Maple Story

Maple Story

09.10.2013 03:53:46
Use CTRL + F, always, always, always! Sifting through any guide is hell
unless you use that command.

By Poalas

Table of Contents
1.0 Intro & Legal
2.0 Updates
3.0 About Pets
4.0 Pet Types
5.0 Pet Commands
5.1 Brown/Black Kitty
5.2 Brown Puppy
5.3 Rudolph
5.4 Pink/White Bunny (NOT in oMS yet)
5.5 Mini Cargo (NOT in oMS yet)
6.0 Pet Leveling Chart
7.0 Pet Equipment
8.0 Pet "Use" Items
8.1 Cash Shop "Use" Items
8.2 Pet Scrolls
9.0 Misc.
10.0 FAQ
11.0 Closing and Credits

1.0 Intro & Legal
Alright, let me introduce myself. My name is Poalas, in-game (duh).
This is the 2nd FAQ I have written, so it's probably crap. Eh, whatever.
Now, this wall of text will explain as much as it possibly can regarding
pets. Kay, now for the legal stuffs. This guide may not be replicated
under another person's name, nor may it be distributed under another
person's name. Plagiarizing this guide is the worst thing you can do.
Just don't do it. The only sites that may have this guide are those that
I have submitted this to, or those who receive my permission. All credit
must go to the people credited in the making of this. All ownership
of this guide will be entitled to the creator of the guide. Legal
action will be taken for using this guide without contacting me and
gaining permission.

2.0 Updates
0.8- FAQ complete, had to update the section numbers to accomodate
the Updates section, and some things in the general structure of this

0.85- Updated the FAQ section, and anything on Rudolph, minus its
commands. Also updated a few Use items, and some more descriptions
in a few areas of the guide.

1.0- Basically everything is done, unless Wizet adds in something
extraordinary about pets. Misc. section added.

1.01- I felt I had to edit the Credits. Nagged at me for awhile. If it
weren't for this site's message board community, this FAQ wouldn'tve
really gotten far.

3.0 About Pets
Pets are, well, as the name suggests, pets. They follow you around,
you can teach it new tricks, feed it, play with it, scold it, and even
train it. If you have the money to, you can also equip it with things
and get pet scrolls to alter your(yes, YOUR) speed/jump(ie speed,
jump, etc). You can get pets in the Cash Shop. They're generally around
4,900 NX Cash for regular pets, and for special, limited-edition ones,
are around 6,700 NX Cash. Once you buy a pet, you cannot change your
mind about it, so be wary of that.

4.0 Pet Types
Below are the current pets available for purchasing in oMS. Some are
limited-edition, and the date at which they were removed will follow
the description of the pet.

Brown Kitty(4,900 NX Cash): They are quiet and gentle in nature, so
they don't go craving for food too often. They don't seem to be too
obedient of their owners, however.

Brown Puppy(4,900 NX Cash): They are outgoing and active in nature,
so they can't sit still for a period of time, which makes them hungry
often. They are very obedient of their owners.

Rudolph (6,700 NX Cash): They are smart and obedient by nature,
picking up commands faster than other pets, but they can also get
hungry in a hurry. *HAS BEEN REMOVED AS OF 1/4/06*

Black Kitty (5,100 NX Cash): They are quiet and gentle in nature, so
they don't go craving for food too often. They don't seem to be too
obedient of their owners.

Mini Kargo (5,100 NX Cash): They are very very active, so they get
hungry pretty often. Very intelligent, they are quite obedient of
their owners.

5.0 Pet Commands
Depending on your pet's level, it can sit, roll over, mush, blush,
talk, and do many other things. Sometimes it will not obey you. Higher
closeness doesn't always mean it'll always obey you. It's simply pet
exp, not to be confused with anything else.

Note: Any commands grouped together are really, the same command. Just
different words >_>

Note 2: Upon your pet reaching level 15 (1642 Closeness), it will gain
the ability to say whatever the hell you want it to say. The command
for this is /pet insert-text-here.

