Guild Wars Factions

Guild Wars Factions

15.10.2013 18:15:46
Guild Wars: Factions Mesmer FAQ
By: Nobleman Azure
version 2.0


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GWFM01: Introduction to the Mesmer Class
GWFM02: Pros and Cons
GWFM03: Difference between Factions and Prophecies
GWFM04: Fast Casting
GWFM06: The Basic Techniques
GWFM07: Mesmer-Specific Techniques and Information
GWFM08: Mission Outlines
GWFM09: Builds
GWFM10: Helpful Links
GWFM11: Closing FAQ
GWFM12: Credits and Thanks

GWFM01: Introduction to the Mesmer Class

The Mesmer class is one of the many spellcaster type professions in Guildwars.
It is one of the core professions and is known to be the most unique
professions made in any game.
Mesmers are casters who devoted their life to the study of the arts that
enables them to manipulate a foe's perceptions,
as well as destroy their abilities through their control over their minds.
With this said, mesmers can perform effectively fill in several different
types of roles from direct damage to healing.
Mesmer skills and spells however are more focused on manipulating
taregt's movement, spells, skills, attacks in different types of ways.
This debilitates the opposing force's ability to either do harm to your
party, or protect their party.

The Mesmer has always been pegged as a profession with a steep learning curve.
This is because your abilities depend on what your party or the opposing force
is going to have for skills and spells: What will they use,
When will they use it, How will they use it.
Knowing such will help a mesmer effectively choose which spells to bring
to counter the opposing force.
It helps a player who wants to play a mesmer to learn the inner workings of
the game, as well as having a basic familiarity with every class in the game.

If you haven't learned the game much and you still want to try a mesmer, kudos
to you for taking up the challenge.
It is not impossible, I've done it and I fail to see why couldn't you ^_^.

GWFM02: Pros and Cons

Here are the common Pros and Cons (Advantages and Disadvantages) of the mesmer


-Sets up for learning: Because your skills and spells require you to learn the
foe, the profession emphasizes the importance for the player to be aware of
both his or her teammates, the opposing force, the skills that both use,
and the environment in which the group conducts battles.

-Alternative Nature: Instead of beating fire with fire, a mesmer would either
toss water into it or in a creative manner try to rob it of oxygen.
Mesmers will make battles shorter than it would without one.

-The Satisfaction of Debilitation: Yes, it is considered an advantage!
Most mesmer players took this profession because of the sheer satisfaction
of debilitation. Why kill the person if you can just make a useless target
that runs around out of them?

-Psychological Damage: Oh yes, believe me this happens.
Mesmer's skills and spells have the ability to make someone useless in a
matter of seconds. This causes the target to build up frustration, anger,
or panic. Albeit very little, this can cause a person to fail to think
properly and efficiently.
This enables your team to be presented with more foe-made mistakes to
capitalize on.

-Clothes: Ok yes, this clearly is a matter of opinion but come on...classy no?


-Poor self-healing or self-protection: You wont be able to keep youself alive
very well with the exception of some specialized builds.

-Loner: You would face the situation where you have to take henchmen often
since the ignorant masses do not know and appreciate your contribution to a

-Target Painted on your forehead: In PVP, you are one of the enemy's priority
targets, this doesn't help the fact that you have poor self-healing or

-The Learning Curve: Yes, it most definitely can be a disadvantage.
You really dont want to fail your performance in a group and make the mesmer
profession's status on the public worse.
(Well That's why I'm here helpin' people out. So read on! =D)

GWFM03: Difference Between Factions and Prophecies

If I can welcome someone into factions I would say this phrase
"Your wallet better not be malnourished"

Faction's quest rewards plenty of skill points and it will be up to you to
buy those skills! No quest existing that will reward you with a couple of
skills like in prophecies.
This is bad because mesmer's need a whole arsenal of skills and spells ready
when the area calls for it.
(moreso than most other professions)

EXP gain is fast in factions. This is very helpful to mesmers because most
mesmer builds use every last one of those attribute points to the brim.
Yes every class does but mesmers would be number 1 on the list for classes
who would love to have more.
A couple more points would make a 'helluvalotta' difference to a mesmer
compared to most other professions.

