Adventures of Bouapha

Adventures of Bouapha

17.10.2013 09:58:31
FAQ #19

The Adventures of Bouapha:

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For the PC

The Walkthrough!
Author: The Jiggyman (Cedric Cooks/Oda)
E-mail address:

Yes, I may have a new alias to go under, but I'm still around. Anyway,
this is one of my favorite games which I still play every so often.
This covers the full version free for download at Hamunu's website.

Released: 12/31/2005

Table of Contents:

1. The Story
2. Controls
3. Items and Weapons
4. Enemies
5. Walkthrough
6. Credits
7. Disclaimer

(1. The Story)

Well, there's not much to it, basically, you play as Bouapha, a bald man
who finds adventures by looking in the classfieds for work. His latest
adventure brings him to Spooky Castle, as he takes it upon himself to
stop an evil monster who's been stealing brains from the organ bank.

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(2. Controls)
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Arrow Keys - Move
Z or Enter - Throw hammers
X or Shift Key - Use Special Weapons

(3. Items and Weapons)

Hammer: Every stage, Bouapha begins unarmed. By picking up one of
these, he'll be able to throw hammers as his main attack. He can throw
up to 5 hammers at a time. And yes, he has an endless amount of them.

Pants of Power: By picking these up, he can throw hammers more quickly.
Up to four can appear in a level. The red bar will fill up as you pick
up more of them.

Reverse Hammer: He throws hammers forward and backward, doubling the
number from 5 to 10. Can be used with Relflect hammer.

Reflect Hammer: Hammers can bounce off of walls. Can be used with
Reverse hammer.

Chinese food: Recovers your health. It depends on the comments,
though., plus it's random every time. If it's "Just fried rice" or
"ick, mostly veggies", you won't get much health. If it's "Moo Shi
Beef!" or "Mmmm, Kung Pao!" you get a decent amount back. If it's
"Scwhesan Shreeded Pork!" or "General Tsao has outdone himself", you'll
get about a major amount back.

Keychains: In the second half of the game, you'll try to collect these
to unlock a secret level. There are a total of four. A pumpkin, a
hammer, a rocket, and a squash.

Ak-8087: A machine gun. The bullets can bounce off of walls. It's
pretty weak, though. (99 bullets)

Cherry Bombs: Throw one and it'll explode after a while or it hits an
enemy. Very damaging in groups. (5 bombs)

Flamethrower: Shoots a long stream of flames. Very powerful. (50 shots)

Missile Pack: Fires heat seeking missiles. Very helpful. (20 missiles)

Please note you can only carry one special weapon at a time. If you
pick up a different one, you'll lose the one you had.

(4. Enemies)

Bonehead: A generic skeleton enemy, it attacks by firing a shot at you,
and punching and kicking when up close. They're only a problem when 20
or so attack you at once.

Spitter: A spider enemy. It spits a glob or acid which does minor

Zombie: It wanders slowly and leaps at you. When it dies, it leaves
behind a brain.

Eensy Weensy: A small blue spider which bites you. Their small size
makes them hard to hit.

Egg Sac: Creates Eensy Weensy spiders.

Mumble: Mummy enemies which wander around and slap you. They only
approach you when you get close.

Aquazoid: Long necked creatures living in the water. They fire a spread
of shots at you.

Pumpkins: They chase you and bite you when you come close. They're only
seen in a special level.

Scary Bat: It follows you and bites you. Like the boneheads, they're a
problem in groups.

Thingie: Weird tentacled one-eyed creatres that fire a shot at you.
They only appear during the last boss.

Super Zombie: They're bigger, stronger and faster than the normal
zombies. They can jump towards you (Watch out for the shockwave when it
lands), grab you and pound you. Have a sub-weapon ready when you face
them, as well as hammer powerups. They leave two brains behind when you
kill them.

Mama Spider: A giant spider that spits a lot of acid you, enough to
severly drain your health. It also bites you. Again, have a sub-weapon
and some hammer powerups ready. It leaves a lot of Eensy Weensys upon

(5. Walkthrough)

I'll let the Tutorial do the talking for you if you choose to do it. As
for everyone else, the levels can be done in any order, but here's how I
usually do it.

Ghoulish Glade:

So basic it's not worth me writing a walkthrough for it. But what the
heck, I have a job to do. Basically, pick up the hammer, kill the
Boneheads, and collect the brains in plain sight. Simple.

Hanuted Hollow:

A no-brainer stage. Really, there's no brains, just work your way to
the exit. Despite the level limiting you to a searchlight where you can
see your character, there's little threat and the path is linear.

The Shed:

Head in the in areas with the boxes, keeping in mind that some can be
moved away. Get any powerups and brains inside, then go out and kill
all the zombies for the rest of the brains.

