Seasons of the Sakura

Seasons of the Sakura

17.10.2013 03:10:51
Seasons of the Sakura

Complete FAQ/Walkthrough

by YuSaKu

This game is fairly ancient, so the requirements won't be much, but you MUST

System Requirements: WIN95/98/ME, and 16MB RAM

This is an MS-DOS game, so it's best if you boot to DOS mode before playing.
The game should run inside Windows, but it's iffy. The game might seem to
freeze up, but if you press ENTER or click on the left mouse button, you
can quit and try to load it again. You can tell that the game is running
properly if the blossoms float freely.
If you really enjoy this guide, please visit the Gamefaqs Contribution rating
page ( and give
me a few good reviews. I appreciate it in advance.
Table of Contents:

I. Game Description
II. The Controls
III. Character Bios
IV. Love Points
V. Endings
VI. Extras
VII. Locations
VIII. Contact Info
IX. Other Works

NOTE: This H-Game is intended for Mature Audiences ONLY!!! It includes a LOT
of f'ing, (mostly involving underage girls). It also contains a hefty ammount
of hardcore, uncensored, ALL-OUT f'íng, so if this offends you, or you are not
old enough to be looking at a girl's wet, juicy cunt, then go away. Go on,
shoo. AND PUT THAT THING AWAY, you'll go blind. ;)

If you're still reading this, that means you're a sick-ass pervert
like the rest of us. Welcome brothers!!!
I. Game Description

It's April. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom, exploding with beautiful
shades of pink and red and white, like they do every year. Their fleeting
existence will end soon enough, but for now the Season of the Sakura has
come again to Japan.

I turn to her, standing at my side, and speak. "The sakura were in bloom
the day we first met. Do you remember?" She smiles at me. I know that
she is happy. I look up at the sakura once more, and speak again...

"That's right. That was the beginning of it all..."

A classic bishoujo game, the smash hit Season of the Sakura is a great
game on many levels. A year-long simulation in which you interact with
eight beautiful girls, exploring many game paths as you try to win the
hearts of each girl, Season of the Sakura is also great for fans of 90's
anime because it's a parody and tribute to shows like Evangelion,
Magical Knight Rayearth and St. Tail, and the game is filled with themes
from these shows. One of the most deep and romantic story-based games
to be translated to English, we know you'll love Season of the Sakura!

I feel the need to impress this upon you early. SotS is part of a group
of H-Games (Along with 3 Sisters, True Love, ect.) that are a lot different
than most. You simply can't run around humping every girl in sight, you
have to make a choice and stick with it early on.

If you want rampant sexwith little/no story, Google "Sexy Beach .torrent"
and see what you come up with.
II. The Controls
The controls to SOTS are pretty much straight-forward:

Enter/Return key: Select a action
Arrow keys: Moving through the actions
Escape key/Right mouse click: Cancel action/Save and/or Load the game

NOTE: The mouse works in this game also. It allows you to navigate, but the
keyboard works much better.
III. Character Bios

I'm going to be using their *real* ages here, since JAST had to alter them
for the US release of the game (More legal issues, assuring us that all the
girls depicted in this game are over the age of 18 -_-;)

Aki Hinagiku

Age: 15
Third Year Junior High Student, Class 1-D
Height: 5’1”
Weight: Don’t Ask Me!
Measurements: ??-??-??
Blood Type: O
Talent: Tennis, Roundhouse Kicks
Likes: Tennis, Strong People
Dislikes: Studying, Mio
Club: Tennis Team
Dream: To be the Best in the World
Looks like: Asuka Soryu Langley from Neon Genesis Evangellion

A Strong Tennis Player, Aki is rivals with Mio and seeks to beat her
someday. She takes an interest in Shuji as the one who defeated Mio.