5.1 Brown/Black Kitty
Commands for levels 1-30:
bad, no, badgirl, badboy
stupid, ihateyou, dummy

Commands for 10-30:
talk, say, chat

Commands for 20-30:
up, stand, rise

5.2 Brown Puppy

Commands for levels 1-30:
bad, no, badgirl, badboy
stupid, baddog, ihateyou, dummy

Commands for 10-30:
talk, bark, say, chat

Commands for 20-30:

5.3 Rudolph

Commands for levels 1-30:
no, badgirl, badboy, bad
up, stand
stupid, ihateyou, dummy
merryxmas, merrychristmas

Commands for 11-30:
talk, say, chat
alone, lonely

Commands for 21-30:
mush, go

5.4 Pink/White Bunny (NOT in oMS yet)

Commands for levels 1-30:
bad, no, badgirl, badboy
up, stand, rise

Commands for 10-30:
talk, say, chat

Commands for 20-30:
sleep, sleepy, gotobed

5.5 Mini Kargo

Commands for levels 1-30:
bad, no, badgirl, badboy
up, stand, rise

Commands for 10-30:
talk, say, chat
thelook, charisma

Commands for 20-30:
goodboy, goodgirl

6.0 Pet Leveling Chart
Here's the chart for pet leveling. You can level your pet by feeding it,
playing with it by giving it commands, or going to the Pet-Walking Road
in Henesys Park. There's a hidden portal near Cloy. It's the kitty
statue. So, press up on it. You'll be taken to the platform above you.
That's a portal, too >_>; So press up on it again, and bam. So go all
the way to the left of the place, talk to Trainer Bartos, get the letter
from him, jump to the top of the map, and talk to Trainer Frod. Your
pet "Closeness", or, EXP of the pet, will go up by 2 or 3. Or, you
can go to the Ludibrium Pet Walkway, which is in Ludibrium
(coincidence?). The Ludi Pet Walkway gives a lot more Closeness than
the one in Henesys--Up to 6! 4-5 is the norm, however. Try both Pet
Parks, and see which one is easier for you. It's all in your head,

Level / Total Closeness / Closeness needed for next level
1 / 0 / 1
2 / 1 / 2
3 / 3 / 3
4 / 6 / 8
5 / 14 / 17
6 / 31 / 29
7 / 60 / 48
8 / 108 / 73
9 / 181 / 106
10 / 287 / 147
11 / 434 / 198
12 / 632 / 259
13 / 891 / 333
14 / 1224 / 418
15 / 1642 / 519
16 / 2161 / 632
17 / 2793 / 764
18 / 3557 / 910
19 / 4467 / 1083
20 / 5542 / 1256
21 / 6798 / 1452
22 / 8250 / 1700
23 / 9950 / 1950
24 / 11900 / 2200
25 / 14100 / 2500
26 / 16600 / 2800
27 / 19400 / 3200
28 / 22600 / 3500
29 / 26100 / 3900
30 / 30000 / End

7.0 Pet Equipment
Some are for all pets. Others are for just your special Kargo, or
your adorable Rudolph. In either event, pets can equip just ONE piece
of equipment. Pet-specific equipment offer 7 slots. Common pet
equipment allow for 5 scrolling slots.

Rudolph's Hat (2,400 NX Cash): A hat with antlers shaped like a
reindeer's. 5 Slots for Pet Scrolls, can be used by all pets.

Rudolph's Sleigh (2,400 NX Cash): It is the very vehicle Santa uses
on his Christmas trips. Only available for Rudolph. 7 Slots for Pet
Scrolls. *HAS BEEN REMOVED AS OF 1/4/06*

Meso Magnet (2,400 NX Cash): With this item, your pet will collect
dropped by a monster as it passes by them. Applies to only your
MESOS. Your pet will NOT be attracted to the mesos at all, it will
only loot them if your pet passes by the mesos.

Red Ribbon (2,000 NX Cash): A ribbon for your pet; any pet can wear
this, and it has 5 slots available for pet scrolls.

Mini Kargo Wings (2,400 NX Cash): A small, cutesy set of wings for
kargos only.

Red/Blue Top Hat (2,400 NX Cash): N/A

Black/Blue/Red Hats (2,000 NX Cash): N/A

8.0 Pet "Use" Items
There are usage items for pets, which will alter the pet's abilities
to do things, or its appearance. Do note, most Use items are from
Cash Shop, or require Cash Shop items in order for them to be used.

