Maple Story

Maple Story

16.10.2013 15:55:23
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MapleStory Fire Wizard/Mage FAQ
By Poalas

**NOTE** ALWAYS USE CTRL + F so you don't have to sift through the guide.

Table Of Contents

1.0 Introduction + Legal
1.1 Updates
1.2 Quick 'n Dirty Summary of FAQ
2.0 The Beginner Levels: The Magician FAQ
2.1 How to Build Your Character
2.2 The Magnificent Maple Island
2.3 How to Become a Magician
2.4 Skill Explanations
2.5 How to Raise Your Magician
2.5.1 Greater MP Build
2.5.2 Lesser MP Build *RECOMMENDED*
2.5.3 Funded Build (for you whores out there)
3.0 The Test of Intelligence
4.0 Legacy of the Fire Wizard: Fire Wizard FAQ
4.1 The Skills of the Fire Wizard
4.2 How to Raise your Fire Wizard
4.2.1 The Pure Poison Wizard
4.2.2 The Fire Wizard *RECOMMENDED*
4.2.3 The Fire/Poison Wizard
4.2.4 Custom Build
4.3 Where Do I Train?
4.3.1 Magician Training
4.3.2 Fire Wizard Training
4.3.3 Poison Wizard Training
4.3.4 Fire Mage Training
5.0 The Test of Strength
5.1 The Fire Mage Skills
5.2 The Path of the Fire Mage
5.2.1 How to Raise your Fire Mage
5.2.2 Custom Build
6.0 FAQ
7.0 Closing
7.1 Credits

Okay, so, my name is Poalas (in-game, of course) and this is a Fire Wizard
guide, intended on helping you get from level 1 to level 70 (and, possibly,
120) as a successful fire wizard. This FAQ may not be used in any other FAQ
without my consent. If I do not receive word you're gonna use it on your
site, and you put it on your site, I *will* take legal action. If it is to be
used in a guide, all credit pertaining this guide must be given to me and the
people mentioned in the credits section. It may not be distributed under
another person's name other than mine. This guide may not be plagiarized
under any circumstances. All ownership of this guide is entitled solely to
the creator of it. Anyways, onward to the main part...

1.1 Updates
0.9- Basically everything but the poison wizard training section is finished.

0.91- Fixed a few words that appeared "different" when uploaded, ie. "it's"
appears as "it[]s" and such.

0.92- Removed the string of 72 "j" characters from the top. I saw no need
to leave it on, as all the lines are at, if not, below 72 characters in

0.93- See 0.91. This time, I checked through this much more thoroughly.
Also changed a few words, sentences, and short phrases.

0.97- 100% eradication of any bugs on the guide. Testing out ASCII,
however, I'm not too sure whether I should include it at this point or
not. Also added alternative training option for Fire Wizard levels 30-40.
Added 3rd Job Advancement Guide (partial). Finally added a FAQ as well. FAQ
is a sort of work-in-progress, do mind if it seems half-assed or stupid.

1.03- Been awhile since updating this. Anyways, it seems as if I didn't
catch all the bugs on this thing. In addition, I decided not to add in
ASCII. It wouldn't really make that big of a difference, anyways. Also,
since third jobs are out, I have added a section on Fire Mages, and updated
a few sections to accommodate the new addition. Enjoy :o

1.1- Finally. An update. Crazy, huh? Yeah. Anyways, I removed the
"Explosion First" build, it seemed kinda stupid. Also updated the FAQ
and the summary [1.2]. In addition, I updated the training section and
my Fire Mage build.

1.2- Ludi. Whoa. What? Hell hasn't frozen over yet, that's impossible.
In either event, I've updated sections to accomodate this new addition to
the game. Some moron decided to steal my guide, so I updated the Legal
section. Oh, and I found out Grendel's nub HP/MP. Yeah.

1.25- Very minor update. Haha, I said Ludibrium wasn't out when it was in
the Fire Mage Training section [4.3.4]. So, that's fixed, and I added
additional crap for your enlightenment. Added some people of mention in the
Credits section as well [7.1].

1.28- Added ASCII at the beginning. Credit goes to whoever made this ASCII

1.31- Careless me. Two Magician builds were identical, haha. So, I fixed that.
Credit goes to the person who caught the error- Weston Kim. In addition, I
revised the Fire Mage build [5.2.1].

1.32- Revised training for Fire Wizards and added a little bit of info for
Grims/Dual Pirates. Not much, really.

1.35- Yeah, added pics for 3rd job skills. At least, the active ones. Enjoy,
I guess, haha.

1.43- Oh man, I haven't updated for awhile. Again. I totally revamped the
build for Fire Mages [5.2.1], so uh, enjoy that. With that, I removed the
side notes stating that 'when an active skill's level is one more than half
of its level, then its MP cost doubles', because it isn't necessarily true
any more. Thanks to Chris Gilbert for that.

1.5- Updated this and that, y'know. I made a funded build to satisfy your
lazy self [2.5.3]. Oh and apparently Magic Guard has its rates shifted,
thanks to Donn Eddy for telling me about that. Also added in a few more
notes on my Mage build.

1.8- Thanks to VenenumAduro, I was able to put in some info for Poison
Wizards [4.3.3]. I also made a few minor changes here and there.
I noticed I didn't put in F/P Mage Training in the summary, so I
put that in there [1.2]. I also revised F/P Wizard Training [4.3.2]. Also
updated the FAQ section [6.0].

