Albatross 18

Albatross 18

13.10.2013 19:10:04
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| A L B A T R O S S 1 8 - R E A L M S O F P A N G Y A |
| |
| FAQ by Crovax - v2.15 |
| l e c r o v a x @ g m a i l . c o m |

------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------
1. VERSION HISTORY ------------------[VST]
3. GAMEPLAY -------------------------[GPY]
4. TIPS AND STRATEGY ----------------[SRT]
5. REFERENCE ------------------------[RFR]
a. List of Bonuses .............[RFRa]
b. Experience points ...........[RFRb]
c. Tournaments .................[RFRc]
d. Glossary of terms ...........[RFRd]
6. EQUIPMENT CATALOG ----------------[EQP]
a. Scout .......................[EQPa]
b. Hana ........................[EQPb]
c. Uncle Bob ...................[EQPc]
d. Cecilia .....................[EQPd]
e. Max .........................[EQPe]
7. WALKTHROUGHS ---------------------[WLK]
a. Blue Lagoon & Blue Water ....[WLKa]
b. Sepia Wind ..................[WLKb]
c. North Wiz ...................[WLKc]
9. CONCLUSION/LEGALESE --------------[CNC]


v2.15 - Jul 05 2006
Updated equipment catalog (No Kooh yet, sorry, that'll come next update)
Added a Frequently Asked Questions section.

v2.05 - Apr 06 2006
Updated equipment catalog.

v2.00 - Mar 25 2006
Updated equipment catalog as well as some reference stuff.

v1.98 - Mar 09 2006
Added Max and baseball bats to Equipment Catalog.

v1.93 - Mar 04 2006
Updated Equipment Catalog, added some more info to some walkthroughs.

v1.88 - Feb 13 2006
Added formula for Nice Approach bonus.

v1.87 - Feb 04 2006
Added walkthrough for North Wiz, corrected putting info.

v1.76 - Jan 28 2006
Updated the catalog, some reference information and the Introduction section.

v1.68 - Jan 12 2006
Updated the catalog (new character, clubs, and clothes)

v1.57 - Jan 04 2006
Various revisions.

v1.55 - Jan 03 2006
Completed Equipment Catalog.

v1.45 - Dec 28 2005
Completed walkthrough for Blue Lagoon and Blue Water, minor corrections.

v1.34 - Dec 26 2005
Completed EXP and Trophy info, added Phoenix Bonus to the Bonuses reference,
added a glossary.

v1.27 - Dec 11 2005
Added Tournament info to Reference section.

v1.22 - Dec 04 2005
Added EXP tables and created the 'Reference' section.

v1.12 - Dec 02 2005
Minor corrections.

v1.11 - Oct 29 2005
Added a guide for the Sepia Wind course, minor corrections.

v1.00 - Oct 23 2005
First version. Created Introduction, Gameplay, List of Bonuses,
and Tips section.


Welcome to Albatross 18! The first time you play, you'll be whisked off to a
tutorial that'll give you a pretty good feel for the game. Even though
you're free to skip it, I would advise completing it -- doing so will earn
you Papel the Shopping Bag (I'm not making this up) as your caddy. Not only
is it the cutest shopping bag I've ever seen, Papel also gives you +1

Anyways, after you log on and choose your server (well, right now there's
only one) there's four modes:

- Practice (which is the tutorial and you should already have finished it)
- Versus (you can make rooms and play with two to four people, taking turns)
- Tournament (you can play full courses with ten to 30 people, and everyone
goes at once rather than take turns. Quickest way to play a full 18 holes.)
- Family (allows up to four people to play with one computer and one account.
No EXP/Pang is earned, but items used in this mode aren't used up so it's a
good way to practice)

Tournament mode is great for earning Pang, the currency of Albatross 18
(In versus or tournament mode, if you play the full 18 holes and beat your
old course record, you earn 1000 pang. If you've never played the course,
you just have to beat par). However, unless you've got several people to
have a tournament with AND you finish in the top ten, the EXP is rather low
(You get EXP whenever you finish a round of golf, and it determines your
rank. Certain caddies and equipment are restricted to players of a
certain rank.)

Versus mode is great for EXP, plus you can play 3, 6, 9, or 18 holes instead
of being forced to do at least 9.

Once you're in a lobby, you'll be able to access your closet (where you can
change the clothes and equipment you're wearing), as well as the various
stores (The item shop sells one-time use items, the character shop sells
equipment and clothes for your character, and the caddie shop sells caddies).
You'll notice that you start off with 3,000 pang and a selection of items.
Personally, I would save your pang for now -- the only clothes you can buy
with 3,000 don't affect your stats at all. But if you don't care for stats
and just want to look stylish, hey, it's your money.

However, if you go into the item shop, and click the Equipment tab, you'll
see arrows next to your Control and Accuracy attributes. Well, your ball and
clubs have "slots" - they allow each stat to be upgraded once, for a cost.
These are the cheapest upgrades you're going to get, and you'll probably want
to upgrade them sooner or later, so why not now?

By the way, if you're wondering about the stats, here's what they all do:
Power - Affects how far you hit with your woods. Your average drive with a
1W is (200y + 2*Power). New players have 15 Power, so, 230y.
Control - Affects the speed of the power bar when you shoot. More control
makes it move slower, making it easier to hit more accurately.
Accuracy - Affects the size of the pink zone (see Gameplay). If you have a
lot of accuracy, shots whre you miss hitting a pangya (read on)
will still go fairly straight. Basically, it gives you a wider
margin of error.
Spin - Affects how much you can spin the ball while shooting.
Curve - Affects how much you can curve the ball while shooting.

(!!) New players should not worry about improving Accuracy. You start with
a necklace item. As long as you are a Rookie, this item effectively
maxes out your accuracy. The effect isn't shown in game lobbies, but
believe me, it's doing something. When you hit Beginner and the
necklace stops working you'll realize how much of an effect it had :)

Anyways, now that you've got the interface all figured out, and maybe you've
upgraded your character just a bit, it's time to play golf! Head into a
waiting room, or make your own. If you've been in and out of rooms, you'll
have noticed there's six different courses. Blue Water and Sepia Wind, the
"AA" difficulty courses, reward you with much more pang for finishing each
hole (and for finishing a round), but Blue Lagoon is a lot easier and has
fewer obstacles. (North Wiz is probably between the two in pang earned and
difficulty -- don't let its "A" difficulty fool you.) The two AAA courses
are great for pang if you're not bogeying every hole, which, unfortunately,
tends to happen to new players on these courses. Leave them alone for now.
I recommend newbies stick to Blue Lagoon until they get a feel for the game.

-- 3. GAMEPLAY - [GPY] --

Shooting the ball in Albatross 18 couldn't be easier. Hit 0 to go into
top-down view; this will give you a much better idea of where your ball
is going to land. Move your target left and right with... left and right,
and remember to compensate for wind. Now hit 0 to return to "normal" view.

(!!) The little triangle in top-down view indicates where your ball will
roll to, NOT where it is going to land. Generally, when you're shooting
with a 1W, the marker for the 3W is where it will land.

(!!) If you did adjust your target, check to make sure you are not behind an
obstacle. There's nothing as bad as winging it off a tree because you
forgot to look before you shot.

Once you're ready, simply hit space to make the power bar move. Hit space
again to freeze the power, and then hit space again when the meter is close
to the white bar in the pink Impact zone. If you land right on the bar,
you'll hit a "PangYa" -- the ball will fly perfectly straight (if there's no
wind, that is), and it will go slightly farther.

(!!) If you're not satisfied with where you stopped the power bar, or if you
decide to change your shot midstroke, then don't stop it a second time
and let the bar pass the impact zone. The meter will reset and you can
adjust your shot.

(!!) If you don't get pangya, but stop the ball inside the pink zone, the
ball will curve a little more: missing to the left makes the ball
curve left (Same effect as moving the spin dot to the right of the
ball), and vice-versa. If you miss the pink zone altogether, the ball
will hook or slice instead of curving, and if you miss the pink zone
by too much you'll miss the ball completely and waste a stroke.

When you take a stroke, you might notice the bar under your little scorecards
in the upper corners of the screen charges up a bit. Except for putts, every
shot you take charges that bar by 1/8th of a section. (If you hit a PangYa, it
will charge 3/8ths instead!) When a section is filled, it will turn red and
you will be able to use a power shot. Just hit Alt to use it -- the power bar
will turn red, and you'll get an extra 10 yards of distance. That 10 yards
can mean the difference between landing on the green and the fairway, and
getting to putt one turn earlier can mean saving a stroke.
So use power shots well!

(!!) When a low-rank player plays against people with a much higher rank, his
or her power bar will charge more with each PangYa than usual.

Well, suppose power isn't quite enough for you, and you want to add a little
"english" to your shot. No problem! Just drag the blue dot on the ball
before you shoot.

UP: Topspin - the ball will fly lower and bounce farther.
DOWN: Backspin - the ball will fly higher and bounce shorter.
LEFT/RIGHT: Curve - the ball will sort of boomerang left or right.

You should be using topspin for almost all your tee shots -- it'll net you a
couple extra yards, and the closer you can get to the green, the better. Also,
topspin is an excellent choice for harsh winds; the low altitude makes your
shot more resistant to the effects of wind. And as if that wasn't enough, if
you use topspin and the ball hits the water, it will skip as if the water had
turned to ice! (Mind you, it won't bounce forever, and it will sink if it hits
anything and lands back in the water.)

Backspin should be used whenever you're shooting onto the green. Otherwise,
your ball will bounce up to, and sometimes over, ten yards, which can knock
you right off the green. Also, if you're behind a tall obstacle, use
backspin to lift your ball over it.

Some people say backspin is often a better choice for tee shots. In my own
experience, I've found that topspin is almost always better. The fairway is
a relatively bouncy surface, so topspin allows you to milk that roll better
than backspin. If you're aiming for the rough, though, or there is a strong
tailwind, backspin may yield more distance.

Curve shots are great if you're stuck behind a tree. Rather than have to aim
far left or right, you can maintain a more or less straight path and get on
the green despite your position. And for more curve you can intentionally
miss pangya in the direction you want the ball to curve (Make sure you stop
it in the pink zone though: if you stop it outside it'll just hook or slice
instead of curving)

So, spin and curve isn't enough for Mr. Fancypants? Well, don't fret,
there's more cool tricks for you to do. Six of them, in fact. Don't worry,
you perform them all more or less the same way, with minor variations, so
you should have no trouble memorizing all the moves.

(Here's more or less what the power bar looks like in ASCII form)

,`.`, (4) (3) (2)
,. . . .,__________________________________________________________________
|. . @ . .|__||__|_____._____._____._____.____|_____._____._____._____.___) |
'. . . .'\Impact|---------------------------115y-----------------------230y'
` ._. ` `-----'


1. Apply the correct spin or curve to the ball (See below)
2. Set the power, like you would normally
3. When the powerbar is coming back down, after it passes the midway point,
input the proper button combination.
TAP: Tap the arrow. A blue arrow will appear above the power bar.
HOLD: Hold the arrow for approximately half a second. A blue arrow will
appear above the power bar, and will glow blue once you've held it
long enough.
4. Hit a PangYa.

FORWARD POWERSPIN: Apply topspin and HOLD up
After stopping, the ball will shoot forward about a yard. In addition, the
ball will skip off the water if it drops in the ocean!

BACKWARD POWERSPIN: Apply backspin and HOLD down
The ball will bounce once, and on the third bounce the ball will stick and
then rocket back about a yard.

(!!) You can apply as much or as little spin as you want and still be able to
perform a powerspin. For example, if you want the ball just to stick and
not roll back, apply as little backspin as you can and if you do a power
spin, the ball will only roll a few hundredths of a yard.

LEFT POWERCURVE: Apply left curve and HOLD left
RIGHT POWERCURVE: Apply right curve and HOLD right
The ball will curve a LOT (about 60 degrees in the direction specified).
Keep in mind that when the ball lands, it will be travelling horizontally
rather than forward. Note that performing a powercurve has the same effect
as using a Curve Mastery item and applying maximum curve.

