Call of Cthulhu - Dark Corners of the Earth

Call of Cthulhu - Dark Corners of the Earth

17.10.2013 23:22:50
Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth Walkthrough by simalcrum
(reprinted with permission)

Bugs logged:

- Auto save game date corruption. Continue function invalid.
- Save game corruption once files are copied from Xbox hard drive to
memory card.
- Escape From Innsmouth. Death of Ruth NPC prevents stage from clearing.
Unknown solve.
- Marsh Refinery. Ore buckets on bucket track inaccessible. Investigate
bucket track control a second time to bypass.
- Marsh Refinery. Lift doors do not open during shoggoth attack even if
buttons are pressed. Unknown solve.


Stealth, Noise, Movement

Movement and activity in CoC Dark Corners makes noise. While not as
spectacular as Thief, CoC Dark Corners has various noise levels but lack
the sophisticated indicators of Splinter Cell Chaos Theory. This means
much of it is reliant on your own actions. The loudest actions (apart from
killing an enemy or firing a gun) is running or landing on any surface.
Ducking while moving is akin to walking in Thief; quiet and visually
speaking, makes you harder to see and be shot at.

When stealth is achieved, it only affects noise output -- and if you are
ducking, a stance whereby you may engage enemies from cover. Stealth does
not invite proof against visual detection by enemies. Keep that in mind if
you are simply ducking and need to move around easily. Stealth does let you
jump and land softer, but simply standing means you're easily to spotted
by enemies. For all intents and purposes, when you want to move
stealthily, duck and move. When you have to jump onto something with
enemies nearby, stealth and jump. At all other times, use standing
running, jumping and moving to get the best performance from your

Duck-stealth (a.k.a., 'Winback Covert Operations') lets you fire from
cover. By adjusting the intensity of your joystick, you can peek as much
or as little from cover, take aim and plug he mo'fugger'chugger in the
head with a well forged bullet. When standing from a duck-stealth, you can
unstealth and immediately go into a running stance.


Physical and Mental Injury

There are six states of physical injury: unhurt, light bleeding, heavy
bleeding, fractures, poison, and dead (self-explanatory). Each of the
medical items from medical boxes treats all injuries (except death, which
requires a trip to the Dreamlands, or a LIFE spell from Final Fantasy). On
easy difficulty, at least, it is possible for wounds suffering from heavy
bleeding to migrate to light bleeding. While you are wounded, physical
health deteriorates. Once you patch your wounds, your health recovers as
indicative of the ECG.

Bandage -- Cures light bleeding.

Splint -- Cures fractures.

Suture -- Cures heavy bleeding.

Antidote -- Cures poison.

If you are running low on sutures, you can wait for wounds suffering from
heavy bleeding to become to light bleeding; however, you will lose life
while waiting for your body to deal with the trauma. It is nevertheless a
good idea when facing one or two enemies -- bandages are more common than
sutures (you can hold more bandages than sutures). Naturally, avoiding
injury is the best medicine.

Mental injury is more subtle. Since there are no sanity meters available
(i.e., Eternal Darkness), you can only rely on your visual and vibratory
cues. Not a bad idea, but not very game-able. Being subjected to high
heights, a multitude of malicious enemies, or other disturbing scenes will
cut into your sanity. A low sanity character with a loaded weapon will
commit suicide, ending your game instantly. The best thing to combat
sanity -- apart from avoiding obviously disturbing scenes -- is to wait
for your vision to stabilise by staying in a safe (or relatively safe)
place or an Elder Sign save point. Once your vision clears, your sanity
has recovered sufficiently for you to move on. Fighting many enemies or
being near death will cut into your sanity, making ambushes and sniping
your main combat tactics. If you have to fight many enemies, use the
Thompson gun to quickly mow down enemies. Once enemies are dead, they
cease to threaten your sanity.



(i.e., 'Iron' from KC v2, which is too specialised and too obsolete)

Weapons are a last resort to a Mythos investigator, since preternatural
entities are not affected by anything like firearms or firearm bans
(a.k.a., San Francisco's Proposition H). However, as 'Iron' mentions,
firearms are useful for making a very satisfactory hole in the High Priest
of Some Shitty Deity's skull and thus interrupt the summoning ceremony.
Against the mortal enemies in CoC Dark Corner's Innsmouth, weapons will
be your primary means of wasting them before they waste you. However,
enemies do not drop ammo (which is unrealistic) nor can you take their
weapons (again, not realistic) and use them. So killing enemies is
treading a fine line between killing the opposition and preserving ammo.
Unless you have to backtrack through an area (applies mostly to the final
stage 'Air-filled Tunnels') you're often better off running away and
leaving enemies behind.

Wounds to an enemy's legs will supposedly impair their movement, meaning
you can cap a few half-breeds and flee to the next area. On normal and
easy, it is perhaps more satisfying to aim for their head and kill them
instantly. While Deep Ones (and a majority of lesser servitors) are
tougher than humans, they can be killed all the same. CoC Keepers no doubt
have employed a hardware fetish for many player-investigators who've
developed a condition (esp. in DG campaigns). Weapons can be fired aimed
or from the hip. Firing from the hip is less accurate, but less tiring to
your arms. Aiming makes your shots more accurate, but after a while, your
arms tire and the aim will waver. Simply lower the weapon for a split
second to reset the waver timer and re-aim your weapon to draw a good bead
on your foes. When aiming, you move slower -- if you're ducking and
aiming, the movement rate is even more drastically cut. Lastly, know that
wounds to your character's arms will impair weapon aiming.


First found in Chapter 3 Jailbreak. This is your first weapon after
escaping death from the degenerate townfolk. It is on a retaining wall
behind the police station's alley. While it is similar to Dr. Freeman's
weapon, it is far less effective since it passes through enemies many
times (a miss, but not visually supported -- a crap job of porgramming
from Head-First Studios). When you are stealthed, the crowbar can kill an
enemy instantly (easy or normal) when you center the target head on the
screen. The bludgeoning is rather noisy, but against single unalerted
enemies, you win almost every time.


First found in Chapter 6 Esoteric Order of Dagon. This is the perfect
stealth weapon, since you can aim this weapon and deliver a silent,
one-hit stealth kill to any unalerted enemy. The fact that Snake (Nekkid,
Solid, Liquid, Gaseous, Vapour, Plasma, Mineral, Compound, Amalgram, etc.)
can't do this means those games suck all ass, but that's not surprising,
since they're from Konami. The knife is also a good alternative for
breaking glass in those chapters you find one and as a general shanking
weapon. Needless to say, knives don't do well against non-human enemies
-- impaling damage is often negated by a Mythos creature's natural armour
defences. Now, if you're able to enchant the sum'bitch, then the knife
might come in handy. The sacrifice of POW for this purpose often does not
make the effort of making a magic weapon worth it however.


8 round magazine. Max ammo is 50. First found in Chapter 3 Jailbreak.
Available from various sources later. This is one of two firearms you find
in the police station, and is identical to the other handguns you find or
are given later. Game gun enthusiasts should look for the Colt 1911,
although modern investigators should opt for a SIG P220 (in .45 ACP).
It's hitting power is decent, but behaves like a peashooter against the
crazy enemies in CoC Dark Corners. Aim for the head and you will find you
can drop an enemy in as few as three shots. An enemy's alert state does
not affect the damage of firearms.


6 round cylinder. Max ammo is 50. First found in Chapter 4 Escape From
Innsmouth. Available in various areas, depending on the difficulty level.
The revolver is simply a second small arm you can rely on. It's hitting
power is supposedly better (the 45 LR delivers slightly more power due to
the longer cartridge) but the damage is the same in the CoC weapon table.
For all intents and purposes, you treat this like a handgun. Switch
between the handgun and the revolver as you manage your ammunition. An
enemy's alert state does not affect the damage of firearms.


2 shells side by side. Max ammo is 30. First found in Chapter 3 Jailbreak.
This is the second firearm you find in the police station. Pump action
shotguns did not become terribly widespread in the United States until the
1950s. The shotgun is your up close and personal one-hit death weapon.
Aimed at the head, no Innsmouth tainted bastard can hope to survive from
this weapon. Hitting power at long range is negligible. While in the
Innsmouth town square, locate the hostel manager Gilman. Stand at the
hostel's door and take a look at how far Gilman is. That's the maximum
range for your shotgun to do any damage (aimed). Naturally, with two shots
to spare, you cannot afford to miss with the shotgun in combat against many
enemies. An enemy's alert state does not affect the damage of firearms.


5 round magazine. Max ammo is 30. First found in Chapter 5 The Marsh
Refinery. This weapon will serve you well if you find it. Although it
cannot zoom like the rifles in Medal Of Honor or Call of Duty, you can use
it to put nasty holes into enemies at medium range. It is the single most
powerful weapon available in terms of damage per shot. Three hits to the
chest or one to the head will usually kill most enemies. Regretably, the
reloading is slow and the limited magazine is an impediment to
investigators used to carrying clandestine compact machinepistols in DG
cowboy operations. Take aim and use the rifle as you like, but keep in
mind ammo (not always the weapon) carries over from chapter to chapter. An
enemy's alert state does not affect the damage of firearms.

Thompson Gun

50 round drum. Max ammo is 200. First found in Chapter 4 Escape From
Innsmouth. This is the weapon you want for close and medium range fights
against hordes of degenerate inbred hicks (i.e., Jeff Veasey). Fired from
the hip, the Thompson is the only solution for mass murder on the scale of
101 California. Unlike the victims of that unfortunate incident, the
tainted residents of Innsmouth deserve to die. An enemy's alert state
does not affect the damage of firearms.

Yithian Lightning Cannon Model D

Infinite ammunition; unknown energy source. First found in Chapter 9
Air-filled Tunnels. Students of Lovecraft will be quick to understand why
the title 'Dark Corners of the Earth' is so apt when one of these
sum'bitches is available. Unlike the camera shaped models of the A, B, or
C designation, this version of the lightning gun is adapted for human use
and seems to have an inexhaustable energy supply. It can be charged to
fire a powerful shot or the trigger pressed to fire a stream of slow but
steady low-power bolts. The maximum charge is indicated by the double
flashing red lights on the side of the weapon. Over-charging does not
incur any danger but the weapon is powered down temporarily. Needless to
say, this is an electric emission source -- contact with water or other
conductive materials when firing can be lethal to friend and foe alike.
Due to the alien nature of the device, AIM mode does not apply to this
weapon. CoC veterans can reference the stats for the A model cannon in the
CoC Core Rules. The B model's stats are given in Masks of Nyarlethotep.
Model C is held in a private collection and is not on public display.


Chapter 0 - Prologue To A Yithian Brain-Raping

Enter house and explore the first few rooms. You can take the Pnakotica
near the beginning. Meet cultists on 2F and grab key 1. Open door to 1F
dorms for key 2. Go open door to 1F library and open floor trap door. Go
through morgue and activate machine. Grab green crystal and put it in time
gate. Activate time gate. Damn, that was fast.