1.85- Revised Fire Mage builds [5.2.1]. Yeah...

1.2 Quick 'n Dirty Summary of FAQ
This is all of the 21-ish pages I've typed, compressed into one section.
If you're too lazy to read through the guide and get every itty bitty detail,
or you'd much rather have a quick overview of whatever, then, here it is.

Mage Build: LUK = LVL + 3, remaining pts into INT
Training for Magicians:
LVLs 8-15: Slimes
LVLs 15-18: Pigs, or Ribbon Pigs
LVLs 18-28: Green or Horned Mushrooms
LVLs 28-30: Boars

Typical Magician Skill Build:
LVL 8: Energy Bolt (1)
LVL 9: Improving MP Recovery (3)
LVL 10: Improving MP Recovery (5), Improving Max MP Increase (1)
LVL 11: Improving Max MP Increase (4)
LVL 12: Improving Max MP Increase (7)
LVL 13: Improving Max MP Increase MAXED
LVL 14: Improving MP Recovery (8)
LVL 15: Improving MP Recovery (11)
LVL 16: Improving MP Recovery (14)
LVL 17: Improving MP Recovery MAXED, Magic Claw (1)
LVL 18: Magic Claw (4)
LVL 19: Magic Claw (7)
LVL 20: Magic Claw (10)
LVL 21: Magic Claw (13)
LVL 22: Magic Claw (16)
LVL 23: Magic Claw (19)
LVL 24: Magic Claw MAXED, Magic Guard (2)
LVL 25: Magic Guard (5)
LVL 26: Magic Guard (8)
LVL 27: Magic Guard (11)
LVL 28: Magic Guard (14)
LVL 29: Magic Guard (17)
LVL 30: Magic Guard MAXED

Fire Wizard Training:
LVLs 30-34: Boars, Evil Eyes
LVLs 34-45: Jr. Grupin or Jr. Wraith
LVLs 45-58: Jr. Yeti
LVLs 58-67: Grupins or Werewolves (Grupins recommended in
earlier levels), Pangs (once you can consistently 2-hit them)
LVLs 67-70: Death Teddies, Ghost Pirates

Typical Fire Wizard Skill Build:
LVL 30: Fire Arrow (1)
LVLs 31-40: Fire Arrow MAXED, MP Eater (1)
LVL 41: MP Eater (3), Meditation (1)
LVLs 42-48: Meditation MAXED, Teleport OR Slow (2)
LVLs 49-55: MAXED Teleport OR Slow
LVLs 56-62: MAXED Teleport OR Slow, assuming one didn't get maxed
LVLs 62-69: MAXED MP Eater, Poison Brace (1)
LVL 70: Poison Brace (4)

Fire/Poison Mage Training:
LVLs 70-80: Death Teddies. Make sure you've got the funding for it. Go back
to Grupins to earn more funds if you have to.
LVLs 81-90: Death Teddies, Grim Phantom Watches, perhaps some Dual Pirates
in the middle. Don't even bother with Grims until you're at a higher level,
however, or you're just wasting your time. Make sure you have a decent
enough Mist for it, or you're screwed.
LVLs 90-120: Grim Phantom Watches. They instantly win. Alternatives include
Lethal Squids (LSPT, or Lethal Squid Parties, are also nice but the odds
of you getting into one is pretty low, because of how you attack there) or
Sharks (Mist will get you hurt a lot here, just use Comp)

Fire/Poison Mage Skill Builds
Build A:
LVLs 70-80- Poison Mist (28), Seal (1), Element Amplification (2)
LVLs 81-90- Element Amplification (4), Magic Booster (11), Composition (17)
LVLs 91-100- Composition MAXED, Element Amplification (27)
LVLs 101-110- Element Amplification MAXED, Seal MAXED, Explosion (8)
LVLs 111-120- Explosion MAXED, Partial Resistance (1), Magic Booster (18)


Build B:
LVLs 70-80- Element Amplification (4), Magic Booster (11), Composition (15),
Seal (1)
LVLs 81-90- Composition MAXED, Poison Mist (15)
LVLs 91-100- Poison Mist (28), Element Amplification (27)
LVLs 101-110- Element Amplification MAXED, Seal MAXED, Explosion (8)
LVLs 111-120- Explosion MAXED, Partial Resistance (1), Magic Booster (18)

Note: Build A provides faster leveling; Build B provides more mesos.

2.0 The Beginner Levels: The Magician FAQ
You have just logged onto Maple Story. Select the server of your choice, and
the channel of your choice. The bar below the channel number is the amount of
people in that particular channel. After selecting a channel, you will be
taken to the character select screen. If this is your first time playing,
there will be no characters. If it isn't, either way, select
"Create A Character".

2.1 How to Build Your Character
Now, since you wish to become a fire wizard, you will need to follow the
standard mage build. Make sure your STR/DEX is 4/4, 5/4, 4/5, or 5/5 by the
max. Also, your INT must be greater than your LUK. Onward, now, to the
floating Maple Island...

2.2 The Magnificent Maple Island
The quests are pretty straightforward. I won't go into them, as this is a
fire wizard guide, not a quest guide. Training will be incredibly easy until
level 5, when the training time curves. As you level, make sure your LUK is
3 above your level, and allocate the remaining points into INT.
In the beginning, your LUK is already much higher than 3 more than your level,
so leave it be until you have to add AP into LUK to keep it 3 more than your
level. Keep training on Maple Island until level 8; you will find only more
hostile monsters that hinder your training on Victoria Island.
You may get tempted to put points into STR. Keep at it and try to stay as
patient as possible until glorious level 8.

