Quake 4

Quake 4

17.10.2013 20:41:24

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Walkthrough version: 1.00
Game version used: 1.00
Difficulty used: General

email: TheEternitYGameFAQ@hotmail.com

Copyright 2005 Carlo von Ranzow

This guide may be published by anyone and anywhere without my permission as
long as:
- It is not altered in any way.
- It stays free and is not used for any commercial-purpose at all.

Version History
Version 1.00 (first published on 12-27-2005):
- First publish, might have some spelling/counting mistakes.


Table of Contents

1. Items..............................................................[Q4ITEMS]
1.1 Pickups........................................................[Q4ITMPI]
1.2 Mods...........................................................[Q4ITMMD]
1.3 Weapons & Ammo.................................................[Q4ITMWA]
2. Enemies............................................................[Q4ENEMY]
3. Level walktrough...................................................[Q4LVL00]
3.1 Level 1: AIR DFENSE BUNKER.....................................[Q4LVL01]
3.2 Level 2: AIR DEFENSE TRENCHES..................................[Q4LVL02]
3.3 Level 3: HANGAR PERIMETER......................................[Q4LVL03]
3.4 Level 4: INTERIOR HANGAR.......................................[Q4LVL04]
3.5 Level 5: MCC LANDING SITE......................................[Q4LVL05]
3.6 Level 6: OPERATION: ADVANTAGE..................................[Q4LVL06]
3.7 Level 7: CANYON................................................[Q4LVL07]
3.8 Level 8: PERIMETER DEFENSE STATION.............................[Q4LVL08]
3.9 Level 9: AQUEDUCTS.............................................[Q4LVL09]
3.10 Level 10: AQUEDUCTS ANNEX.....................................[Q4LVL10]
3.11 Level 11: NEXUS HUB TUNNELS...................................[Q4LVL11]
3.12 Level 12: NEXUS HUB...........................................[Q4LVL12]
3.13 Level 13: STROGG MEDICAL FACILITIES...........................[Q4LVL13]
3.14 Level 14: CONSTRUCTION ZONE...................................[Q4LVL14]
3.15 Level 15: Dispersal Facility..................................[Q4LVL15]
3.16 Level 16: RECOMPOSITION CENTER................................[Q4LVL16]
3.17 Level 17: PUTRIFICATION CENTER................................[Q4LVL17]
3.18 Level 18: WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY...........................[Q4LVL18]
3.19 Level 19: OPERATION: LAST HOPE................................[Q4LVL19]
3.20 Level 20: DATA STORAGE TERMINAL...............................[Q4LVL20]
3.21 Level 21: DATA STORAGE SECURITY...............................[Q4LVL21]
3.22 Level 22: DATA STORAGE TERMINAL...............................[Q4LVL22]
3.23 Level 23: TRAM HUB STATION....................................[Q4LVL23]
3.24 Level 24: TRAM RAIL...........................................[Q4LVL24]
3.25 Level 25: DATA PROCESSING TERMINAL............................[Q4LVL25]
3.26 Level 26: DATA PROCESSING SECURITY............................[Q4LVL26]
3.27 Level 27: DATA PROCESSING TERMINAL............................[Q4LVL27]
3.28 Level 28: DATA NETWORKING TERMINAL............................[Q4LVL28]
3.29 Level 29: DATA NETWORKING SECURITY............................[Q4LVL29]
3.30 Level 30: NEXUS CORE..........................................[Q4LVL30]
3.31 Level 31: THE NEXUS...........................................[Q4LVL31]
4. Credits............................................................[Q4CREDT]

1. Items [Q4ITEMS]

1.1 Pickups: [Q4ITMPI]

-> Armor shard +5 armor
-> Small armor vest +50 armor
-> Small health pack +25 HP
-> Large armor vest +100 armor
-> Large health pack +50 HP

1.2 Mods: [Q4ITMMD]

-> Extended Clip Mod, found in level 6 and 19. Doubles Machinegun clip
-> Bounce Shot Mod, found in level 21. Makes the Hyperblaster's fire bouncable.
-> Nail Seeker Mod, found in level 16. Makes the nails homing when locked onto
a target with secondary fire.
-> Rocket homing mod, found in level 18. May make missiles homing using the
secondary fire combined with the primary fire. It also gives a small 'clip'
that allows you to shoot the first three rockets faster then normal.
-> Rail Penetration Mod, found in level 21. Makes the Railgun's fire piercing.
-> Chain Lightning Mod, found in level 23. If an enemy is hit by the lightning-
beam then any other enemies near will also get hit by a 'jumping' lightning

1.3 Weapons & Ammo: [Q4ITMWA]

Note: the ammo cap is the total ammo that can be carried including the ammo
inside the gun.

Name: Blaster
Ammunition: N/A
Ammo: N/A
Ammo on pickup: N/A
Clip capacity: Infinite
Ammo cap: N/A
Has flashlight: Yes
Primary fire:
A single fast bolt (not instant). Does almost no damage but has a high rate of
Secondary fire:
A slow bolt that has a small area of effect upon impact. It's damage is
surprisingly high and with some practice it's rate of fire can be pretty fast
giving a higher dps (=damage per second) then the primary fire.
The secondary fire can be used to shoot trough catwalks and other small

V.S. a Gladiator:
It also hurts him if you hit his shield on occasion. Aim for the head so that
if he puts his shield on the bullet will bounce towards the ceiling and not
straight back to you. If he shoots and uses the shield, aim for his right
side. If he has just the shield and walks, aim for his head or feet.

Name: Machinegun
Ammo: Clips, +50 bullets
Ammo on gun pickup: +40 bullets
Clip capacity: 40 (80 with the extended clip mod)
Ammo cap: 300
Has flashlight: Yes
Primary fire:
Regular machine gun fire. Fast rate of fire, medium damage.
Secondary fire:
Same as primary fire except that you now have a scoped sight with night

Name: Shotgun
Ammo: Shotgun shell box, +10 shells
Ammo on gun pickup: +12 shells
Clip capacity: 10
Ammo cap: 50
Has flashlight: No
Primary fire:
A single burst. Deals a lot of damage at close range. But it's useless at
medium and long range.
Secondary fire:

Name: HyperBlaster
Ammo: Batteries, +20 battery power
Ammo on gun pickup: +60 battery power
Clip capacity: 60
Ammo cap: 400
Has flashlight: No
Primary fire:
Bolts that are shot with high rate of fire.
Secondary fire:
Can be upgraded with the Bounce Shot Mod which makes the bolts bouncable. When
it bounces back to you the bullets will go trough you and will not damage you.

Name: Grenade launcher
Ammo: Grenades, +10
Ammo on gun pickup: ?
Clip capacity: 8
Ammo cap: 50
Has flashlight: No
Primary fire:
Shoots a timed grenade that bounces unless it makes a direct hit on someone in
which case it explodes immediately causing maximum damage. It's damage is high
and has a large area of effect.
Secondary fire:

Name: Nailgun
Ammo: Nails, +40
Ammo on gun pickup: ?
Clip capacity: 100
Ammo cap: 300
Has flashlight: No
Primary fire:
Fast shooting nails with a small area of effect causing a lot of damage.
Secondary fire:
Gives a scopes view with just a small zoom factor. When upgraded with the Nail
Seeker Mod, it can lock onto targets making the nails homing.
A single reload only reloads 50 nails, not 100.
Can be upgraded with the Nail Seeker Mod.

Name: Rocket Launcher
Ammo: Rockets, +6
Ammo on gun pickup: ?
Clip capacity: 3
Ammo cap: 40
Has flashlight: No
Primary fire:
Shoots rockets. When upgraded with the Rocket Homing Mod it allows to shoot
the first three rockets faster.

Secondary fire (only available when the Rocket Homing Mod is installed):
Locks onto the target in the crosshair.
Can be upgraded with the Rocket homing mod.

Name: Railgun
Ammo: Slugs, +5
Ammo on gun pickup: +10
Clip capacity: 3
Ammo cap: 50
Has flashlight: No
Primary fire:
Shoots a rail. Very high damage but poor rate of fire.
Secondary fire:
Gives a scoped view.
Can be upgraded with the Rail Penetration Mod.

Name: Lightning Gun
Ammo: Lightning coils, +80 energy
Ammo on gun pickup: +100
Clip capacity: N/A
Ammo cap: 400
Has flashlight: No
Primary fire:
Shoots a constant beam of lightning.
Secondary fire:
Can be upgraded with the Chain Lightning Mod.

Name: Dark Matter Gun
Ammo: Dark Matter Cords, +5
Ammo on gun pickup: +10
Clip capacity: N/A
Ammo cap: 25
Has flashlight: No
Primary fire:
Shoots a bolt that drags any nearby enemies that die into it. Enemies not
dying by it will just take a LOT of damage. Most effective when an enemy is
walking in the same direction as the dark matter cord
Secondary fire:

2. Enemies: [Q4ENEMY]

Name: Black Widow
First encountered at level: 12
Toughness: Pretty tough
Big spiders that shoot with rockets and plasma bolts. They use a flamethrower
at close range and can take a lot of damage.

Name: Doctor
First encountered at level: 13
Toughness: Fragile
Little flying enemies taht can just take a little damage. They are melee but
they can shoot some kind of poisonous gas grenades.

Name: Dog
First encountered at level: 13
Toughness: Very tough
A dog-like Strogg that can spawn other Strogg by releasing grenades that spawn
the Strogg upon impact. If a grenade is destroyed before it hits the
floor/wall/etc then it doesn't spawn a Strogg. I advise to use some serious
firpower on these. If possible use area of effect weapons so that the grenades
it shoots are automatically destroyed.

Name: Drop Turret
First encountered at level: 14
Toughness: Fragile
Turrets that drop in verhicle levels. They are shot from the sky and shoot
with a machinegun.

Name: Gigantic Robotic Spider
First encountered at level: 10
Toughness: Very tough
Often encountered while you are in a verhicle. These shoot with machineguns and
rockets and can go melee

Name: Gladiator
First encountered at level: 8
Toughness: Very tough
Big enemies that have a shield that can block every attack (the shield however
doesn't cover their entire body). They are though, shoot bolts and have a
Railgun. But they are slow.

Name: Failed Transfer (a.k.a. FT)
First encountered at level: 15
Toughness: Not so tough
Strogg that have all kind of ranged weapons. They are somewhat tougher then

Name: Grenadier
First encountered at level: 3
Toughness: Can take a few hits
Big guys which shoot bolts and grenades. Their grenades have a huge area of
effect. They can ussually be taken down with a pistol and some strafe work.

Name: Grunt
First encountered at level: 1
Toughness: Can take a few hits
If you have the improved legs then these guys are no problem. If not then these
guys are really annoying, they are fast and hit hard (melee). They are
especially good at taking out other marines. Use the Shotgun or Machinegun on

Name: Heavy
First encountered at level: 9
Toughness: very very tough (when not in a verhicle)
Big floating enemies that shoot rockets which have huge splash damage. They are
incredibly tough (unless you are inside a verhicle which dramatically increases
your firepower).

Name: Icaru
First encountered at level: 9
Toughness: It's destroyed by two shots from a tank
Flying machines (encountered verhicle levels) that shoot rockets from a
distance and shoot with the machinegun at close range. Their rockets hardly
do any damage at longer range.

Name: Icaru2
First encountered at level: 14
Toughness: It's destroyed by two shots from a tank
Same as Icarus's but they may also drop Mobile Units.

Name: Impaler
First encountered at level: 1
Toughness: Pretty tough
Very fast en pretty though Strogg. They are excellent at killing marines and
kan kill you in a single hit. If you don't have the improved legs yet then you
should use some big guns. If you have the improved legs then back-step kill
them as long as possible. Their primary weapon is their right 'lance'. But they
also have a lightninggun which they use on long range when they cannot reach
you easily and have an area of effect lightning attack that is used on the

Name: Iron Maiden (a.k.a. IM)
First encountered at level: 21
Toughness: Very tough
Floating Strogg that are released from cabines. They shoot rockets, hit melee,
can teleport and they may spit some kind of air that messes up your sight. They
can take quite some damage.

Name: Judge
First encountered at level: 16
Toughness: Very very tough
Very tough enemies. Always back-step kill them. Try walking in a circle or
something. They shoot rockets at close range, go melee at medium and close
range and may use flamethrowers at close range.

Name: Light
First encountered at level: 1
Toughness: Fragile
The standard small enemies that go down in a few shots.

Name: Machine Gunner:
First encountered at level: 1
Toughness: Fragile
(Red) Lights-looking Strogg that have a machinegun equipped. Their accuracy is
horrible and they have about the same amount of hitpoints as a Light.

Name: Makron (boss)
Encountered at level: 12 and 31.
First encountered in level 12 where you cannot damage him at all. The second
encounter is in level 31. See level 31 for more information.

Mobile Units:
First encountered at level 9
Toughness: Fragile
Small round metal machines (encountered in verhicle levels) that shoot with
two machineguns. They ussually die in a single shot but they hit hard.

Name: Network Boss
Encountered at level: 29 (You'll see him sooner but you cannot damage him
before level 29)
Description: The Main boss of the whole Network Security, he has a jet pack and
has a lot of anger to channel into pain.

Name: Repair Bot
Toughness: Fragile
Small flying bots that may repair machinery. They cannot attack you.

Name: Sentry
First encountered at level 11
Toughness: Fragile (dies by two Shotgun hits)
Flying enemies that shoot with two machineguns. They can dodge attacks and they
can kill you very fast.

Name: Shotgunner
First encountered at level 2
Toughness: Fragile
They look like ligts but carry shotguns instead. They only shoot at close
range.You can dodge their fire easily after you obtained your improved legs.

Name: Turret
First encountered at level 9
Toughness: Fragile
Same as a Drop Turret except that it's stationary. Note that there are also
four missile turrets in the game.

Name: Voss Mech (boss)
Encountered at level: 18
Your luitenant who is 'transformed' into a Strogg. He shoots homing missiles,
has the Dark Matter Gun gun and spawns Shotgunners and Machine gunners. He can
also go melee of course.

Name: Zombie
First encountered at level: 18
Toughness: Fragile
Just zombies. Some have guns, most don't. They go down pretty fast. Those
without guns are melee and may shoot poisonous gas.

Difficulty: medium

Enemies (excluding marine kills):
Grunt x1
Impaler x3
Light x5
Machine gunner x5
A few additional Strogg

Clips x12
Machinegun x5-6
Small armor vest x1
Small health pack x8

Stroyent health station x1 (useless at this point in the game)

Talk with Sgt. Morris (that means just walk passed him). New objective
"Regroup with Rhino Squad". Talk to the medic and he will restore your health.
Proceed through the door. Ignore the two Lights and the Machine gunner and go
right up the little stairs. Get off on the other side. Wait for the marine to
kill the two Lights and proceed. Kill the next two Lights and proceed. There
are two small health packs here. Go through the next two doors.

Pickup the one/two Machineguns (I noticed that if I walked straight over it
I pickued up two Machineguns (80 ammo in total). But if I walked around it and
then picked it up then I only got one (40 ammo in total). This is probably a
Proceed a little and kill the Light, that jumps in front of you. Pickup the two
clips and proceed a little. A Machine gunner and a Light will come through the
door on the right. Kill them (it's generally a good idea to use the Blaster's
secondary fire vs. Lights. If you are slightly more skilled then use the
Blaster's secondary fire on Machine gunners too) and proceed through the door.

Ignore the Grunt. This room contains a small health pack and three clips.
Proceed through the next door. Wait for the marine to take position at the
corner and then proceed. A Grunt will bash the pipelines on the left. Shoot him
and walk back into the previous room so that the marine can kill him. Proceed
through the next door. This room contains two small health packs and two clips.
New objective "Retrieve Medic". Go back through the door.

