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The Huge Melons Chick: Ninja Guide
By: Masakenji

Table of Contents:

0. Introduction
0.a. Game Layout
1. Ninja's Move List
1.a. Stats
2. Ninja's Basic Strategy
2.a. Game Layout's Strategy
3. Ninja's Method
3.a. Versus Mage
3.b. Versus Archer
3.c. Versus Ninja
3.d. Versus Swordsman
3.e. Versus Blacksmith
4. Ninja's Stat Allocation
6. Frequently Asked Questions


Readers have requested me to show when can you grip classes

ADVANCE GUIDE - For Players who have a power card and intend to buy one.


0. Introduction

Rakion is an online strategy action game containing 5 different characters
you can use. These characters are:

Blacksmith - The Strong and high defensive wall that is the hardest to break

Swordsman - The all rounder that are both quick and strong

Mage - The small fry that packs some of the most devastating moves

Ninja - The one we will focus on in this FAQ. She is fast and the Queen
in Golem

Archer - The Queen of Ks'

There are only a few things in Rakion that you can do, but they will get you
hooked for weeks and even months. The game is based on fighting other heroes
or joining them to do some very hard stages. Through a level up system you
can increase the strength, speed, health etc. of your character. Also you can
buy equipments for your characters and even buy some monsters called cell,
so you can summon them during battle.

Ninja: Speed can destroy everything that gets in my way.

In my opinion, ninja is a character that everyone should have in one of their
slots. It is someone that you can take out to play a few golem games and can
easily win it at low levels. She is fast, but DAMN! she is weak... in both
health and melee attacks. BUT do not fear, she does have her shining moments,
which are her frontal and rear grips... well mostly the rear.
More explanation would be explained in the basic strategy.

*taken from softnyx homepage*

Ninja is a female assassin. She can approach the enemy
quickly but silently. She is dispatched to continent to discover
the secret of the cell.

Ninja is the quickest character in this game. She can jump
the highest and change weapons very quickly. But weak
strength makes her hard to blow away enemy's armors and
she will not be shown on radar when throwing a dagger.

0.a. Game Layout

I will explain now some of the games in Rakion works.

Golem War - This is a team battle. There can only be two teams, Red or Blue.
Each team has a Master Golem that they have to protect from the "Key Holder".
There can only be one "Key Holder". There are 3 ways to win this Golem War.

1. Kill the Gold Golem. Whom ever kill the Gold Golem will become the
"Key Holder". Only that person can kill the enemies' Master Golem, and it is
the team's duty to protect their "Key Holder" from dying. If you’re "Key Holder"
dies in battle, the Gold Golem will be revived and another team or yourself
can become the next "Key Holder". Notice that when you become a "Key Holder"
you have only 2-3 minutes to kill the enemies' Master Golem. If you failed
to do so, you will lose the Gold Key and the Gold Golem will be revived.
Do not worry, you will not die, which means you can be the "Key Holder"
more then once in a round.

2. All members of the other team are dead.

3. Time runs out and the combination of your team's health is greater then
your opponents.

For your team to lose, its vice-versa to what I listed above.

1. You failed to protect your Master Golem from the "Key Holder".

2. Your Team is wiped out.

3. After time is ran out, your opponents total health is greater then your

Classes That are best in this layout.
1. Ninja - Shot2 that contains 9 hits can easily kill both Gold Golem
and Master Golem. With the fastest default speed in the game, ninja can
get to the Master golem before the enemies can run back to protect it.
Not the best protector in the game, but with the right user. Opponents
rather stop this hero first then the "Key Holder".

2. Black Smith - its aerial attack are very damaging. He has high
energy and armour, so he will last longer against an enemy's defense.
Also a great protector for the "Key Holder"

3. Mage - Mages' Pillar of ice can easily bring down the golems also its
meteors. However, mages are slow and have weak health and armour, but
with the right protection from his team... he can win golem battles faster
then Black Smith. Could possibly a better protector then the Smith, using
its grenades properly, enemies would not even dare come close to the
"Key Holder"

4. Soldier - Weaker aerial attack then Smith, less health and armour then
Smith. Even if that’s the case, Swordsmen have a high damaging special
attack, but the delay would leave him vulnerable to all the combos his
opponents can do to him all at once. An all rounder protector.

5. Archer - its arrows are strong and could be stronger then Smith's
aerial attack, however Archer does not have good default cell destruction
stat like Smith. She has a strong special attack, but like soldier, delay
is an issue. It could be the worst or the best protector in the game,
depending if no-one paying attention to you.