Almost all Mission rewards in factions are based on how fast you complete
factions. This is good and bad.
In areas where there are annoying healers in the opposing forces,
a mesmer anticast would make the mission get done faster, in those that
doesn't mesmers wouldn't matter much.
Don't fret, simply take that to your advantage.
Change your build often: Control types against those with masssive healing,
Damage types on the rest.

Lesser selection of elites: If you are a factions-only player, you
wouldn't enjoy the bigger variety of skills that tyrian mesmers have access to.
(Not to mention those that have both).
Most elites that are considered great by many adept mesmers are tyrian.

GWFM04: Fast Casting

It's been long debated.
The usefulness of fast casting has always been the topic of arguements and
debates in forums and in-game.
I will give you my position in this matter as well as an explanation why.
It is up to you to decide If I make enough sense to drive you into investing
in this primary attribute.

Most of those who argue against fastcasting's viability conjure the fact that
Fastcasting (FC) has diminishing returns.
The FC Atrribute gives you less additional cast time reduction the higher
you raise the attribute...and since it takes more points to raise an
attribute 1 more rank, it drives people away.

However, fast casting I believe would be too overpowered if it gave a constant
value of cast time reduction per point.
FC has many uses, from improving your Spell per Hour rate or SpH significantly
to possibly deterring interruptions being cast on you.
FC also helps the mesmer (and possibly necromancer) more than other classes
as well because of the nature of mesmer spells.
Mesmer spells debilitate, this means you either want to add that hex
as soon as possible so it may catch more of the foes actions,
or allow yourself more room for faulty reflexes when interrupting.

My suggestion? Play a mesmer with fast casting for a while, then take it off.
You will definitely want it back.


Know the difference, there are spells that does better in one or the other.
Learn that tanking does not exist in PVP
Learn that mindless charging can put your party into serious danger.

Mesmers are very well known and needed in PVP. People are aware of the
advantages of crippling the abilities of the opposing teams.
Mesmers, however, are not appreciated enough in PVE.
WIth the notion that only damage gets your team through enforced by Factions'
mission reward system, you are left spamming LFG for an hour's worth.

Most players start mesmers for PVP, however if you plan to start a mesmer for
PVE, brace yourself for many grievances.

Not sure which spells does better in one or the other?
Visit the mesmer forums and read the Spell of the Day threads.

GWFM06: The Basic Techniques

A seasoned player of Guildwars should know these techniques well and practice
them in battle to be an effective member of a party.

1. Positioning: This ranges from knowing when to stay behind the front lines
because you cannot take in so much damage to tactically positioning yourself
to gain an advantage. Tactical Positioning are as follows:
-Standing on higher elevation to give you more range for your projectiles
as well as more damage for your arrows
-Standing behind an obstacle to stop projectiles from hitting you
(This includes walls, rocks, trees even the ground you step on by
hiding near a cliff of an elevation change)
-Dodging projectiles also enable you to ward of some damage done.
This is a very important skill to learn.

2. Kiting: When a meleer or any opponent that requires themselves to be next
to the target to do what they do runs towards you, run.
You must know when you should flee and when you should stop to cast.
Yes, your healers can heal but you would be doing them and their energy
supply a favor by warding off some damage yourself.

3. Aggro: Learn why your radar has a smaller circle around the center dot.
This is your aggro circle, any PVE opponent that enters this zone will notice
you and attack your party. Learn how to avoid aggro; choose your battles,
fight only when necessary.

4. Pulling: Bring a longbow if you can, this helps in pulling a group of
enemies in PVE towards your party.
By doing this you are actively selecting a proper battle area for your party
(proper meaning an area where you wouldnt be attacked by other opposing forces
as you fight) and you may be separating the pulled group of foes away from
another group.
Simply fire the longbow at what you suspect to be a member of the party you
want to pull and back away.

5. Call Target/Follow Target: As a mesmer this wouldnt affect you unless you
are a damager type.
A focused fire is more effective than spread fire in most cases, learn to call
a target (ctrl+attack) and learn to follow targets if you arent the caller
(T button will have your character target the called one).

6. Calling: Players can also call several things by holding ctrl and clicking
at whatever they want to call. (This also could be called Pinging)
They may declare they are blind, they have low energy, low health, or even call
what enchantment or hex is currently on them. Use this to your advantage,
as a mesmer you should learn how to respond to certain calls as well as be
able to call them yourself.
Saying "I have Dazed on me" and having someone respond and remove it can
save you a bit of frustration and get you back into the battle.