Chapter 1 - A Visit To The Old Town

Walk around Innsmouth for clues. Save point at the hostel by the parked
bus. Go to the waterfront (near Marsh refinery), meet drunk Zadok Allen
for information. Speak with Rebecca Lawrence as well (hubba, hubba). When
ready, go to the back alley of First National store and stand-sneak behind
patrolling cop, sneak into the side alley for a save point, wait for cop to
go the other way and continue past the alley to the store's back door.
Enter the store's back and move the shelf to block the backdoor for later
(hehehehe). Grab health box inside first, then inspect the broken door for
the wooden handle and some liquor (for Zadok). Leave by using the floor
trap door near the cash register.

Inside First National

Inspect the stock room for another medical kit and Brian's diary (clue).
To leave, push the stock room ladder to the broken wall to enter the next
building. This is the newspaper office. Head upstairs and take the pistol
ammo. Ammo is rare, so don't waste it when you have a gun later. The door
to leave is bolted shut. Note the tip when it appears. Bolted doors is how
you delay human enemies early and mid-way through the game, since Jack is
a dumbass and brought no handgun with him on a trip out of town. Enemies
being delayed and enemies coming at you quickly is life and death for an
unarmed white man in hick country.

Leave the newspaper office and meet the government man Mackey. Head back
out to the Washington Street alley and meet Zadok. Give him the liquor and
listen to the information. Those not familiar with Lovecraft's Shadow Over
Innsmouth will find it useful. Zadok doesn't deviate much from the drunk
in Lovecraft's narrative, but some minor game details are changed. The
Waites for example, are prominent participants in the game, but don't
expect any freaky trans-gender mind-swap crap. After the drunk, you get
the poorhouse key. Head back to the main square. On the way, you meet
Rebecca. She shows you a save point -- Derleth's Elder Sign. These types
of save points will ward off enemies, so you can linger near a star-shaped
save point if enemies are following and you can club them to death.

The Poorhouse and Waite Residence

The poor house is another map but the entrance is near the hostel and the
parked bus. There's nothing much to prepare for but explore the area for
local colour. Head to the end of the first alley for the poorhouse's real
entrance. Head in and get disturbed. Grab the medical box past the old man
and before heading past the sleeping area to the third floor with the dead
body. Head out the third floor and down the fire escape to Dock Street.
Locate a white door and meet Ramona Waite for an enlightening scene.
Mythos fans will want to over-prepare, but you can't die here (yet).
After meeting Ramona, you can enter the house and inspect it, but head
back outside and locate an open tunnel to the another enlightening scene.
Head back into the house and "check the place out". Unbolt the door to
the attic and watch the cut-scene.

You will be injured. Go into the inventory and use the bandages or your
character eventually weakens and dies. Before going back downstairs,
inspect the attic and take Thomas Waite's diary (clue). Head downstairs
for more information and Waite gives you the Variety Shop key. Afterwards,
take Ramana's Colouring Book (clue) then head outside and meet Rebecca in
the tunnel with the dead bodies. Enlightening. Enjoy Rebecca's company
while you can. It won't last long. Head back outside via the tunnel and
consider saving the game at the hostel.

The Variety Store

The next stop is the Variety Store. It's next to the tunnel you come out
of. Simply open the door in the back. Head inside and upstairs to find
Ruth Billingham. Talk to her and get more information as well as the
couple's photograph. You'll need this later. Cracking the safe is easy.
The combination (clockwise starting) is 2-6-1-2. Turn the other direction
as soon as you hit each number. Take the medical box in the store as well
as the Book of Dagon. Like the photo, you need it later. Consider saving
the game once more at the hostel before talking to Gilman, the innkeeper.

Should You Die Before You Wake

After you speak with Gilman and he leaves (temporarily), head past the
counter and take the back office key. Open the back office and take
Gilman's Autopsy Report (clue) inside and the shotgun shells. Head back
outside and consider saving once more. Following Gilman upstairs will
start the end of the chapter, but some preparations are needed. First off,
leave the door from your room to the next open, but lock-bolt both the
doors from each room to the hallway. Take a look at your surroundings to
get familiar. The exit from this hostile hostel is the side door in the
abandoned room next to yours (behind a bookcase). You will need to bolt
all the doors to buy the time you need to escape in the next chapter.


Chapter 2 - Attack of the Fuching Fishmen


Once the axes start falling, head into the second room next to yours and
bolt the door shut. Since you bolted the two doors, you can start by
shoving the book case aside in the second room to reveal a doorway to the
third room. Bolt the door behind you in the third room and push a book
case to block the door to the main hall in the third room. This gives you
the time you need to push aside the bookcase to reveal an window in the
third room to escape (and pick up a box of shotgun shells, if you're
fast). Note that without stealth on, you can strafe-push bookcases while
facing the window or door you need to open to save time. Jump across from
the first building's balcony and to the building on the other side.

On the second building, head through the door, close it behind you and
push the clock inside to block the door. Duck and move (stealth is not an
issue for now) quickly under the windows to avoid being shot to death.
Turn left at the end of the gauntlet for the next door. Head down one
floor and enter the next hallway, turn the corners past the screaming
half-Deep One woman to locate a window leading outside. Jump across to the
other side and climb the ladder. At the top of the fire escape ladder, walk
across the plank to a short landing -- quickly evade the pursuing half-Deep
Ones and take a second ladder (on the left) to the rooftop of the
warehouse. On the warehouse roof, follow the glass panels to a hole on the
roof. Climb down the ladder carefully and before jumping to the Elder Sign
save point, head along the upper catwalk to nab a medical box. If enemies
see you, grab the box anyway and head for the Elder Sign save point --
they cannot follow you there.

Inside the Warehouse

Save the game here if you did exceptionally well (not shot, grabbed some
ammo). Otherwise, consider getting killed and re-doing the escape. There
are a lot of items here you can save for later, and it is a shame to waste
it here. Stealth was discussed earlier when you tried to break into the
First National store, but here is Call of Cthulhu's stealth system. Rapid
movement, jumping, landing, weapon fire or reloading will trigger noise.
Noise attracts enemies (human or otherwise). Stealth movement is done
(standing) by clicking the stealth toggle. This lets you move slowly and
silently while standing. If you duck in stealth mode, you can't move, but
you can peek over or around objects. Ducking makes you harder to see
(stealth or not stealth). Ducking and moving slowly is sometimes
acceptable since if you can only move stealthily while standing (makes you
easier to see). On the scope of falling and landing, ducking and falling
off is quieter than standing and falling off. Lastly, jumping is only done
by standing (stealthed or not). Jumping is loud and messy (unless you're
stealthed) so stealth, then jump if you're trying to get on top of boxes
while enemies are next to you.

Head out around the boxes and watch for the enemy. The enemy moving has a
flashlight. He spots you after shining his flashlight if you move out.
Wait for him to move (or after he talks to his partner) with his back
towards you before going for the set of boxes on the side of the
warehouse. Just like in Thief, patience pays. Wait behind the boxes next
to the stationary enemy and when the moving guy makes a speech again, move
along (ducking non-stealthed) to the next set of boxes. Wait for the
flashlight to turn off and then stand, stealth and move over to the boxes
in the corner. Jump onto the boxes (stealthed), unstealth and duck. Move
to the boxes on the side and exit the warehouse through the open window.

If spotted, make haste to the window and duck near the warehouse wall. No
other enemies are present on the roof. Head to the air vent and drop in.
Save if you like. The next part involves some keen and fast thinking
between moving ducking, running and moving stealthily while standing. The
vision shows you a hole in the floor that is the exit for this section.
You need to get to it without being killed or losing too much health.
While ducking, drop from the vent and stay ducking. Drop off the boxes
near the stairs and move underneath them. Avoiding enemies is key here.
^>From under the stairs, move to the boxes across. From there, move around
the boxes and keep them on your left to find the hole. Drop into the hole
(ducking) and go under the floorboards to the accountant's office. The
next step (after saving) is to leave the warehouse of death through the
open front doors.

Save in the accountant's room and take the medical box. Exit the room and
don't alert anyone or more enemies respawn. Follow the path down and
around the boxes (ducking) stop when you see an opening and stop again
when you see the hole you dropped into earlier and wait for a clear window
to go past the patrolling enemy. Stop by the boxes in the corner (still
ducking, non-stealth) and wait for another clear opening to the next set
of boxes. You should be able to see the open doors (exit) from the boxes
in the corner.

To the Streets

Leaving the warehouse is dangerous. You should be aware that there are
enemies outside to the left and right -- the exit is to the right of the
warehouse's open doors. It is the tunnel leading to a side alley. Go
through the area quietly or quickly -- if spotted, you can jump onto some
boxes that show up in a small alley. Jump down into the fenced off area
and wait. The enemies will slowly return to normal and you can go about
sneaking again. Not terribly great, but effective. Past the first fenced
off area is another enemy patrolling a deadend. Locate a second tunnel to
duck into and be quiet. An enemy will be patrolling past the second tunnel
and stops mid-way up the alley. Hide in the entryway to the second tunnel
and follow (standing stealth, so you can jump) the enemy down the alley.
There are boxes and an overturned cart at the end of the alley.
Stealth-jump over the cart tongue and hide behind the boxes until the
enemy turns away and lets you go past him to a safe building. The
screaming will alert you about where the safe building is. There's a save
spot where the dead body is.

Save in the building here. The next part is not about stealth, but speed.
Go out the building and head right (up) the street to the parked meat
truck. Quickly knock off the wheel block under the wheel, then go up the
butcher shop landing and hop into the back of the truck. If you miss,
reload your game. This is the only way into the sewer filtration plant.

Into the Sewers

After the truck crashes, head for the right lit alcove and pick up the
sturdy metal bar. The obvious thing is to use the bar on the fan to
escape. Face the fan's hub square on to use the bar from the inventory.
Once the fan is broken, duck and wait for the opening or you get cacked
just like in Cyberia (whoa - slice-o-matic!). Hehehehe. Move past that fan
and you're into the next section! Heal yourself past the fan if you're
shot. It should be relatively safe in the next section, in the sewers at

Stay out of the water. Trust a veteran Mythos investigator when that's
mentioned. Head into the sewer room with the curious organic matter. It is
corrosive, so steer clear of the black masses as best you can. Head up the
stairs and save. Starting now, you're on a timer (the simalcrum has no
intention of finding out for your sake). Go into the next room and take
the medical box. You find two large water pipes. The left one should have
the switch vertical (on) and the right pipe should have the switch
horizontal (off). Go into the next room and use the turncrank (no
square-crank here, you Raccoon City bitches) and clear the drainage basin
of the effluvial slime. Turn off both pipes in the room before and use the
turncrank once more to open the floodgate. Exit through there.