Death Match - This is a solo battle. All you need to do is kill and kill.
The ways to win are:

1. Reaching the kill limit that has being set.
2. Have the most kills in a round and the highest total kill in the game.
3. Your name is listed on the top right at the end of the round.

To lose a Death Match, you do not come first in a round and you do not
come first at the end of the game.

Team Death Match - This is a team battle. Red or Blue. To be victorious:

1. You need to have a higher total kill then the opposition in the round.

2. You win more rounds at the end of the game

3. You reached the kill limit first.

To lose, its vice-versa to what I listed above.

Stages - A mini Quest where you can solely take it on or with help of
other players. You get a ranking after you finish, where you will gain
gold and Exp.

Note. If you re-do the stage that you already have a rank. You need to
get a higher rank then your previous one or you would not gain any EXP
or Gold.

*Note* There are occasions where teams can be unbalanced. If that the
case, the team that has an extra person will send the team member that
have the most EXP in their team over to the enemy IF ONLY they won the


1. Ninja's Move List

The ninja have many different melee combos at her disposals, but sometimes
you would not even both with them, due to the weak damages. Even though she
is weak, every single enemy will pay extra attention to you. Why? Cause they
are scared of your devastating grips. =D
Ninja melees are quick, so you can recover easily during your combos
if something goes wrong. Delay really is not a huge problem for ninja,
unless your enemy is also a ninja, but you do need to know about them.

The basic rule of thumb for Delay is as follows:

If your enemy blocks a delay1 attack,
they have time to follow up with a regular strike

If your enemy blocks a delay2 attack,
they have time to follow up with a regular strike or a grip

If your enemy blocks a delay3 attack,
they have time to follow up with a regular strike, a grip, or a special attack

Button Abbreviations:

C1=Left Click
C2=Right Click
C1C2=Both Click at the same time

* - means second weapon.
# - after the move is executed, the enemy would be knocked down.
+ - only can be executed when you are knocked down.
/\ - in Chaos mode

Single stab C1 1.0
Double stab C1, C1 1.0
Triple stab C1, C1, C1 2.0
Triple stab2 C1. C1, C2 2.5
Quadruple stab # C1, C1, C1, C1 2.0
Quadruple stab2 # C1, C1, C1, C2 1.0
Jump Attack (in air) C1 1.0
Triple combo air kick# W, W, C1 2.0
Adhere W, W, C2 1.0
Assault# (hold) C2 2.5
Power explosion C1+C2 3.0
Explosion+ C1 1.0
Guard SHIFT 0.0
Front grip (from front) C1+C2 2.0
Rear grip (from back) C1+C2 2.0
Shoot* C1 0.0
Shoot2* (hold) C2 2.0
Single dash/\ C1
Double dash C1, C1
Explosion dash/\# C1, C1
Still darts sprinkling/\# (hold) C2
Phoenix/\# C1+C2

Note: Use the tutorial provided to try out these moves before blindly goes in
to battle. You can access the tutorial by login un rakion and select you
character and click tutorial for that character.

NOTE ON GRIPS: Grips by all means are hard to learn and in a laggy game
impossible to be used. To grip someone, you must accomplish 3 criteria.
1. Do not join a laggy game
2. You must be really close to the opponent
(just need to be close "facing the opponent" meaning you can
grip any angle of the opponent, you just need to face him dead on)
3. The opponent's delay MUST be 2.0 or more. There are chances you can
grip someone with less then 2.0 delay, but it is not recommended.
Why? because opponents must have a really low ms to do so and there’s a
good chance you might miss and leave you opens for a grip. Better be
safe then sorry. Especially for a low health ninja.

If you're using ninja, grip is a necessity since it probably the only good
damage you can get on your opponent. I really suggest you read other heroes'
delays, so you know the right moment to use your grips.
Mage's row of ice damage.
Black smith's 360 attack
Soldier’s 3 combos
Archer’s flame attack
Ninja’s power explosion

1. a. Stats

This list will explains what each stats does and what moves it covers for a

Basic Attack - The strength of the attacks. This ONLY covers
single/double/triple/quadruple Stabs, jump attack, triple combo air kicks,
explosion+, Adhere.

Range Attack - The strength of range attacks. This Only covers
Shoot and Shoot2.

