Maple Story

Maple Story

15.10.2013 07:02:38
Fighter/Crusader Guide

Copyright 2006 BTL (Bao Ly)

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|except for personal/private use. |
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|without advance written permission. |
|Use of this guide on any other web site |
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-And Many Other Website-
(That Ask for Permission)
A. Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. What is Maple Story?
3. Why a Warrior?
4. Why a Fighter/Crusader?
5. Starting Maple Story
6. Maple Island/Stats & Builds
7. Becoming a Warrior
9. Skills & Builds
10. Hunting grounds
11. Soon To Be Release
12. Contact
13. Credits

1. Introduction

Hello there! My name is BTL (Bao Ly), I been play playing MS for almost
about a year and from writing this guide, I hope to help you raise your
warrior and then make him into a Fighter/Crusader. I hope that you will
find this guide helpful and enjoyable. Since this is my first FAQ, I am
open for any suggestions on how to improve my guide. ^^

2. What is Maple Story?

Well, Maple Story is a Korean/Japanese/English Free To Play Online Game
created by Wizet. MS is a 2D anime style RPG featuring various
“Jobs” (Warrior, Magician, Thief, and Bowman). To level up,player must
defeat monsters, gain items, and Complete quests. MS is an addictive
game to many and some may spend countless hours playing this
game. (Simple Put) :)

3. Why a Warrior?

“Why a Warrior?” You say.

Well……In the beginning you may find warrior boring and the easiest to
get KS by any other class, also really bad looking armors at the
beginning. But when you’re about level 50 or so, you can practically
destroy almost any monsters with ease.

Pro (+)

+The highest HP in the game
+Crazy Amount of damage done
+Look really cool later on
+Can take really hard hits

Con (-)

-No movement ability (unfortunately)
Haste for Assassins/Bandits
Teleport for Magicians
Thrust for Rangers/Snipers.
-Unstable damage until at a decent level
-Bad looking armors at low level
-Hard to pq as accuracy is low and damage
is really unstable at low levels.

4. Why A Fighter/Crusader?

Just because that Fighter has HP beyond all other job and can hold a
sword or axe in their hands. Fighter has unique skills such as Rage
(which is very impressive and popular with party) which at max level
give you an increase of 10 weapon attack at the cost it decreases your
weapon defense by 10 but that's like 3-5 damage more you take compare
hundreds you be doing. Also probably the best defense ability for
Power Guard! at max level it reduces 40% damage done to you and
40% back at the monster, it also nicely reduce your knock back rate.
(Simply Amazing, but keep in mind that it does NOT work against magic
attacks.) :(

Then when you become a Crusader, you are able to do a Skill Call Combo
attack and Shout which is will instantly remind you why you chose this
path.(details later on, in the Guide)

5. Starting Maple Story

To download maple story, you need to go to or SEA countries), You will also need to register
to play. Once you have downloaded and installed the game. Double click
on the orange mushroom and you should be in.
1. Put in your username and password(register first)
2. Making your 4 digits pin number and login
3. Read or Scroll all the way down to login
4. Chose a server (In my opinion chose either Bera or Scania
because most people play in these server but because of this it
also sometime hard to get in.)

5. Select a channel
6. Select create character

7. OK………Now this is important, make your character appearance anyway
you see fit and also your name. But for the DICE ROLL!!! Try as
hard as you can to roll your INT and LUK to a 4/4, it doesn’t
matter about what your STR and DEX are, just as long as you get a
4/4 on INT and LUK. Remember! this is to make your perfect
warrior.(Note that you can roll the dice as long as you want although
sometimes getting 4/4 for INT and LUK takes a long time.)

6. Maple Island/Stats & Builds

Ok! Now you’re at Maple Island, home of all noobs.
Since most of the people reading this probably knows all the controls
(You can even push the button below backspace to view all controls!)
Train here in Maple Island, also do all the quests here. They are
really simple for warriors and you gain good experiences and items.

I advise you stay to this formula- “DEX = 2(level)”
“The rest to STR”

Till level 30 I guess!

Then you can depend on what you like
better, to be able to hit high lvl
monsters or to do more damage.