Pet Food (100 mesos/food): Small pets love them. Recovers 30 Fullness.
NOT for humans! No crap. Anyways, you'll need these if you wanna see
your pet out for over 5 minutes at most. Feeding your pet increases
Closeness. Overfeeding it, when your pet is at 100 Fullness and you
feed it anyways, will DECREASE Closeness. It is the only way to
decrease Closeness. Funny.

8.1 Cash Shop "Use" Items
There are only 2 Use items in CS as of now. I will update this as
more are released.

Naming the Pet (2,100 NX Cash): With this, you'll be able to name your
pet. Call its name before making an order, and the pet responds much
better to your command. Instead of the pet type being below your pet,
you can buy a name tag and name your pet, to get rid of that silly
thing. Now, instead of saying "sit" like, 15 times in a row to get your
kitty to sit, you can say "*insertnamehere*, sit". Bleh, not much of a
change, but break out of the ordinary, yah? Also, its tendency to
obey your commands will increase a bit, by calling its name before
making your command.

Water of Life (2,400 NX Cash): A mysterious water gathered from the
deepest valleys of Ellinia. Get this to Mar the Fairy and the pet
that had turned back into a doll will come back to life. Basically,
if your pet dies and turns back into a doll, you can use this to bring
it back to life.

8.2 Pet Scrolls
Pet scrolls your ability to jump, or how fast you become. They
aren't different from regular scrolls, as they come in 100%, 60%, and
10%s. So, here they are. In addition, if a scroll fails, you cannot
recover the slot in which it failed on, you have been warned. There
is no guarantee that all will work, or some, or none. One last thing
about these is that, pet equips are Cash Shop items. Cash Shop items
EXPIRE. If you scroll your pet equips, you'll lose the effect on them
AND the piece of equipment once it reaches the time it expires.

Scroll for Pet Equip. Jump [100%]
Effect: Success rate 100%, Jump +1
Dropped by: Green Mushroom, Jr. Necki
Description: Increases jump effect by +1 on the equip.

Scroll for Pet Equip. Jump [60%]
Effect: Success rate 60%, Jump +2
Dropped by: Stirge
Decription: Increases jump effect by +2 on the equip, has a 60% success

Scroll for Pet Equip. Jump [10%]
Effect: Success rate 10%, Jump +3
Dropped by: Lorang
Description: Increases jump effect by +3 on the equip, has a 10% success

Scroll for Pet Equip. Speed [100%]
Effect: Success rate 100%, Speed +1
Dropped by: Bubbling, Green Mushroom, Horned Mushroom, Jr. Wraith
Description: Increases speed effect by +1 on the equip.

Scroll for Pet Equip. Speed [60%]
Effect: Success rate 60%, Speed +2
Dropped by: Bubbling, Green Mushroom, Jr. Wraith
Description: Increases speed effect by +2 on the equip, has a 60%
success rate.

Scroll for Pet Equip. Speed [10%]
Effect: Success rate 10%, Speed +3
Dropped by: Jr. Wraith, Lorang
Description: Increases speed effect by +3 on the equip, has a 10%
success rate.

I personally think 60%s are the way to go. If you think about it, 100%s
are kind of a waste, 10%s have a ridiculously low chance of success, but
60% scrolls are sorta in the middle. A coin flip chance. No, even better
than that. And yet, you get double the effects of a 100%. However, if
you have back scrolling luck, then I'd just stick to 100%s >_>

9.0 Misc.
There's a few other things about pets. They die and revert back to
their original form; a doll. In order for you to revive your pet, you
must purchase a "Water of Life" from the Cash Shop, and go to Mar the
Fairy in his (OMGWTF, yes, he's really a he) own little forest. The
forest is located at the bottom right corner of Ellinia. You'll see a
glowing, oversized flower. That's a hidden portal. So enter it, and
you'll see Mar, perched up on the oversized flower wearing a skirt.