2.3 Becoming A Magician
You have reached level 8. Now, onward to the colossal Victoria Island, an
island full of dark creatures and exploration! Board the ship in Southperry
to Victoria Island. Get the required mesos; you probably already have it
anyways. You will find yourself in Lith Harbor. You might find some people of
higher level there. If they wish to train you as a random act of kindness,
politely say no. You will lose skill points if they level you.
Take the taxi to Ellinia, this is the easiest form of transportation on the
island, with minimal meso loss. Do NOT take the VIP taxi.
You will find yourself in an extremely dangerous situation with little hope
of surviving. Take the regular taxi to Ellinia. Go to the very top where you
will find a portal. Enter it and you will see Grendel the Really Old floating
in the center. Talk to him and you will become a magician.

2.4 Skill Explanations
Here are the explanations for all the skills of the Magician.

SKILL- The skill name.
TYPE- The type of skill; passive or active.
PASSIVE- The skill does not have an MP requirement. The skill is in
effect the moment you allocate a point into it.
ACTIVE- The skill requires MP to activate. It is an offensive move
against an enemy.
SUPPORTIVE- The skill requires MP to activate.
It has a beneficial effect on you, or you and your party members.
PRE-REQUISITE: Required skill and skill level for it to be used.
MP COST- The amount of MP used to use the skill.
MASTER LEVEL- The maximum skill level of the particular skill.
DESCRIPTION- A description of the skill.

SKILL: Improving MP Recovery
TYPE: Passive
DESCRIPTION: Your MP heals more than usual every 10 seconds. Higher the level,
the greater your MP is healed.
LVL 1: Constantly gain more MP per 10 seconds
LVL 8: Constantly gain more MP per 10 seconds
LVL 16: Constantly gain more MP per 10 seconds

SKILL: Improving Max MP Increase
PRE-REQUISITE: Improving MP Recovery LVL 5
TYPE: Passive
DESCRIPTION: Your max MP goes up higher than it normally would each level.
The higher the skill level, the more max MP you can attain.

SKILL: Magic Guard
TYPE: Supportive
LVL 1: MP -6, replaces 11% of HP damage as MP for 111 seconds
LVL 10: MP -6, replaces 40% of HP damage as MP for 300 seconds
LVL 20: MP -12, replaces 80% of HP damage as MP for 600 seconds
DESCRIPTION: Replaces your HP damage with MP.

SKILL: Magic Armor
TYPE: Supportive
LVL 1: MP -8, WDEF +2 for 20 seconds
LVL 10: MP -8, WDEF +20 for 200 seconds
LVL 20: MP -16, WDEF +40 for 400 seconds
DESCRIPTION: Increases your weapon defense.

SKILL: Energy Bolt
TYPE: Active
LVL 1: MP -7, ATK 17, mastery 15%
LVL 10: MP -7, ATK 35, mastery 35%
LVL 20: MP -14, ATK 55, mastery 60%
DESCRIPTION: Fires a bolt of energy at a monster.

SKILL: Magic Claw
TYPE: Active
LVL 1: MP -10, ATK 6, mastery 15%
LVL 10: MP -10, ATK 20, mastery 35%
LVL 20: MP -20, ATK 40, mastery 60%
DESCRIPTION: Damages an enemy twice.

2.5 How to Raise Your Magician
Well, you aren't really powerful just yet. But come patience and some
willpower to level your character, it will become powerful. You have 1 Skill
Point (SP). Where you allocate is quite hard to choose, but this guide will
help you figure out where you will put it into.

2.5.2 Your Build
This build is *highly* recommended. It gets you a lot of MP in the end. If
you want even MORE MP, you could get Improving MP Recovery (5) first, and
max Improving Max MP Increase before even considering putting a point into
Energy Bolt. But, that takes way too long and it's incredibly tiresome.

LVL 8: Energy Bolt (1)
LVL 9: Improving MP Recovery (3)
LVL 10: Improving MP Recovery (5), Improving Max MP Increase (1)
LVL 11: Improving Max MP Increase (4)
LVL 12: Improving Max MP Increase (7)
LVL 13: Improving Max MP Increase MAXED
LVL 14: Improving MP Recovery (8)
LVL 15: Improving MP Recovery (11)
LVL 16: Improving MP Recovery (14)
LVL 17: Improving MP Recovery MAXED, Magic Claw (1)
LVL 18: Magic Claw (4)
LVL 19: Magic Claw (7)
LVL 20: Magic Claw (10)
LVL 21: Magic Claw (13)
LVL 22: Magic Claw (16)
LVL 23: Magic Claw (19)
LVL 24: Magic Claw MAXED, Magic Guard (2)
LVL 25: Magic Guard (5)
LVL 26: Magic Guard (8)
LVL 27: Magic Guard (11)
LVL 28: Magic Guard (14)
LVL 29: Magic Guard (17)
LVL 30: Magic Guard MAXED

2.5.3 Funded Build (for you whores out there)
So you wanted to try out a Magician. And you have ****loads of money to
blow on it. Good. This build provides increased training rates, but the
minor problem is the meso loss because you skip Improving MP Recovery and
max it last. But hey, you're funded, why the hell should it matter? >_>