Walk around the first corner and shoot the Grunt and Machine gunner (note that
the Grunt is badly wounded; other Grunts won't go down that easy). Kill the
next Machine gunner and some other Strogg behind him (random spawn) (you could
always walk back into the previous room and when they follow you the marines
will kill them for you). Equip your Machinegun and proceed through the next two

An Impaler will kill a marine. Back-step-shoot the Impaler. It will take about
50 bullets so you will have to reload once during the fight. Proceed through
the next door. There are two Machineguns, a small health packs and a clip on
the right. Proceed through the next door and hide on the left or something to
make the medic shoot the Strogg in here. Objective complete "Retrieve Medic".

New objective "Escort Anderson". Go through the door where some of the Strogg
came from, for a Machinegun. Go back into the previous room and back through the
door. Proceed a little and a Grunt will enter the room through the floor. Just
hide behind the medic and he will kill the Grunt for you in a single melee hit.
Fall down the hole the Grunt came from and follow it for a small armor vest and
a clip. Use the panel to open the hatch and climb the ladder up. You are back
in the room where you first found the medic. Once again go back through the two

An Impaler will come through the ceiling. Impalers are very good at killing
marines. Try to get his agro and shoot him with the Machinegun. If he uses his
area lightning attack then just jump at the moment it reaches you. Proceed
through the next two doors.
An Impaler will come through the hole on the left. Shoot him using the
Machinegun. Then shoot the two Machine gunners in the far back. Go through the
door in the far back for a Machinegun. Then proceed through the other door.

Objective complete "Escort Anderson". Go through the next two doors. There are
three clips and two small health packs here. Enter the exit and use the panel
to exit the level.

Difficulty: very easy

Enemies (minimum and including Rhino squad kills):
Grunt x1
Impaler x1
Light x2
Machine gunner x2
Shotgunner x2

Small armor vest x1
Armor shards x4
Machinegun x1
Ammo clip x5
Small health pack x3

Take the elevator up and proceed through the door. A Grunt will attack you (he
is coming from the stairs), shoot him with your Machinegun (aim for the head
for maximum damage).

Pickup the large armor near the blue flare. Then continue downstairs. Proceed
and go through the next door. Grab the Machinegun and ammo clip near the dead
body with the red flare. Then proceed through the next door and then through
another (opened) door.

There are two small health packs in a chest to the left from the blue flare.
Then just before the blue flare go right down the ramp for four armor shards.
Go back up and go right.

Proceed through the trenches. Just walk through it, the burning rocks that
might fall on your head won't hurt you. In the corner is a chest with 3 ammo
clips and a small health pack in case you wasted a crap load of ammo on that
single guy. Then go left.

There is a teammate running into battle:
Way 1 (the easy way):
Let him take lead an as soon as he is positioned behind the pillar (the enemies
won't attack until you show yourself) run behind him around the pillar hugging
the right wall (there is an ammo clip located near the right wall, you better
ignore it). Then go quickly right into the tunnel, if done right you didn't get
hit and you didn't waste a single bullet either. If you did wrong an Impaler
might follow you into the tunnel, your teammates will take care of it or the
Impaler will catch you and you'll probably die.

If you decide to fight, there is an Impaler some Light and some Machine gunners
(the amount depends on how long you fight them, the longer you fight the more
enemies). Use your Machinegun, first shoot the Impaler. It's possible to keep
that squad member alive if you kill the Impaler fast enough. keeping him alive
has no benefits with the exception that he helps killing the other enemies in
this open area.
You can either kill the Impaler and save the squad member so that he can take
the hits from the other enemies or kill the Impaler while running back into the
tunnel (towards the chest with the three ammo clips and a small health pack).

Proceed to the T-junction with two squad members and complete the
objective "Regroup with Rhino squad". New objective "Destroy Strogg aircraft

In the chest are an ammo clip and a small health pack. Go left. At the next
T-junction you will encounter an Impaler and two Machine gunners (the second
one may come later). Assist killing the Impaler and let Rhino squad kill the
others. Show yourself at the T-junction. Two Shotgunners and a Machine Gunner
will attack. Let Rhino squad kill them.

Take the first left (not the second, it will lead you to a closed door).
Proceed and soon two Light will come. Let the Sgt. take the hits or Blaster
them if you get tired of waiting. Proceed into the 'famous' Exit.

Difficulty: easy

Enemies (including Squad kills and probably with some counting mistakes):
Light x24
Machine gunner x13
Shotgunner x4-5
Grenadier x2
Impaler x5-6
Grunt x1

Item list:
Large armor x2
Clips x6
Machinegun x5
Shotgun shells x7
Health pack x4
Shotgun x2
Armor shard x6

Proceed through the door for a small cut scene, then immediately after walk
back and hide. There is a Shotgunner, Machine gunner and the Grenadier in that
room. Luckily our almost invincible Sgt. is here to help you (sometimes he will
just shoot his cover-pillar).

When they are all death proceed but go left and then right in this room in
order not to get shot by the Light in the far distance. In the next corridor
are two Lights and an Impaler. Let the Sgt. take care of them. Then proceed
through the door.

Meet Viper squad. There is a small armor vest, ammo clip and two Machineguns
here. CPL. Mahler will give you a shotgun. Then pickup the 3 Shotgun shells and
proceed through the door.

There is a Light in the far front and two Lights from the right, just show
yourself and run back through the door and let your squad take them down. Once
they are dead another Light and a Machine gunner will come from the right.
Use the same tactic.

Go back into the open room (if you weren't already) and go up the ramp/stairs
and left for a health pack and an ammo clip. Then go through the door where
Viper Squad just went through.

There is a Machine gunner on the left and a Machine gunner on the right and two
Light in the center near the next door. Kill them all.

Proceed through the next door and two Light will most likely already be shot by
the marines. Pickup the shotgun in the doorway (if not done already) and look
left. A Light, Impaler and a Machine gunner will come through that door below.
Let your buddies kill them (the Impaler will go up the stairs, but a squad
member will take him out, just don't run passed that squad member). Proceed
through the next two doors.

Go forward and after the console on the left is a shotgun shell box. Take the
next right for three armor shards.
Turn right and a Grunt will come from the left. Kill it. If you try to take the
two health packs and the Machinegun or a squad member walks near it the door
will open and two Light standing on an elevator will shoot you. Let your squad
members take care of it again and walk on the elevator. Once Viper Squad and
you are all on it will take you up.

Proceed through the door and immediately back, there is a Grenadier on the
upper right near the ceiling and three Light. Let Viper Squad take care of it.
You might have to kill the Grenadier by yourself since Viper Squad usually
doesn't kill him but just walks passed him.

Proceed a little and go back again so Viper can do their killings (two Machine
gunners, four (sometimes five) Shotgunner's will jump from above).

If you get less enemies walk towards Viper Squad again (but a little further
this time) and then back again. You might have to kill one guy by yourself if
he decides to chase you instead (poor you).

Mahler finds out that the glass blocking the door is rather strong and gives
you a new objective "Circumvent Glass". Immediately after, a other door will
open and an Impaler will come out of it. Just stay back and he will be killed.
Proceed through the door (you are alone again).

On your right is a Light kill him. Go back and right to towards the other door,
there should be two more Light by now. Kill them both while dodging their slow
projectiles (you can also lure them to your teammates which can safe you some
minor trouble. Do whatever you prefer). Go through that door and up the ladder.
Use the panel to lower the 'bridge'. DON'T think about crossing that floor
before the machinery is done moving it. There is a good chance that you will
crushed by it.

Proceed a little across the 'bridge' (center floor part will trigger the door)
and an Impaler and a Light from the other side will come through the door and
attack you. Immediately turn left and jump down on the boxes (to avoid fall
damage), turn 45 degrees right and run towards the wall. They guys above can't
come down, and you can shoot them from here while they can't shoot back (if you
place yourself in such a way so that you can barely see them). After they are
dead climb the ladder again and walk towards the door the two enemies just came

Use the first control panel you encounter. Continue across the bridge and use
the panel to take the elevator down. Walk towards Viper Squad and use the panel
on the back of the 'weapon-like-thing'. Proceed into the newly opened area.

Pick up the two Machineguns, two ammo clips, a shotgun shell box and the three
armor shards. Go through the door, there is an Impaler and two Machine Gunners
on a catwalk in front of you. Immediately run back through both doors (This
Impaler will jump down). Stay at a safe distance and wait till he is killed by
the Squad. Note that CPL. Mahler (almost) can't die, the other one can (but who
cares? Don't waste any energy for saving him). Mahler will kill the Impaler and
the other one will almost certainly die. Now run through the door while firing
your Blaster at a Machine Gunner on the catwalk (this firing is just to keep
him from not shooting you). Once you are below the two Machine gunners, use the
Blaster's charge-up fire to blast them from below (the small explosion's area
of effect goes through the catwalk).

Use the panel in the center to lower the bridge and go back towards (but not
through, Mahler must maintain his position in the center to intercept the
Impaler that will soon come across the bridge) the door you came from to get
shelter. A Machine gunner and a Light will appear on catwalk on the opposite
side of the bridge. Don't bother shooting them since they keep spawning until
an Impaler come across the bridge. Once the bridge is lowered the Impaler will
be killed by Mahler. Snipe the other two remaining Strogg with the machine gun.

Walk across the lowered bridge but don't go through the door yet. Just before
the door turn right and jump down. Pick up the large armor, two ammo clips and
a shotgun shell box. Climb back up and through the door and immediately back
again. That room contains three Light. Let Mahler kill them. Once they are dead
the door on the opposite of your door will open and a Grenadier will come
through. Well, Mahler is positioned there anyway so just wait a moment.

Walk into the room again and down the stairs, to the right is a shotgun shell
box and a health pack. Go back up, left, through the door and use the exit

Difficulty: easy - normal

Light x8 (approximately)
Grunt x1
Shotgunner x1
Machine gunner x6
Grenadier x4

Clips x8
Large armor vest x1
Large health pack x2
Small health pack x2
Shotgun shell box x2
Machinegun x5

Once the elevator reaches the top proceed through the door. New objective
"Clear the Area of Enemies". Go through the next door and pick up the 2 ammo

Once Mahler rushes through the door you however will enter the room and wait at
the entrance behind the boxes on the right. Six achine guns on the ceiling and a
Light on the far right in this room will activate/spawn. Let Mahler kill the
Light and two of the machine guns. Sometimes a Light gets near you to seek
cover from Mahler, blast that coward. Once the two Machine gunners are down,
four Lights and a Grunt spawn. Just stay behind those boxes and wait (sometimes
the Grunt will come for you instead. If so then use the shotgun or reload a
quick save.

There are twp more machine guns, they, for some reason, didn't shoot me if I
walked below them, but as soon as I fired they did shoot back (probably a
bug). Shoot them using strafe and your Blaster's charge-up (or Machinegun
if you are lazy). It should be easy since there is plenty of cover and their
reloading time is pretty slow Objective complete "Clear Area of Enemies".

New Objective "Meet Rhodes". Go back through the door you came from. Objective
complete "Meet Rhodes". Near Rhodes is a large armor, two large health packs,
two shotgun shell boxes and in the box a Machinegun and two ammo clips. New
objective "Protect Rhodes". (Note, Rhodes can't die either) Go back to the room
with the destroyed machine guns on the ceiling and through the newly unlocked

There is a small health pack and two ammo clips on the right just after the
door. Take the left stair up (DON'T shoot the barrel, it will fly/roll toward
you and explode). Go down the next stairs and through the next door.

Immediately back out through the door (make sure Rhodes is not blocking your
way) and then let Rhodes go in. There is a Light just after the door on the
right, a Grenadier in the center on a catwalk. After Rhodes killed the Light
(and if he did not finish him off) and after Rhodes is firing on the two
Machine gunners go in and run to the center. There should be two Machine
gunners firing at Rhodes, you can shoot them pretty safely from here (sometimes
you can shoot them from the door entrance)(sometimes Rhodes can't get their
agro, in that case you will have to kill them yourself). Stay close to
the center of the room so the Grenadier can't hit you.

Now it's just you and the Grenadier. Walk below him and shoot the catwalk
directly below his feet using the charge-up skill from your Blaster to kill
him. Sometimes you can even shoot a clear foot sticking out of the catwalk
(lame isn't?). And if he walks to that center-thing with the electricity
flowing through... quickly load or kill him using normal tactics. But it rarely

Rhodes will now set up the charges. Go back through the door again. There is a
Light on your right and a Shotgunner and Grenadier upstairs on your left (at
least in your immediate area, there are a lot more in this room!). Rhodes
actually can die at this point by getting a lot of grenade hits from the
Grenadier's. But this place is complete suicide anyway, just take the right and
RUN through the first door on the right (that leads to the room with the four
destroyed machine guns). You should arrive with no damage taken at all and
Rhodes will follow you shortly after.

From here camp from behind the door (preferably using Rhodes as a shield) and
snipe their heads off. There are about four Machine gunners, three Lights and
one Shotgunner here. Kill them. As soon as they stop coming stand in the door
entrance and (there are 2 Grenadier up the left stairs) blow the barrels (that
you left there the first time)(Sometimes the Grenadier gets blasted downstairs
right in front of you by the explosion, in that case you better run) snipe the
first Grenadier from the door entrance if possible. Then go up and use a
shotgun/strafe against the second or use Rhodes Grenadier.

Go back to the door leading to the room with the four destroyed machine guns.
But now take the door next to it. This room has a Light right in front of you
and 2 Machine gunner on the left a little downstairs. Kill them anyway you
like. I preferred going immediately right and jumped up that little ramp or
something and hide myself there so Rhodes could do the dirt work. Once they are
all dead Rhodes will set up the next charges. Objective complete "Protect
Rhodes". There is a small health pack and an ammo clip in this room on the
opposite side of the door.

Follow Rhodes upstairs and into the room towards the exit. First of course
watch the fireworks, the true meaning of all your killings. Objective complete
"Destroy Strogg Aircraft Hangars". New objective "Regroup with Voss". Exit the

Difficulty: easy

Light x(+/-) 20
Grunt x2
Machine Gunner x7
Grenadier x3

Machinegun Clip x2
large armor x2
large medkit x4
small health pack x8
shotgun shell box x1
Shotgun x1
Machinegun x4
ammo clip x4
Grenade launcher x1
Grenades x1

Once the elevator reaches the floor say hello to Raven squad and pickup the
Sshotgun, shotgun shells (in the box) and the Machinegun on the workbench, both
near the unlocked door. Go through the door and pickup the next Machinegun on
the boxes to the right if you need any. Proceed to the next door on the
opposite side of this area. There is a chest with six small health packs just
in front of it. Go through this door. There is a guy programming something,
steal his Machinegun if you like. Proceed through the next two doors. You
should be outside again.

Objective complete "Regroup with Voss". He will give you a grenade launcher.
New objective "Capture the Air Defense Cannon". Pickup the grenades and the two
clips in the box. Proceed.

Kill the Light and Machine Gunner. Proceed and two [r1]'s will come from the
left. There is also a Grenadier and a Machine Gunner on top of the cannon. Let
Rhino squad handle all four. There are two ammo clips, a Machinegun, a large
armor and two large health packs near the door near the cannon.

Jump on the boxes near the door and jump on top of the door, a Grunt will come
from a hole in the ground near you, just jump down and let Rhine squad help you.
Jump back up. There is a small health pack near the hole. Jump down. There is
another large armor, two small health packs and one large health pack. Use the
terminal to open the door.

As soon as the squad is inside (with the exception of Morris) a Light will jump
in from the opening in the ceiling. Kill it.

Now at this point the door, right in front of the door you just opened, is
supposed to open. But sometimes the game may bug and the door won't open. Just
reload the last checkpoint, save and replay it. (It happened to me and it took
me two hours of searching before I noticed it was a bug)

The next door will open and a Light and a Machine Gunner will come through.
Kill them. Go in the room and three more Lights and a Machine gunner will come.
After these a lot more Lights and Machine gunners will enter the room. Let
Rhino squad kill them and hide in the previous chamber (or enjoy the outside
scenery). Just don't hide/stand behind the doors where the spawned enemies
enter the room. They simply spawn right on top of you. Follow Rhino squad
through the door.