7. Directions: Learn how to direct your party of humans to places with your
This enables players to broadcast strategies without having to type it out.
Always pay attention to the minimap since anyone might be directing the
party or transmitting a certain battle plan.

8. Be a good sport/Calm down: I don't know why several players seem to
forget one of the most important 'technique' in this game.
Taunting creates confidence, Confidence can create overconfidence,
Overconfidence creates mistakes, Mistakes creates Loses.

Also, be polite and dont frustrate yourself, as a mesmer you should know
what kind of difference psychological instability can cause in battle...
even if its just a game!

GWFM07: Mesmer-Specific Techniques and Information

Aside from the basics listed above, you also have to learn some techniques
that are related to mesmers only.

1. Knowledge is extemely important:
-Know your skills: Know what your skills do of course.
Know what to bring where and when.
Since you are only allowed 8 when you head out of town.
-Know the professions: Knowing what other professions do gives you a
better idea of which skill to use with or against them.
-Know your opponents skills: Know what does what.
This helps a mesmer decide which is the immediate threat, what
needs to be removed, what needs to be interrupted.

2. Recognize your ability to affect the opposing player psychologically:
Many sling mud at backfire for PVP purposes saying that only those that are
dumb would actually cast through it.
Nope, dealing damage is not the only use of backfire;
sure they get damage when they cast through it but if they don't...well then
they dont! Isn't your opponent not doing anything a good thing?
Not only that, if they are backfired and they need to cast (for example a
monk being damaged and wants to heal but they are hexed with backfire)
they become stuck in a dilemma, this could cause a player to be pressured,
or panic...causing him to make even more mistakes during battle.
This is what makes a mesmer so great, the abilities of your skills and spells
do what is described as well as create mind games with your opponent.

GWFM08: Mission Outlines

Here I will list the missions and give a rough overview of the enemies that
exist in them along with suggestions in what skills or type of skills
I recommend to bring and mission-specific techniques that enables you to
play through it with flying colors.

**SPOILER WARNING: This section may contain spoilers, be warned and read at
your own risk**


W - Warrior
N - Necromancer
E - Elementalist
R - Ranger
M - Mesmer
Mo - Monk
Rt - Ritualist
A - Assasssin

[[Minister Cho's Estate]]

-The Afflicted
-Dieseased Animals
-W Afflicted Horror
-N Dieseased Minister
-Expert = Beat under 25 mins
-Masters = Beat under 20 mins

This mission is filled with afflicted, as a domination mesmer, you should
bring interrupts. This allows you minimize the caster's ability to deal damage
since they will definitely deal more once they die.
Anything that can hamper melee is also welcome.
Damage deterrants are very welcome here.

[[Zen Daijun]]

-The Afflicted
-The Afflicted Xai
-The Afflicted Kana
-The Afflicted Xeng Jo
-Experts = Beat under 25 mins
-Masters = Beat under 20 mins

Again, there are afflicted here so follow the same setup as Minister Cho's
There will also be those annoying areas where you will be affected by the
miasma, a type of degen.
The kirin that goes with your party will help you remove it but
it requires you to use a skill to trigger removal.
It is suggested to also bring any sort of quick recharging skill that
does not require an enemy target
(stances, a simple defensive spell)

There are plenty of elevation changes here, use them to your advantage.
Use them as obstacles to avoid projectiles or to enhance your projectiles
by standing on higher ground.

[[Vizunah Square]]

-The Afflicted
-Am Fah
-W The Afflicted Ako
-R Ranger The Afflicted Huan
-Mo The Afflicted Miju
-N The Afflicted Thu
-M The Afflicted Li Yun
-E The Afflicted Kam
-A The Afflicted Soon Kim
-Rt The Afflicted Hakaru
-Experts = Beat it under 30 mins
-Masters = Beat it under 25 mins

This mission is tough, talk to your team and ask them if they are bringing
edge of extinction.
This spirit can spell the end of you if you came unprepared.
Make sure you have an interrupt ready most of the time;
Afflicted ritualists use flesh of my flesh to ressurect his allies and you
really dont want them back only to explode again.
Power return is a recommended interrupt here since it recharges quick.
Degen helps lots in this mission as long as you know how to use them;
illusion degen mesmers can help constantly spreading degen on many enemies
(that arent the party's focus fire) so by the time parties gets to those foes,
they would be around half HP already.
Degenning the non-focused targets also help create a chain of deaths
with the use of the Ranger's Edge of Extinction.
If your build is domination, shatter hex is very useful with its AOE
damaging property.

