04.10.2013 13:28:45
GTA III: Head Radio Script
Author: dragons754
Email address: dragons_754[at]hotmail[dot]com
Version: 2.01 (Final)
Console: Xbox
First Completion: 1/7/04 (dd/mm/yy)
Second 'Revised' Completion: 15/08/05
Minor Update: 25/02/06
Size: 16.5 KB (16,972 bytes)

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When I first started playing GTA III,
the first car I got into had the radio set to
Head Radio. I absolutely loved the songs on it.
After finishing Story Mode on GTA III,
I couldn't be bothered to go to 100%
so I have decided to start this FAQ.
I hope this will be helpful to you.


Head Radio Advertisment 1:

Man: This is Head Radio. A Love Media Station.
Just one of nine hundred radio stations,
three hundred tv stations, four networks,
three satellites, ten senators

Various People: Thank You x5

DJ Michael Hunt:

DJ: You're listening to Head Radio the rock
of Liberty City for sixty years. DJ Michael
Hunt taking you through another set of
non-stop rock and pop. It's Head Radio

SONG- Dil' Don't: Stripe Summer
If you have the lyrics, email them!

DJ: Cowabunga!. This is Michael Hunt on Head
Radio owned by Love Media. Making sure that
every town in America sounds exactly the same.
Head Radio Advertisment 2:

Man: Number one for noise; Head Radio

Pets Overnight Advertisment:

Man: Would you like a kitten? (MEOW!)
Have one delivered. Just log on to and we'll send you
a cute kitten overnight.
delivering little bundles of love,
in a box, directly to your door (ROWL!)

Head Radio Advertisment 3:

Man: More tolerable, less annoying, a better
variety of weird noises between songs,
the station your parents warned you about,
more commercials, fewer songs, bigger
contests more winners, fewer positioning
statements. This is the one and only Head
Radio; Head Radio

DJ: Are you ready to party? These boys certainly are.
I hear the lead singer's gonna have a date with your

SONG- Whatever: Good Thing

I'm working for the sake of it and
and i'm on for all the money they gotta

I go out getting laid and I play safe
in a safe place and I know that I know
that I wanna live

I said to you
Sometimes I think that I can
Do something
And now it feels like I am all set
for a good thing

Come clean unused be free just good
Been calm, been bruised, been clean
been used

Do stop a bit
Lets take it back a bit
Dont stop

I hate Saturdays, when I wake up with
that bulldog next to me (woof-woof-woof-woof)
I just want my cake in my own way (in my own way)
When I think of the things I used to take (to take)

Sometimes I think like a man
on something
But now I feel like I am all set for a good thing

Come clean unused be free just good
Been calm, been bruised, been clean
been used

Come clean unused be free just good
Been calm, been bruised, been clean
been used

God help our relationship. What a crazy trip
I was faking it

I said you, your the best, your the best

Come clean unused be free just good
Been calm, been bruised, been clean
been used

DJ: Alright that was Whatever with Good Thing. That band
is gonna be huge. This is a song you wont find anywhere
else. Except on one of the other 800 stations owned
by Love Media, our sister stations. ROCK AND ROLL! Its
Head Radio


SONG- Craig Gray: Fade Away
NOTE: I did my best on this so If I have made a mistake,
send me an email about what

She looks out of her window
Only seeing her own reflection
Silent eyes that stare back to the distance

Put it on the window pane
Distorts her pretty face
She feels thats what she looks like everyday

Looking down towards the floor
Back up through the window
She sighs a misty breath
The ghost without a haunted end

Street light fills her empty room,
Dark clouds are only seen,
She goes back to her bed to try to
sleep her nightmares away

Fade away, Fade away.
She's gonna fade away, fade away.

Nightmares they are recurring
One stare she could turn and face
Screaming down with all her might
To see everyone die

One day she'll have the courage,
To do what she wants to do,
End the life of misery,
And for once be happy

Fade away, Fade away.
She's gonna fade away, fade away.

DJ: Yeah the rock of Liberty City, Im DJ
Michael Hunt. Last weekend when we were
bradcasting from the food court in the mall,
a fan said to me "Mike why do you always
use Sheezy Clieshes? cant you say something
original for once?"
Hey! I'm not here to be original, I'm here
to rock! Rock around the clock 24-7 dudes,
Non-Stop rock here on Head Radio.

Head Radio Advertisment 4:

Man: The simple source of gratification
in your miserable in-significant life,
Head Radio; You may need us but we dont
need you; Head Radio


SONG- Conor and Jay: Change

Forgive me, but I didn't do anything wrong.
So sue me if you think I changed your happy life.
Forget me if you don't think your friend is right
Your enemy has always been your innocence.

You're sweet, you're shy, you must admit
You censor your life for your benefit.
But you lose all the taste
And you sit there and waste
Your day, your month, your year

Nothing stays, they pass you by.
If you don't change, If you don't change.

Nothing stays, they pass you by.
If you don't change, If you don't change.

