Legends of Zelda 2

Legends of Zelda 2

03.10.2013 23:47:04
Version 1.0
By Tim Connolly

A lot of people have the old NES game "Zelda II: The Adventure
of Link" out there. However, if you're like many people, you haven't
gotten through the game yet. Well, fear no more, because this FAQ will
help you through it all. Take note that right now this FAQ won't go
over a lot of the necessary things that you need to know, but in time
this thing will grow.

Here's what'll be covered in the FAQ as of now:

-Locations of Heart & Magic Containers (as well as
other important items)
-Palace Maps
-Boss Strategies (as well as other tough enemies)
-Levels and Experience
-Magic Spells
-Frequently Asked Questions
-Other General Tips
-Basic Itinerary
-Game Genie Codes

With all that said, here we go!



Link starts out with 4 Heart and Magic Containers with the
potential to get 4 more of each kind in the game. They are all fairly
spaced out in the land, but usually you'll get a set of 1 Heart and 1
Magic Container fairly close to each other.

1: Due south of the first palace, you'll find a road
leading to a small forest. (One of the road squares is a battle square
with numerous pits and bubbles. Shouldn't be a problem.) Go to the
patch of grass in the middle of the woods. The Heart Container will be
to your right, guarded by an Orange Goriya. (I highly advise dealing
with the Goriya first - the Container will heal you anyways!)
2: After you get the Hammer, Go to the road from which
you'd head west for the second palace. Instead of going west, though,
walk east. Whack the rock guarding the cave, and a Heart Container will
be at the end.
3: When you get the Boots, walk into the sea as you
would to get to the fifth palace. After some walking, however, move
north four spaces, then continue east. You'll come across a "battle"
square with a mountain holding Heart Container #7.
4: Search the beach around the sixth palace, around the
south-east corner of the world. The final Heart will be in that area.

1: Go south from where you start the game. You'll find
a cave to the south and slightly to the east of the castle. I suggest
going here before the first palace, even if you don't have the candle.
After beating up on some Lowders and Octoroks (in the dark, you'll be
able to see the Lowders crawling around if you keep a close eye on the
ground. The Octoroks should be dead ringers - they're in the gaps!),
the Magic Container is at the end of the cave.
2: After getting the Hammer, immediately use it on the
rock right next to the cave from which you emerge. The Container is at
the bottom.
3: In Maze Island, when you're given a choice between
two L-shaped corridors, choose the outer one. One of the road squares
is a hidden pit, leading to your seventh Magic Container.
4: In the hidden town of Kasuto (which can be found by
traversing the north-east cave in the vicinity of the sixth palace and
using the hammer on the second tree from the first row of four), be
sure to talk to an old lady dressed in blue. She'll say something to
the tune of "You'll need my help" and let you in. You'll find the last
Magic Container in the back room of her house.

There are numerous other items to look for in Hyrule. Most
notable of all is the Hammer, and here's how to get it:
From Death Mountain, make sure that whenever there's a fork in
the road and you have to choose between two or more caves, CHOOSE THE
ONE ON THE RIGHT. This is the road to the hammer. When you come across
a cave with an up/down elevator, leave it alone and continue straight.
When you get to the last cave, (The one next to the rock that reveals
your sixth magic container. Remember?) Take the elevator down then head
right. After beating some Dairas, the Hammer will be yours.
BE SURE that your Life Level is at AT LEAST 4, and that you
have the Life Spell, or I will guarantee you that YOU WILL NOT make it

