

17.10.2013 20:03:42
30th Dec 1999 (original FAQ date)


Unofficial Nocturne FAQ
Version 1.2 (24th February, 2001)
Author: Droogie

|| ||
|| Seeing as how nobody listens, I have gotten many many e-mails even though ||
|| I stated I am no longer offering help. Therefore, I am removing my ||
|| e-mail address and website link from the FAQ. Any e-mails that do come ||
|| for whatever reason will be met with NO REPLY and an add to my e-mail ||
|| ban. ||
|| ||

Table Of Contents

[1] Introduction
[1.1] About
[1.2] Contact
[1.3] Credits
[1.4] Copyright
[2] Nocturne Unofficial FAQ
[2.1] Basic Information
[2.1.1] Adjusting Gamma
[2.1.2] Detail levels
[2.1.3] Built in advantages
[2.1.4] Saving
[2.2] Controlling The Stranger
[2.2.1] Movement
[2.2.2] Jumping
[2.2.3] Camera Angles
[2.2.4] Death
[2.2.5] Hand-to-hand Fighting
[2.2.6] Using Inventory
[2.2.7] Try the Obvious
[2.3] Tips
[2.3.1] Shoot everything
[2.3.2] Run
[2.3.3] Protection
[2.3.4] Be Alert
[2.4] Characters
[2.4.1] The Stranger
[2.4.2] Doc Holliday
[2.4.3] Hiram Mottra
[2.4.4] Colonel Hapscomb
[2.4.5] Svetlana Lupescu
[2.4.6] Scat Dazzle
[2.4.7] Baron Samedi
[2.4.8] Icepick
[2.4.9] Moloch
[2.4.10] General Biggs
[2.5] Villains
[2.5.1] Alpha Werewolf
[2.5.2] Count Voicu
[2.5.3] Hamilton Killian
[2.5.4] Priest of Gardeth
[2.5.5] Smiley
[2.6] Enemies
[2.6.1] Drones/Larvae
[2.6.2] Gargoyles
[2.6.3] Ghouls
[2.6.4] Imps
[2.6.5] Re-animated Mobsters
[2.6.6] Sentinels
[2.6.7] Skeletons
[2.6.8] Succubus
[2.6.9] Vampires
[2.6.10] Vampire Brides
[2.6.11] Werewolves
[2.6.12] Zombies
[2.7] Weaponry
[2.7.1] Pistol Weapons
[] .45 Pistols
[2.7.2] Assault Weapons
[] Shotgun
[] Tommygun
[] Crossbow
[] Elephant Gun
[2.7.3] Flame Weapons
[] Flamethrower
[] Sun of God
[2.7.4] Grenade Weapons
[] Dynamite
[2.7.5] Melee Weapons
[] Ax
[] Sword
[] Holy Relic
[] Shovel
[] Wooden Stake
[2.8] Ammunition
[2.9] Inventory Items
[2.9.1] Doctor's Bag
[2.9.2] Liquor
[2.9.3] Keys
[3] Walkthrough Notes
[4] Act 1: Germany, 1927 "Dark Reign of the Vampire King"
[4.1] Scene 1
[4.2] Scene 2
[4.3] Scene 3
[4.4] Scene 4
[4.5] Scene 5
[5] Act 2: Texas, 1931 "Tomb of the Underground God"
[5.1] Scene 1
[5.2] Scene 2
[5.3] Scene 3
[5.4] Scene 4
[6] Act 3: Chicago, 1933 "Windy City Massacre"
[6.1] Scene 1
[6.2] Scene 2
[6.3] Scene 3
[6.4] Scene 4
[6.5] Scene 5
[6.6] Scene 6
[6.7] Scene 7
[6.8] Scene 8
[6.9] Scene 9
[6.10] Scene 10
[6.11] Scene 11
[7] Act 4: France, 1935 "The House on the Edge of Hell"
[7.1] Scene 1
[7.2] Scene 2
[7.3] Scene 3
[8] Act 5: Epilogue, Spookhouse HQ
[9] Troubleshooting
[9.1] Scandisk
[9.2] Defragmentation
[9.3] Bugs
[9.4] Minimum Requirements
[9.5] Recommended Requirements
[9.6] My Recommended Requirements
[10] Cheat Codes
[11] History

Chapter [1] Introduction

[1.1] About:

Thank you for reading my FAQ of Nocturne, the survival
horror game from Terminal Reality. This FAQ is
unofficial, meaning it is in no way supported or
endorsed by Terminal Reality or Gathering
of Developers (G.O.D.). This is my first FAQ, and any
feedback you have would be greatly appreciated.
Just send it on over to You can
also request a game and I'll try my hardest to get
a FAQ for it. I do Sega Dreamcast and Windows/DOS
games. You can find this FAQ, plus an HTML version and
FAQ's of other games at my website at

[1.2] Contact:
Feel free to contact me at the following e-mail address: I check my e-mail once a day, so a quick
response is almost guaranteed. You can also contact me
via ICQ at 14366306. When e-mailing, do NOT ask the
- Any illegal things for Nocturne (cracks, warez, etc.)
- Ask for any Nocturne information, as it is
all in this FAQ and upcoming versions.

[1.3] Credits:
First off, I would like to thank Terminal Reality
for creating this wonderful game. One of the
scariest games I have played since Resident
Evil. Good work.

I'd like to thank all other FAQ writers, as
this is where I got the Table of Contents
layout from.

I'd like to thank all my friends on ICQ for
proofreading this FAQ and giving me support.

[1.4] Copyright:
Nocturne, the Nocturne logo, the Nocturne fangs, and
the Terminal Reality logo are trademarks of Terminal
Reality Inc. Gathering of Developers and godgames are
trademarks of Gathering of Developers, Inc. All
other trademarks and trade names are properties
of their respective owners. Copyright 1999
Gathering of Developers, Inc. All Rights reserved.

This FAQ is copyright 1999 Droogie. It may
not be distributed in any form without
author's permission. This FAQ may only
be found at GameFAQ's (,
Cheat Code Central ( and
Video Game Strategies (

Chapter [2] Nocturne Unofficial FAQ

[2.1] Basic Information
In Nocturne, you play as The Stranger,
an operative at the secret government
organization called Spookhouse, founded
by Theodore Roosevelt after he
killed a werewolf. The Spookhouse
operatives are called to duty when
supernatural activity is suspected.
In the game, you play through four acts.
These acts can be played in any order.
They take you from a castle in Germany,
controlled by a vampire named Count Voicu,
to the small town of Redeye, Texas, where
the undead have started wrecking havoc.
You then travel in Chicago in 1933, where
Al Capone has hired a German scientist
to re-animate dead mobsters. The final act
takes place on the estate of a former
Spookhouse agent named Hamilton Killian.

[2.1.1] Adjusting Gamma
Nocturne is a very dark game.
It is best placed with the lights
turned off. When you start Nocturne
for the first time, you will be
prompted to calibrate your monitor.
If you followed the calibration exactly,
the game may be too dark to play. Use
the F11 key to brighten the display and
F12 to darken it.

[2.1.2] Detail Levels
Because of Nocturne's complexity,
it can seriously affect gameplay on some
systems. If you have anything less
then a Pentium III 450 with 256mb RAM,
DO NOT set the Graphics or the Sound options
to high.

[2.1.3] Built in advantages
In the options menu, set your AUTO-AIM
to ON. With it on, you can target two
enemies at once; something you can't do
if it's set to manual. Also, set it so
you automatically use HEALTH when your
hurt. When enemies attack you, most of them
usually incapacitate you and you won't be
able to do anything until the attack is over.

[2.1.4] Save often
Save your game often. I can't stress this
enough. If you approach a part of the game
that looks tough, save. If you just completed
a huge portion of the act, save. It's really
frustrating when you complete a huge portion
of the game, only to run into an enemy, die and
have to restart again. Use the F2 key to save.

[2.2] Controlling the Stranger

[2.2.1] Movement
When you are at Spookhouse before
any mission, you have complete control
of the Stranger. Move him around. Run.
Jump. Push light switches. Talk to everyone.
In other words, get used to controlling the
Stranger. Once you get down what the Stranger
can and cannot do, the missions will be a heck
of a lot easier.

You should pay extra special attention
to when the Stranger is facing you. This is
difficult at first, but you will have to do it,
because some of the camera angles in the game
force you to. If you aren't sure which way
the Stranger will move when you press a key,
don't press it.

[2.2.2] Jumping
Before making any jump that looks
dangerous, SAVE YOUR GAME! It will
save you trouble in the long run.
Until you get used to jumping, you
can use your Pistols (or a different
weapon that has the red aiming light)
to line the jump up. To do this, aim
down at the platform your about to jump
to. If the red lights line up, then
take the jump.

[2.2.3] Camera Angles
The camera views in Nocturne
are static. For this reason, you
should NEVER under ANY circumstance
rush into another area. When you are
close to another area, and the camera
is about to change, walk slowly until
the view changes. This can save your
life, as rushing into an unseen area
can lead into falls, into monsters hands,

[2.2.4] Death
Don't be afraid to kill the Stranger
a few times (after saving, that is). When
the Stranger dies, he can reveal something,
such as a fall or a trap, or something else
you hadn't noticed. Saving your game and
killing him off is a good way to see what lies

[2.2.5] Hand-to-hand Fighting
Yes, the Stranger does have hand-to-
hand fighting, if somewhat limited. If you
come under attack before having a chance
to draw your weapon, keep pressing the ACTION
key to swing at the attacker. If the attacker
is behind the Stranger, press the BACK key, and
the Stranger will do a backward kick. If your
holding a Shotgun, or another powerful weapon,
and an attacker hits you from behind, fire the
weapon. The recoil is usually enough to send
the attacker off your back.

[2.2.6] Using Inventory
Anything the Stranger can pick up
will probably be useful to a puzzle.
It is only in the rarest occasion that
something the Stranger picks up that
won't be useful later.

[2.2.7] Try the Obvious
If something looks like it will work,
it probably will. If there's a switch
nearby, throw it. It may not do anything
in the immediate area, but it obviously
does something.

[2.3] Tips

[2.3.1] Shoot Everything
Shoot everything that can
be shot. Monsters are never friendly,
and hesitation will only get the
Stranger killed.

[2.3.2] Run
Ammunition is scarce, so your best
bet is to run. This may sound cowardly,
but running can get the Stranger out of
a lot of trouble.

[2.3.3] Protection
If you have a partner with you, or
are escorting a civilian, put yourself
in between the person and danger. If
the partner or civilian gets killed,
your mission will undoubtably be
a failure.

[2.3.4] Be Alert
Just because a person appears
friendly, do not believe it. Suspect
everyone and everything until you
have proof.

[2.4] Characters

**NOTE**: Reading up on the characters
may give away some points in the game
that are better left discovered by

[2.4.1] The Stranger
The character you play as, the
Stranger was accepted into Spookhouse
in 1923 under still classified circum-
stances. The Stranger is a man without
identity or history. He is considered
one of Spookhouse's most valuable operatives.
The Stranger has a deep, rough voice, which is
quiet and reserved. He speaks only when it
is necessary. The Stranger is expressionless.
He doesn't like anybody, and he hates monsters.

[2.4.2] Doc Holliday
Professor Holliday is an
undisputed genius in the field
of applied science and mechanical
engineering. She insists on testing
her own fantastic inventions
in the field.

[2.4.3] Hiram Mottra
Hiram's service in Spookhouse
is mainly research and documentation.
He is sometimes called upon to go
into the field in a combat capacity,
but his nervous nature and bulk make
him a bad soldier. He possesses the
ability to use an unproven, sixth sense
that allows him to feel aggressive
thoughts toward him.

[2.4.4] Colonel Hapscomb
Originally a military officer
stationed in Bombay, he was
sickened by the injustices
perpetrated on the native
people by his army and the
Indian government. He served
as an honorary liaison for
Spookhouse in its early years,
and was made a full agent
when its charter expanded
and the head of field operations

[2.4.5] Svetlana Lupescu
Svetlana was born by a
vampire father and a human
mother. Disliked by her mother's
wealthy family and by the small
community into which she was born,
a kindly household servant
spirited her away and carried
her to the United States, where she
deposited her in the care of
Spookhouse agents. Svetlana has
developed into a hunter with
unparalleled potential.

[2.4.6] Scat Dazzle
Scat Dazzle was born deep in
the Louisiana bayous. He was marked
as a special child in the small,
voodoo worshipping community in which
he was raised. He was groomed to be
a powerful voodoo priest from childhood.
The practiced mambas and houngans
dedicated him to the service of
Baron Samedi, a powerful voodoo Loa,
when he grew into maturity and power.
Each has some control over the other.
Dazzle can summon Baron at will, but
depending on his strength, can't always
control him.

[2.4.7] Baron Samedi
Baron is a voodoo god, called
Loa, the immortal archetypal
representations of the natural world
and of moral principles. He tells
lewd jokes, makes obscene gestures,
smokes cigarettes, eats voraciously,
and drinks rum. The Baron is cocky
and proud, and can do things to man
can do. He only responds to requests
for help if doing so pleases his chaotic

[2.4.8] Icepick
Icepick was originally an enforcer
for the Ghiberti Family in Chicago.
He was betrayed and sold to Professor
Loathring as an experiment for Al
Capone's "Frankenmob" scheme. He was
a large man, and because of the medical
procedures, turned him into a giant.
He was found by Doc Holliday and turned
to Spookhouse. He now displays fanatical
loyalty and protectiveness towards her.

[2.4.9] Moloch
Moloch, like a few other Spookhouse
agents, is an outcast. During the
Nepalese Horucide on 1921, Moloch
fought alongside the Spookhouse
agents. Although not officially
allied with Spookhouse, Moloch shared
a common enemy; the demon underworld
that had cast him out of hell
centuries ago. Spookhouse brought
him back to America to consider him
a potential agent.

[2.4.10] General Biggs
General Biggs has been a member
of the Armed Forces for his entire
life and would have it no other
way. His military genus is undeniable.
A few years after becoming a general
in 1929, Biggs met Colonel Hapscomb.
They have become close friends,
and in 1933, Biggs was brought on
as an outside Spookhouse agent, in
charge of gathering regular troops
who will act as cover for Spookhouse,
and later deny any existance of
supernatural activity.

[2.5] Villains

[2.5.1] Alpha Werewolf
Alpha Werewolf is the leader
of the Hokkendire Werewolf
Tribe. One of the few survivors
of the Hokkendire Werewolf
Horucide of 1924, which the
Stranger led, he has rebuilt his
tribe and now seeks out those
who had nearly killed him and his

[2.5.2] Count Voicu
Count Voicu is the master
vampire who controls Castle
Gaustadt and reigns over the
village of Falkenburg. Through
hundreds of years of dominating
the world around him, Voicu's
voice, thick with a German accent
originating in the Middle Ages,
and demeanor are that of a powerful
master of his domain.

[2.5.3] Hamilton Killian
Killian is a retired Spookhouse
operative, who left after Moloch
joined the ranks. Killian's heart
turned to fire when his wife died at
the hands of a vampire. Ever since,
he has had an unrelenting hatred for
all monsters. He served Spookhouse
for a few years, becoming less and less
stable, when Colonel Hapscomb finally
forced him to retire.

[2.5.4] Priest of Gardath
Having studied from the dread
Necronimicon and other forbidden
texts, the Priest has found the
prison of one of the elder gods
under the plains of West Texas.