Tell me, will you always be the same
Or maybe, kick yourself and play the game?
You ask me what it is your doing wrong.
You hesitate, standing there when you should run.

You're sweet, you're shy, you must admit
You censor your life for your benefit.
But you lose all the taste
And you sit there and waste
Your day, your month, your year

Nothing stays, they pass you by.
If you don't change, If you don't change.

Nothing stays, they pass you by.
If you don't change, If you don't change.

(Forgive me, but I didn't do anything wrong,
So sue me) I've Changed
(Tell me, will you always be the same,
Oh maybe) Yo've changed

Nothing stays, they pass you by.
If you don't change, If you don't change.

DJ: Hey it is, Head Radio. I'm Michael Hunt, you can call me Mike,
with another fat jam of non-stop rock from the station that gives you
more because we pay our employees less.

Head Radio Advertisement 5:

Man: Built from cheap land brick from Zambia, El Salvador and Paraguay,
this is Head Radio.

Equinox Commercial:

Woman: I used to be concerned and nervous about the future. Sometimes I'd
get scared before an important event, such as childbirth or a family
funeral. Hey sometimes you need some help navigating lives trouble
spots. That's when I discovered Equinox.

Man 1: After the divorce and losing little Tommy, life was getting me
down. I couldn't focus on anything at work. After trying Equinox, I've
been employee of the month 3 times in a row.

Man 2: I used to fall unconscious for hours at a time. Now with Equinox,
I never need to sleep.

Man 3: Equinox is new from Zaibatsu Pharmaceuticals. Ask your doctor
about Equinox today.

Man 4: (fast tone) Equinox may cause nausea, loss of sleep, blurred
vision, leakage, kidney problems and breathing irregularities. Do
not take Equinox if you are operating any machinery, driving a
car, pregnant, a child of low age, unhappy or if your family has a
history of mental disorders.

Man 3: Equinox, softening life's harsh realities.

DJ:Here's one that brings down the house when I do my weekly Michael
Hunt's rock 'n' roll jam at the Liberty City's premier bowling alley.
I'm Mike "wheels of steel" Hunt

SONG- Frankie Fame: See through you

I know she sounds kind of cool
But she feels kind of good
She swings her hips and her bits to the rock 'n' roll groove
What she makes, What she breaks
I say its all good
But she can't hide from the sight that makes her move.

Come on lady, I'm going crazy
I don't know if she's listening tonight
Come on lady, I'm going crazy
Got the fist for a generous fight
I think its time I told you
I can do nothing else but see through you
Cause I got you one to many times
So baby stop and say something else
That makes you feel ok, what you say,
All you seem to think about is you

Turn the page, damn it did I hear you say
I got laid, no way
Turn the page, wish I had it all again
What the hell is me?

Come on lady, I'm going crazy
I don't know if she's listening tonight
Come on lady, I'm going crazy
Got the fist for a generous fight
I think its time I told you
I can do nothing else but see through you
Cause I got you one to many times
So baby stop and say something else
That makes you feel ok, what you say,
All you seem to think about is you

You and all your pride and glory
What's it like to be so horny
Cut your hair and change your look
Get a job and a filed suit
Kind of like your holding life
And obviously playing at night

I can do nothing else but see through you
Cause I got you one to many times
So baby stop and say something else
That makes you feel ok, what you say,
All you seem to think about is you

Head Radio Advertisment 6:

Man:No matter what your geographic, demographic, or income
bracket. We've got content personalised for you. Head Radio because
your head needs it.


SONG- Scatwerk: Electronic go-go

Special thanks go to NewHaights for these lyrics

Go Go
Go Go
Go Go Go, Go, Go

Eins, zwei, drei
Vier, funf, sechs
Eins, zwei, drei
Vier, funf
Sechs, sechs, sechs-lectronic

Go Go
Go Go, Go Go
Go Go
Go Go, Go Go

Sechs, Sechs

Go-go dancer
Won't you be my
Electronic go-go dancer
Go-go dancer
Won't you be my
Electronic go-go dancer
Go-go dancer
Won't you be my
Electronic go-go dancer
Go-go dancer
Won't you be my
Electronic go-go dancer
Go-go dancer
Won't you be my
Electronic go-go dancer


Head Radio Advertisment 7:

Man:Head Radio, with free concert tickets. Just listen for your
time to call. When you hear be caller 25. If you can correctly answer the
trivia question, you'll be qualified. Every qualifier will meet at the
local mall, where you'll be told to perform various acrobatic stunts.
The one who can do the best goes on to nationals. Then if you win there,
you'll get free concert tickets. From Head Radio, where it's easy to


555-I-Sue-You Advertisment:

Man: Is your job effecting your health? Do you become fatigued? Does
working take time away from family and social events like watching
wrestling? There's an easy solution. Sue your Boss. See the great thing
about this country is you can sue anyone for pretty much anything and you'll
probably win, or at least get a settlement. At the firm of Ragin and
Panzer, personal injury attorneys. We can show how falling down and
howling like a sissy can result in a large damage award from your
employer. We also specialize in injuries suffered in auto, bus, and
train accidents. We can even train you to through yourself in front of a
bus and pretend to be injured. Hey that's why the pay for insurance.
Call the law offices of Ragin and Panzer and get ready to enjoy a life
of luxury.


