Math Blaster

Math Blaster

15.10.2013 21:57:33

____ ____ ____ __________ __ ___
/ | / | / \ |___ ___|| | \ \
/ | |/ / | / /\ \ | | ! |___\ \
/ /| | /| | / /__\ \ | | \ ____ \
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|_______/|_____||_| |_|\______/ |_| |_____||_| \_\

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+++ +++
+++ +++
++ ++
++ ++
+++++ +++++

Math Blaster FAQ/Walkthrough
Created By: llamaman2
Created On: 12/15/05
Latest Version: 3/12/06
Copyright © 2005-2006 llamaman2
Version 1.25

4.Trash Types
-Level 1
-Level 2
-Level 3
-Level 4
6.Basic Math Help
7.Version History
8.Contact Information
9.Legal Information



Help, Spot has just been stolen. Welcome to my FAQ. In this FAQ I will walk you
through each level and give you some help on the basic math problems. Being my
first walkthrough, this may be a little sloppy so just bear with me. Try to
help Spot out and read this FAQ.



After crashing in their ship Math Blaster and Spot are on a planet. Math
Blaster whistles and a new ship comes to pick them up. When they get on the
ship, they start it up and it doesn't work. They argue about whose turn it is
to fix the ship and apparently it is Spot's turn. Math Blaster goes below decks
to do something while Spot goes outside to fix the generator. After fixing it,
a new ship comes up trailing a bunch of trash. An alien pops out of the ship
and fires a tractor beam to pick up Spot. Spot has been kidnapped! Math Blaster
comes back up and can't find Spot. He radios his boss and finds out that the
trash alien has taken Spot. Now it's your job to save him.



Mouse- To move the pointer. Left-Click on Level 1 to fire the laser.
Press and hold the left mouse button to use the jetpack.
By moving the mouse in a direction you move Math Blaster.

Number Keys- To enter the answer for the math problem.


Trash Types

Not really something you need to complete the game, but something to document.

Apple Core
Open Box
Beat-Up Boot
2-Liter Bottle
Aluminum Can with Razor-Edged Lid
Used Comb
Styrofoam Cup
Half-Eaten Donut
Fish Skeleton
Soda Can
Juice Box
Half-Eaten Chicken Leg
Paper Airplane
Half-Eaten Pizza
Milk Carton



Level 1
Okay you just radioed the commander and know what to do, but first you have to
clean up the trash the alien left behind. For this level you have to solve some
math problems then blast the trash.

Point Totals:
1 Piece of Trash Destroyed: 100
All 5 Destroyed in one Segment: 1,000

First you need to answer 5 math problems to fill up your blast meter. Then you
get 5 shots to hit 5 pieces of trash. Hit all the pieces for a 1,000 point
bonus. Do the same thing again to get another 1,000 bonus points. For one more
time do it again and collect your bonus points. If you missed a piece of trash
then don't worry, you will get a chance to destroy the rest, just answer the 5
math problems.


Level 2

Point Totals:
Get to a line in the liquefier: 1,000

Now that you have collected all the trash, it's time to incinerate it in the
ship's burner. In this part of the level, you have to make a math problem
work by aligning signs and numbers correctly. The screen looks like this.

----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- ----- ----- -----
# + # = #
# + # = #
# + # = #
# + # = #
# + # = #
# + # = #
# + # = #
# + # = #

*The OK button is what you click to say you agree with the problem.

*The open buttons above each column are what you click to cycle a number down.

*In each column you will see #'s and signs. You have to align them by clicking
the open spaces.

*The row that is separated from the number is the equation row. This row is the
one you are trying to align.

*The row below this one is the Warning row. When you push down a number it
goes here. If you push down that row again the number will go to the laser. If
a number is in this row when you get a correct equation it goes to the top of
the number list.

*The bottom row is the laser. If you get a number down here it is destroyed.

*If you run out of numbers to complete the equations then the level is over.

*The objective it to incinerate all the trash before the overcharge goes all
the way up. The trash is a liquid you can see on the left side, when the bar
reaches the top the level is complete.

*After you get to the first line (not dash) on the liquefier, then a new set of
numbers comes.

*When you complete the level you go back to the cockpit and head off to find
the alien.


Level 3

Right after completing the level there is a cutscene where a hole opens in a
crater. The trash alien flies in then you shortly follow. The alien then flies
up on a jetpack holding Spot. You come in and are ready to start the level.

Point Totals:
Go through the correct hole: 500
Blue Diamond: 100

Here, you have to fly up through the underground area to get outside to get the
alien. There are always two or more holes and you have to go through the right
one. When you walk in you notice that Math Blaster is holding a number card.
This card is the number that tells you which hole to go through. You go through
the hole that the number is between. Example: Say your number is 7.

