Wars and Warriors - Joan of Arc

Wars and Warriors - Joan of Arc

03.10.2013 18:44:02

Wars and Warriors Joan of Arc Walkthrough
By Randomer
Copyright 2005 Nick Marshall

This may be not being reproduced under any circumstances except
for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use
of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is
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All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned
by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

Version 0.05 16/3/05 - The beginning of this FAQ

Version 0.15 21/4/05 - Added a bit more of the 4th mission and
corrected some spelling errors. Also started the 5th mission and added
to the game basics.

version 0.20 8/3/07 - Its been too long people, I have updated the hints

and tips, concluded in rough the 5th mission and corrected some typos

I am writing this guide partly because I'm board, but mostly because
no one else has, and I want to guide people through this difficult
game, and make it easy for them, so that they can actually enjoy this
seemingly impossible game.

March 2007 IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!! - I have recieved a sudden influx in the

email's I am getting abotu this game, It is good to know that this game has

active players. I am still open to tips and suggestions and I will add them

to the guide eventually, but I will not be continuing the level guides for

a time and I may not be able to due to unforseen events

2 - Contents:
1. Legal Stuff/Content/Intro
2. Contents
3. Game Basics
4. Level Walkthrough
5. Hints and Tips
6. Thank you and contact

3 - Game Basics

Joan of Arc - The main character, she has around an equal mixture of
Jean De Metz - Is a bit of a weakling, but he is fast and good at range
La Hire - A big dude, slow but powerful, if you have a horse then let
him ride it!
Duke of Alecon - Is another relatively balanced character, but he has
high leadership and can command a lot of men.

NPC Allies:
(As these people are NPC's I can't comment on them).
The Bastard of Orleans
King Charles VII

There are also a large number of lieutenants that come to assist you,
make good use of them.

RTS Mode:
In RTS mode it is eaiser to control large forces, you can switch
between modes whenever you want. It also gives you more control
over the rouge AI.

4 - Level Walkthrough

Mission 1:
This is the only level that does not require much of a walkthrough, it is
linear and all you have to do is follow the only path, but make sure you
take a look in all the small inlets, they will probably contain enemies,
but you need all the experience available. Make sure you collect all
items, and smash all the crates to gain more food and gold. When you
meet several allies, make sure Joan has command of all of them.
(Metz can handle himself provided you place some food in his items).
If one of the allies dies make sure they don't drop anything, as one of
them has a letter that you need to get into Orleans. Also, if you want,
swap bows with Metz as his bow is a little faster.

Mission 2:
At first glance this mission appears to be almost impossible, but it is in
fact really easy. First off visit the blacksmith and buy some fire arrows,
if you can afford it the armour is an excellent purchase. Next visit the
food store, but some bread and sell all but 2-3 of your apples, buy
about the 5-6 mission these apples will be plaguing your item storage
so make sure you get rid of a lot of them at shops. Once you exit the
item shop, a cut scene will occur. Run to the gate asap and quickly
shut it using the action button, kill any enemies that may have entered
the city, and then speak to the Bastard, he will give you a mission to
fulfil. You have to liberate several nearby towns.

Continue in the direction shown on the mission briefing, if you have
any allies left from the last mission make sure they are healthy by
putting some healing items in the troop inventory. The first township
contains nothing of interest except for several items, but once you
liberate the second township you will find out about the attack on
Orleans, so run back to the city and speak with the Bastard, get
prepared for the first major battle of the game. Take the stairs near the
gate up to the wall, head inside the gate house and fire arrows
through the windows at the men on the cannons, once they are all
eliminated run back down the stairs and quickly open and shut the
gate. The enemy will rush to the gate and crowd round on the other
side. They can't attack you, but you can attack them. Just slash
through the gate at the enemy, they take damage, but can't retaliate.
Weather or not this is intentional I don't know. But you will soon see
how useful it is if you replay the level, and open the gate :-)

When there are only 2-3 enemies left, open the gate and collect all the
items that have fallen around the area. Once the last man is dead the
level ends.

Mission 3:
This mission is simple but time consuming in my opinion. First off,
level up your characters as you see fit. Defence and strength are the
most important right now, but give a point or 2 to leadership every now
and then, you will need it later. Proceed westwards; destroying any
English you come across until you reach the large clearing with a fort.
It looks like there is no way in, but all you have to do is press R on the
gate. (Not jump over the wall on horse back charge through and open
the gate like in the movie).

Once you are in the fortress, let Joan do the cleaning, but take control
of Metz and head towards a locked gate South West of the fortress.
Open the gate using Metz's lock pick skills and defeat the few
enemies inside. You will find a tied up man, speak to him and free him
and he will tell you about the arrival of La Hire. A Lieutenant will arrive
at the fortress to help you clean up. Make sure you take both the
horses. Once the whole clearing is empty return to the start of the
level to find La Hire and a decent size reinforcement force. Before you
proceed west again, give La Hire Metz's horse.