LVL 8: Energy Bolt (1)
LVL 9: Improving MP Recovery (3)
LVL 10: Improving MP Recovery (5), Improving Max MP Increase (1)
LVL 11: Improving Max MP Increase (4)
LVL 12: Improving Max MP Increase (7)
LVL 13: Improving Max MP Increase MAXED
LVL 14: Magic Claw (3)
LVL 15: Magic Claw (6)
LVL 16: Magic Claw (9)
LVL 17: Magic Claw (12)
LVL 18: Magic Claw (15)
LVL 19: Magic Claw (18)
LVL 20: Magic Claw MAXED, Magic Guard (1)
LVL 21: Magic Guard (4)
LVL 22: Magic Guard (7)
LVL 23: Magic Guard (10)
LVL 24: Magic Guard (13)
LVL 25: Magic Guard (16)
LVL 26: Magic Guard (19)
LVL 27: Magic Guard MAXED, Improving MP Recovery (7)
LVL 28: Improving MP Recovery (10)
LVL 29: Improving MP Recovery (13)
LVL 30: Improving MP Recovery (16)

3.0 The Test of Intelligence
Congratulations! You are now level 30. Immediately go to Grendel The Really
Old and talk with him. He will instruct you to go to the Magician Job
Instructor at the Forest North of Ellinia.

The monsters you will face in your test do NOT give EXP nor mesos, nor
"leftovers" (ie. Mushroom caps, pig ribbons). Before heading out, go to the
potion store and stock up. Death is not an option.

Now, head on over to the Forest North, and talk to the NPC. You will enter a
hidden street.
There are curse eyes and horned mushrooms there, both augmented in defensive,
offensive, drop rate, EXP, and HP parameters. 30 Black Marbles are needed to
pass this test, which are dropped on occasion by the monsters in the hidden
street. Gather 30, talk with the NPC there, and exit.

Go to Grendel. He will give you the option of picking the Cleric,
the Ice/Lightning Wizard, or the Fire/Poison Wizard. Pick Fire/Poison. Good
job, you have overcome your first obstacle. Now for the real fun.

4.0 Legacy of the Fire Wizard: Fire Wizard FAQ
You now wield the power of fire and poison in your hands. Both can be
manipulated and used with incredible power if you use it correctly. At first,
you may be weak. Do not lose hope; you will become stronger later.

4.1 The Skills of the Fire Wizard
Once again, an explanation of skills.

SKILL- The skill name.
TYPE- The type of skill; passive or active.
PASSIVE- The skill does not have an MP requirement. The skill is in
effect the moment you allocate a point into it.
ACTIVE- The skill requires MP to activate. It is an offensive move
against an enemy.
SUPPORTIVE- The skill requires MP to activate. It has a beneficial effect
on you, or you and your party members.
PRE-REQUISITE: Required skill and skill level for it to be used.
MP COST- The amount of MP used to use the skill.
MASTER LEVEL- The maximum skill level of the particular skill.
DESCRIPTION- A description of the skill.

TYPE: Passive
DESCRIPTION: You can absorb an enemy's MP, with a certain %age probability,
and a certain %age of MP drained.
LVL 1: 11% success rate, absorb 21% of enemy's max MP
LVL 10: 20% success rate, absorb 30% of enemy's max MP
LVL 20: 30% success rate, absorb 40% of enemy's max MP

SKILL: Meditation
TYPE: Supportive
LVL 1: MP -10, MATK +1 for 10 seconds
LVL 10: MP -10, MATK +10 for 100 seconds
LVL 20: MP -20, MATK +20 for 200 seconds
DESCRIPTION: Increase the MATK of you and your party members.

SKILL: Teleport
TYPE: Supportive
LVL 1: MP -60, teleport 130 in distance
LVL 10: MP -33, teleport 130 in distance
LVL 20: MP -13, teleport 150 in distance
DESCRIPTION: You can teleport from one spot to another, in all directions,
using the arrow keys. MP cost lowers with each level, and after the halfway
mark, it starts gaining distance. However, the distance gained is little. 20
distance is probably the width of 3/4 of a standard platform.

TYPE: Supportive
LVL 1: MP -8, speed -2 of enemy for 2 seconds
LVL 10: MP -8, speed -20 of enemy for 20 seconds
LVL 20: MP -16, speed -40 of enemy for 40 seconds
DESCRIPTION: Slow down an enemy.

SKILL: Fire Arrow
TYPE: Active
LVL 1: MP -14, ATK 33, mastery 15%
LVL 15: MP -14, ATK 75, mastery 35%
LVL 30: MP -28, ATK 120, mastery 60%
DESCRIPTION: Fire a magical arrow at an enemy.

SKILL: Poison Brace
TYPE: Active
LVL 1: MP -10, ATK 12, 31% success rate, poison for 4 sec, mastery 15%
LVL 15: MP -10, ATK 40, 45% success rate, poison for 20 sec, mastery 35%
LVL 30: MP -20, ATK 70, 60% success rate, poison for 40 sec, mastery 60%
DESCRIPTION: Poison an enemy.

4.2 How to Raise your Fire Wizard
You can raise your fire wizard in several different ways. Pick the one which
suits you best :D

4.2.1 The Pure Poison Wizard
Quite the unique type. Go for it if you're up for the challenge.

LVL 30: Poison Brace (1)
LVLs 31-40: Poison Brace MAXED, MP Eater (1)
LVL 41: MP Eater (3), Meditation (1)
LVLs 42-48: Meditation MAXED, Teleport OR Slow (2)
LVLs 49-55: MAXED Teleport OR Slow
LVLs 56-62: MAXED Teleport OR Slow, assuming one didn't get maxed
LVLs 62-69: MAXED MP Eater; leftover SP goes to a 1st job skill.
LVL 70: Allocate the points to a 1st job skill.