There two Lights will come from the door on the far right, two Machine gunners
from the left door on the far right and somewhat later a Grenadier from the
center door on the far right. Just after you entered the room, turn 90 degrees
right and jump down. Run straight forward and keep hugging that wall until
everyone is dead. Once Rhino squad killed them all the only unlocked door will
open and two Light and a Machine gunner will enter the room (that's why you
should not hide in front of it). Either help shooting those or hide in the
center behind those obstacles. Once they are dead proceed through the door.

Let Rhino squad kill the two Lights and the Grenadier. Objective Complete
"Capture the Air Defense Cannon". New objective "Fire Away". Hop on the chair
and fire horizontally on the center door on the other side of the trenches.
Exit the chair/cannon. Objective complete "Fire Away". New objective "Locate
the MCC Landing Zone".

Head back. There is a Light on your side of the door around the corner (on the
exact opposite side of the door on the elevator) and he will jump in front of
you. Kill it. Use the elevator up, and go through the next two doors.
Immediately back out and shoot the Impaler with the Machinegun combined with
the shotgun if necessary. A Light will come just a little later, kill it too.
You might take minor lightning damage here from the Impaler. Go through the
door and pickup the small health pack. There is a Grenadier in this room, but
the distance between him and you is so huge that you can easily dodge his
bullets and could use the Blaster if you like.

Use the panel to open the door and proceed. Go outside turn right at the first
corner and proceed up the ramp. Watch the cannon behind you explode and proceed
into the tunnel. Go through the door on the right.

Go through the next door and back again so that Pvt. LAW can kill the three
Lights inside. Proceed towards the large door and a little later it will open.
There are two Lights and a Grunt will attack you.

Concentrate your fire on the Grunt. You might even save Pvt. LAW, if the Grunt
reaches Pvt. LAW he dies. It doesn't really matter if he dies, there are three
more squad members waiting outside. Then shoot the two Light's. Proceed and you
will find yourself outside again.
- Walk to the left of the crate, wait for the Grunt to get somewhat closer to
you and then walk counter clock wise around it and run through the two Light's
(while shooting them with your Blaster to prevent them from shooting back too
much). Run through the next door and you will be outside again, walk a little
to the left so that the Grunt won't follow you, he will simply stay on the
road and get shot. Pvt. Raven

Bug: Run and take cover behind the verhicle (if you took way #2 then the Grunt
and perhaps a Light will try to kill the two corpses near Pfc. Hougard (a bug),
kill them (the Grunt first). Objective completed "Locate the MCC Landing Zone".
New objective "Board the Hannibal".

The machine guns will be destroyed. The USS Enterprise will land, just don't
make it land on your head since it will kill you (yes I actually tried it). It
will lower a platform, board it. Objective complete "Board the Hannibal".


Difficulty: N/A (you can't die)
Note: You lose all weapons and armor at the start of this level.

Enemies: N/A

Shotgun x1
Extended Clip Mod x1

New objective "Report to Briefing". Leave this room through the only door you
can take (if the door doesn't open just wait for the new objective to appear
and it will open). After you have been decontaminated proceed through the next

Directions to the briefing room: go right, right, right, then through the door
with the "D.4 BRIEFING|ARMORY" sign, first door on the left and through the
next door. Objective complete "Report To Briefing".

New objective "Gear up". Leave through the two doors, go left and the first
door on the right with the "D.4 ARMORY" sign.

Pickup the shotgun near the three marines. Explore the room and a marine in the
back (Sgt. Swekel) will give you an Exended Clip Mod. Objective complete "Gear
Up". New objective "Locate Ride to Death Convoy".

Walk passed Sgt. Swekel and take the door on the right, the first door on the
left and through the door in front of you into the Walker Hangar.

Stand on the platform to exit the level. Note that if you jump on the platform
and then immediately try to jump off again on the right corner of the platform
and try to jump off it again. The platform lowers without you, but the level
will still end :).

Level 7: CANYON [Q4LVL07]
Difficulty: easy

Some Strogg (No I didn't bother to count in this easy level)
Missile Turret x2
Gun Turret x15

Machinegun x2

New objective "Locate Ride to Death Convoy" (note that you already had this

Enter the first vehicle on the road. Objective complete "Locate Ride to Death
Convoy". New objective "".

At some point the vehicles will stop in a tunnel and a some Strogg will appear.
Don't shoot at all (or use your Blaster). They cannot hit you. There is some
kind of invisible square barrier around the verhicle. The vehicles will
continue after they are all dead or after a certain time limit is exceeded.

At some point the vehicles will come to a stop in another tunnel. New Objective
"Locate Bidwell". Get off and walk into the corridor between the two bright
lamps near the vehicle.

Follow the only way you can take until you meet Sgt. Bidwell. Objective
Complete "Locate Bidwell" There are also two rifles on the boxes to the left of
Sgt. Bidwell. Enter the vehicle next to him.

New objective "Protect the Convoy". Now this is a real gun, it has unlimited
ammo and some nice firepower. You cannot be hit yourself, just the vehicle.
Just shoot everything you see. Try to shoot down the melee enemies first.

There is no real need to fire at all. I completed this part by just sitting
back and watch the whole thing. The vehicle will also fully repair at two
points so you cannot fail here at all. (I can't believe the game creators made
this part so easy)

Once the vehicles come to a stop shoot everything! The first ones come from the
right. If Rhodes dies (and he can this time) you will fail the mission. Also
blow the barrels when some Strogg are near it. Rhodes, by the way, will start
at the front-left of your vehicle. You probably need a couple of tries. Rhodes
doesn't take much damage from ranged attack but keep them away from him. If
they go melee on Rhodes he will die fast.

Rhodes will at some point return to the vehicle. Once he is onboard the
vehicles will start moving.

Another safe ride where you don't have to shoot anything at all to survive.
Shoot or watch, whatever you prefer.

Some notes for the next part:
At some point the vehicles will stop for a moment. New objective "Clear Area of
Turrets". This time you will have to shoot. There are missile turrets located
on the corners of the 'fort' on some arc construction. They can easily be
spotted by the two lights near them. Their missiles will miss most of the time
and can even be shot out of the air. Also shoot the gun-turrets on the ground
level. They cause way more damage then the missile turrets. They have some
orange-globe-shape shields around them. Just keep shooting until you don't see
the shield anymore and it should be destroyed. The gun turrets on the walls are
hard to see. Once they start shooting you should aim just above the light they
emit from firing for maximum damage.

Shoot the two gun turrets on your left. Then the one that will land in front of
you. Then shoot the two missile turrets near you (or if your aim is good shoot
the first missile turret before the gun turret lands). Your vehicle will now
fully repair again. This is a good moment to quick save.

Shoot the two gun turrets at your front-right and the one in front of you.

Shoot the next gun turret that will land on your rear-left. And shortly after
the next on that will land on your rear-left. Then make MAKE SURE you kill the
fourth missile turret before stopping behind the boxes. Once the vehicle is
about to stop behind the boxes shoot the landed gun turret on your behind.
Destroy it. If you didn't shoot the fourth missile turret it would now damage
your vehicle a little while it is hiding behind the boxes (area of effect).
The damage you keep taking prevents your vehicle from restoring it's armor.

Once the vehicle starts driving shoot the landing gun turret on your left.
Shoot the gun turret on your right too if you have the time and aim. Then shoot
the two gun turrets on your right.

Shoot the gun turret on your front-left (and also the turret on your left if
you didn't do it the first time) and the missile turret shortly after if you
like to. (If you destroyed all four turrets then you now complete the objective
"Clear Area of Turrets")

The vehicle will now stop in front of the building. Like I said before: you
don't actually have to destroy all four missile turrets to beat this level. You
can however still destroy the turrets with your Blaster (or any other gun of
choice) if you like. Anyway, enter the building and exit this level.

Difficulty: medium

Enemies (minimum and excluding squad kills):
Light x4
Grunt x2
Shotgunner x2
Machine gunner x4
Grenadier x1
Gladiator x1

Shotgun shell box x3
Clips x6
Large healthpack x5
Small healthpack x5
NailGun x1
Nails x4
Rifle x3
armor shard x5
Small armor x1

There is a large health pack, ammo clip and a shotgun shell box in on the floor
below the window. Enter the elevator and receive the Nailgun. Take the elevator
down. Note: If you activate the elevator but staid on the upper floor then you
can recall it with the panel on the left.

Note: Once you get down you can immediately send the elevator up again with
Pvt. Rodriguez still on it. If you do so it won't trigger an event immediately
later on in the game. There is a rifle in this room on the left. Go through the
door, right through the next door (there is a rifle in this corridor near the
wounded guy) and the first door on your left. Objective complete "Locate Voss".
There is another rifle in this room, some nails, a shotgun shell box, an ammo
clip and a large health pack. New objective "Retrieve Engineer".

Note: You can block Cpl. Schilder's path and take him down with the elevator
too (just for fun).

Go back through the door and left through the next door. There is a shotgun on
the box in front of you.

> Scenario 1 (You didn't send Pvt. Rodriguez back up):
- Singer and Rodriguez are both waiting for you. Once the door unlocks go into
the room and hide behind a box on the right of the room. Some Light and
Machine gunner will enter the room on the catwalks above. Some will jump
down, but you are safe there. Once they are all dead use the one of the
panels to raise the platform and take it down.

> Scenario 2 (You did send Pvt. Rodriguez back up):
- Singer is waiting for you. The door will open, go through it and raise the
platform. Singer will get on it but you cannot lower it yet. Go back all the
way and call the elevator. Once it reaches the floor Rodriguez will run like
a madman towards the platform (ha-ha) (You can also stand below the elevator,
it will hit your head and then go back up while Rodriguez jumps off it).
Once he stands on the platform enter the room (the one with the platform)
and hide behind a box on the right of the room. Some Light and a Machine
gunner will enter the room on the catwalks above. Some will jump down, but
you are safe there. Once they are all dead take the platform down.
+ Note: It is possible to leave this area with all Strogg alive but you will
come back here later on while escorting the engineer so you better just use
this strategy instead.

There is a small health pack and an armor shard in this room. The door on the
left will be unlocked, go through it (note that this room is almost the same as
the last room from the previous level. Go left and use the panel at the end.

The lights will turn on and the huge door will open. an Grunt, Light and a
Machine gunner is behind it. Just hide near the panel or something and let
those two marines kill them.

Go through the huge door and up the ramp on the right. There is a large health
pack and four armor shards. Use the panel on the opposite side to open the next

A vehicle will arrive and kill a couple of Strogg. Just stay in your room and
wait till every Strogg is dead. Then enter the room and pretend to be the hero.

There are two small health packs (from your right) next to the vehicle and two
ammo clips on the right next to the locked door. Walk towards Tech Newberry
near the huge door you came from. Objective complete "Retrieve Engineer". New
objective "Escort Newberry".

Go all the way back through the two huge doors and take the elevator back up.
Go through the next two doors and take the (previously locked) door on the
right. Take the only way you can take. New objective "Shut Down the Defense
System". Proceed through the next two doors. Objective complete "Escort

There is a large health pack, an ammo clip and a shotgun shell box near the
box. Newberry will block you from entering the opened door. Jones will go in
and a Grunt will kill him. Just step back and let Newberry get himself killed
too. Warthog squad will then arrive to kill the Grunt for you.

Enter the room; take the elevator up and through the next two doors. Jump on
top of the panel to avoid fall damage (you cannot hump down again in the room
below since an invisible wall is blocking you). Use the panel to rise the next
panel, use that one too. Objective complete "Shut Down the Defense Grid". A
Grunt will kill the marine behind the window and open the door for you (if the
Grunt doesn't appear just hug the window for a second and he will come). Kill
him with the Machinegun (secondary fire and aim for the head). There are also
two large health packs in this room by the way. Go through the door. New
objective "Regroup with Rhino Squad".

Take the door on the left for Clips and a shotgun shell box. Then go through
the other door. RUN right and quickly take the elevator up (to avoid the three
Machine gunner). This can easily be done without getting hit at all.

Almost immediately after, two Lights will come from the left. Use the
Machinegun to take them down. Proceed a little and a Grenadier will approach on
the opposite side of this room. The distance between him and you is so huge
that you can easily dodge his bullets. Kill him with either the Blaster or the
Machinegun. Hint: After you agrood him immediately go back and shoot him from
behind that fence across the elevator. He will almost not shoot back (only when
those two pipelines go back into the wall) while you can hit him from there.

Proceed through the next two doors. Between the glass and the floor is a small
opening just big enough to shoot through. Use your pistol to wound the big guy
below. There are two nails behind the boxes. Go through the next door. There is
a large health pack and a shotgun shell box in front of the elevator. Take the
elevator down.

In total this room contains two Lights, four Machine gunners and three
Shotgunners. Just agro the first two Lights and take the elevator up. Use your
Machineguns secondary fire from there to safely shoot them down (near the
closed door is a good spot to snipe from since they can't shoot back at all if
you are positioned right while you can see their heads clearly). Go down, agro
the next ones and go back up. Kill the four Machine gunners and the two
Shotgunners using the same tactic.

Once they are all dead go down again. Before the door is a small armor, two
large health packs and some clips. Open the door and use your Blasters
secondary fire on the Grunt and 1 or 2 quick shots. Then another two shots with
the shotgun and he is dead. You can take the elevator up again for the shotgun
shell box if you didn't take it the first time.

Go back to where the Grunt came from. There are some nails in this corridor.
Block the next door with a barrel or two. Jump over the barrels and through the
door. There is a Gladiator in this room. Agro him with a couple of shots and go
back through the door. You might need to agro him a couple of times more to get
him through the door. He cannot enter the room because of those silly barrels.
I used my Blaster on him. On some point he somehow got through the barrels (in
my case) so I went back through another door and used strafe/fire on him until
he died (from my Blaster).

Go back to the room where you originally encountered the Gladiator. Go through
the open door for a shotgun shell box. Then go through the unlocked door. There
is a Grunt here, I used the shotgun on him since there is/was a shotgun shell
box behind me anyway. Use any weapon of choice while running back on him.

Go to the room where you just encountered the Grunt. There are two rifles on
the ground. Go through the next two doors (there is a rifle in this room if you
didn't take it the first time) and take the elevator up. You are now back in
the begin room. Proceed to the exit (there is a large health pack, a shotgun
shell box and some clips if you didn't take them during your first visit here.

Level 9: AQUEDUCTS [Q4LVL09]
Difficulty: very easy

Mobile Unit x2
Icaru x5


Proceed through the huge door and enter the tank.

The tank has two weapons, the cannon and the machine gun. You can cannon can
zoom with alternate fire. You have armor and a shield. Both the armor and the
shield will restore if you don't get hit for a certain amount of time.
There are Icaru's which fly and shoot rockets. But their rockets almost don't
do any damage against your tank at a distance, for some reason. So if you keep
some distance between you and them you can easily shoot them with the secondary
fire while standing still. And your shield will recharge afterwards and
sometimes even when fighting the Icaru's. The Icarus also use machine guns at
close range which are pretty painful. So keep your distance if possible.
Mobile units do more damage then Icaru's in general, kill them first with the
cannon (one hit kills them).

Go somewhat right, hold still and use the cannon's secondary fire mode to kill
the two Icaru's. They can easily be killed before your shield hits zero.
Recharge your shields (by just not getting hit for x seconds) and go back. Kill
the Icaru on the other side of the main building (to the left from where you
entered this place. After it is destroyed the tunnel doors will open and a
Icaru will come out. Ignore it (or destroy it if you like) and proceed through
the tunnel.

At the end of the tunnel go right and continue (ignore everything and shoot any
rockets that are fired from a Heavyat the entrance of the next tunnel) until
you arrive in some kind of arena.

Kill one of the two Icaru's and both Mobile Unit's. Then take some distance
from the other Icaru and let your shields fully recharge. Then kill it.

Two Mobile Unit will appear, kill them. Two more Mobile Units will appear and
the door will open and two Heavies will join the battle. Ignore all of them and
race through the tunnel all the way until you reach the end. Turn right here
and enter the exit. Don't worry about your armor/shield damage, you start the
next level with a 'healthy' tank anyway.