[2.5.5] Smiley
Smiley is the biggest,
toughest and baddest
Frankenmobster under Al
Capone's command. He is a monster
who relentlessly stalks Chicago.
He rose to become the most powerful,
and through Dr. Loathring's medical
treatment, he exceeds all human

[2.6] Enemies
**NOTE**: I will give brief
descriptions of each enemy,
and the best way to take of

DESC = Description
NEUT = Neutralization

[2.6.1] Drones/Larvae
DESC: Small creatures. Drone's
have no long range attack, but Larvae
can spit green, acid like projectiles
at you.

NEUT: Use a Shotgun or other assault
weapon at close range. Use Explosives
if there are a group of Larvae.

[2.6.2] Gargoyles
DESC: Stone creatures who
only come to life when unseen.

NEUT: Turn your back to them,
and once they become fully
animated, turn around quickly and
blast them. Any weapon will do
the job.

[2.6.3] Ghouls
DESC: Creatures
who will keep attacking.
Once they are knocked
down, they will get back up and
attack you again.

NEUT: They are immune to all
types of ammo except blessed
weapons. Ghouls can't rise if
half their body is dismembered,
so use a blade or firearm to
dismember them.

[2.6.4] Imps
DESC: Small, red creatures.
They move somewhat fast.

NEUT: Solid Shotgun blast
or any other assault weapon. When
you see an Imp, stay alert for others
as Imp's rarely attack alone.

[2.6.5] Mobsters
DESC: Mobsters come
in different shapes and costumes.
They all carry Tommyguns.

NEUT: They can be killed just about
by any weapon. They carry Tommyguns, so
you'll need something that has decent

[2.6.6] Sentinels
DESC: Massive, flying beasts.

NEUT: One or two solid Shotgun blasts
will be enough to kill a Sentinel. You
can also use the Pistols, as they're
auto-aim will track it just about

[2.6.7] Skeletons
DESC: White, skinless monsters.

NEUT: You cannot kill a skeleton.
The more you kill them, the faster
they regenerate. If you must kill
them, use a Shotgun at close range,
then run away before they have time
to reconstruct.

[2.6.8] Succubus
DESC: Female demon who look

NEUT: Any weapon will do the trick, but
the Shotgun is the best.

[2.6.9] Vampires
DESC: Tall, white creatures.

NEUT: A wooden stake or Crossbow Bolt
work best. Aqua Vampire bullets are good,
and so is the Sun of God.

[2.6.10] Vampire Brides
DESC: Female vampires, sometimes
flying. They murmer so you know
when they are near.

NEUT: Use the same weapons you
would for regular vampires.

[2.6.11] Werewolves
DESC: Wolf lookalikes. Move fast.

NEUT: Use the Pistols with Silver
Bullets loaded. Ordinary Bullets and
the Shotgun can kill them, but it takes
many more shots. When you see a
werewolf, stay alert; they usually
hunt in packs.

[2.6.12] Zombies
DESC: Most zombies look
different then the others.

NEUT: Type 1 zombies are easily
killed by voodoo magic. The other
zombies must be blown apart or have
their head removed to kill them.
Once down, they usually stay

[2.7] Weaponry

[2.7.1] Pistol Weapons

[] 45 Pistols
The pistols can take down all
but the toughest of opponents. They
come with two, red laser sights. If
AUTO-AIM is enabled, the pistols can
track two targets at once.

USE AGAINST: Zombies, Werewolves (silver
bullets), Vampires (Aqua Vampire bullets),
Sentinels, Imps, Demons (Mercury Bullets),
Drones/Larvae, and Succubi.

[2.7.2] Assault Weapons

[] Shotgun
An extremely powerful short range
weapon, the Shotgun loses it's strength
at longer ranges, as the shells spread
out over distance.

USE AGAINST: Zombies, Werewolves, Imps,
Ghouls (temporarily), Sentinels, Drones/Larvae,
and Succubi.

[] Tommygun
This gun will perforate
a target in a very short
amount of time.

USE AGAINST: Mobsters.

[] Crossbow
The Crossbow was designed mainly
for killing Vampires. One shot to
the heart will kill any vampire.

USE AGAINST: Vampires, Vampire
Brides, and Ghouls (Blessed Bolts).

[] Elephant Gun
This rifle fires a high caliber
slug at a fast speed. One shot is
powerful enough to blast limbs from
from monsters, enabling the Stranger
to blast away limbs from any opponent.

USE AGAINST: You can only use it
in Act 3 against the Frankenmobsters.
Use it especially against Smiley, as it's
the only gun that can kill him.

[2.7.3] Flame Weapons

[] Flamethrower
The Flamethrower fires a stream
of gas mixture that is ignited by
a flame at the end of the barrel.
Once a target is ignited, the flame
will gradually spread, finally killing
the target. Holding down the fire
button will kill the target even faster.
This is one of the few weapons that can
hurt the Stranger.

USE AGAINST: Frankenmobsters.

[] Sun of God
This weapon fires a burst of
concentrated artificial sunlight. It's
made specifically for vampire killing.
After firing, it has to recharge before
the Stranger can use it again.

USE AGAINST: Vampires, Vampire Brides.

[2.7.4] Grenade Weapons

[] Dynamite
When you light the fuse, the Stranger
has a few seconds to throw it before it blows
up in his hand, killing him. Hold down
the FIRE button and you'll see an aiming arc
that lengthens as you hold it down. Release
the FIRE button at the time you want to throw
it. Make sure you're clear of the blast.

USE AGAINST: Everything except Vampires,
Vampire Brides and Demons.

[2.7.5] Melee Weapons

[] Ax
Very weak weapon that has a decent
effect on Zombies. The Ax can chop off
arms, heads and other body parts. Because
of it's short range, it should be used as
a tool first, weapon second.


[] Sword
The sword is a good weapon for
slashing weak enemies, as well as
chopping off various body parts.

USE AGAINST: Zombies, Ghouls.

[] Holy Relic
This relic has a holy design,
which is useful against vampires.

USE AGAINST: Vampires. This is the
only weapon that can kill Count Voicu.

[] Shovel
The Shovel isn't very good at killing
anything, but because of it's long
reach, it can keep zombies
away and kill them like


[] Wooden Stake
This is only useful against
vampires, and it's not very
useful at that, because you
have to be extremely close
to connect.

USE AGAINST: Vampires, Vampire

[2.8] Ammunition

Bullets: Useful against any enemy.
Ordinary Bullets are the most
common found ammo.

Silver Bullets: More powerful
against Werewolves.

Mercury Bullets: More powerful
against Demons.

Aqua Vampire Bullets: More powerful
against Vampires.

Shells: Ammunition for the shotgun.

Fuel: Gas for the Flamethrower.

Crossbow Bolts: Wooden bolts for
the Crossbow.

Blessed Crossbow Bolts: More powerful
bolts for killing Ghouls.

Tommy Gun Drum: Ammunition for Tommygun.

Elephant Gun Shells: Ammunition for the
Elephant Gun. Very rarely found.

[2.9] Inventory Items

[2.9.1] Doctor's Bag
Restores a large amount of
the Stranger's health when

[2.9.2] Liquor
Restores a small amount
of the Stranger's health
when used.

[2.9.3] Keys
The most common inventory
item found, keys are never
useless. They will unlock
locked doors otherwise

[3] Walkthrough Notes
I cut the walkthrough up into
the different scenes available.
In the first act, as soon as the
Stranger reaches a major point in
the game, I switch to "Scene 2" or

You will notice that some text
will be presented in **, like
**this**. This is to signify something
that is happening, but what you aren't

All other regular text is the actual

Although this walkthrough takes you
step by step through the entire game,
please try to refer to it only when
you need help, as it will seriously
ruin your enjoyment.

[4] Act 1: Germany, 1927 "Dark Reign of the Vampire King"

[4.1] Scene 1: Spookhouse HQ

**The Stranger exits the elevator
in the basement of a building.
Colonel Hapscomb meets him, and they
walk toward the secret office.**

COLONEL: Stranger, thank you for coming
in on short notice.

**The Colonel leads the Stranger to
a near empty office and face a

COLONEL: The world is a dark place.

SECRETARY: Who will protect the world
from darkness?

COLONEL: We will.

**A panel in the wall slides open**

You now have control of the Stranger.
Enter the secret door and walk down
the hall. Follow the Colonel down
the hall to the elevator.

COLONEL: I suppose I should tell you: you'll
have a partner on this mission.

STRANGER: A partner? Who?

COLONEL: Svetlana Lupescu. I know you don't
really like her, Stranger, but -

STRANGER: I don't "like" anyone. I hate monsters.

COLONEL: I wouldn't call her a monster. She's only
half vampire.

STRANGER: Half is too much.

COLONEL: But it's that half of her that makes
her so ideal for this assignment. You've
put aside your personal feelings in the
past, Stranger. I trust you'll do the
same now.

STRANGER: If she crosses me, she dies.

COLONEL: *sighing* I'm sure she feels the
same about you.

You are now outside the briefing room,
and you once again have control. Walk
inside the briefing room, where Svetlana
will greet you.

SVETLANA: Nice to see you again, Stranger.
I look forward to working with

**The Stranger sits down. The lights
dim down. The projector starts up**

COLONEL: Have either of you ever heard
of the Yathfor Gyoule stone?

SVETLANA: The Yathgy?

COLONEL: Then you've heard of it.
I suspected you might.

SVETLANA: Only through legend. It's the
"Holy Grail" of the vampire
world. The vampire who wields
it is said to be immune to those
things that would kill any other
vampire. He can walk anywhere,
even in sunlight, and strike down
man or beast with a thought.

COLONEL: Yes, those are the legends. Some
even suggest that the stone is the
petrified heart of an ancient vampire.
But legends aside, we think we've
tracked down the artifact.

SVETLANA: I always thought that it was just
as much a myth as the Holy Grail.

STRANGER (knowingly): What makes you think
the Grail is a myth?

COLONEL (after a pause brought on by the
Stranger's response): Yes, well,
we think we might have found the
Yathfoe-Gyuole stone. Our
intelligence suggests that a castle
in Germany by the name of Gaustadt
was the last known location of the
artifact. Rumors, of course, but
reports of strange creatures and
supernatural events have been becoming
suspiciously more frequent over the
past century. Whether the stone is
there or not, something is drawing the
supernatural to that mountain.

STRANGER (displeased): This is beginning to
sound like a research assignment.

COLONEL: It's far more important than that.
Your mission is to retrieve the
artifact. We've surveyed the region
as best we can. Reports that have
trickled out over the past hundred
years indicate that the journey
itself to the castle will be

SVETLANA: Why is it so important to retrieve
this stone? No one here can utilize
it's full potential. I suspect that
not even I would benefit from it's
powers since my half-human blood gives
me many of the benefits this stone
is rumored to bestow.

COLONEL: As you know, our trophy hall is filled
with weapons and artifacts of great
power that would allow an individual to
rule the world, should he wield them
properly. By keeping them here under
lock and key, we can ensure that they
never fall into the wrong hands.

STRANGER: Why not simply destroy them?

COLONEL: Some cannot be destroyed. We've tried.
Others may prove...useful to us in the
future. In the even of another Great
War, we have weapons that would
guarantee our victory against any odds.
Returning to business, we've done some
preliminary reconnaissance. Our
operatives couldn't penetrate very
deeply into the foothills. The entire
area is crawling with werewolves.

SVETLANA (looking at Stranger): I thought you
killed all the werewolves in Germany.

STRANGER (grunts): Hmm.

COLONEL: We tried to find relatives of anyone
from the Gaustadt region. We couldn't
find one person with any connection to
the area. We do know that small villages
in the area were inhabited as late as the
1850's, but since then, no one has had any
first-hand contact with anyone from that
region. All the information you need is on
your desks, and your travel arrangements have
been made. Good luck, and be careful.

**Svetlana rises and walks out**

SVETLANA: Meet me at the elevator when you're ready
to leave, Stranger.

You know have control of the Stranger.
Talk to Hiram. He's just outside the
briefing room. Then enter the gym, which
is located to Hiram's right, and talk to
Moloch, Khen and Haystack. When your
finished, leave and head for the Lab,
which is the door above Hiram. Go and
talk to Doc Holliday.

**Doc Holliday is doing something scientific**

HOLLIDAY: Stranger, can you com back later? As
you can see, I'm extremely busy.

**Returns to work**

STRANGER: I have to leave on a mission soon.

HOLLIDAY: I see. And you want to know if
I have any goodies for you.
What's the mission?

STRANGER: Werewolves and Vampires.

HOLLIDAY: Vampires? Svetlana just returned
from her last mission; I don't
suppose she's going on this mission
with you, is she?


HOLLIDAY (amused): Interesting. Well, I've got
the standard aqua vampira that Hamilton
Killian helped develop. "Better than
holy water," he always said. And I have
a new item that I just finished. I haven't
had time to field-test it yet. Basically,
it produces artificial sunlight. It takes
a while to charge up, but when it does, it
ought to fry any vampire and, at the very
least, temporarily blind anything else.

HOLLIDAY: You'd better not accidentally shoot a team
member with it. Especially Svetlana. (to
herself) Hmm... I wonder if this machine
will even have an effect on a dhampir?
(back to regular conversation). Either
way, it might not be a good idea to use
this if you and Svetlana are going to be
in close proximity during the mission.

STRANGER: I'll take my chances. What do you call

HOLLIDAY: It's the Charged Radiance Emitter, or,
more colorfuly, "The Sun of God".

STRANGER: Nice. Anything else?

HOLLIDAY: Werewolves, huh? Where did you say you
were going?

STRANGER (hesitant): Germany.

HOLLIDAY: I thought you killed all -

STRANGER (quickly interrupting, annoyed): What else
do you have?

HOLLIDAY: Sorry, Stranger, just the standard silver
bullets. I've been very busy. You're
lucky I was able to finish "The Sun" before
your mission.

**Holliday returns to work**

Walk over to the workbench and pick up the doctors
bag and all the silver bullets. If the Stranger
tries to pick up anything else, Holliday will
scold him. Once you have everything, leave
and meet Svetlana at the elevator. Open
the elevator door to start the mission.

[4.2] Scene 2: Falkenburg Village

**Outside the city wall, the Stranger
and Svetlana emerge from the mountain
trails that have isolated the village.
As they are passing a small cemetery,
the earth of one of the graves' moves
and a body rises from the muck. The
Stranger draws his weapons.**

STRANGER: Watch out!

SVETLANA: Wait! This one's not a monster.

STRANGER: Are you crazy? He just climbed
out of a grave.

SVETLANA: I'm telling you, he smells of

**The man, who turns out to be Tormah
Klienshenck, has risen and dusted
himself off. He starts to run when
he spots the two agents. The Stranger
steps before him to stop him.**

STRANGER: Who are you?

TORMAH (mad, frantic and panicking): Sentinels!
No! They're everywhere!

SVETLANA: Sentinels? What are these Sentinels?

TORMAH: Huge, monstrous things! Hideous things
that will devour you whole!

STRANGER: Come on, Svetlana. He's crazy.

TORMAH (laughing hysterically): Ha, ha, ha! I'm
crazy? You've come here of your own
free will? You're crazy! You'll never

STRANGER: You obviously escaped.