Special Attack - The strength of special attacks. This ONLY covers
Power explosion and Assault.

Grip - The strength of your grips. Both frontal and rear.

Health - Increases your HP.

Armour - Increase your armour.

Cell Points - Increases the amount of cell points you can consume.

Cell Destruction - Add an extra percentage of damage from your base
attacks against ONLY cell monsters.

Move Speed - Increases your speed.

Attack Speed - Increases your swings.


2. Ninja's Basic Strategy

I decided to put these strategy in point forms.

- Do not all out melee against a blacksmith or soldier.
- Grip every chance you get, but be careful cause you probably
end up being grip or combo after you finish yours.
- Be an A**. Hit and run enemies. Sometimes they get frustrated where they
execute a move with huge delay... THEN GRIP THEIR A**! >=]
- If you want, you can all out melee mage, archer and ninja. Since all 3 of
you have short ranged melee attacks and low health.
- This is the most important. While doing a combo, if it does not connect
anymore drop the combo and run. Noobs tend to keep pressing the button,
even if the enemy got out of the combo.


Simply, if the second attack of the combo does not connect, drop it and run.
Pretty much the only way I see a ninja winning one on one is a hit and run
method and a few grip attacks.


Do not even consider using ranged moves on opponents. The C1 move does not
even affect the movement of enemies, let along the weak damages.
C2 is only used for golem and stages, but if you time it right and am able
to put you opponent in a situation where he can not dodge the full force
of shoot2, then you can expect to have taken almost half of his whole
current energy.

2.a. Game Layout's Strategy

Golem War: Your role is to kill the Master and Gold Golems. If theres not much
players in a room I will suggest you just quickly go get the golem. If theres
alot then I would not suggest so, since everyone would gang up on you. What
you should do if that is the case are:
-run from melee enimies
-look for a chance to grip
-if your team is weaken the gold golem enough for you to kill it in one
shoot2, go for it and kill the master golem.

Pretty much, you just need to stay alive till some of the enemies are dead
or there is an opening to quickly kill gold golem and then straght to master.
The reason why it is hard to do in a big room is because every shoot2 you do,
you will be welcome by the opponent's melee attackers.

Solo Death Match: Do not die too much, heal when you can and just grip.
(more strategy on this is needed)

Team Death Match: Same as above (more strategy on this is needed)


3. Ninja's Method

Evade: Dodge attacks, simply... run/jump around.

Wait: Pay attention to your opponent's moves.

Charge: Run in while your opponent is either in delay mode or while executing
a hitless combo. There, depending on his delay (you should know,
since I suggest you read them) either does a perfect combo or a grip
(I would suggest rear).

Dirty: Simply run around, looking for other enemies that is exposing
themselves and combo/grip him or her.

Note: Everyone that is in the game knows that the ninja only great weapon
are her grips, unless it’s a golem war.

3.a. Versus Mage:

- Very slow
- Short ranges and weak melee
- Low heath and weak armour
- Strong range attacks
- enable to heal him
- HUGE delay moves

Their Method Of Defeating You - Mage are not good at 1v1 and there moves
have huge delays and some takes a while to charge. Their strategy in
defeating you is either luring you to their team or in a confined area.
In a confined area, they will throw as much as grenades at you possible.
A few grenades will definitely kill you. Grenades knocks down players,
which will make the mage gain some distance from you. Like all classes
they will grip you if the opportunity presents itself. Mages grips
freezes you and are deadly if Mage's team are near by. There, they will
unleash their most devastating moves while you are just standing there
frozen. Another thing is that when you are busy against someone else, they
will either lock on to you with their meteors or use the pillar of ice.

To avoid this, know when to retreat... you can always fight him later on.

Strategy: Speed is your key here. Just run up to then and combo. They have
weak health and defense so your melee attacks would do some good damage.
Since most of the mage’s moves are powerful, sticking to him is the
best way here.

It will be a slow death for the mage, but at the end... you will stand
victorious without possibly a single damage. You can block grenades,
but I suggest you just run from it. Mage have a charge time to use grenades
so you can either get in there before he chucks it, or grip him while he
is charging. Mage's Pillar of Ice can be easily dodge since its a straight
frontal attack, if you are able to dodge it then quickly run up to them
and grip them while they are in DELAY. Meteors does lock on to you, but
its more noticeable and slower then arrows. You can evade it very easily
unless its too late and you were caught off guard.