Difficulty: very easy

Gigantic Robotic Spider x1


/----- |------|
/ \ |______|force field
/ 4 \ / |
| \/ |
\ 5 3 -
\ /--\ 2 |locked door
\ | | -
\ SS \ _/ |
\ 6 SS 1 /
\ 7 /
\------| s |
| t |
| a |
| r |
| t |

Proceed. After the cut scene a Gigantic Robotic Spider appears. Whatever you
do, do not drive into the hole where the spider came from. You will instantly
die inside of it.

Take the route (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-1-etc) as shown in the ASCII map above. Keep
shooting the spider all the time. Don't worry about your armor and shield
level, they will both restore afterwards. If you take this route you will never
stop and never turn around so all it's rockets should miss you. It's machine
guns shouldn't hit you much either (if they hit you at all).
By taking this route you can always fire at him and he can never hit you if you
have average (or better) strafe skills.

Once it is dead the force field will be shutdown. Proceed through the tunnel
behind it. Just keep going and going (ignoring everything on your way) until
you end up in front of a huge tower. Recharge your shields and proceed. Drive
passed the two Gigantic Robotic Spiders and into the tower. Objective complete
"Regroup with Rhino Squad". Exit the vehicle and proceed to the exit.

Difficulty: very hard

Enemies (minimum and excluding squad kills):
Light x1
Grunt x1
Impaler x1
Shotgunner x0
Machine gunner x1
Grenadier x0
Gladiator x0
Sentries x5

Shotgun shell box x7
Clips x8
Grenades x10
Large health pack x3
Small health pack x11
Nails x4
armor shard x13
Small armor vest x4
HyperBlaster x1
Battery x3

Optional items:
Small health pack x3
Nails x2
Shotgun shell box x2

New objective "Destroy the TetraNode". Exit the elevator. Items in this room:
Six armor shards, a large armor, two large health packs, ten grenades, two
nails, four shotgun shell boxes and three clips.

Proceed through the door and up the stairs and a little to the left. Two
Lights, a Machine gunner and a Grunt (from the next room) will come from the
right. Go back down the stairs and let Rhino squad kill them.

A Light may be near the next door (unless Rhino squad already killed him). If
so then kill him, then enter the next room. After some talk you'll get a new
objective "Protect Strauss".

Go through the newly unlocked door and through the next door. Run to the far
left corner of this room and make sure that Strauss kills the Gladiator. As
soon as the Gladiator is dead the other door unlocks and two Machine gunners
enter the room. Let Strauss kill them too. Then proceed through the door.

A Light will appear, let Strauss kill him. Proceed and a Grunt, Light and a
Machine gunner will come from the right. Once again let Strauss kill them.
Proceed through the next door. Follow this catwalk until the end. There are two
shotgun shell boxes and a small health pack here. Strauss will do his 'thingy'

Shortly after three Sentry will appear. Well, I didn't really find an effective
way of killing them. But here goes: Immediately run back towards the (now
locked) door. From here only one or two out of three Sentries can hit you. Keep
strafing and shooting (Machinegun preferred) until all three are destroyed.
Then another two will come, kill them the same way.

Objective complete "Protect Strauss". New objective "Return to Rhino Squad". Go
back to the door and stand in the opening. A Shotgunner will eventually walk in
front of you, use the shotgun on him. Then go through the door. An Impaler will
come off the elevator. Nail (or use the Machinegun if you got enough bullets
left) him, then go through the next door and back out immediately.

A Grunt will come through the door now; use a long range gun first, then around
the corner while shooting it with the shotgun. Go back in and kill the Light
and Machine gunner. As soon as they die another Machine gunner and Light will
enter. Ignore them and run into the next room. Then RUN through this room and
hide behind the door on the left. Hopefully the Impaler will engage Rhino Squad
instead of you. Objective completed "Return to Rhino Squad".

Once Rhino Squad killed them all; pickup the two large health packs and the two
Clips near the large control panel. Rhino is probably killing some more Strogg
near the next door. After they are done proceed through the next door and back
again. There is a Shotgunner and a Light on the left. Let Rhino Squad kill both
of them.

Proceed through the next door and let Rhino Squad, as usual, kill the two
Impalers. Next two Machine gunners and a Light will appear on the catwalk above
while two Lights, a Machine gunner and a Gladiator appear at the other side of
this tunnel/room. Simply run back around the corner and wait till they are all

Proceed, there will be two small health packs on the left and two clips and a
small armor vest near the door (near the force field). New objective
"Deactivate the Forcefield".

Proceed through the door and on the footstep of the next door. two Sentry will
await you in the next room. Immediately go back and take cover to the
left/right of the door. Open the door a few times and eventually they come
through it. When they do use your shotgun (2 blasts each will do) to take them
down. Now enter the room and jump on the 2 pipelines on the right. Then on the
next two and follow those all the way to the left for two small health packs
and a small armor vest. Go back to the catwalk and through the next door.

Another two Sentry will come for you. Use the same tactic as before (this time
only take the left side for cover). Once they are destroyed enter the room and
use the panel. Objective complete "Deactivate the Forcefield". New objective
"Return to the Convoy".

Way #1 (faster/easier):
Immediately run back all the way you came from till the point where the
force field used to be.

Way #2 (extra items):
Run up the stairs and kill the Machine gunner and Shotgunner with the
Machinegun. Then proceed through the door and immediately jump off on the right
and fall down on the lower catwalk. From here strafe and use your Blaster on
the Impaler on the higher catwalk. Once he is dead jump up again and through
the door he came from. There are two nails, two small health packs and two
shotgun shell boxes here.

Walk back all the way you came from till the point where the forcefield used to

Objective completed "Return to the Convoy". New objective "Destroy the
Soon a Gigantic Robotic Spider will break through the door and destroy the EMP
vehicle. Note that you cannot run back since there is, once again, an invisible
wall blocking your path (how lame).
Don't bother shooting the spider since you cannot damage it (notice that your
corsair doesn't turn red when you shoot it).
Simply hide somewhere (I chose the spot between the EMP vehicle and the wall
(the wall on the side where Gigantic Robotic Spider comes from). Sgt. Bidwell
will die.
Note: if you stand on the spot (after Bidwell is dead) where Voss and
Morris will stand to investigate the dead squad member they will simply
position somewhere near you and investigate the ground instead of Sgt. Bidwell.
They won't even kneel down and you will never be able to continue the game
unless you load a savegame, restart the level or restart the whole game.

LT Voss will kick a shutter open. Fall down. Proceed and climb up the ladder.
Pick up the HyperBlaster proceed and fall down. Pickup the Clips and proceed. A
Sentry will appear before you can jump up on the right side. Stay close to him
and shoot him with the Blaster (if you 'hug' him his machinegun fire won't hit
you). Jump up and proceed. Climb up the ladder.

Before you get off shoot the Sentry in front of you and the one on your right
from the ladder (Machinegun preferred). Just go up a little so that you can
barely see one, shoot and down a little again to hide for the bullet-rain.
Repeat this until they are both destroyed.

Jump off the ladder. There are four armor shards in front of you. Go up the
pipelines and jump over the fence. On the left are 2 batteries and a small
health pack. To the left of the next door are a small health pack and a large
one. Proceed through the door.

RUN (you will take some minor damage) and through the next door. Here
strafe/jump/shoot the two Sentry's with the shotgun. On this bridge are two
clips, a shotgun shell box, three armor shards and two small health packs.

Proceed through the next door. A Grunt will come out. Walk back while shooting
him with the Machinegun. Two Lights will come shortly after, strafe their
bullets and kill them.

Proceed through the door and immediately turn right and proceed towards the
corner. From here (you have to find out the precise point) you can shoot a
Grenadier that is located in the center of this room above you. He should not
be able to hit you while you can hit him (if you stand on the right spot).
Alternatively you could kill him using strafe and your Blaster/Machinegun.

Take the left stairs and left again. There is a small armor vest, two nails,
some batteries and three small health packs. Now RUN/strafe up the stairs
towards the elevator (which is the exit) and hit the button.

Level 12: NEXUS HUB [Q4LVL12]
Difficulty: very easy - easy

Sentry x5
Grunt x5
Machine gunner x5
Shotgunner x1
Light x6
Gladiator x1
Impaler x1
Black Widow x2

Shotgun shell box x10
Clips x10
Large health pack x7
Small health pack x5
Grenades x4
Batteries x6
Nails x5
armor shard x4
Small armor vest x4

New objective "Destroy the Tetranode with Strauss". There are some Clips and a
small health pack to your right. Take the other elevator down.

Stay in the elevator until Strauss is done killing. Meet Strauss. "Activate the
Power Plant". (Note: Strauss CAN die by even machinegun fire. But he is very
tough) Go through the next door and take the ladder (on the left) down for four
armor shards here. Proceed through the next door.

There is a Sentry on your left and on your right. Step back into the previous
room and with some luck Strauss will run up the bridge and kill the two
Sentries (in this case help him since he is not invincible). If not then you
have to shoot them down manually using the Machinegun from here.

Proceed through the next door. A grunt will come from the right. Let Strauss
go melee on him. A Machine gunner and a Light will come from the left. Assist
Strauss but let him tank. Once they are dead Strauss will proceed around the
corner. Assist him in the killing of another Grunt and a Machine Gunner (focus
on the Machine gunner). Before this bridge there is a Large health pack and
two grenades. Walk across the bridge, there are two shotgun shell boxes, three
clips and a battery on your left. Proceed through the next door.

Immediately back again and wait just around the corner until the bullet rain
ends. A Light will come through the door. Kill him. Open the door and kill the
two Sentries. Then stand in the left corner behind the door and snipe the
Grenadier in the far right of the room (he will not shoot back for some reason
if you stand there).

Strauss will now enter the room. This room contains two shotgun shell boxes on
the far left corner and a small armor vest, a large health pack, batteries and
two clips behind the control panel where Strauss is working now. Objective
complete "Activate the Powerplant", new objective "Find the Emergency Shuttoff

A gladiator will enter the room. Let Strauss handle it (melee preferred by
putting the Gladiator between you and Strauss) but assist him with the Blaster
or any other weapon of choice. Proceed back through the door. An Impaler and
two Lights will come from the bridge. Let Strauss handle them all. Walk across
the bridge and through the next door. Let Strauss tank the Sentry from the
right and kill it. Proceed through the next two doors.

Two Machine gunners will enter the room from the newly unlocked door across
the room. Hide behind the elevator and let Strauss kill them. Proceed through
the next two doors. Let Strauss tank the Grunt and kill the Light. If you
proceed a little a grenadier will show up on your left. Kill it. There is a
large health pack, a clip, a shotgun shell box and a small health pack on your
right here. Proceed through the next door.

Back out immediately and take shelter on the right. Strauss will kill the
Grunt. Open the door again and kill the Machine gunner. Enter the room. A
Gladiator will come from the left. Let Strauss solo him (if we didn't have
Strauss, this level could actually be hard lol). There are two large health
packs and a shotgun shell box where the Machine gunner came from.

Go up the stairs and left for a small armor vest and another large health pack.
Turn around and proceed. A grunt will come for you, just hide behind Strauss.
Proceed around the corner and a Light (in front of you), a Grunt and a
Shotgunner (both from your left) will show up. Run back and let Strauss kill
the Grunt. Then kill the Shotgunner and the Light (I found some ways to bug
the Shotgunner's AI but I won't start a complete alinea for a mere shotgunner
because by now (yes it took me some time) I found out that the AI in this game
totally sucks). This room contains a shotgun shell box, three clips and a large
health pack. There is a corridor leading to an elevator, take it up.

Objective complete "Find the Emergency Shutoff Controls", new objective "Shut
Down the Coolant Pumps". On your right is some kind of happy ammo heaven. Take
whatever you need and proceed through the door. Go left and straight ahead for
two armor shards, a small armor vest and three small health packs. Proceed and
take the stairs down and use the control panel.

Two Black Widows appear (Notes: the stairs is gone so there is no way back. You
will also lose all ammo/weapons/armor after this level so fire away).
Immediately step back since they will use flamethrowers at close range. The
only thing you have to worry about are their rockets. Their 'Light-bullets'
and flamethrower attacks can easily be dodged/avoided in this room. It takes
about two Grenade Launcher clips, one and a half HyperBlaster clips or a
complete NailGun clip to take one of them down. Any other gun is not advised.
I simply circled around them and focused my fire on one of them using my
grenade launcher (I wanted to safe the good ammo to pump the big guy that will
arrive after these two are destroyed). I killed the other one completely with
my Blaster. It seems that a single Black Widow is no threat at all in a large

Once they are dead Makron will come through the door. You cannot damage him at
all (and you cannot enter through the door where he came from since an
invisible wall prevents you from entering. Anyway, DON'T hide from this guy.
There are a few spots in this room where he can never hit you. But it won't
bring you anywhere either. And shooting back from such a spot with everything
you got + Blaster won't kill him either. As soon as he starts using some kind
of purple lightning on you, you beat the level (make sure he hits you with that
just in case). Ok now the way I got the most success with: I fired a complete
Nailgun clip at him at medium range. Then I started bunny hopping/strafing
throwing my entire Hyperblaster at him. He then might use that 'purple
lightning' and voila. This will most likely take a couple of tries.

Difficulty: hard - very hard

Doctor x4
Dog x1
Grenadier x4
Impaler x6
Light x4
Machine gunner x4
Shotgunner x6

Armor shard x6
Blaster x1
Clips x5
Grenade Launcher x2
HyperBlaster x2
Large health pack x3
Machinegun x1
Nails x1
Rockets x2
Rocket Launcher x1
Shotgun x2
Shotgun shell box x3
Small armor vest x3
Small health pack x4

Large health pack x1
Rocket launcher x1
Small armor vest x2
Small health pack x2

Health station x1

Just lie down and watch the really cool production process (yours). New
Objective "Follow Anderson". Proceed through the first door and pick up the
Blaster, a Shotgun and a Grenade Launcher from the dead marine. There is also a
mirror in this room, go and take a look at yourself. Go through the next door.
after some waiting o through the door with Anderson. Pickup the two shotgun
shell boxes and the clip from the ammo box. Objective completed "Follow
Anderson", New objective "Regroup with Rhino Squad".

Follow Anderson through the door and take the right path for two Clips. Go
back and through the unlocked door. Anderson will be killed by a flying Strogg
(called a doctor from now on) while you just watched and did nothing. A Doctor
will come down on your left. A good strategy is to keep a distance between you
and the Doctor so that he can't throw that annoying gas on you; They don't even
try hard to get close to you. Then use your blaster's secondary fire. After he
is dead another one will come and once he is dead a third Doctor comes. After
you killed him/it too Pickup Anderson's Machinegun and use the control panel
there to open the doors. Proceed through the left door.

Proceed until you pickup the NailGun and the nails. A Grenadier (from the
left), a Light and a Machine gunner come through the doors in front of you. Run
back while shooting with your Blaster. Make sure you take out the Machine
gunner first. Then you can kill the other ones easily on that distance (dodge
their bullets). Behind the door the Grenadier came from is a small health pack.
Proceed through the other door and jump on the assembly line.

There is a Light and a Shotgunner on the left. Shoot them both with the Blaster
from the 'door'-entrance so that they cannot return fire. After they are dead
jump off the assembly line on the left. There is a Machine gunner in this room.
Kill him. This room contains a large health pack in the far left. Use the
control panel to bring the elevator down and then take it up.

Note: If you shoot the center of the door with the Blasters secondary fire the
crosshair turns red. That means that you hit something. In this case that means
that there is something behind the door and it's not friendly. I wasn't able to
kill the Grenadier behind the door by shooting the door for a few minutes.

Open the door (stand either on the left or on the right side of the door) and
blast the Grenadier four times in the head from close range. After the first
shot he will shoot a couple of times to your location, so strafe to the other
side of the door an blast another three times and he should be dead without
taking any damage. Go in the room and shoot the Light and the Machine gunner
with either the Blaster or the Machine Gun (but be quick). Shortly after an
Impaler will enter this open room. Pickup the Rocket Launcher (if not done
already) and blast three rockets in his chest/head. Then take the Blaster to
finish him off. There are Clips, Rockets and a small health pack in this area.
Proceed through the next door.