TORMAH: Yes. But I'm not crazy. I'm a
genius! I hid in a coffin with
my friend's corpse, so when they
buried him out here, I could

**Wings flapping sound in the background.
Tormah is frightened and flees.**

TORMAH (as he flees): They've found me!

**Once Tormah is gone...**

STRANGER: What was that all about?

SVETLANA: I'm not sure. He was totally mad. But
one thing I am sure of: there are
vampires here. I can smell them. Did
you see the bite marks on his neck?


At this point, you have control of the
Stranger. Keep walking past all the graves
until you come to a crypt with a gate. Walk
up to it and try to open it.

STRANGER: I can feel air coming from this
crypt. It smells like fresh air.
It might open into the town

The crypt is locked, so you need to find a key.
Head down the hill that Tormah ran down and
walk around to the right side of the town walls.
You will see a pair of dead bodies and a box.
Get the key on the ground near the first body.
Be careful, as the other ghoul isn't dead and may
attack. Kill it, then search the box to find 200
Ordinary Bullets. Go back to the crypt by the
graveyard and use the key to open the gate.

STRANGER: Let's go.

**After a few steps in, Svetlana drops
to the ground.**

SVETLANA (grabbing her head): I can't go in!
We're nearing holy ground.

STRANGER: We just tromped through an entire
graveyard, why stop now?

SVETLANA (in pain): That little graveyard was
never consecrated. It's not holy.
But the ground here burns my skin.
To go any further would be suicide.

STRANGER (not disappointed): Fine. I'll go
on alone.

SVETLANA: I'll find another way in.


**Svetlana turns and moves toward the graveyard.**

SVETLANA: Go ahead and enter the village through
the crypt. Try to open the front gate.
In the meantime, I'll look for another
way in.

Enter the crypt. You emerge in a decrepit,
abandoned church. Outside, the town is
deserted. As you enter the street, a
Sentinel will fly down from above. Using
Ordinary bullets, aim up at it's head and
back up to give yourself room to avoid it
and blast it until it's dead.

Open the gate at the end of the street by
pushing the lever. Before doing this, make
sure the Sentinel is dead. Once the gate
is opened, Svetlana will come in.

SVETLANA: Excellent work. (looks at
Sentinel) What in the world
is that thing? I've never seen
anything like it. Whoever summoned
this beast must be very powerful.

STRANGER: There might be others like it.

SVETLANA: Did you find any villagers?

STRANGER: Not one. They're either dead or

SVETLANA: With monsters like this roaming
the streets, I can't blame them.

You once again have control. As you search
for the rest of the Sentinels, enter the pub
and collect the Doctor's Bag from behind the
bar. All other doors in the town are locked.
Once all the Sentinels are dead, the village
Mayor emerges from his hiding spot.

MAYOR (ready to flee): Are you friend or foe?

SVETLANA: We are not your enemy.

MAYOR: Well then, greetings. Welcome to the
fair village of Falkenburg, strangers.
I am the village Mayor. What might
I call you?

SVETLANA: I am Svetlana Lupescu.

STRANGER: "Stranger" is fine.

MAYOR: Very well. I have no idea how you
found our little village; it matters
not, I suppose. You should return
now the way you came. You are both
in terrible danger.

SVETLANA: What? You mean these creatures?
We can handle ourselves.

MAYOR: But don't you see? It is only a matter
of time before an army of those things
is sent to replace those you have slain.
Please leave. It will benefit no one
for two more people to suffer as our
town suffers.

STRANGER: We didn't come this far to be dissuaded
by one man's opinion. Tell us what you
know, and keep it brief. You can worry
about our safety later.

MAYOR: A great evil has befallen us. You've seen
some signs of that evil here. The
oppression from Castle Gaustadt has become
more and more severe since we settled
in this valley after the bloody reign
of Andronicus Comnenus.

SVETLANA: Andronicus? Andronicus ruled in the
twelfth century.

MAYOR: Impressive. You know our history well.
Our people have been here a long time,
and each year our village falls deeper
into ruin. I fear we've only a few
years left. And because of your actions
today, we might have even less time.
Count Voicu's wrath will descend upon this
innocent town when he learns his
Sentinels have been slain.

STRANGER: Count Voicu?

MAYOR: He is the master of Castle Gaustadt,
beyond the forest on the mountain
that overlooks this valley.

SVETLANA: Well us about this Count. He's not
a normal man, is he?

MAYOR: What do you mean?

SVETLANA: He's a vampire, is he not?

MAYOR (shocked): Well, yes. That is rumoured
to be so. Why would you suspect such
a thing?

SVETLANA: I can smell it. And there were bite marks
on a man outside this village.

MAYOR: Man? What man?

SVETLANA: He didn't tell us his name. He was
babbling, warning us about the sentinels.

MAYOR: Did he say anything else?

STRANGER: That's all.

MAYOR: How did he escape? The sentinels don't
let us wander from town.

SVETLANA: Apparently he hid in a coffin with a
corpse and was buried outside of town.

MAYOR: How clever. Well, at least one person
has escaped the Count's iron grip. If
that madman truly is a vampire, think of
the horrors he must be inflicting upon
our children.

SVETLANA: Your children?

MAYOR: Over the past year, the Count has taken
all of our daughters, for what vile
purpose we can only guess. We tried to
fight back, but his sentinels are too
many and too strong.

SVETLANA: Now that the Sentinels are gone, we
recommend that you flee the city.

MAYOR: Never! This is our home. We may die
defending it, but we will not run like
cowards! We are a proud people, and
if we leave, our daughters will surely

**The Mayor looks at both the Stranger and
Svetlana before proceeding.**

MAYOR: I will not ask you to involve yourselves
in this horror, but it's obvious that
you are capable warriors. If you offer
your help, we will accept it. But we
will not leave this town.

SVETLANA: We'll discuss this matter with Count
Voicu. If we can't reason with him...

STRANGER (interrupting forcefully): We will kill him.

MAYOR: Our humble village appreciates your help.
I pray - for the sake of our town and
our children - that you are successful.

You now have control. Walk around until you
see another townsman. Talk to him. The
Stranger's tone will not go over well with
the townsman, and Svetlana will scold him.
Talk to him again, and Svetlana will talk
to him. You will receive information about
Yuri, a trapper who lives in the woods.

Once you're through talking, open the gate
near the Town Hall and exit to enter the

[4.3] Scene 2: The Forest

Once outside the walls, the Stranger
and Svetlana enter the forest just
as rain begins to fall. Follow the
path under the fallen tree and
walk toward the tipped wagon. You
will find a Doctor's Bag around here.

SVETLANA: The smell of werewolves is
overwhelming. They are all
around us.

STRANGER: Why don't they attack?

SVETLANA: They're toying with us. Surrounding
us. They will attack soon enough.
Look at this horse. Flesh torn from
shattered bones.

Follow along the path until you reach a
fork in the road. Look down the right
hand path and you will see two bodies.

SVETLANA (surprised): It's a vampire!

STRANGER: Staked through the heart. Is it
holding another stake? Why would
a vampire carry a stake?

SVETLANA: A civil war among the vampires?

STRANGER: There's a werewolf carcass over
here. Must've been quite a fight.

Grab the stake from the ground in front of
the dead vampire. Turn around and continue
down the left path. You'll come across another
fork in the road. Turn left and approach the
small hut ahead. If you talked to the townsman
who told you about Yuri, Svetlana will call to

SVETLANA (shouting into shack): Yuri! We've come
from Village Falkenburg. We're travelling
to Castle Gaustadt.

STRANGER: I don't think anyone's home.

SVETLANA: The smell of life is fresh here. Someone
was here recently, but he is gone now.

Don't bother going in the shack; there's nothing
there. Just to the right of the shack, you can
make out a path that leads behind the shack.
Follow it deeper and you'll come to a bridge
that crosses a dam. Cross over the bridge to
reach the causeway on the other side. You'll
see a mill on your left. Walk down the steps
on your left, then walk up the stairs to the
mill. Follow the balcony to the front of the
mill, and Svetlana will shout again.

SVETLANA (shouting): Yuri! We've come from
Village Falkenburg. We're travelling
to Castle Gaustadt.

YURI: Please come in. These woods are
dangerous. Traveling to Castle
Gaustadt? You choose a poor place
to visit. Count Voicu does not welcome

SVETLANA: We've come to stop Count Voicu.

STRANGER: Kill him, if necessary.

YURI: Then my prayers are with you. My mastery is
over the forest. If I thought I stood a
chance of beating him, I would have traveled
to the castle years ago and killed the Count
myself. I'm safe from him here. He avoids
the forest and the werewolves that live here.

YURI: In an ironic way, I owe those beasts my life.
My people once were gypsies, well versed in the
darker arts. One of our talents was the art
of skinwalking. When we first fell under Voicu's
thumb, a troop of our bravest men volunteered to
wear the skin of the wolf and take to the forest to
protect us from the Count. Eventually, he learned
to make the winged ones that can pass over the forest
instead of going through it. The manwolves grew
restless, hungry.

YURI: After centuries of walking as beasts, our
protectors forsook their allegiance to us and
grew feral. Our once-warriors began to stalk us.
They became as great a threat to use as Voicu
himself. Now, only I survive. Those of my people
not devoured by the wolves were taken by the

YURI: Take whatever traps and medicines you think you
can use. The traps can be used repeatedly.
They are not lethal, but they can slow down
the fiercest of beasts. Beware the traps I've hidden
throughout these woods. Some are very lethal, and
they do not discriminate between man and beast.

**Yuri leads the Stranger and Svetlana upstairs.**

Once upstairs, you will have control. Along the wall,
take the Doctor's Bag, two wolf traps, an Axe, a
Crossbow with 20 wooden bolts and 70 Blessed Bolts.
You can find some silver bullets in a chest. Once
you've collected everything, return to the first
shack you saw and go down the other fork in the
path. Be careful along these woods, as the traps
Yuri set are around.

The first trap is close. You'll see a pile of
werewolves nearby. Slow down and walk. You'll
see the faint outline of what appears to be a brown
rope. Walk so the Stranger touches the rope, and
a log will come down, swinging back in forth across
the path. As soon as the log comes to a stop, walk
around it and continue on.

You'll spot a dead vampire and a dead werewolf up
ahead. Follow the path that is closest to the road
sign. This will take you past another dead werewolf.
Draw your Pistols and load the Silver Bullets before

A bit after the dead werewolf, a trio of werewolves
is waiting to ambush you. As soon as the camera changes
views, open fire as they leap from the trees. Once
they are dead, continue on.

Four more werewolves will attack just ahead. Keep
following the path after killing them through the
tunnel ahead. Approach the large clearing past the
next road marker. There are several Werewolf ambushes
around it. Make use of Yuri's traps by leading the
werewolves into them.

Walk to the left of the road marker, and you may or
may not be attacked by werewolves. As you walk, you'll
notice more of Yuri's traps; stay to the side to avoid

Near the back of this clearing, you'll find a narrow
path through the trees. Follow it and be prepared to
kill the four werewolves that attack. Follow the path
deeper into the forest and kill four more.

Past the next road marker, you will come to a suspension
bridge. Approach the bridge.

SVETLANA: This bridge doesn't look too safe. I think we
should try to find another way across.

Walk to the left along the edge of the cliff. When you
come to the end of the cliff, Svetlana will make a jump
across the chasm. Return to the suspension bridge. On
your way back, you'll encounter two more werewolves.

Looks like the Stranger will have to use that bridge after
all. Save your game.

To make things easy, instead of walking on the bridge, step
outside of the rope and walk along the very edge, on the
support cables. The planks will collapse, but at least
the Stranger won't go with them.

Once accross, Svetlana will join the Stranger, and you can
proceed to the castle.

[4.4] Scene 4: Castle Gaustadt

As you approach the castle, Svetlana and the Strange split
up in search of the Count.

As you enter the castle, you'll notice the closed gates ahead.
Look to your left to see a small doorway, and go through it.
Kill the Ghoul that emerges from the crypt, then then enter
the doorway beyond.

Turn to the right and walk past the dead Vampire Bride. A
Sentinel will attack. Kill it and keep going. Just past
the dead Vampire Bride ahead, two Gargolyes will attack.
Kill them, then quickly kill the Sentinel that attacks.

In the outer courtyard, you'll find the Chapel. Enter
and push the statue onto the symbol in the center of
the room. This will reveal a small alcove in the floor
containing the Holy Relic. This is a key artifact, so
don't forget it. Return to the area just outside the
castle doors.

Open the doors to the castle and kill or knock down
the four Ghouls inside. There are three doors here.
You can reach the Throne room by going through any
door. Inside the Throne room, kill the Gargoyles
and Ghouls that attack. Behind the dais is a small
chamber with lots of Ghouls inside. Kill them all.

Climb the stairs and get the Bullets and Wooden
Stakes from the chests above. Also grab the
Restorative Tonic from the table. Return to the
Throne room and walk all the way across to enter
the room opposite the Thrones.

Walk up the stairs and kill the two creatures
above. Open the cell door and get the
Restorative Tonic and Bullet from the chests.
Follow the stairs up, and they will take you
to the roof. Once up there, kill the two
creatures, then enter the tower on the right.
Kill the Ghoul and grab the Tower Key on the
roof. Leave and use the key on the left tower.

Kill the Vampire inside and get the Bell Tower
Key from the chest above. Go through the hole
in the wall to the stairs below and climb up
to the top. Climb the next set of stairs, and
you will run into Svetlana.

STRANGER: Svetlana! Do you need any help?

SVETLANA: I don't need any help. You're the one
who needs help.

**Svetlana swipes at the Stranger and jumps

STRANGER (to himself): What the hell? Crazy

SERVANT (from behind): She's not the woman you
knew before.

STRANGER: Who the hell are you?

SERVANT: To serve my master, I need no name.

STRANGER: What do you know about her?

SERVANT: The dhampir? She's been changed like all
the others.

STRANGER: How did you know she was half-vampire?

SERVANT: The Count has taken particular interest
in her ever since the two of you arrived.
Her special abilities will be of great use
to him.

STRANGER: There's no way she would ever serve a man
like the Count.

SERVANT: Believe me. She is not the woman you brought
here. When the Count takes a woman as his
bride, she changes. She belongs to him now.

STRANGER: No way. She leaves with me.

SERVANT: As long as the Count lives, none of his brides
will leave. With you or anyone else.

STRANGER (cocking guns): Very well, then.

SERVANT: Don't be a fool. You can't kill him. He's

STRANGER: If you only knew how many immortal creatures
I've killed.

**A loud noise startles the Servant.**

SERVANT: Someone comes!

**Servant runs away.**

A Sentinel flies from above. Kill it then open
the Bell Tower door and enter. Inside, there are
several Vampires hanging upside down. Don't shoot
a weapon or try to attack, as they will not do
anything unless disturbed. You can open the chest
without awakening them. Be careful of the hole in
the floor; falling through will sign your death

Inside the chest is a Special Book. Grab it and go
back down to the roof near the two towers. Kill the
creatures on the way, and enter the room on the other
side of the roof. The first two rooms in this hallway
have statues that should be destroyed. The next room
has a trap waiting for you. As soon as the Stranger
enters, metal rails fall and cover the door, and three
Ghouls attack. Once they are dead, get the Restorative
Tonic from the chest in the back, and push the lever
to raise the metal rails.