In the vertical sewer room, head up the ladders quickly and go through the
door. Pick up the medical box in the next room and leave via floor trap
door. This leads to the last part of the sewer (there's a save point in
the next area). Explore this area for a hole to drop softly off into.
Safely drop off to the save point -- the scorpions will not come near the
Elder Sign. Once you're safe, you need to quickly run past all the
scorpions on the floor to the next room. Jump to avoid being bitten and
don't stop until you're clear of them to use antidote if you've been
bitten. To escape the sewers, you need to lure the enemies near the exit
away. Fast climb the ladders to the barred manholes near the street and
the enemies will come running to investigate. What you wouldn't give to
have a handy Colt 1911 right now ... In any case, once the enemies are
lured to the farthest point from the open manhole, run back there and
climb up quickly. Head down the alley way (yes, towards the enemies) and
turn right into the dead end. Speed is the key to avoid detection, so fuch
the stealth. Climb the fire escape ladder at the side of the building in
the alley and enter the building. Safe! For now at least.

Get to the next part by staying low and using the turncrank to move the
box. Go down the stairs and either sneak or speed across the first floor
to the now unblocked door. Head inside and continue on. Before heading
out, watch for the patrolling enemy past the fence. Wait and move on down
the alley to relative safety. Open the door and take the ammo. You are now
in the Lawrence residence. Before speaking with Rebecca (first door on your
left once inside the house with red wallpaper), head upstairs and
investigate the bedroom for the Preacher's Diary (clue). Once you meet
Rebecca, follow her to the church's front door and head in regardless of
consequences. Once you go inside the church, you're safe again.

Church Sanctuary

Before Rebecca's hot preacher daughter's body was made unavailable for
you to sow your seed into, she gave you a postcard and combined with the
minister's diary, should help you find the secret tunnel and escape the
church. The diary's answer to open the secret tunnel refer to the bells
above the save point and to the bells' placement, not their tone. Face
the altar and quickly yoink the middle, left, then right ropes in that
order. Immediately climb down the ladder to reach the secret tunnel (next
to the altar) before it closes. You're safe for now. Head into Pious
Augustus' -- I mean Minister Lawrence's secret chamber and take the
Record of Births and Deaths (clue). Investigate the random number pattern
on the desk and place the postcard Rebecca gave you to get the safe
combination. It is read reversed: 3-1-5-7 and start clockwise, and turning
the other way when you hit each number. Get the stone cross item so you can
get the hell out of Dodge.

Enter the sewers (again) and explore the tunnels for a medical box. The
save point near the ladder can help you recover sanity. Your character
needs to be calm for the next section, so calm the fuch down. Climb the
ladder and turn left. The closest set of double doors is your exit. It is
the bank. once you enter it, be quick and climb the fallen timber in the
in middle of the first floor's large room to go over into the cashiers'
area. This places you safely out of sight from enemies below, at least
until the timbers start cracking. There is a save point in the bank's
main vault. Use it if you like (it's a good idea). Head upstairs and use
care not to fall off the holes in the floor. The burning areas of floor
are damaging and dangerous. Stay away from them.

Escape the Bank

On the second floor, duck move over the planks and stay still if your
character gets woozy (it's not smoke, but sanity loss). Jump over the
ledge pillar to the caged area and locate a fallen beam to beam-walk to
the corner where the exit is. One fall will kill you though alerting
enemies will not be much of a problem -- they are too far down below to
get in an accurate shot. In any case, once you locate the exit at the
highest point of the bank lobby, you're safe for a little while. To stay
quiet, simply stealth-jump but duck-move. You should be undiscovered until
you're right near the exit. Once past the beam walking bullshit, jump over
to the broken flight of stairs (one-way) and take flight to the next area.

The Water Tower

The next area is the final challenge. The exit is one level below you and
you need to cross through the water tower in the center twice while
avoiding detection from the pissed off half-Deep Ones on the ground.
Falling to the ground is death. Head down the fire escape ladder by one
level and fast-jump across to the ladder on the water tower. Climb it to
the top and move around on the top to the next available landing. Follow
the hallway down and duck-move back outside. The next destination is the
rooftop with the two dormer windows. Head inside from the external landing
for a medical box and the way forward. Head up the busted window shutter to
the balcony outside. The next obstacle is the final run past the water
tower (second time) to the other side. There's an open doorway across
from where you came out. Run across the water tower's mid-section and
enter the hallway. Take the ammo and meet up with Mackey. The exit to the
next chapter is through the window.


Chapter 3 - Jailbreak

Breaking and Entering

Carefully duck-move up the ladder and stop. Wait and follow the inbred cop
into the alley, but you are to stop at the corner. Listen to the
conversation and wait. Once the chat is over, peek around the alley and
wait for the place to clear before going in. Take the crowbar you find in
the alley (you ain't Dr. Freeman, so keep that in mind) and meet Brian
outside the jail cell. His clue to spook the madman can be used to lure
the cop in the back room outside so you can club him over the head. After
meeting Brian, select the crowbar and be ready to move both fast and
silent. Spook the madman them run and hide behind the boxes near the
bolted door. The cop comes out from there. When the cop comes out, move
out from your hiding spot to hide in the dark corner next to the stairs.
When the cop heads back to the precinct, mug his tainted half-bred ass.
Crowbar him while stealthed to do the damage, then unstealth and finish
him off. While you cannot take his weapons (enemies do not drop weapons or
ammo), take satisfaction in delectable murder of undesirable members of the
human species.

There is one more cop in the front room. You want to go there. To get that
enemy out, open the door, and when you hear the chair kick over, run back
outside and hide in the boxes. Wait for the enemy to come close and get to
the side or back of him. Stealth and slug him over the head with the
crowbar. It solves that problem. Enemies will be alerted now. Either lure
them and stealth slug or wait for them to return to their patrols. If you
must, you can use the Elder Sign save point near the precinct. It is down
the back alley, past the madman and across the street. Since there are
limited enemies for now, you can use the save point to stun enemies, then
approach and hit them repeatedly on the head with a blunt metal object
until they no longer move.

Either way, you need to head into the precinct and stay out of sight.
Close all the doors to the precinct so you can duck-move and swipe the
police whistle (alerts enemies), ammo and at last a side-by-side shotgun
and a Colt semiautomatic. These weapons will help you only slightly, but
don't use them unless you absolutely have no choice. For all intents and
purposes, the shotgun is more effective when aimed at the head, but it is
your most powerful (conventional) weapon up close apart from the

Freeing Brian Griffin

Head to the second floor of the precinct and take the medical box and the
jail keys in the bedroom. A shotgun should be enough to silence any enemy
here. And despite the noise, it should be safe to use (unless you're on
very hard, which in that case, you start stealth-slugging). Open the
left-most cell for Captain Obed Marsh's diary (clue) and then Brian's
cell. He'll head out and lead you to the garage. Be careful as there are
patrolling enemies on that street. Once you find the garage is locked,
take Brian into the side alley to an Elder Sign save point. Any enemies
that you find will stop following and back-off once you reach that save.

Getting Ruth "I'm A Slut" Billingham's Broach

The next goal is to reach the main garage, but through the sewer. The
entrance to the sewer is near the wreck police car (the one that is not on
fire). Head down the alley and open the manhole by using it when the
crowbar is equipped. Head down into the sewer, take any dead rat and
continue straight ahead to find a ladder. Once you head up, you meet
Mackey. The back door to the garage will now be open, since Brian opens it
for you each time. Save if you like and take the ammo, but leave the
medical box. There are now infinite enemies on the street. You can get
into the precinct in the back (recommended) or the front (not
recommended). If you left the doors to the front of the precinct closed,
the back is better since you can duck-move and stay out of sight. The
front desk of the precinct has a wardrobe you can push aside to reveal a
safe. If you did not get the answer, take the diary of Obed Marsh inside
the jail cells. The combination is 1-8-4-6 (starts clockwise). Grab
Ruth's broach and head back to Brian via the back alley -- enemies
chasing you will be warded off by the save point in the alley. If you want
to experience more Lovecraft, give the dead rat to the madman in the cells
before leaving. You do get the Oath of Dagon (clue) in the madman's cell
if you take the time to do this. Enter the garage, take the time to
reload, rearm, and heal yourself before speaking with Brian. Once you do,
you jump onto the back of the truck and end the chapter.


Chapter 4 - Escape From Innsmouth (non-DG method)

Back Seat Driver

This is one of the harder parts of the game. Duck, select the handgun and
face the back. Fire only if an enemy is directly in front of you and not
any other time (waste of ammo). You will only need to stand and fire on
the enemy truck when Brian says, 'Uh-oh. You'd better take a look at
this'. Stand up, face front, and detonate the inflammable tanks on the
cargo shay to move on. Heal yourself when you get the chance -- luck plays
an important role in surviving this poorly designed truck ride. Stay
ducking on the right side of the truck (your left) and it should minimise
the damage you take. As soon as the truck stops, select the crowbar, jump
off the truck quickly, and while the half-Deep Ones are still talking,
take the revolver and head down the alley on the right. Stealth, stay on
the right and stealth-club the stationary enemy. Unstealth, and shotgun
the moving enemy. There is a medical box in the next clearing. Take it and
duck-move under the stairs. This is a relatively safe spot to heal,
provided you were fast enough to escape Brian's truck and leave the
pursuing fishmen behind.

The Warehouse

Enter the warehouse carefully while ducking. You will fight later, but now
is not the time. There is a Thompson gun which you'll need here, but the
more important thing is a save point, so you can retry without having to
fight from the truck. From the refinery entrance, go behind the two
stationary and one patrolling enemy at the entrance and look for some
stairs leading up. The entrance to an ice house is nearby. Up the stairs
are two stationary enemies and a room with two breakable windows leading
to an Elder Sign save point. If you have at least two medical supplies
(sutures are the most important), the rush these two enemies (you may be
able to stealth-slug one, but the other one will shred you) with a
shotgun. Preferably, don't miss and switch to the handgun or revolver to
finish the job. Crowbar the windows and hop over to the save spot. Use its
power to make the fishmen cower (they cannot follow you into the save
hallway anyway since they cannot vault or mantle) and peck them to death
with your handgun. Excluding the two jackasses on the second floor
landing, there should be five more enemies (three from the entrance, two
in the icehouse). Once you wipe them out, there are no enemies in this
immediate area. Heal, save, and explore as much as you desire. There are
at least two ammo pick-ups in the immediate area. The Thompson gun is in
the icehouse.

Baby Ruth

Ruth Billingham is on a short timer. To meet her, you need to first locate
the boxes next to the icehouse and duck-move to the storage area. There are
no enemies here just yet, and you will need to back-track to the save spot
at the top of the stairs to rescue Ruth before she dies. There is a locked
door just past the star-shaped save spot you need the key for and the keys
are in the storage area. However, the timed sequence starts as soon as you
take the keys in at the end of the storage area. Before you do that, spend
the time to get to know the layout of the room, ready your Thompson gun
and grab all the non-quest items (ammo, medical box) you see. All you need
to do once the cut-scene is over is run for your little pathetic life back
through the boxes, up the stairs and unlock the door before Ruth drops
dead. Brian should pay handsomely once he can start putting Ruth's heels
next to her head while he's on top. Huhuhuhuhu.