Mages rarely attacks you with their combo because its weak, they will
leave themselves open for other attacks and the attack range is very
short. Shoot2 is also a good way to kill mage if you can do it properly.

Note: you will rarely see a mage join a 1v1 room.

3.b. Versus Archer:

- good speed
- short range weak melee
- devastating quick range attacks
- average health and armour

Their Method Of Defeating You: Archers greatest weapon is their bow, which
means they will always try to leave a good distance between you two and
fire away. Like Mage they will lure you to a confined area where it is harder
for you to dodge arrows. Even though they want to keep a good distance from
you, they really do not mind if you approach them cause they have a better
chance of hitting you with the arrows. A few arrows will kill you, and they
tend to aim for people who are off guard, help their team by stopping your
combo or adding more damage to you while you being slammed by another enemy.

Strategy: Again the key here is Speed and Jumping. You will mostly see an
archer with a bow, simply run/ jump around to get close to the archer and
combo. It will take more time to kill this hero then the mage. Gripping
archer is easy, but the chances of an archer giving you an opening it pretty
much never... wait... it is not that the archer would not give you the chance,
but it characters' design would not. Why? cause the moves most archers use
does not have 2.0 delays. (Archer main weapon is its bow, and the different
times you can grip them with a bow is if they are pulling the string,
STRAIGHT after they try to shoot you)

Another way to approach an Archer, is the block and approach. Unlike Smith,
it will be harder and you will take more damage, but you will get to them
quicker due to your sheer speed. Do not worry, the damage of what you receive
by blocking is around 80-90% off the actual damage.

In my experience, when an archer takes her small
sword out means.... A CHANCE TO GRIP. Believe it or not, almost of the
archer's sword move is 2.0+ delays. There’s are many reasons why an archer
would use its sword.

1. Desperate, cause your attacks is pissing the player off, or low health.
2. Want to Grip an enemy.

Either way, it means good news to you ninjas. If you can lure an archer
(very unlikely), do a successful shoot2 at them.

*UPDATE* I recieved many emails stating that jumping towards archer is not
the best way to approach, since its landing can be predicted. So that leaves
3 types of approac.

1. Running side to side. (not a pattern please, do it irreguarly so the
opponent cannot predict)
2. Block and Approach. (more safe in my opinion)
3. Dash Guard Approach. (alright I have recieved many emails that this
is more sufficient then the block and approach, so whatever. you might
as well goes with the majority)

*note* the dash guard approach if done correctly, will put you into an
invinsible state where you will not take any damage from any type of moves.

3.c. Versus Ninja:

- Best speed
- Short range weak melee
- Low health and armour
- Strong grips
- Lots of hits during combo

Their Strategy Of Defeating You: Like you, the player would look for a
chance to grip your A**. Do as much combos as they possible can.

Ninjas who focus their stats on range would like all classes will lure you
to an area where they can successfully unleash shoot2... WHICH ARE BLOODY

Strategy: Well... it’s pretty much who can connect their combo and able to
resist pressing the C1 when doing a hitless combo. Overall, it comes down to
skills. Sometimes players would get desperate and try to defy logic and grip
you while you are in a 1.0 delay mode. That’s your chance to grip the
character, because she will end up doing a Power Explosion. Taking them
to an environment where you can do an almost perfect shoot2 would also
be a good idea.

3.d. Versus Swordsman:

- Good speed
- Strong and quick combos
- Good armour and health

Their Strategy Of Defeating You: His combos and grips. Both take very large
sum of health and armour against a ninja. If you jump allot, he will wait for
you to land and unleash his 3 hit attack. So I would suggest you stick with
running unless jumping is the only choice to avoid a combo. When you are down
he will sometimes charge his special attack to unleash it on you once you
get back up.

Strategy: Swordsman is an all round character. You will lose if you melee him,
you will lose if you try to range him, you will lose if it’s just you
But do not fear, there’s always the hit and run method. Read it, practice it
then do it.
Yet again and again, speed is the key here. Unlike mage or archer, he will
chase you down till he get a kill. You can let him chase you to an area where
you can just shoot2 him or just seek help from a team member or a few =D

For some reason, I do not know why since I do not use a soldier. They will
block...against a ninja attack? When this happen, I try to approach again to
see if he blocks again. If that’s the case, my next approach would be a grip
on him since his blocking. Irritated soldiers would finish off their combos,
which will put them in delay mode and that’s when you grip.
Grip is the key to a fast victory here. If the soldier is smart enough for
you not to grip him, then it will be a long battle where the only thing
you will do is hit and run.