Kiyomi Shinfuji

Age: 16
First Year Student, Class 1-A
Height: 5’1”
Weight: Secret
Measurements: 32-22-33
Blood Type: B
Talent: Planning
Likes: Reading, Planning
Dislikes: Rising Early, Disorganization
Club: Baseball (Manager)
Dream: To win a Baseball Championship
Looks like: Fuu Houoji From Magic Knight Rayearth

A Calm, Organized Girl, Kiyomi is Shuji’s Classmate.
She Searched for Shuji for a Year. She wants Shuji
to join The Baseball Team (Yeah she wants to teach
him how to handle his bat correctly).

Meimi Nakano

Age: 16
First Year Senior High Student, Class 1-A
Height: 5’0”
Weight: Secret
Measurements: 31-21-33
Blood Type: O
Talent: Gymnastics
Likes: Her Mother, The Circus, Ice Cream
Dislikes: Studying
Club: Gymnastics
Dream: To be a circus Performer like her Mother
Looks like: Meimi Haneoka From Saint Tail

A Stubborn, tomboyish Girl, Meimi is Shuji’s Classmate.
She's very argumentative, and has fights with Shuji on
occasion. Her sport is Gymnastics (Let's show her the
proper way to do a split).

Mio Suzuki

Age: 15
Third Year Junior High Student, Class 1-E
Height: 4’11”
Weight: 108 Lbs.
Measurements: 30-21-32
Blood Type: O
Talent: Tennis
Likes: Tennis, Samurai Dramas, Gum
Dislikes: Karaoke, Spiders
Club: Tennis
Dream: To be The Best in Japan
Looks like: Hikaru Shido From Magic Knight Rayearth

A Bright, Active Girl, Mio is an Excellent Tennis Player.
She Tries to Get Shuji To join the Tennis Club.
(I know I would like to lob a couple of balls her way ;)

Reiko Sawamura

Age: 18
Third Year Senior High Student
Height: 5’7”
Weight: Secret
Measurements: 33-23-33
Blood Type: A
Talent: Swimming
Likes: Swimming, Girls’ Manga
Dislikes: Bugs, Ghost Stories, Shoko
Club: Swimming
Dream: Would Like To Get An Olympic Gold Medal in Swimming
Looks like: Umi Ryuzaki From Magic Knight Rayearth

Reiko is a Girl who likes taking care of People. After a “Meeting of
Destiny” (According To Her), She Tries to Get Shuji To Join The Swim
Team. Let her teach you how to do the 'Breast Stroke'.

Ruri Shiromizu

Age: 16
First Year Senior High Student, Class 1-A
Height: 5’1”
Weight: ???
Measurements: 32-22-33
Blood Type: ??
Talent: ??
Likes: ??
Club: N/A
Dream: ??
Looks Like: Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evangellion

An Introverted, Depressed, and very rich girl who has transferred
schools over 100 Times throughout her life. She refuses to open her
Heart To her classmates. (Play your cards right, and you can open
her legs instead).

Seia Yoshida

Age: 16
First Year Senior High Student, Class 1-A
Height: 4’11”
Weight: Secret
Measurements: ??-??-??
Blood Type: B
Talent: Listening
Likes: The Bible, Cotton Candy, Milk
Dislikes: Spicy Food, Prunes (Dried Plums for you PC People)
Club: Bible Study Club
Dream: To Become A Nun
Looks like: Seira Mimori From Saint Tail

Seia is a Quiet Girl who stays in the Background, But she's
actually a natural born leader. She Talks to Shuji a lot
because they are the Class Representatives, but she may have
an aterior motive.

Shoko Nishino

Age: 18
Third Year Senior High Student, Class 3-A
Height: 5’1”
Weight: None Of Your Buisness!
Measurements: 32-23-33
Blood Type: AB
Talent: Appearing Suddenly
Likes: Soccer, Dolls, Fortune Telling
Dislikes: Studying, Reiko
Club: Soccer Team (Manager)
Dream: To get Married
Looks like: Pia Carrot!!! ^_^ Also a little like
the girl from Wedding Peach

Shoko is a very Shallow Girl who likes Soccer only because it’s exciting
to watch (and be watched, I imagine). She falls in love with Shuji and sets
her sights on him.