Follow the hallway. There are two Vampire Brides through
the doorway. Use Wooden Stakes to kill them. Follow the
main hallway around to the right, and walk through the
opening in the hallway beyond. Turn right and you'll
enter a small courtyard where a Vampire is waiting to
attack. Kill it and enter the door across the courtyard.

Follow this hall down the stairs and open the door in the
chamber below to enter the dining hall. Enter the doorway
at the head of the table and kill the Vampire Bride and
the Succubus beyond. Grab the 100 Blessed Crossbow Bolts
in a chest in the first room on your right.

Follow the hall and you will enter a chamber with a huge
mirror. Open the door across the chamber and kill the
creatures that attack. Walk out onto the roof and drop
down to the roof below.

SAVE YOUR GAME NOW! Walk, don't run, up the leaning
board and jump across the broken platforms to get
to the other side. Walk along the top of the wall
and drop through the hole to gain entrance to the
Library. DO NOT jump to the ledge outside the
door; it wall fall away, sending the Stranger to an
untimely demise.

Grab the key from the shelf. See that book stand in the
middle of the room? Place the Special Book you got from
the room with the hanging vampires there. This will
open a secret panel behind a picture in the library.

Enter the room behind the painting and kill the
Ghoul that attacks. Get the Dungeon Key from the
table and walk behind the tapestry nearest the chair
to grab a Doctor's Bag, some Blessed Crossbow Bolts
and some Bullets from the chests.

Cross the room and walk up the stairs behind the other
tapestry. Push the lever on the landing to open a secret
door. There are several Vampires waiting in here.
Lure them out and finish them off.

Go back to the Throne room and enter the room opposite
the Thrones. There is a square hole in the floor
with a ladder leading down. Climb down and walk through
the opening. Follow the steps to the bottom and get the
Blessed Crossbow Bolts from the chest. Walk back up and
use the Dungeon Key on the barred entrance to enter
the Dungeon.

[4.5] Scene 5: Castle Gaustadt Dungeon

You enter the Dungeon in a small room with a skeleton
and a chest. Get 275 Ordinary Bullets out of the chest,
then push the lever to open the gate and drop down the

A Sentinel will attack you. Kill it and push the lever
across the room to open the gate ahead. Enter the next
room and follow the path to the doors across the watery

Open the left door and kill the Ghouls. There is an Imp on
the steps in the next room. Kill it and step onto the landing
below. Several Vampire Brides are waiting in the room beyond
the landing. Kill them and get the Dungeon Key from the
table. There are Ordinary Bullets and Blessed Crossbow bolts
in the chests in the corner, and Restorative Tonic from the floor.

Go back to the landing in the water room and enter the other
door. Walk upstairs and walk behind the open gate. The
floor will lower, allowing you to get the Dungeon Key. Grab
it and jump below. Cross to the other side and the floor
will once again lower. Get on it and ride it to the top, then
step off.

Kill the Ghouls and walk down the stairs behind the next
doorway. Enter the tunnel below and kill the Ghoul who
is ahead. Lure the Vampires into the narrow tunnel to
finish them off.

In the next room, push the two levers. One opens
the bars and the other raises three platforms
in the water room. Walk through the opening and
across the three platforms to reach the door.

There's a Ghoul on the stairs, so kill it
and then walk up. Kill the Ghoul in the next
room. SAVE YOUR GAME! Now time a run past
the pendulum.

Once again, SAVE YOUR GAME! You must make three
perfect jumps to get across this chasm. Walk to
the edge of each platform, and do a standing jump.
Be sure your at the edge before jumping, and you
will make it perfectly. Save your game after every
successful jump if you want.

Kill the three Vampire Brides, then get the
Precious Gem from one of the coffins.
Repeat the jumps again (saving your game
after every successful jump) and then pass
the first pendulum.

In the pendulum room there are two doors.
Open the only door that is unlocked and
enter the long hallway. Kill the Ghoul and
enter the chamber below.

Put the Precious Gem on the pedestal to
open a secret door. Get the bullets from
the chest behind you and enter the door.
Cross into Count Voicu's chamber.

Walk around the room, avoiding the lava,
until you get to a bridge. SAVE YOUR GAME
NOW! Walk across the bridge. Count Voicu
will rise out of the coffin and turn into
a huge flying creature. Use your Pistols
to drain his health, and when he finally lands
in his vampiric form, switch to the Holy Relic,
rush over to him and kill him.

After you've killed him, grab the Sanctum Key
near his coffin and return to the pendulum
room. Go to the other door in this room and
use the key to unlock it. When your inside,
the Stranger will have to kill a few more
Vampire Brides. Don't waste your ammunition
on the ones flying; wait until they land to
kill them. Once they are all dead, walk up
to the middle tapestry in the back of the room
and you'll see a pair of feet sticking out from
underneath it. Press ACTION and watch the game
take over.

**Stranger rips the tapestry from the wall and
draws his guns.**

BRIDE (crying): Please let me go! I'll do anything,
just let me live!

STRANGER (demanding): Did you taste the Count's

BRIDE: I don't know.

STRANGER (hostile): Did you taste the Count's blood?

BRIDE: I don't know what you mean!

STRANGER (lowering guns): Very well. I won't hurt
you. I'll take you back to Falkenburg.

BRIDE: Falkenburg?

STRANGER: Yes, your home-

**Stranger goes silent and studies the portrait that
was hidden by the tapestry.**

BRIDE: I'm not from Falkenburg.

STRANGER (to himself): The mayor?

STRANGER: What do you know about the man in this portrait?

BRIDE: I've never seen him before.

**Svetlana enters the room and the Stranger
draws his guns and aims at her.**

SVETLANA: Stranger! What are you doing?

STRANGER: I'm about to kill you.

SVETLANA: Are you out of your mind? How
many times do I have to tell you
that being half vampire doesn't
make me evil?

STRANGER: You sound like you're back to normal

SVETLANA: Almost. I feel like I've been kicked
in the head. My ears are ringing. I had
to fight off the Count's influence, and it
wasn't easy.

SVETLANA: I vaguely remember talking to him, but it's
all a blur. He drove his own will into my
mind and controlled me like a puppet.

SVETLANA: I've never had my mind taken over like that
before. He was extremely powerful.

STRANGER: Not powerful enough.

SVETLANA: It's ironic that you saved me, considering
our past.

STRANGER: We have no past.

SVETLANA: Try as you might, you can't forget everything.


SVETLANA: If you say so. Shall we be off? It looks
like we've managed to save at least one
of the village's daughters.

SVETLANA (to bride): What's your name?

BRIDE: Nadia.

SVETLANA: Come with us. Your parents in Falkenburg
will be delighted to see you.

STRANGER: I'm not so sure about that. She's not from
Falkenburg. In fact, I don't think anything
the Mayor told us was the truth. Look at this

SVETLANA: The Mayor of Falkenburg?

STRANGER: I think he has held other titles in the past.

SVETLANA: I knew it! I thought the scent of vampires
was too strong in that town. I assumed that
the Count and his minions had left that smell.
It makes perfect sense now.

STRANGER: What makes perfect sense?

SVETLANA: The Mayor is the true lord of this castle.
The Count was his son. The old vampire and
his retainers must have been banished to
Falkenburg. Exiled from his own kingdom and
herded with werewolves.

SVETLANA: The crazy man we met outside the village wasn't
escaping from just the Sentinels. He was escaping
from the themselves. They are vampires,
and he was meant to be their food.

STRANGER: An entire town of vampires held captive by the
Count? Why didn't he just kill them all?

SVETLANA: I don't know.

**The Mayor materializes**

MAYOR: Perhaps I can explain.

**Stranger draws his guns on the Mayor**

STRANGER: You made a huge mistake showing yourself now
that I know who you are.

MAYOR (annoyed sigh at Stranger's remark, addresses
Svetlana): Clever girl, this one. I thought she might
have been a dhampir when she first came into the
village. I thought for sure she would detect us,
but she never put the clues together.

SVETLANA: So I was right? The Count was your son.

MAYOR: Yes. That insolent bastard. Now that you've killed
him, my people and I can return home to this castle.

SVETLANA: Stranger, put your guns away.

STRANGER: You know I have no sense of humor.

**Svetlana steps between the Mayor and the

SVETLANA: I'm not joking, Stranger.

MAYOR: You'd be wise to do as your friend says.

STRANGER: I have no friends.

MAYOR: Then you would be wise to make her one.

MAYOR: The reason my son did not kill me was
because he did not know how to properly
utilize the Yathgy. Until I revealed it's
secret to him, he knew he could not kill
me. But I would not give up that secret

STRANGER: The Yathgy?

MAYOR: Yes. Now that it's back in my control,
things can return to normal around here.

MAYOR: My son managed to separate me from the
Yathgy long enough to overpower me. I've
spent the past hundred years waiting for
the misused power of this stone to destroy
him. Thank you for accelerating the process.

MAYOR: My followers and I have tried to reclaim
the castle by force on a number of
occasions. You might have seen the
aftermath of those attempts littering
the forest and this castle. And beyond
my son's resistance, the werewolves of
the forest interfered with out attempts
as well. There were times when three
separate forces met in those accursed

MAYOR (to the Stranger): You've proven yourself
quite capable. If you weren't a mere human,
I'd ask you to join me. As it is, I would be
honored if this lady were to join my ranks.

SVETLANA: No thanks. I have other obligations.

MAYOR: A foolish choice, my dear. Now I suppose
there's nothing left for me to do but
kill you.

**Stranger draws his guns again, but the Mayor
just laughs**

MAYOR (laughing): But since you've helped me regain
my castle and the Yathgy, I'll overlook the
fact that you my minions and the brides I have
taken the past millennia to collect. You may
live. You are free to leave this castle. Take
with you this pitiful girl-child who my son
failed to make his own bride. But know that if
you ever set foot in this house again, you will
belong to me.

SVETLANA (bowing gracefully): Thank you, kind sir.

**Svetlana leads the Stranger away**

STRANGER: What about the stone?

SVETLANA (quietly): The stone stays, Stranger. We
leave. Now.

STRANGER: Not until our mission is complete.

SVETLANA: Stranger, you cannot see the things that
I see. You must simply trust me when I
say his offer to leave must be taken.
His son, the Count, was a frail degenerate
compared to him.

STRANGER (disgusted): So our mission was a failure?

SVETLANA: Not necessarily. I doubt this man will make
the same mistake twice. He will not allow
another to overthrow him.

SVETLANA: And whether the Yathgy is locked in Spookhouse's
basement or in this Vampire's castle, we at least
know where it resides.

STRANGER: But he is a bloodsucking vampire! As soon as
we leave, he'll be out looking for more food
and new brides. Innocent humans will have
their lives torn apart.

SVETLANA: We'll deal with him when the time is right,
but there's nothing the two of us can do
about it, alone. Throwing ourselves at him
would be suicide, so calm down...

SVETLANA (after a pause): Besides, you already got to
kill a really powerful vampire today, so cheer

STRANGER (grunts at her humor): Hmm.

**Svetlana strides away with the Stranger and Nadia
walking grumpily behind her**

CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed Act 1! Return
to Spookhouse HQ for your next assignment!

[5] Act 2: Texas, 1931 "Tomb of the Underground God"

[5.1] Scene 1: The Train

**Stranger boards a train and takes a seat
opposite his partner Hiram Mottra**

STRANGER: Okay, what's the situation?

HIRAM: A sheriff in Redeye, Texas, called in
a strange request to the authorities in
Chanford. The police in Chanford took
it as a request for medical assistance,
supposedly due to an outbreak of some
unknown skin illness. Chanford sent a
couple of doctors expecting to find some
kind of minor skin fungus or similar

HIRAM: We, on the other hand, suspect the sheriff's
references to "zombies" and "monsters"
weren't the hysterical ramblings of a small
town police officer. The Chanford doctors
failed to report back after spending a day
in the small town, so we're sending in our
own "doctors". Scat Dazzle is already in
Redeye. He'll meet us at the train station.

STRANGER: Why so nervous?

HIRAM: I fear that we may be in grave danger.

STRANGER (matter of factly): It's our job to be in
grave danger.

HIRAM: I think someone is following me.


HIRAM (becoming more and more frantic): I don't know.
That's what frightens me. Normally, I can feel
the thoughts of anyone who focuses on me, but so
far none of the people on this train have
expressed any sort of hostility toward me, even
in their thoughts. But I can feel the anger
aimed at me. It's been boring into my brain
since I left Virgina.

STRANGER (curious): You can't tell who it is, where
it's coming from?

HIRAM: No. I can feel a general pressure all around
me. There's no direction, or I could track
the culprit down.

**Hiram gives a small note to the Stranger**

HIRAM: I found this in my luggage.

STRANGER (reading): "For the insidious crimes against
my people, your people will see ruin." What
the hell does that mean?

HIRAM: I have no idea. What people could we have ruined?

STRANGER: I can't think of any people, as such. But
we've wiped out entire civilizations
of monsters: vampires, werewolves,
changelings. Perhaps a survivor of one
of our horucide projects is seeking

**Train suddenly accelerates**

HIRAM: Something's wrong! We're going to fast!

**Hiram goes white with fear**

HIRAM (frantically): Oh no! I can feel him!
He's close! He's close! The one who's
been following me... Oh my God, Stranger,

**A massive claw shatters the window and drags
Hiram's body out before he can finish**

STRANGER: What the hell?

**Stranger steps back, drawing his guns
and firing at the window, but there is no
sign of Hiram or the monster**

You now have control of the Stranger.
There are two people in this car, but
once the Stranger approaches them, they
turn into werewolves. You cannot shoot
them until the fully change though. Once
both are dead, head out the front of the
car (toward the camera), as the other door
is locked.

STRANGER: Damn. I wasn't expecting Werewolves.
If Hiram packed as extravagantly as
usual, I'll bet I can find more
appropriate weapons in his baggage.

Once outside, jump to the other car and climb
one of the ladders to reach the baggage car
roof. Climb down one of the ladders and
walk toward the stack of crates inside.
Hiram's crate is the one on top of the
middle stack. Draw your Pistol's are aim
at the crate. The box at the bottom is
dynamite and if you shoot it, you can
say "bye bye Stranger". Grab the Doctor's
Bag and the Silver Bullets from the crate,
then climb the ladder at the front of the

The next car is a flatbed with a small shack
on the back. Jump to the car ahead and climb
to the roof. Don't drop down into this car,
as it's the meat car and you'll have to fight
un-necessary werewolves. Run forward and
leap to the tender ahead. Get the Ax near
the steps, then climb onto the coal. Jump
from the coal train to the top of the engine,
then go down the ladder on the left, grab the
key from the dead engineer and make your way
all the way back to the top of the meat car.

There is a werewolf here, so have your Pistols
loaded with Silver Bullets ready. At the end
of this car, walk to the very edge and kill
the werewolves below before climbing down.
Once down, cross the flatbed car and jump
to the baggage car roof.

There is another werewolf here, so be prepared
to kill it. Once it's dead, jump to the roof
of the third class car for a confrontation with

ALPHAWEREWOLF: You! You and all your kind will
die! You, who scattered my tribe
to the four winds. You thought
that you killed us all, but we
have survived. You will not

**AlphaWerewolf leaps to another car, and gives
you two werewolves to kill**

STRANGER: That was the Alpha of the Hokkendire
tribe. I had a feeling we didn't
wipe them out completely back in '24.