*Update- Building your stats you should suggest putting all your stat
points into STR from level 30 to 40 and go back to the dex = 2(level)
because the glove for lvl 35(125 STR) and lvl 40(150 STR)
Submitted by: Kaoum

*Remember to CAP your DEX at 80-90 then you can put the REST to STR.
(Your dex should be cap at the range of lvl 55-60.)

IF your STR and DEX

Lv1 STR=9 Lv6 STR=30
DEX=8 DEX=12
Lv2 STR=14 Lv7 STR=33
DEX=8 DEX=14
Lv3 STR=19 Lv8 STR=36
DEX=8 DEX=16
Lv4 STR=24 Lv9 STR=39
DEX=8 DEX=18
Lv5 STR=27 Lv10 STR=42
DEX=10 DEX=20

Leave at Lv10 or (Lv9 with 76%)
7. Becoming a Warrior

Now you’re at Lith Harbour, go all the way on the left of the map and
talk to the name Olaf, answer all his questions and when he ask the
path you take, chose warrior. Now go back to the left of the map and
talk to a guy in the stall next to Jane and go to perion.

Once you're at Perion, go to the top of the map, where you'll find
a building. Walk in, and you'll see Dances With Balrog, <_<
Talk to him and as long as you have 35 STR and Lv level 10,
you can become a Warrior! You should gain about 100 HP. Yay!!! :D

8. Skills & Builds

[Improving HP Recovery]
Max level: 16
Requirements: none

This skill will improve the amount of HP you get when you
Stand still for 10 seconds. It's not necessary, leave it at lv5 so
you can max out Improving MAX HP.

Level 1: Recover additional +3
Level 8: Recover additional +24
Level 16: Recover additional +50

[Improving MAX HP]
Max level: 10
Requirements: 5 in Improving HP recovery

While having a level up and if an Ability Point is used to increase
the amount of HP, it raises the level of increase for Max HP. Maxing
this skill will give you closer to 70HP per level up. -Max this out
ASAP (meaning after putting 5 into HP Recovery).Warriors who maxes this
skill gets 1000HP at level 20 but those who dont even raise this only
gets 1000HP at lvl 30(extremely large difference)

Level 1: Add 3 more for Max HP when level up
Level 5: Add 15 more for Max HP when level up
Level 10: Add 30 more for Max HP when level up

Max level: 8
Requirements: 3 Improving Max HP

Even while hanging on a rope or on a ladder, you will be able to
recover some HP after a certain amount of time. The higher the level,
the faster the recovery time.

Level 1: Recover HP every 31 seconds
Level 4: Recover HP every 22 seconds
Level 8: Recover HP every 10 seconds

[Iron Body]
Max level: 20
Requirements: 3 Endure

Temporarily increases your weapon's defence. This skill will may be
useless later, but I recommend using this skill.
(I explain later on builds up)

Level 1: MP -5; Weapon defence +2 for 15 seconds
Level 10: MP -5; Weapon defence +20 for 150 seconds
Level 20: MP -10; Weapon defence +40 for 300 seconds


[Power Strike]
Max level: 20
Requirements: none

This will your main skill for a very long time. At max level, it does
260% damage of your normal attack, which simply is awesome.
You'll want to max this out.

Level 1: MP -6; Sword damage 108%
Level 10: MP -6; Sword damage 180%
Level 20: MP -12; Sword damage 260%

[Slash Blast]
Max level: 20
Requirements: 1 Power Strike

Your main mob skill. You lose HP and MP when using this skill.
It attacks all monsters within your weapon range at 130% of your damage
at level 20. Some leave it at lv10 , where it does 94% damage, while
not having to deal with the double MP/HP cost.