Other items of interest are -
TROPHY (Jump Spell requisite): Go to the cave in the desert
just north of the castle. Brave the dangers inside, and the Trophy is
yours. Now go to Ruto and trade it in for the Jump Spell. (Note: I
suggest beating the first palace and getting the Candle first - the Red
Goriya guarding the trophy can get pretty nasty in the dark.)
MEDICINE (Fairy Spell requisite): After exiting the cave south
of Ruto, you'll notice a cave blocked by a boulder. This is where
you'll find the Medicine. (Of course, you'll need the Hammer to crush
the rock before you can get to the cave anyway.)
CHILD (Reflect Spell requisite): In Maze Island, go to the dead
end that's just south of the fourth palace. Defeat the Lizardman by
TILAI (Treating It Like An Ironknuckle - check the palace strategies),
and you'll rescue the child (which is to the right - the left is the
MAGIC KEY: When in Hidden Kasuto, check out the empty house
with the fireplace. Enter the hearth, and you'll receive the Spell
of... well... Spell! Now go to the end of town (To the right, where
there's a dead end) and cast Spell. A house will rise up from the
ground, and the Magic Key is yours. Remember: without the Magic Key,
YOU CANNOT get through the sixth palace.

I'm not going to get into detail regarding P-bags, Red Jars, or
Fairies, largely because they aren't really crucial to the game. Here
are some basic things to remember, though:
-Red Jars like to hide in large clumps of a certain terrain.
They'll hide out in a big desert or swamp.
-P-bags usually stick out like a sore thumb. If you see a large
plain and see a block of forest in that plain, check it out.
-Fairies, well, are just hard to find. There is one in the
forest next to the exit of the cave south of Ruto.
-Remember: Fairies and Red Jars reappear when you reset the
game. P-bags don't.



There are a total of six palaces in the game (Not including the
Great Palace, of course). For the first four, you'll have to go through
every room to get the necessary item and beat the boss. (Some cases you
don't HAVE to get the item, but it's a darn good idea.) In this part,
I'll map out each palace, cluing you in on where to find keys, locks,
the item, and the boss. Also, I'll tell you the quickest path to follow
to cover all the bases. Note that each room is numbered for your
convenience as well as mine. Get it? Got it? Good.
A couple notes to remem

PALACE 1: CANDLE (Lights up caves)

1 2 - 3
| |
4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
| |
9 -10 -11 12 -13 -14

Keys can be found in rooms 2, 3, and 4.
Locks are in rooms 6, 9, and 13.
The Candle is in room 6.
The Boss is in room 14.
Best Path: 1-5-4K-5-6L-7-8-2K-3K-2-8-7-11-10-9LI-10-11-7-8-12-

Other special rooms:
8: Continue right when you come across the elevator, and you'll find a
fairy. Enjoy it; there aren't any other regular palaces with
9: Say hello to your first Ironknuckle. Here's how to beat it: Jump up
and strike the guy when you land. It helps to do this in a
narrow corridor so that you don't jump too high. Continue the
process until the bugger goes bye-bye. By doing this, you're
faking the knight into moving his shield down, thus allowing
you to strike high. (This is what TILAI means.)
10: Watch for the collapsing bridge. Remember that only squares that
you step on crumble. The P-bag is a bit of a decoy, but if you
want to gamble for the 50 points, go ahead.

PALACE 2: POWER GLOVE (Allows you to break stones with your

2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
| |
7 - 8 - 9 10 -11
| |
12 -13 -14 -15 16 -17
18 -19 -20 -21

Keys can be found in rooms 4, 10, 15, and 17.
Locks are in rooms 5, 7, 9, and 20.
The Glove is in room 7.
The Boss is in room 21.
Best Path: 1-6-11-16-17K-16-11-10K-11-6-5L-4K-3-2-9L-8-7LI-8-9-

Other special rooms:
1: Be sure to stab the Ironknuckle statue at the start - a Red Jar lies
5: The flying heads will give you a problem, largely because they also
steal your hard-earned experience as well as life when they hit
you. However, do your best to kill them: Though it looks like
they pile in ad infinitum, there's only two of them, going out
one side of the room and coming in the other. Defeat both of
them, and they won't show up again.
8: Beware of those falling blocks. They can do two things: first,
getting hit by them causes an Excedrin headache, and also they
have a nasty habit of trapping you inside their created walls.
My hint for you on the way in is to blaze through without
abandon, but once you have the glove, take it easy. Wait until
the blocks are stacked three high, then break the ones at your
height and walk through the tunnel you create.