4.2.2 The Fire Wizard *RECOMMENDED*
Aye, this is what I recommend. After all, you ARE a "fire wizard".

LVL 30: Fire Arrow (1)
LVLs 31-40: Fire Arrow MAXED, MP Eater (1)
LVL 41: MP Eater (3), Meditation (1)
LVLs 42-48: Meditation MAXED, Teleport OR Slow (2)
LVLs 49-55: MAXED Teleport OR Slow
LVLs 56-62: MAXED Teleport OR Slow, assuming one didn't get maxed
LVLs 62-69: MAXED MP Eater, Poison Brace (1)
LVL 70: Poison Brace (4)

4.2.3 The Fire/Poison Wizard
zomg t3h combo ftw!

LVL 30: Fire Arrow (1)
LVLs 31-40: Fire Arrow MAXED, MP Eater (1)
LVL 41: MP Eater (3), Meditation (1)
LVLs 42-48: Meditation MAXED, Teleport OR Slow (2)
LVLs 49-55: MAXED Teleport OR Slow
LVLs 56-66: MAXED Poison Brace
LVLs 67-70: Teleport OR Slow (4), assuming one didn't get maxed yet

4.2.4 Custom Build
Again, just a build where you can select what skills you want to max out, and
what you don't want to max out. Maybe you want a little bit of everything.
Maybe you don't. I do not recommend this build though, as you will lack more
firepower than you should.

4.3 Where Do I train?
Good question. This section will discuss where you should train, and why.

4.3.1 Magician Training
As a mage, life is difficult for the first few levels. You aren't making
profit, and you are dying very often. Just pull through the first 7 levels
from level 8 and you'll be on a roll to level 30. From levels 8 to 15,
I recommend you train on slimes. They take 2-3 hits to kill for the first
4 levels you train on them, then you start to 1-2 hit them. They also drop
some of your equips, like the lemona or the beige nitty. From levels 15 to
18, go to Pig Beach and level there. The pigs drop gold ores sometimes,
which is a lot of money in your pocket. At level 19, start to kill green
mushrooms. They drop a pan lid, which is an essential shield for the mage.
If you can handle the damage of the horned mushroom, start training in places
with horned and green mushrooms, so you have a chance at finding a pan lid
and training faster, as the horned mushroom gives more experience than the
green counterpart. Continue training on them until level 28ish. At that time,
go to the Land of the Wild Boar. Train there until you hit 30. If you dislike
these methods, go Party Quest at Kerning City. Read a FAQ on Party Questing
for more information.

LVLs 8-15: Slimes
LVLs 15-18: Pigs, or Ribbon Pigs
LVLs 18-28: Green or Horned Mushrooms
LVLs 28-30: Boars

If you're funded, I recommend you go along with this:
LVLs 8-20: Just Exchange Quest your ass off >_> (horny mush if that isn't
an option)
LVLs 20-27: Boars
LVLs 27-30: Evil Eyes

4.3.2 Fire Wizard Training
For the first few levels, your fire arrow has low strength. It has less
attack than one magic claw hit. So, continue training on boars until level 34.
At that time, go to Ossyria, and go to Garden of Green located near Orbis,
and train on Jr. Grupins there. If you dislike the area, go to the B2 subway
depot and train on the Jr. Wraiths there. Additionally, training on Jr. Pepe
gives you a chance to find some staff scrolls, which equal wealth. They aren't
exactly great exp-wise, so I wouldn't go for it. Jr. Wraiths drop mokbi like
mad, and you can kill them in 2-3 hits. Once you hit level 45, go to El Nath
and train on Jr. Yetis there. However, I recommend sticking to Jr. Wraiths
until level 48. Do so until level 58, when you can either go to Garden of
Green II to train on Grupins, which drop tobis quite often, even moreso
icicles. If you dislike those, go to Wolf Territory 1 or 2 and kill
Werewolves. They drop Evil Wings, an extremely rare level 65 staff. It seems
every mage is crazy for a staff above the level of 55. I *highly* recommend
you don't *train* on Weres until level 63 and up. Hunting them for a set
period of time with a party (oh say, an hour with a party of 3 people)
would be better for you until then.

--Ludi Update--
Ludi PQ is pretty awesome though. The crap you can get from those boxes
at the end are nice for your level.You *could* try Block Golems where
ROMbot spawns, but you'll have to judge for yourself, as I'm too high
of a level to see for myself.

LVLs 30-34: Boars, Evil Eyes
LVLs 34-48: Jr. Grupin, or Jr. Wraith, *possibly* Jr. Pepe, Ludi PQ
LVLs 48-58: Jr. Yeti, Ludi PQ
LVLs 58-67: Grupins, Werewolves, Pangs (once you can 2-hit them most of
the time)
LVLs 67-70: Death Teddies, Ghost Pirates

Wanna hunt crap?
LVLs 40-50: ROMbot. I recommend you go with a party if you're not a high
enough level.
LVLs 45-70: Mushmilf. Or, Mushmom, as she's typically called. By now you
should know where she is.
LVLs 60+: Jr. Balrog. You *can* go at a lower level, 55 at lowest, but
expect to have a hell of a hard time. If you're around your mid to high 60's,
it shouldn't be too hard.