Level 1: MP -7; HP -8, damage 56%
Level 10: MP -7; HP -8, damage 92%
Level 20: MP -14; HP -16, damage 130%

*Build Up*
Okay that was some nice info about the skills, now it time for some
build ups! :)

All warriors build ups start like this until level 15

Level 10- 1 into Improving HP Recovery
Level 11- 3 into Improving HP Recovery (4)
Level 12- 1 into Improving HP Recovery (5),
2 into Max HP
Level 13- 3 into Max HP (5)
Level 14- 3 into Max HP (8)
Level 15- 2 into Max HP (Max)
1 into Power Strike

Your standard warrior build will continue as:

Level 16- 3 into Power Strike (4)
Level 17- 3 into Power Strike (7)
Level 18- 3 into Power Strike (10)
Level 19- 3 into Slash Blast
Level 20- 3 into Slash Blast (6)
Level 21- 3 into Slash Blast (9)
Level 22- 1 into Slash Blast (10), SAVE the rest
Level 23- Save all 3 points
Level 24- Save all 3 points
Level 25- 10 into Power Strike (MAX)
10 into Slash Blast (MAX)
Level 26- Save all 3 skill points
Level 27- Save all 3 skill points
Level 28- 10 into attack skill didn't max
Level 29- 3 Endure
Level 30- 3 Iron Body

This is your typical warrior, if you however chose this path
remember to follow it completely. I have a friend who ignored
the MP/HP double up. When he put in skill points for Power strike/
Slash Blast he was supposed to stop and save skill points at lv10,but
he maxed a single skill first, this made him weaker for the time being
and he was also wasting money like crazy!

If you're planning on becoming a Fighter, Which I think you are...
because you are reading a Fighter/Crusader Guide, I would probably
put points into Iron Body as it negates the minus defense from Rage.
Also remember to use Rage first, then Iron I don’t why
it negate Iron Body when cast it first, then Rage. It's a difference
of 3-5 damage, so it's your choice.

*Not Recommended*
Whatever or so, if you want more Iron Body, you might want to look at

Level 16- 3 into Power Strike (4)
Level 17- 3 into Power Strike (7)
Level 18- 3 into Power Strike (10)
Level 19- 3 into Slash Blast
Level 20- 3 into Slash Blast (6)
Level 21- 3 into Slash Blast (9)
Level 22- 1 into Slash Blast, SAVE the rest*
Level 23- Save all 3 skill points
Level 24- Save all 3 skill points
Level 25- 10 into Power Strike (MAX)
Level 26- 3 into Endure
Level 27- 3 into Iron Body
Level 28- 3 into Iron Body
Level 29- 3 into Iron Body
Level 30- 3 into Iron Body

Fighter Skills & Builds
Once you made it to level 30. go to Perion and speak with Dances With
Balrog. When you accept his offer to take his test, he will give you a
letter to take to the job advancement instructor west of Perion. Once
you find the instructor, give the letter to him and you will be taken
inside where you will be asked to collect 30 dark crystals by
defeating Fire Boars and Lupins. Make sure you have LOTS of POTS,
dieing is not an option. Once all 30 dark crystals have been collected,
the instructor will award you with the Proof of a Hero. Return to
Perion and speak to Dances With Balrog and you will get your 2nd job
[Sword Mastery]
Max level: 20
Requirements: none

Simply awesome. This skill improves your minimum damage by a great
amount and the accuracy it gives is fantastic, but most people leave it
at 19 since it doesn’t give anymore mastery just +1 accuracy.
Definitely Max this out!

Level 1: Sword Mastery 15%, accuracy +1
Level 10: Sword Mastery 35%, accuracy +10
Level 20: Sword Mastery 60%, accuracy +20

[Axe Mastery]
Max level: 20
Requirements: none

Same as Sword. Max this out or sword!

Level 1: Axe Mastery 15%, accuracy +1
Level 10: Axe Mastery 35%, accuracy +10
Level 20: Axe Mastery 60%, accuracy +20

[Final Attack: Sword]
Max level: 30
Requirements: 3 in Sword Mastery

This is a skill that gives you a chance to do a bonus attack after
you use an attack skill, either Power Strike or Slash Blast. Max this
out too or leave it.

Level 1: 2% success rate, final attack with sword damage 105%
Level 15: 30% success rate, final attack with sword damage 175%
Level 30: 60% success rate, final attack with sword damage 250%

[Final Attack: Axe]
Max level: 30
Requirements: 3 in Axe Mastery

Same as Final Attack for Sword. Max this out or Leave it.