After you kill the two werewolves, climb down
the ladder at the end of the car and enter
the next one, using the key to unlock the
door. There is a lady sitting near the front,
but once you approach her, she will turn into
a werewolf, so be ready to kill her. Open the
door at the end, and kill the werewolf outside.
Step into the next car, which is completely
empty. Approach the end of the car and you'll
find that the door is barred from the other
side. Use the Ax to chop down the door.
SAVE YOUR GAME NOW! Climb the ladder to
the roof, and you'll meet AlphaWerewolf for
the final confrontation.

ALPHAWEREWOLF: Most formidable. I feel less
insulted knowing that it was you
who destroyed my tribe. When I've
built a new tribe, we will honor
your death on this day.

As soon as the cinematic is over, open fire.
Keep firing and backing up to give yourself
some breathing room against the Alpha. Once
he is dead, the Stranger will jump from the
back of the train.

[5.2] Scene 2: Redeye, Texas

**Reverend Jim Maynard welcomes the Stranger
as he is dusting himself off from the jump**

REVEREND: Dear Lord! Are you okay, son?

STRANGER: I'm fine.

REVEREND: I assume you must be Scat Dazzle's partner.

STRANGER: Where is he?

REVEREND: Eh... I don't know how to tell you this,
but he has passed on.

STRANGER (skeptical): What happened?

**Reverend leads the Stranger towards the

REVEREND: Please, we can't stay out here. Come
with me. I'll explain on the way.

STRANGER: What's the shovel for?

REVEREND: I used to dig graves with it. But it
seems all the graves I've dug for the
past twenty years weren't deep enough
to hold the people I laid to rest.

STRANGER: You mean...?

REVEREND: The dead walk.


REVEREND (surprised by Stranger's disinterest):
Look, I guess in your line of work, this
may not be disturbing, but it's a little
bothersome to me. In the past week, I've
seen people, who have been dead for a
hundred years, rise from their graves.
I've seen people I knew when they were
alive come back from the dead. But
they're not the same. They're monsters.

STRANGER: And the shovel?

REVEREND: Hmm? Oh, now the only use I have for
this thing is as a weapon. It's not
in my nature to kill, mind you, but
these things are already dead, and they're
evil. I'm sure the good Lord doesn't
have anything against me knocking their
heads off. That seems to be about the
only way to put them down for good.

**They are now in the church, and Scat Dazzle lays
dead under debris**

REVEREND: He died guarding the church. He'd holed up
on the roof and shot anything that came
this way that wasn't human. Something went
wrong, and the roof collapsed. He'd said
that you were coming to assist him, so I
went to meet you when I heard the train

**The Stranger searches through Scat's stuff**

REVEREND: He's dead. I checked.

STRANGER: Not for long. Damn. I need rum.

REVEREND: I, uh, have some Scotch.

STRANGER: That won't work; I need rum.

REVEREND: There's a saloon in the middle of town.
But this really isn't the time.

STRANGER: Yes. It is.

Break the stained glass behind the podium and
grab the Scotch. Walk outside and church and
grab the shovel by the tombstone. Kill the
zombie that rises from the ground and make your
way toward the town. The Saloon is just on the
left, right past the Sheriff's office. There
are a lot of zombies around, but the shovel is
more than enough to put them down for good.

Kill the zombie and the dog that attack just in
front of the saloon, then enter the saloon and
grab the bottle of rum from the counter.

Return to the church and press the ACTION button
on Scat's body.

STRANGER (to Reverend): You might want to turn away.
I suspect your religious sensibilities might
be offended by what I'm about to do.

**Stranger sprinkles dust on Scat. Lights and smoke
form, and Baron emerges from a cloud. Stranger
offers the Baron cigars and rum**

BARON: Ah, the legendary Stranger. The man of mystery.
You know, your dark past is not so secret in my
realm. I know all about you.

STRANGER (flatly): Fascinating. Just revive Scat and
be on your way.

BARON (laughing): Easy, mon. Don't forget who you're
dealing with.

STRANGER: You have your cigar. You have your rum. All
the blood you need is in a pool beneath your
host. Do your business and be off.

BARON: Heh! Pray you never owe me a favor.

**Baron kneels over Scat's body. More light and
smoke appear. Baron fades away. When the smoke
clears, Scat stands, shaking his head**

SCAT: What happened?

STRANGER: You died. Again. I used your powder
to summon Baron Samedi. He revived

SCAT: Hey, thanks. There are still people out there.
I've heard them crying for help. Find them
and bring them here. I still feel a little
weak, but I can stay here and guard this
place. Once I feel a little stronger, I'll
come out and help you.

STRANGER: Very well.

REVEREND: There are a couple farmhouses on the other
side of town. I haven't had the courage
to go there myself, but the Jenkins and
the Smiths were alive the last time I saw

STRANER: I'll bring them back, and anyone else I find.

Clear out the zombies along the main street.
This makes it somewhat easier for you when
escorting the townsfolk.

Enter the Telegraph Office, kill the two
zombies and grab the Doctor's Bag in the
small office, then leave.

Go to the Outhouse right across from the
Sheriff's Office and open the door.
Inside you'll find Buford, the first
civilian you'll rescue.

BUFORD: Oh, dear, sweet mother of mercy!
Don't kill me!

STRANGER: I'm here to help. You'll be
safe in the church. Finish
your business and I'll take
you there.

Return to the church, guarding Buford
at all times.

Once at the church...

BUFORD: You're an honest-to-God hero, you
know that?


For some kicks, speak to Buford again.

BUFORD: I'm been hiding in that Outhouse for two days!

STRANGER: I can tell.

Return to the main street and walk
inside the Sheriff's office.

**The Stranger enters and is greeted with
a near fatal shotgun blast**


STRANGER: Settle down, I'm here to help. Shoot
at me again and you'll lose the other
arm. I'm gathering everyone together
in the church for safety.

DEPUTY DAN: I'm safe enough right here. That
door is locked, and no one's getting
in here.

STRANGER: But you're wounded.

DEPUTY DAN: I'll be fine.

STRANGER: You can't even cock that Shotgun, much
less aim it with only one arm. Come
with me and you'll be safe.

DEPUTY DAN (after a pause): I guess you're right.
But I can't leave this cell. I don't
have a key. The Sheriff took it with
him and he went to check on the saloon.

Grab the Doctor's Bag and the Bullets from the
shelf and chest, then head to the Saloon. Kill
the zombie Sheriff and grab the key from the
corpse. Walk upstairs and kill the zombie
banging at the door. After he's dead, walk
toward the door.

DIXIE: Help! Somebody please help!

STRANGER: Let me in. I will take you to the
church. You'll be safe there.

DIXIE (frantic): How do I know you're not
another one of those monsters?

STRANGER: Because they don't offer to help.

**After a moment, Dixie opens the door and
follows the Stranger**

Don't open the other two doors, as there is
nothing to do but waste ammunition on two
needless zombies. Open the door closest the
stairs and take Dixie down the back stairs.
Head to the church to drop her off, then
return to the Sheriff's office.

Dan will give you his Shotgun once you release
him. Check the chest inside to get some shells.
Once you leave the jail, you'll be ambushed by
four zombies. Stand in the doorway so Dan doesn't
get hurt and kill the four zombies. Once you
get Dan to the church, walk all the way down
the main street until you get to a fork, with
two farmhouses, one to the right and one
straight ahead. Take the path to the right.

As you get close to the house, a zombie dog
will attack you. A zombie cow will come from
around the house. Kill both, then enter.

Enter the basement through the door directly
across from the door you came in. You will
find two zombies eating some person. Kill them
and walk to the door in the corner. Two more
zombies will break through the window. Kill them
then enter the room. You'll find bullets in the
chest and two boxes of dynamite. Hit the light
switch to turn on the outside lights, but if
you do, a zombie will crawl in.

Go back upstairs and head to the second floor.
Once on the landing, enter the door on the
left and kill the zombie that breaks through
the window. Grab the Shotgun Shells in the
chest. Enter the next room and you'll meet
Ma and Pa.

PA: Get back, fiend! I'll do ya'in, just like
I did all your other demon kin!

STRANGER: Calm down, old man. If you want to
stay alive, come with me.

PA: Forget it! We're staying right here till
this whole thing passes over.

STRANGER (turning to leave): It's your funeral.

MA: Wait! Where're ya gonna take us?

STRANGER: You'll be safe at the church.

PA: That's all the way across town. How are we
supposed to get there?

STRANGER: Just follow me.

MA: Well... okay, we'll follow you.

A zombie will crash through the window
as soon as you finish talking. Kill it
and leave the house. There are four
zombies in the yard, so kill them.
As you walk toward the church, try to stay
far ahead of the Smiths so you will be
able to take out any zombies easier.
They will complain, but don't worry about
them. Once you are at the church, go
inside and talk to them.

MA: Uh, excuse me, sonny, but do you think
you could go back and save our children?

STRANGER (after aggravated pause): Why didn't
you mention that while we were at
your house?

MA: Well, I wasn't sure we could trust you.
Now I know that if anyone can save them,
you can. They're in the Jenkins'
basement, out back of the other farmhouse.
They're hiding in the cellar and won't
open the door unless they hear our special

**Ma knocks the knock that everyone knows. You
know, the "do do do do do..... do do"**

STRANGER (sarcastically): How original. I'll be
right back with your children.

Back at the other side of town, follow the path
ahead and clear out the farmhouse. Kill the
zombies in the sitting room and bedroom.
When you enter the bedroom, you'll see another
zombie out the window. Shoot it, then grab the
shells and bullets from the dresser. Go back
outside and start clearing out all the zombies.
There's a zombie on the roof by the back porch.
Draw the Pistols and back up until they auto-
target the zombie. Kill the zombie trying to
open the cellar door, then press the ACTION
button on the door. The Stranger uses the
special knock and after quick discussion,
the kids come out. There will be a lot of
zombies on your way back to the Church,
so be on the lookout. Once in the church,
the boy will talk to the Stranger.

BOY: Are you going to hell, now?

MA: Tommy! Watch your language, or you'll
get a whippin'!

BOY: But Ma, that's where all the monsters


BOY: The pit! I saw lots of monsters in
there. It's really the doorway to
hell. All the monsters are coming
from there. I've seen it.

PA: He must mean the old mine. It's been
abandoned for years and sealed off but
I think the kids have found a way into

STRANGER (to Scat): What do you think?

SCAT: The boy might be right. When I
first got here, I noticed it. There's
definitely something not right about
that place. I asked around, but no one
knows much about it.

REVEREND: There was an accident there, and the
mine was shut down. It's been
abandoned for decades.

REVEREND: A strange man came into town last
winter asking about the old mine.
But he disappeared.

STRANGER: I'll look into it. How do I get in?

BOY: The gate's locked, but I know how to open
it from the inside. I'll help you!

**Scene cuts right to the mine entrance. Boy
crawls through a space and a moment later,
the gate swings open and the boy runs out.**

BOY: There you go, mister monster killer!

STRANGER: I'll take you back to the church.

BOY (laughing): Aw, shoot. I can outrun any
of those old monsters. I'll go

STRANGER: Suit yourself.

**The boy runs away, and the Stranger
enters the mine**

[4.3] Scene 3: The Abandoned Mine

Follow the tracks until you see the
entrances to tunnels A and B. Follow
tunnel B, but make sure you don't fall
into any of the holes.

You'll soon reach a fork that goes left.
Stay right and enter Tunnel C. Once you've
arrived at a wooden bridge, walk across and
look to the left. Cross the short bridge
to the shack on the other side.

Inside, collect the Shotgun Shells, dynamite,
a gas mask and a battery. Turn on the light
switches for tunnels A and D using the switches
on the wall. Go back across the wooden bridge
and go right along the second fork you passed
to enter Tunnel D. Watch for the huge hole in
the floor and jump over it.

Keep following the tracks. If you pass a ladder
on the left, your going the right way. When you
reach a room full of boxes, BE CAREFUL where you
shoot, as this room is full of dynamite. Pick up
a crate of dynamite and place it on the transfer
platform at the back of the room. Pull the lever
to send the crate to the transfer room.

Go back to the ladder and climb up. Follow the
tracks above until you reach a set of steps and
a landing. Put the Gas Mask on and enter the
passage beyond the landing.

In this room, you will find a Doctor's Bag, two
bundles of dynamite, and two chests containing
shotgun shells and bullets. Return to the tunnel
to the landing and go back to the ladder.

SAVE YOUR GAME, then make a running jump across
the gap to the other side. Follow the tunnel to
the transfer room. Pick up the dynamite from the
transfer platform and walk across the room to the
other side, and set the dynamite on the other transfer
platform. Throw the lever to send the platform

Go back to Tunnel C and cross the wooden bridge
again. The dynamite is across the small wooden
bridge, just outside the small shack. Grab it,
then walk back across the bridge and continue
down the tunnel until you come to a caved in
wall. Put the dynamite anywhere near the cave
in, back well away and shoot it. Put on the
Gas Mask. Head down the tunnel and you'll see
some Larvae in a pool of slime. When you come
to a dead end, stay to the left.

Toss some dynamite at the group of Larvae and
enter the small tunnel on the right. In the
next area, RUN LIKE HELL! The cavern is filled
with Larvae, and you'll be much, much better off
running then fighting. At the end of the cavern,
you'll have to kill a Drone. Kill it and enter
the doorway ahead.

[4.4] Scene 4: Temple of Gardath

Take the Mystical Stone from the podium
holding it. This will release two Drones
so be ready to kill them. Search the
corpse for shotgun shells and continue
around the corner.

Drones await, so be careful. Keep following
the path, and you'll eventually come to
a large open area. Put the Mystic Stone
on the pedestal with the shooting red
light. This will split the beam and cause
it to point at the four pedestals across
the chasm.

Step on the platform at the end of the
corridor and hit the level to raise
it. Follow the passage at the top
until you come to a small room with
a pedestal on the far side.

Grab the Mystical Stone, then SAVE
YOUR GAME! The sand colored floor
will fall away, and you will have
to make three jumps back across
the chasm. Save your game after
every successful jump.

Return to the four pedestals beneath
the huge creature and place the
Stone on the pedestal that bears
the same symbol. This will open
a door. Enter this door.

In this chamber, there are Larvae
everywhere, so either avoid them
or toss Dynamite in to wipe them
out. There are also metal spikes
on the ceiling, which aren't dangerous
just yet. Cross the room quickly and
get the Stone. Once the floor
begins to rise up, duck into the
small alcove (once the floor
reaches that level) and you will be
safe from the spikes. Go back to
the pedestal room and put this
Stone on the pedestal with the same
symbol. Enter the door that opens.

There is a huge jump in your way,
so SAVE YOUR GAME before attempting
it. Once you've cleared the jump,
keep following the passage, and when
you get to the end, SAVE YOUR GAME.
Jump the crevices to get to the Stone
on the pedestal beyond. Once you
get the Stone, head back to the
Pedestal chamber and place it on the
pedestal with the same symbol. Enter
the new door that opens.

When you approach the first stone,
DO NOT take it. It's a trap, and
a watery substance will rise up out
of that hole you see. Push the lever
on the wall to open a secret door
and follow this hall to the real
stone. After grabbing the stone,
SAVE YOUR GAME. You must make a
timed run across as to avoid the
spikes that shoot up from the ground.