IV. Love Points

This game operates on a love points system. In order to get H-Scenes
(And an ending with the girl you desire), you have to work for it.
Any decision you make has a bearing on the love points of all the
girls, so if you are persuing more than one, you may inadvertantly
ruin your chances with one by choosing another.

Besides getting sex, Love points also determine what scenes you get
with which girls. A prime example is Christmas.

There are three main places to gather love points towards the ending of
your choice.

The first place is the trip to the Summer Camp. The first
person you write to is the girl you want to gather the most love points
with. DO NOT CHOOSE Reiko, Mio, Kiyomi, or Shoko. They are already in
love with you at this point. Aki is an excemption too.

The second place is the school dance. Again, stay away from the girls
already in love with you, but this time you can choose Aki, if you
want to get her ending.

The third and final spot for love points is the Christmas gift event.
If you have gathered love points for Meimi or Seia, then the only person
who is willing to accept your gift will be Meimi (this is an ending).

If you want to get a different ending, choose someone else. Simply Put,
Love Points equal love. Keep experimenting and you may be able to get
more than four girls veing for your love on Valentines Day.

One last thing: If, somehow, you fuck up a decision and lose the girl
you are persuing, there may still be a chance to get an ending. Some
of these girls are so easy that you can spend half the game (Or more)
chasing someone else and STILL have time to get them.

Four girls are innocents, who must be "courted"
(Ruri, Reiko, Meimi, and Seia)

The other four are the easy ones
(Aki, Kiyomi, Mio, and Shoko)

I have made notes on second chances and lost causes below.

Here's a breakdown of points gathering for each character:


* Second-easiest girl to nail.
* If Aki shows up with your boat during the summer sea trip, you're on the
right track.
* During Sports Day, CONTINUE the pace instead of GOING FASTER, and then
take the blame.
* Before the school dance when talking to the girls, follow Aki outside.
* Giving her the Christmas gift is not necessary, nor is taking her to
the dance.
* Choose her at the end.
* Game ends on White Day (March 14).
* Possible to lose the game at the end (Aki and Makoto will get together).


* Choose her for the dance
* Give her Christmas gift
* Choose her in the end
* Kiyomi's ending is funny
* Game ends on White Day (March 14)


* Talk to her at the river.
* Talk to Meiko at the beach in the summer sea trip.
* Choose her for the dance.
* Give her Christmas gift.
* Game ends on Christmas.
* Possible to continue game if you don't/can't get her,
but it will be impossible to get Seia or Ruri.


* Choose her for the dance
* Give her Christmas gift
* Choose her in the end
* Game ends on White Day (March 14)


* Choose her for the dance
* Give her Christmas gift
* Choose her in the end
* Game ends on White Day (March 14)


* You have to do everything perfectly, as she is the most difficult girl
to nail, and she doesn't have very many places to gather points for her.
* Write Ruri's name first on the camping trip list
(In order to get her in the cave).
* ASK her about her FAMILY repeatedly, and about GOD repeatedly while at
the cliff.
* Save Ruri during the camping trip right away.
* If Ruri shows up with your boat during summer sea trip, you're on the
right track.
* When she asks you if you care about what people about you, say YES.
* Choose her for the dance (if she says no, you have to start the game
over again).
* Give her the Christmas gift.
* After the incident at the Hot Springs, Ruri will be taking care of you.
* Decide to CHASE HER after the incident at the Hot Springs.
* Game ends near the end of the Hot Springs trip.
* It is possible to continue the game if you choose not to go after her,
but it will be impossible to get Seia or Meimi.