(!!) Unlike powerspins, which can be done with any degree of spin, when doing
a powercurve you MUST apply as much curve as possible. That means if
the little dot is pretty far to the side and just a teeny bit above the
middle, powercurve will not work!

TOMAHAWK: Use a powershot and TAP up, TAP down
The ball will leaving a trail of flame and smoke as it flies through the air,
and explode upon impact, not bouncing at all. A regular tomahawk will land as
far as the marker indicates, so it can be used to clear large bodies of water
that a regular shot would not be able to. In addition, tomahawks sail clean
through tree branches, which can come in handy for some shots (It can,
however, be stopped by the trunk of a tree.)

COBRA: Use a powershot, apply backspin, and TAP right, TAP up.
The ball will fly very low at first, then it will hop into the air.

(!!) You can apply POWERSPIN or POWERCURVE to Tomahawks and Cobras. Just
apply the proper spin to the ball, then add the corresponding HOLD arrow
to the end of your sequence (example: For a backward powerspin tomahawk,
put backspin on the ball and TAP up, TAP down, HOLD down.)

When you're on the green, you'll have to putt the ball in the hole.
You'll see a grid with circles in every square. These indicate the
slope on that part of the green.

_____ _____ _____ _____
| @ | | | | | | |
| | | | |@ | | @|
|_____| |__@__| |_____| |_____|

Use less Use more Move your target left
power. power. (for a right slope) or
right (for a left slope)

On the green, your power bar will change slightly: there will be no
impact zone, you just have to set the power. Also, a range of
power will be highlighted.
,. . . ., ___________________________________________________________
|. . @ . .|__.__|__.__|__.__|__.__|__.__|__.__|#####|__.__|__.__|__.__|
'. . . .'0y---------------------------5y--------------------------10y'
` ._. `

Honestly, you'd do better not to pay too much attention to the highlighted
zone. It's just to help you figure out how much power you'll need quicker.
Don't base your shot off it. You see, the power meter for putts indicates
exactly how far the putt will travel on a flat green. Let's suppose the
hole is 6.9 yards away, and the green is straight and flat (Well, I can
dream.) If I were to stop the power bar in the middle of the highlighted
range, I would only hit the ball 6.5 yards and I would come short of the
hole. I'd be better off stopping it between 7 and 8 yards to make sure it
goes all the way.

"But what if you hit it too hard?" Well, if there's too much power then the
ball will just hop over the hole. However, you need to have about 3 yards too
much power for that to happen. Whereas if you're *half a yard* too soft, you
won't make it all the way to the hole. So you always want to hit the ball too
hard rather than too soft.

- 0.2m of elevation = 1 yard of power. So, if you're 12 yards from the hole,
and it's 0.4m downhill, use only 10 yards of power.
- When the dots are straight, if you can make a straight line that starts
at your putter and goes through the FOURTH dot and the hole, your putt
will go in. Of course, this doesn't mean reach for your ruler when you're
putting: the rule simply means that for every dot, you need to adjust
1/4th of the distance between it and the orange line.

(!!) The exception to this rule is Wind Hill. The green works differently on
that course. It's about every 3 dots as opposed to every 4. The 3:4
ratio also applies to elevation: treat every .15m as 1y of power instead
of every .2m

- For long putts, pay careful attention to the bar. You'll notice that the
little dots seem to slope up and down. That indicates if the green is
uphill or downhill at that distance. If there is a long downwards slope
you will want to use less power than usual because the ball will gather
momentum as it rolls down. For putts under 20 yards this shouldn't make
a difference.

(!!) If the hole is 9 to 10 yards away, and the putt is flat or uphill,
switch to the 20 yard putter. No point hoping to hit max power on the
10 yard putter and hoping there's enough power to make it when you could
just give it 11 yards with ease, right?

(!!) You don't have to be on the green to use a putter. If you're on the
fringe, or even several yards away from the green, don't be afraid to
try a putt. It might be easier than trying to chip it in. Just make
sure to give yourself lots of extra power if your putt covers several
yards of rough.

-- 4. TIPS/STRATEGY - [SRT] --

Pang. Sure, a little extra cash on the side is nice, but Pang is so much more
important. You see, if the scores are even, then Pang is the tiebreaker. The
extra Pang you can milk out of your shots usually only makes a difference in
short (3 hole or 6 hole) games, but an 18 hole game being decided by less
than 10 Pang is not unheard of. Therefore, you should try to earn as much
pang as you can.

OVERDRIVE: On your first shot of each hole, every yard the ball travels
farther than the 'estimated' distance, you get 1 pang. So do
whatever it takes to get more. There are several holes that
allow you to bounce the ball off a hard surface (i.e. cement
path, a volcano...) to get an extra ten to thirty yards.
Take advantage of 'em. Also, if you only want to go 190
yards on the drive, don't use a 1W and reduce the power.
Use a 3W at max power instead, for example.
** Note that hitting a super pangya doubles your overdrive
pang, so using a powershot on holes with a good overdrive
opportunity ain't a bad idea either.
NICE APPROACH: Not only does putting the ball right next to the hole give
you an easy putt, you'll also rack up anywhere from four to
over twenty pang for landing the ball within a few yards.
TOMAHAWK/COBRA: Not everyone can pull off a special shot with ease, but take
10 pang for nailing one of these shots, add the practically
guaranteed overdrive points (and multiply that by two if you
hit a Super PangYa), and that's at least twenty pang. Which
can be enough to steal a victory in short games.
LONG PUTT: Picture this -- you're tied with another player, but he's
well ahead of you in pang. You're both about 180 yards from
the hole. He shoots first, and lands it within 3 yards. From
the looks of it, he'll sink the putt for sure, tie with you
(if he doesn't win outright), and win on pang. If there's no
risk of falling into third place, why not intentionally land
on the green around 20 yards (or more) from the hole, and
try for a Long Putt? At least you'll have a shot at winning.
BEAM IMPACT: If your chipping is solid, you can try hitting as close to
the hole as possible without being on the green, and then
attempt to land the ball in the hole without bouncing. It's
worth a cool 100 pang, so if all else fails...

Several holes have an island set in the middle of a water hazard, all covered
in rough. Usually, landing on one of these islands will put you in a position
to shave one stroke off your score. Being able to hit these pieces of land
all the time without getting your ball wet will make winning games a whole
lot easier. And sometimes aiming for the rough is simply a better shot than
going for the fairway.

Oh sure, it's tempting to bean the ball as far as you can. "Hey, I'm pretty
sure I can clear that water hazard..." But whether you're 60 yards or 200
yards away from the hole, you'll still be able to get on the green in one
shot. Don't take stupid risks if it's not even going to help your score.

-- 5. REFERENCES - [RFR] --


Albatross ----- Earn pang for scoring Albatross. (See table below)
Beam Impact --- Earn 100 pang for having the ball land in the hole without
Birdie -------- Earn pang for scoring a Birdie. (See table below)
Clash Combo --- 2x multiplier for every obstacle the ball hits.
Clear Bonus --- Earn pang for completing a round. (based on course, holes
played, and # of players)
Cobra --------- Earn 10 pang for performing a Cobra.
Dormie Bonus -- Earn pang for winning a Match game without having to play all
the holes.
Eagle --------- Earn pang for scoring an Eagle. (See table below)
Happy Bonus --- When a player scores a Hole in One, all players get a bonus
of 20 pang.
Hole in One --- Earn pang for scoring a Hole in One. (See table below)
Long Chip-in -- Earn 4 pang per yard for getting the ball in the hole from
over 17 yards away.
Long Putt ----- Earn 2 pang per yard for a successful putt from over 17 yards
Nice Approach - Earn 4 to 36 pang for landing the ball within 7 yards from
over 40 yards away. The exact formula for pang awarded is:
4n+n(7-y) , where n is the amount of strokes you are under
par while chipping and y is your distance from the hole
(whole numbers only). For chips closer than 75y, the pang
awarded is reduced.
Nice Recovery - Earn 10 pang for having a ball that landed in the rough or
bunker powerspin onto the fairway or green (Or 15 pang for
having a ball that landed O.B. powerspin out of the OB zone)
Overdrive ----- On your first shot, earn 1 pang for every yard your shot
travels farther than the estimated amount.
Over Par ------ LOSE 2 pang for every stroke you were over par.
Par ----------- Earn pang for scoring Par. (See table below)
Phoenix Bonus - A player who hits a PangYa using a special ball (purchased
with cookies) receives 30 pang. Additionally, all other
players receive 5 pang. PangYas hit after the player is over
par earn only 1 pang for the player, and 0 for the rest.
Power Curve --- 2x multiplier when you perform a power curve and the ball
goes in the hole.
Power Spin ---- 2x multiplier when you perform a power spin and the ball
goes in the hole.
Recovery Bonus- 2x multiplier for EVERY BONUS when playing during rain.
Super PangYa -- 2x multiplier when you shoot a Power shot with Max power
and a PangYa.
Tomahawk ------ Earn 10 pang for performing a Tomahawk.

A - Blue Lagoon | 3 | 12 | 30 | 50 | 50 |
A - North Wiz | 5 | 17 | 36 | 55 | 55 |
AA - Blue Water | 7 | 21 | 42 | 70 | 70 |
AA - Sepia Wind | 8 | 24 | 42 | 70 | 70 |
AAA - Wiz Wiz | 12 | 36 | 62 | 90 | 90 |
AAA - Wind Hill | 15 | 39 | 70 | 100 | 100 |

With the exception of Recovery Bonus, which doubles all bonuses, and Clash
Combo, which applies only to score bonuses, multipliers only apply to
overdrive and score bonuses (i.e. birdie, eagle)

If you are over par, the beam will turn gray and you will not be able to earn
any bonuses.

Credit for the information in this section goes to OneLetter.

Note: If you are playing a Vs. Game with 3 players, for example, the winner
will get the EXP in the '2nd' column, and 2nd will get the exp in the
'3rd' column, and so on.

------------ VS MODE ------------
| |-------4 players-------|
| | |----3 players----|
| | | |-2 players-|
| HOLES | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 2 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
| 3 | 8 | 6 | 4 | 2 |
| 4 | 12 | 9 | 6 | 3 |
| 5 | 16 | 12 | 8 | 4 |
| 6 | 20 | 15 | 10 | 5 |
| 7 | 24 | 18 | 12 | 6 |
| 8 | 28 | 21 | 14 | 7 |
| 9 | 32 | 24 | 16 | 8 |
| 10 | 36 | 27 | 18 | 9 |
| 11 | 40 | 30 | 20 | 10 |
| 12 | 44 | 33 | 22 | 11 |
| 13 | 48 | 36 | 24 | 12 |
| 14 | 52 | 39 | 26 | 13 |
| 15 | 56 | 42 | 28 | 14 |
| 16 | 60 | 45 | 30 | 15 |
| 17 | 64 | 48 | 32 | 16 |
| 18 | 68 | 51 | 34 | 17 |

.------- TOURNAMENT MODE - 18 holes --------.
|PLAYERS| Winner | Top20% | 20-60% | Low40% |
| 10-13 | 6 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
| 14-17 | 7 | 5 | 3 | 1 |
| 18-21 | 8 | 6 | 4 | 2 |
| 22-25 | 9 | 7 | 5 | 3 |
| 26-29 | 10 | 8 | 6 | 4 |
| 3 0 | 11 | 9 | 7 | 5 |

.------- TOURNAMENT MODE - 9 holes --------.
|PLAYERS| Winner | Top20% | 20-60% | Low40% |
| 10-13 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
| 14-17 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
| 18-21 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
| 22-25 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
| 26-29 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
| 3 0 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 |

Note that GMs (and only GMs) can set tournaments that are not 9 or 18 holes.
In this case, the EXP for 18 holes is used by default.

The BEST way to earn EXP is to play two-player 18 hole VS. games. EXP is not
given for playing the first hole, so the more holes you play, the better
the EXP yield. (Example: One 1v1 6-hole gives you 10 exp for winning. Winning
two 1v1 3-holes only gives you 8 exp.) You want to play two-player games
because the EXP you get for winning is the same (since you cam play two two-
player games in the time it takes to play one four-player game), and you get
more exp if you lose (34 in two 2-player games compared to 17 in a single
4-player game)

Of course, nobody's forcing you to pay attention the whole game. You can play
18 holes with four people and browse the internet or something when it's not
your turn.