Once you open the door past the save point, jump/run quickly across the
rafters. The less time you spend worrying about being shot, the faster you
get across and ignore the effects of sanity. Get to Ruth but don't talk to
her just yet. Shoot out the rusty padlock on the door on Ruth's landing
and then talk to her to get her following. Before leaving, grab the
medical box on the landing and head out the door. Hop the window and get
outside. There's one more medical box in the snowy area outside. Don't
try anything fancy (like jumping from rooftop to rooftop) and simply get
to the ground. Ruth will follow. Once you're past the gates, you end the


Chapter 5 - The Marsh Refinery

Flanking Manuever

Aside from the Book of Dagon, you will also have Ruth's broach. Your
weapons are all gone, except your Colt handgun, which should be fairly
packed with ammo courtesy of the FBI (now part of DHS). Get out of the car
(it will not explode) and move safely next to J. Edgar Hoover (man, I
thought I'd never say that). Hoover orders you to get close to the
gunner, so there's no better way than to do it in short sprints to
various boxes. Duck-move into the small crawlspace formed by some boxes
and follow it to the side of the refinery. Open the door and brain the
half-breed mo'fo with one 240 grain .45 ACP round to the head. Now we're
talkin', but there are more Dagon cultists than agents, so you'd best
conserve your ammunition. Without the crowbar, you can only rely on
stealth or ammo (which is always in limited supply).

Take the ammo in the reception and slowly follow Hoover into the gold
refinery while exploring for ammo (very important) and medical boxes (more
important than ammo). Take the stagecoach shotgun in the reception office
(same one as before) and Springfield 1903 bolt-action rifle (and ammo) in
the card room. Follow Hoover to the lift. Looks like the raid is starting
to go sour. Before acting as your own one-man DG fire team, scour the
refinery's storage room for ammo. Hoover can't die (as evidenced in real
life) so no enemies appear here. When you've explored the whole room, take
one of the stairs up one level and start your investigation in earnest.

The adminstrative floor (one level above the storage room with the dead
agent) has an Elder Sign save point in the high voltage area. Since
there's no power (you've not activated the main power source) you can
save here. Take any medical boxes and ammo boxes you see here while
you're still in earshot of Hoover. Hehehehehe. It won't last long. Since
the administration double doors are bolted shut and you can't do much here
-- the lift maintenance shaft is blocked, and the smelting area is bolted
and blocked by scalding hot steam. Your only choice is down the stairs
next to the main lift where Hoover is and to initiate a map change.

Down Below

On the next floor down (one down from Hoover's), Waste Disposal is to the
left, the Generators and everything else is to the right. Head right,
although there are bits of ammo lying by the Waste Disposal hall. From
here on out, enemies start patrolling -- if you fire and kill one, the
others leave their patrol route to investigate or get alerted. Use your
discretion when deciding who to kill and who to leave alone. You have no
stealth-kill ability since you lost the crowbar and ammo is extremely
limited; however, supernatural deities are not vulnerable to firearms, so
you might as well put that shotgun to good use on the cultists and mortal
followers of Dagon.

Head downstairs into the ore refinery area. The room here is in catwalks
(initially) and is dark enough for you to duck-stealth to remain somewhat
undetected. Save on ammo and don't spend too much time trying to kill
every enemy who isn't in your way as you move through the place. Follow
the ladders and catwalks through the ore processing area until you reach
the very satisfyingly labelled 'Generator Room'. Kill the
mo'fugger'chuggers inside and throw the switch. Unfortunately, this
isn't the lift generator. You -- naturally -- knew this was going to be
tougher than Quake 4.

Repairing the Bucket Track

Since something's busted, head out the bolted double doors and go left to
the workshop. Not only will you find the drive belt, you also pick up an
old revolver which lets you fire your hoarded revolver bullets. Nice! If
you somehow missed the shotgun before (possible on harder difficulties),
you can pick up a second shotgun here, as well as more ammo (various
types). Detour outside the workshop for a medical box on the landing.
Can't go this way; go back whence you came (generator room). Go out
through ore processing for a save point (non-star). This is where you hop
onto the ore bucket. Repair the generator by using the drive belt on the
generator. Shoot out the lock to open the gate. Once power is restored,
locate the bucket track controls and press the button. Be sure to shoot
the glass to access the button.

Since you only activated the bucket track generator (not the main
generator), you need to locate that now. Hop onto the first bucket you
find. If you saved and find you can't get on, it's a 'Bethesda bug' --
meaning to solve it, you have to circumvent their game scripting. Head back
to the bucket control room and investigate it so the character repeats the
phrase, 'I've already done that' twice. The buckets should now be okay
to board from the non-star save point. Ride the bucket around until you
reach the bucket track control room again. Hop off onto the other side of
the broken catwalk, take the medical box, and move on.

Pressure Control

You'll find yourself at the pressure control room (in fact, right next to
it). The scalding steam from before is on the other side of the room.
Turning the valve will create a new map (loading). Re-routing the steam
prevents you from getting back up to the floor Hoover is on, but the main
thing is to let you move on deeper into the refinery. Handgun ammo is
found on the Fed's dead body, as well as in the area before the pressure
control room. Consider using it for a while to snipe enemies from afar.
There's a non-star save point in this hallway. Take the medical box
before heading deeper downstairs. Now it's time to find out what killed
all those agents.

Beforehand, there are four 'normal' (the term is used lightly) Innsmouth
bastards down the stairs. If you did not take all the handgun ammo, you can
use the Colt to kill a few with headshots, go back upstairs, take the ammo,
and then come back down. Downstairs, your goal is to head left to ore
transit. The ore processing and bucket access are locked and the end of
the right hallway only leads to a small enemy filled room with some
revolver and rifle ammo. Remember your rifle is the most destructive
weapon at long range (killing or maiming with any hit location), so don't
waste ammo on enemies who are swarming you (that's what the shotgun is
for). Also, your handguns are not useless if you aim for the head and pump
enemies with a few rounds of pistol ammo when they are not alerted to you.
Rotate your weapons and this should economise your ammunition for every

Finding Jacob Marsh

Ore transit dumps you in a familiar looking room -- you've been through
here except at the upper level. This is the ground floor of the room you
passed by to the bucket generator room. Kill the enemies here (luckily,
they do not respawn) and move to the ladders. One ladder leads to a
medical box. You'll want it. Head back to the other ladder and you will
be on a catwalk surrounded by a metal link fence. There's only one way to
go, so follow the mine shaft. Nice ending for the agent who bitch slapped
you a few times at the asylum. The room you're in is free of enemies, for
now, so rest easy. Go through the door and head up one floor. There is a
trusty Thompson gun in a small room there. Take it and it will also add
its ammo to your inventory. Nice!

The way forward is obvious. There is an Elder Sign save spot at the Upper
Grinder room. Save and head along the conveyor belt. It's action time.
Once the conveyor starts, you cannot fight it. Instead, 'judo' the
sum'bitch and jump to the broken catwalk to save your own ass. You'll
bet Jacob Marsh will pay once you have the chance to put a semi-jacketed
hollow-point slug between his frog-like eyes. Save again if desired and
head back onto the conveyor. Now that the grinder is busted, it will no
longer be a threat.

Run and pursue Marsh (you can never catch up). When the catwalk collapses,
avoid fighting the infinite enemies here and instead head for the parked
truck. Turn right at the truck and climb the ladder to escape the delivery
area. You will find yourself in the administrative area of the refinery, in
the same area where you last saw Hoover. Activate the power to the main
lift here. Then take the time to ransack Sebastian Marsh's office for
ammo and other goodies. A letter from Sebastian (clue) is on the desk.
Once you unlock the bolt to the storage bay of the refinery, look for

The Foundry and Flaming Hoover

Whoops. Hoover is gone. Probably went off to find a dress or something.
Since the vision available before showed the agent dying a horrible death
in the lift, you should think about saving. Then hit the lift button and
go down after Jacob Marsh (Gold Refinery room). When you hear the toady
bastard order his men out, retreat to a safe place (the boxes on the
landing next to the lift are good). Duck, stealth and fire from cover. If
you have a load of ammo, you only need about eight to ten shots to the
head to kill the cultists. Chase Marsh to the gantry access. Rotate your
weapons but keep your Thompson and rifle well stocked by relying on your
handguns and shotgun. Continue onwards and carefully take out enemies --
the last save point was the lift when it came down. There's a medical box
shortly after arriving on the second floor and some ammo in lockers later.
A non-star save point is available in the smelting chamber. Save there.
Arm yourself with a rifle and go into the purification room.

Kill Marsh before trying to save Hoover, or you'll be killed by expert
marksmanship. Move to the center of the platform, take aim and shoot
Marsh. Once he says, 'You'll pay for that Walters.' You can climb the
ladder and hit the console before Hoover takes a plunge and stops wearing
frilly dresses and threatening the Kennedy brothers. Hoover will change
your orders to kill Jacob Marsh -- something we can all agree is a good
thing. Head back and save at the save point before moving on if you've
done well and didn't waste too many resources. Move on and if you explore
the chemical storage room, you get a cut-scene when you find the non-star
save point inside. Something is coming so you should continue down stairs
and ladders in the chemical storage room.

The Half-Life Slime Pit Boss

To kill the boss, go down the ladder to the Vat Control panel (lower
area). Watch for the bosss attack and use the control to move boss from
the first vat to the second vat. When the boss is at the second vat, move
down the ladders to the safe area. Go upstairs to the office (watch for
the boss' attack) and grab the spare fuse in the office. There is a
medical box there as well. Head back out and replace the fuse near the
first vat. If the boss' arm is in the way, spook it to attack you, then
run past it. Use the electrolysis probes and neutralise boss in second
vat. Run across the catwalk it occupied to the save spot.

Shaggoth Marathon

With no weapons, you need to be careful. However, the monster you
neutralised cannot be harmed by firearms (and you certainly do not want to
equip a Deep One mapulo). After you save and unbolt the door, you need to
run like never before while closing doors behind you (similar to chapter
2). Close the first two doors, then the third (bolted) door (despite the
music, you have time). Unbolt, open, and close the fourth door behind you
and keep moving forward. Once you reach the chemical storage area with the
Y-shaped catwalk, you are safe but weaponless.

Save in the chemical storage room and climb the ladder to the air duct to
move on. The thing that was after you is still after you in the air vent.
Escape it by heading into the molten metal room and it will stop attacking
for now. Move forwards and find the ladder leading upstairs. Continue into
the second duct. The creature (a shaggoth) will again attack. Head out the
duct and you will end near the large cargo lift. Engage the lift and head
back upstairs. Be sure to press the lift buttons once more when the
emergency door open button flashes. This opens the lift's doors so you
can escape. Hop on the boxes and jump out before it's too late.
Hopefully, Hoover is out there with some weapons for you.