Ok now this is how I did it (after a couple of tries): RUN and jump passed the
Gladiator and the two Shotgunners and through the next door and hide on the
right (DON'T walk up the stairs because an Impaler is waiting there). Soon the
two Shotgunners come through the door and a Doctor from the left side of the
door. I used a single rocket to blow them all away. Just use a big gun or
something. Go up the stairs with either the NailGun or the Machinegun and shoot
the Impaler while back stepping (DON'T get to close near the door or you might
invite the Gladiator to come in). Go up the stairs again and shoot the
Shotgunner. There is a health station (panel connected to a chest). You can
click (and hold) it to regain health (they only supply a limited amount of
health). So get your health back up to 125 if needed.

Strafe left and right from the panel to shoot the Grenadier. I used the Blaster
to safe ammo. Proceed to the corridor to the right of the panel. An Impaler
will charge towards you from the left and where the Grenadier used to be will
now stand a Machine gunner. So run backwards while shooting the Impaler with
the Machine Gun (all the way towards the door you came from if needed). Then go
back up and kill the Machine gunner that should now be pretty close to you

Proceed and a Shotgunner will jump from the left (where the second Impaler
came from). Shoot him. The go up the stairs where the Grenadier used to be and
pickup the rockets, small armor vest and the Machinegun. Proceed through the
next two doors (if you would have agrood the Gladiator outside (like I did)
then he should not be able to go passed these doors).

Take out the Light and the Shotgunner (with some luck the Grenadier will take
them out). Then shoot the Grenadier strafing from behind the corner (use the
glass to keep him in sight). Go up the next stairs and meet Voss. Go back
downstairs. The previously locked door will now open and an Impaler will come
for you. Shoot him the usual way. Go through the door and take the elevator

Pickup the shotgun shell box and go through the door. Shoot the Light in
front of you and the one on your left. Go back through the door and from there
shoot the Grenadier in the far back using the door to strafe behind. Go up the
stairs and turn left (crouch). Take the ladder up for Grenade Launcher, a small
armor vest and rockets. Go down the ladder and proceed. Pickup the small health
pack, if needed, and jump on the assembly line.

Go through the assembly line door and hop on a platform in the center. Hop off
on the first stop and regroup with Rhino Squad. Objective complete "Regroup
with Rhino Squad".

Once again a squad member gets killed while your reaction is way too slow to
safe him for some reason. Anyway, almost immediately an Impaler will come from
the stairs. Use the Machinegun or NailGun to kill him while walking circles
around the hole in the center. Head down the stairs and through the door. New
objective "Regroup". Go through the doors on the right. There is a large
health pack, a small armor vest and a clip. And if you didn't kill the
Gladiator outside then he should be trying to shoot you from the other side of
the glass :). He probably never learned that 'Q4-glass' is unbreakable, even by
him. Go back and proceed through the other door and take the elevator up.

Optional: If you would go through the door and immediately through another door
on the right you will encounter two Grenadiers but will also find a Large
health pack, a small armor vest and a rocket launcher. I simply ran downstairs,
took the small armor vest and the large health pack and ran back up again
without taking any damage.

Anyway, RUN through this chamber and through the door on the far right. RUN
through the next room and through the door on the end on the left.

Optional: turn left and go through the door for a small armor vest and two
small health packs and run back (note: there is no Impaler in this room, at
least not yet).

Turn right. An Impaler will come from the door where the small armor vest and
two small health packs are/were located. Shoot him while back stepping all the
way through the door on the right if needed. Pickup the rockets and call the
elevator down. Then take it down.

There is a small health pack on your left. Then RUN straight forward and duck
into the hole in the wall. You probably just picked up a HyperBlaster. Proceed
(you will find a large health pack on the way). When you get at a crossing go
straight forward for six armor shards and a Shotgun. Turn around and take the
right, there is another HyperBlaster here. Proceed into the big room.

A Dog will spawn in the middle of the room. It shoots some kind of grenades
and when those grenades hit the ground each transforms into a Strogg and it can
do this multiple times! In this case two Lights and two Impalers. The grenades
can be shot down to prevent the spawning of additional Strogg. I recommend
using something explosive on it like the grenade launcher or the rocket
launcher since it will automatically kill any grenades. As soon as the Dog is
dead the entrance on the left will be opened with the exit. If there are any
spawned Strogg ignore them, run towards the exit and hit the exit button.

Difficulty: very easy

Drop Turret x11
Gladiator x2
Grenadier x7
Gigantic Robotic Spider x1
Heavy x5
Icaru x2
Icaru2 x4
Light x5
Machine gunner x10
Mobile Unit x4

Batteries x1
HyperBlaster x1
Large health pack x2
Shotgun x1
Small armor vest x1
Small health pack x1

Walk outside. There is a large health pack, a small health pack, a small armor
vest, grenades, batteries and a HyperBlaster near the corpse. Walk down the
ramp. There is a Shotgun, and a large health pack. Step into the 'Suit or
something' (sorry I forgot its name).

Notes: This vehicle's regeneration works just like the tank's regeneration.
The rockets, they will only replenish back to six after you shot all six of

New objective "Locate the Dispersal Facility". A Grenadier will appear on the
...erm, far right on that building. Shoot him. Proceed and shortly after two
Icaru2's arrive. First shoot their Mobile Units (those round metal things that
they drop off) and then the Icaru's. Regenerate and continue below the bridge
with the poisonous gas (note: you do have a flashlight just like the Blaster
and the Machinegun).

Proceed through the door and blow the Grenadier on the right to pieces. Walk
over the three Machine gunners to kill them or blow them up too, whatever you
prefer. Take the second right and proceed a little. Two Gladiators arrive from
two elevators. Blast them. If they use their shields then use the machine gun
and aim for their heads. Proceed and up the ramp, kill the two Grenadiers and
go through the door.

Once outside blast the three Machine gunners and proceed. Two turrets will be
dropped. Shoot them, they hurt a lot. Proceed and an Icaru appears, take it
out. Shortly after two Heavy appear. Shoot them (and their rockets too with
the machine gun).

Proceed and kill the two Drop Turrets. Proceed through the door and kill the
two Lights, two Machine gunners and the Grenadier. Proceed and shortly after
another Light and Machine gunner appear. Waste them both and proceed through
the door.

Proceed and kill the Heavy. Proceed and kill the two Drop Turrets. Go through
the door and kill the Drop Turret and an Icaru. Proceed through the next door.
Kill the two Drop Turrets that are shot through the ceiling. Proceed and kill
the two Grenadiers and another Drop Turret shortly after. Proceed through the
door and kill the two Machine gunners and the two Drop Turrets. Then kill the
two Icaru2's and their Mobile Units. Proceed and kill the two Heavies, two
Machine gunners, two Lights and the Drop Turret. Proceed.

A Gigantic Robotic Spider appears. Shoot its rockets with the machine gun and
fire away on him. Use the surroundings for cover if you need to regenerate.
And in my case the Gigantic Robotic Spider got stuck at some point so I could
freely shoot it to pieces. It should be pretty easy anyway.

Exit the 'vehicle' and proceed towards the exit. Objective Complete "Locate the
Dispersal Facility",

Level 15: Dispersal Facility [Q4LVL15]
Difficulty: easy - medium

Failed Transfer x9
Grenadier x3
Grunt x3
Light x3
Machine gunner x1 - x3
RailGun x1
Shotgunner x4 - x5

Failed Transfer x3
Gladiator x1
Machine gunner x3
Shotgunner x1

Armor shard x4
Clips x4
Grenades x3
Railgun x1
Rockets x2
Shotgun shell box x1
Slugs x1
Small armor vest x1
Small health pack x6

Clips x1
Grenades x1
Small armor vest x2
Small health pack x3

Stroyent health station x2

New objective "Regroup". Turn right and blow the explosive barrels to kill two
FT (=Failed Transfer(s), those orange Strogg with all kind of guns). Then kill
the FT near you and pickup his RailGun.

Run straight forward and turn right. Ignore the Gladiator and shoot the FT so
that cannot shoot back immediately and quickly hit the panel on your left. Run
through the opening door. If you haven't lost any health/armor yet then quick
save here. Run straight forward and turn left into the small corridor and left
again on the elevator. Use the panel to take the elevator up and crouch. If you
did it right you lost none to five health (Don't worry if you lost somewhat
more, you can always take the optional step ahead to refill your

Open the door and let the Gigantic Robotic Spider shoot a couple of times.
Eventually it will go away; Go through the door.

From this bridge kill the two FT and the Gladiator down there (your starting
area). They cannot shoot back if you position yourself suitable enough.
Then go back to the elevator and shoot (using your Blaster) through the gap
(from the elevator and the bridge) the three Machine gunners and the Shotgunner
down there. Take the elevator down and shoot the FT behind the barrels. Either
keep some distance from him and run through this room or use the elevator up to
kill him safely.
Now everything is cleared and you can grab whatever you need (no, there is no
beertender here).
Pickup the Shotguns/Machineguns from the dead FT's. Also walk back to the begin
area and (from your current view as you enter that area again) in the back
right corner is a door. Enter it for a small armor vest, clips and grenades.
Exit this room, turn right and right again for another small armor vest. Near
your start position on the other side of those boxes are three small health
packs. Go all the way back to the bridge.

Proceed through the door. Kill the three shotgunners by
back-stepping/strafing/shooting (I noticed that a Shotgunners aim is pretty
much zero if you strafe, even in a small corridor. It takes him some time to
aim his gun and before he pulls the trigger you have already 'strafed' away
from the point that he is about to shoot). There is a health station, three
clips, a shotgun shell box and some rockets.

Go around the corner and kill Strogg here (one to three Machine gunners and
sometimes a Shotgunner. It's seems to be completely random) (make use of the
explosive barrels if you like). Go through the door.

Proceed a little and a Grunt will come out of the most left elevator shaft. He
is rather slow this time so use either the Shotgun or the Machinegun (note: if
you use something that knocks him back like the rocket launcher while he is
still in/near the shaft then he will fall and die by fall damage). There are
some grenades near the most left elevator shaft and two small health packs,
grenades and some rockets near the most right elevator shaft. Call the center
elevator. Lure him out of the elevator and go stand behind the elevator
shafts. From here strafe/shoot him using a weapon of choice until he is dead
or simply use the elevator down without killing him (not smart since you might
want to return later on for the health station, amongst others). Take the
elevator down.

Proceed through the door and strafe/kill the Grenadier above. Go down the
stairs and kill the two Lights from the door on the right. Go through that
door and through the next one. Take a few steps into the room and a Grunt (from
the right and a Shotgunner (from the left) will run towards you. Back-step kill
the Grunt and then the Shotgunner. Go back into the room. There are two small
health packs here. Go through the next door.

Kill the two Shotgunners and the Machine gunner. Then lure the Gladiator into
the previous room. Once he is in it you run into the room where he came from
and through the next door.

Kill the Light above you and go through the next door. A grunt will enter this
room and jump on the fence and eventually on you. You can already shoot him
through the fences so kill him and proceed through the next door.

Two (sometimes one) FT's are taking the stairs up on the far right. The other
two/three FT's are scattered on the stairs below. Just find a way to kill them.
At some point the door on the ground level may open. If so then a Grenadier and
two FT's (Hyperblaster and a Railggunner) will enter the room. If not then you
have to lure them manually (push a few explosive barrels to the entrance and
blow them up when they are near it) This room contains a small health pack
somewhere on the stairs and four armor shards, a clip and grenades on the
ground level. Proceed through the door.

On the right corner are slugs (Railgun ammo). There is also a health station
and a Railgun. Proceed through the next door. A Grenadier will enter the room,
strafe/kill him. Proceed through the next three doors.

Go straight forward and at the end of this room go left and use the control
panel. Go back up the other stairs and use this control panel too. Go back down
the stairs; there is a small armor vest and a small health pack. Go to the
center of the room and take the stairs down. Enter the exit.

Difficulty: very easy

Failed Transfer x10
Gladiator x1
Grenadier x1
Grunt x2
Judge x1
Impaler x3
Machine gunner x7
Shotgunner x12

Armor shard x3
Ammo backpack x1
Batteries x2
Clips x5
Grenades x3
Large health pack x5
Lightning Coils x2
Lightning Gun x1
Nail Seeker Mod x1
100 Nails
Nails x4
Small armor vest x3
Small health pack x4

Health station x2

Proceed through the door and kill the Grenadier. Use the panel to free Tech
Sasaki, he will give you a Nail Seeker Mod and 100 Nails (stand close to him to
receive it). New objective "Locate Exit". Also raise the other platforms; one
of them contains an ammo backpack. Go up the small stairs and through the only
unlocked door. Objective complete "Locate Exit", new objective "Activate Barrel

There are two small health packs near the large control terminal. Go through
the next door. Kill the four Shotgunners and the Machine gunner on the right.
Go around the corner and back-step kill the Grunt. Proceed somewhat and kill
the three Shotgunners (They come after each another not at the same time) and
the Grenadier. Proceed right up the stairs and right again.

An Impaler will run towards you, back-step shoot him (I used the shotgun on
this one). Go back and kill the Machine gunner. Go through the door. There are
some grenades and two lightning coils. Use the panel to disconnect the
Lightning Gun and pick it up. Go through the next door and proceed. Kill the
Shotgunner. Go around the corner and kill the Light. Go around the next corner
and back-step kill the Grunt and then the Machine gunner behind him. A
Shotgunner will come through the door on the right, kill him too. There is a
small armor vest, two Nails and a health station. Go Through the door. This
room contains three armor shards and some batteries. Use the panel and go
through the newly unlocked door. Objective complete "Activate Barrel Process",
new objective "Activate Process".

A Grunt and a Shotgunner will run towards you. Kill them both (the grunt first
for obvious reasons). Proceed and kill the Machine gunner. There are two clips
near the Machine gunner. Don't go down the stairs, from here shoot the two FT's
in the distance from this catwalk (they cannot shoot back over such a great
distance (while we can with our Blaster)). Proceed and kill the Impaler and the
Shotgunner from the hatch (you can use the explosive barrel and push another
explosive barrel at forehand to it to kill both of them the easy way). Then
kill the FT. Near the hatch is a large health pack and some batteries and down
the ladder are two clips and some nails. Go through the next two doors.

There is a large health pack on the left. Go a little up the stairs on the
right and back again. Kill the four FT's from here (the Gladiator won't or at
least will take it's time to come down to you). Then from here strafe-kill the
Gladiator with any weapon of choice (even the Blaster works fine here). If he
would come down then you can run circles with him around the pillar for the
easy kill. Up the stairs on the left is a large health pack. On the left (up
the stairs and left) from the unlocked door is another large health pack behind
an explosive barrel. Proceed through the door.

There are some grenades and a Stroyent health station on your right. Proceed
through the next door and use the control panel. There are two small health
packs, a small armor vest, a clip and some nails near it. Objective complete
"Activate Process". Go back through the two doors.

A Judge will throw a barrel at you during the cut scene. You won't take any
damage from it. Immediately go right. Just make sure that he is always on
another catwalk then you. Just run circles with him in order to stay on a safe
distance (See the ASCII map below). This guy is totally worthless on
medium-long range. I shot him down with my Blaster, so take any weapon of

-| |--- |-------|
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| J | | |
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|you |||| |
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Once he is dead proceed through the two doors. Kill the two FT's in front. Go
up the stairs and hug the fence in front of you, kill the Railgun-FT from here
(you should be safe from the Machine gunners fire here). Turn around and kill
the two Machine gunners above you. Proceed through two doors and go left. Go
through the newly unlocked door, down the stairs and around the corner.

An Impaler, a Shotgunner and a Machine gunner will run towards you.
Back-step-kill the Impaler and kill the other two. Go through the door on the
right for a small armor vest, and then proceed through the other door. Tech
Sasaki will be taken away by a Strogg (a Grenadier I guess). Don't shoot him
since he is invincible. New objective "Use Barrel Controls". Use the panel to
make the robot arm drop down a plate. Move the plate (using the control panel).
Make it drop some barrels and move it back. Jump on the terminal and then on
the barrels and hop onto the catwalk. Objective Complete "Use Barrel Controls".