Level 1: 2% success rate, final attack with axe damage 105%
Level 15: 30% success rate, final attack with axe damage 175%
Level 30: 60% success rate, final attack with axe damage 250%

[Sword Booster]
Max level: 20
Requirements: 5 in Sword Mastery

Booster boost your weapon speed by one class,
For example, a weapon with a speed of Normal will go to Fast.
Fast will go to Faster. Worth Maxing out all the way!

[Axe Booster]
Max level: 20
Requirements: 5 in Axe Mastery

Same as Sword Booster. Max this out or Sword Booster

Level 1: HP -29, MP -29; Increase in sword speed for 10 seconds
Level 10: HP -20, MP -20; Increase in sword speed for 100 seconds
Level 20: HP -10, MP -10; Increase in sword speed for 200 seconds

Max level: 20
Requirements: none

A Fighter unique Skill. Simply amazing At max level, it adds
10 weapon attack, it does deduct 10 weapon defence,
but that's like 3-5 more damage taken compared to the
hundreds more you'll be doing. Max This Out!

Level 1: MP -12; Weapon attack +1, weapon defence -1 for 8 seconds
Level 10: MP -12; Weapon attack +5, weapon defence -5 for 80 seconds
Level 20: MP -24; Weapon attack +10, weapon defence -10 for 160 seconds

[Power Guard]
Max level: 30
Requirements: 3 in Rage

The best defense ability for warrior's 2nd job advancement, Power Guard
at max level reproduce 40% damage done to you so you take 60% and
reflect 40% back at the monster also nicely reduce your knock back
rate. (simply amazing, but keep in mind that it does NOT work against
magic attacks.) Max This Out!

*Build Up*
There not much way you can make your fighter build up. It just matter
of what skill you want first.

Level 30- 1 into [Weapon] Mastery
Level 31- 3 into [Weapon] Mastery (4)
Level 32- 3 into [Weapon] Mastery (7)
Level 33- 3 into [Weapon] Mastery (10)
Level 34- 3 into [Weapon] Mastery (13)
Level 35- 3 into [Weapon] Mastery (16)
Level 36- 3 into [Weapon] Mastery (19)

Here's your standard warrior build up.

Level 37- 3 into [Final] Attack
Level 38- 3 into [Final] Attack (6)
Level 39- 3 into [Final] Attack (9)
Level 40- 3 into [Final] Attack (12)
Level 41- 3 into [Final] Attack (15)
Level 42- 3 into [Final] Attack (18)
Level 43- 3 into [Final] Attack (21)
Level 44- 3 into [Final] Attack (24)
Level 45- 3 into [Final] Attack (27)
Level 46- 3 into [Final] Attack (MAX)
Level 47- 3 into Rage
Level 48- 3 into Power Guard
Level 49- 3 into Power Guard (6)
Level 50- 3 into Power Guard (9)
Level 51- 3 into Power Guard (12)
Level 52- 3 into Power Guard (15)
Level 53- 3 into Power Guard (18)
Level 54- 3 into Power Guard (21)
Level 55- 3 into Power Guard (24)
Level 56- 3 into Power Guard (27)
Level 57- 3 into Power Guard (MAX)
Level 58- 3 into [Weapon] Booster
Level 59- 3 into [Weapon] Booster (6)
Level 60- 3 into Rage (6)
Level 61- 3 into Rage (9)
Level 62- 3 into Rage (12)
Level 63- 3 into Rage (15)
Level 64- 3 into Rage (18)
Level 65- 2 into Rage (MAX), 1 into Weapon Booster (7)
Level 66- 3 into [Weapon] Booster (10)
Level 67- 3 into [Weapon] Booster (13)
Level 68- 3 into [Weapon] Booster (16)
Level 69- 3 into [Weapon] Booster (19)
Level 70- 1 into [Weapon] Booster (MAX), 1 into Weapon Mastery (MAX)

Here's another one that I thought of, if you want rage first. (Since
people find Final Attack rather useless.)