Return to the pedestal chamber and
place the stone on the final
pedestal. This will open the last
door. Once you're through the door,
you must walk across a suspension
bridge. When you reach the pedestal
at the end, grab the stone. Drones
will swarm you, but you can't kill
them. Don't worry; your not dead.
The game is taking over.

**Drones bring the Stranger beneath
Gardath, where the Priest speaks
for the first and last time**

PRIEST: What's wrong with you? Why didn't
you kill him?

GARDATH: Hiator, trollor iannam.

PRIEST: What? Replace me? It was I who
summoned you. If not for me, you
would have slept another ten
millennia in this ancient pit!
I awoke you. I gave you an entire
town to feed on and this is how you
repay me?

GARDATH: Hiator, en gemner hotha il trae.

PRIEST (looking at Stranger): I'm no longer
useful? And this is what you choose
to replace me?

GARDATH: Hiacham, ju marl kron a hiator.

PRIEST: This human is superior to me? You
pathetic grub! I made you! I
created you from the void you'd
been banished to! If not for me,
you'd -

**Gardath orders the Drones to kill the
Priest. Gardath then speaks to the

GARDATH: Hiator, il trae baota hough ree-ewn

STRANGER (grimly): The hell I will.

**Scat emerges, summoning the Baron and with
a flash of smoke and light, he hurls lightning
at the Drones, freezing them where they stand**

BARON: What a mess you've gotten yourself into
this time! Without my help, you'd surely

STRANGER: Where the hell did you come from?

BARON: I see you've awoken an elder god.

STRANGER: I had nothing to do with that.

BARON (laughing): I know. There's no way a
little man like you could bring this
monster out of eternity. But you can
send it back. This entire chamber is
designed to contain that monster. All
you need is a binding stone. It's
disc-shaped with the image of that fiend
engraved on it.

STRANGER (showing stone): You mean like this?

BARON: That's the one! The seal on the floor
is incomplete without it. Place it in
the center of the seam beneath the
creature. I'll hold these foul beasts.

As soon as the cinematic is over, run to the
center underneath Gardath and place the final
stone there. Lightning starts striking the
God. Run across the bridge fast so you don't
get crushed by the falling debris.

BARON: You'd best get the hell out of here! Oh,
and Stranger... You owe me one.

**Baron Samedi laughs as he watches the God's
chamber disintegrate**

**Stranger and Scat are now outside the mine

SCAT: This place feels different already.

STRANGER: That thing is still down there.
Asleep, but still there.

SCAT: Surely no one will mess with it again?

**Stranger says nothing**

SCAT: Yeah, right. I'll get a Spookhouse
containment team out here to clean up.

CONGRATULATIONS! You've saved the town of
Redeye and passed Act 2!

[6] Act 3: Chicago, 1933 "Windy City Massacre"

[6.1] Scene 1: Spookhouse HQ

**Stranger is sitting in the briefing room,
and Colonel Hapscomb is standing in front
of the projector screen**

COLONEL: There's been some peculiar activity
in Chicago. Last night, one of Al
Capone's hitmen, Jack "The Knife"
Campelli, hit a speakeasy in East

STRANGER: Big deal. The Mob hits somebody
every night these days.

COLONEL: The thing is, we got a report from
Elliot Ness's office two months ago
that Campelli was killed in a shoot

STRANGER: A clerical error. Between the Feds
and the Chicago cops, I'm sure names
and faces get mixed up all the time.

COLONEL: We don't think so. We have a new
informant in Chicago: Vincenzo Gasparro.
He goes by the name Icepick. He's been
telling us the same thing. Icepick saw
a man who died two weeks ago gunning
down members of a rival family last night.

STRANGER: You're saying the Mafia is employing
the undead now? That's ridiculous.

COLONEL: Maybe not. We've learned that a German
scientist named Enric Loathring
immigrated to the United States three
years ago. According to our intelligence,
he's spent the last twenty years
developing technology to raise the dead.

STRANGER: Like Frankenstein? You're joking.

COLONEL: I'm quite serious. If the Mafia has
found a way to recycle their dead,
even those who have been ripped to
shreds, then it's out job to deal
with it.

STRANGER: Frankenstein?

COLONEL: Frankenstein was fiction, Stranger. This
is reality. Our own scientists are on
the brink of similar technology. If we
relied solely on "modern" medicine, half
our operatives would be dead. Yourself
included. We can revive a person
who-by all known science-is dead, but
even we can't do what Loathring is doing.
If Capone's scientist has found a way to
revive a man from virtually any degree
of death, we're all in serious trouble.

STRANGER (sarcastically): His undead army of evil
will walk over the face of the earth.

COLONEL (gravely): This is serious business, Stranger.
What happens when the cops' bullets are
useless against criminals? What happens when
this savage abuse of nature spreads beyond

STRANGER (skeptical): If you say so.

COLONEL: Icepick has infiltrated Capone's gang.
He'll meet you at Pier 59 in Chicago.
Icepick claimed to be on the verge of
discovering exactly what Capone is up
to, but we've lost contact with him.

**Someone knocks at the door. Hapscomb walks
over and opens it. General Biggs is standing
holding his hat**

COLONEL: General Biggs! Do come in.

BIGGS: I'm not to early, am I? You said to be
here at oh-nine-hundred hours.

COLONEL: No, no, you're right on time, as usual.
(addressing Stranger): Stranger, this is
General Biggs. He will be acting as our
liaison to the United States Army, so he
will be popping in from time to time. Our
relationship is mainly information sharing;
however, if the need arises, he's the man
who can get us an armed regiment to aid us.

STRANGER: I thought the whole point of Spookhouse
was to keep our information closely

COLONEL: The General's men are fiercely loyal
to him, and if they ever assist us,
they will deny it to their deaths. Our
secrets will not be compromised. We're
all fighting for the same cause.
(addressing Biggs): General Biggs, I
would like you to meet our top operative.
General Biggs, this is the Stranger.

BIGGS: "The Stranger" huh? You aren't hiding
something that we should know, are you

STRANGER: Nothing that need concern you.

BIGGS: Hrm... Well, the Colonel and I go way
back, so if he says something, I take
his word for it. And he tells me
you're the best there is. It's a
pleasure meeting a man that works so
hard to protect our country.

STRANGER (formal, not polite): Nice to meet
you as well.

COLONEL: Not to cut this short, but the General
is pressed for time, and he and I need
to discuss some issues. So we'll bring
this meeting to a close. Watch your back,

BIGGS: Good luck, soldier.

Walk to the elevator and hit the button to
begin your mission.

[6.2] Scene 2: Chicago Streets

**Stranger enters the Pier. A voice
calls out from the shadows**

ICEPICK: "The world is a dark place."

STRANGER: You must be Icepick.

ICEPICK: Uh, yeah, but that ain't the

STRANGER (annoyed at the routine):
Don't start with me. Spookhouse
sent me. Leave it at that.

ICEPICK: Okay, now that we got that squared
away, what should I call you?

STRANGER: Stranger.

ICEPICK: Eh, I've heard wiered names.

**Icepick steps away from the shadows,
and the Stranger draws his Pistols**

ICEPICK: Hey, hey, hey! I thought we was jake!

STRANGER: You're one of them.

ICEPICK: "Them" who?

STRANGER: One of those re-animated monsters.

ICEPICK (gravely): Yeah, I was dead. That
crazy German brought me back to life.
You gotta problem with that?

STRANGER: Yes. I make it a habit to kill
monsters, not help them.

ICEPICK: Hey, first off, I might look hideous,
but I'm trying to stop this from
happening to anyone else. I didn't ask
for this. And second, you got it the
wrong way around. I'm not asking for
help. You need my help.

STRANGER: And you didn't think you should maybe
mention your condition to the Colonel?

ICEPICK: You guys are monster hunters. I figured
no one would get sent if you knew a monster
made the report. There's some freaky shit
going down here, and I have information
that can help you stop it. Take it or leave

STRANGER: What have you got for me?

ICEPICK: There's a speakeasy down the block called the
Vendome. It's behind a pet shop. Use this
pass to get in.

**Icepick gives the Stranger the pass**

ICEPICK: I was supposed to meet a newspaper reporter
there, but I don't exactly fit in, do I?
I told him I'd send someone else in my place.
He's expecting you right now. Go to the bar
and order a Manhattan. My reporter friend will
find you. Capone's ordered patrols throughout
the area, so stay low as you walk around here.
Stick to the alleys wherever you can.

**Icepick disappears behind the shadows**

Cross the short bridge to the dock and follow
it down to the left. Once on the street,
keep moving. If you hear a car coming, search
for cover immediately. Follow the street all
the way down. When you see it the dead end
and the street turns right, you should see a
"Joe's Pet Shop" on the left.

Enter the alley behind the pet shop, and show
the pass to the mobster standing by the stairs.

MOBSTER: Let's see your pass.

**Stranger shows the pass to the mobster**

MOBSTER: Welcome to the Vendome.

**The Stranger walks up the stairs, and
looks around. A singer is singing on
stage, while people are talking and
having a good time**

Walk to the bar.

STRANGER: Give me a Manhattan.

BARTENDER: A Manhattan? Big guy like you?

STRANGER: Yes. (after a pause) With a Scotch

**A man approaches the Stranger**

JOURNALIST: Hello. Mind if I join you?

STRANGER: Depends.

ICEPICK: Icepick sent you,right? I've got
information you need.

**He takes the Stranger to a table**

JOURNALIST: A colleague of mine found out what
Capone is up to in his new factory.
He called it "Frankenstein's Mobsters".
He went in with a camera to document
it, but Capone's men found him. They
took his film to the theatre. Everything
you need to know is on that reel.
Something sinister is going on over
there. I'm afraid to take the story to
my editor.

**Door bursts open, and hitmen begin opening fire.
The journalist is caught in the middle**

Run to the back off the room, and you'll be able
to kill the mobsters one by one as they enter.

After they're dead, return to the Pier. Icepick
will be waiting behind some barrels near the
bridge you crossed.

ICEPICK: What did you find?

STRANGER: I need to get into the theatre.

ICEPICK: No way. That place is locked up tighter
than a tomb. They still show movies there,
but you've gotta be connected to get in.
More connected that I am, anyway. I've
got a buddy in there named Mo, but he just
runs he concession stand.

STRANGER: There's got to be some back way in.

ICEPICK: Maybe underground. The sewer system goes
through the theatre, but I can't fit
through the manholes.

STRANGER: How do I get into the sewers?

ICEPICK: There's an entrance back here somewhere....
Here, behind this grate.

STRANGER: Well done.

**Stranger tries to life the manhole cover**

STRANGER: I can't get a grip on this thing.

ICEPICK: Don't look at me. If you can't get your
little fingers under it, there's no way
these mitts will get in there. We're
gonna need a manhole key to pry it open.
I think I know where to get one. The
Waterworks building is on the other side
of this block.

STRANGER: All right, follow me.

Run all the way back down the street, and this
time when you reach the dead end, go right and
enter the gates leading into the Waterworks
building. When you try to open the door, Icepick
steps up and smashes it down.

[6.5] Scene 5: Waterworks

As soon as you enter, some mobsters will open
fire, so dispatch them quickly. Look down
the stairs to spot another door that Icepick
must break down for you.

In this room, you'll see a cabinet. Grab the
Doctor's Bag and the Manhole Key. Return to
the top floor and leave the Waterworks.

[6.6] Scene 6: Chicago Streets

Using the same street, run all the way back
to the pier, and remember to take cover when
you hear a car coming. Once your at the pier,
return to the manhole.

ICEPICK: I'll have to catch up with you later.
There's no way I'm squeezing into
that thing.

STRANGER: Just as well.

ICEPICK: I'll try to find some other way into the
theatre and meet you there.

**Stranger climbs down into the sewer and
heads to the theatre**

[6.7] Scene 7: Theatre

As soon as the Stranger is down, walk into
the next room and climb the ladder to reach
the small room above.

Get the Doctor's Bag, then follow the narrow
passageway. Kill all the mobsters that attack,
and grab their guns so you'll have a good supply
of ammo.

When you reach a ladder, climb it and the
Stranger will wind up backstage. Walk
through the theatre and threw the one
of the curtains at the back. There are
two mobsters here waiting to meet your
Tommygun. After they're gone, walk out
to the concession stand.

MO: Cheezes crips! How the hell did you get
in here? I thought this place was locked
up tight.

STRANGER: Not tight enough. Are you Mo?

MO: That's me. You a friend of Icepick's?

STRANGER: Yeah. He's around here somewhere.

MO: Hey, you've gotta see the film they got
from some reporter guy. It shows all kinds
of freaky stuff from inside Capone's new
factory. They've got it stashed under the
marquee room.

MOBSTER (from stairs): Hey, you! What the hell!?

**Mobsters rush into the concession stand and
kill Mo**

After you've killed the two mobsters,
walk back into the hallway and open
the office door. Open the next door
and kill the mobster's that attack.

Push the lever across the room to open
a secret door beneath the projection
room. Walk up either set of stairs
near the concession stand and you'll
be at the upper level of the theatre.
Walk up the stairs that are farthest
away from the projector, and you will
wind up in the back hallway.

Open the closest door at the end of
the hall to grab a Doctor's Bag. There
is another one in the restroom.

Open the next closest door walk upstairs.
Kill any mobsters and enter the projection
room. The secret door is behind the shelf
with all the film.

Once in the secret room, head over to the
gate and open it. The film you seek is
on the floor. Grab it then return upstairs.
Take the film out of the projector and
replace it with the one you just picked up.
Turn to leave, and let the game take control.

**Smiley rips through the screen**

SMILEY: So, you're the one who busted up the
Vendome. Mr. Capone don't like it
when people interfere with his

STRANGER: Who the hell are you?

SMILEY: They call me Smiley. I'm Capone's
clean up man, and you're the

NOTICE!! None of Stranger's weapons
have any effect on Smiley whatsoever.
To kill him, keep running and kill
all the mobsters that show up. Once
they are dead, fire any weapon at
Smiley. After a while, a mobster will
appear on the balcony, and he will fire
at you with an Elephant gun. Keep
running from Smiley, and avoid the
mobster's shots. After a while, Icepick
will kill the mobster and throw the
Elephant gun down to you.

ICEPICK: Stranger! Grab that gun! I'll be
down as quick as I can.

Grab the gun and the ammo and fire at
Smiley. Two or three shots will knock
him down.

ICEPICK: Great work, Stranger!

STRANGER: I think you've blown your cover.

ICEPICK: Yeah, they were starting to get
curious anyway.

STRANGER: Did you see that film of Capone's

ICEPICK: It's a bad situation. When they brought
me back, it took them weeks to stitch
me together. Now it looks like they
can crank out ten guys like me in a day.

STRANGER: We have to stop him. Do you know where
that factory is?

ICEPICK: North of here, I think. There's been a
lot of activity up there lately.

STRANGER: You think? I thought you had inside
information. I thought that's where
they made you.

ICEPICK: Hey, I was just a prototype. They built
me by hand in a lab across town. I've
never even been inside that factory.
I think there's an underground access
to the warehouse that's beside the
factory. I've seen people going in and
out of the manhole behind this theatre.
It's right out here.

**Icepick kicks open the back door then slams it shut**

ICEPICK: Damn! They've got the place surrounded.
Quick, climb up to the roof. See if you
can find another way out. I'll hold these
guys off.

STRANGER: You're sure?