Before the door turn 90 degrees right and you should see a large health pack on
some barrels, jump on the fence (on the diagonal part since the horizontal part
of the fence is just a little bit too high) and walk forward to fall on it (if
you need it). Note, if you jump on the beams above you, there is a diagonal
beam leading above the catwalk. This beam has some really weird collision and
sometimes you fall through it, sometimes you might get stuck, etc. Anyway,
proceed through the door. A Grunt will climb up (on your right), ignore him and
simply jump in the hole where he came from (the exit).

Difficulty: very easy

Enemy list:
Failed Transfer x4
Grenadier x2
Grunt x1
Light x4
Machine gunner x2
Shotgunner x4
Stroyent Processing Creature x1

Armor shard x2
Batteries x2
Clips x4
Grenades x4
Large health pack x7
Lightning Coils x1
Nails x2
Rockets x3
Shotgun x1
Shotgun shell box x3
Slugs x4
Small armor vest x4
Small health pack x8

Health station x1

New objective "Regroup". Fall down on another assembly line, go through the
door and fall on another assembly line. Before the next door jump off on the
right for a small armor vest. Go through the LEFT door for some slugs and a
large health pack. Jump on the assembly line and go though the next five doors.

Fall down on another assembly line and go through the door. After the first
razor jump off the assembly line on the left for two small health kits, some
nails, two armor shards, a shotgun and some slugs. Jump on the assembly line
and go through the next door. Fall down on another assembly line and go through
the door. Climb down the ladder on the left. Below the 'flamer-robot-arms' are
a Machinegun, some clips and a small armor vest; near the flare are two clips,
a large health pack and a shotgun shell box. Climb up the ladder and go through
the next door.
Once you get on the second assembly line go left and jump over to the other
assembly line and through the door.

Kill the Machine gunner on the right and the Shotgunner from the left. Jump off
the assembly line on the left. There are some batteries, two grenades and two
small health packs. Proceed through the door. Kill the Shotgunner and the
Machine gunner from the right. Go down the stairs and proceed a little. A
Hyperblaster-FT and a Grenadier will come from the far back of this room. Kill
them. Go up the next two stairs and dispose of the three FT here (use the last
stairs where you came from as cover (crouch)). This area (in total) contains
health station, a small armor vest (behind the health station), a small health
pack, four large health packs, a shotgun shell box, an armor shard and some
slugs. Proceed through the next door.

Back-step-kill the Grunt. Proceed through the next door and kill the Grenadier.
Proceed through the next door. New objective "Destroy the Stroyent Processing
Creature". Go through the next two doors. Run and take cover behind a pillar
when he strikes. When you reach the other side use the control panel and he
will destroy a glass plate and a door. Go through it and through the next door.
There is a small health pack here. Take the elevator up. Near the next
door is another small health pack on a box, go through the next two doors.

Once again use the pillars for cover and proceed. Use the control panel to
initiate the feeding process. Objective complete "Destroy the Stroyent
Processing Creature".

Go back all the way down again and through the hole in the glass. Proceed down
through the newly created hole to the bottom floor. Go through the left door
for a small health pack, lightning coils and some rockets. Go back through the
door and kill the three Lights and the Shotgunner through the gaps in thewalls.
Go through the other door.

Kill the Shotgunner, the Light and the Grenadier. This room contains two
rockets, nails, batteries, clips, two grenades, a small armor vest (near a
closed door where the Grenadier came from) and a shotgun shell box. Proceed
through the next door. There are some slugs and a large health pack here.
Enter the exit.

Difficulty: easy

Failed Transfer x13
Impaler x2
Voss Mech (and everyone he spawns) x1
Zombie x3

FT x4
Grenadier x1
Zombie x3

Armor shard x3
Batteries x4
Clips x1
Grenades x9
Large health pack x6
Lightning Coils x1
Rockets x3
Rocket Homing Mod x1
Shotgun shell box x3
Slugs x5
Small armor vest x2
Small health pack x12

Health station x1

Note: It is possible to run through this level up to the point where you have
to kill Voss Mech.

There is a large health pack here. Turn right (there is a shotgun shell box
here) and proceed. There are three armor shards on your right, if you take them
then also kill the Zombie on your left, if not then ignore him. At the
T-junction kill the Zombie on the right (if you need some grenades then also
kill the Zombie on your left). Go into the next room. This room contains a
small health pack behind the left pillar. Go right into the tunnel. Kill the
Zombie and proceed. There is a small health pack on the right. Proceed. There
are some batteries on the right, if you need them then also kill the Zombie in
front of them. At the end of this room go right, kill the Zombie and proceed up
the stairs and get out of this small tunnel and go right.

Watch out for the moving objects here. On the left is a box that contains two
grenades, a small health pack and shotgun shell box. Proceed and at the far
left is an opening with a ladder. Just before this opening on the left are some
batteries and behind the ladder is a small health pack. Climb the ladder up.

On your right are some grenades and a large health pack. Proceed and two FT's
come through the door from the right and two from the door in front kill them
all (shoot them from the ladder; if you are really want to play it safe). The
door on the right contains some rockets, two large health packs and two
grenades, the door in front contains three armor shards, a small health pack
and slugs. Use the panel to toggle the bridge. Kill the six (if I counted this
right, they keep relocating) FT's here. Take the door to the left for a small
health pack. Pickup the lightning coils near the door on the right and then go
through it.

To the right are two small health packs, some batteries and a shotgun shell
box. Proceed and fall down. RUN, take the second left, go right, at the end
go left and meet Pvt. Lanier, if done right you didn't take any damage at all
(to the right just before Pvt. Lanier is another tunnel that leads to a small
armor vest, two grenades and a clip). Now wait a few seconds for the Zombies
to come and let Pvt. Lanier kill them. You could go back for some ammo and some
health packs that are scattered over the place down there if you need some.

Proceed up the stairs and go through the door, walk just passed the boxes and
hide on the right. Shoot the FT on the other side. Then shoot the other seven
FT (Pvt. Lanier can die by enemy fire, and he will do so fast against enemy
HyperBlasters. However you can continue the game if he dies but I recommend
keeping him alive). This area contains an ammo box with a large health pack,
rockets and some batteries. Near the second bridge you'll notice a ladder, fall
down in this area to pick up a small armor vest and quickly climb the ladder up.
Proceed through the next door. There are some grenades and a health station,
proceed through the next door.

> Way 1 (the easy way):
- RUN through the door on the other side of the bridge (don't shoot anything,
it's just a waste of ammo) and through the next door. To your left are some
batteries (don't worry about your health/armor, as long as you have at least
one health left), proceed over the bridge, turn right. There are two nails on
your left in a box. Proceed and go through the door. Sometimes Pvt. Lanier
survive and will eventually come through the door (don't ask me how he did
> Way 2 (saving Pvt. Lanier):
- RUN through the door on the other side of the bridge. From here shoot the
Grenadier to distract him from killing Pvt. Lanier (don't worry about your
health/armor, as long as you have at least one health :P). Go through the
next two doors and kill the two FT, there are some batteries to your left
just behind the door. Proceed over the bridge, turn right. There are two
nails on your left in a box. Proceed and go through the door. (Note that the
previous area had some ladders leading down to the 'Zombie-area'. You can now
easily go back to grab some stuff if you like. But the Zombies are still
there if you didn't kill all of them before).
- There are some clips and batteries here. Also Tech Ruck will give you a
Rocket Homing Mod, new complete "Deactivate Laser Scanner". Speak to Tech
Ruck/Medic Wong to fully restore your health and armor. Pickup the slugs and
lightning coils if needed and proceed through the door.

Boss fight:
- There are two small health packs near the center of this room (to the left of
those 'electricity-pipelines') and an ammo box near the right (after Voss Mech
opened the first door) with three small health packs and three slugs.
+ Hint: Don't shoot him while he is recharging his shields. It's a waste of
ammo and he will fully recharge anyway whether you shoot him or not. Use that
time to blow up some of his summons.
- He shoots homing missiles, has the Dark Matter Gun gun and spawns Shotgunners
and Machine gunners. He can also go melee of course.
- Effective guns: NailGun, RocketLauncher, Shotgun.
Learn how to dodge his homing misseles and keep shooting. Don't worry about
health/ammo. You will be fully recharged after you cleared this room and you
lose all weapons and ammo anyway at the start of the next level.

Once he is dead proceed through the other door. There are some rockets, slugs
and a large health pack here, use the panel to shut down the grid. Objective
complete "Deactivate Laser Scanner". Go back and make Wong and Ruck charge you
up again. Proceed through the next door.

Note: These marines almost die as easy as you do. Shoot the barrel that is
falling from the stairs on the right. If you don't then all three marines will
be killed here. Anyway, shoot the FT on your front/left. Then shoot the four FT
above the stairs from behind the three pipelines in the center of this room
(there is a small gap between the left and the center pipelines to shoot
through). Go up the stairs and kill the Impaler and the FT coming from the
left. Proceed; DON'T step on the stairs yet. An Impaler will fall down once you
do. Instead first shoot the explosive barrel on top of the stairs to blow a FT
away, kill the other two (once again use the gap between the three pipelines
here if needed). Go up the stairs and kill the Impaler. Walk outside, objective
complete "Regroup".

Difficulty: N/A

- N/A

'Gear' x1
Extended clip mod x1

New objective "Report to Briefing". Get out of this room and go in this order
through the doors: right, left, left, forward. Objective complete "Report to

New objective "Gear up". Enter the armory and get your equipment and an
extended clip mod from Sgt. Swekel. Objective complete "Gear Up".

New objective "Report to Drop Pod Launch Bay". Go through the door left of Sgt.
Swekel and use the following order (there is no other choice anyway): left,
left, second right, forward and enter the exit. Objective complete "Report to
Drop Pod Launch Bay".

Difficulty: very easy

Failed Transfer x4
Grenadier x1
Grunt x2
Light x6
Machine gunner x6
Repair Bots x4

Batteries x2
Dark matter gun x1
Grenades x2
Large health pack x2
Lightning Coils x3
Shotgun shell box x3
Small armor vest x4

Health station x1

New objective "Regroup". Notice that you start with (almost) full ammo. There
is a health station and some lighting coils here. Proceed through the next two

(Make good use of Tech Shockley) Kill the grunt. Go through the next door and
kill the Grenadier. Go through the next door and kill the two FT (there is a
shotgun shell box to the left of the door). Proceed through this room and two
FT will enter from the other door. Kill them and go through the door. The fence
is broken at some point, fall down there on a pipeline and walk towards the
small armor vest. Jump on the next pipeline, into the next room and go through
the door.

Go around the corner and kill the Grunt that comes through the floor in front
of you. Take the elevator up and proceed. A pod pierces through the wall;
proceed through the tunnel that the pod created. Enter the next room and meet
up with LT Hollenbeck. Objective complete "Regroup", new objective "Reactivate
TSD's". There are two large health packs, two grenades and some batteries. Go
through the door on the right and use the panel to assign the repair bots.
There is also a small armor vest to the right of the door.

Fall down on the room below (avoid fall damage by using the red pipeline and
fall on the railing below). Go through the door on the left (there is another
small armor vest just before that door on the right) and through the next door
(ignore the dying Grunt). Shoot the four repair bots and pick up the Dark
Matter Gun. One of the four doors will unlock. I suggest you run through it and
from that room you shoot the six Machine gunners and Lights that spawn in the
'Dark matter room'.

Once they are all dead go back into the 'dark matter room' and go through the
newly unlocked door (note that this door already unlocks after approximately
7-9 kills out of 12). There are two shotgun shell boxes, two batteries a small
armor vest and two lightning coils here. Call the elevator up and activate it
to exit the level (Remember that Tech Rutger can restore your armor in case you
need some).

Difficulty: easy

Dog x1
Failed Transfer x4
Iron Maiden x9

Armor shard x2
Batteries x1
Grenades x2
Lightning Coils x1
Rail Penetration Mod x1
Rockets x1
Slugs x1
Small armor vest x1
Small health pack x4

Stroyent health station x1

You receive a Rail Penetration Mod from Tech Rutger. Go through the next two
doors. There are two small health packs, lightning coils and slugs to the left
of the door and two armor shards behind the fourth huge canister. The first
door on the tight contains a small armor vest; take the second door on the
right. This room contains a Stroyent health station. Proceed through the next
door, proceed (you will notice a dog running from the right to the left). There
are two small health packs, some rockets, two grenades and some batteries to
the right. Proceed through the next two doors and walk towards the control

After the cut scene an Iron Maiden is released. Kill her (the Shotgun works
well, but the Blaster's secondary fire combined with the two marines also works
just nice). Use the control panel to reactivate the TSD's. Objective complete
"Reactivate TSD's". New objective "Regroup".

Go back through the door and kill the Iron Maiden (referred to as IM from now
on). I noticed that the two marines that accompany you can die :(. Anyway
proceed through the next door, kill the two FT and procede through the next
door again. Kill the IM and proceed through the next door and kill another IM.
Proceed through the next two doors and kill the dog. Proceed a little into this
room and kill the IM. Proceed through the next door and kill another IM. Go
through the next door, kill two FT and proceed though the door in front of you
and kill another IM. Proceed through the next two doors.

Two IM's are released; use something big on them :) (To keep both marines alive
I ran back all the way, waited for the marines to arrive and the I ran back to
the elevator, released the IM's and stepped out of the room. From here its
easier to kill them and more chance for both marines to stay alive). After they
are dead the lift becomes active. Use it to exit the level.

Difficulty: very easy

Enemy list:
Failed Transfer x5
Grenadier x1
Grunt x3
Impaler x2

Grenadier x1
Judge x2

Batteries x2
Bounce Shot Mod x1
Clips x2
Grenades x4
Large health pack x5
Lightning coils x2
Machinegun x1
Nails x1
Shotgun shell box x1
Slugs x1
Small armor vest x3
Small health pack x3

Stroyent health station x2

You start this level alone whether you kept both marines alive or not.
Objective completed "Regroup". New objective "Open Hangar Doors". Proceed
through the door and kill the two Impalers (LT. Hollenback will help out but he
dies fast. Make sure you kill at least one and then back-step in a circle in
the starting room to kill the other one). Go back into the room (where the two
Impalers came from), if you weren't already there, and proceed through the next
two doors. Either kill the Grenadier or let him live and take the elevator up
(use the elevator(-pillars) as cover and pray he doesn't launch a grenade).

Proceed through the door; there are two large health packs, two grenades and
some batteries here. Open the next door, activate the bridge and open the next
door. Kill the Grenadier and enter the room. Proceed through the next door and
use the panel to open the hangar. Take the lift down and go through the door,
take the next lift up and proceed through the next door.

Two judges will attack you (note that the door behind you is locked). There is
a lift in this room. Call it (on the other side of the lift is a Stroyent
health station). Run circles around the lift until it arrives and take it up.
Leave the judges alive, it takes too much ammo unless you want to kill them
with the Blaster while running circles like did (pff did that took long :P).
Once up, use the control panel to open the hangar doors. Objective complete
"Open Hangar Doors".

Take the life down. New objective "Find Rhodes". If the two Judges are still
alive then RUN (else walk) through the door and take the lift down (the Judges
should have stopped following by now) and through the door. The Network Boss
will fly through the floor. Shoot him if you like but I don't know if you can
actually hurt him here. Take the lift up. Tech Hart will give you a bounce
shot mod (a HyperBlaster mod). You can pickup Pvt. Moire's Machinegun if you
need it. Then proceed through the door and meet Cpl Rhodes. Objective complete
"Find Rhodes", new objective "Locate Security Station". Proceed through the
door and through the next door (the one with "ROOF-SS" written above it).

Kill the Grunt (Rhodes his HyperBlaster will help you out) and proceed through
the next door. This room contains two large health packs, two clips, two
grenades, some batteries, two lightning coils and a small armor vest. Call the
elevator. Five FT's (they just spawn around the corner (really lame designed).
I could just see them spawning out of nowhere. At some point the elevator will
arrive with a Grunt on board. Let Rhodes kill all of them. Hop into the
elevator and take it up.