**Dammerung's advice**
For Vizunah Square if you take multiple Monk hench you should notice how fast
monk hench tend to remove hexes, and they tend to remove hexes off melee ally
first which might or might not be a good thing for a mesmer who brought along
Hex removals either as energy management or offense.

[[Nahpui Quarter]]

-Star Guardians (Tengu Types)
-Mo Kaijun Don
-N Kuongshang
-M Hai jii
-E Tahmu
-Experts = Beat it in 30 mins
-Masters = Beat it in 25 mins

Start from one corner boss and walk around towards the other end in an circle,
use your area map (Press U).
Star guardians are tengu types, they have a warrior, a ranger, and a ritualist.
There arent that many hexers in here so any hex removal that you might
be bringing would not be of full use.
Enchantment removal however can be a subtle replacement.

**Nylock's Advice**
If hoever you still want to bring hex removals (maybe because of damage done
as in Shatter Hex) you may start the opposite direction fighting the mesmer
celestial being first. This way mesmer celestial beings will be spread across
the map upon kill and provide fuel for your shatter hex.

**Dammerung's Advice**
In Nahpui Quarter after you kill the monk boss the map will start spawning
monks Kirin, while they don't possess much healing power they do carry hex
removals with them, en mass they can quicky remove all of your hexes.

[[Tahnakai Temple]]

-The Afflicted
-M Bound Kitah
-N Bound Naku
-E Bound Teinai
-Me Bound Karei
-W Warrior Bound Jaizhanju
-R Ranger Bound Zojun
-Rt Ritualist Bound Kaolai
-A Assassin Bound Vizu
-Experts = Beat it under 25 mins
-Masters = Beat it under 20 mins

There will be many casters here so anticaster mesmers would make the
journey smooth.
Interrupts or hexing both work equally well. The monk boss here can
hamper the party's progress unless there is someone to stop its heals...
thats where you come along.
Backfire is OK but it helps if you could bring spell stoppers instead,
whatever your build can handle: Arcane Thievery/Larceny, Diversion, or Blackout.

**Dammerung's Advice**
Tahnakai Temple start out with plenty of casters, but as the mission goes on
you'll start to notice more physical attackers, and to top it off the last
boss is an assassin. The best method I have seen to minimize spell damage
would be have the monk cast Spellbreaker on the tank and have him charge in
to trigger all of the heavy hitting spells. What's left for the mesmer is
either anti monk or anti physical.

**Jciardha's Advice**
Tahnnaki Temple and Boreas Seabed I use Echo + Diversion, and proceed to spam
it on the bosses. Drops them in no time, even the non-caster bosses.


-The Wardens
-Stone Statues
-The Dredge
-R Ryver Mossplanter
-M Milefaun Mindflayer
-N Dark Fang
-E The Ancient
-W Stone Judge
-Experts = Beat it in 35 mins
-Masters = Beat it in 30 mins

You will be facing wardens for the most part here: Warriors rangers and
Again, hex removal isnt very useful here because of the lack of hexes
being used by the enemies.
Make sure your team will bring as many res signets as they can.
If you are a monk secondary you may fastcast a res but the latter half of
the mission introduces falling debri that interrupts casting.
The interrupting debri falls regularly and alot nearing the end.
Backfire works like a charm against the elementalist stone statues.
If you are domination, make sure you have it with you.
Tyrian Illusionists can find use with ineptitude to ward off attacks from
both the onis and the dredge, their assassins/warriros deal tremendous
amount of damage if not debilitated.

**Dammerung's Advice**
In Arborstone it is possible to use degen to cliff groups of Wardens
who stay atop the stairs, not the fastest method but it helps thinning out
the crowd. Near the end of the mission when the final group of stone guardians
attack they will bring along the usual ele casters and an extremely heavy
hitting warrior boss, Ineptitude REALLY shines there to disable the boss while
your group work on the casters.