**Stranger climbs a ladder as Icepick kicks open
the door, firing at the mobsters**

Keep walking and following the hallways and
climbing the ladders until you reach the
walkway that runs above the backstage area
where you first entered the theatre. Go
through the door at the end and you'll
be on the roof.

[6.8] Scene 8: Rooftops

Climb the ladders until you reach the water
tower. SAVE YOUR GAME, then slowly walk
to the left. Falling in will result in
death. Knock down the plank that's
standing it will fall down, giving you
access to the other roof. Climb down the
fire escape and go to the Stranger's left.
Run into the alley and Icepick will meet

ICEPICK: Hey, look what I found. It's a
flame-thrower. You'll have to find
some fuel for it, though. The
rejuvenation chemicals they use are
extremely flammable. Those freaks
will go up like Roman candles with
this thing. If you really want to
screw Capone's game, hit a few of the
chemical canisters at his warehouse
with this and watch it blow. You can
level the whole goddamn place.

STRANGER: You coming alone?

ICEPICK: Are you kidding? I'm just as flammable
as the rest of those monsters. I'm not
going to be anywhere near that place when
you blow it up.

STRANGER: Your assistance has been quite useful.

ICEPIC: You know, you are the friendliest guy I've
ever met, but you're all right, Stranger.
Before I died, I worked with some guys I
thought I trusted. I won't make that
mistake again. Even though you don't like
me, I've got the feeling that I can trust
you. I'm glad we can put a stop to Capone's
deranged plan to make more monsters like me.
I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

**Stranger pauses, then rushes to the manhole**

[6.9] Scene 9: Warehouse

NOTICE: The warehouse is full of materials that
are flammable, so if you plan on using
the flamethrower, be extra cautious where
you aim it. While fighting, keep moving
so if a bullet hits an explosive canister,
you won't be caught in the blast.

As soon as you have control, turn to the right and
hug the wall. You'll see a guard shack ahead. A
mobster will fire at you from inside. Kill him,
then go inside the shack and grab the Fuel, the
Doctor's Bag and the battery, then return to where
you started this area.

In the corner of the room is a set of wooden stairs.
Climb them and kill the mobster, then take the Fuel.
Go back downstairs and make your way through the
Warehouse until you find a ladder near a chain-link
fence. Climb up, and run to the other end of the hall
quickly. Walk down the stairs and hug the wall
under them.

There is a truck parked up ahead. Kill the mobster
and walk around to the front of the truck. Go into
the restroom and get the Fuel. There are three more
canisters of fuel in the office next door, so kill
the mobster and take them. Go through the other door
of the restroom and kill the mobster outside.

Near the truck ahead, two mobsters will attack you.
Past the truck is another staircase. Kill the
mobster below, but don't climb the stairs. Keep
following the path and when you reach a dead end,
turn left. You'll come to a long hallway with tables.
Grab the Doctor's Bag and Fuel from the first table
and go through the doorway on the left at the end of
the hall.

Kill the mobsters back here, then climb the stairs.
Follow the catwalk and walk across the hole in the
fence. Drop down below and you'll be behind the
very first guard shack you saw.

Smiley, in his new, re-animated form, will break
through the office wall. Use the Flamethrower
and keep backing up, and he will go down. Once
he's dead, enter the office and go on to the next

[6.10] Scene 10: Factory

Kill the mobster who drops down and climb the stairs
ahead of you. Kill everyone on the platform around
the chemical vat and head down the stairs on the
other side.

There will be two mobsters down here, so finish them
off, then cross the entire machine room and make your
way to the upper right corner of the room. Turn the
corner that's near the conveyor belt nearest the
wall. Open the door to enter the final area of the

[6.11] Scene 11: Final Factory Area

You'll start on a catwalk. Follow it around, and
several goons will try to kill you. Keep following
the walkway until you reach ground level. Run around
until you find the "Main Valve", and throw the lever
in front of the valve to close it.

Return to the catwalk and follow it to the other end
where you will see another lever. SAVE YOUR GAME!!
Pull the lever, then get the hell out of there before
the chain reaction explosion starts. Have your Pistols
drawn. As you turn to leave, Smiley, or, what's left
of him, will drop from above.

STRANGER: I see you're not smiling anymore.

SMILEY: This time, you die!

If you have auto-aim on, your Pistols will be aimed at
the catwalk support above Smiley. Fire, and Smiley
will drop into the chemical vat, while the Stranger
backs up to avoid falling in.

CONGRATULATIONS! You've stopped Al Capone from making
more Frankenmobsters! Return to HQ for your final

[7] Act 4: France, 1935 "The House on the Edge of Hell

**Stranger enters the office and stands in front of
the secretary, without saying anything**

STRANGER (eventually): This is ridiculous.

SECRETARY: Everyone has to say the password, Stranger.
Even you.

STRANGER: An intruder would be dead by now.

SECRETARY: Rules, Stranger. You think I enjoy sitting
in this little box all day?

STRANGER: Your enjoyment does not concern me.

SECRETARY: The password, Stranger.

STRANGER: By this point, I could have killed you and
flipped the switch to open the door myself.

SECRETARY: You wouldn't do that. (pause) Would you?

STRANGER (aggravated sigh): "The world is a dark place."

SECRETARY: "Who will protect the world from darkness?"

STRANGER: "We will." ... after we play our stupid games.

**Secretary opens the secret door**

SECRETARY: Have a nice day.

STRANGER: What's left of it...

Lead the Stranger inside the HQ, and Colonel Hapscomb
will meet him.

COLONEL: Ah, Stranger. I have a somewhat... personal

Follow the Colonel into the briefing room, as Svetlana
and Icepick have nothing of importance to say.

**Stranger enters the briefing room. General Biggs is

BIGGS: Greetings, soldier.

STRANGER: General Biggs.

BIGGS: I see you two have a mission to discuss, so I will
take my leave, now. It was good to see you again

**As the General leaves, he salutes the Stranger**

BIGGS: Stranger.

COLONEL: Do you have time after this briefing, perhaps?

BIGGS: No. Unfortunately, I have a meeting at thirteen-
hundred hours in Pennsylvania.

COLONEL: Just as well, I have an immense amount of
paperwork to attend to.

BIGGS: I know what you mean.

COLONEL: Thanks for stopping by, General; it's always a
pleasure to speak with you.

BIGGS: Good bye, Colonel. Good luck on your mission,

**General leaves the room**

COLONEL: Do you remember Hamilton Killian?

STRANGER: He was an operative just before I came to

COLONEL: That's right. He served Spookhouse from
1909 to 1922. He's retired now, living in
France. He contacted me recently requesting
help. He says that a graveyard near his estate
outside of Paris has been disturbed by
supernatural activity.

STRANGER: Killian was supposedly the best in his day. What
could possibly be a problem for him?

COLONEL: He didn't offer much detail in his letter, but
apparently the phenomena occurring there is
even more than even he can handle. He has
requested that I send Spookhouse's best

STRANGER (not in question form): Me.

COLONEL: Who else?

Leave the briefing room and enter the Lab to speak
to Doc Holliday.

HOLLIDAY: Not now, Stranger, I'm busy.

STRANGER: I need some items for the undead or demons.

HOLLIDAY: Does it mean nothing to you when I tell you
I'm busy?

HOLLIDAY (exasperated sigh): Okay, what kind of undead?
Zombies? Vampires? What?

STRANGER: Unsure, maybe zombies.

HOLLIDAY: Well, I have this for Type One zombies, but if
they're any other kind of zombie, you're out of
luck. And for demons I have some of this. But
I don't think you want to carry the eighty pound
canister with you, do you?

STRANGER: No thanks. The mission is a request of
Hamilton Killian.

HOLLIDAY: Killian? Oh God! I knew him. I came to Spookhouse
just before he left. He was... scary. The most
bitter man I've ever known. I think he was already
insane by the time I met him. I'm sure you've heard
all the stories.

STRANGER: I've heard a lot of stories. I'd like to know
the facts. Since you were here, maybe you can
set the record straight.

**Holliday will talk all about Killian. When she's
completely done, you can tell because she'll keep
repeating herself**

When Holliday is gone, get the Doctor's Bag and the
Ax from the workbench, then get the Shotgun and
the shells next to the door. On your way out, speak
to Svetlana and Icepick for some added information.
Enter the elevator to begin your mission.

[7.1] Scene 1: Graveyard

**Outside Killian's mansion...**

KILLIAN: Welcome to my home. I'm glad I can
still rely on my old friends at
Spookhouse. My name is Hamilton
Killian. I hear I'm to call you

STRANGER: Yes. Colonel Hapscomb speaks highly
of you.

KILLIAN: It's nice to know that I am remembered.
The Colonel is a good man.

STRANGER: So what's the situation?

KILLIAN: A couple of months ago, one of my
groundskeeper's disappeared without a
trace. While searching the grounds, I
found that some of the corpses in the
nearby graveyard had risen. And smaller
Imp-like demons were running rampant. I
took those creatures down, but a couple
of nights later, they returned. And their
numbers had increased. I returned
periodically to keep them in check. To my
dismay, they began regenerating faster and

KILLIAN: To be honest, going out night after night
to deal with them was more of a nuisance
than anything else. But now there are so
many monsters that I fear for my property
and my safety. As I said, I can take them
down, but they just keep coming
might say I'm at my wit's end. I hate to have
this incident sully my image, but I gave up
my grandiose monster-hunting days long ago.
The Colonel assures me that you are just the
man to take care of my little... problem.

STRANGER: It won't be a problem for long.

KILLIAN: Splendid, old chap. I trust you will not be
needing my assistance. I will remain here.
Just follow this path, and it will take you
to the graveyard. Happy hunting.

Follow the path to the right of Killian to enter
the graveyard. Kill all the Imps you see, because
they will be carrying keys you need. Three keys, to
be exact, to unlock three crypts. So check every Imp
body. If you see a Skeleton, try not to kill them,
as they will just regenerate, and the more the kill,
the faster they regenerate.

Once you've collected all three keys, open the three
crypts near the front of the graveyard where you
came in. Say the middle crypt, the one with the
two gargoyle statues on both sides, is the North
crypt. Walk into the West crypt and study the
floor and the tombstone. Walk into the East crypt
and do the same thing.

To get the right cross for the East crypt, go back
to the entrance to the graveyard, and walk to the
left in between the tombs. There will be an ankh
shaped cross on one of the tombs. You can spot it
because it will be differently colored then the others.
Grab it, then enter the East crypt and put it on the
tombstone. The symbol on the floor will fill in as
a shadow.

Cross over to the West crypt, directly across, and
climb the vines on the side. There will be a vine
hanging from the end of the tomb. Press ACTION on
it and the Stranger will push it down. Now climb
back down and get the cross from the first tomb on
your right.

Go inside the West crypt and place the cross on the
tombstone. Three altars will rise in the graveyard;
Water, Flame and Wind.

Walk toward the center crypt and two gargoyles will
attack. Kill them then walk in. You will discover
a witch's staff that can't be destroyed. Hit ACTION
on the tomb and you will reveal a secret passage. Go

You'll see several pillars with symbols on the top, and
a lever next to an inscription on the wall. The
inscription reads "With the light, cut the night". DO
NOT throw the lever yet. Go to the first pillar, the
one closest to the lever, and push it so half of it's
shadow covers half of the symbol on the wall. Now go to
the third one closest the lever and push it. The symbol
on the wall should now be covered. Throw the switch and
three panels will drop, revealing three vessels; Air,
Water, Flame. There is also an inscription that reads:

"Fire and Water and Air of dark worth
In a room far beneath the earth
Find the marble tomb of birth
To an altar surrounded by graves
The destination of the three is paved
Foresee all of air consumed by hellish fire
And the liquid that will douse the funeral pyre
Behold, leaving water with air is the only desire
If one is destroyed, of those that remain
Replace to origin and resurrect again."

NOTE: If you put down any vessel anywhere other
than one of the three altars or the alcove
of where you originally got it, it will blow
up, forcing you to return to the room and
retrieving it again.

Follow these instructions to solve the puzzle:

1: Take the FIRE vessel and put it on the FIRE altar
in the Graveyard.

2: Go back down and take either the WATER or AIR vessel
and put it on either the WATER or AIR altar in
the graveyard.

3: Quickly grab the FIRE vessel from the altar and return
it to the FIRE slot in the hidden room.

4: Take either the WATER or AIR vessel, whichever one you
DIDN'T take in step 2, and put it in it's respective
altar in the graveyard.

5: Return to the hidden room and take the FIRE vessel, and
put it on the FIRE altar in the graveyard.

Once this is done, a bolt of lightning will strike the
witch's staff. All the skeletons in the graveyard
will blow up.

STRANGER: Black magic. Killian knows black magic. His
little "monster problem" reeks of foul play.
I think it's time to have a little chat with
the old man.

Leave the graveyard and go down the path where Killian
was standing. He will now be at his porch. Talk to

KILLIAN: Well done, Stranger!

STRANGER: Skip it, Killian. What's your game?

KILLIAN: I'm afraid I don't follow.

STRANGER: That was black magic raising those monsters. The
same kind of magic you studied at Spookhouse.

**Killian walks toward the door, with the
Stranger following**

KILLIAN: Very clever, Stranger. You will be a most worthy

STRANGER: What is that supposed to mean?

**A bolt of lightning strikes the Stranger,
stunning him**

KILLIAN (to himself): Very worthy, indeed.

[7.2] Scene 2: Estate

**Stranger gets up recovering from the blow
and shakes his head. The room has some
dead bodies, with spiked walls all around,
and a Werewolf chained to a wall**

Grab the amulet from the bones nearby.

STRANGER: So this was Moloch's fate.

The wall on the far left side will open,
giving Stranger access to the mansion.

As you walk down the hall, a zombie drops
from the ceiling. You have no weapons,
so keep running. You can avoid it.

In the next room, do not walk into the
center or grab a weapon from the statue.
Grabbing a weapon will cause a bolt of
lightning to kill the Stranger. Open the
closed door and watch as two gatling guns
make quick work of the zombies in there.

SAVE YOUR GAME. Walk slowly through the
open door, and watch as a zombie gets blown
up by walking on the floor. Most of the
tiles in this room will kill you, and
getting across is a matter of staying on
the safe tiles. Use the diagram below:

X X X X X start
X X X X Y <-----

X = bad tiles
Y = good tiles

The first tile is safe, and you have to
jump across one tile, then it's a matter
of walking on the good tiles. Once your
through, SAVE YOUR GAME.

Once through, look to the right and you
should see a row of switches. Flick the
second one from the left. All the others
will result in electrocution.

Head down the hall, dodging the zombies,
and you'll see a door with a red carpet
in front of it. Go down two doors and
enter that one. Follow the hall and
you'll come to an elevator. Hit the
elevator button three times, then make
a running jump across the shaft to
the other side. It'd be wise to save
your game before pushing the buttons.

Walk all the way down to the end of the
hall and enter the last door on the right.
Keep walking down the hall and you will
drop down into a bathroom. Snatch the
Doctor's Bag and leave through the door.

Cross the hall outside the bathroom and
turn to your left. Follow the hallway
to the left of the elevator. The last
door on the right before the bookcase
is the Library. Enter the Library.

KILLIAN (over intercom): Congratulations,
Stranger. You're doing fairly well
so far. I hope my traps are to
your liking. What do you think of
me now, Stranger? Am I crazy? No,
I'm not crazy! I'm not the one who
works alongside monsters. Did it
anger you to find your fellow
operative's emaciated corpse? Were
you enraged, monster-lover, to find
nothing left but a corpse? I made
this place to kill and torture
monsters because they deserve no

STRANGER (under his breath): Monster lover?