* Talk to Seia on the beach during the summer sea trip, TELL TRUTH.
* After first day of sports practice when Seia and Meiko talk to you,
CONSIDER taking Seia home and TAKE HOME, SEIA (game will default to Meiko
if you didn't walk with Seia on the beach).
* Choose her for the dance.
* Give her Christmas gift.
* Game ends on Christmas.
* Possible to continue game if you don't/can't get her, but it will be
impossible to get Meimi or Ruri.


* Easiest to get (she's a slut and throws herself at you!)
* Game ends just before last day of practice for Sports Festival

V. Endings

This section contains details about all the endings.

A. Reiko Sawamura

Getting Reiko's ending is simply a breeze (if you stayed away from
Ruri, Shoko, Meimi, and Seia).

B. Kiyomi Shinfuji

Kiyomi is the same as Reiko and Mio. Stay away from the girls you
must "court" in order to see their endings.

C. Mio Suzuki

See Kiyomi and Reiko.

D. Shoko Nishino

Shoko's ending isn't very challenging to get. When you are
practicing for the Sports festival Shoko will come over to your
house and plead for you to stop practicing Soccer. Accept, and
then Accept again, and Shoko will leave little to your imagination.

E. Ruri Shiromizu

Ruri requires a little more love points than usual. When she shows
up at the water bank, talk to her. DO NOT TALK TO MEIMI THE NEXT DAY!
When you are at camp and worry about Ruri, search and talk to her.
When Ruri falls down the cliff SAVE HER! During the sports festival
she will ask you if you are trying to make everyone like you say YES.
During the culture festival DANCE WITH HER. Now when you have to give
a gift to one of the girls try Ruri first. I can't say exactly
what happens so if it doesn't work give it to one of the girls that
are already in love with you. DON'T GIVE IT TO Meimi or Seia. If she
does invite you to her house you're doing something right and she'll
complain about not having anything for you. Now the final step is
to chase her when she leaves for the train station to go back to her
mother. She'll curse her love for you at first but then
give in, spill the beans, and lose her clothes.

F. Aki Hinagiku

Aki's ending is much more simple to get than Ruri's. During the
three-legged race keep up with her pace. When Mio and the others
talk to you a few days later, look around till you see her outside
the window. You say to yourself she wants to talk about something.
Tell the girls you need to use the bathroom and go and talk to Aki.
CONSOLE HER GODDAMN YOU! Later during the dance choose Aki.
Give her the Christmas gift and stay away from the others until
Valentines day. Now simply choose Aki as your true love.
Aki reveals she doesn't just love playing with tennis balls...

G. Seia Yoshida

Seia's ending is tricky at best. You can chose her first during the
Summer Camp Trip but that makes little diffrence. The main spot to
gather Love Points for Seia is during the Summer Sea Trip. During
the trip after the cancelled swim competition you should be on
the beach at night. Here you must think about ONLY SEIA and then
LOOK at the beach. Seia should be there. Talk to her and TELL HER
THE TRUTH. She then tells you about her love for the Catholic church
near her house and how she wants to be a nun. Now all that is left
is to stay away from the other girls, Dance with Seia, and Give her
the Christmas gift. You'll be invited to the church where Seia
already has plans for you. Being impatient you jump the gun and
Seia tells you to be gentle next time. (Sex in church=5 Hail Marys
and 4 Our Father's? Can someone clarify, I'm a Pegan :x)

H. Meimi Nakano

Meimi is not a love points ending. When you see her along the river bank
alone TALK TO HER. Choose her first for Summer Camp. Dance with her,
and Give her the Christmas gift. What's this? You love me Meimi!?

VI. Extra Stuff

This is Miscellaneous Stuff About This Game, little tidbits of info.

These are some extra scenes and characters that may or may not effect
the endings that you can see.

A. Kyoko Kobayashi (Your Sensei)
Kyoko teaches you the art of love. Who could say no to hawt lurve?

B. Shinji Shinfuji
Kiyomi's little brother.

C. The Cave Scene
Talk to Reiko and Ruri in the cave.

Emi and Nobuyuki are your parents. They are sick fucks.