PALACE 3: RAFT (Gives access to West Hyrule)

2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
8 - 9 -10 -11 -12
13 -14 -15 -16

Keys can be found in rooms 5, 7, 8, and 11.
Locks are in rooms 9, 10, 12, and 13.
The Raft is in room 12.
The Boss is in room 16.
Best Path: 1-2-3-4-K5-6-7K-6-10L-11K-12LI-11-10-9-8-9-13-14-15-

Other special rooms:
1: Again, Red Jar in the Ironknuckle statue. (Watch out, though: there
is a chance that the statue may come to life.)
6: You don't *need* to use the Jump Spell to get over to room 7. If you
get up enough momentum on that small step, you can jump onto
the upper step and go on.
12: Ah, the Blue Ironknuckle. These guys are major PITAs. Actually,
they don't start out bad, but once you hit them they get MAD.
And they start throwing their sword like it'll win them
something. Best bet is to use the Shield spell.

Also, remember that you need the Fairy Spell to even get to the
third palace. South of Mido, you'll find a graveyard, and the grave
that's separate from the rest is the King's Tomb. Head directly south
of the King's Tomb, and you'll fall down a hole to the passage to the
third palace. The third palace is to the right, but you'll need to use
the Fairy Spell to get over that big wall.

PALACE 4: BOOTS (Allows you to walk on certain blocks of water,
Gives access to fifth palace)
Note: A passage marked as V is one-way.

2 - 3 - 4 - 5
| |
6 - 7 - 8 9 -10 -11
| | V
12 -13 -14 15 -16 -17
| V
18 -19 -20 -21

Keys can be found in rooms 2, 3, 8, 11, 17, and 21.
Locks are in rooms 3, 4, 7, 12, 17, and 19.
The Boots are in room 17.
The Boss is in room 14.
Best Path: 1-4-5-9-10-11K-10-16-17LI-16-20-21K-20-19L-18K-19-

Other special rooms:
1: Surprise, surpise! Another Red Jar in the statue!
4: Note the Magicians. The spell of Reflect will be absolutely crucial
should you want to get through this palace. It's also a good
idea for these Magicians - the 100 points you get for beating
them is a good find.
8: Remember the nature of the flying heads. They'll knock you into the
pit below unless you deal with them. (And don't forget - the
statue next to the key has a Red Jar.)

PALACE 5: WHISTLE (Clears away River Devil, gives access to
palace 6)

2 - 3 - 4 - 5
6 - 7 8 - 9 -10 -11
| |
12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17
| | |
18 -19 20 -21 -22 -23 -24
| |
25 -26 27 -28

Keys can be found in rooms 3, 9, 16, and 18.
Locks are in rooms 5, 6, 27, and 28.
The Whistle is in room 27.
The Boss is in room 7.
Best Path: 1-2-3-4-3K-4-5L-10-9K-8-14-13-20-21-22-23-24-17-16K-

Other special rooms:
1: I think I better warn you: there ISN'T a Red Jar in the statue here.
11, 15, 25, 26: These are extraneous rooms. There is nothing to be
found in these rooms, so stay away from them.
3: You must revisit this room to get the key. You need to use the Fairy
Spell to get over the wall, but you need to be able to use your
sword in order to get the Key.
16: If you want the key in this room, you can't approach it from the
left. A wall separates the two sides of the room, and the key
is on the right side.
22: The wall behind the Blue Ironknuckle is FAKE. It might look real,
and it might seem real if you try to walk through it, but if
you jump into the wall you'll reveal a secret passage.