[[Boreas Seabed]]

-The Luxon Clans
-W Seaguard Eli
-R Daeman
-R Aurora
-Mo Seaguard Gita
-M Seaguard Hala
-E Argo
-M Zhu Hanuku
-Experts = Beat it under 25 mins
-Masters = Beat it under 20 mins

Your main fight will be against the luxon clans.
If you do not have a prevalent stance used, try to use manta of resolve,
daeman can be quite a pain when hes locked onto you.
Domination mesmers can be anti cast to take care of seaguard Gita,
Ignorance or Complicate also speeds things up to interrupt their ressurection
signets when a foe dies.
You are a caster and is a good candidate for spear duty.
Learn how to use it, stand near dying enemies and allies to charge it and
when it is max, drop it for a full powered AOE damage with knockdown.
The spear does tremendous damage to zhu hanuku and is recommended to be fully
charged before engaging him in battle.
Zhu Hanuku's Jade Fury attack is something to be kept an eye on, it does
huge damage to your party and can spell the end of it.
Its strongly adviced for mesmers to use complicate and/or cry of frustration
to interrupt this attack.
Mantra of Recovery helps keep them ready when Zhu Hanuku does Jade Fury.

[[Sunjiang District]]

-The Afflicted
=W Warrior's Construct
-R Ranger's Construct
-Mo Monk's Construct
-N Necromancer's Construct
-M Mesmer's Construct
-E Elemental's Construct
-A Assassin's Construct
-Rt Ritualist's Construct
-Experts = Beat it under 25 mins
-Masters = Beat it under 20 mins

Domination mesmers can speed things up by bringing unnatural signet.
The Portal spirits are indeed spirits and triggers the unnatural signets
secondary effect.
Take the same precautions as before against the afflicted.
Again, interrupts is a must because of the Afflicted Ritualists that uses
Flesh of My Flesh.

[[The Eternal Grove]]

-Luxon Armada
-The Afflicted
-W The Afflicted Maaka
-A The Afflicted Shen
-Rt The Afflicted Xenxo
-Experts = Keep at least 6 Tree Singers Alive
-Masters = Keep all 12 Tree Singers Alive

Know the pattern in which the enemies attack.
Illusion mesmers are great in killing seige turtles, use maximum degen
on the turtles and simply leave and run back to attend to other matters.
The Rangers that accompany the turtles are nothing to worry about.
Your priority here is to protect the tree singers from luxon attackers,
the seige turtle is a lesser threat than those who come by the grove to
attack the singers.
Use the same precautions against the afflicted, when the warrior boss
finally comes, make sure you dispose or debilitate him because he can very
easily kill the tree singers.
If you are part monk, its wise to bring a fastcasted monk res as well as
Infuse Health even without much points in healing prayers.
It helps you heal target that Danika simply wont attend to.
Infuse the target and run to Danika so she would get you back to 100% and
repeat when necessary.

[[Gyala Hatchery]]

-The Kurzicks
-Experts = Keep at least 2 Young Turtles Alive
-Masters = Keep all 5 Young Turtles Alive

Protecting the young turtles is priority, Infuse health is recommended if
you are a secondary monk.
Elementalist secondaries can use a FC warding setup. Chaos storm helps and
works, because it is DPS AOE, it scares enemies away from the area it is cast.
Try to cast chaos storm when the warriors start attacking the baby turtles.
Signet of Midnight + Epidemic also helps protect the young turtles from the
kurzick warriors.
Movement reductions help slow down the juggernauts and buy your seige
turtles some time before they are assaulted.
Taking only one smoke canister helps the turtles focus fire.

[[Unwaking Waters]]

-The Afflicted
-A The Afflicted Senku
-Rt The Afflicted Xenxo
-N The Afflicted Lau
-R The Afflicted Pana
-W The Afflicted Maaka
-Mo The Afflicted Jingme
-E The Afflicted Shen
-Experts = Beat it under 20 mins
-Masters = Beat it under 15 mins

Skill Interrupts (Not spell interrupts) helps your team interrupters to
interrupt kuunevang.
It takes a few interrupts for her to actually get interrupted.
Cry of frustration, signet of disruption, leech signet, and complicate are
recommended interrupts.
You face the afflicted again so bring the same skills and take the same
precautions against them.