Playing tournaments is the only way to earn Trophies. Trophies are displayed
in your profile, and for those that play tournaments regularly, are a fairly
good indicator of skill (After all, luck alone won't get you the lowest score
in a field of 20 to 30 people.)

Trophies are awarded based on how many people there are playing in a
tournament. The more players, the more trophies.

.----- 18 hole -----. .----- 9 hole -----.
|PLAYERS| G | S | B | |PLAYERS| G | S | B |
|-------+---+---+---| |-------+---+---+---|
| 10-14 | 0 | 0 | 1 | | 10-14 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 15-18 | 0 | 1 | 1 | | 15-18 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
| 19-22 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 19-22 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
| 23-26 | 1 | 1 | 2 | | 23-26 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
| 27-30 | 1 | 2 | 3 | | 27-30 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
'-------+---+---+---' '-------+---+---+---'

The number of participants is "locked in" after the fourth hole. However, if
a room has 19 people, and someone disconnects before completing the fourth
hole, there'll only be a bronze and silver trophy. No gold.

You may also notice that tournament rooms are often "Amateur Level 5" or
"Amateur Level 4". The difference is in the trophies awarded. Each level has
its own unique gold, silver, and bronze trophies. The level of a tournament
is decided by the rank of the participants (Amateur Level 6 for Rookies,
level 5 for Beginners, level 4 for Juniors, and so on.) It is weighted a
little: a room with 5 Seniors and 25 Juniors would be Amateur Level 3
for Senior, for example.

All you really *need* to know (if you care at all about tournament levels) is
that the bare minimum for a trophy of a specific rank is 1/6 of the players
must be that level, and the other 5/6 must be the rank immediately below. And
there does come a point where it is *impossible* to attain a certain level of
trophy, because your rank alone would bring up the average too far. So if you
are a perfectionist, beware.

Like the amount of trophies, the trophy level is never locked in. If a high-
level player leaves early in the tournament, the level may drop.

At the end of tournaments, trophies and exp are awarded. There are also six
awards. Each trophy and award you win gives you a chance to get a free item
(it's like getting a present in vs. mode) Unlike the presents in versus mode,
however, you can get cookie items. The probability of getting an item likely
depends on the amount of people in a tournament -- even if you get five
awards, if there's only ten people in the room you might only get one or two

Best Speed: The first person to finish the round.*
Best Leaner: The best approach from a sloped lie.*
Best Chip-in: The longest chip-in.
Best Long Putt: The longest putt.
Best Luck: Not sure. It might be the best approach with a shot that missed
pangya, but that has yet to be verified.
Best Recovery: The person with the most improved back 9 score (compared to
their front 9)**

* If you shoot anything above par on any hole, you cannot win Best Speed or
Best Leaner.
** Priority for Best Recovery is given to those who shoot above par on the
front 9. (for example, +1 on the front 9 and -2 on the back 9 would win
over -1 on the front 9 and -5 on the back 9). Also, your back 9 must be
better than your front 9 to win this award; if nobody shot a better back
9 than their front 9, nobody wins this award.


Just to help you figure out the mysterious Albatross shorthand.

AL -------- Air Lance (usually refers to Air Lance 2 clubs)
Alba ------ Albatross
Beam ------ Beam Impact (or, the beam above every hole that sucks your ball
out of the air)
BI -------- Beam Impact
Bird ------ Birdie
BL -------- Blue Lagoon
BS -------- Backspin (usually refers to a powerspin backwards)
BS Toma --- Tomahawk with powerspin backwards
BW -------- Blue Water
Catbag ---- Papel the caddie
Ceci ------ Cecilia
Crosswind - Wind blowing across the ball (sideways arrow in wind gauge)
Dolph ----- Dolfini the caddie
Double ---- Double Bogey
Drugs ----- Items (usually refers to Nerve Stabilizers)
Facewind -- Wind that is blowing against the ball (down arrow in wind gauge)
gg -------- Good game
gl -------- Good luck
HIO ------- Hole In One
Hopped ---- "My shot hit the hole and hopped over it"
Household - Household Goods clubs
Lipped ---- "My shot caught the lip but went around the hole, not in"
OB -------- Out of Bounds
Pills ----- Nerve Stabilizer items
Pangya ---- Hitting a Pangya/Albatross 18 (all other versions of the game are
called "Pangya")
PPIC ------ Missed Pangya (No idea what PPIC is supposed to stand for)
nike ------ The ball went around the lip and stayed out (think of the nike
speed ----- Speed award (in tournaments)
sploosh --- "I shot the ball into the water"/"It's going in the water"
SW -------- Sepia Wind, or the SW club
Tailwind -- Wind that is blowing with the ball (up arrow in wind gauge)
Tommie ---- Tomahawk
TB -------- TitanBoo
Triple ---- Triple Bogey
ul -------- Unlucky
WH -------- Wind Hill, or Water Hazard
WW -------- Wiz Wiz


Trying to put together an outfit in the Character Shop interface can be a
bit of a hassle (especially when there's more than one page to root through),
so why not put your dream outfit together here before going into the game and
buying it?

All articles of clothing in the game are listed. The name's on the left, the
effect (if any) is in the middle, the cost is at the end, and at the very
end, the minimum level requirement is listed (If the minimum level is
Rookie F, then that part will be left blank).

Articles with a [ ] or [*] before the name indicate limited-time or event
items. [*] indicates a current limited-time item, and [ ] indicates an item
that is no longer obtainable.

For each character, their base stats are represented with = symbols and the
number is listed to the right. The - symbols represent the stats provided by
your clubs, to give you a better idea of your actual stats. Those stats are
displayed in brackets. _ symbols represent slots that can be upgraded (Go to
My Closet and then equipment), and the slots are listed inside the brackets
as additions (i.e. [17+1] means 17 control with the clubs, and 1 controlslot)

(!!) When planning your character, keep in mind that you get one powerslot
for each new rank you acheive (Beginner, Junior, Senior etc.)

(!!) Also keep in mind that for every point over 20 you have in Power, you
lose 1 control and 1 accuracy (Not permanently, just as long as your
power is beyond that limit).

- SCOUT - [EQPa] Cost: 18000 pang
(Male players start with Scout)
----------- Stats with Air Lance ------------
------ Power =========------ 9 [15]
---- Control ===========------_ 11 [17+1]
--- Accuracy ======----_ 6 [10+1]
------- Spin ==--- 2 [ 5]
------ Curve ==--- 2 [ 5]
---------- Stats with Air Lance II ----------
------ Power =========-------_ 9 [16+1]
---- Control ===========-----_______ 11 [16+7]
--- Accuracy ======----___ 6 [10+3]
------- Spin ==-__ 2 [ 3+2]
------ Curve ==---_ 2 [ 5+1]
--------- Stats with Household Goods --------
------ Power =========--------___ 9 [17+3]
---- Control ===========-----______ 11 [16+6]
--- Accuracy ======----____ 6 [10+4]
------- Spin ==-__ 2 [ 3+2]
------ Curve ==-__ 2 [ 3+2]
---------- Stats with Baseball Bats ---------
------ Power =========--------__ 9 [17+2]
---- Control ===========-----_______ 11 [16+7]
--- Accuracy ======----___ 6 [10+3]
------- Spin ==-_ 2 [ 3+1]
------ Curve ==---__ 2 [ 5+2]

/// TOPS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Recon Tank ------------ Power+1 Slot+2 - 90 Cookies
Silvia Sports Top . . . Power+1 Slot+2 . 86 Cookies
Star Tee -------------- Power+1 Slot+2 - 86 Cookies
Machina Tee . . . . . . Power+1 Slot+2 . 86 Cookies
B&W Striped Tee ------- Power+1 Slot+2 - 84 Cookies
Zigzag Hoody . . . . . Power+1 Slot+2 . 84 Cookies
Marine Hoody ---------- Power+1 Slot+2 - 83 Cookies
Wingtross Tee . . . . . Power+1 Slot+2 . 82 Cookies
Orange Ringer Tee -------- PowerSlot+3 - 21000 Pang --- Junior A
Cat Tee . . . . . . . . . PowerSlot+2 . 17500 Pang . Beginner A
Black Button-Up ------- AccuracySlot+2 - 15000 Pang - Beginner D
Hawaiian Shirt . . . . . . PowerSlot+1 . 12000 Pang
Navy Hoody ------------------------------ 4900 Pang
Yellow Hoody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2900 Pang
Red Shark Vest -------------------------- 2500 Pang
Rogue Shark Vest . . . . . . . . . . . . 1600 Pang

/// BOTTOMS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Recon Shorts . . . . Control+1 Slot+3 . 93 Cookies
Striped Jeans ------- Control+1 Slot+3 - 91 Cookies
Designer Jeans . . . Control+1 Slot+3 . 89 Cookies
Silvia Sports Pants - Control+1 Slot+3 - 76 Cookies
Blue Cargo Pants . . Control+1 Slot+3 . 72 Cookies
Khaki Cargo Shorts -- Control+1 Slot+3 - 67 Cookies
Blue Cargo Shorts . . Control+1 Slot+3 . 65 Cookies
Golden Shorts ------- Control+1 Slot+3 - 62 Cookies
Tomahawk Pants . . . . . ControlSlot+3 . 23000 Pang . . Junior B
Tangerine Shorts ------- ControlSlot+3 - 22000 Pang --- Junior B
Black Jeans . . . . . . ControlSlot+2 . 15000 Pang . Beginner D
Blue Jeans ------------- ControlSlot+2 - 13000 Pang - Beginner D
Indigo Shorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5000 Pang
Cotton Khakis --------------------------- 3500 Pang
White Pants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2900 Pang

/// SHOES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Danger Lows . . . . Accuracy+1 . . . . 47 Cookies
Angel Sharks ------- Accuracy+1 -------- 43 Cookies
Greenline Lows . . . Accuracy+1 . . . . 43 Cookies
Tangerine Flip-Flops Accuracy+1 -------- 14000 Pang - Beginner D
Pink Comets . . . . . . Power+2 . . . . 14000 Pang . . Junior E
Stealth Pacers ------- Power+2 -------- 14000 Pang - Beginner D
Pacers MP5 . . . . . . Power+2 . . . . 10000 Pang
Tiger Sharks ---------- Power+1 --------- 5100 Pang
Blue Comets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2200 Pang

/// ACCESSORIES ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Headsets -
Tomahawk Headset . . . Curve+1 . . . . 84 Cookies . Beginner E
Machina Headset -------- Spin+1 -------- 84 Cookies

- Hats -
Blue Cowboy Hat . . . . Curve+1 Slot+1 . 77 Cookies
Recon Headgear --------- Spin+1 Slot+1 - 73 Cookies
Silvia Sports Cap . . . Spin+1 Slot+1 . 69 Cookies
Bunny Ears ------------ Curve+1 Slot+1 - 67 Cookies
Speeder Stealth . . . . Curve+1 Slot+1 . 67 Cookies
Pangya Cap ------------ Curve+1 Slot+1 - 67 Cookies
Albatross Cap . . . . . Spin+1 Slot+1 . 67 Cookies
Speeder ---------------- Spin+1 Slot+1 - 12000 Pang --- Senior D
Baseball Cap . . . . . . Spin+1 . . . . . 5700 Pang
Cowboy Hat ------------------------------ 1100 Pang
[ ]The Leprechaun . . . Spin+1 Slot+1 . 65 Cookies
[ ]The Clover ---------- Spin+1 --------- 5000 Pang
[ ]Santa Cap . . . . . . Spin+1 Slot+1 . 68 Cookies
[ ]Jack-O-Lantern Hat ---------------------- 0 Pang

- Noses -
[ ]Rudolph's Red Nose . . . . . . . . Not for Sale

- Gloves -
Rebel Gloves ---------- Curve+1 Slot+1 - 46 Cookies
Sky Glove . . . . . . . Curve+1 . . . . . 5300 Pang
KO Gloves ------------------------------- 1500 Pang