The lift is broken, so save on the upper level of Hoover's room and open
the lift maintenance hatch. There is a service ladder to the side. Fall
and grab onto it. Climb to the top and approach the lift cable. Jumping at
the cable to grab onto it like Specialist Adrian Shepard is not a good
idea, since you're not a marine. Descend to the very bottom of the lift
shaft and follow the tunnel to the gold repository. The map's loading and
auto-save will be your de-facto save from now on (until the next chapter).
Put away that damn handgun as well. There are no enemies who are
vulnerable to firearms down here. All the factory workers are dead or

Repository Gas

Click open the service hatch and climb the ladder. You will be at the
junction of the gold repository. Notice the shoggoth slime over most of
the floor, walls, and doors. Only two ways are open repository A (the gas
puzzle) and repository C (the exit, which opens after the gas puzzle is
solved). Open repository A and follow the catwalks to the upper chamber.
There is the giant blob that was the boss you fought and escaped from
before (it could also be a second shoggoth, but that's doubtful). You
need to get to the other side of the chamber without touching the acidic
appendage that's blocking the walkway. Locate a valve wheel in the room
(upper level) and turn it on to gas the appendage off the walkway. Turn
the wheel again to make sure you can go through the afflicted area without
dying from the poison gas.

On the other side, head downstairs and unbolt any doors you find. One door
leads to the lower level of the boss' room. Get by this area by waiting
for the boss' arms to lash out; the passive state it goes back to is your
window to jump over the caustic limbs and pools to the other side of the
room. The room past the boss has a medical box and a wrench next to a
corpse. Take both and move forward. You will find yourself at the boss'
room once more, on the side of the valve wheel. Use the wrench on valve 2
to produce natural gas. Use the valve wheel to get by the boss' acidic
arm once more. Head to the other side and use the wrench on valves 3 and
4. Go through the lower level of the boss room again to the valve wheel's
side. Turn on the valve wheel and leave it on -- you ain't coming back.
Backtrack from the valve wheel to the repository hub (place with slime)
and get ready to make a quick game of tag.

The Red Gem

After the gas is on in repository A, go to the repository hub, locate the
door to repository C. Open it and immediately run for cover. You'll
suffer at least minor bleeding from the exploding door. Go through
repository C to the ritual chamber. Sanity dips low here due to mighty
Cthulhu's (Chorazin's) presence. The center thing with the red gem
cannot be moved unless you choose to push the assembly towards the door
you came in from. This gets the red laser to strike both the statue of
Cthulhu's eyes and the gem set atop the entryway. The switch is the only
thing you can operate in the room. Once the red laser hits both Cthulhu
and the gem above the entryway, grab the (very important) red gem. It's
no Claw of Chattur'gha, but it will come in handy later (quest item).
Hoover will appear with suits and the chapter will end automatically. Take
that, you inbred hick bastards.


Chapter 6 - Esoteric Order Of Dagon

Go, Go, Go. Rock n' roll

Now we're talking. The only problem is you still only have the FBI
handgun and not much else. Follow the soldiers to the edge of the ice
cliff. You can only climb down on the rope once the soldiers are clear
from it. Hit the bottom of the river and duck-move along the solid pieces
of white ice. Falling into the river means instant death. Follow the solid
ice to the small canyon and take up the save point there.

Kill the Thrall

Move along to the tunnel opening and the soldier there will tell you
what's up. Operate the flamethrower by pressing ACTION. Your next goal is
the destruction of the Deep One Thrall. Get it to follow you out the tunnel
by staying in its sights. If it turns around, you can quickly approach it
and when it moves, back away to avoid being swatted. Firearms are useless
against thralls (unlike CoC). Once it gets to the entrance, you need to
operate the flamethrower quickly. If you did well and incurred no injury,
save again before heading in.

Dynamite and Starfish

Inside the tunnel, take the dynamite from the soldier's corpse. Semper fi
and all that bullshit. Follow the tunnel down to the right to find a bunch
of starfish nestled around the area. Two barrels are there and is an
excellent place to put dynamite. Note there is a small side tunnel you can
duck into near the barrels. Once you set the dynamite on the barrels, the
fuse lights automatically. Duck into the side tunnel (not the main tunnel)
and the starfish and the locked door will be history. Head back towards the
tunnel junction and locate the prison tunnel. You will find Agent Mackey in
the cell, as well as an Elder Sign save and some ammo. Take the keys at the
end of the jail hall, as well as the rifle. These keys don't do anything
for Mackey but unlock the door past the starfish room. From here on out,
you are inside the Masonic Hall, and enemies abound. Noise of any sort
will attract attention.

Masonic Hall

First order of business after the enlightening vision of enemies
everywhere is to go into the dining or meeting hall on the right and grab
the knife. The knife can be aimed and when you are stealthed, you can do
one-hit kills with an aimed knife attack to the head or body. Better than
the crowbar. In this room is the secret passage into the back of the first
floor foyer. The door is one-way and dumps you under the stairs of the
Spencer Mansion type stairs. Use this opportunity to stealth knife attack
the guards near the stairs and use the rifle to brain the enemies on the
lower level before they get close. .45 ACP ammo is plentiful later
(although you may need some then) so having the Colt out for a gunfight is
not a bad idea. Just make sure if you pull the trigger, an enemy is close
and in front of your handgun.

The stairs are blocked by debris and furniture, so the enemies on the
second level can't do anything but shoot you. This means you can use the
pillars on floor one to brain both bastards -- you will be heading
upstairs momentarily. However, once you swept the first floor clean of
enemies, you can explore all the rooms here without fear of enemies
appearing (until later on). Take all the ammo and medical boxes you can
carry. Note there is a safe in one of the studies on the first floor.

Second Floor

There is a key in one of the first floor studies lets you open the locked
storage room. There is an Elder Sign save point there and a secret ladder
to floor 2. This door is also one-way, so use caution heading up. Once on
floor 2, you can only get back to the first floor by jumping on the debris
blocking the main stairs or -- after you learn the invitation spell -- the
doors with the blue mystical force. Take the shotgun near the gear and
clockwork room. If you're feeling nasty, use the rifle to brain all the
enemies there. While some re-appear later, you need to go through it at
least once now, so having no enemies there is a bonus. Go back to the main
hall on the second floor by opening doors you haven't investigated yet.
Enter the private congregation area next to the empty conservatory and use
a knife to break the stained glass. Be sure to put away any weapons if
sanity is low.

The Safe, The Diary, and Mystic Forces

To translate the tablet in the room, you need the invitation spell. Grab
Robert Marsh's diary in the congregation room (before meeting Ramona's
ghost) and use the year inside as the combination to the first floor safe.
It is 1-8-7-8, starting clockwise. Get back to the first floor by jumping
on and over the debris stacked on the main stairs. Open the safe and take
Mackey's handgun, the Ponape Scripture (clue) and the spell scroll
(item). Go back upstairs via the storage room ladder and use the scroll
while facing the stone tablet in the Hydra study. You will now have the
spell added to the Book of Dagon. Simply go to the doors barred by the
blue mystical force and press ACTION. Note once you do this, some enemies
may respawn. Take care of the remaining enemies in the upper ritual
chamber (knife stabbing works best) and open the doors to the foyer.
Mackey's cell key is also in this upper ritual room. Head back to the
dungeon and free Agent Mackey. Save the game.

Agents Walters and Mackey - FBI

Agent Mackey has infinite ammo, but not infinite life. He is also subject
to stupidity, as befitting any government employee of the United States.
Unlike Warhammer Classic, Mackey will not be afforded a saving roll to
avoid this mental state. Mackey will not aggressively attack (like a Star
Wars Battlefront bot) but since he can be killed, you should do much of
the killing and leave Mackey in a safe spot or in a spot where he enjoys a
clear line of sight to his quarry. If Mackey dies, the game is over. A good
idea is to kill the first enemy at the top of the spiral stairs, then lead
Mackey out to the grand stairs in the foyer and place him behind one of
the tables. Then you can set up and ambush the remaining enemies at the
entrance of the upper ritual chamber using cover and sniper fire. Get
Agent Mackey through the upper ritual room and up the stairs to the
clockwork and gear room. Once you two are there, be gay on your own time.
Mackey will take over the turn crank and lift the stone cover so you can
access the lower ritual chamber. Speak to Mackey if the bot isn't doing
anything automatically.

Robert Marsh and the Cthulhu Puzzle

Before heading down into the ritual chamber like a jackass, sweep the
place clean of ammo and medical boxes. Your rifle ammo should be high or
maxxed out. Your handgun and shotgun will not help in the next enemy
encounter. Enter the chamber and run (standing) behind the pillars on
either side of the entrance. This will keep you from being blown back by
the wind. Duck and move as close to the pillar as possible -- the
fireballs from Marsh's priests will break the pillar down to its base and
you need to stay low to survive. Stealth (while still ducking) and pop-up
to shoot the enemy priests anywhere (head preferred) with the rifle. Duck
back down behind cover when fireballs are incoming. Brain both priests and
the wind will die down. That was easy -- except you can't get out (but you
can save).

The puzzle is to examine the anchor symbols seen under each statue and
correspond it to the broken mural on the wall. The fast answer is to press
the switches as follows: Dagon, Hydra, Dagon, Cthulhu, Dagon, Cthulhu.
You'd figure it'd be tied in with the previous visions, but this is a
videogame not a true investigation. Once the door opens, go after Marsh.


Chapter 7 - A Dangerous Voyage


There is a save point in the cutter's interior bridge. Venturing outside
onto the front deck after visiting the bridge and speaking with the
helmsman triggers the, "Oh no, here comes more Deep Ones" sequence,
which makes for a great shooting game, but a shitty Call of Cthulhu
session, unless you enjoy cowboy operations. In that case, why not mount
"nuke the fruits" missions against PISCES and MJ12 to get rid of all
alien infiltrations? And while you're at it, why not just make Fddulhu
the one fat guy who can kick everyone's ass and empty your fridge before
you can blink? If any of the Outer Ones get uppity, Fddulhu just sits on
the deity and snuffs it out of existence with a tremendous fart.

After visiting the helmsman (and saving), heading out to the front deck
and speaking with the Chief Petty Officer Winters will result in the Deep
One attack. Before that happens, get to know the layout of the ship.
Although the doors are all closed, you can map out some of the more common
rooms and areas. When mention is made of storage, mess, infirmary and
bridge, you can easily head to those areas without fear of getting lost.

Here Come More Deep Ones

Once you start the attack sequence, take the rifle (duck and grab it) and
make sure to not miss the enemies if they come near you. For all intents
and purposes, the allied bots keep coming out (like in Call of Duty) and
help in mowing down the enemy hordes. Speak to Winters when he tells you
he's running low on ammo. Speak to him repeatedly until he does the
motion where he socks you in the nuts. This is the motion where characters
give you keys and crap. Check your inventory for the keys and head down to
storage for the NPC Thompson ammo. This ammo item is a key item and not
your standard ammo pick-up. Ready your weapon and immediately after
entering the red storage area, turn around and kill the enemies following
you. They are spawners and come in even if you close all the doors behind
you. A rifle fired from the hip should suffice.