3.e. Versus Blacksmith:

- strong but slow attacks
- below average speed
- only a 2 hit combo, not more unless in chaos
- high health and armour

Their Strategy Of Defeating You: His combos and grips are very damaging
and like all smart Smiths he will use them. Black Smith's special attacks
are all 360, they will use these special when you are off guard or to
get you away from them. It is like his every swings... damaging.
The same as Soldier, if you jump he will position himself to give you a
good whacking when you land.

Strategy: Black Smith is very strong and pretty much more of a pain then a
soldier due to his to his high health and armour.
This is only a problem of course if you want to all out melee him. =D
Even though Smith is very strong, he is very slow. The chances of you
gripping him is higher then a soldier, which is good news.
Also, use your cell monsters to occupy him while you seek the chance to grip.

Some cannot help finishing off their combo because its only 2 hits, and
that’s your chance to grip him. They are very slow and would easily drop
chasing you and look for another enemy, this is your chance to follow him and
grip when you get the chance. If it’s just one on one, then just hit and run.


4. Stat Allocation

There are a huge variety of build up for a ninja but I am only going to list
two, because that’s the only two I tried.
If you want, you can email me and give me yours.

Golem War:

This ninja is only designed for participating in golem wars.
Killing all land cells almost in an instant.

Stat Focus - MAX Range -> MAX Cell Destruction -> MAX Armour

Grip Queen:

This ninja is one of the best build out there. You can easily kill melees
with the stun grip.
Stun Grip - Slash a registered hit and instantly grip him.

Stat Focus - 30+ Attack Speed -> MAX Grip -> MAX Armour

Flash Release:

Every time you level, you put it all on move speed. Can easily go in and out
of battle. Very evasive and can easily frustrates enemies that having a
hard time connecting their hits. Fast to approach opponents that leaves
themselves open for grips. Reach Master Golem faster then anyone else.

Stat Focus - MAX GRIP -> MAX Speed -> MAX Basic

Basic Ninja:

Simply just an all rounder Ninja.

Stat Focus - MAX Range -> MAX Grip -> MAX Range

TRS Special:

Similar to Grip Queen but instead of gripping, you will special.

Stun Special: Do a registered one hit and instantly 3 hits special.

Stat Focus - 20+ Attack Speed -> MAX Special -> MAX Armour


Strong and Quick:

Stat Focus - MAX Basic -> MAX Armour -> MAX Health


5. Advance Guide

Golem War Ninja:

Golem War - This type of game is your specialty. Try to find a clean shoot2 so
the enemy cannot hammer you with blows while you are in delay. If things get
messy, use the dash block to get away.

Since Dash Block makes you move faster and put you into invinsible mode. Use
it to approach Gold And Master Golem. One last thing is your team skills are
the most important, if they are a bunch of noobs then you are pretty much
screwed no matter what you do. 2 Soldiers waiting for you after shoot2 with
their special is enough for you to die.

Team Death Match - Here, you are a liability to your team. Even though you have
never put even one stat point on your grip, your back grip is still deadly
enough. Just Dash around and look for opponents in delay mode.

Your team must be elite enough cause they will be carrying you throughout
this game. However since you got some cell destruction on you, you can help
the team buy killing ground enemies' cells. Another tactic you can do is lure
an enemy to a tight spot where you can shoot2 him. If you can connect 6+ stars
expect one of your enemy's life bar gone.

Solo Death Match - ><. Dont expect too much of yourself in this game. Just
do the same thing as death match. Lure and look for opportunity to grip. The
difference is that you wont have anyone to protect you.

1v1 - Prepare to lose.

Grip Queen Ninja:

Golem War - Believe it or not but you are a diverse character in this game.
You can be a immobiliser or replace the golem killer in your team is s/he dies.
With your stun grip technique you can isolate the best player in the enemies
team and can even take s/he out. You can completly immobilse a character but
just keep one slashing him.

If somehow your golem killer die, just get your shurikens out and shoot2 the
golem, but make sure you wont be welcome by a grip or a bunch of specials
doing it.

Team Death Match - Unlike the Golem War Ninja, you are a huge asset in this
game. With your default speed you can easily take out mages and archers with
your stun grip. If you can perfect the stun grip tactic you can even take out
the big guns soldier and blacksmith.