Proceed through the next two doors. There is a Stroyent health station here,
proceed through the next three doors. There is a small armor vest, some nails,
a shotgun shell box, some slugs and three small health packs here. Take the
lift up and go outside.

A shuttle with four FT will land, kill them. Go down the stairs (below the
stairs is a large health pack) and use the control panel. Objective complete
"Locate Security Station", new objective "Return to Tram Station". Go back and
take the lift down.

Proceed all the way back and into a lift. Objective complete "Return to Tram
Station". Use the lift to exit the level (Note, once you stepped on the lift an
invisible wall will block your way back).

Difficulty: easy

Enemy list (excluding kills made by marines):
Dog x1
Failed Transfer x9
Grenadier x2
Grunt x1
Impaler x5
Judge x1
Machine gunner x3
Shotgunner x6

Armor shard x17
Batteries x6
Chain lightning mod x1
Clips x21
Dark matter cords x1
Grenades x6
Large armor vest x1
Large health pack x6
Lightning coils x4
Nails x1
Rockets x3
Shotgun shell box x10
Slugs x4
Small armor vest x1
Small health pack x17

Stroyent health station x2

Once down, there are two large health packs, two shotgun shell boxes, three
grenades, some rockets and lightning coils. Proceed into the next room and go
back again. From here kill the two Shotgunners (the other Shotgunner and a
Grenadier come once you proceed a little more into the room). Then kill the
Grenadier by strafing half circles around him. This room contains a small armor
vest and three clips. Proceed through the next door.

(This room contains a small health pack just after the door) Proceed and two
Impalers will attack you. Back-step circles in this room (don't go beyond the
third pillar or you will agro a Judge and a Machine gunner) and kill the two
Impalers. Agro the other two Strogg. Kill the Machine gunner first and then
take your time killing the Judge (use the same tactic as with the two
Impalers). I killed all four with the Blaster; These rooms are just made for
it :).

Proceed through the next door. There is a shotgun shell box and two clips
here. Proceed through the next door. There is a large health pack to the right
of the door. You can get your armor and health restored once 'Mr. Blue' and
'Mr. Red' are done killing. New objective "Raise the bridge" (note that
"bridge" wasn't spelled with a capitalized letter for some reason (in the
game)). A Strogg transport will drop off four FT, kill them (waiting for the
marines to kill them takes too long) and enter the room to the left of where
they landed for a small health pack and two clips and to the right of the
landing pad are four armor shards and two small health kits. Go back to the two
marines and Tech Ashworth will give you a chain lightning mod (yes it does
exactly what you think it does. Hit one enemy and all others close enough will
also get hit (I don't know whether there is a cap or not)). Go through the

Kill the FT and take the lift up (let them handle the situation down there for
a while). Center yourself in the middle of the lift, then take a step into the
room and immediately go back on the lift again. An Impaler will come through
the door but won't chase you. He will just stand there. Use the Blaster's
secondary fire to safely kill him. Go into the room and kill the other Impaler
the usual way (if you take any damage just ask the marines below to restore

Proceed through the door and use the panel to raise the bridge. Objective
complete "Raise the bridge". Go down and through the door on the left for a
health station and five armor shards (which are obviously redundant).

Use the panel near the center door to open it and let the marines kill the
Shotgunner on the bridge. There are three clips and some rockets here. Proceed
a little over the bridge and a Grenadier and a Gladiator will appear on the
other side of the bridge. Now just run across the bridge and through the door
the Gladiator just came from. Kill the Shotgunner and wait for the marines to
follow (by following you they will go melee on the both the Grenadier and the
Gladiator resulting in fast and easy kills). This room contains four clips and
two small health packs, proceed into the room which contains two clips, two
shotgun shell boxes and two small health packs.

Kill the three FT near the bridge. Fall down on the pipelines here and pickup
the dark matter cords (note: if you fall down on the pipeline from the right
window and don't walk towards the dark matter cords then Cpl. Cortez won't
drive by in a tram) Walk towards the other side of this area. To the left are
some batteries and two lightning coils. Go through the door on the right.

Kill three Shotgunners and the two Machine gunners. This room contains some
batteries and slugs. Proceed into the next room which contains two grenades and
some rockets. Enter the next room, take the lift down and meet Cpl Cortez. New
objective "Align Tram Car".

Enter the next room (just before the door is a small health pack) and let Cpl.
Cortez kill the two Shotgunners and the Grenadier. Proceed somewhat and let
Cortez kill the third Shotgunner. This apart of the area contains a shotgun
shell box, some clips and two small health packs. Let Cpl. Cortez kill the
Shotgunner, the four FT and the Judge in the next part of this area too
(wonderful how he kills a Judge in just one melee hit). There are two slugs,
four armor shards and a large health pack here. Proceed through the next door.

Hide behind something and let Cpl. Cortez kill the Shotgunner and the Gladiator
and after those another two FT, a Machine gunner and a Shotgunner. Use the
panel on the left to expand the bridge. Proceed through the door and up the
stairs. There are some grenades, nails, two batteries, two shotgun shell boxes
and two clips here.

Proceed through the next door and kill the Shotgunner (note the screen where a
marine is killed). This room contains a Stroyent health station. Proceed into
the next room and use the panel. Objective complete "Align Tram Car", New
objective "Repair Tram Rail". Proceed through the door; there are some
batteries and lightning coils here. Take the ladder down.

Take the second lift down and proceed through the next two doors. There is a
dog on the right. It will run away anyway (if you would rush him and just keep
following him you can just see him disapear at some point... I also believe
that he is impossible to kill at this moment). Proceed; there are four armor
shards, two clips and a small health pack here. Proceed crouching.

Shoot the grunt (note: if you stay in this ventilation shaft he cannot reach
you. He however can shoot you). Kill the Grenadier on the catwalks and pickup
the two small health packs behind a barrel if you need any. Proceed through the
next door.

This area contains two shotgun shell boxes, two small health packs, some
batteries and slugs. Proceed and the lights will go out and an Impaler will
come through the ceiling (the light turns on again); shoot him using the
Shotgun or Machinegun. After he is dead walk around (in this room) and a second
Impaler comes through the ceiling (sometimes he comes when you are still
killing the other one. And yes that su**s). Kill him. As soon as he is dead a
Shotgunner will come through the newly unlocked door. Kill him too.

Note: in this room there is a vertical tile on the ground between the center
'pillar' and the center door. It's possible to put an Impaler stuck on it while
you are still able to shoot it freely. See the ASCII drawing below:

| |
-------- ----------
| |||||
| I[] |
---- ||||| ---
--> ||||| you |
---- ---
| || || |
I = Impaler
[] = vertical tile

Enter the next room. Kill the Dog using the Grenade Launcher/Shotgun combo
(or use something even bigger). Proceed through the next door and use the panel
in front of you. Then use the panel to the left of the next door and go through
it. Jump on the assembly line on the left and onto the center 'lift' (it will
go up once a plate arrives on it). Once up go through the two doors on the
right for a large health pack and a large armor vest (+100 armor). Go back
through the two doors again and proceed through the other door.

Shoot the explosive barrel in this room from a safe distance so it won't blow
up when you are next to it. (There is a large health pack on the right here)
kill the FT that 'kicks' the door. Kill the FT in the room to your left and
enter it. Walk around and kill the other two FT. Proceed through the next two
doors and use the control panel to assign the repair bots. Objective complete
"Repair Tram Rail". Go back through the two doors and take the elevator down.

Go through the next two doors, take the elevator up and hop on the tram car.
Objective complete "Locate Tram Car".

Level 24: TRAM RAIL [Q4LVL24]
Difficulty: very easy


Failed Transfer/Tram car x16

Note: the tram car will automatically restore its armor (or whatever it is
called in this case) after it hasn't been hit for a certain amount of time.

Also if a FT gets next to you (you must have been sleeping lol) and he has a
Railgun equiped he will miss every shot.

Ignore the Bombers. Shoot the two tram cars with a FT on each. Repeat this
again for the next 14 incoming tram cars.

Difficulty: easy - medium

Dog x1
Failed Transfer x15 (+some additional depending on you)
Gladiator x1
Grenadier x1
Iron Maiden x2
Judge x1

Armor shard x6
Batteries x1
Clips x1
Grenades x1
Large health pack x7
Lightning coils x3
Nails x3
Rockets x4
Shotgun shell box x5
Slugs x3
Small armor vest x4
Small health pack x2

Stroyent health station x1

New objective "Proceed to the Tower Rooftop", "Return Power to the Processing
Tower". This room contains some batteries, grenades, nails, clips, rockets, a
large health pack, three lightning coils, a small armor vest and two shotgun
shell boxes (note that the area below the tram is a 'kill zone'. That means you
will be instantly killed if you fall down there even though there is nothing to
see that could kill you like poisonous gas or something. They should have put a
ladder there and removed the 'kill zone'). Proceed through the door and take
the lift up. Activate the bridge. There are some rockets and nails to the right
and two large health packs to on the left side. Proceed through the unlocked

Kill the Grenadier. There are two large health packs and a small armor vest
where the Grenadier came from. Proceed through the next door.

Seven (I hope I counted this one right) FT's and a Gladiator are teleported
into this room. Luckily this room is an ideal fighting location. First
strafe-kill the seven FT's and the kill the Gladiator (DON'T run passed them.
Kill them now while its still easy).

There is a small armor vest and a large health pack behind the 'huge Duracell
thingy'. Use the panel to activate the power, objective complete "Return Power
to the Processing Tower". Go back through the door.

A Dog, Judge, and two IM's spawn/appear/are being released. Kill the Dog first,
for obvious reasons. first shoot it with three rockets and then shoot grenades
on it until it dies while minimizing damage from the two IM's by strafing/bunny
hopping). Tip, the Judge is located in front of the other door. Don't get near
him and he won't follow you. However he will shoot at you from there with a
rocket launcher. I used the Shotgun on the IM's and the Blaster on the Judge.
Once they are dead both doors will unlock (pickup the armor and large health
pack in the previous room if you didn't already). Go through the next door.

There are two FT's here and an additional six are teleported (but there will be
no more then two FT's at the same time in this room. at least not alive). Take
them down and proceed through the door. Meet up with Sgt Sledge, objective
complete "Activate Elevator System". Proceed through the next door. There are
two small health packs on your left. Take the left fork; there are six armor
shards here. Proceed to the panel. There are two rockets, three slugs, a small
armor vest, some nails, three shotgun shell boxes, a large health pack and a
Stroyent health station around here. Use the panel to call the lift, objective
complete "Activate Elevator System".

Immediately RUN to the left into the corner. From here shoot the four incoming
Black Widows. I used my blaster on all of them. The FT's that spawn from the
other side are infinitely spawned with a maximum of two at the same time. Once
the fourth Black Widows goes down Sgt Sledge will step on the elevator. Hop
onto the elevator to end this level.

Difficulty: medium - hard

Enemy list (including Sledge his kills):
Failed Transfer x19
Grenadier x3
Light x2
Impaler x1
Iron Maiden x6
Judge x3
Sentry x2
Shotgunner x1

Gladiator x2
Heavy x2

Armor shard x13
Batteries x1
Clips x2
Dark matter cords x1
HyperBlaster x2
Large armor vest x1
Large health pack x3
Lightning coils x4
Machinegun x2
Nails x3
Rockets x2
Shotgun shell box x3
Small armor vest x2
Small health pack x4

Stroyent health station x1

Note: Sledge can die and he will die fast/instantly from a melee attack. But he
can take a lot of other attacks like rocket attacks.

New objective "Realign the Data Nodes". There are some nails and two lightning
coils here. Proceed through the door and kill the two FT and the Grenadier and
proceed through the next door. There is an Impaler on the bridge; he will run
into your room. Make sure the Impaler agro's you instead of Sgt. Sledge or just
kill him fast because he will instantly kill Slegde with a single melee hit.
After him three FT will also come across the bridge. Kill them too. Pickup the
dark matter cords behind the pillar in this room and proceed through the next
two doors.

Kill the IM (as long as you keep her on some distance so Sgt. Sledge can tank
her for you). There is a large health pack to the right of the IM releaser.
Take the lift down.

Kill the two FT and the two Grenadiers on the right. Another four FT come from
the right. Kill them too. Go upstairs and take the first left and use the
panel to align the laser in order to open the door. There are some batteries,
a large health pack and some batteries near it (the second left contains two
lightning coils and some nails). Go through the door.

There are two Sentries to the left. Make Sgt. Sledge kill them. Proceed through
the next door. There is a small health pack (near the center pillar), four
armor shards, two clips, some nails, a Machinegun and a shotgun shell box.
Proceed through the next door.

Take the right and use the panel to open the seal. Kill the IM. Go right, take
the lift up and use the panel to align the nodes so that the laser goes towards
the locked door in order to unlock it (shouldn't be that hard). Go back down
and proceed through the newly unlocked door and through the next door.

Make Sgt. Sledge destroy the Sentry and take down the two FT on the right.
Proceed and destroy the next Sentry in the center and take down another five FT
in front of you. Proceed, just run forward and use the Lightning Gun on the FT
and the Judge while Sgt. Sledge will destroy the Sentry. Take the elevator up.

There is a Gladiator and a Stroyent health station on your right. There is also
a small armor vest just to the left of the Stroyent health station. Either kill
or run passed the Gladiator (walk close to him and as soon as he wants to go
melee dodge and run passed him) and proceed into the next room. Take down the
two IM's (use the Shotgun or something) and use the panel (which only becomes
active after the two IM die) to lower the platform. Objective complete "Realign
the Data Nodes". Walk across the bridge and go through the next door.

Walk down the stairs and kill the two IM (I used the shotgun and the Blaster on
them). As soon as the first IM dies a Shotgunner, two Judges and two Lights
will teleport into the room. As long as you stay in the back (near the wall
next to the door you came from) together with Sgt. Sledge it should be easy.
I let Sgt. Sledge kill everyone (except the two IM) and simply tried to stay in
the Judge's view (strafing with my Blaster of course) so that they keep
shooting instead of walking towards Sgt. Sledge and melee-killing him. Proceed
through the next door.

Go left and there should be a small area, below the 'upper floor', that
contains a large health pack and a large armor vest. Go up the stairs and near
the next door are three small health packs and four armor shards. Go through
the door and take the lift up, go through the door (there is a HyperBlaster
here) and through the next one. There are a Shotgun shell box, a Machinegun,
five armor shards, a small armor vest, a HyperBlaster and two rocket packs
here. Proceed through the next two doors, take the lift up.

Way 1 (my choice):
-Use the panel to make the elevator go down and quickly jump off in order to
keep Sgt. Sledge out of the next fight.
-Kill the two Heavies and the Gladiator (shoot down the Heavies's rockets, on
close range, in order to avoid damage. Even if you shoot the rocket just when
it is in front of your face you won't take any damage). I suggest killing the
Gladiator first since he can take less hits then a Heavy, but it doesn't
really matter. They are easily taken down on long range with the pistol or
Machinegun by shooting all the rockets the fire at you and by dodging their
plasma attacks.
-Call the lift and take it down.
+Note that if Sgt. Sledge is not on the lift when it comes up then he is
standing on the lower floor in front of lift. Simply ignore him.

Way 2 (the way it is probably supposed to be):
-Run in with Sgt. Sledge and protect him.
-Use some huge guns in order to wipe the two Heavies and the Gladiator out fast
or either you or Sgt. Sledge will die.

Way 3 (lame):
-Use the panel to make the elevator go down and quickly jump off in order to
keep Sgt. Sledge out of the next fight.
-RUN to the end of the roof and use the panel (shooting any rockets fired at
you). Objective complete "Proceed to the Tower Rooftop", new objective "Return
to Tram Station". RUN back, call the lift up and take it down.
+Note that if Sgt. Sledge is not on the lift when it comes up then he is
standing on the lower floor in front of lift. Simply ignore him.