Take the NPC ammo pick-up back out to the foredeck and give it to Winters
(he's invincible and cannot die just yet - this leaves the notion open
that there is an invulnerability setting for actors in the game). Winters
will then order you to grab some medical supplies for him. Head for the
infirmary. There is a Deep One enemy inside already, so you can get fairly
close and shotgun the sum'bitch's brains back to R'ley'ah. Take the
ammo and medical boxes here as well as the NPC medical kit. Head back
upstairs to the foredeck and speak with Winters. Hang back and let your
allied bots take the brunt of the assault. You will want to reload all
your weapons and ready yourself to take out more enemies later, but the
next sequence is a danger for everyone on board.

Deck Gun and Waves of Oblivion

A huge wave (Wave of Oblivion, but with low MP sacrificed) will assault
the Coast Guard cutter. If you do not hang onto something, you die from
collision injury with the boat's surfaces. The only real thing for you to
hang onto is at the foredeck -- there are some lightly coloured metallic
railings near the short stairs (just behind the deck gun). Look at an
leftward angle when pressing ACTION against the railing to see your left
arm hang on. The objective here is to use the deck gun when the ship
stabilises itself between waves to fire on the Dagonite priests on the
reef. You will need to use AIM mode on the deck gun and adjust the
parabolic trajectory of each shell to kill all three priests (and their
glowing blue lights) before you get swamped. Once all the priests are
dead, you are informed of the fact by another vision -- the prelude of
which is another Deep One attack. As it goes, "Uh oh. Here come more Deep

Escort Duty

You need to escort Petty Officer Winters to safety by closing and
closing/bolting some doors shut. If he dies, you die. If you die, well --
you die. If you're extremely quick, you can reload all your weapons while
the sailor is talking to Winters. At the same time, you can charge your fat
ass down into the red storage room and save the game on a temporary file so
you can restart from this sequence instead of from the beginning. You often
have just enough time to head from that red storage room back upstairs to
where Winters is and start this section over if you get killed.

Bolt the infirmary door (this will be the third door) to buy some
important time. Kill any Deep Ones using firearms from the hip (faster).
Unless you saved while Winters was talking to the sailor, fuching up means
you have to try again from the beginning of the Deep One attack. Close the
door out of the infirmary (door number 4) and bolt the fifth door (door at
the top of the stairs). Doing this correctly and accurately means you have
enough time for the next section. Luckily, there is a save point on the
floor once you reach the bottom of the stairs. While here in the crew
quarters, take the diary on one of the bunks (clue). There are no more
enemies inside the ship (for a little while).

Captain Picard's Real Ready Room

Turn off the valve and Winters will move on. Follow him through the engine
room. Winters will stop outside the Captain's quarters. After the shot
(crap), head down the ladder next to the ammunition room. The only way
into the Captain's room is through the right air vent in the lower engine
room. Since you're alone now, take the dead Captain's revolver and
relieve his coward's corpse of the armory key. The hallway outside is
empty (depsite the cut-scene) so unbolt and exit. Enter the armory and
take the dynamite, the Thompson gun and any ammunition. Immediately turn
around after taking the Thompson and hose down the enemies coming in. If
is unknown if there is a timer in this section; the simalcrum doesn't
bother waiting around to find out if some unstoppable Mythos crap is
trying to kill you, turn you inside out, or banish you to the 4th

Survivors in the Mess Hall

Since there's no where else to go, why not use the dynamite found in the
armory on the left air vent (lower engine floor)? Make sure to get out
before the explosion catches you. If you're paranoid -- or developed
paranoia while playing CoC -- save once more at the crew quarters before
trying the dynamite on the vent fan. Go through the left air vent in the
lower engine room to a non-star save spot. You will be able to bag the
familiar crowbar once more in that room, as well as a much needed medical
box. Before you open the door, save the game. As soon as you enter the
mess hall, you're berated for being stupid (you are) and you'll have the
company of two allied bots (not for long).

Engine problems

The engineer gives you the keys to the cargo hold (quest item) and that's
about it. Head out of the mess through the door the engineer opens. It's
back at the corridor near the Captain's quarters and armory (where
Winters was killed). There is now steam blocking entry into the engine
room (mid-level). You can get back to the other side without incurring any
penalites (yet). Go to the lower level of the engine room and close the
furnace's blast door. This lets you get from one side to the other while
avoiding environmental hazards (or exploding engines). To lower the escape
ladder, look up from the turn crank and shoot the lock holding the ladder
in place. Avoid standing below the ladder when it drops, or you'll feel
like Gordon Freeman when the power couplings swing down at the Black Mesa
Power Core (Delta Lab). Before climbing the emergency ladder, head to
mid-level and shut off the steam using the valve wheel there. Stick to the
side to avoid the still present steam. The pipe problem discovered, you'll
now need to locate the cargo hold -- always a fun destination when the
vessel its on is infested with fast moving bestial marine killers with a
penchant for raping human women.

The Welding Kit

The cargo hold entrance is the floor hatchway next to the crew quarters.
Use the key given by the engineer to open it. If you're paranoid, save in
the crew quarters and head inside with a Thompson or shotgun. The welding
kit is on a box in the room. As soon as the welding kit is taken, turn
around and kill the Deep One (spawns from under the water brush, so you
can't see it game-wise). Exit the cargo hold and head back to the engine
room to make repairs. Once the engines are back online (thanks Scotty)
head back to the mess with the Thompson on hand. Once the engineer takes
the welding kit from you, enemies appear from the mess' stairs and
attack. A good burst of Thompson ammo should put a stop to that bullshit.
At the top of the mess' stairs, you'll find yourself back at the storage
room where you went to pick up the NPC ammo earlier. Save the game at the
red storage room. The next encounter will require you to have medical
boxes and be fast moving about.

That Bastard of a Boss

The boss here is either Dagon or a very large, very powerful Deep One
(take your pick). Since you can kill it, it may be simply Dagon and you
need to use the cutter's deck gun to blast the mo'fugger'chugger. Since
your investigator is a senile, buck-toothed old mummy with bony girl arms
and smells like an elephant's butt, you'll need to move fast to avoid
the boss' hand slam attack and get to the deck gun when the boss appears
at the cutter's prow. Keep near the back of the deck gun instead of
trying to hide in somewhere on the boat.

Note: my brother notified me of some dumbass who could not decipher the
aforementioned sentence. This inbred illiterate hick - who had no business
playing CoC in its purest form - then proceeded to slander the simalcrum.
Before anyone earns the privilege to criticise my writing, one must first
need to increase their English skill to at least 50% or more. Re-read the
last sentence of the above paragraph and note what object the adverb
'back' is modifying. Do that before you make a critical failure on the
English skill roll and appear like an illiterate ash-hole.

By staying near the deck gun, this forces the boss to appear in one of
three places -- either side of the deck gun or right in front. Move to the
deck gun's firing control when the boss appears on the bow, and fire the
deck gun before resuming solo dodging manuevers. Once the boss is hit six,
maybe seven times, you win -- Dagon doesn't.


Chapter 8 - Devil's Reef

Lost (not the shitty TV series)

Any wounds you may have suffered from the boss fight will be healed.
Luckily, all the weapons you had assembled on the Coast Guard cutter
(those navy rejects were all right) are still with you, as well as the
ammo. You'll need them for the enemies on the reef. For now, traps are a
new feature in the game. Follow the canyon and tunnel. Look at the floor
and watch for floor plates that trigger traps. If you hop the pit to the
save spot, duck to avoid the mantrap. The flooded side tunnel before the
corpse cut-scene leads to a medical box, if you used a few on the ship. If
you got by with no loss of life or use of medical supplies, save here
before moving on or you'll be sorry.

Survivor, Devil's Reef ... now on CBS

Stick to the right and keep the JUMP key on stand-by. Hop immediately when
the ground gives way (or spot the bad ground texture to see what breaks).
Jump the two gaps and take the strange disc on the sacrificial point. Head
back to the save spot and stay left. Hop the two gaps and avoid falling to
your death. There are some stairs that lead down into a sacrifice chamber.
Avoid the starfish and take the old pulley (quest item). Place the disc
found on the sacrificial area into the middle mural. This opens a secret
door in the sacrificial chamber. Always a good sign, unless you're the
Persian Prince on the Isle of Time. In which case, you'll simply crash
the game for no good reason. Take the ornamental handle in the room (quest
item) and head out.

The Impassable Iron Maiden Trap

Carefully follow the tunnel to the outer edge of the reef (where the
crashing waves are). Be wary of breaking planks -- JUMP to avoid falling
or break them by inching forward and then backing off. Duck-move through
the corridor to avoid the wind pushing you onto the protruding spikes on
the corner (this is the same slippery ice effect from the section on the
frozen river). There is a side tunnel next to the medical box before the
crashing waves that leads to a save point. If you did well and lost
nothing (and gaining something), go ahead and save the game. Insert the
ornamental lever into the hole in the wall next to the save point and
operate it to cancel the floor trap below. Otherwise, it's bleyah time.
The safety covers for the trap's floor plates are timed -- head out and
grab the first rusty ring handhold before you get swept off into oblivion.

Waves and Hand-holding

To grab onto the rusty ring handholds, center them onto your screen and
press ACTION. If you have problems not having a reticule or HUD handy, a
small piece of tape or two threads run across the screen to form a
cross-hairs will help. You must press ACTION to grab onto a hand hold when
the waves are coming in, or you get washed right the hell off and it's
game over. Even while hanging on, you can move ever so slightly forwards
or towards the reef. Use this slight movement to get your bloody head
start. Alternately, you can duck-move (the effect is apparently the ice
effect) and move around the reef with no problems.

Riddle of the Red and Green Gems

You will find a destroyed rope bridge at the end of this section. Use the
old pulley and it's sayonara to the early areas of Devil's Reef. A
Yithian time-raping device is the next puzzle. Do not take the green gem
from the pedastel (despite what was done in the prologue). This only
increases the time you spend trying to solve this puzzle. Instead, use the
Book of Dagon on the control panel to reveal its nature as a map. Then
place Ruth's broach into the button's depression (it is opposite the
machine's control panel). Pushing the button will set up a timed
sequence. The goal now is to jump across the chasm where the busted rope
bridge is. From the cave entrance where the machine is, jump perpendicular
to the direction the rope bridge is running to a very thin, very narrow
rock ledge.

^>From there on out, simply follow the red lights on the ground to the red
gem's chamber and place the red gem from the Marsh Refinery into the
pedastel before the timer expires. That solves that puzzle. If you're
having some terrible trouble locating the red spots while the little
spider-crab bastards are chewing off your weiner, you can go in with out
the switch on and handgun all the little buggers beforehand. Placing the
red gem into the pedastel opens the door to the next quick puzzle.
There's no where to go but down, so indulge your suicidal curiosity and
jump right on into the hole.