- Facepaint -
[*]Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Soccer Ball -------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Holland ------------------------------ 5 Cookies
[*]Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]U.S.A. ------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Sweden ------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Switzerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Spain -------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Italy -------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]England ------------------------------ 5 Cookies
[*]Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Poland ------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies

- HANA - [EQPb] Cost: 18000 pang
(Female players start with Hana)
----------- Stats with Air Lance ------------
------ Power =========------ 9 [15]
---- Control ===========------_ 11 [17+1]
--- Accuracy ======----_ 6 [10+1]
------- Spin ==--- 2 [ 5]
------ Curve ==--- 2 [ 5]
--------- Stats with Air Lance II -----------
------ Power =========-------_ 9 [16+1]
---- Control ===========-----_______ 11 [16+7]
--- Accuracy ======----___ 6 [10+3]
------- Spin ==-__ 2 [ 3+2]
------ Curve ==---_ 2 [ 5+1]
--------- Stats with Household Goods --------
------ Power =========--------___ 9 [17+3]
---- Control ===========-----______ 11 [16+6]
--- Accuracy ======----____ 6 [10+4]
------- Spin ==-__ 2 [ 3+2]
------ Curve ==-__ 2 [ 3+2]
---------- Stats with Baseball Bats ---------
------ Power =========--------__ 9 [17+2]
---- Control ===========-----_______ 11 [16+7]
--- Accuracy ======----___ 6 [10+3]
------- Spin ==-_ 2 [ 3+1]
------ Curve ==---__ 2 [ 5+2]

/// TOPS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Tops -
Heart Tee . . . . . . . Power+1 Slot+2 . 86 Cookies
Honor Top ------------- Power+1 Slot+2 - 79 Cookies
Navy Sailor Top . . . . Power+1 Slot+2 . 74 Cookies
Indian Top --------------- PowerSlot+3 - 24000 Pang --- Senior C
Pink Sleeveless . . . . . PowerSlot+3 . 23000 Pang . . Senior C
Pink Sailor Top ---------- PowerSlot+2 - 20000 Pang --- Junior E
Strawberry Top . . . . AccuracySlot+2 . 16000 Pang
Heart Top ------------- AccuracySlot+2 - 15000 Pang - Beginner D
Spearmint Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5100 Pang
Sky Sailor Top -------------------------- 2300 Pang

- Dresses - [Cannot be worn with bottoms]
China Doll ------------ Power+1 Slot+2 - 94 Cookies
Carrot One-Piece . . . Power+1 Slot+2 . 91 Cookies
Couture Dress --------- Power+1 Slot+2 - 86 Cookies
Speedline Dress . . . . . Powerslot+1 . 13000 Pang

/// BOTTOMS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Honor Mini ---------- Control+1 Slot+3 - 82 Cookies
Navy Pleated Mini . . Control+1 Slot+3 . 62 Cookies
Indian Denim Shorts ---- ControlSlot+3 - 19000 Pang --- Junior A
A-Line Pleated Skirt . . ControlSlot+3 . 19000 Pang . . Junior A
Pink Sailor Mini ------- ControlSlot+3 - 18000 Pang --- Junior E
Denim Skirt . . . . . . ControlSlot+3 . 15000 Pang . Beginner D
Albatross Pearl Skirt ------------------- 7500 Pang
Sky Pleated Mini . . . . . . . . . . . . 3500 Pang
Tiered Denim Skirt ---------------------- 2300 Pang

/// SHOES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
China Wings ----------- Power+2 -------- 65 Cookies
Carrot Wings . . . . . Power+2 . . . . 60 Cookies
Speedline Lows ----- Accuracy+1 -------- 43 Cookies
Red Wings . . . . . . Power+2 . . . . 14000 Pang - Beginner D
Brown Wings ----------- Power+2 -------- 10000 Pang
Maryjanes . . . . . . . Power+1 . . . . . 5100 Pang
Red Sneakers ---------------------------- 2200 Pang

/// ACCESSORIES ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Bowknot - [Can only be worn with a dress]
Black Bowknot . . . . Control+1 Slot+3 . 62 Cookies
White Bowknot ------- Control+1 Slot+3 - 62 Cookies
Red Bowknot . . . . . Control+1 Slot+3 . 62 Cookies

- Glasses -
Summer Shades . . . Accuracy+1 Slot+1 . 70 Cookies
Bookworm Glasses --- Accuracy+1 -------- 17000 Pang --- Junior B

- Hat/Hairband/Bow -
Honor Cap -------------- Spin+1 Slot+1 - 71 Cookies
Carrot Bandana . . . . Curve+1 Slot+1 . 70 Cookies
Fox Hairband --------- Curve+1 Slot+1 - 70 Cookies
Rabbit Hairband . . . . Curve+1 Slot+1 . 67 Cookies
Tiffany Blue Hat ------- Spin+1 Slot+1 - 67 Cookies
Mochi Hairband . . . . . Spin+1 Slot+1 . 67 Cookies
Brown Bows ------------ Curve+1 Slot+1 - 29 Cookies
Yellow Bows . . . . . . Curve+1 Slot+1 . 29 Cookies
Waterdrop Hairband ------- CurveSlot+1 - 22 Cookies
Cat Hair Band . . . . . Spin+1 Slot+1 . 10000 Pang . . Senior E
Summer Hat ------------- Spin+1 --------- 5700 Pang
Black Bandana . . . . . Spin+1 . . . . . 5700 Pang
Green Bandana --------------------------- 2700 Pang
Red Bandana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2700 Pang
Pink Stripe Hairband --------------------- 500 Pang
White Hairband . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Pang
[ ]The Leprechaun ------ Spin+1 Slot+1 - 65 Cookies
[ ]The Clover . . . . . Spin+1 --------- 5000 Pang
[ ]Santa Bandana ------- Spin+1 Slot+1 - 68 Cookies
[ ]Jack-O-Lantern Hat . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Pang

- Gloves -
Pricess Gloves --------- Spin+1 -------- 46 Cookies
China Doll Gloves . . . Curve+1 . . . . 46 Cookies
Rebel Gloves ---------- Curve+1 --------- 5300 Pang

- Noses -
[ ]Rudolph's Red Nose . . . . . . . . Not for Sale

- Facepaint -
[*]Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Soccer Ball -------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Holland ------------------------------ 5 Cookies
[*]Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]U.S.A. ------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Sweden ------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Switzerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Spain -------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Italy -------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]England ------------------------------ 5 Cookies
[*]Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Poland ------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies

- UNCLE BOB - [EQPc] Cost: 29000 pang
----------- Stats with Air Lance ------------
------ Power ===========------ 11 [17]
---- Control ========------_ 8 [14+1]
--- Accuracy =====----_ 5 [ 9+1]
------- Spin =====--- 5 [ 8]
------ Curve ==--- 2 [ 5]
--------- Stats with Air Lance II -----------
------ Power ===========-------_ 11 [18+1]
---- Control ========-----_______ 8 [13+7]
--- Accuracy =====----___ 5 [ 9+3]
------- Spin =====-__ 5 [ 6+2]
------ Curve ==---_ 2 [ 5+1]
--------- Stats with Household Goods --------
------ Power ===========--------___ 11 [19+3]
---- Control ========-----______ 8 [13+6]
--- Accuracy =====----____ 5 [ 9+4]
------- Spin =====-__ 5 [ 6+2]
------ Curve ==-_ 2 [ 3+1]
---------- Stats with Baseball Bats ---------
------ Power ===========--------__ 11 [19+2]
---- Control ========-----_______ 8 [13+7]
--- Accuracy =====----___ 5 [ 9+3]
------- Spin =====-_ 5 [ 6+1]
------ Curve ==---__ 2 [ 5+2]

/// TOPS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Seargeant Tank -------- Power+1 Slot+2 - 96 Cookies
Sweater Vest . . . . . Power+1 Slot+2 . 94 Cookies
Inferno Top ----------- Power+1 Slot+2 - 94 Cookies
Cop Top . . . . . . . . Power+1 Slot+2 . 94 Cookies
Sweater Vest ---------- Power+1 Slot+2 - 94 Cookies
Executive Top . . . . . Power+1 Slot+2 . 86 Cookies
Star Tee -------------- Power+1 Slot+2 - 86 Cookies
Heart Tee . . . . . . . Power+1 Slot+2 . 84 Cookies
Uncle Top ---------------- PowerSlot+3 - 24000 Pang --- Junior B
Detective Top . . . . . . PowerSlot+3 . 23000 Pang . . Junior C
Admiral Top -------------- PowerSlot+3 - 23000 Pang --- Junior C
Banker Top . . . . . . . . PowerSlot+3 . 19000 Pang . Beginner D

/// BOTTOMS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Seargeant Short . . . Control+1 Slot+4 . 93 Cookies
Uncle Shorts -------- Control+1 Slot+4 - 77 Cookies
Inferno Pants . . . . Control+1 Slot+3 . 70 Cookies
Cop Pants ----------- Control+1 Slot+3 - 70 Cookies
Executive Pants . . Control+1 Slot+3 . 70 Cookies
Heart Trousers ------ Control+1 Slot+4 - 67 Cookies
Detective Pants . . . . ControlSlot+4 . 22000 Pang . . Senior D
Admiral Pants ---------- ControlSlot+4 - 22000 Pang --- Senior D
Leisure Pants . . . . . ControlSlot+3 . 19000 Pang . . Junior B
Summer Shorts ---------- ControlSlot+3 - 17000 Pang - Beginner D

/// SHOES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Inferno Shoes --------- Power+2 -------- 65 Cookies
Alpine Trekkers . . . . Power+2 . . . . 65 Cookies
Great Whites ---------- Power+2 -------- 62 Cookies
Executive Shoes . . Accuracy+1 . . . . 55 Cookies
Police Battle Boots --- Power+1 -------- 48 Cookies
Work Shoes . . . . . Accuracy+1 Slot+1 . 19000 Pang . . Junior A
Navy-issue Shoes ------ Power+2 -------- 14000 Pang --- Junior A
Workman Brown . . . Accuracy+1 . . . . 12000 Pang

/// ACCESSORIES ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Hats -
Sergeant Headgear . . . Spin+1 Slot+1 . 76 Cookies
Bunny Ears ------------ Curve+1 Slot+1 - 67 Cookies
Heart Cap . . . . . . . Curve+1 Slot+1 . 67 Cookies
Inferno Fedora -------- Curve+1 Slot+1 - 62 Cookies
Wool Fedora . . . . . . Curve+1 Slot+1 . 60 Cookies
Aztec Cap ------------- Curve+1 Slot+1 - 60 Cookies
White Fedora . . . . . Curve+1 Slot+1 . 12000 Pang . . Junior A
Admiral Hat -------------- CurveSlot+2 - 11000 Pang --- Junior C
[ ]The Leprechaun ------ Spin+1 Slot+1 - 65 Cookies
[ ]The Clover . . . . . Spin+1 --------- 5000 Pang
[ ]Santa Cap ----------- Spin+1 Slot+1 - 68 Cookies

- Glasses -
Aviators . . . . . . Accuracy+1 Slot+1 . 94 Cookies
Hawkeye Shades ----- Accuracy+1 Slot+1 - 94 Cookies

- Beards -
Beard . . . . . . . . . ControlSlot+1 . 53 Cookies

- Pipes -
Tobacco Pipe . . . . Accuracy+1 . . . . 46 Cookies

- Gloves -
Sergeant Gloves . . . . Curve+1 . . . . 46 Cookies
Inferno Gloves -------- Curve+1 -------- 46 Cookies
Black Eagle Gloves . . . Spin+1 . . . . 46 Cookies

- Noses -
[ ]Rudolph's Red Nose . . . . . . . . Not For Sale

- Facepaint -
[*]Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Soccer Ball -------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Holland ------------------------------ 5 Cookies
[*]Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]U.S.A. ------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Sweden ------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Switzerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Spain -------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Italy -------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]England ------------------------------ 5 Cookies
[*]Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Poland ------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies

- CECILIA - [EQPd] Cost: 27000 pang
----------- Stats with Air Lance ------------
------ Power ==========------ 10 [16]
---- Control =========------_ 9 [15+1]
--- Accuracy ======----_ 6 [10+1]
------- Spin ==--- 2 [ 5]
------ Curve ======--- 6 [ 9]
---------- Stats with Air Lance II ----------
------ Power ==========-------_ 10 [17+1]
---- Control =========-----_______ 9 [14+7]
--- Accuracy ======----___ 6 [10+3]
------- Spin ==-__ 2 [ 3+2]
------ Curve ======---_ 6 [ 9+1]
--------- Stats with Household Goods --------
------ Power ==========--------___ 10 [18+3]
---- Control =========-----______ 9 [14+6]
--- Accuracy ======----____ 6 [10+4]
------- Spin ==-__ 2 [ 3+2]
------ Curve ======-_ \ 6 [ 7+1]
---------- Stats with Baseball Bats ---------
------ Power ==========--------__ 10 [18+2]
---- Control =========-----_______ 9 [14+7]
--- Accuracy ======----___ 6 [10+3]
------- Spin ==-_ 2 [ 3+1]
------ Curve ======---__ 6 [ 9+2]

/// TOPS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Sonia Top ------------- Power+1 Slot+2 - 98 Cookies
Combat Top . . . . . . Power+1 Slot+2 . 96 Cookies
Engineer Top ---------- Power+1 Slot+2 - 94 Cookies
Heart Tee . . . . . . . Power+1 Slot+2 . 86 Cookies
Professor Top --------- Power+1 Slot+2 - 86 Cookies
Azure Top . . . . . . . . PowerSlot+3 . 24000 Pang . . Junior D
Gala Top ----------------- PowerSlot+3 - 20000 Pang --- Junior B
Naval Top . . . . . . . . PowerSlot+3 . 19000 Pang . Beginner D
Nurse Top ---------------- PowerSlot+3 - 19000 Pang --- Junior B

/// BOTTOMS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Camo Dukes . . . . . Control+1 Slot+3 . 85 Cookies
Sonia Skirt --------- Control+1 Slot+3 - 79 Cookies
Engineer Pants . . . Control+1 Slot+3 . 74 Cookies
Professor Skirt ----- Control+1 Slot+3 - 72 Cookies
Azure Skirt . . . . . . ControlSlot+3 . 20000 Pang . . Junior C
Gala Skirt ------------- ControlSlot+3 - 18000 Pang --- Junior B
Nurse Skirt . . . . . . ControlSlot+3 . 17000 Pang . . Junior B
Naval Pants ----------- ControlSlot+3 - 15000 Pang - Beginner D

/// SHOES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Golden Strap Pumps . . Power+2 . . . . 70 Cookies
Metallic Ruby Pumps Accuracy+1 . . . . 55 Cookies
Black Pumps -------- Accuracy+1 -------- 53 Cookies
Blue Plaid Sandal . . . Power+2 . . . . 48 Cookies
Sonia Sandal ------- Accuracy+1 -------- 48 Cookies
Lilac Strap Pumps . . . Power+2 . . . . 14000 Pang . . Junior A
Silver Ruby Pumps ----- Power+1 -------- 10000 Pang

/// ACCESSORIES ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Hats -
Camo Headgear ---------- Spin+1 Slot+1 - 73 Cookies
Sunflower Hat . . . . . Curve+1 Slot+1 . 70 Cookies
Engineer Cap ---------- Curve+1 Slot+1 - 70 Cookies
Bunny Ears . . . . . . Curve+1 Slot+1 . 67 Cookies
Naval Hat -------------- Spin+1 Slot+1 - 60 Cookies
Nurse Hat . . . . . . . Spin+1 Slot+1 . 60 Cookies
Summer Hat ---------------- SpinSlot+2 - 11000 Pang --- Junior B
[ ]The Leprechaun . . . Spin+1 Slot+1 . 65 Cookies
[ ]The Clover ---------- Spin+1 --------- 5000 Pang

- Glasses -
Smoked Shades . . . Accuracy+1 Slot+1 . 94 Cookies
Tifanny Sunglasses - Accuracy+1 Slot+1 - 94 Cookies
Eyeglasses . . . . . Accuracy+1 Slot+1 . 70 Cookies
Hawkeye Shades ----- Accuracy+1 -------- 17000 Pang --- Junior B

- Gloves -
Blue Ribbon Gloves . . . Spin+1 . . . . 46 Cookies

- Hairpins -
Jade Hairpin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 Pang

- Facepaint -
[*]Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Soccer Ball -------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Holland ------------------------------ 5 Cookies
[*]Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]U.S.A. ------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Sweden ------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Switzerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Spain -------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Italy -------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]England ------------------------------ 5 Cookies
[*]Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Poland ------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies

- MAX - [EQPe] Cost: 29000 pang
----------- Stats with Air Lance ------------
------ Power ============------ 12 [18]
---- Control ==========------ 10 [16+1]
--- Accuracy ======----_ 6 [10+1]
------- Spin =--- 1 [ 4]
------ Curve =--- 1 [ 4]
---------- Stats with Air Lance II ----------
------ Power ============-------_ 12 [19+1]
---- Control ==========-----_______ 10 [15+7]
--- Accuracy ======----___ 6 [10+3]
------- Spin =-__ 1 [ 2+2]
------ Curve =---_ 1 [ 4+1]
--------- Stats with Household Goods --------
------ Power ============--------___ 12 [20+3]
---- Control ==========-----______ 10 [15+6]
--- Accuracy ======----____ 6 [10+4]
------- Spin =-__ 1 [ 2+2]
------ Curve =-_ 1 [ 2+1]
---------- Stats with Baseball Bats ---------
------ Power ============--------__ 12 [20+2]
---- Control ==========-----_______ 10 [15+7]
--- Accuracy ======----___ 6 [10+3]
------- Spin =-_ 1 [ 2+1]
------ Curve =---__ 1 [ 4+2]

/// TOPS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Redline Top ----------- Power+1 Slot+2 - 96 Cookies
Silvia Sports Top . . . Power+1 Slot+2 . 94 Cookies
Valor Tank ------------ Power+1 Slot+2 - 93 Cookies
Tennis Elite Top . . . Power+1 Slot+2 . 91 Cookies
Crucifix Necklace -------- PowerSlot+3 - 34000 Pang --- Senior E
Doublecross Top . . . . . PowerSlot+3 . 25000 Pang . . Junior B

/// BOTTOMS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Redline Pants ------- Control+1 Slot+3 - 77 Cookies
Valor Shorts . . . . Control+1 Slot+3 . 76 Cookies
Silvia Sports Shorts Control+1 Slot+3 - 70 Cookies
Tennis Elite Shorts . Control+1 Slot+3 . 67 Cookies
Doublecross Pants ------ ControlSlot+3 - 22000 Pang - Beginner B
Maroon Denim Jeans . . . ControlSlot+3 . 17000 Pang . Beginner D

/// SHOES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Silvia Sports Shoes . . Power+2 . . . . 62 Cookies
Tennis Elite Shoes ---- Power+2 -------- 58 Cookies
Redline Boots . . . Accuracy+1 . . . . 54 Cookies
Reev Trainers ------ Accuracy+1 -------- 48 Cookies
Doublecross Boots . Accuracy+1 . . . . 15000 Pang . Beginner D

/// ACCESSORIES ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Hats -
Valor Headgear --------- Spin+1 Slot+1 - 76 Cookies
Smoked Visor . . . . . . Spin+1 Slot+1 . 67 Cookies
Redline Helmet -------- Curve+1 Slot+1 - 64 Cookies
[ ]The Leprechaun . . . Spin+1 Slot+1 . 65 Cookies
[ ]The Clover ---------- Spin+1 --------- 5000 Pang

- Wristbands-
Silvia Wristbands . . . . . SpinSlot+2 . 27000 Pang . . Senior D
Reev Wristbands ---------- CurveSlot+2 - 21000 Pang --- Senior D

- Gloves -
Reev Golf Glove -------- Spin+1 -------- 46 Cookies
Bike Gloves . . . . . . Curve+1 . . . . 46 Cookies
Doublecross Gloves ----- Spin+1 -------- 46 Cookies
Brown Leather Gloves . . Spin+1 . . . . 46 Cookies

- Glasses -
Hawkeye Shades ----- Accuracy+1 Slot+1 - 94 Cookies

- Facepaint -
[*]Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Soccer Ball -------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Holland ------------------------------ 5 Cookies
[*]Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]U.S.A. ------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Sweden ------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Switzerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Spain -------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Italy -------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]Japan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]England ------------------------------ 5 Cookies
[*]Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies
[*]Poland ------------------------------- 5 Cookies
[*]France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cookies


NOTE: For each hole I'll have the PAR and the TARGET SCORE. Also, some holes
will have a OPTIMAL SCORE listed. The TARGET SCORE indicates the score
you should get if you don't take any risks, don't screw up at all, and
take only one putt. On holes with a special trick that allows you to
cut a stroke off your score if you're skilled enough, the OPTIMAL SCORE
will be displayed.

[WLKa] //////////////// ~ BLUE LAGOON & BLUE WATER ~ \\\\\\\\
Blue Lagoon: Target Score (-16 to -18) ~ Optimal Score (-23)
Blue Water: Target Score (-15 to -17) ~ Optimal Score (-23)

I've listed Blue Lagoon and Blue Water together, since, as you have probably
noticed, they are the same course! Blue Water just has a few more obstacles.
The Blue levels are home to one of the best overdrive opportunities in the
game, and the easiest Albatross you'll ever find.

Blue Water-only notes will be marked with [BW].

- Unlike the other courses, the water here is O.B. Try to avoid it.
- Blue Lagoon usually has calm winds (and Blue Water usually has harsh
winds). Note the word "usually".
- Remember that you are golfing on little islands. Islands are bits of land
surrounded on all sides by water. Yes, that's something you probably
learned in preschool, but if you forget for a moment you will end up
seeing the dolphins.
- On Blue Lagoon, you start at the front of the tee. On Blue Water, you
start at the back. This is a difference of about 10 yards, which can
really make a difference.

HOLE 1 // PAR 4

There's nothing in the way of shortcuts here. Just send it down the fairway
and put it on the green.

[BW] - On your tee shot, aim for the left side of the fairway so the trees
don't become a problem on your next shot.

HOLE 2 // PAR 3

Remember that the marker is not where your shot lands, it's where it bounces.
Go down to a 3W to see where your 1W will first bounce. If that marker is
over the water you may want to reconsider your shot. If you can't aim near
the hole because your shot will land in the ocean if you try, just settle
for somewhere on the green. At worst, you might two-putt for par.

HOLE 3 // PAR 4

Just aim over the trees on your first shot, they won't grab your ball. Mind
you don't use too much power on your approach shot, since you might roll off
the green and into a well-placed bunker.

HOLE 4 // PAR 4

The tee shot here is simple enough, but the approach is tricky. Judge the
shot and choose the club you think is right... then pick the next highest
one. Trust me. If you don't, you'll probably hit the rough surrounding the
green and roll into the sand.

[BW] - There's some trees around the front of the green that might make your
approach tricky. It might be a good idea to adjust your tee shot so that your
approach is unobstructed.

HOLE 5 // PAR 5

If you're not into taking risks, then on your tee shot just whack it as far
as you can, and on your second shot use a PW or a low iron to knock it
farther down the island fairway. On your third shot you should be able to
make the green. If the hole is close to the near edge of the green, use a
powerspin backwards so you clear the water without going too far past. If
you miss the powerspin you can still two-putt for par.

Now, for the risktakers out there. If you have less than a 240y drive, you
may want to use a spin mastery on your tee shot. Give it maximum topspin and
try for a powerspin. Even if you miss you should still be close enough... If
you've got that wonderful 20 or more power, a regular shot should be fine
provided there's not a strong facewind.
Second shot, you want to pull off a tomahawk. Aim for the hole and hope for
the best. If you make it, you should be within 10 yards, and you can putt for
eagle. If you miss, you'll probably hear a "plunk" as your ball goes in the

HOLE 6 // PAR 3

On Blue Lagoon this hole is relatively easy. Give yourself enough power to
clear the ocean and use a backwards powerspin so you don't fly past the

[BW] - On Blue Water this hole is a bit of a challenge, since there's a giant
volcano in your way. You've got two options to try for birdie. First of all,
you could aim a little past the right edge of the volcano, add right curve to
the ball, and miss pangya to the left. That should give you enough curve to
at least hit the green. No guarantee you'll stay on it though. Your second
option is to put left curve on the ball and powercurve around the left side.
This shot has a much greater chance of landing on the green, but if you miss
pangya you will probably bounce off the volcano O.B.