[[Raisu Palace]]

-W Sword Ancient Kai
-R Famished Ancient Brrne
-Mo Untouched Ancient Ky
-N Doomed Ancient Kkraz
-M Arcane Ancient Phi
-E Star Ancient Koosun
-A Silent Ancient Onata
-Rt Defiant Ancient Sseer
-Experts = Beat it under 25 mins
-Masters = Beat it under 20 mins

I recommend, as a mesmer to not bother using your celestial power, sadly
its sub par and your other available skills and spells can be better than this.
Enchantment removal is VITAL! Shiroken Elementalists will cast silver armor
and can be a very deadly enchantment towards your party.
Remove it as quick as possible. Shiroken Monks will also have a plethora
of anticast enchantments, remove them and interrupt spell breaker as best
as you can.
If you run illusion, run ineptitude if you have it and blind whatever you
can blind, especially shiroken rangers who keeps firing debilitating shots.

**Dammerung's Advice**
Raisu Palace is probably the worst mission for mesmer. Both Shiro'ken monks
and mesmers can remove hexes (the dreadful Shatter Hex for the latter) and
Shiro'ken monks carries multiple anti spell skills. Getting your hexes to s
tick is very difficult or in the case of Shatter Hex, very dangerous.
Interrupts are useful but most of the time your group should be facing a large
group of mobs so targetting and babysitting is difficult and chaotic.
I actually beat this mission playing fast cast nuker, not the most fancy of
ways but it gets the job done, and our Celestial skill actually get to be
pretty useful.

[[Imperial Sanctum]]

-Spirit Binder
-Experts = Beat it under 5 mins
-Masters = Beat it under 2 mins

Once again, you wont need your celestial power as much as others do.
Bring empathy, Bring Spirit of Failure and Bring signet of midnight.
Blinding shiro helps ward some damage off and empathy will give him constant
damage since he attacks fast and constantly.
Help with DPS, when he does meditation of the reaper it is imperative that
your party deals as much damage as you can to him to end this skill.
Bring energy burn and wastrels worry to help with the DPS.

GWFM:09 Builds

Here are some examples of creative and effective mesmer builds.

Remember that copying builds isnt the best thing to do, one should look at
someones build to get ideas and be inspired.
Know how to use the build you are basing yours on. Don't be sheep:
if you see an effetcive build, dont copy it with the rest of the sheep.
You are a mesmer and remember that you dont fight fire with fire,
much like you dont fight other peoples builds by copying it and pitting it
against them. Use your creativity to develop counters instead.

[[Patccmoi's Crippling Mesmer Build Anticast Variant]]

Imagined Burden
Drain Enchant
Power Drain
Ressurect Skill/Spell

This build uses illusion to cripple or debilitate the abilities of opposing
forces, two variants exist.
This is the anticast variant and there is a variant that includes Crippling
Anguish for PVP that stresses importance on movement or simply to to be
anti melee/touch.

[[Azure's Dillema Variant]]

Mantra of Recall/Energy Drain
Wastrels Worry
Spirit Shackles
Ressurect Skill/Spell

This build focuses on the mesmer's ability to create dillemmas to pressure or
corner a target.
Hex the target with the appropriate spell to cause them to rethink their
actions while wittling them down with wastrels the longer they remain inactive.

[[Azure's Anti Boon Prot En Denial Mesmer]]

Mantra of Inscriptions
Signet of Humility
Signet of Weariness
Energy Drain
Energy Burn
Wastrels Worry
Mind Wrack
Ressurection skill/spell

This build is specifically for boon prot monks but this build works against
others as well.
Simply cast signet of humility constantly at the boon prot monk to lock his
energy gaining elite, dump all your energy denial spells on him while
repeatedly mind wracking and wastrel worrying him.

[[Pattccmoi and Azure's 'No Running in the Hallways' Build]]

Mantra of Persistence
Crippling Anguish
Ethereal Burden
Kitah's Burden
Conjure Phantasm
Images of Remorse
Accumulated Pain
Drain Enchantment

This build works wonders in Alliance Battles, being able to slow alot of
people means debilitating the opposing forces' ability to capture points.