Pass the fortress and continue west, take the path that is closest to
the water. (It is also the furthest to the right). Continue down the path
until you reach another clearing, this one is full of enemies! Take
control of Joan and charge right through to the other side, until you
can just see a town in the distance. Defeat any enemies that have
followed you here. (When I play this level, most of the enemies will
remain in the clearing). There are several groups of enemies in the
town, kill them and group all your forces outside the town. From the
town there is a path heading south, this leads to the (surprisingly well
defended) back door of the enemy camp. Now is the time to check
your equipment, save your game, and place some healing items in the
inventory. Up ahead is my favourite bit of the first 3 missions, you will
charge a giant enemy camp.

Save your game and proceed down the hill, you will see a wooden
palisade to your right and a small settlement to the left, charge
through the gate in the palisade to the right, attack the enemies, but
don't dismount until you are in the centre of the camp, where all the
tents are, dismount and prepare for an intense fight. La Hire and Metz,
should be near you, if they are not, switch control and bring them to
Joan, When one of the Pole brothers arrives, make sure you switch
your characters often, some of them (Metz especially) can die from
just one hit of his charge attacks. Each time he gets back up after
being knocked over he will try to perform his charge attack, you will
see the colourd haze coming from his weapon, hold the Q key to block
and avoid instant death. Once all the initial camp defenders are
defeated. (Including the archers in the towers). Some enemy
reinforcements will appear, defeat these and the day is yours.

Mission 4:
This mission is evil, it took me several hours to do, (that does not
include the amount of times I restarted!) But if you follow me you might
just make it! The good news is that you have a new ally! Alecon has
joined you; he is a good fighter and has high leadership so make good
use of him when the time comes. Ok, there are 2 ways to do this level,
the long way or the longer way. I am going to use the long way. Head
due East. (For some reason, on many levels you start in the far west).
Continue east until you meet some Burgundian enemies, attack them
and continue to the small fortress behind them. Only 1-2 mins into the
level and you face a huge battle. Do not run into the fortress, but let
the enemy come to you outside. You do not need to kill everyone, but
William the Pole must be defeated. Use the similar tactics as you used
at the end of the last level. Once you have cleaned out the fort look for
a key on the floor, you can use this to free the prisoner. It is possible
that one of your characters picked up the key, so check their
inventories for it. If you were lucky you did not lose many men in the
early fight, but save now to avoid repeating it. Ok, you should have
received a message that Metz has been captured, do not worry about
that now, first you must do something that seems suicidal. The Last
objective is the large fort and tower near where Alecon starts. As soon
as you approach the area, you gain control of Alecon, leave him in his
little pathway area for later. As you pass through this area the enemy
will attack you, ignore them, they will not pursue you far. Take Joan
and La Hires forces through this area to the south; continue south
along the path to a town where you have to meet someone. Speak to
the villagers and they tell you about their stolen carriage of food, they
ask you to get it back. First buy any items you need, and sell some old
stuff. By now you will have a lot of apples you can get rid of. Buy any
new weapons that you don't have at the blacksmith.

Proceed west. There are not many enemies until you come to an area
with several buildings. This area is full of enemies so clean it out.
(Making sure to get the archers that are hidden on the hill to the far
west of this area. )There are some enemies in the church so defeat
them and grab any items out of the crates; once all the enemies are
gone the carriage will come back with you. Remember this area as
you will have to come back here later. Once you are back in the town
save, this level is not over yet. You may have noticed small paths
leading off from the main one around this village, hidden down these
paths are loads of enemies, and several villagers. Travel through this
wooded area and find all the villagers, the enemy will not attack the
villagers so they are safe with you, I did this easily with just Joan, no
allies or troops so it should not be too hard, once you have all the
villagers return them to the village and receive a nice experience
bonus. The good news is that there are only 2 objectives left. However
they are both real challenges, but if you made it this far then you can
do it!

Head up the north path back towards the tower area, along the way
there is a path to the right that leads into a clearing, go here and
prepare for a boss battle that appears very difficult. An old guy. (I
forgot his name!) Will confront you; follow the same boss rules as
before, but back off after every attack you make, his counters are not
nice. Once he looks like he is defeated he will heal up, and summon
an ambush of archers, if you have other troops left then they will deal
with the archers, focus on the boss for now. If you have no troops then
focus on the boss still and take the pain, just are sure to heal and
block often. Once he is defeated, he will leave a key; make sure you
know you have it... Head back to the church area, in my game I was
passing through here looking for good items, but a large allied force
has arrived to help you here, I'm not sure what you have to do to
make it arrive, but the above is what I did. Anyway take this force with
you and head back to the fortress.