Level 37- 3 into Rage
Level 38- 3 into Rage (6)
Level 39- 3 into Rage (9)
Level 40- 3 into Rage (12)
Level 41- 3 into Rage (15)
Level 42- 3 into Rage (18)
Level 43- 2 into Rage (MAX), 1 Weapon Booster
Level 44- 3 into [Weapon] Booster (4)
Level 45- 3 into [Weapon] Booster (7)
Level 46- 3 into [Weapon] Booster (10)
Level 47- 3 into [Weapon] Booster (13)
Level 48- 3 into [Weapon] Booster (16)
Level 49- 3 into [Weapon] Booster (19)
Level 50- 1 into [Weapon] Booster (MAX), 2 Power Guard
Level 51- 3 into Power Guard (5)
Level 52- 3 into Power Guard (8)
Level 53- 3 into Power Guard (11)
Level 54- 3 into Power Guard (14)
Level 55- 3 into Power Guard (17)
Level 56- 3 into Power Guard (20)
Level 57- 3 into Power Guard (23)
Level 58- 3 into Power Guard (26)
Level 59- 3 into Power Guard (29)
Level 60- 1 into Power Guard (MAX), 2 into Final Attack
Level 61- 3 into [Final] Attack (5)
Level 62- 3 into [Final] Attack (8)
Level 63- 3 into [Final] Attack (11)
Level 64- 3 into [Final] Attack (14)
Level 65- 3 into [Final] Attack (17)
Level 66- 3 into [Final] Attack (20)
Level 67- 3 into [Final] Attack (23)
Level 68- 3 into [Final] Attack (26)
Level 69- 3 into [Final] Attack (29)
Level 70- 1 into [Final] Attack (MAX), 1 into [Weapon] Booster (MAX)
1 into [Weapon] Mastery (MAX)
1 into Combo Attack (when become a Crusader)

Crusader Skills & Builds

Once you're level 70, you can advance to your 3rd job advancement.
[Improving MP Recovery]
Max level: 20

Very helpful! Save a LOT on MP pots. MAX this out after your vital

Level 1 : Recover additional +2
Level 10: Recover additional +20
Level 20: Recover additional +30

[Shield Mastery]
Max level: 20

…Not useful, considering most warriors use two handed swords/two
handed axes.

Level 1 : Weapon defence +5%
Level 10: Weapon defence +50%
Level 20: Weapon defence +100%

[Combo Attack]
Max level: 30

This is why you want to be a Crusader. Combo is an amazing skill that
makes shining orbs circle around you, which last for 200 sec at max
Level, making you do those crazy 30k amount of damage. MAX This Out

Level 1 : MP -25; Weapon attack +104% for 100 seconds, max combo
counter 3
Level 15: MP -30; Weapon attack +160% for 140 seconds, max combo
counter 4
Level 30: MP -35; Weapon attack +220% for 200 seconds, max combo
counter 5

[Panic: Sword]
Max level: 30

Great Skill, once combo combine with this you will do damage more than
DK and WK. Also has a very good chance of putting enemies in darkness.

Level 1 : MP -10; Weapon attack +150% and 32% chance to put it into
Level 15: MP -17; Weapon attack +273% and 60% chance to put it into
Level 30: MP -24; Weapon attack +350% and 90% chance to put it into

[Panic: Axe]
Max level: 30

Same as sword.

Level 1 : MP -10; Weapon attack +150% and 32% chance to put it into
Level 15: MP -17; Weapon attack +273% and 60% chance to put it into
Level 30: MP -24; Weapon attack +350% and 90% chance to put it into

[Coma: Sword]
Max level: 30

This attack isn’t as good as Panic, so you won’t do those purely 30k+.
although it got a chance to stun your enemy.

Level 1 : HP -15, MP -12; Basic attack +84%, 32% chance to stun enemy
Level 15: HP -20, MP -19; Basic attack +140%, 60% chance to stun enemy
Level 30: HP -25, MP -26; Basic attack +200%, 90% chance to stun enemy

[Coma: Axe]
Max level: 30

Same as sword.

Level 1 : HP -15, MP -12; Basic attack +84%, 32% chance to stun enemy
Level 15: HP -20, MP -19; Basic attack +140%, 60% chance to stun enemy
Level 30: HP -25, MP -26; Basic attack +200%, 90% chance to stun enemy

[Armor Crash]
Max level: 20

This move can cancel out the enemy's physical defense up skill in a
certain rate. Although this is good to have, I recommend maxing this
out later.