4.3.3 Poison Wizard Training
Whoo, alrighty, the poison wizard. There's many flaws to being one, but the
poison looks cool, I admit. <_< Anyways, green mushrooms are immune to your
poison. Curse eyes take base damage from poison, but cannot BE poisoned.
Same with Mushmom. Tauromacis and Taurospears are immune, as well as Jr.
and Crimson Balrog. Anyways, due to lack of info, I shall simply summarize,
for great justice =o

LVLs 30-35: Evil Eyes (possibly higher than 35)
LVLs 35-55: Golems
LVLs 55-70: Master Death Teddies

This was provided by VenenumAduro (special thanks to him):

"well since aqua road has opened there are poison weak monsters in there:

I maxed poison first, just finished fire and working on meditation (I have
a lv 52 f/p wizard VenenumAduro). The poison weak monsters (which I got
off the website) are:

Weak to Poison

Cicle (Level 23)
Krappi (Level 24)
Cico (Level 25)
Bubblefish (Level 28)
Krip (Level 30)
Poopa (Level 40)
Lethal Squid (Level 97) --- aqua dungeon

granted there is not as many monsters weak to poison there are some
monsters that show promising results with poisoning them:

Lazy Buffy
Soul Teddy
Wild Kargo

and a few other non-boss monsters with high hp can die in 40 seconds
(granted poison will leave 1 hp left on the monster) you can smack
it or cast magic claw or energy bolt or even fire arrow
(but why waste 28 mp when it has 1 hp left -.-)

casting poison will make it cost less mp to kill monsters as a
matter of fact I dont always wait for 40 seconds before attacking
the monster after it is poisoned I use fire arrow and use poison
as a tool to decrease mana usage. While the monster is poisoned
you can cast fire attacks or magic claws at it so it costs less mana."

4.3.4 Fire Mage Training
Whee. Ludi. Right. Anyways, Death Teddies are INCREDIBLY crazy for EXP. So,
GO THERE. You'd be a fool not to. But, you'll lose incredible amounts of
money for awhile. Until you're like, level 80-ish, you'll just lose, and
then some. Selling the Redemptions/Red Oriental Fury Coats/DEX Crystal Ores/
BC ores you'll (hopefully) find, you *should* make profit. If not, then...

You're doing it wrong.

In either event, after you're sick of Death Teddies and you can kill at
Grim Phantoms efficiently, go there. Kage. Hacked EXP (not really hacked,
but you get the point). Need I say more? Another plus of training at Grims
is that they can't use their magic on you unless they're facing the left.
Even more of a reason to go there. Oh yeah, Dual Pirates are pretty good in
your mid-8x's. Black Seraph and Steelies for the win.

LVLs 70-80: Death Teddies. Make sure you've got the funding for it. Go back
to Grupins to earn more funds if you have to.
LVLs 81-90: Death Teddies, Grim Phantom Watches, perhaps some Dual Pirates
in the middle. Don't even bother with Grims until you're at a higher level,
however, or you're just wasting your time. Make sure you have a decent
enough Mist for it, or you're screwed.
LVLs 90-120: Grim Phantom Watches. They instantly win. Alternatives include
Lethal Squids (LSPT, or Lethal Squid Parties, are also nice but the odds
of you getting into one is pretty low, because of how you attack there) or
Sharks (Mist will get you hurt a lot here, just use Comp)

Hunting stuff?
LVL 84+: Cobison borlorg lollo-- Bring at least 80 pink elixirs before you
take them on.
LVL 95+: Thanatos (or the proper name of Tanathos). Gatekeepers. Black
Oriental Fury Coat for you males, and a Magicodar (tablepiece ya rly),

5.0 The Test of Strength
You were able to tough it out for 40 levels, in other words, ever since
you hit level 30, you gained 32,963,843 experience. Anyways, go talk to
Robeira in El Nath. She will tell you to go to Grendel The Really Old in
Ellinia. So, go there, and Grendel will direct you to go kill his "other half"
in an alternate dimension, nab its Black Charm, and deliver it to Grendel.
Located in the Forest of Evil II, go there and click on the Door to Dimension.
Once you're in, you have 20 minutes to kill this guy. You'll probably use up
less than 7 minutes, less than 4 if you're quick. Okay, so, let's see..

Monster: Grendel The Really Old
HP: 90,000
MP: 820
EXP: 2400
Special Abilities: He weilds the ability to cast an array of Priest/Mage
moves. They include Shining Ray, Explosion, Ice Strike, and Seal. He can also
summon Tauromacis.

Sounds scary, but really, he's not too hard. If you followed the guide,
you shouldn't have to use more than 10 pure waters, or 27 mana elixirs.
In there, you will lose 10 HP/5 sec, but that shouldn't be of much concern.
Well anyways, you can easily dodge his attacks by teleporting in the opposite
direction. When he summons macis, take care of those first. If Grendel is
nearby, use him as a sort of makeshift shield against the macis's damage.
Grendel's touch damage is only 100-250, and maci have perhaps double that.
Then, eventually, poof, Grendel is no more. He will drop a Black Charm.
Pick it up, go to the Glittering Stone, and get the hell out of there.