[[Azure's Restoration Spell Rain]]

Mantra of Recovery
Soothing Memories
Mend Body and Soul
Resilent Weapon
Generous Was Tsungrai
Energy Tap
Power Drain
Res Sig/FomF

This is one of the best healing mesmer builds I've created and nothing works
better than this so far among my creations of healing mesmers.
The idea here is to hold tsungrais ashes at all times while spamming
soothing memories.
The rest of the other heals exist in case soothing memories arent enough in
a tight situation.

[[Arredondo's Diversionator]]

Mantra of Recovery
Lyssa's Balance
Drain Enchantment
Mend Ailment
Remove Hex
Ressurection Skill or Spell

This build focuses on enchantment removal and its main skill: Diversion.
When rapidly spammed, diversion can renderthe opponent's skill bar incomplete
with key spells unavailable for use.
This build is one of the most effective shutdown builds created.

[[Azure's Spark Storm]]

Mantra of Recovery
Essence Strike
Gaze from Beyond
Spirit Burn
Energy Tap
Ether Feast
Ressurection Signet

This build takes the idea of my Restoration mesmer and puts it in channeling.
With Mantra of Recovery, you are able to rain lightning damage on the
opposition almost non-stop for heavy pressure.

[[Signet Build]]

Mantra of Inscriptions
Signet of Humility
Signet of Judgement
Bane Signet
Signet of Rage
Unnatural Signet
Signet of Disruption
Ressurection Signet

This is my variation of the long thought-up but less-popular signet build.
This is basically signet smiting sped up by mantra of inscriptions and backed
up by domination signet damage as well as inspiration's signet humility
for utility skill-disabling.

GWFM10: Helpful Links

Please look onto my other guides for more information about the mesmer and
other classes.
-The Path of the Chaos Fencer: Illusionary Weaponry Guide
-Restoration Ritualist Guide
Also look onto other "professional's" guides
-Patccmoi's Crippling Mesmer Guide
-Arredondo's Guide to the Newbie Mesmer forums Mesmer Section:
Here is were I actively participate in helping people. T
here is no better place than here to fin Mesmer-specific Help

Helpful online encyclopedia of everything Guildwars
The main site of the game. Shows what updates were made and many others

Cerulean Midnight [CeM] Forums:
This is my guild forums, if you would like mesmer help you are welcome to
drop by and ask me personally

My In Game Name is Nobleman Azure.
You may contact me to ask me questions about the mesmer class or guild wars
in general.
I will give you an answer whenever I can

GWFM11: Closing FAQ

What is the best build/weapon/armor?
This is guildwars, there simply is a huge variety of things that are equally
'best' It all boils down to what you prefer and/or what build you are using.

I found an error in this FAQ, how do I contact you?
I have a siggestion for this FAQ, how do I contact you?
You may mail me error ammendments and suggestions at

I want to 1v1 you!
I do not like 1v1, I have nothing to prove at such battles.
I remain convinced this is a team game and its about team coordinated battles.

You're wrong!
Contact me, I would gladly argue with you as long as it remains civilized.
I like argueing, it brings about knowledge and criticism.

I want to join Cerulean Midnight. How can I join CeM?
Just contact me in-game and you're in.
We are a laid back guild with no pressures.
No requirements of experience necessary, I am always glad to teach the

GWFM12: Credits and Thanks

Thanks to for providing a place for us mesmers to delegate

Thanks to Arenanet for creating this game

Thanks to Guildwikis for some of the info used in this FAQ

Thanks to Patccmoi
(We pwn Alliance Battles man, we truely do)

Thanks to Arredondo for his Diversionator Build

Thanks to Hahnsoo for being Hahnsoo haha
(Yes a breakdancing dragon is like the end of Mulan)

Thanks to mesmer frequents for their input

Version History

07/15/06: Updated from v1 to v1.5
(Updated to give more permissions and minor changes)
07/28/06: Updated to v2.0
(More builds added)

Other stuff

**CeM is lookingto lead a casual guild alliance. Please PM me in-game for more
information or if interested.**

This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal
or private use. This FAQ also may not be placed on any other web site
without my permission. Give credit where credit is due.

Permission granted for the following sites.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Guild Wars is a trademark of NCsoft Corporation.
Guild Wars is copyrighted by NCsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2006
Nobleman Azure
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Engl. FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
The Complete Assassin Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

07.Октябрь 2013
Mesmer FAQ
Engl. FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
24.Февраль 2018