Moving 'long, give him the doll + water, and your pet will be good
as new. Seems cruel that you can't give it a peaceful death, but hey.
I'm not the one reviving it >_>;

There is an item you can purchase in the Cash Shop, called a
Meso Magnet. This nifty tool will give your pet the uber hax ability to
loot mesos for you. Now, it will loot ONLY mesos with this. Not to be
confused with anything else. Although it is a meso MAGNET, your pet
won't be attracted to the loot. It'll just pick the mesos up as it
happens to pass by. Might as well just put a stone on your pick-up
key or something, I mean, 3 bucks for that? Of course, that's just me.
If you don't like the idea of a huge stone obstructing your hands as
you train/fight a Zakum/do whatever, you can also opt to buy an item
pouch, along with that slightly pointless meso magnet. Now your pet
is an autolooter. Yay. Basically it loots whatever spoils you get
that crosses in its path now.

10.0 FAQ
Title is self-explanatory.

Q: Will my pet die?
A: Unfortunately, yes. It will die after 90 days of living. Purchase
a Water of Life from the Cash Shop, and bring it to Mar the Fairy.
He (YES, he's a he, eww) will revive your pet for you, back to the way
it was.

Q: My pet is crying. What do I do?
A: It's hungry. Feed it with Pet Food, which can be purchased from
Doofus of Henesys, the NPC in Orbis Park (I forgot his name >_>), or
from Patricia of Ludibrium. The pet food will boost your pet's
Fullness by 30. Sometimes it will increase the pet's closeness by 1,
too. It can also cry if you scold it, but it's only momentary and does
nothing to affect your pet's stats.

Q: How can I check my pet's Fullness?
A: Double-click on your pet. You can even check your own profile. Neat

Q: Your guide doesn't explain *insert noun here*!
A: Well, I'm not Superman. I probably missed something. Or, there is
too little info on it to even say much about it.

Q: How do I scroll my pet equipment?
A: Firstly, find a pet scroll. Ok, good. Now, open your item and equip
inventory. Drag the scroll to the pet equip that you wish to scroll.
It'll either fail or succeed, so if it fails, you've still got a few
chances left, so don't worry.

Q: Can my pet lose closeness?
A: Yes, it can. By overfeeding it. Not that it's a big deal,
you can always get the closeness back by feeding and/or playing with
it again.

A: It either:
1) Went home, because it hit 0 Fullness. If you go to your Items
window, and go to your Pet tab, you'll see your pet icon there. Double-
click it. Bingo. Now feed your pet like crazy. >_>
2) You were asleep, or at a dance or something...and then #1
3) Your pet expired.

Q: What is the maximum level for pets?
A: Level 30. It's a whooping 30,0000 closeness, so uh, g'luck training
your pet to that level >_>

Q: I'd like to go AFK in a spot, but I don't want my pet to lose
Fullness. What do I do?
A: Put your pet back "home" by double-clicking your pet icon in your
Pets tab, which is located in your item inventory.

Q: Can your pet die before its expiration date?
A: Nah.

Q: Can you transfer your pet between characters?
A: Yes, just like any other Cash item.

Q: Can you transfer your pet between servers?
A: No.

Q: Do pets de-level?
A: No, they just lose Closeness.

Q: What, exactly, do you DO at Pet Park?
A: Think of it like a jump quest. Considerably easier than most jump

A: No. Just, no.

Q: Can you be my buddy?
A: Heh, I would but y'know...>_>

Q: Will you update this FAQ?
A: Yes, probably once a month, depending on what Wizet releases.

11.0 Closing and Credits
So, that's my guide for ya. Hope you find it informative. More will
be put on this guide as Wizet and NX Games release more things for it.
My email is if you wish to ask me something, but
please, please, PLEASE check this guide before asking me. Don't come
to me and beg for anything in-game either, I won't listen to you. Okay,
so, I'd like to credit the following people:

Wizet and NX Games for this game.
Me, for having waaaaaaay too much free time to type this all at once.
CJayC, for his very helpful site, and for hosting this.
Everyone who reads this, because then this guide has a purpose.
My Compaq Presario, for being able to let me multitask. Fun.
xXFinXx, because he requested for a Pet FAQ. I wouldn'tve even thought
about making one if he didn't make that topic >_>
The GFAQs message board community, without feedback and stuffs this
guide would've failed.

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