Chapter 9 - Air-filled Tunnels (Last Stage)

Bushwhacking Bruce Lee Style

Proceed down the only tunnel and nab a manual save point. The room after
the save is a portal room. The cut-scene is enlightening. Stay low if you
want to remain free (and full of weapons). Although the crowbar is not as
good as the knife in stealth kills, it can still do a moderately good hit
on an unalerted enemy while you are in stealth mode. Quickly move to the
archway under the ramp and wait for the portal guardian to pass by before
slugging him in the back of the head. Alternately, you can back out in the
tunnel to the save and blow him away while ducking (hard to see) up close
with a shotgun slug to his deformed head. Note that gunplay immediately
alerts several more enemies -- back out into the save room to kill them at
your leisure (i.e., around the corner). Rotate your weapons to make sure
every piece has its chance to speak if you have maximum ammunition. There
is a medical box on the lower level of the other side of the portal, but
if you did not rouse the guards, there are two enemies there.

There's only one way into the Marsh laboratory. If you did not 'Delta
Green' the enemies, you'll need to stealth kill them if they get a whiff
of you. Otherwise, the tunnel is fairly devoid of much excitement. Head
through the sinister looking door. Damn. No more weapons.

P.O.W. CoC Style

When you wake up in the cell, there is a save point (suggestable) and an
old chisle (quest item) in the room. Grab it while the guards are still
distracted by all the mutants and use the chisel on the old grating in
your jail cell floor. Duck into the tunnel for a little safety. Don't
proceed to the end of the tunnel just yet. Wait for the warden to make his
rounds on the chained prisoner before heading up. The ladder and ducking
system (not to mention the stealth system) in this game sucks ass compared
to Thief 2 Metal Age, and any game veteran will know it. Head up slightly
to trigger the guard unlocking the door to your neighbour -- head back
into the tunnel and wait for the guard to leave before heading up. The
prisoner is chained and not a threat. The other three jail guards however,
are a real threat. Consider leaving the door to your neighbour's open so
you have a place to flee to if things go sour. Otherwise, you need to
reload and try again.

Outside your cell, you need to move silently (meaning duck-move) and avoid
drawing the attention of the guards. The first thing to do is to get next
to the locked door next of your own cell. This keeps you out of sight from
the heavily patrolled left hallway. Listen for the guard to recede in
foot-steps, then move quickly into the right hallway. Stay on the left
side to avoid detection from the guard at the end of the tunnel and when
the opportunity is presented, move silently behind and past that second
guard into the right hallway. Locate a crawl space on your left and head
into it to avoid the stationary third guard. This crawl space is a
moderately safe place to hide if discovered -- just don't count on it.
Wait for the guard to move away before heading out the crawlspace and
following the wall to the right. at this point, you might want to consider
moving very quickly to the right and past the guard near the table with the
Thompson ammo. There is a safe tunnel past the Thompson ammo table (the
prison entrance) you can duck into for a save point. Eventually, the
hubbub will die down and you'll be ready to escape from the prison. Just
remember to stealth before jumping to make no noise from your hop. Follow
the tunnel down to the two jerks standing next to a large bonfire.

Outside the Devil Reef Jail

Sloppy programming here (the map jump is evident) prevents the enemies
from discussing anything until you get close. Trigger this by duck-moving
close to the left side of the cave, then backing up to the bend in the
corner and waiting for the morons to finish their stupid chat. Apparently,
the game messes up big time and there's no way to get by this shitty part
without being sighted regardless of what you do. Take advantage of the
artificial idiocy and standing run behind the two guards while they are
chatting (subtitles help let you know when). Head up the ramp by the
bonfire and run into the mine tunnel -- there is a locked lab door and a
vision waiting for you. Here, you should be safe and outside the prison
(temporarily). There is a break in the floor that should keep most enemies
away if they chase you.

Getting to the Alien Garden

The game's next goal though, is not the locked lab door (not yet anyway)
so head back out to the mountain causeway and turn left. From the exit
from the lab tunnel, keep the mountain wall on the left and follow the
path down and then back up -- there is a single enemy who patrols in a
clock-wise circle of where you need to go. Just follow him while
duck-moving and when you find two stationary enemies and a stone plinth
archway (with some flags hanging out like at an embassy). Head through it
while duck-moving to avoid alerting anyone. This game's stealth is just
as bad as Metal Gear. Once past the stone archway, a vision warns you of
an enemy coming into view of your position. Escape (off the cliff) is not
possible, but there is a hiding spot. In the middle of the ledge you're
on (past the archway) is a hole leading into a brightly lit tunnel. Head
inside, duck under and you're safe again (temporarily). Follow the tunnel
to the end and wait for the enemy to pass by before moving on. If you are
sighted, this is a reasonable place to flee back to. This tunnel is a
Hole-In-The-Wall -- you're practically invisible and invincible here.

Go out of Hole-In-The-Wall and stay left. Duck-move behind the lone
(stationary) guard and into the blue lit alien garden. There is a blue
alien flower (blue tinfibla) in the garden -- take it, you can't miss it.
Since you're still weaponless, heading back outside the garden is a bad
idea. Instead, locate some wooden boards that signify the exit. You can
duck through this debris and follow it through to a save point (left) and
the way on (right). A green crystal, similar to the ones powering Yithian
time machines, is near this save point. However, you lack the tools to
break the gem free. Head out the other way instead and it opens to an
underground waterfall (beautiful in Space 1889, shitty in this game). Be
sure you saved, as this is a one-way trip with a very long return. Make
your way down the underground waterfall using the ledges on the side of
the cave. Go to the very bottom of the waterfall chamber. A medical box on
the ground warns of impending death -- but that's one of two exits from
the bottom of the waterfall.

Finding the Marsh Brothers, Who Are Not Into The Blues

One of the waterfall bottom's exits seems to lead up (back where you
came) but is really letting you access the other side of the chamber.
Follow this upwards path -- you know it's the correct one since the one
path you took coming down is pretty much one way (as evidenced by the
first drop). This upwards path eventually leads to a non-Elder Sign save
point (yet another bad sign). Save the game here if you've managed to
avoid being shot or using too much medical supplies (or else it's back
from the prison ... no really, this isn't bullshit).

An Encounter with Robert Marsh

Moving past this aforementioned save point will pit you in a fight against
a boss. Pick up the knife on the left side of the table -- it would be from
the point of view where mutant Marsh was sitting (i.e., by his left hand)
and ready it using AIM. Like the Vizier in Prince of Persia, wait for the
exhausted old man to finish his spell-casting, then rip his face off using
the AIM attack repeatedly until the freak dies -- although you may consider
backing up (drop the AIM to move faster) after attacking, since the High
Priest is still able to swipe with his claws. Now where's your sanity
gain -- or at least a defence? As said before, bullshit! Any messing
around with the boss will likely leave you dead -- you barely have the
time to heal yourself since the Strangulation spell works through objects.
Search Marsh's office and get some of your items back. On the way out of
Marsh's office, don't miss the medical box and definitely do not miss
the briefcase Sebastian left behind. It holds the Book of Dagon (quest
item) and the key to the laboratory (quest item) undoubtedly your next

Leaving the Inner Sanctum

Escaping the High Priest Marsh's inner sanctum is problematic since there
are a load of guards and while they are deaf enough to miss the gunshot
from Sebastian's gun, they can easily hear your movement as an outsider.
Coming from the late Robert Marsh's office, duck-move to the right past a
statue of mighty Cthulhu and continue down the stairs for safety and a bolt
action rifle. The doorway by the rifle is sealed -- you'll need to head
back upstairs and 'Delta Green' the place with your trusty rifle. Just
don't waste what little ammo you have.

As in the small shrine below the Masonic Hall, use stealth while ducking
to pop-out and fire on the sorcerers. The perfect spot -- since there is
an enemy incoming -- is to the left of the door leading back into the room
with the Cthulhu statue. Stay ducked and stealthed and the AI may
occasionally glitch and have the enemies stop pursuing (allowing you to
heal) if you're luck enough. Clearly, if you aim for the body or head,
your rifle should last you well for the fight. One pick-up of rifle ammo
is in the Cthulhu statue room for your use before or after the fight. If
you somehow avoid alerting too many of the enemies in the inner sanctum,
you can stealth stab the non-priest enemies to death. Note that trying to
Gray Fox (stealth-kill) the Deep One priests with a puny kitchen knife in
the back results in grievous wounds when the enemy turns around to kill

Head down the hall and you'll find a bolted door. Unlike the other doors,
there is a small hole whereby you can fire your rifle through and kill the
mo'fugger'chuggers on the other side. Since the doors in the temple are
indestructable, you have a perfect defence in which to terminate the
enemies outside without fear of being shot up. Amazingly, the holes in the
wall are actual holes and not visual goofs. Hopefully, your medical
supplies are ample. Conserve now, or regret later. There are two guards by
the door and a third patrolling (the one who walks the ledge). A fourth
guard will be on the upper cave -- you may not see him until you step out,
but if you have the patience to wait at the left hole, you can see him
eventually appear on the right ledge (near a flag and torch). Note this is
the same area you passed through to get to the alien garden from before --
the tunnel only you can enter is on the right, just past the bolted door.

To Esther Marsh's Laboratory

With the current area fairly tame, you can step out with some relief. Just
keep the noise down, as (real) Deep One enemies have spawned to augment the
meager guard force. Head out to the stone archway where you so deftly
slipped past the idiotic inbred guards and take out either the Deep Ones
walking about on the cliffs or the two losers who made your life so
difficult earlier by the bonfire -- killing them now may seem to be an
empty gesture in CoC, but damn it feels nice to kill hicks you don't
like. Once the enemies pursue or get a whiff of you, make sure they stay
on your tail and you simply 'Houdini' into the Hole-In-The-Wall (the
side tunnel in the middle of the walkway the on the ledge on your way to
the alien garden). Once you step off into this hole, enemies can't figure
out how to jump down after you (these bots can't jump) so they stand
outside the hole like morons. Brain them and put an end to your anxiety.
If for some reason you're injured, there is a medical box directly across
from the bolted door, in a dead end with a busted door and odd plant life
lining the walls, or even the medical boxes back in the inner sanctum or
Marsh's office.

Although you'd be tempted to head back into the dungeon area and exact
vengeance, your meager rifle rounds won't do at all -- besides, your
weapons aren't inside. Instead, head for the locked laboratory door you
ran to earlier to escape the moron enemies at the bonfire. Unlock the door
and grab all the goodies within. The lab notes of Esther Marsh (clue) are
heartening. Don't miss the large green bottle of weed killer (quest item)
next to the diary. Now if only you can cultivate these plants on a
wide-spread basis, you'd be set.