PALACE 6: CROSS (Reveals hidden enemies)

2 - 3
4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
V | V
10 11 -12
13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19
V | V
20 21 22 -23
V | V
5 24 -25 -26 -27

A Key can be found in room 9.
Locks are in rooms 4, 5, and 9.
The Cross is in room 9.
The Boss is in room 23.
Best Path: 1-3-4L-5L-6-7-8-9LI-8-7-6-5-10-13-14-15-16-17-18-19

Other special rooms:
1: Just guess.
2: There's a 200-point P-bag in this room. Though it isn't necessary,
you might want to check it out.
4: Hope to God you have a Magic Key. If you don't, this is as far as
you're going to get. Check the Locations of Items to find out
how to get the Magic Key.
8: Beware of the False Floor. It's located just after the third
Ironknuckle Statue.
9: You'll have to fight another Ironknuckle to get the cross. This one,
however, is on a horse, like the third palace's boss. Check out
Boss Strategies if you're having trouble.
16: No, there's no invisible bridge over the pit. Only your Fairy Spell
will get you over this lava lake. (And try to avoid getting hit
by the Skull Balls!)
19: Don't drop down the hole immediately. On the other side, a blue
Ironknuckle guards a 1-up doll. Take it - you don't want to
leave in the palace once you've cleared it.
22: Be sure to have the Fairy Spell ready to use when going down here.
It's the only way to reach the corridor leading to the boss.


No, I'm not going to map out the ENTIRE palace. To do so would
be a total waste of time, since you don't even have to explore half of
it! I will instead give you directions as to how to get to the end.

Down one room, Left 1, Down 1, Right 2, Down 1, Right 1, Down 3
(The second one down has a big skull ball - avoid it), Right 1, Down 1,
Right 2, Down 1, Right 1, *Down 3, Left 1, Down 1 (False floor under
the fifth block to the left), Right 1 (Watch for the big Bot!), Down 1
(Through that tiny hole), Right 2.

Of course, here are some general tips for this palace:

-Most of the rooms are pretty similar. Using this knowledge, it
should be easy to figure out such things as false floors, Red Jars,
-If you come into a room that looks like it's just a small
elevator passage, try pushing against the left wall. If it's fake, then
there should be a Red Jar in the Knightbird statue.
-Be aware that all enemies that you've seen before are harder
than before. Likewise, they'll give up more experience. (Except for
skull balls, which give up less.)
-Knightbirds. As Geena Davis put it, "Be afraid. Be very
afraid." These guys are just like Blue Ironknuckles except that they
can jump, they take more hits, and they are major hemorrhoids. Shield
spell is a must when trying to tackle these guys. (The real sad thing
is that they give less experience than Ironknuckles! Waaa!)
-See where that star is in the directions? Well, two screens
down you'll come to an area where there's a fairy (chances are you'll
need it) and a 1-up doll! The fairy is on the right, the 1-up is one
screen to the left.



In this section I'll teach you how to defeat every boss in the
game, as well as some of the other difficult enemies in the game.

HORSEHEAD (Palace 1 boss): Jump up and hit him in the head,
then jump back to dodge his club. Repeat until dead.

HELMETHEAD (Palace 2 boss): Same thing as Horse Head, except
you don't need to jump as high and you also have to watch for the other
heads shooting at you.

IRONKNUCKLE (Palace 3 boss): Downthrust the area between the
Ironknuckle and the horse a few times to get the guy off. Then TILAI.

CAROCK (Palace 4 boss): Cast the Reflect Spell, go to the left
end of the screen, and duck. Carock does the rest for you!

GOOMA (Palace 5 boss): Hit him in the midsection, then jump
away from the mace. It'll take a while to get the timing down, but it
shouldn't be a problem if you can cast the Life Spell once.

BARBA (Palace 6 boss): Stay on the right island. When Barba
rises up, get in close (and I mean CLOSE - almost hugging the thing),
jump up, and hit him in the head. You'll need the Jump Spell to reach

THUNDERBIRD (Palace 7 boss #1): Use the Thunder spell to expose
his head (Note - you have to do this when he shows up - NOT just when
his life bars appear. Remember, if you screw up you're out half of your
magic!). His head is the weak point (natch). The fire he throws
shouldn't be too hard to dodge - just make sure that you don't wind up
directly ON Thunderbird's head. It's a sure hit there.

LINK'S SHADOW (Final Boss!): Well, I would say TILAI, but that
doesn't always work. However, keep a good rhythm going, jumping and
striking, jumping and striking, and eventually the shadow will make a
mistake. Just remember: With 8 Magic Containers, you should be able to
use the Shield Spell and have enough for 2 doses of Life, so you really
have 14 Heart Containers! Another thing to watch for is when the shadow
jumps - you can get a good hit in when he lands if you're quick.