Once out, you will land right below the Magic Library. Convenient, no? Okay,
so, enter the place and give Grendel your Black Charm. He will give you the
Necklace of Strength. Get this to Robeira, who will tell you to go to the
Holy Stone and get the Necklace of Wisdom from it. So, make your way up the
valley of the snowfield, and if you don't know where the Holy Stone is, it
is at the upper-right corner of Sharp Cliff 2, indicated by a wood door.
Now, you will have to have a refined Dark Crystal ready. Now, talk to the
stone. You will be given a series of questions, through a library of roughly
290 questions. However, you will only be given 5 questions.

If you FAIL to answer a question correctly, then the Holy Stone stops asking
questions, and you must get another refined Dark Crystal. As you are given
unlimited time to answer its questions, take caution.

So, after answering its questions, it'll give you the Necklace of Wisdom.
Now, for the glorious part! Deliver the necklace to Robeira, and she will
prompt you to advance to becoming a Fire/Poison Mage. Click 'Yes'. Now, for
the rough journey of the Fire Mage.

5.1 The Fire Mage Skills

SKILL- The skill name.
TYPE- The type of skill; passive or active.
PASSIVE- The skill does not have an MP requirement. The skill is in
effect the moment you allocate a point into it.
ACTIVE- The skill requires MP to activate. It is an offensive move
against an enemy.
SUPPORTIVE- The skill requires MP to activate. It has a beneficial effect
on you, or you and your party members.
PRE-REQUISITE: Required skill and skill level for it to be used.
MP COST- The amount of MP used to use the skill.
MASTER LEVEL- The maximum skill level of the particular skill.
DESCRIPTION- A description of the skill.
PICTURE- Picture of the skill.**

SKILL: Partial Resistance Master Level: 20
TYPE: Passive
DESCRIPTION: Increases elemental resistance against fire and poison.

SKILL: Element Amplification
TYPE: Supportive
MP COST: Level 1: MP -105%; Magic attack +102%
Level 15: MP -170%; Magic attack +120%
Level 30: MP -200%; Magic attack +135%
DESCRIPTION: Increases MATK, but also increase MP usage.

SKILL: Explosion
TYPE: Active
MP COST: Level 1: MP -21; Basic attack 60, mastery 15%, attack range 110%
Level 15: MP -35; Basic attack 94, mastery 35%, attack range 150%
Level 30: MP -50; Basic attack 120, mastery 60%, attack range 200%
DESCRIPTION: Causes an explosion around the area where you stand.

SKILL: Poison Mist
TYPE: Active
MP COST: Level 1: MP -21; Basic attack 32, mastery 15%, attack range 110%,
41% success rate to put enemy into the state of poison for 4 seconds

Level 15: MP -35; Basic attack 60, mastery 35%, attack range 150%,
55% success rate to put enemy into the state of poison for 20 seconds

Level 30: MP -50; Basic attack 90, mastery 60%, attack range 200%,
70% success rate to put enemy into the state of poison for 40 seconds
DESCRIPTION: Covers the area with poison mist.

TYPE: Active
PRE-REQUISITE: Element Amplification LVL 3
MP COST: Level 1: MP -12; 38% success rate for 10 seconds
Level 10: MP -18; 65% success rate for 15 seconds
Level 20: MP -30; 95% success rate for 20 seconds
DESCRIPTION: Prevents enemy from using any skills. Boss monsters are
immune to this.

SKILL: Magic Booster
TYPE: Support
PRE-REQUISITE: Element Amplification LVL 3
MP COST: Level 1: HP -53, MP -58; Casting speed +1 for 10 seconds
Level 10: HP -35, MP -40; Casting speed +1 for 100 seconds
Level 20: HP -25, MP -30; Casting speed +2 for 200 seconds
DESCRIPTION: Expends HP/MP to increase casting speed.

SKILL: Magic Composition Master Level: 30
Type: Active
MP COST: Level 1: MP -14; Basic attack 80, mastery 15%,
41% success rate to put enemy into the state of poison for 4 seconds

Level 15: MP -18; Basic attack 124, mastery 35%,
55% success rate to put enemy into the state of poison for 20 seconds

Level 30: MP -22; Basic attack 150, mastery 60%
70% success rate to put enemy into the state of poison for 40 seconds
DESCRIPTION: Fire/Poison hybrid spell. Deals more damage to monsters
vulnerable to fire or poison, and can poison an enemy based on a
success rate.
(Sort of weird, but meh, I tried. >_>)

**All graphics from the pictures are the property of Wizet. There is no
guarantee that the pictures will be up on Imageshack forever, so if any
of them are broken, then I'll fix them.

5.2 The Path of the Fire Mage
Okay so, you're probably wondering where to allocate your SP. I've laid out
several paths for you. Pick wisely D:

5.2.1 How to Raise your Fire Mage
Yeah, uh, this build gets edited an awful lot. Anyways, 3 Amp is the
requirement for Booster, but since you get 2%+ MATK up until Lv4, I'd say
put in that extra point. Booster's effect isn't noticeable too much at
first in junction with FArrow, but after Booster reaches Lv11, the difference
is very distinguishable. Mist is good for training, but it isn't really
'great' until around Lv20. However, you can put it to use at around Lv15.
Mist is left at Lv28 because it does the same poison damage as max mist,
and has the same range as max mist. Only difference for 28 mist and 30 is
that 30 has more base damage, which is practically useless. One point in Seal
is good for hunting Lycans (or, really, anything that has a strong magic
attack or buffs), since it prevents them from using their MDEF+ skill or
slashing at you.