KILLIAN: And you are here because you are
no better. You are here to die,
Stranger. Know whom I admire,
Stranger? Harry Houdini. An
unparalleled master of escape.
Would that I could put him through
my maze... If you hope to ever
escape alive, I suggest you
look him up.

Run out of the library and return to
the elevator. This time, follow the
hall to the right of the elevator and
you'll eventually come to a picture of
Harry Houdini. Push it to reveal a
secret door. Follow the passage to
the right, looking through the peepholes
if you want. Keep following the path
and open the door at the end.

SAVE YOUR GAME! Jump over the stairs
with the carpet, as stepping on it
will make the Stranger fall into a
painful assortment of spikes below.
You are now in the Music Room, and
Killian will greet you again.

KILLIAN (over intercom): Hello, Stranger.
Welcome to my music room. This is
one of my most beloved rooms. I am
a man of culture. I find books and
music exhilarating. There's a hint
for you. Many times, books and music
go hand in hand.

KILLIAN (over intercom): I'm keeping tabs on
our little game. I have sensors
attached to every doorway in this
mansion. I know when you enter and
when you leave. You know, you're
much closer to me than you probably
imagine. I'm directly below you in
the ballroom. Come and get me now,
if you like, though I wouldn't
recommend it. In the meantime, I'll
be down here watching as you pick up
that book.

Go get the book from the center of the
room. Don't worry; it's safe. The book
is called the "Game of Chess". If you
play the old record player, you can
listen to some bad music. Really bad
music. Leave through the door and return
to the Library. Look at the Chess board
and you'll notice it forms an arrow. Search
the shelf it points at and you'll find a
book called "The Werewolf Symphony". Once
you take it, a secret passage opens behind
the bookshelves. Enter it and go down
the spiral stairs.

Behind the stairs, you can faintly make out
a key. Grab it and return to the hallway
in front of the Harry Houdini picture.

Use the key on the door to the left of the
picture and you'll be in the pantry. Use
the dumbwaiter behind the wooden doors to
go down to the basement.

Once your in the basement, follow the
hallway through the wooden door frame
and you'll end up in the Crusher Chamber.
Take the Key near the spikes, and enter
the Torture Chamber. You'll find a
Doctor's Bag by the guillotine and another
Key on the floor in front of the cot.
Return to the dumbwaiter and use it to go
back upstairs.

Enter the bedroom just in front of the
elevator. There is a Succubus chained to
the bed. She will beg you to free her, but
if you do, she will attack you. Switch off
the lights.

SUCCUBUS (angry): What are you doing? You
can't see me with the lights off!

STRANGER: That's the point. I don't have
time for your distractions,

Snag the Control Panel from the dresser,
then leave the bedroom. Use the Control
Panel on the elevator, then jump across
to reach lounge.

Grab the Shotgun and Crossbow (yes, it's
safe) from the pool table and get the shells
and bullets from the chests beneath them.
Push the large bookcase near the wall to
reveal a hidden elevator.

SAVE YOUR GAME! When you enter the
elevator, you'll notice nothing
happens. And if you push the wrong
lever, you will be killed. Push the
lever nearest the door, but this
releases a werewolf, so be ready to
kill it. The Werewolf's cage is locked,
but you can open it with the key you
have. Use it and climb down the ladder

You'll be in another pantry. Open the
door here to enter the kitchen. Ghouls
will attack you, so kill them and grab
the Doctor's bag from the counter. Open
the gate that is blocking the dumbwaiter.
Enter the open doorway.

Your now in the dining hall. Don't walk
on the rugs, as doing this will open a
trapdoor, sending the Stranger to his
death. Walk along the table to safely
get across.

Enter the next room, which is the
Ballroom. You'll be attacked by three
werewolves, so finish them fast.
Unfortunately, Killian is no longer
here, so grab the Clockroom Key from
the fireplace and climb up the shelves
in the pantry to get back to the
second floor.

Using the dumbwaiter, go to the third
floor and enter the hallway outside the
room you arrive in. Open the first door
on the left with the key, and enter the
circular room behind it.

Here is a puzzle, where you must open
the door at 12 o'clock by getting the
red and blue light to shine equally on
the purple gem beneath the door, also
known as "creating purple light". The
solution is below:

Walk to the center of the room and use
the mirror to aim the movable red beam
of light at the gem sitting at the base
of the door at 7 o'clock. This will make
the red gem move to 6 o'clock. Now use
the blue beam to move the blue gem at
8 o'clock to 7 o'clock. Don't hold the
beams in place after the gems move, or
they will move back. Move the beams
aside slightly once the gems are in place.
Move the gems like this:

Gem at 2 o'clock to 3 o'clock
Gem at 9 o'clock to 8 o'clock
Gem at 10 o'clock to 9 o'clock
Gem at 1 o'clock to 2 o'clock
Gem at 11 o'clock to 10 o'clock

This will raise two mirrors near the purple
gem. Balance the red and blue beams of light
until the light shining on the gem at 12 o'clock
is purple. If done correctly, the door will

KILLIAN (over intercom): Splendid! I love having
a test subject who can stand up to not
only the physical rigors, but also the
intellectual challenge, of my maze. You've
done well so far. But here's a trap that
will require both body and mind to solve.

SAVE YOUR GAME! This is called the Crusher Room,
and you'll have to move the Stranger fast so he
won't get, well, crushed. Push the lever on the
wall across from the moving wall to push the first
step out. Step up onto it and push the lever on
the right, then step up again. Run across and push
the lever on the left. Push the last lever on the
right to reach the top. Follow the stairs down
to the next challenge.

SAVE YOUR GAME! Jets of flame shoot up from the
floor, and you'll have to be very careful here.
Study the flames for a while, long enough so you
can see the pattern, then jump across the shortest
part of the trap; the trap nearest the wall on your

SAVE YOUR GAME! You won't want to have to do that
again, do you? DON'T grab that key you see. It's
a trap. Pick up a piece of the corpse nearby and
throw it onto the same place as the key. This will
trigger the trap, dropping the key into the room
below. Enter the next room and grab the Dungeon key
from the corner, then push the rug aside to reveal a
hatch you can climb through. Don't jump; the left
side has a ladder.

Go down to the main stairway to the ballroom and grab
the Demon Key you knocked down. Walk back upstairs
and follow the hall past the Library and you'll come
to a set of stairs leading up.

Step out onto the ledge and climb the ladder. When
you get to the hall above, open the secret door on
the right, and then turn left. Keep going down
this hall, and when you get to the hall with multiple
doors, open the last door on the Stranger's left.
Keep going and you'll wind up in the hallway near
the electrocuting tiles.

Open the elevator door and jump across the shaft.
Since you have the key for the third door on the
left, go open it. You'll enter a room with a
Pentagram on the floor. Don't step into the
circle of the pentagram, as this will make
a fiery demon appear. Step in and out of the
circle fast and blast the demon that appears
before you catch on fire. Once it's dead, grab
the box of matches on the floor.

The dumbwaiter is in the room at the end of the
next hallway. Ride it down to the basement
level and enter the Torture chamber. Open the
dungeon door and push the first lever on the
Stranger's left as you enter. This will open
an empty cell. If you examine the back wall,
you'll see it has been bricked over hastily.
Push it and it will break down. You'll see
one of your operatives, Moloch.

MOLOCH (weak): Stranger?


MOLOCH: I thought I would rot here for decades
before seeing another Spookhouse agent.

STRANGER: There was a corpse in the cell upstairs.
It looked like you.

MOLOCH: It was my doppelganger. Killian
intercepted me on my way to Strasbourg
and threw me into this little rat-maze
of his. I concorted a double of myself
to use as a decoy. I nearly escaped, but
he caught me and dropped me into this icy

STRANGER: Why hasn't he killed you?

MOLOCH: Ha! That is beyond his power. How can
he kill someone who has been expelled
from both Heaven and Hell? He took
full advantage of my immortality. He
gets perverse joy from putting me
through this rat-maze. I'm his first
test subject that can't be completely
killed by his traps. I've been through
this maze seventeen times. Twice I've
almost escaped. Once I was within reach
of the villain himself, and had I more
strength, I would have eviscerated him
on the spot. Stranger, you must free
me. With my help, you can escape this
place, and I can exact my revenge on that
villain. Break the circle that contains

Break the seal and Moloch will be free.

STRANGER: Accept my help, not as a personal favor,
but as an obligation to Spookhouse.

MOLOCH: Ahh! Thank you, Stranger. Already I can
feel my strength returning. But the cold
here is unbearable. Killian knows that I
take my strength from heat and fire. Find
some means by which my dark soul can be

In the Torture Chamber, there is a gridiron
that you can light with the matches you found.
Light it, and Moloch will jump onto it.

MOLOCH: Ahh, yes! I have needed this for a long
time. And now there is just one final
thing I need to full regain my strength.

MOLOCH (seemingly threatening Stranger):
While the fire fuels me, I need the energy
found only in living blood...

STRANGER (threatening): Try it, and I'll finish
what Killian started.

MOLOCH (chuckling): No, not you. I doubt your
little body would begin to satisfy my
thirst. There are creatures throughout
this mansion. Have you seen any nearby?

Lead Moloch to the crocodile pit.

MOLOCH (laughing): Yes! You've saved us both,
Stranger. I am at full strength. Meet
me in Killian's control room on the
third floor. The day of reckoning has
arrived for Hamilton Killian.

**Moloch rockets up through the elevator shaft,
crashing through the house above**

Take the dumbwaiter upstairs and cross over
to the hallway on the right. Open the door
that is second from the end on the left and
push the lever inside. Climb the ladder
and you will be in the control room.

**Moloch clutches Killian in a clawed fist**

KILLIAN: Stranger! You made it! Thank god!
Help me! Get this fiend off me!

MOLOCH: If there's anything you want to say
to this man, Stranger, say it now. He's
on his way to a hell worse than the
one that spawned me.

**Stranger turns around, saying nothing**

KILLIAN: Stranger? Wait, come back! Aren't you
going to help me?

**Stranger continues walking**


**Stranger continues walking away and around
the corner. As he gets around, Moloch's
delighted evisceration of Killian echoes
throughout the mansion**

CONGRATULATIONS! You have saved Moloch, killed
Hamilton Killian and beaten Nocturne! Or have

[8] Act 5: Nevada, 1947 "Epilogue"

**Stranger exits the elevator and walks
down the hallway. The door to the office
is already open. The secretary is gone.
Her chair is turned over and drops of
blood are on the white desk pad**

STRANGER: Something's wrong.

**After examining desk**

STRANGER: Blood on the desk.

Activate the switch to open the panel.
All the lights are off except for the
emergency red light above the elevator.
Open the elevator and go to Spookhouse.

All the lights in the hallway are out.
When you enter the Spookhouse offices,
you see that the whole place is trashed
and deserted. A tiny light is coming
from under the closed briefing room
door, and a couple of desk lamps are
knocked over, partially covered by
office debris. Body parts and blood
are everywhere. The filing cabinets
are opened and their contents are
dumped on the floor. There are files

STRANGER: What the hell happened? Someone's
been going through all the personnel
and mission files.

Try to open the briefing room door, and
you'll find it's locked.

STRANGER: Locked. Doc Holliday keeps a spare
set of keys in the lab.

Walk into the lab and grab the keys from the
counter. The tables are turned over and body
parts and instruments litter the floor. The
only light is provided by the smoking, flashing
computer that's on fire.

**Before entering the briefing room**

STRANGER (solemnly): No signs of life. No sign
of Holliday (after getting keys) Holliday's
spare keys. One of these will open the
briefing room door.

**Stranger enters the briefing room**

NOTE: You will no longer have control. The game
has permanently taken over.

**The briefing room has been the scene of carnage.
On the projector screen, there is the message,
scrawled in blood, "Finally found you, Stranger."
with the picture of a claw mark. As the scene fades,
the Stranger just stares at the message, and it's
obvious he knows who left it. Fade out**

You've finally beaten Nocturne. Was it everything
you thought it was?

[9] Troubleshooting

[9.1] Scandisk
Before installing Nocturne, or after if you've
already installed it, run Scandisk and do a
"Thorough" selection.

[9.2] Defragmentation
Defragging your harddrive will allow Nocturne
to run more smooth and faster.

[9.3] Bugs
The only bugs I've encountered are doing one
briefing, the Stranger gets stuck trying to
walk out, and you have to skip the cutscene
to clear the problem.

The other is that sometimes when you fire or
swing a weapon, the sound effect doesn't come
until after. I fire the Pistols, and three
seconds later, I hear the shot.

[9.4] Minimum Requirements
Pentium MMX, Celeron, Pentium2, Pentium3 or
Athlon at 233 MHz or Higher
64 MB RAM (96 for 3D Acceleration)
500 MB Hard disk space

[9.5] Recommended Requirements
Celeron, Pentium2, Pentium3 or Athlon at
400MHz or higher
128 RAM
AGP Video port
Matrox G200/G400, TnT, TnT2 or Rage 128
1GB+ hard disk space
Sound Blaster Live!

[9.6] My Recommended Requirements
Pentium3 550MHz
256 RAM
GeForce 3D Accelerator
Klipsch THX Certified Sound System

[10] Cheat Codes
Please, do not use these cheats unless
you absolutely need to. They ruin the game
more so then the walkthrough itself.

All the codes work in the original game,
but only some codes work in the patched

To access these codes, press F10 during gameplay.

godgames God Mode
healme Restore Health
bandaid Restore Health *
winblows Weapons + Ammo
gimmecrap Weapons + Ammo *
moreammo Extra Ammo
layitonme Extra Ammo *
burningstake Flaming Arrows
torchtip Flaming Arrows *
silver 500 Silver Bullets *
aqua 500 Aqua Vampira Bullets *
mercury 500 Mercury Bullets *
shotgunshell Shotgun and 500 Shells *
dumbogun Elephant Gun
driveby Tommy Gun
torchmyass Flamethrower
woodenstakegun Wooden Stake Crossbow
amonra Sun of God
ifarted Gas Mask
youfarted Gas Mask *
recharge Recharge Battery
pinkbunny Recharge Battery *
skeletonkey Skeleton Key
keysuper Skeleton Key *
t2000 Appear like Terminator
bighead Big Head Mode *
oldhat Different Hat
headofhorrors Enable "bigboom" Code
bigboom Kill Nearby Enemies **
ebola Kill Surronding Enemies *
freezer Toggle enemy AI
reallycold Toggle enemy AI *
goremode Toggle Gratuitous Dismemberment
dismember Toggle Gratuitous Dismemberment *
thunderstorm Toggle Rain
snowstorm Toggle Snow
goldmode Display Message ***

* = This code works in the patched versions
** = This code may need to be entered, and may not
*** = In original game, message was "Buy Fly!". In the
patched versions, it's "Quit Cheating" and gives you 0 health.

[11] History
Version 1.2 (4th Jan 2000):
- fixed some spelling errors
- added how to access the cheats
- added website URL

Until next time, I bid you adieu.

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Engl. FAQ

09.Октябрь 2013
Eine Hinweise-Sammlung im UHS-Format.

08.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Unbegrenzte Munition und Tonics und Doctor's bags

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
24.Февраль 2018