Alecon has probably been fighting for ages here, but once you arrive
again the cannons that you may have seen will work. Send one
general who has the key you got off the old guy to the far north west
of the fortress area, here there is a house, Jean is tied up in here, free
him and return to the tower. Hopefully it is destroyed by now; if not
then continue the fight. Beware of going up into the tower as it is the
ultimate "stuck people" area. (See 5. Hints and tips). If you want to go
up into the tower just for a fight then save before you do!
Once the cannons have destroyed the tower they turn on the fortress.
Gather your men. (If you have any) and prepare to take the fort in the
first real siege battle of this game. The cannons will blast the walls and
gates, you can stand back and continue the fight outside, snipe the
archers sitting on the wall or use explosive arrows to aid the breaking
down of the gate. Once the gate is down, run into the fort, send Joan
and Metz up onto the wall to kill the archers and keep Alecon and La
Hire on the ground to fight off the pole brothers. I had made the
mistake of going up into the tower before it was destroyed, so a lot of
my men were stuck in there, so I had only 5-6 men when I took this
town. Once all the archers are defeated, head back to the town in the
south to win this game. If you are still itching for a fight then back

to the start and take the southern path to the English camps. But if
you have found this level as hard as I have then you will not want to,
besides the next level is better!

Mission 5:
Its time to clean up the Loire! Finally we enter RTS mode, something
that makes the game a lot more fun, but also opens up extreme "stuck
people" problems. As soon as the level starts send one general into
the city to the barracks and buy some crossbow men, heavy infantry
and a few light infantry if you can. Mix these new units around among
the generals and buy and items or equipment you want in the town, if
you have too many gems then sell some, and don't forget to monitor
the apple levels in your inventory. Now head out of the gate you
started at and continue right along the path beside the river in RTS
mode, you will come to an enemy filled clearing, take out all the
enemies in this clearing in RTS mode, and head north. There are two
paths here take the lower one and continue through the woods, make
sure you stick as a group; your characters are vulnerable on their own.

Progress though these woods fighting many scattered skirmishes unitl you
come to a bridge across the river. The bridge I used had a very small
person standing on its bank. On the other side of this river there is a
small settlment that has a barracks, this will be where you will plan your
attack. From here you should get a message telling you to go to the west
and meet with your reinforcements. take them back to your newly captured
village and save!

This battle will start out as the hardest thing you will have ever played
in the game so far. It will probably be the most fun also. March your
forces up to the walls and either blow open the gates with the cannons or
with lots of flaming arrows. Keep 1 general with a couple of men away from
the fight. Metz will probably be best for this. You will need constant
reinfocement and as you punch further into the city send him back to
recruit a few more men from the barracks. Don't bother with the trebuchet
building option, they are very glitchy things to use and are not worth your

This battle is fairly linear and once you hit the centre and defeat the
bosses, save a take a break. This clean up operation took me up to 3 hours
to do, there are 2 groups of baddies outside the city walls hidden in the
woods to the north east, on the south bank of the river. Make sure there
are no enemies left on the walls as well. Once this is done you will win.

5 - Hints/Tips:

The first tip is to save regularly, as the game rarely auto saves, and
it is really easy to die.

When fighting bosses and big battles with multiple playable
characters make sure you constantly switch, it is quite easy to get hit
by a charge attack and die almost instantly, auto-heal only works on
the characters you are not controlling.

Sadly this game has no cheats that I know of, and I have tried
several trainers, all of which seem to not work, or crash my game.
So if this game is too hard for you then you are in a bit of trouble.

Stuck people:
One of the biggest problems in this game is the AI. Units are
constantly getting stuck to objects and running into them and
becoming stuck. Trees and horses are the most potent offenders;
however there are ways around this:

If a general is stuck in RTS mode, take direct control of him and try
to move him.

If it is an AI character, try changing his commander.

If a character is stuck to a horse, try moving the horse as another

If all else fails just leave them, 99% of the time they will eventually
become unstuck and return to the main force.

Perhaps one good thing about this game is that you can backtrack
through the levels to old areas. This is especially useful during the
later missions as you can travel back to friendly barracks and recruit
more troops. Trust me, you will need to!

Tips I received by email:

Defeating bosses:
to defeat the bosses normally you fight and fight and switch characters.
And then it is still very hard. BUT if you let one of your charaters fight
with a boss and switch the other character to crossbow or normal bow, it is
relatively easy to defeat a boss. I don 't know why, but they seem to be

T-Search Cheats:
I was contacted with a tip off about T-Search Cheats and how they can be used
to get infinte arrows and money. I can't post any links to
T-Search Cheats as they could be used for hacking online games and thats
bad. Google it.

6 - Contact + Thank you's
Thanks to all those who have e-mailed me, with stuff to add in particlar:
Robert - for his tip on defeating bosses
Chris - for the tip off on T-Search Cheats

You can e-mail me about this FAQ at this e-mail address, but only
about my FAQ!

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