If you go the powercurve route... MAKE SURE YOU DON'T HIT THE SIGN!!! It
doesn't look harmful at ALL, but if you aim too far left and powercurve you
can very easily smack it, which will probably result in an OB.

HOLE 7 // PAR 5

To eagle this hole, you'll need a decent drive (or strong tailwind) and a
powershot. If you have a weaker drive, you can still eagle this, but it;ll
require two powershots. On your tee shot, aim for the left part of the
fairway. Those with a weaker drive will need to use a powershot. In that
case, you should try to perform a tomahawk, but even if you miss you might
end up in the good spot. This is the only flat spot far enough down the
fairway: anywhere else will be on a slope and you'll be forced to use a 2W or
3W. If you land free of club restrictions, apply backspin and tomahawk your
second shot. If the tomahawk is successful you should hit the green and have
an eagle putt. If you miss, you'll roll down the giant hill in front of the
green and have a 50 to 60 yard approach shot to make.

HOLE 8 // PAR 4

If you're a low-ranked player who doesn't have much in the way of clothing
and is angry at all the high-rank players who can get lower scores with their
longer drives, this hole is your chance to turn around and say "Ha ha!"


On your tee shot, you have to land on this peninsula thing. It just so
happens that a 230 yard drive is the perfect amount of power for this shot.
Those with more power either need to aim to the far right or use less power,
and they risk rolling past the peninsula into the bunker.

Pleasantly enough, the green should be about 220 yards away on your next shot
if you aimed toward the middle with your sub-240 drive. Enjoy it while you
can, because very few holes are catered towards the weaklings.

HOLE 9 // PAR 4

This hole has a very tricky approach. The green is rather narrow, especially
at the very tip, which is where the hole seems to be placed most of the time.
It's no more than ten yards from one end to the other in the direction you're
aiming, so if your chipping isn't super accurate you might want to aim a wee
bit left to hit the fatter part of the green. Then again, a 15 or so yard
chip can be easier than a 15 or so yard putt. Just play to your strengths

HOLE 10 // PAR 3

(!!) - The green on this hole is BRUTAL. Don't give yourself a long putt.

Not a whole lot to say for the safe route. Just try to get as close as the
hole as possible. (It might even be easier just to get close to the green and
take a short chip, if you're better at chipping than putting.)

Now, there's a way to either get a LOT of overdrive, or get a lot (lowercase)
of overdrive and end up with a really tough birdie putt. The short answer is
you tomahawk the volcano. You want to aim for the dark brown part (if you hit
the light brown part you might stick), and you want to have some spin on the
ball -- probably backspin so you hit far enough on the volcano and you don't
roll too far down the green (that is, if you even make the green), but if you
have more than a 240y drive topspin might be better since you don't want the
ball to hit the back of the volcano -- since the more the ball is spinning,
the less likely it is to stick. Now, you just try to hit a little past the
side of the mountain, and it should explode, roll down the mountain fairly
quickly, get slowed down by the rough, and dribble onto the green. Worth
about 50 pang in overdrive (100 if you hit a super pangya).

[BW] - There are trees around the volcano. If your really awesome cool shot
rolls into one, it will suddenly stop and you will be O.B. Watch out.

HOLE 11 // PAR 4

Here's another one of those low-power-friendly holes. If you have more than
20 power and there's a tailwind, you should probably use a 2W so you don't
go O.B. (or, for Blue Water, have some kind of short and fat pink palm tree
thing in your way). The approach might be a little tough; too hard and you
will end up well past the hole, too soft and you might hit the rough and end
up not making it onto the green.

[BW] - On top of that little problem, there's a couple of trees guarding the
green. Be careful not to hit them, or you'll land in the rough a couple dozen
yards from the hole.

HOLE 12 // PAR 5

If you're going for eagle here, you've got a few options. All of them involve
a Spin Mastery. First of all, you could try doing a simple powerspin with
maximum topspin and a powershot (This is not recommended for Blue Water since
this shot ends up rolling into the OB zone, and in Blue Water there's a bunch
of trees for your shot to get blocked by). If you've got good tailwind, this
shot might roll onto the fairway before powerspinning, resulting in a 300y
drive and a fairly close approach. Secondly, you could try a powerspin
tomahawk with maximum topspin. This should produce similar, if not better,
results compared to the first option. You can try this on Blue Water but
there's still a risk of impacting O.B. and then rolling into a tree and
staying O.B. Finally, you can do a regular tomahawk with maximum backspin. It
should impact around 270-280 yards down the fairway. This shot is the safest
option on Blue Water. On your approach, depending on your power you might
need to use a powershot to make the green, and from there you might have a
long putt anyway. If you manage to hole in three strokes, you definitely
deserve this eagle.

For the slightly saner crowd, let's aim for the end of the upper plateau.
If your marker shows OB, or if it's very near to the edge and there's a
tailwind, you might want to use less than full power or the 2W. You might be
better off landing in the rough: it's possible to get club restricted on the
very tip of the fairway, and a 1W at 95% power goes farther than a 100% 2W.

[BW] - Aim a little left of centre on the tee shot so that your next shot
is not obstructed by the large palm tree. On your second shot, take note of
the trees and make sure you are not aiming through the foliage before taking
the shot.

On your second shot, you can just fire it down the fairway, or aim for the
little island of rough. Unless you intend to chip in though I'd just aim for
the fairway, since you'll probably end up closer to the hole. The only
advantage of the rough patch is that it's flat, which only makes a difference
if you're trying for an ultra-precise long chip.

HOLE 13 // PAR 4

Birdie is a little bit tricky here, thanks to the strategic placement of a
volcano between the fairway and the green. Try to aim as far left as you can
without the ball ending up in the rough (This depends on your power.) Next
shot, if the volcano is really in your way and you have enough power to make
the green, aim for about the right edge of the volcano and add right curve
to the ball. If you don't have enough power, just aim for the far fairway
and take par. If your tee shot went far enough that the volcano ain't a
problem, excellent! You've got a clean shot at the green.

HOLE 14 // PAR 4

You want to get as close to the hole as possible, since the hole is pretty
far away for a par 4. Aim for the edge of the fairway on the northern tip of
the first island, don't use too much power, and apply backspin so you don't
roll too far.

[BW] - Aim for the right part of the northern tip of the fairway. If you're
too far left there'll be a lighthouse in your way next shot.

On your second shot you should be able to make the green. However, the hole
is sometimes located at the very back of the green, around 260 yards away
from where a good tee shot should land. You might have to make a very long
(sometimes impossible due to the bunker) putt for birdie.

HOLE 15 // PAR 5
TARGET SCORE (No risk) - 5
TARGET SCORE (Low risk) - 4
TARGET SCORE (Mid risk) - 3
OPTIMAL SCORE ----------- 2

Hole 15 offers five options, each with varying levels of risk.

Par (no risk): Whack it around the C-shaped level. It'll take four shots to
get on the green, though.

Birdie (low risk): On your first shot, aim for the left fairway, just like in
the Par route. On your second shot, loft it onto the rough island. There
shouldn't be much risk of rolling off since low irons hardly roll at all, and
you shouldn't have to worry about going in the water since low irons first
bounce much closer to the specified distance than woods. Next shot, use a 1W
and shoot for the green. Use backspin, and possibly powerspin if the hole is
quite close to the near edge of the green.

Eagle (mid risk): On your tee shot, aim for the rough island. Like the birdie
path, except a little riskier. Apply backspin to minimize the risk of rolling
off the island, and use as little power as possible (Enough to make it onto
the island, but not enough to roll off). Before shooting, make sure the
flower ornament is not in your way (You should be able to go over the smaller
flower on the right but your shot will hit the large flower on the left if
that's where you're aiming). Finally, try for a backwards powerspin: you can
definitely stick to the island without one, however if you succeed you're
almost guaranteed not to bounce off. The approach shot is a lot like the tee
shot: make sure you have enough power to make it across, don't use too much
or you might roll off the green into the rough or even OB, and a backwards
powerspin helps.

Albatross (high risk): Aim at green, apply backspin, and tomahawk. A 250y
or higher powershot (which is 240y normally which is 20 power) should make
the green. Lower, and you might end up in the rough, which makes a short chip
and a short putt for eagle. If you want your tomahawk to go further then use
a spin mastery and apply maximum backspin. This should allow even those with
the basic 230 yard drive to make the green. Now, depending on your power, the
wind, and the hole placement, if you did land on the green you might have a
20 to 30 yard putt to make. The green is relatively flat, so it's not an
impossible putt, but it's not a freebie either. You've got to earn that
albatross :P (And it should go without saying that missing the tomahawk means
OB for you.)

[BW] - There is a palm tree that might threaten your shot, but as long as you
don't hit the trunk you'll be alright.

Albatross (stupidly high risk): 244y-248y of power (in low winds at least),
if you have between 234y and 242y use a powershot to make up the difference,
aim for the green, apply topspin, perform a powerspin. You'll skip the water,
you'll (hopefully) hop over the cliff instead of smacking into it, you'll hit
the rough and you just might end up on the green. And the ball will squeal
and uselessly skid a yard closer to the cup. It's a fairly impressive shot to
make, and it'll surprise those who expect you just to tomahawk it like
everyone else, and you'll win the respect of your group, but if your ego
doesn't need stroking it's much much MUCH safer just to do it the tomahawk

Anyways, I bet you're curious. Is this hole possible to hole-in-one? The
answer is yes. You'll need the hole to be in the 261 yard placement, you'll
probably need tailwind, and you'll either need at least a 246 yard drive sans
powershot, or a spin mastery. Then, you tomahawk and hope it goes in.

HOLE 16 // PAR 3

Well, after the excitement of Hole 15 (or the misery of going OB three times
in a row trying for that high-risk shot) comes Hole 16 to calm you down or
cheer you up. It's a fairly simple par 3. If the hole is close to the near
edge of the green, give it some extra power and try to do a backwards
powerspin (If you don't hit it hard enough, its first bounce will be in the
bunker. As you may have guessed, sand is not a very bouncy surface.)

[BW] - There's a few more trees on the left edge of the green that might be
in your way, depending on the hole placement. You can aim for the centre of
the green in this case and try a long-ish putt, or you can try to tomahawk
through the trees.

HOLE 17 // PAR 4

Until North Wiz was released, this was the hole to get a massive drive on.
Use a spin mastery, and (for maybe 15-20 more yards and double the pang) a
powershot. Switch to your 3W and try to line up the dot right in the middle
of the fairway (You want your shot to bounce right down the middle; if you're
a little too far left or right your super drive will probably finish 70 yards
short of what it could have been, and in the rough.) Then switch back to the
1W, apply maximum topspin, try to hit Max power, and do a powerspin. If you
pull it off, you should get at let a 320 yard drive. 350 yards is a decent
drive. In good wind, 370 or even 380 is possible. If you got a super pangya,
double the already wicked overdrive pang.

Anyways, from just about 400 yards down the fairway the green is just a
stone's throw away. Take a short chip and putt for birdie.

HOLE 18 // PAR 4

If you love risks, aim for the bridge and try to pangya. You can get about
15 to 25 yards closer to the hole (and you can swing your club through the
rails, so don't worry about having an unplayable shot), but if you miss the
pangya you're probably going OB.

If you hate risks, aim to the right, apply backspin and use about 210 yards
of power. The goal here is to stay as far away from the edge of the water
while going far enough to make it to the green on your next shot. The less
power you have, the closer you'll have to get (that, or give up the potential
birdie and settle for par), but it should be possible to make it in two with
230 yards o' power if the wind isn't terrible.