And now, here's how you deal with other non-boss enemies that
may give you a headache:

STALFOS: Hit them in the legs. Easy once you know what to do.
DAIRA (Axe Weilders): It depends. For the Orange ones, it's
simple: Strike and move nack, strike and move back. For Red ones, use
TILAI, jumping up when the Daira throws an axe.
IRONKNUCKLE: (This is TILAI, folks) Jump up to fake out the
Ironknuckle's shield placement, then strike as you're landing. Even the
Blue ones fall for this.
SKULL BALLS: Strike. Strike. Strike some more. Even at Attack
Level 8 it takes 11 hits to beat him! It helps if you have downthrust
to beat him.
LIZARDMEN: TILAI. Especially the Orange kind - it's just an
Ironknuckle for the outdoors. Blue ones should be done as you would a
Red Daira.
DOOMKNOCKERS (Palace 4 Magicians): Reflect. Duck. 'Nuff said.
GORIYAS (Boomerang throwers): If you have downthrust, use it!
Theses guys can't throw their boomerangs straight up. Otherwise,
strike constantly, moving your shield accordingly.
Also remember that certain enemies (such as the field enemies
around Nabooru) can only be hurt with the fire from the Fire Spell.



Zelda II incorporates a Role-Playing-like facet to its game:
experience. Most enemies give experience when you beat them allowing
you to get stronger in three areas: Life, Magic, and Attack. Their
explanations are:

LIFE: The higher this level, the less damage you take from a
MAGIC: The higher this level, the fewer magic points it takes
to cast a specific spell. (Each magic container has 16 magic points,
ATTACK: The higher this level, the fewer hits other enemies can

Here is a table of each level and the experience needed to
raise each attribute:

2 | 50 | 100 | 200
3 | 150 | 300 | 500
4 | 400 | 700 | 1000
5 | 800 | 1200 | 2000
6 | 1500 | 2200 | 3000
7 | 2500 | 3500 | 5000
8 | 4000 | 7000 | 8000
Anything developed past 8 (which requires 9000 points) is worth
a 1-up.

In other words, barring a cancel (see below) the level up
schedule will be (L=Life, M=Magic, A=Attack)

L, M, L, A, M, L, A, M, L, A, M, L, A, M, L, A, M, L, A, M, A.

Also remember that you can cancel level-ups. If you have enough
experience to bring up one trait yet don't want to do it, select Cancel
on the level-up screen and you'll skip to the next level. Once that's
gone up, you'll go back to the level on which you skipped. (You may be
wondering how I managed to figure out magic requirements for ALL spells
and ALL levels... see below)



Link can learn a total of 8 spells in the game. While the first
spell (Shield) is pretty much a freebie, you'll have to work for the
other 7. Here I'll tell you how to get each spell, what it does, and
the Magic Point requirement for each spell. First, here are the

SHIELD: Find the house in Rauru that offers it. That's all.
JUMP: Find the Trophy in the cave north of the starting point.
Take it to Ruto for the spell.
LIFE: In the third "open" house of Saria, check under the
table. You should be saying "I found a mirror." Take it to a woman who,
alas, lost her mirror. She'll let you in her house for the spell.
FAIRY: Get the medicine in the swamp cave (The one blocked by a
boulder) and take it to Mido Town. The spell will be yours.
FIRE: In Nabooru, you'll meet a woman who is thirsty. Not too
far away from her is a fountain. "Talk" to the fountain and go back to
the woman, and she'll let you in for the Fire Spell (Ironic how giving
someone water gets you fire! :) )
REFLECT: Save the child from the cave in Maze Island. Go to
Darunia, and you'll be rewarded from your heroic efforts with the
SPELL: In hidden Kasuto Town, Find an empty yet large home with
a fireplace. Press up at the niche, and you'll go into the room where
you find the Spell Spell (Yes, I MEANT to do that).
THUNDER: Go to the other, not-so-hidden town of Kasuto. Enter
the first house and get the Thunder Spell. (After that, just leave.
There's nothing else of interest there.)