The Antechamber:

Grab the yellow key nearby and and open the top door for a green key,
and pants of power, then head to where the two aqauzoids are and pick up
both hammers. Kill them if you want to and use the green key to unlock
the doors. Fight your way through the Boneheads and Zombies until you
get to a large room. Grab the Reverse hammer powerup and kill the
remainder of the enemies, and don't forget to pick up the brains the
zombies drop. From there, kill the four Mumbles guarding the Yellow
Key, then head back and unlock the bottom door for the rest of the

The Fountain:

There are Aquazoids in the pool, ignore them if you can. There are
three passageways. Go to the right first for a reflect hammer and
Cherry Bombs. The middle path has Boneheads guarding the Red Key, which
is what you need. The left path has Zombies and brains, which is what
you need the Red Key for.

The Barracks:

Head to the end of the passageway and pick up the hammer. Smash the
piece of wall in the bottom left corner and kill the Boneheads. Get the
Green key and enter green doors below you. Kill all five Mumbles there,
they can't be hard. And get the yellow key they were guarding, too.
Leave and enter the Bathing Area to your right. Kill all the Aquazoids
and a bridge will appear so you can collect the red key. Be sure to
pick up the pants, as well. Enter the Mess Hall next and kill the
Boneheads while getting the Blue Key and some brains. There's a secret
opening near the bottom left near some boxes. These will take you to a
secret level. If you wish to enter it, skip to the end of this stage
walkthrough. Otherwise, read on so you can see how to beat the rest of
this level.

Now, enter the first room to the left that requires the blue key and
kill the last Mumble there and two more brains. Killing all the Mumbles
will open a passage. Enter the next blue door room to the left and kill
all the boneheads. You'll also find a flamethrower, a couple of more
brains, and a yellow key. To the right are yellow key doors. Go
through both and use the flamethrower on the group of zombies. Use the
hammer for the rest and pick up the brains they drop. Now you can

Bonus Level: The Torture Chamber

It's torture indeed. Pick up the hammer and the pants along the way to
face the Happy Stick Man. He'll run really fast and try to bite you,
but first he'll flex his muscles as a taunt. He always does this when
you first see him, so sneak in some early hits. Pick up the pair of
pants and keep those hammers 'a throwin, and you can beat him easily
after a few tries.

The Storage Closet

I can't find a way to explain how to beat it without confusing you.
It's not that's it's difficult (Because it's not), you bascically have
to push boxes around to get the brains and reach the exit. There are
six brains, two which are hiding behind boxes, making them hard to see.
Be prepared to do a lot of block pushing, though.

The Tower

Grab the hammer and take the stairs to the top-right corner. It only
goes to the second floor, and it's room holds a pair of pants and

The stairway in the bottom left takes you up to the third floor. The
second floor's room has a brain and the third floor's room holds a

The Bottom right corner takes you to the top of the tower. To get
there, head up to the fourth floor and kill all the zombies for their
brains. Then go to the fifth floor and take the stairwell in the top
left to go down. When you reach the third floor, take the yellow key,
killing the boneheads and zombies. Head back to the fifth floor and use
the yellow key. I suggest exploring the remaining floors for brains and
powerups first. When you're ready, head up to the top to face a super
zombie. Grab the reflect hammer powerup and use it to your advantage to
kill it. Make use of the chinese food too, and any subweapons will help
greatly. Grab the last two brains and exit.

The chase

Another level in the dark. Go up and you'll be chased by a Super
Zombie. Take the bottom route and you'll find an AK-8087. Try to lure
it to you by letting it walk into one of the corners, and make sure you
can hit most of body. Make sure that EVERY BULLET HITS IT. The second
Ak-8087 is in a narrow hallway only Bouapha can go through. It's near
the water on the right at the top. Repeat the same tactic, it should
have about 30% of health left. The last one is in a wide room at the
top. Again, use the same tactic and it should go down.

But's not over, because another Super Zombie will be released. But you
can get missle packs and Chinese food, and most importantly, wide open
space to dodge! Kill it and it'll release one more with the same
rewards. Don't forget to pick up the brains!

The Ancient Evil

Pick up the hammer and go to either the left or the right. Throw your
hammer at one part of the wall. Both have a secret rooms with powerups
for your hammer and chinese food, though I suggest you go right as you
get more stuff. The boss, Richie Lich is pathetic, firing shots and
occasionally a laser blast from it's mouth. Lure it to one of the
secret rooms and start throwing hammers. It'll be gone in a few
seconds. ;)

The Graveyard

Your attacked by a lot of Boneheads and a Super Zombie. Pick up the
hammers and pants and fend them off. As for the super Zombie, lure it
to a tombstone and it'll keep walking into it. Start throwing hammers
until it dies and pick up the brains. Somewhere in the top right area
is a green key near a grave. If you go to the bottom left area of the
level, you'll find a squash keychain behind one of the tombstones. Head
to a building and kill the Mumbles and enter with the green key and kill
all the zombies and collect the rest of the brains.