Note that if you jump off the roof (jump, not fall off. You need some distance
between the platform and you in order to make Sgt. Sledge jump along with you)
and get yourself killed, Sgt. Sledge will follow you resulting in a player dead
plus a failed mission he-he.

Walk towards the end of the roof and use the panel to realign the nodes.
Objective complete "Proceed to the Tower Rooftop", new objective "Return to
Tram Station". Go back, take the lift down and go through the next four doors
and activate the lift to exit the level.

Difficulty: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Items: N/A

Watch the scene (don't waste any bullets on him). Get off the lift (after it
crashed) and take the lift, positioned in the center, down. Go through the door
and get on the famous tram. Objective complete "Return to Tram Station".


Difficulty: very easy

Enemy list (excluding marine kills):
Failed Transfer x6
Gladiator x1
Grenadier x2
Judge x1
Light x6
Some random Stroggs
Shotgunner x1

Armor shard x5
Batteries x1
Clips x4
Dark matter cords x1
Grenades x1
Large health pack x3
Lightning coils x1
Nails x1
Rockets x1
Shotgun shell box x2
Small armor vest x1
Small health pack x2

Stroyent health station x1

Get off the tram. New objective "Proceed to Tower Rooftop". This room contains
four clips, some batteries, a small armor vest, two large health packs, two
shotgun shell boxes, some rockets, some grenades, two nails, five armor shards,
a lightning coil, and some dark matter cords. Proceed through the next door and
take the lift up.

Proceed through the door. The marines will kill a Light. Soon the lights will
go out and a lot of Strogg will be teleported into the room. Stand in the door
opening just before the fire so that the two marines can shoot the two turrets
while you are safely standing there. Now assist the marines by killing the
Strogg. Focus on the melee Strogg since they are the only ones that can get
the marines killed. Try to keep the medic and tech alive so they can fix you
for the rest of this level. I stayed on the left (left = the left when facing
the door you came from) near the medic and the tech walked to us so I could
keep them both alive. The third marine, in my case, died. It is possible to
keep him alive but it doesn't really matter. What types of unit spawns is
completely random. Sometimes I had three Impalers spawning and after quick
loading that same wave gave me three FT's. When they are all dead ask the tech
and medic for heals and armor (supposing you kept them alive).

Proceed through the door, activate the bridge and go through the next door. On
the right is a Stroyent health station. Call the lift up. Let the marines kill
the Grenadier, walk on it and take it up as soon as both (or all three) marines
are on the elevator. Take it up ignoring the FT. Assist them killing the Judge,
Shotgunner and Light. Five more Lights will spawn. Kill them too. There is a
large health pack in this room. Proceed through the next door. There is a small
armor vest in front of you and four FT are teleported on your right. Kill them.
Proceed and kill the Grenadier just right around the corner. Go through the
next door.

Immediately (after agrooing the Impaler on the right) step back into the
previous room and kill him. Then kill the next six (if I counted that right) FT
that spawn in that room. Proceed a little in this room and a door will open
with two FT. Kill them and proceed a little further. Another door will open
with a Gladiator behind it. Kill him too (Note that if once or both of the
FT's from behind the other door walked back and would enter the room through
the other door then there is no Gladiator behind it. So if you simply proceed a
little whenever the FT is in the Gladiator's door opening and you would run
towards the FT then you can see the Gladiator appearing out of nowhere). There
are two small health packs near the elevator shaft. Proceed through the next
two doors and walk onto the teleporter to exit the level.


Difficulty: very easy - easy

Failed Transfer x2
Grenadier x1
Network Boss x1

Impaler x2

Armor shard x14
Clips x1
Dark matter cords x1
Grenades x1
Large health pack x2
Lightning coils x1
Machinegun x1
Nails x5
Rockets x6
Shotgun shell box x2
Slugs x1
Small armor vest x2
Small health pack x12

Stroyent health station x1

Go left up the ramp (There is a Machinegun near the broken door) and go through
the unlocked door. Blow the explosive barrel up so that it doesn't explode when
the Grenadier (see next sentence) hits it. Proceed a little over the bridge and
kill the Grenadier and get across the bridge. There is a Stroyent health
station here. Proceed through the next door and RUN through the next door. This
is easily possible without taking any hits.

You could shoot the Network Boss from here but he is invulnerable at this part.
Anyway, crouch through the next door. Jump on the pipeline, follow it and mid-
way turn right and jump on the window and walk up for some rockets and a small
health pack. Get back on the previous pipeline and proceed through the next
door. Kill the two FT. There is a clip near the left wall in a 'pillar'.

Way 1:
>Open the next door and agro the two Impalers. Run back through the previous
door (the hangar room with the pipeline). For some reason the two Impalers
won't follow you through that last door (bug?). Just stand directly behind the
door and strafe (they shoot lightning) from the left to the right while
shooting them with your Blaster or any other weapon of choice.
>Go through the two doors again and into the 'tunnel'.

Way 2 (faster, recommended):
>Go through the next door and RUN into the 'tunnel' there (I don't know how to
explain the exact location of the tunnel so save and take a look to locate the
tunnel yourself).
>Proceed through this tunnel and go through the next door. Take the lift up. Go
through the door and go left through the door for four armor shards and a
lightning coil. Go back and proceed through the other door. There is a small
armor vest, some rockets, two nails and two large health packs here. Take the
lift up.

Boss battle:
+Note: don't shoot him when he arrives. Wait until he lands because he is
still invulnerable at this part (lame). Also the NailGun can't lock on to him
until he lands.
+Note that you cannot shoot his rockets with the Blaster's secondary fire but
not with the Blasters primary fire anymore. I haven't tested which other guns
can shoot his rockets.
>The effective weapons: NailGun, Machinegun, Rocket Launcher, RailGun (long
range only) and the dark matter gun (its damage is not impressive unless you
hit him just while he flies in the same direction as the cord that you shot.
This scenario causes A LOT of damage).
>Dodge his plasma bullets and shoot or run for his rockets. Watch out for the
bombers since they can instantly kill you. When he uses his jetpack flames to
scorch you, you got no choice but to run. You can not always avoid his flames
but it doesn't really do any damage. I shot this guy down with just my Blaster
and without using any of the items. As long as you manage to keep some
distance from him you should be able to easily kill him.
>The available items in this area: some grenades, dark matter cords, two
shotgun shell boxes, four rockets, ten armor shards, a small health pack, some
slugs, a small armor vest and two nails.

Once he is dead use the panel once again. Objective complete "Proceed to Tower
Rooftop", new objective "To The Core". Go back through the door and take the
lift down. Go through the next door. This area has now ten small health packs.
Enter the core to exit the level. Objective complete "To The Core".

Level 30: NEXUS CORE [Q4LVL30]
Difficulty: hard - very hard

Enemy list:
Black Widow x2
Dog x1
Failed Transfer x18
Gladiator x2
Grenadier x2
Heavy x2
Iron Maiden x4
Judge x5
Machine gunner x5
Shotgunner x4

Failed transfer x2
Gladiator x1
Judge x1

Armor shard x5
Batteries x9
Clips x11
Dark matter cords x2
Grenades x2
Large armor vest x1
Large health pack x3
Lightning coils x12
Nails x10
Rockets x8
Shotgun shell box x10
Slugs x5
Small armor vest x5
Small health pack x8

Stroyent health station x3

New objective "The Nexus". Proceed through the door, go left and proceed
towards the open door. Before you can get through it the door will close and
the previously locked door will open. Two FT's and a Judge will enter the room.
Kill them (I used the NailGun and Blaster on the Judge and shot the rest with
the Blaster). Go through the newly unlocked door and kill the two FT there. Use
the panel to disable the security and to unlock the door near the Stroyent
health station. Near it are also some rockets, two clips, three lightning coils,
three nails and a small armor vest. Proceed through the door.

Shoot the Shotgunner. Shoot both FT on the rising platform on the right. Then
back-step-run circles on this platform while shooting the Judge (sounds
familiar). Take the lift down. Five Machinegunners and three ShotGunners will
jump on the lift. Kill them. Once you get down two IM's and a Gladiator will
attack you. Kill the IM's first. If you have 25 dark matter cords then you
could shoot 3-5 dark matter cords here since there are dark matter cords in
this room and it would be a waste not to use it in such an occasion (I shot
twice when all three of them where in one line and a single hit from the
Blaster on the Gladiator will kill him too). After they are dead a FT enters
the room. Kill him. This room contains some grenades, three batteries, five
armor shards, two slugs, a shotgun shell box, two clips, two small health
packs, dark matter cords and some rockets. Proceed through the door.

Kill the Dog (use the Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher or the Dark Matter Gun
on it). This room contains a Stroyent health station. Proceed through the next
two doors. Shoot the FT's to prevent them from shooting you and take the lift
up (there spawn at least eight FT here so ignoring them looks like a good
choice unless you need ammo). Kill the four FT here, proceed through the next
two doors and take the elevator down. Objective completed "Find Elevator".

New objective "Scan Failed: Lock Down". Get out and kill the two FT on the
right. Then kill the Gladiator which should be easy now. I even (by accident)
got the Gladiator stuck in the elevator giving me a free kill. Once he dies an
IM will come through the floor in front of the elevator. Kill that one too,
don't ignore the IM since she/it will come after you and do scary things like
teleporting right in front of you in a dark tunnel.

Once she/it is dead fall down the hole on the pipelines, enter the 'tunnel' and
take the ladder up. There are some rockets, a small armor vest, two clips,
some batteries, three lightning coils, two shotgun shell boxes, a small and a
large health pack here. Proceed through the open door.

Three FT, an IM and a Grenadier will attack you. Back-step and kill the two
FT's first and then use the Shotgun on the IM. Then go back and kill the third
FT and the Grenadier. Another FT may come through the door. If he doesn't then
go through the door and then kill him and another two FT. Go through the door
(if not already) and kill another two FT (if not already done so). Take the
lift up and proceed through the next door. Kill the FT there and use the
control panel to disable the security. Objective complete "Scan Failed: Lock

Take the lift down, go through the door and go right. Kill the Grenadier and
the ShotGunner there. Go through the door on the right and through the next
two doors. There are three clips, a large armor vest, a large health pack and
two shotgun shell boxes here. Enter the next room.

This room contains five small health packs, three nails, two slugs, some
batteries, two lightning coils, three rockets and two shotgun shell boxes.
Proceed a little and two Judges are teleported into the room. Kill them
(simply back=step shoot them, as usual) As soon as one dies another Judge will
be teleported. Kill him too. After he dies two heavies are teleported into the
room. I used the NailGun on the first two Heavies (took me 122 bullets for both
and there is 120 NailGun ammo in this room) and killed the last one with the
Blaster. When all three Heavies are dead two Black Widows are teleported into
the room. I suggest the Rocket Launcher, NailGun or perhaps the Grenade
Launcher on them. I personally shot 40 NailGun bullets in one (because after
this room is another NailGun clip) and finished it off with the Rocket
Launcher. I killed the other one with the Shotgun at close range. Proceed
through the door.

There are some nails and a large health pack here. Proceed through the next
door and take the ladder down. Go through the 'tunnel' and hop onto the first
pipelines. Fall off on two red pipelines and fall on the platform with the two
locked doors. Proceed straight forward, jump over the fence and onto the
diagonal pipeline. Continue down and follow the only way you can until you
reach a small armor vest. Go all the way back to the diagonal pipeline, face
the wall and jump onto it and from there fall onto the platform again. Jump
onto the diagonal pipeline near the center of the platform and go left. Get
off the pipeline and take the ladder up. Go left and jump over the fence onto
another pipeline directly against the wall. Follow it, jump onto the next
platform and proceed through the unlocked door.

Kill all six FT in here. Further this room contains four armor shards, some
grenades, four batteries, three clips, two lightning coils, some rockets, dark
matter cords and two shotgun shell boxes. Proceed through the next door.

Kill the FT. There are rockets, slugs, a shotgun shell box, and some nails on
the right. Take the ladder down and continue all the way for a small armor
vest. Then go back up. Proceed through the right unlocked door. There are two
nails, two lightning coils, a small armor vest and a Stroyent health station
here. If you need to use the Stroyent health station then you probably need to
kill the Gladiator, the Judge and the two FT (you can lure the Judge towards
the ladder and from the ladder he cannot reach you in any way while you can
take your time killing him with any desired weapon). Note that you don't even
have to kill them if you need to use the Stroyent health station because you
can run towards it, use it, hold the mouse button while running away again and
your health should refill. This is probably an exploit though. IF you don't
need it then simply lure some of them outside and then run your way in, grab
the goodies and use the panel inside the 'exit' to exit the level.

Level 31: THE NEXUS [Q4LVL31]
Difficulty: medium

Enemy list:
Macron x1
Macron (second version) x1
Nexus x1

Some additional summoned Strogg

Batteries x5
Clips x10
Dark matter cords x2
Grenades x3
Large health pack x1
Lightning coils x6
Nails x3
Rockets x3
Shotgun shell box x5
Slugs x7
Small armor vest x1
Small health pack x2

Stroyent health station x2

Proceed through the door. Pickup any ammo that you might need and enter the
next room.

Boss Macron:
+If he stamps on the ground then jump (the teal expanding circle damages you).
+He has the Dark Matter attack which can instantly kill you. The two purple
beams that he shoots have Dark Matter at the end of it. Don't ever step in it.
It also instantly kills you. The beams itself will cost you a little health if
you just run through it but instantly kill you if you stand a little longer in
it. And don't stay between the beams because eventually they will gather and
you will once again instantly die.
+After he dies the first time he will resurrect and he can fly. Each corner
will also get a teleporter which you can now use to get to the second floor.
Use his resurrect time to recharge the Dark Matter Gun and any other weapons.
+His attacks seem 'static'. That means that he always uses the same order of
attack to attack you. So if you reload a quick safe then he will attack you
exactly the same way in exactly the same order.
+The resurrected one also shoots purple grenades (probably Dark Matter). If
those get near you, you better run.
+He once shot me up onto the second floor. This floor is pretty much a safe
heaven and you could even kill him (the 'first him' since he will resurrect
or something) with the Blaster from here.

When he enters the room he will start by shooting one to three 'red objects'
(which spawn enemies) and then he will shoot those two purple beams. If
possible, shoot those things. They can even spawn Judges. Then concentrate
all fire at Makron. Only use the Rocket Launcher and/or NailGun. But start
the battle by using the Dark Matter Gun once, this will also destroy the one
to three 'things that spawn enemies' that he will shoot, supposing your timing
is right (don't use the Dark Matter Gun for the rest of the level since its
reloading time is just bad).

After he resurrects use the same tactic (go and stay on the second floor so
that his summons won't bother you. But watch out for the 'blue laser' parts of
the second floor. You can walk over it but you and also the spawned Strogg
below can shoot you through it).

When he dies the spawned Strogg that he spawned will die shortly after and a
shielded heart in the middle of the room will rise. Also high end Strogg will
spawn everywhere in this room now. Also on the second floor.

The second floor contains five clips, two shotgun shell boxes, two Stroyent
health stations, two batteries, three slugs and three lightning coils.

Shoot the blue thing above the heart (ignore the repair droids) to destroy its
shield. The Lightning Gun, the NailGun and especially the Rocket Launcher
proves very effective against the 'shield thingy' as well as against the heart.
Just strafe circles around it (I used the second floor since that one didn't
contain any Judges or Gladiators, in my case) while shooting it. This should be
rather easy.

When it is dead you complete the objective "The Nexus".

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4. Credits [Q4CREDT]

-> Carlo von Ranzow for writting this walktrough.
-> Most enemy names are, with written permission, taken from "http://db.gamefaq
s.com/computer/doswin/file/quake_4.txt" written by Ben Sam AKA Thebest99.
-> Raven Software for designing this game.
-> Activision for releasing this game.
-> The creators of FigWin (related to Figlet): for the program to create ASCII

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16.Октябрь 2013
Leben- und Munitionstrainer

18.Октябрь 2013
Durch diesen Mod wird die Taschenlampe zu einem Raumerheller

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
Hinweise im UHS-Format

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Alle-Level-Savegame (Achtung: ca. 14 MB)

18.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
04.Март 2019