[WLKb] ///////////// ~ SEPIA WIND ~ \\\\\\
Target Score (-11) ~ Optimal Score (-22)

Sepia Wind is a moderately challenging AA course. Some love it, some hate it.
If you're part of the latter, here's some strategy to help you get the lowest
score possible on this course.

- Hitting the ball into the water on Sepia Wind is NOT an O.B. It's a
"Water Hazard". You still get assessed a one stroke penalty, but
instead of shooting from the same place your ball is moved depending
on where you entered the water. (For example, if you clear the hazard but
the ball lands on a hill and rolls into the water, you'll shoot from
across the water hazard.)
- Lots of the greens are on plateaus, with hills all around. If you're even
a yard short of the green, expect to roll back thirty yards. How brutal.

HOLE 1 // PAR 4

This hole is nice and easy. Just shoot it straight down the middle fairway,
and then chip it onto the green. You should be able to putt in for 3. There
is a bunker on the fairway but your drive should easily clear it. Also, on
the right is a cement path you can bounce your tee shot onto for about 30
Overdrive yards.

HOLE 2 // PAR 3

Another fairly easy course. Yes, there is a water hazard in the middle, but
you shouldn't worry about it. Fire your tee shot to the right of the water,
you should be within 80 yards or so which should in turn allow for you to
chip the ball very close to the hole and give you an easy putt.

Is it possible to birdie this hole? Yes, it is. However, you will need a
strong tailwind and at the very least a 240y drive. Apply just a tiny bit of
topspin (you want the ball to land on the water) and perform a powerspin. If
you're lucky, you'll skip the water and land on the green (unless the wind
blows you past it!) If you want to try you'd better be feeling lucky.

HOLE 3 // PAR 4

Pretty straightforward hole, shouldn't require much explanation. With a 230y
drive and favorable wind you should be able to squeak onto the green in 2. If
the wind is against you and you don't have much power, you should be able to
make the green with a powershot. And if you have at least a 236y drive, well
you're all set :)

HOLE 4 // PAR 4

This is a LOT like last hole, except you have an absolutely minimal chance of
getting on the green with two strokes, and there's a cement path to the left
you can cheat a couple dozen Overdrive yards off of if you're so inclined.

If you've got at least a 240y drive, two powershots, and the wind is in your
favor, try using a spin mastery for maximum backspin and tomahawk on the
first shot. You might get enough distance to tomahawk onto the green on
your second shot. If you do not have a 240y drive or the wind is against you,
no matter how hard you try you will come short. Which may not be so bad if
you're good at chipping...

For those with a weaker drive (under 240), aim towards the left of the
fairway on your tee shot. If you aim to the right, there'll be some trees in
your way that will snag your ball and dunk it O.B. For those with a stronger
shot, the trees should not be much of a problem (Keep them in mind though.)

HOLE 5 // PAR 5

This hole is probably the easiest to Eagle in all of Albatross 18. With
a strong north wind, two strokes with the 1W should put you on the green, no
problem. With a low wind, one powershot should give you the extra yards
needed to clear the water hazard. With a strong opposing wind... two
tomahawks just might do the trick. Either way, just take your tee shot (mind
the bunker, it's easy to fall in), and if you can't clear the water hazard,
aim a bit to the right and set yourself up to land on the green in three.

HOLE 6 // PAR 4

Mind the bunker! Well, you should only fall in if there's a strong wind
against you. The terrain is much lower so your ball should just clear it with
a regular shot. If you've got a powershot then you might be able to put
yourself on the green in two - aim for the green and put backspin on the ball
to give yourself enough loft to clear the house. Otherwise, play it safe and
settle for par.

Of note here is a funny little hill right in front of the bunker. It's in the
rough and a little to the right of center. You can't see it, but if your ball
happens to hit it you can get 250 to 290 yards on the tee shot.

HOLE 7 // PAR 3

There's nothing to say -- there are no obstacles, you can get on the green
in one shot. Easiest hole yet.

HOLE 8 // PAR 4

If you're aiming for birdie you've got two options: 1, attempt to powerspin
forward and skip over the pond, or 2, try to land on the flat and mercifully
free of club restriction piece of fairway and tomahawk on your next shot. And
if you're wondering, the flat part is on the left side of that wee fairway,
before the hill that leads into the rough. Try a 2W and you might roll onto
that lovely little patch. The first option will almost always give you a shot
at the green, but you risk the water hazard. The second option is pretty safe
but you might end up with a club restriction anyway.

HOLE 9 // PAR 5

Well, a river runs through it. You've got two options: play it safe, use a
2W on your tee shot and get on the green in three shots, or you can use a 1W
and bounce the ball off the bridge. Use a teeny bit of left curve (drag the
dot right) -- the path slopes right, so by curving into it you'll get another
bounce or two and get a longer drive. On top of the nice Overdrive bonus, the
extra yards should put you close enough to get on the green in one more shot
and putt for eagle.

HOLE 10 // PAR 4

Not much to say. Yes, there's a very large bunker, but your tee shot won't
even go that far, and on your second you can just loft the ball over it and
onto the green. Easy birdie.

HOLE 11 // PAR 5

There's a trick here to earn 20 to 30 overdrive yards here, and best of all
it's almost completely safe. Just move your shot towards the right so that
your trajectory goes over the cement path at the corner of the plateau. Your
ball will bounce off the path and go much farther. Even if you miss the path,
the ball will still roll off the cliff and go maybe 5 to 10 extra yards. And
should you land on the plateau (I have never seen this happen, but...) you
don't have to worry because it's still in-bounds.

Aaanyways. Second shot and you're still very far from the hole. If your drive
was over 260 yards, you may be tempted to try and aim for the fairway. DON'T.
Unless you have a lot of extra power or are the type that can hit a tomahawk
at will, you will almost certainly land in the flowerbed and get hit with an
O.B. Just aim for the rough to the right of the flowerbed. There's nothing
wrong with shooting from the rough. Get on the green on your next shot and
putt for birdie.

HOLE 12 // PAR 4

Looking at the course, you see two places to shoot: You could land in the
rough behind some big fat windmill thing, OR you could land on the pleasant
fairway and have a clear shot.

...Well, the right way to shoot is left, in the rough behind the house. Why?
Going on the fairway will leave you ZERO chance of getting on the green in
two shots. Whereas if you take the left route, there's about a 50/50 chance
your lie will allow you to use a 2W and make it onto the green. Just make
sure you aim quite a ways left of the house so it's not in your way on your
next shot.

(Also, there's a cement path to bounce your tee shot off of for those
precious overdrive yards, but it's hard to hit and there's a bit of a risk.
Your call.)

HOLE 13 // PAR 3

Two things to keep in mind: One, the green is a lot lower than where you tee
off from, meaning a 1W with full power will sail over the green and land in
the bunker. Secondly, the blades of the windmill are still a threat -- wait
for them to spin out of the way before shooting.

The green on this hole seems much faster than other greens, so beware of
rolling all the way through it and into the bunker. Nice overdrive, though.

HOLE 14 // PAR 4

If you're going to take the safe route on this level, on your tee shot you
should make sure your trajectory doesn't go over the water hazard. There's no
point in trying to cheat a few extra yards when it won't help your score.
350 yards from the hole, or 320 yards from the hole, you'll still be on the
green in two shots.

Now if you want to take a little risk, on your first shot aim for the island.
You want to use backspin and shoot with around 215y of power (just a tiny bit
more than 90% power on a 230y 1W). Adjust for strong winds of course, and try
to do a powerspin: It shouldn't matter if you miss, but it's nice to be on
the safe side.

As if trying not to land in the water wasn't enough, now you've got these
windmill things in the way. It is possible to go between them and still land
on the green (hint: use curve), but you might have to settle for par even
after all that. Hmph.

HOLE 15 // PAR 4

It looks like you've got enough power to make it on the green in two shots,
but keep in mind that the green is on a bit of a plateau. Use a powershot on
your tee shot and you should make it. And after five or fourteen holes you
should have a powershot charged by now.

HOLE 16 // PAR 3

Let's see. There's a very very safe route to the left that will probably
score you a par. And there's a very very unsafe route to the right that will
send your ball through a gauntlet of three windmills, and (if you survive
that), into the water. If you want to take the risk then use a forward
powerspin to skip the water or a tomahawk to land on the green, AND wait for
the blades to line up (The ideal placement is when the blades completely
overlap when the left blade's a little above due right, shoot a little before
that if the winds are strong and moving the blades quickly) but if you doubt
your pangya-hitting ability then I would play it safe.

HOLE 17 // PAR 5

Very straightforward hole. Yes, there's a cement path you can probably hit
up for some overdrive yards, but since doing so would probably put you in the
bunker, don't waste your time.

It IS possible to land on the green in two shots, but doing so might
require hitting two tomahawks. If you want to try then by all means go for
it, you don't really need a powershot for hole 18.

HOLE 18 // PAR 4

You'd think there'd be some way to exploit that long winding path... but
you'd be wrong. Use a powershot and aim for the fairway on the right. You
should be close enough to aim for the green on the second shot, although it
is possible that you'll need to take another shot to get close enough to
clear the water hazard.

[WLKc] //////////// ~ NORTH WIZ ~ \\\\\\
Target Score (-14) ~ Optimal Score (-21)

Ahh, North Wiz, the winter wonderland. Purple skies, falling snowflakes,
frozen ponds, festive music, and a truckload of overdrive pang to be had. If
you've been trying to boost that "Best distance" statistic in your profile,
this is the place to do it -- 300 yard drives are common and it's possible to
shoot over 450 on a couple of holes. And it is possible, though extremely
challenging, to sink a putt over 100 yards here. It is listed as 'A'
difficulty, but that doesn't mean it'll be a walk in the park.

- When you land in the rough, your ball will say 90% power. That is a LIE.
It's much closer to 95%
- There's a new terrain: Ice. It counts as rough, but you still shoot with
100% power and the ball rolls quite a ways on icy surfaces. The kicker?
When you shoot, the power bar moves about as fast as it would in Bunker.
- The fringe around the green is rock solid. Hitting it will make your ball
bounce as much as it would if you hit a path. This can screw up your
approach, so beware.
- Beware of the cracks in the ice. Sometimes, if you land in the water
hazard, your ball will be placed in such a way that your character goes
under the ice and you'll have to move the ball onto a fairway. That's
two strokes wasted, just like an O.B.
- If you want to make lots of pang quickly, play the front 9. You should be
able to rack up 500 pang just from overdrive.

HOLE 1 // PAR 4

If you're looking for some easy pang, aim for the pond on the left. You
should be able to shoot 280 to 310 yards. Just keep in mind your next shot
will be with a wood on ice... not a pleasant situation.

HOLE 2 // PAR 3

If the hole is near the front of the green, do NOT use a wood. There's a
bunker in your way, and if you're using a 3W and aiming only a few yards past
the bunker, the ball's first bounce will be in the sand. And the second, and
that's all it'll do. A 2I with backspin should clear the bunker handily.

If you're looking for overdrive and an insanely long putt, use a 2I or 3W
and aim for the upper-right corner of the pond. You want the ball to roll
as far away from the hole as possible. Next shot, whip out your 40y putter,
smack the ball with max power and pray.

HOLE 3 // PAR 4

Aim for the left part of the fairway. It's slanted and it will bounce to the
right. If you aim for the middle you'll end up on the little slope between
the rough and the fairway and you'll get restricted to something stupid like
a 2I.

The river looks like an easy overdrive opportunity, but beware: It's a hill
that slopes down into that hole. If you can't get the ball over the top about
245 yards away, it'll slowly start to roll back 20-25 yards and into the
water. Sploosh!

HOLE 4 // PAR 5

There is a big hole in the ice. No, it's not in the path of your shot. One
of the little cracks is, however. And it's perfectly possible your ball might
just hop in.

If you have a weak drive, you can still score an eagle here. Just bounce
your approach off the ice for the extra yards.

HOLE 5 // PAR 4

There's a frozen river here. If you've got a 242-250 yard drive and around 7
spin, a regular drive with topspin will bounce off it and score around 25
overdrive. If you've got less than that, just use a little topspin, and if
you've got a lot less, use backspin. It should be possible for everyone to
bounce off the ice, but you won't go as far if you don't use topspin. (Might
be different based on the wind, of course)

And, this should go without saying, don't aim right at the hole in the ice.
Aim a little to the left, and then a little more just to be safe.