With MAX grip you can kill a blacksmith/soldier with MAX armour in 3 Grips and
2 for mages/archers and ninjas. Even though the stun grip is a great tactic, it
can only target one opponent... so dont be running into a group fight unless
you know you can get out of their safely also like all team games, team play
is the most important.

Solo Death Match - Same thing as the Team but you will be more at an
disadvantage due to the fact no one will clean the campers for you after you
grip. Try to lure an enemy where you can 1v1 him without interruption. Just
Dash Block if you are in trouble or try to go behind an enemy.

1v1 - This is where you shine and if you have MAX armour you'll shine even more.
Just be a reactive player here. Only attack if the oppponent slah first, if you
are good with the stun grip tactic, you will be able to grip the opponent with
every slash you make. Of course the more stats you got on attack speed it will
slightly benefit you a bit more.

Since the back grip does more damage you can dash block pass an opponent to
go behind him and then stun grip. To do this successfully wait for him to swing
. You can approach and block. Your main thinking is to wait for the opponent to
do the first move.

If the opponent is a blocker, just 3 hits Special him since your special is
fast to charge up.


6. Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What Stat Allocation you suggest?

A. I would suggest the Grip Queen. Ninja are already good in Golem Wars and
have good speed. They can kill Gold Golem in 5 perfect shoot2 and can kill a
Master Golem in 3 perfect shoot2 at lvl1. Even with maxed range, ninjas still
need two shoot2 to kill master golem, it is possible to kill Golems in one
shoot2 but you need a good amount on cell destruction. By then, you will be
at high level with the lowest health out there, while other classes out
there have increase the strength of their primary attacks.

*note* You can kill Master Golem in 2 shoot2 at 20+/50 range. So you pretty
much wasted the next few levels to max range with your points for nothing,
besides doing more damage to the Gold Golem. Guess maxing range do have
its benefits =D

Q. What Stats should I focus on if I am not planning to be a power user?


Q. There are some things that as not correct, are you just pulling these
information out of your A**?

A. No I am not, I have discussed this with some players and asked a few to
read them. There is a chance that some of these information might be
incorrect, since it is still a beta game and softnyx have not really
confirmed much for us players.

Q. What is this quick blocking dash trick?

A. The quick blocking dash trick (W, W, C2 followed by Cont. W, C2) is a
trick to approach and flee faster on flat land. The speed of the dash
is the same as 8.0+ move speed. It also make you invinsible to moves if
done correctly.

Q. Why would I add points on speed if there’s the blocking dash trick?

A. As it name says, its a dash. You will not be able to maneuver it, as
much as just simply moving. If you are able to press W, W, C2 after you
finish your attack faster then just holding the W to flee, then go for it.
I believe speed is essential in a melee.

Q. Any other tricks?

A. 1. When you are falling from a high area, you can continuously press
jump, which will stop you from hurting your legs and its better then
using a invincible attack to avoid the damage.
2. Archers lag trick, some archers would purposely lag, so they can
easily shoot you. To know if your hit register, look for the pop up
*hits* sign on your right.

Q. What is the Slash -> Grip and Block -> Grip

A. Like the name stats, you can slash then grip them OR block then grip
them. The reason why I did not add it on the Grip list is because it is
very hard to do and impossible in a laggy game. We all know that if you
miss a grip, prepared to get grip yourself.

But if you ever play a room where the Ms is at least below 100, when ever
you block and attack, quickly try to grip them and if you done it right
or the MS was not to high, it will be successful. The slash & grip is
simple, one slash them then quickly grip them. More harder to do in my


....Something.... like.....

-More stats allocation
-Equipments recommendation
-Grammar correction
-Questions and Answer Section
-Readers Suggestions and many more.

All comments, questions, suggestions, corrections should be addressed to:
Liem Thanh Nguyen masakenji@gmail.com


Junta: Asking me to add the grip features

Devil Jin: Some grammar and phrase problems that could mislead readers.

Jason Lee: Suggesting that I should change my layout a bit more so it
would be less confusing.

Daniel Williams: Giving me more tips on ninjas.

Raij: Some of you might think it look familiar to Raij FAQ, and yes it is.
I had used his layout, because.... I cannot think of one myself =D
Also thanks to him for providing a Black Smith Strategy Guide against

Softnyx: For the game and the move lists on its homepage.

GameFAQ: For Providing this FAQ.


Mariah Carey's Album: The only songs I listen to, while writing this FAQ.

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