Level 1 : MP -35; 24% chance to nullify enemy's physical defence up
Level 10: MP -17; 60% chance to nullify enemy's physical defence up
Level 20: MP -7; 100% chance to nullify enemy's physical defence up

Max level: 30

Another reason why you want to be a Crusader. Shout attacks all enemys
within 200% attack range, which means, now you can KS or STOP GETTING
KS by other classes.

Level 1 : MP -8; Basic attack +11%, range +110%, 52% stun for 5
Level 15: MP -12; Basic attack +22%, range +150%, 80% stun for 7
Level 30: MP -16; Basic attack +30%, range +200%, 95% stun for 10

*Build Up*
Level 71- 3 into Combo Attack (4)
Level 72- 3 into Combo Attack (7)
Level 73- 3 into Combo Attack (10)
Level 74- 3 into Combo Attack (13)
Level 75- 3 into Combo Attack (16)
Level 76- 3 into Combo Attack (19)
Level 77- 3 into Combo Attack (22)
Level 78- 3 into Combo Attack (25)
Level 79- 3 into Combo Attack (28)
Level 80- 2 into Combo Attack (MAX), 1 into Panic [weapon]
Level 81- 3 into Panic [weapon] (4)
Level 82- 3 into Panic [weapon] (7)
Level 83- 3 into Panic [weapon] (10)
Level 84- 3 into Panic [weapon] (13)
Level 85- 3 into Panic [weapon] (16)
Level 86- 3 into Panic [weapon] (19)
Level 87- 3 into Panic [weapon] (22)
Level 88- 3 into Panic [weapon] (25)
Level 89- 3 into Panic [weapon] (28)
Level 90- 2 into Panic [weapon] (MAX) 1 into Shout
Level 91- 3 into Shout (4)
Level 92- 3 into Shout (7)
Level 93- 3 into Shout (10)
Level 94- 3 into Shout (13)
Level 95- 3 into Shout (16)
Level 96- 3 into Shout (19)
Level 97- 3 into Shout (22)
Level 98- 3 into Shout (25)
Level 99- 3 into Shout (28)
Level 100- 2 into Shout (MAX), 1 Coma [weapon]
Level 101- 3 Coma [weapon] (4)
Level 102- 3 Coma [weapon] (7)
Level 103- 3 Coma [weapon] (10)
Level 104- 3 Coma [weapon] (13)
Level 105- 3 Coma [weapon] (16)
Level 106- 3 Coma [weapon] (19)
Level 107- 3 Coma [weapon] (23)
Level 108- 3 Coma [weapon] (26)
Level 109- 3 Coma [weapon] (29)
Level 110- 1 Coma [weapon] (MAX), 2 Improving MP Recovery
Level 111- 3 Improving MP Recovery (5)
Level 112- 3 Improving MP Recovery (8)
Level 113- 3 Improving MP Recovery (11)
Level 114- 3 Improving MP Recovery (14)
Level 115- 3 Improving MP Recovery (17)
Level 116- 3 Improving MP Recovery (MAX)
Level 117- 3 Armor Crash
Level 118- 3 Armor Crash (6)
Level 119- 3 Armor Crash (9)
Level 120- 3 Armor Crash (12)

10. Hunting Grounds
Level 1-10
Snails, Shroom, & Orange Mushroom at Maple Island.

Level 10-14
Orange Mushrooms at Henesys, Slimes at Ellinia.

*Recomended: Slimes at the slime tree in Ellinia*

Level 15-19
Pig & Ribbon Pig at Pig Beach.

Level 20-24
Horn Mushroom & Green Mushroom at Ellinia.

Level 25-29
Hunt Wild boars, at the Land of Wild Boars &
Party Quest

Level 30-34
Hunt Evil Eyes & Zombie Mushrooms at the Dungeon.

Level 35-39
Hunt Jr. Sentinels & Sentinel Variants at Orbis Tower.
Fire boar at east of perion. Small cats at Orbis.

*Recomended: Small cats at Orbis*

Level 40-49
hunting Fire boars, Jr.Pepes, Copper Drakes.
Small cats at Orbis.