Amp is godly, I swear, it's like getting a ****load of SP slapped onto your
attacks, but the MP cost is a bit steep for that reason too. Compo is good,
but it can wait for awhile, since the damage improvement is only about 1000.
Trust me, efficiency is better than power, so go Mist first. However, if you
do not have the funds for going Mist first, do Compo as it helps a bit for
getting mesos and such. Once Seal reaches its max level, it becomes very
useful, thanks to its 95% success rate. You can guess from there. Explosion
is a waste of time. Well, if you intend on maxing it early, anyways.
Maybe one point in it early on is okay, but really, it sucks. A lot. It
does prove to be useful after Lv115-ish, though. Especially at Grims.
One point is good enough for Partial, since you probably won't be
fooling around at Vikings or places like that. Besides, Lv1 Partial
gives good enough protection, and max Partial doesn't give much impact at
all on damage received.
I think the only places where its use can be shown would be at boss
monsters, but even then, it isn't really much.

Now, you can do Composition first, but, beware, if you can't max Mist before
mid 9x, you will regret the hell out of your decision. Trust me. Training
won't be as fast by going Composition first, however, you'll make assloads
of money. Which is a good thing, I guess, considering the hell you'll be
put through at Grims and whatnot.

LVLs 70-80- Poison Mist (28), Seal (1), Element Amplification (2)
LVLs 81-90- Element Amplification (4), Magic Booster (11), Composition (17)
LVLs 91-100- Composition MAXED, Element Amplification (27)
LVLs 101-110- Element Amplification MAXED, Seal MAXED, Explosion (8)
LVLs 111-120- Explosion MAXED, Partial Resistance (1), Magic Booster (18)


LVLs 70-80- Element Amplification (4), Magic Booster (11), Composition (15),
Seal (1)
LVLs 81-90- Composition MAXED, Poison Mist (15)
LVLs 91-100- Poison Mist (28), Element Amplification (27)
LVLs 101-110- Element Amplification MAXED, Seal MAXED, Explosion (8)
LVLs 111-120- Explosion MAXED, Partial Resistance (1), Magic Booster (18)

5.2.2 Custom Build
Mix 'n Match! ^_^

6.0 FAQ
1) Q: What should I be, a fire wizard or ice wizard?

A: Well, that all depends. If you want to have your power concentrated on
one monster, slow down enemies, causing a whole map of monsters to slowly
cripple away at the power of poison, but not have the full effects of
destroying a monster's integrity, go with fire. If you want the ability to
disable movement at a large scale, send a huge blast of lightning at an enemy,
causing tremendous damage, have possibly the best 2nd job mob attack in the
game, and lock down on an enemy and immobilize it while blasting away at it,
ice is for you.

2) Q: I want *insert noun here* on your guide!

A: If you want something to be on my guide, then do so email me.

3) Q: I can't find *insert noun here* on this guide!

A: As long as it has to do with being a magician, specifically a fire
wizard, just look carefully. If you still can't find it, email me.

4) Q: Can you help me level up?

A: No.

5) Q: Can you help me get rich?

A: No.

6) Q: Will you let me host this guide on my site?

A: I will let you host it if you receive my permission to, and abide
by any standards I set for it.

7) Q: When will *insert name here* be out?

A: I do not know anything of what Wizet is planning to do, unless it is
posted on their site, I recommend you check
there periodically, ever since Cash Shop was released, things have been
coming out fast.

8) Q: This game is boring.

A: If that is what you think, then trust me, quit, you won't want to stay
here longer >_>

9) Q: I keep getting KS'd! I can't train!

A: Just tell the person who is KSing you to stop. If it persists, either
change channels or report him, defaming does nothing but escalate the
anger between you and the KSer.

10) Q: Somebody always takes the stuff that falls out of my kills...

A: Pick 'em up before s/he gets to it.

11) Q: When can I make the 4th job advancement?

A: Level 120. It's being tested in kMS Tespia, but has yet to be released
into any official version.

7.0 Closing
Thus ends the main part of my guide. Aye, 'tis be a lot I have typed.
I hope you have found this guide very informing to you.
If you have any questions or comments to this guide, or if you would like
to add to it, then do so email me at

7.1 Credits
Me, for making the guide. Took a long time, I don't see why I shouldn't be
in here >_> *self-centered*
Wizet, for their game, which we all play (and ironically, hate) :o
CJayC for his wondrous site. Couldn'tve gotten through a few games without
this site.
DarkXRogue for catching a few typos in the skills description part.
To all of you who read this, because then it's actually put to use :D
MapleStory's WikiBooks. Got Grendel's HP/MP from there.
Justin23 for telling me my guide sucked, which basically made me update it.
Flenaris, also for telling me my guide sucked, which made me get off my lazy
ass and update this thing. (couldn'tve made my ASCII without it)
Weston Kim, for sending me an email about me that my two Magician builds
were identical.
Chris Gilbert, for emailing me about MP cost not doubling any more.
Donn Eddy, for notifying me of a change in Magic Guard's rate at Lv1.
VenenumAduro, for sending me info on Poison Wizards.
All of the assholes who use my email to send me spam, because people sending
me emails about penis enhancement pills seriously makes me laugh.

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Warrior Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

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Fighter/Crusader Guide
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FAQ to The Wizard of Fire and Poison
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Spearman/Polearm Spearman Guide
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Beginners Tips
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Item List
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Magician Walkthrough
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Usable Items Reference
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Quests Guide
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Magician/Cleric FAQ
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16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013
Quest Guide
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15.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018