Now, for the cost and effect of each spell:

Magic Level
SPELL | EFFECT | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Shield |1/2 damage for one screen | 32| 24| 24| 16------------->
Jump |2x jump height for one screen | 48| 40| 32| 32| 32| 20| 16| 8
Life |Heals 3 Heart Containers | 70| 70| 60| 60| 50--------->
Fairy |Turn into fairy for one screen| 80| 80| 60| 60| 40--------->
Fire |Shoot fire for one screen |120| 80| 60| 30| 16--------->
Reflect|Reflect magic for one screen |120|120| 80| 48| 40| 32| 24| 16
Spell |Random effects |120|112| 96| 80| 48| 32| 24| 16
Thunder|Hurts all enemies on screen |120|120|120|120|120|120|100| 64



Well, these aren't really FREQUENTLY asked, but you might be
stewing these questions over and so I feel I ought to address them here
and now.

Q: Why can't I get to Death Mountain?
A: The bridge in Saria connecting Death Mountain to the rest of
the world can only be deployed if you've talked to Bagu. He's located
in the upper forest just to the east of the swamp. Talk to him, then go
back to Saria. Talk to the river guard, and he'll let you cross.

Q: How come I can never get past the second palace or get the
A: Many players get stuck after the first palace, simply
because they rush through the game and don't take the time to build
levels. If you're hitting a speed bump around this area, try getting
some experience and building levels. That'll help quite a bit.

Q: Cool! I found a 1-up doll in the field! Should I take it?
A: NO!! LEAVE IT ALONE!! There are only 5 1-up dolls in the
entire game. One is in the west swamp, one square down and to the left
of the rock that blocks the cave to the medicine. Another is in the
desert near Maze Island, in a small dead end just north of the ocean.
A third doll is in the swamp of southeast Hyrule. The other two are in
the sixth and seventh palaces.
If you find a 1-up doll early in the game, DON'T TAKE IT! Like
most other items, dolls do not reappear when you reset the game. Once
they're gone, they're gone. It is much better to save them up for the
last palace, when you'll no doubt need them!

Q: Where's the best place to build experience?
A: Early game, fight the weak enemies of the swamp in West
Hyrule. Mid-game, go for the strong enemies in the desert south of
Mido. Late game, do the weak enemies in the forests of southeast
Hyrule. The first will rack up about 50 points a screen, the second
yields 66 points a screen (with high potential for P-bags), and the
third one gives you around 310 points a screen.

Q: Oh, no. It's my last life, and I'm at the palace boss, but
I only have enough magic for either a Life Spell or a Shield Spell, but
not both. Which one do I do?
A: Shield Spell, hands down. By using Shield, you're
effectively doubling the amount of life you have. This is very
important to know. (However, you should be using the Shield spell when
fighting ANY boss.)

Q: I'm entering a screen I have no clue about. Should I use the
Shield Spell?
A: No. Not yet, at least. Never use magic until you see a
reason to. Imagine that you used Shield in that unexplored area only to
find it was completely empty. Not a good thought, huh?

Q: Drat! I just lost my last life. But I don't want to have a
really high play count. What should I do?
A: I follow the 2-accomplishment rule. If you did two or more
things in your game that added to your progress (Getting a Heart or
Magic Container, Clearing a palace, going up a level, etc.), then go
ahead and save your game. If you didn't, don't bother. Reset and keep
your play count low.



-If you come across a Red Jar, make sure you milk out the rest
of your magic bar with as many Life Spells to heal yourself, then take
the Jar to get the most out of it. If you don't have enough magic to
cast Life, but you're still not all that healthy, then highlight the
Life Spell, take the Jar, and press SELECT like mad. You'll not only
refill your life, but your magic will fill up almost to full!

-To get the downthrust, go to Mido and use the Jump Spell to
get to the upper door of the church.