E. Makoto Shimazaki
Your best friend. If you don't get Aki, he does. Looks like
Kensuke Aida from Evangellion.

Little tidbits of info.

* Ruri is the hidden gem in this game, since she's so difficult to get.

* Points for Aki and Ruri are opposite each other (I.E. It may be
impossible to get Aki at the end if you went for and did not get Ruri).

* Rin Watanabe from Runaway City Makes a cameo appearance (The
'Virtual Ninja' queen). She kicks your ass in the Arcade.

* All of the characters are based on anime characters from popular
series like Magic Knights Rayearth, Evangelion, Pia Carrot,
and Saint Tail.

* You can’t Avoid Kyoko-Sensei’s “Lesson”. Why would you want to anyway?

* Kyoko-Sensei looks Like Evangellion’s Misato Katsuragi.

* This has been explained to death, but I'll have a go anyway.
Notice how Mio’s Swimsuit Says 3-A and not 1-E? The reason is
due to the fact that in the original game, the real ages and
grade levels of the characters are contrastically different.
JAST USA had to do more than a few rewrites so that the characters
all appear to be above the age of eighteen, since US law prohibits
any depiction of sexual acts performed on, or between minors. However,
Japan doesn't have any such laws, hence the genre of manga and
graphic novels known as Rorikon. In any case, in the original
Japanese game, Shuji is a 16-year-old senior high school freshman,
Mio and Aki are both 15-year old junior high students, and Meimi,
Seia, Ruri, and Kiyomi are 16-year old senior high students like
Shuji. Only Shoko and Reiko are actually 18. In Japan, the school
system is comprised of three years of junior high and three years
of senior high. Since Mio and Aki are both supposedly third year
junior high students in the original, JAST USA overlooked this
detail in their translation and grouped everyone into the same

VII. Locations Authorized to Display This FAQ - The Original Home of my FAQs -

Neoseeker -


Justin's Website -

If you want to display this FAQ on your website E-mail me

VIII. Contact Info

WWW: Display Name Milkywhitefaerie

AIM: Yusakuchan3, ToxicPuffyLips, MuunDreamerJem
Yahoo: Queenetteashley, Milkfaerie, MuunDreamerJem
MSN: Yusakuchan


/msg YuSaKu or /msg K0S-M0S

Text Message:
IX. Other Works
Look for my other H-Game FAQs:

3 Sister's Story
Come See Me Tonight
Come See Me Tonight 2
Do You Like Horny Bunnies?
Do You Like Horny Bunnies? 2
Fatal Relations
Heart De Roommate
Hitomi - My Stepsister
I'm Gonna Serve You! 4
Kana ~Little Sister~
Kana ~Little Sister~ Endings
Let's Meow Meow!
Nocturnal Illusion
Runaway City
Snow Drop
Sweet Apricot*
The Sagara Family
Tokimeki Check-in!
Virgin Roster
X-Change 2
X-Change 3
Yin-Yang! X-Change Alternative

and of course my other FAQs:

The Adventures of Willy Beamish - Sega CD
Chrono Cross - PSX*
Earthbound - SNES*
Final Fantasy VII Dissertation
Gundam Battle Online - DC
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town - GBA*
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment - PSX*
Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire - GBA*
Pokemon XD - GCN
Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom - NES*
Tecmo Secret of the Stars - SNES*
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY Edition - Xbox
WWE Smackdown!: Here Comes the Pain - PS2
WWE Smackdown!: Shut Your Mouth - PS2*
Xenosaga Perfect Works*

* = Only available on my personal FAQ website

Seasons of the Sakura and all its related characters are Copyright ©Jast Usa
Other FAQs by me:
3 Sister's Story (PC)
Adventures of Willy Beamish (Sega CD)
Gundam Battle (DC)
Morrowind Ultimate Treasure
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
Runaway City
See you next time :)
©2004-Present YuSaKu
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