*Recomended: Block Golem in Eos Tower in Ludi Floor 8*

Level 50-70
Dark Golems, Flame Drakes or Normal Drakes, Wild
Cargoes and/or Florina Beach.

Recomended: *Drake at Drake Meal Table*

Level 70-90
Hunt Zombies & Lycanthropes

Recomended: Zombies

Level 90-100
Lycanthropes & Fire Dog

Level 100+
Anything You Want To Hunt! (Go Hunt Zakum!)

Go to:

This is the best site to know where you need
go for quests, monsters, and area where you
need to train. Please go to this site before
e-mail me for direction.

Don't Get Rip Off of FM prices!!
Go to:

This is an Auctioning witesite that you can
set up your own auction, bid, chat, ect.

Good Place For Newbie


Here you can ask for help ect.

10. Soon To Be Released

Since Wizet is now releasing many features and are soon to be in the
future,I will try to update these new features in my FAQ as soon as

Here is a list of what is to be expected in this FAQ soon:

-4th Job Advancement?

12. Contact

This is my very first FAQ, this has take me awhile to complete.
If you see any info to comtribute please email me so.

I may also answer questions that you have.

My email is

12. Questions and Answers
Q: Do you have any other character that is a warrior but of
other classes?

A: Yes, a spearman and I'm also working on getting a Page.

Q:Does the final attack skill work with 3rd job skills?

A: No, but you will need it because it will help you boost
your combo faster, due to the 2nd attack it give.

Q:Is a Crusader's Shout similar to a Dragon Knight's

A: Yes, although Dragon Roar range is much more superior, but
that max lvl of Combo and Shout you can easily out damage DR.

Q: Which is better Sword or Axe?

A: Sword is better because it is more stable in decent damages,
for Axe it has a high and low damage range but prices and scrolls
are much more cheaper.

Q: Does Combo work for the 4th Job?

A: Fortunate, YES. There will be a skill call 10x combo which you
can do even more damage.( Need to max out Combo in 3rd job)

Q: Should I use 1 handed weapon?

A: No, but if you want to take less damage with shield then yes.
one handed weapon is very weak. Only wear it if you are willing
to suidice or something.

Q: Does Shout really stun you like Dragon Roar.

A: No, Shout will not stun you.


-Don’t spam me when you send an email,please, I try to help others by
making this guide, and this is what I get.(Just Don’t)

-Don’t ask questions that is in this FAQ already.

-Don't send me an e-mail without an subject/title

-Don’t request Buddy. (I have to know you first)

-Don’t ask me questions that isn’t in the topic.

-Don’t send me hate mails. (What did I do?)

13. Credits

Me, BTL for finally making a FAQ. ^^

Azeez for review & correction on my guide. Thx

CJayC for running Gamefaqs. &, helped me out ALOT.

Kaoum for the stat build up after level 30.

You The Reader, for taking time in your life to read this FAQ.
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Warrior Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
Archer/Hunter/Ranger FAQ
Engl. FAQ

09.Октябрь 2013
Fighter/Crusader Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

15.Октябрь 2013
Bandit FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Archer and Hunter Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
A Guide to ice/lighting magicians
Engl. Leitfaden

11.Октябрь 2013
Fire Wizard and Magician Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Октябрь 2013
Thief/Rogue/Assassin/Hermit Guide
Engl Leitfaden

15.Октябрь 2013
Warrior/Spearman/Dragon Knight FAQ
Engl. FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

09.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

15.Октябрь 2013
Beginner/Warrior FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
FAQ to The Wizard of Fire and Poison
Engl. FAQ

08.Октябрь 2013
Bowman/Crossbowman FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Spearman/Polearm Spearman Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
Warrior FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Beginners Tips
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Октябрь 2013
Item List
Engl. Hinweise

17.Октябрь 2013
Magician Walkthrough
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013
Usable Items Reference
Engl. Hinweise

17.Октябрь 2013
Magician Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Октябрь 2013
Quests Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
MP Eater Grid FAQ
Engl. FAQ

13.Октябрь 2013
Hidden Warp Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013
Magician/Cleric FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013
Quest Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

15.Октябрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018