedford QL Truck - Truck| 25 | 200 | N/A| 22 | N/A | N/A | 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|No offensive capabilities. They can tow field guns and other tow-able items,|
|they come with a driver that cannot be removed, and they can hold two |
|additional infantry units of any size. Lack of armor means bullets will be |
|able to destroy them. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Dodge WC 57 - Recon | 25 | 85 | N/A| 25 | 12 B | 0-24| 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|These are just like the Willis Jeep, except they can tow things and they have|
|machine gun that can be used when there's a unit in the jeep. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| M15A1 Air Defense |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 200 | 250 | 100| 17 | 10 AT| 8-45| 5 |
| Self-Propelled | | | | | 6 B | 0-35| 5 5 |
| Air Defense Gun | | | | | | | 5 |
|A mobile anti-aircraft gun that can also fire at ground targets. It's armor |
|will protect you from bullet damage, but defending against airstrikes in the |
|campaign missions is pretty pointless. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| M16 Quad AA |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 140 | 250 | N/A| 19 | 12 B | 4-45| 12 |
| Air Defense Gun | | | | | | | 12 12 |
| | | | | | | | 6 |
|A mobile anti-aircraft gun that can also fire at ground targets. It's armor |
|will protect you from bullet damage, but defending against airstrikes in the |
|campaign missions is pretty pointless. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
|M2A1 Support - Repairer | 150 | 400 | N/A| 19 | N/A | N/A | 12 |
| | | | | | | | 12 12 |
| | | | | | | | 6 |
|Has a capacity of 5000 repair units. These will be expended as you make |
|repairs to a vehicle, and the only way to refill them is by sitting the truck|
|next to a supply depot. They refill VERY slowly, however, so that's really |
|not a practical option. These are one of the most important components of |
|your army, so protect them well. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| M2A1 Truck - Truck | 40 | 400 | N/A| 19 | 8 B | 0-24| 12 |
| | | | | | | | 12 12 |
| | | | | | | | 6 |
|It can only hold one infantry unit, but it comes with a driver. You'll need |
|a unit in it to use the gun. These can also tow things. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Willis Jeep - Truck | 21 | 200 | N/A| 25 | N/A | N/A | 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|This is just a normal jeep. It starts totally empty, so you will need to put|
|an infantry unit in it before it can be useful to you. They can't tow |
|anything, and they have no offensive abilities whatsoever, so these are |
|utterly useless as far as I'm concerned. |

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NOTE: All of the following units require an infantry unit to operate them.
Infantry units can slowly move most of these units, but only if there are at
least two men in the unit being used. All of them can be towed by a unit with
towing ability.

| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| 25-Pounder |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 93 | 200 | 42 | 4.5 | 95 HE|18-85| 20 |
| Artillery | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|Field guns have to be manned by an infantry unit, which leaves them pretty |
|vulnerable. They have to be towed or pushed to move them, and either way is |
|pretty slow. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| 6-Pounder |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 57 | 200 | 40 | 4.5 | 55 AT| 5-45| 27 |
| Anti Tank Gun | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|Field guns have to be manned by an infantry unit, which leaves them pretty |
|vulnerable. They have to be towed or pushed to move them, and either way is |
|pretty slow. |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Bofors 40mm |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| - | 44 | 200 | 100| N/A | 16 AT| 5-45| 0 |
| Air Defense Gun | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| | | | | | | | 0 |
|A stationary anti-aircraft gun that will have to be towed if you want to move|
|it. Defending against airstrikes in the campaign missions is pretty |
|pointless anyway... |
| |Prestige|Health|Ammo|Speed|Damage|Range| Armor |
| Churchill Crocodile |--------|------|----|-----|------|-----|------------|
| Latex Trailer | 103 | 200 | N/A| 3.5 | N/A | N/A | 0 |
| - | | | | | | | 0 0 |
| Trailer | | | | | | | 0 |
|These things are worthless without a Churchill Crocodile tank to go with |
|them. When the tank tows one, it becomes a flametank. |

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September 8th, 2005

- Finished the entire walkthrough for all three campaigns. Unit list will be
up in a week or so, depending on how bored I am. >_> (Some of the German
stuff is already up.)

September 11th, 2005

- Finished the entire unit list, which will probably be the last major update
I do for this guide. If you notice any glaring errors or missing information,
please let me know.

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| | 5.02) CLOSING | |
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As always, any comments are more than welcome. If you need more specific help,
feel free to contact me on my site, and I'll see if I can't hook you up with a
quick screenshot or two to help out.

Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon). Thanks for checking
out the guide, and enjoy the game.

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