If you didn't bean it 260 yards, the house might be in your way on the
approach shot. If that's the case, backspin should be enough to get you over
the roof.

HOLE 6 // PAR 5

This look a lot like Sepia Wind hole 9, doesn't it?

Unlike Sepia Wind, the path isn't a good place to aim. You'll end up in the
snow on an angle with no hope of reaching green in two. You can bounce it off
the ice and onto the snow for a little more distance, or roll it down the ice
to get close enough for the approach (It'll be a wood on ice though, so the
power bar will be zipping back and forth)

HOLE 7 // PAR 4

Easy 300y drive here. Aim to the left and onto the lake. If you have a
sub-240 drive, apply backspin. If you're above 240, apply topspin. (This is
so your first bounce is on ice. You'll lose a lot of distance hitting the
snow first). Then add a little bit of left curve. If there's a strong west
wind, use almost as much left curve as you can (Assuming you have around 6
curve. Cecilia may want to hold back a bit.) If there's a strong east wind,
curve it a teeny bit right. Now, aim just at the left tip of the tree in your
way (more towards the middle in west winds, further away in east winds) and
fire. You shouldn't go in the water unless you used far too much curve. The
biggest danger is that you might hit the left side and stop, making you stand
in the bank on your next shot which will make it unbearable.

Was that too complicated? Just want to play it safe, without the overdrive?
Too bad! There's a gaping hole where you want to shoot it. You can aim short
of the hole (in which case you'll be too far away to make the green), or you
can tomahawk over or try to skip the water (which is a bigger risk than the
overdrive thing in the first place)

HOLE 8 // PAR 4

This one's tricky to birdie. On your approach (assuming you aimed for the
fairway), you can try and (power)curve around the castle, or you can go over
the castle. Yes, over the castle. Aim between the parapets and use a 2W with
backspin. (1W's trajectory is too low and will hit the wall and go inside the
castle, and 3W doesn't shoot far enough and will hit the wall and go inside
the castle). Don't try this if your 2W marker isn't near or beyond the back
of the green though, because you'll fly over the castle while the ball is in
the "down" part of its trajectory (and it will hit the wall and go inside the

Now, this hole is fantastic for overdrive. Use a spin mastery, and powershot
if you have it, aim to the left, use full topspin, and either do a powerspin,
or a tomahawk powerspin. If you're lucky it will roll down the left side
about 300 yards, then powerspin another 100 or so. If you're unlucky though,
it'll hit the bottom-left bank, travel towards the castle gate, and bounce
back (or worse, fly off the bank and into the O.B. area).

HOLE 9 // PAR 3

Interesting thing about this hole: There's no water in the river. If you land
in the pit you might just bounce out.

Depending on the hole position you may have to use a little curve or aim away
from the hole. The corner of the castle can be dangerous, though it's usually
not a problem.

HOLE 10 // PAR 5

Not much to say about this if you play it safe. The river looks like a good
spot for overdrive (and boy is it ever!) but it's far from easy and you won't
be able to milk it for more than 10 or so yards unless you're willing to
take a big risk and you know what you're doing.

It is possible and extremely difficult to break 500y on the tee shot.

Yes, 500 yards. Using a spin mastery and a powershot, perform a powerspin
tomahawk and aim for the left bank of the river. If your shot is bang-on,
you'll impact on the bank past the first hole, bounce off going to the right
of the second hole, then roll down the narrowing river without hitting any of
the banks. Then you'll hopefully come to a stop before rolling off the map.


HOLE 11 // PAR 4

The approach shot here can be tricky, since there are trees in the way. Your
choices are to tomahawk through the branches, powercurve around the trees, or
settle for a 20+ yard putt. Either way, you'll have to earn a birdie here.

By the way, if you're intrigued by the perfect path to the green to the left
of the tee, tomahawk onto the little ice shard. Not a good idea unless you're
one of those people who can sink every chip shot given the opportunity.

HOLE 12 // PAR 3

There's a slopey wall behind the green so if you just hit it a little too
hard you'll probably roll up it and down back onto the green.

There's also an ice river to take advantage of, but be careful. Not only of
rolling too far and into the water, but of bouncing the wrong way and going
O.B. Since you'll only be able to use an iron (because of the water), it's
not worth the risk.

HOLE 13 // PAR 4

Ignore the little clearing with the benches. If you aim there, your next shot
will have a tree or two in the way that you'll have to tomahawk through.

HOLE 14 // PAR 5

Don't aim for the path. Yes, you want to hit the path, but don't aim there.
You will hit the little tree planter and either end up 50 yards further away
fron the hole or O.B. Instead, go into overhead view, zoom all the way in,
and aim a little bit right of the planter. Then apply right curve and miss
pangya to the left (Stay in the pink zone -- if you stop outside the pink
area the shot will veer left instead of curving, which might make you hit the
planter). You should bounce off the path once and get a decent drive out of

Next shot, aim for the big snowy open area. No, you can't go over the cliff
on the right, and no, you cant go under the arch thing.

An eagle here is likely possible, but extremely hard compared to most par 5s.
If you powercurve tomahawk into the left cliff you might get enough distance
to pull some kind of funky curvey shot onto the green, but it's unlikely.

HOLE 15 // PAR 4

You should be able to manage 3 without taking any risks. Apply backspin and
aim for the upper-left part of the frozen lake. You should get close enough
to make the green on your next shot. Alternatively, you could use left curve
and bounce it down the path on the left - tricky, but effective. Finally, for
the risktakers you can aim a little right of the middle of the lake and
powerspin over the water for some fair overdrive and an easy approach.

There's also a nifty little trick shot you can do that will net you loads of
overdrive, if you have the power for it. Apply topspin, powerspin can be used
but is not necessary, and aim so your 3W marker is just a little bit past the
near bank on the left side of the lake. If done right, the ball should impact
on the bank, roll along the ice spinning like crazy, and fly off the far wall
almost like a cobra does. Done right, you can net 280-330y drives here. Done
wrong, you'll get a doable approach from the ice, or sometimes, you'll be
pressed against the wall and will have to club down or putt a few yards back
to avoid hitting the wall with your next shot.

Note that you might not need to powerspin at all. It's possible to bounce off
both the little ice floes and onto the fairway. You'll have to experiment
with this on your own though.

HOLE 16 // PAR 3

Avoid using a 3W, unless you plan on using max power. Otherwise, there's a
good chance you will hit a tree. Irons should have no problem clearing the
treetops, however.

If you're attempting to powerspin tomahawk hole-in-one this hole, keep in
mind that iron tomahawks with backspin go much farther than the specified
distance than woods do (about 10 yards, maybe a little more), so use a little
less power. On the flip side though, if you miss the tomahawk, the lesser
power might cause you to roll O.B.

HOLE 17 // PAR 4

If you're going for birdie here, you'll probably need two tomahawks. One for
the tee shot to get through the trees onto the river, and one for the next
shot to get off the river and through more trees.

If you go the long way around, on your second shot beware the giant tree.
Nothing like hitting the branches and going 30 yards. Curve would be a good

The green is also noticeably more sloped than the average green on North Wiz.
It's entirely possible to bogey this hole without pulling a major boner.

HOLE 18 // PAR 4

It's a lot easier to birdie his hole than 17. First, aim between the trees.
If you have a 250 yard drive or less, 7 spin or less, and there is not a
decent tailwind, apply backspin. Use a powershot and tomahawk. If you succeed
then you should land on the ice and have a 100 yard chip to make the green
and putt for birdie. If you miss the tomahawk, however, you should just end
up in the Water Hazard and chip your approach from the ice.

Because of the water hazard, I recommend aiming for the ice. Even if you
screw up and land in the water you can still get par, which is what you'd get
if you went the "safe" route.


Q1. Why can't I connect to the game?
A. The game goes down for maintenance early in the morning every Thursday.
Also, on occasion they just need to do an emergency update. Always check
the notices from the update.exe when you first open up Albatross18.

Q2. Why are cookie items so much better than Pang items? That's not fair!
A. Well, they need to make money somehow. Although the benefit isn't as
huge as it looks. Yes, cookie equipment usually has better stats (maybe
1 or 2 points more than the best available pang item), but equivalent or
near-equivalent pang items do exist. They just haven't been released in
the English version of "PangYa" yet. Another so-called advantage is the
fact that very few cookie items have a minimum level requirement. But
this doesn't allow any Rookie F to instantly have godly equipment. Even
cookie clothes have a lot of slots that need to be upgraded. And each
slot you upgrade costs more than the last same slot. For example, if
there was a pair of shoes that granted +5 powerslots and cost 100 cookies
you would probably scream unfair as any rookie could put them on and hit
farther than you! But your first powerslot costs 2400 pang to upgrade.
Your second costs 4800 pang, and so on. Meaning, to upgrade those five
slots, it would cost 36,000 pang! By the time a new player got that much
pang, he'd probably be well into the beginner ranks.

It's the same thing with clubs. While there are excellent pang clubs in
existence that have yet to be released in Albatross18, cookie clubs are
not a free pass to anyone with a credit card and too much money. It costs
well over 100,000 pang to fully upgrade any set of clubs.

Don't underestimate the power of slots ;)

Q3. About that slot thingy. It says I need 692 pang to upgrade a slot, but I
have a few thousand pang! What's wrong?
A. It means you need 692 *more* pang, not 692 pang period. It'll say the
total amount only if you have enough to pay for the upgrade. It's pretty

Q4. What happens if I unequip clothes I upgraded? Will my upgraded slots
A. Actually, you don't upgrade clothes, you just upgrade. Confused?

Don't think of slots as being bound to clothes. You can't upgrade slots
until you're wearing clothes that permit it, of course, but once those
slots are upgraded they work with any slotted clothes. So if you wear a
Controlslot+3 pair of pants, and upgrade them all, you now have 3
upgraded control slots. If you remove them and put on a Controlslot+2
pair of pants, you still have 3 upgraded control slots, but only 2 of
those slots will be used.

Unfortunately, upgraded slots are bound to your equipment. Meaning if
you shell out a ton of pang to fully upgrade your Air Lance IIs, you'll
need another truckload of pang to upgrade your Household Goods.

Q5. I saw this guy shoot a tomahawk and it hit the beam and then it
backspinned in! And he did that twice in one game! How?
A. Tomahawks are affected less by the wind, so when trying for long chip-ins
advanced players tend to use them. I can't teach you how to do this (if
you're reading this guide you're probably not at that level yet), but if
you want to try and find out on your own just experiment, take a few
shots in different winds and see where they go.

Q6. But he was doing that and sinking it on, like, every hole! Is he hacking?
A. Nah, he's not hacking. But he probably is using a calculator and some
formulas, which is considered cheating in Albatross18. Don't blindly
accuse everyone of cheating though, some people are just really good
and can consistently sink long chips legitimately.

Q7. Can you give me these formulas?
A. Of course!*



That about wraps up this FAQ. I'd like to thank a few people here...
- NtreevSoft for making this great game
- OGPlanet for making an English/International version
- The GMs for their work in keeping this game fun
- CJayC for creating this excellent resource of game guides
- Uchocobo for his screenshots of every hole: they made writing the
walkthroughs a whole lot easier.
- Giz^ and Novasol for some bits of info.

If you'd like to talk to me in-game, to ask me a question or praise me or
whatever, my name on Albatross 18 is "Crovie". If you've got something to add
to this FAQ, or want to leave me a comment, my e-mail address is listed at
the very top of this FAQ. I will of course credit you should you contribute
any information to this FAQ.

This FAQ is copyright (C) 2005-2006 by Crovax. The ONLY websites with
permission to use this FAQ are:
- GameFAQs ( *The most recent version will ALWAYS be here.
- Dirty Little Helper (
- 1up (
If you wish to use this guide on your website, please e-mail me to ask
permission first, and make sure to give me proper credit.

[End of document]
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Engl. FAQ

13.Октябрь 2013
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13.Декабрь 2013
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04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
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