-To get the upthrust, go to Darunia. Find a house with a
chimney and use the Jump Spell to reach it. (You'll have to jump on the
roofs of other houses to get to it.) Pull a Santa Claus, and you'll
learn the upthrust.

-Don't always rely on your ability to throw your sword when you
have full life. Especially late in the game, enemies won't be hurt by
the thrown sword. Learn how to fight in close quarters.

-Remember that whenever you make contact with an enemy, you're
going to recoil a bit. Keep this in mind, especially when fighting
Skull Balls. Also, remember that if you hit an enemy, you'll stun it
slightly, and you won't take damage from it while it's stunned.

-If and when you beat the game, you'll have the ability to
replay it. When you do so, notice that while all tangible items (palace
items, Heart Containers, etc.) will be reset and you must find them
again, you'll still know all the spells and have the same high level!
At this point, the beginning of the game is a breeze. (Also, beating a
palace pretty much means an extra life!)

-If you want to experience this superiority without beating the
game, then do this: Play the game as you would, but take care NOT to
clear the palaces. Take the item, but don't beat the boss. Once you've
found all the items, learned all spells, and developed your attributes
to 8, start playing the game over again. It'll be so easy!



Here's a basic walkthrough of the steps to take in order to win
the game with the most efficiency. Remember, however, that this doesn't
cover level-ups - you should stop every so often to build experience on
your own. Also, this walkthrough assumes you know where to get
everything. (If you don't, consult the necessary places.) I've divided
the game into Early, Middle, and Late areas. So, here goes!

Get Magic Container
Go to Rauru
Get Shield Spell
Take cave to Northeast desert
Get Heart Container
Clear first palace (Get Candle)
Take cave to mainland
Get Trophy
Go to Ruto
Get Jump Spell
Take cave to swamp
Talk to Bagu
Go to Saria
Find Mirror
Get Life Spell
Go to Death Mountain
Get Hammer
Get Magic Container
Get Medicine
Get Heart Container
Go to Mido
Get downthrust
Get Fairy Spell
Clear second palace (Get Power Glove)

Go to King's Tomb
Take cave to southern island
Clear Island Palace (Get Raft)
Go to East Hyrule
Go to Nabooru
Find Water
Get Fire Spell
Take cave to north mainland
Go to Maze Island
Save Child
Go to north mainland
Go to Darunia
Get Reflect Spell
Get upthrust
Go to Maze Island
Get Magic Container
Clear fourth palace (Get Boots)
Get Heart Container
Clear fifth palace (Get Whistle)

Defeat River Devil
Take cave to mid-east forest
Go to Hidden Kasuto
Get Magic Container
Get Spell Spell :)
Get Magic Key
Take cave to mainland
Get Heart Container
Go to Kasuto
Get Thunder Spell
Clear sixth palace (Get Cross & 1-up)
Retrieve all 1-up dolls
Take caves and lava to palace
Clear seventh palace



Okay, for all you cheaters out there, here's a list of Game
Genie codes to help you out. The codes here are the same ones you'd
find in the Game Genie codebook.

SZKGKXVX Infinite lives
PASKPLLA Start with 1 life
TASKPLLA Start with 6 lives
PASKPLLE Start with 9 lives
AZUOLIAL Higher jump
OYKEEVSA+NPKEOVVA Swap Shield Spell for Fire Spell
LYKEEVSA+VAKEOVVE Swap Shield Spell for Spell Spell :)
LZKEEVSA+OPKEOVVA Swap Shield Spell for Fairy Spell
IIKEEVSE+VAKEOVVE Swap Shield Spell for Life Spell
VTKEEVSA+OPKEOVVA Swap Shield Spell for Thunder Spell

The "Swap Shield Spell" codes mean that when you learn the
Shield Spell, you'll really be learning the spell desginated by the
code. While the menu will still list it as the Shield Spell, and it
will take the same amount of magic as the Shield Spell, it will have
the effects of the new spell. You will learn the true Shield Spell in
the town of the new spell.


Written by

E-mail: loogaroo@nethosting.com
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Game Genie Codes

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