Super Zombie Hoedown

Pick up the hammer, but stay where you are and let all the Zombies come
toward you. Because they're slow, you can kill them without any
problems. The real threats are the Super Zombies, and you must deal
with three at once! Pick up all the Hammers and Pants and the cherry
bombs. Use all the cherry bombs when you'e far enough and when you run
out, head for the missile pack and fire when your at a safe distance.
From there you'll have to rely on your hammers, but they should be weak
by then. Good luck!

Cobweb Central

Head to the Southwest area and cross the bridge to collect a yellow key.
The water will dissappear and you'll need to get around the spitter.
Head north to a library like area and use the yellow key. Pick up the
extra hammer and pants, and explore the eastern part of the level for
the brains. Some are behind the Egg Sacs which you must destroy. In
the northeast, after you destroy an Egg Sac, smash a wall with the
hammer and follow the pathway to a Pumpkin Keychain. But I must warn
you, after you get all the brains, you'll need to avoid a Mama Spider on
the way out.

What's with the bats?

Try to avoid the bats and head up. Take the first passageway you see on
the left and you'll get a hammer. Continue upwards until you see a dead
end. Pick off as many bats as you can, as they'll come in one at a
time. You'll also find a dot on the ground that's a switch. Once you
killed a majority of the bats, you'll need to explore the maze to find
the brains, since it's so dark. The second dot switch is in a wide room
on the right. Keep searching and you'll find it. Head to the bottom
right passage and and dead end going to the west should leave you with
the last one.

When you activate all three, you'll find a hammer keychain in the boxed
area in the wide room on the right (Where the second switch is).

A Warm Bath

You're assulted by Boneheads, so move around and get all the pants and
powerups. Then you'll need to find and kill all eight Mama spiders (I
counted) to make the bridge appear. Make use of the sub-weapons and the
food! Next, you cross along rocks which go into the lava and out again.
You'll then be on another island. Go down and look around for a rocket
keychain, the last of four needed to access a secret level!

Look for an open room and grab the red key, and enter the maze and kill
the bats. Find all three yellow keys and head out through the southeast
enterance. Follow the rocky path to more rocks going in and out of the
lava, then from here it's linear. Use the Yellow Keys of the Doors and
kill all the boneheads to exit this level!

The Battleground

Immediately run to avoid the Super Zombies, and then pick the hammers.
Kill enemies and evade the Super Zombies until you get a good sub weapon
and an energy field. From there, show no mercy. You only need to kill
the Zombies and Super Zombies to escape alive with their brains.

Bonus Level: The Chamber of Pumpkins

Not too hard. Avoid the pumpkins in the room before you can get to the
hammer. Then fight your way to the exit.

The Lair

The last boss! Get your hammer and kill all of the thingies (Yes, the
creatures are named that) and then enter both alcoves on the sides for
powerups. The boss here is called the Thing, and it swings it's
tenatacles, creates fireballs which explode, and creates other thingies
to battle you. Keep attacking the head, though the two front tentacles
will be destroyed first, since they keep getting in way.

And that's it! You've beaten the game!

6. Credits

Hamunu Software: Who made this wonderful game.

Myself: I wrote it.

CJayC: GameFAQs webmaster.

7. Disclaimer


This guide is copyrighted by Cedric Cooks/Oda (Cedoda). I have nothing
to do with Nintendo, Konami, or any other parties involved in the making
of this game. It can be printed out, but not for money. Also, make
sure you give me credit if you wish to put this one your site. If you
say this is yours you will be in serious trouble (Not to mention the
CJayC (Gamefaqs webmaster) will send out powerful lawyers afterwards.
The latest verison of the guide is always at, and I'd
appreciate it if you update it when I update it, unless you like the
previous one better.

FOR THE COMMONFOLK (Normal people)

So you want to print this guide out? Well, first you need my
permission, and you must promise not to sell it. You will the guide as
the thing it's intended to be-a guide. Either that, or out of
entertainment (Reading it just for fun). If you must send me E-mail,
send me informative E-mail, which includes hints, secrets, and thank
oyu's for the guide. Don't send me idiotic E-mail, which includes job
applications for the site, complaints, insults, stuff already mentioned
in the guide, etc. Trust me, it won't make it.

Both of you people must follow these rules. If breaking the rules are
your intentions, do not read the guide whatsoever.

Until the next guide, everyone...


Copyright 2005 Cedric Cooks/Oda
All rights reserved

-"And that's the end of that chapter!"-

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