SONG- Dezma: Life is But a Mere Supply

I said to fall in, ball
pop the cock, off in liberty city
crazy, how the streets just turn to stone
get a gun, get a job,
get a girl that looks pretty
and I bet you know that

fun life should
fun life do
fun life wishin
and I'd love to get on
fun life hate
fun life home
who's your daddy, with the ending road

life is but a mere supply
of a few good thoughts
then you die

I like it when you run through the bones
I like it when you talk to the phones
I like it when you say what you own
I like it when you talk to my bone

Head Radio Advertisment 8:

Man: Number one for noise; Head Radio


Fernando's new begginings Advertisment:

Fernando: Has your marriage gone stale? Has the spark gone out of your
love life? Looking to add a little adventure the monotomy of monogamy.
I am Fernando Martinez, founder of Fernando's New Beginnings. A
revolutionary new way of saving your marriage. We understand how two
kids and a mortgage can take the passion out of your love life. With our
three-step program, you will rediscover romance, guaranteed.

Phil: Hi, my names Phil, I've got three kids, two cars, and a mortgage.
My love life was going stale even before my wife's car accident. Then I
called New Beginnings. Thanks to Fernando, I'm still married, but on
Wednesday afternoons, I meet Barbara at the motel by the turnpike

Fernando: See the passion is back. Phil's marriage is saved and his kids
will have a daddy to look up to. Call New Beginnings today. Cinco,
Cinco, Cinco, Nuevo, Dos, Nuevo, Dos. It will be a miracle, I guarantee
it. Fernando's New Beginnings, we turn a ending into a new beginning.


Pets Overnight Advertisment:

Man: Are you bored with man's best friend?

Boy: Sorry Fido were gonna have to drown you.

Man: Why not try mans first cousin? At we've got every
primate in stock from spider monkeys to gorillas. You'll love your new
best friend.

Boy: Mommy, Jim-Jim bit me.

Mom: Oh yeah,then you just bite him back then. Ok honey?

Man:, delivering little bundles of love in box,
directly to your door.


This script is edited and made by dragons754 and may not be
reproduced in any way. It cannot be used in CHEAT CODE CENTRAL
( It can be used on the follwing websites:

For use of this script, send an email to the address on the
top of the page. You must also have your website on it so that
you can meet specific requirements such as visitors.


Other FAQs
My other FAQs are:

Grand Theft Auto:III Mission Checklist (only found on


-Rockstar Games on a great game
-GameFAQS for posting my FAQ on their cool website
-GameSPOT for also posting my FAQ on their website from GameFAQs
-Neoseeker for also posting my FAQ on their website
-Bernd Wolffgramm ( for also posting my FAQ on his website.
-NewHaights for the lyrics of 'Electronic Go-Go'
-Felicity Mashuro for the lyrics of 'Life is but a mere supply'
-kuuroirisu for the correction of 'Change'
-SamDaMan for the correction of 'Fade Away'
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03.Октябрь 2013
Head Radio Script
Engl. Hinweise

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DLH.Net Hinweissammlung

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Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.1)

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Megatrainer (für v1.0 dt. und v1.1 dt.)

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Dt. Missionsguide

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Skin and Mp3 Player FAQ
Engl. Leitfaden

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The Taxi Missions
Engl. Hinweise

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Texte in GTA 3 (Inkl. Vice City) verändern

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Playing-Guide im Word-Format

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Dt. Lösung im Word-Format

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In diesem Tutorial wird erklärt, wie man bis zu 6 Cars in die Garagen von Staunton Island und Shoreside Vale bekommt

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Dt. FAQ im Word-Format

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Dt. Munitionstrainer (für v1.1)

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Megatrainer mit 40 Manipulationsmöglichkeiten

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Editieren der Menge der versteckten Päckchen

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Erlaubt das Editieren vom Geld, man kann das Geld einfrieren (für v1.1)

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Statistiken für die Fussgänger in Deutsch

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Neues Auto

03.Октябрь 2013
Friert den Kontostand ein und man kann den Kontostand nach Belieben ändern

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Dt. FAQ zur Hard- und Software-Problemlösungim Word-Format

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Dt. Hinweise für Monsterstunts und Fernsteuermissionen

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Dieses Programm vereinfacht die Cheatbenutzung im Spiel erheblich, da man nur noch die Tasten 1-0 braucht.

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Savegame enthält einen kugelsicheren Cheetah (1.Garage) und in der 2. Garage eine absolut unzerstörbare Limousine

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Alle Missionen und versteckten Packages

04.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Январь 2018
24.Февраль 2018
04.Март 2019