Prison Riot

Meet the experiment you had visions of an it will reveal some neat facts
about how to get into the ritual chamber. What you want to do is up to
you, but wasting him is probably better. You lose less sanity by doing it
from as far away as possible -- sanity loss has a range. The further you
are from the deathbed, the less sanity you lose. Be sure to explode the
place before you whack him; you don't want to lose too much sanity. Head
out of the lab via the other door and get entreated to some vision of
where your stuff is. See the backpack? Yes, you're just like Lara Croft,
except you're insane, a man, and have man-boobs. You're also not what
they call "man-pretty".

Wait for the loser to swing by the window twice and then hit him with a
stealth kill. If you do this though, you may risk alerting the second
enemy on the other side of the upper level. A good way to handle this
would be to simply snipe the first upper level guard with the rifle
(you'll get more ammo once you take your pack back) -- strangely, thanks
to sloppy programming -- the enemies sometimes are not alerted. Head right
from the window and stealth knife the second guard on the upper level,
ignoring the lower level guards (where you started the chapter) for now.
This effectively cleanses this area of threats (temporarily) so you can
enter the plant room on the dungeon's upper level and spray the place
with weedkiller.

Having killed the plant with weedkiller, you can climb it (optional for
now). You will end up in a very familiar looking place. You need to head
back downstairs, as you lack the items to operate the machine right now.

Drop The Hammer and Lay Down Some Indiscriminate Justice

To get your gear back, continue along the upper area of the prison and
snipe the lower level enemies and locate a circular ramp going downstairs
-- it places you in the middle of the dungeon office, behind a bolted
door, with your backpack full of gear. In the dungeon office, there is
also a bucket of prison food (quest item). You will need this prison food,
along with the blue tinfiblia (blue alien flower) to pass the next puzzle.
Head out into the dungeon block and sweep the area clean of enemies. The
bolted door near the crawlspace by the feeding chute has a mutant Deep One
(the unkillable version). Opening it is pretty bad for sanity, so avoid
that if possible. You can only safely open the door by killing monster
within with poisoned food. Place the blue tinfiblia and prison food into
the feeding chute by the crawlspace you may have encountered earlier and
whammo -- dead monster. Once all the gurgling sounds are done, you can
safely unbolt the door into the mutant Deep One's cell and take the
hammer (quest item) inside.

The Green Gem and Yithian Machinery

Head for the save point near the green mineral you discovered earlier. If
you forget, you can simply retrace your steps back to the alien garden and
head into the mine tunnel once more. Just remember you can head back
upstairs via the dungeon's office and through Marsh's laboratory (since
it is unlocked). It's a good idea anyway, since enemies start respawning
once you take the hammer. Being paranoid, you may want to switch to the
Thompson gun (reload all your weapons) and save before you chip off that
green stone. Head back out to Marsh's lab so you can get to the dead vine
and the inoperable Yithian time gate. It's time to get the hell out of
Dodge. Unfortunately, the natives are restless. While there isn't
infinite enemies, there are enough to piss you off. Shoot for the
'Hole-In-The-Wall' blind spot between the inner sanctum's bolted door
and the caves outside the prison. You're safe there and you can brain
every one of the Deep Ones who appear to serve as targets. Use any weapon
you've left ammo for back in the prison (revolver or shotgun) and enjoy
your blindspot while it lasts. More enemies appear when the world shakes
-- its the respawn effect. Make haste back to the upper level of the
prison where you killed the plant and climb it. It will be safe up here
since enemies (besides not being able to jump) cannot climb. Insert the
green gem into the gate and head in. Not normal, but this is CoC (bullshit

You are warped to a mysterious cave -- it is actually at the top of the
waterfall. Take the odd-looking weapon you find on the island. How very
Turok. This Yithian Lightning Gun Model D is described fully in the weapon
section (read about it). Save here if desired. An item box is near the top
of the falls. Take it and locate a small one-way tunnel leading to a door.
Past it are tons of enemies. Find the Hole-In-The-Wall or a relatively safe
spot and fry the enemies with your new fangled weapon. With infinite ammo,
you can even 'sight' enemies by firing low-power shots repeatedly to
kill enemies far away. The three bedrooms on this level have ammo
pick-ups. Take them just in case. Make your way back down to the alien
garden once more -- your goal is to reach the bottom of the waterfall and
exterminate the starfish with extreme prejudice. One burst in the water
will take down all the colonies. Move to the end of the tunnel and be
ready to run to the opening across the chasm. Beware that the stone pillar
you cross on will fall into the depths. Jump to safety before that occurs.

Dark Corners Of The Earth (Boss Fight)

There is a medical box and a save point above it (look up) before head
down into the dark corners of the earth. The ledges lead down and you will
need to locate the safest (next highest) ledges to head down. The boulders
falling off into the chasm starts the boss' attack sequence. Run like
crazy across the rock bridge to the dead end and crouch facing the
direction you came from so most of the cave wall is behind you. Some
natural rock columns will mark the general direction where one of the two
flying polyps will come from -- only a fully charged shot from the
lightning gun will damage it. In the game, polyps attack by using the
wind/ice effect to push you against the rocks (damage) or pull you towards
them (death). Counter their attacks either by ducking to fight the pushing
force or stand and run backwards to fight the pulling force. Stopping them
is only possible with a fully charged shot. Five hits on each polyp will
destroy them and clear this fight. Provided you have ample medical
supplies, this should be moderately easy - if annoying - due to your
precarious foothold. Note that polyps can teleport -- if you're fighting
one and they disappear, chances are it warped to the other side to attack
from behind. Survey your surroundings and blast them as you see fit.
Remember too, that you only have two seconds to release a fully charged
(red light blinking) lightning gun shot, or you have to wait for the
weapon to cool off, then re-charge the shot from the beginning.

After the Flying Polyps

After killing the polyps, follow the steep rock ramp up and up. There is
occasionally some left-over wind and ice effects on the ramps, so move
carefully. Look up as you move up -- there is a shattered stone disc atop
some vines. This stone disc is similar to the one you dropped off from
before fighting the polyps. Climb the vines at the top of the ramps to
exit. Take any items you find but don't feel bad about leaving them
around -- you can get back here during the Hydra boss fight and take the
items here while the boss' state remains as you last left it. Follow the
tunnels upwards and onwards to a save point at the high spot in the cave.
Unless you've done terrible against the polyps and missed a lot of jumps,
you should consider saving and putting the polyp fight behind you.

Temple of Hydra

The temple ahead is rather ominous. In fact, walking by a cult shrine is
dangerous to your health. Use the Book of Dagon on the stone tablets at
the bridge head. This will let you access the temple's interior. Before
heading in, take advantage of any items you find; it may be a good idea to
remember there is a safe spot at the save point to retreat to if needed.
Head inside the temple and incur the wrath of the enemies by ringing that
giant gong on the first floor to lure all the enemies out. There are not
only priests but also loads of Deep Ones, so it would be best to flee to
somewhere safe and Mega-Buster their ass one by one with a Yithian
lightning gun. The small ventilation tunnel where the save point was is
excellent -- to get back up there, just run and jump to get on the small
ledge, then duck-move back inside. The priests can't even gauge where you
are so they congregate in front of the tunnel entrance and patiently wait
for you to electrocute them, Texas-style.

Dealing with Mother

Once all the enemies are dealt with, head back inside the temple (you may
consider saving again if you want to avoid replaying the initial temple
confrontation). Upstairs is Mother Hydra encased in some kinda survival
bubble. The deity incurs massive sanity loss -- since sanity is done in an
area effect manner, race past the tops of the stairs and keep far from the
boss (it attacks differently than Dagon). There is a statue with a
built-in lever in the room that will open the aqueducts feeding Hydra's
bubble. Operate it. It is inevitable that Deep Ones attack as soon as the
lever is pulled, but two low-power shots from the Yithian gun will take
down any Deep Ones -- the lightning gun's shots penetrate all enemies
until it hits a wall, so lining up your targets lets you waste enemies in

To beat the boss after the first statue's lever is operated (and infinite
Deep Ones start attacking), go downstairs and shoot the gong at the temple
entrance with a fully charged (red-light flashing) shot from the lightning
gun at point blank range. Head back upstairs and waste all enemies, leaving
you the opportunity to control a newly spawned (single) enemy by standing
in the pool of water in front of the boss' bubble. Note this ability to
control a Deep One is only available if you strike the gong with a fully
charged lightning gun shot -- you know it's working if your speakers
start giving you the deafening ring and when you see a pulsing effect
emanate from the gong. Face the stairs since that's the only way for Deep
Ones to move down into the small pool to attack you (the depression in the
ground is your safe spot).

Once you're in 'monster-vision', you only have enough time to jump to
one of the four statues (do it directly in front of the statue or you
don't get the height) on the upper walkway of the boss' room. Go behind
each statue, look down and ATTACK the lever behind it to operate it. Move
your beneficiary as far from yourself as possible (the behind the ramp
leading to the first statue would be best), head back downstairs, kill the
enemies and repeat the gong, mind control, lever puzzle on the remaining
statue levers. If for some reason you lose control of the the enemy, you
simply need to do the gong ringing again, since you need a brief moment to
possess the mind of the enemy and the gong's ringing duration may not
coincide with the enemies appearing.

All during this fight, you can head back out to the save point at the
temple entrance and either save or take the medical boxes you find from
the polyps' canyon exit. This makes for a rather easy encounter, if only
tedious and time consuming. Once all the levers are thrown and the water
in all the channels are flowing, shock the bitch with a fully charged
lightning gun shot by firing into the small pool you were using to control


You are, unfortunately stuck underwater with inhuman things trying to kill
you. Investigate the room and take the emblem on the pedastel next to the
charming widow's corpse (you did waste Dagon, after all). There is a save
point etched on the pedastel as well. The exit is under the ramp to the
first statue. Use the emblem from Hydra's chamber (sacred charm) on the
door's control panel to effect an exit strategy. The submarine (the one
that wasn't destroyed anyway) is now attacking the underwater colony. You
need to get the hell out of Enn'gha (or whatever you want to call it)
before you're swimming with something infinitely nastier than the fishes.

Run out of the inner sanctum (the bolted door past the High Priest
Marsh's office) and head back to the area outside the dungeon. Locate the
path going back towards Esther Marsh's laboratory -- you need to run along
that path past the mine-tunnel leading to the lab to the end of the path
that has an opening leading to the final (timed) puzzle. Go through the
tunnel and you will arrive at the portal at the beginning of Air-filled
Tunnels (the one Sebastian Marsh came through). Use the emblem (sacred
charm) on the gate control panel and the exit should be obvious. If you
are dying when atttempting to use the gate's control panel, then you are
not getting off Devil's Reef fast enough. You can't run, so you can only
cut short the distance you travel (especially on the curved path outside)
by running on the inside of the track as much as possible. You will have
just enough time to read the spell and strafe to the active gate before
the whole reef explodes like in James Bond: You Only Live Twice (but
without the krezzy Japanese sex). Happy hara-kiri!

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Verschiedene wichtige Savegames inkl. des wichtigen Level auf dem Schiff, der bei einigen Benutzern bugverseucht war

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