-----------+9+ +5+--------------------+4+ +1+-----------------

You would fly through the left hole because 7 is between 5 and 9. Also, if you
have a number, and that number is one of the hole numbers it doesn't count.
Example: You have the number 6.

-----------+6+ +9+--------------------+5+ +7+-----------------

You would fly through the right hole because 6 is between 5 and 7. You can not
go between a hole that has the same number on it.

After the first sequence, you see water dripping from the ceiling. The water
has a +, -, x, or / and then a number. Whatever the water says is what happens
to your number. Example: You have a 5 then get hit by a -2. You are now a 3.
These water drops help you change your number so you can fit through a hole
that your original number couldn't.

If you try to walk on top of a hole that your number couldn't get through on
the way up then a laser will prevent you from falling down.

At one point you may see a diamond. If you see the diamond hurry. The diamond
will disappear if you don't get to it fast enough and it is worth a lot of


Level 4

When you get out of the top of the underground tunnel you come face to face
with the alien. Well, at least you see him in his ship with Spot ties to a

Point Totals:
Go through correct number port: 200
Blue Diamond: 100
Red Diamond: 200

When you come to the surface and see the spaceship, you notice a few things.
1. There is trash flying everywhere.
2. There is an equation on the spaceship.
3. There are 4 number ports.
4. There is a planet (it looks like Saturn) in the top-left corner.

To get Spot, you have to destroy the trash alien's ship. To do that you have to
pay attention to the four things.

The first thing you have to do to start saving Spot is to look at the equation.
This will tell you which number port to fly into. If the equation is 3+2= then
you fly into the port that says 5.

As you should have noticed there is trash flying around. Avoid the trash at all
costs. Use your jetpack to fly around and get to the number port that the
answer is on. If you get hit by a piece of trash you get dazed and fall to the

Now the fourth thing is the planet. This planet acts as a timer. You have to
make it to the correct number port before the time runs out.

You also need to remember to avoid the fireballs that the spaceship shoots out.

Just like in the last level there are diamonds. Fly into one as you walk around
to get points. The diamonds usually appear in the time when there is not an
equation on the ship.

After doing this a lot of times you win!

You have saved Spot! Congratulations!


Basic Math Help
If you need help on the math element of the game, the answer to basic addition,
subtraction, and multiplication problems are listed below.


+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2 | 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
4 | 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
5 | 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
6 | 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
7 | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
8 | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
9 |10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
10 |11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


10-10=0 9-9=0 8-8=0 7-7=0 6-6=0 5-5=0
10-9=1 9-8=1 8-7=1 7-6=1 6-5=1 5-4=1
10-8=2 9-7=2 8-6=2 7-5=2 6-4=2 5-3=2
10-7=3 9-6=3 8-5=3 7-4=3 6-3=3 5-2=3
10-6=4 9-5=4 8-4=4 7-3=4 6-2=4 5-1=4
10-5=5 9-4=5 8-3=5 7-2=5 6-1=5 5-0=5
10-4=6 9-3=6 8-2=6 7-1=6 6-0=6
10-3=7 9-2=7 8-1=7 7-0=7
10-2=8 9-1=8 8-0=8
10-1=9 9-0=1

4-4=0 3-3=0 2-2=0 1-1=0 0-0=0
4-3=1 3-2=1 2-1=1 1-0=1
4-2=2 3-1=2 2-0=2
4-1=3 3-0=3


* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 | 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
3 | 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
4 | 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
5 | 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
6 | 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
7 | 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70
8 | 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80
9 | 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90
10| 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


Version History

Version 1.25
Updated legal info. Fixed lots of grammar and spelling mistakes. Formatted
basic math section a little differentley. Fixed a few headers.

Version 1.2
Added cool ASCII art. Fixed legal info. Added special thanks section.

Version 1.1
Added contact info, and copyright symbol. Boxed in titles.

Version 1.0
Walkthrough and all other sections are done. Some minor changes may come.


Contact Information

If there are any problems, errors, are if you need help, email me and I will
fix it.

My e-mail is

If you e-mail me and it's a bunch of flames/spam/other crap then I will block

If you do contribute to this guide I will add you to the special thanks


Special Thanks

The ASCII logo was created by osrevad. If you would like him to make a logo
for you, visit his website at and send him an email.


Legal Information

This FAQ is copyrighted by me, llamaman2. Use of this FAQ on any site other
than the sites listed below is illegal. This FAQ may be printed out and used
for personal use.

These sites have permission to use this FAQ:


Copyright © 2005-2006 llamaman2
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