Kingdom of Loathing

Kingdom of Loathing

13.10.2013 07:33:44
Effects FAQ
Kingdom of Loathing
By electrosho
Version 1.0
Table of Contents

4.Intrinsic Effects
5.Frequently Asked Questions
9.Contact Info

Hello and welcome to my Faq. I am electrosho on GFaqs and ShoTheBandit in Kol.
I made this Faq because the effects in the game Kol were all interesting, but
hard to remember what they did and stuff. I hope this Faq can be of use to you,
and thanks for reading!


The effects are listed in alphabetical order. Intrinsic Effects are not
included here. All reagent potions can have their effects last 10 Adventures of
5 if you have Impetuous Sauciness.

Name:Aloysius' Antiphon of Aptitude
In game description:Having this song stuck in your head makes you feel like
you're learning more from your experiences than you
normally do.
What it does:Increased Stat gain from battles (+1 Strengthliness, +1
Magicalness, +1 Roguishness)
How to get:Hear the Accordion Thief song Aloysius' Antiphon of Aptitude
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 15 Adventures

In game description:You're feeling especially amorous. Fit as a fiddle and
ready for love, as it were.
What it does:+5 Moxie, +5 Sleaze Damage
How to get:Use the item roofie in your inventory
How many adventures it lasts:10 adventures

Name:Ancestral Disapproval
In game description:The disembodied voices of your ancestors want to know when
you're going to get a real job. It's really annoying, but
at least some of their ectoplasmic energy is rubbing off
on you.
What it does:+10% Mysticality
How to get:From a Clan Purchase
How many adventures it lasts:5, 10, or 15 Adventures

Name:And Your Family, Too
In game description:Your familiar's knees have been broken. Who would do such
a thing?
What it does:-10 to familiar weight
How to get:Being the victim of a "favor" from the Penguin Mafia (No longer
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Antsy in your Pantsy
In game description:You're full of maple syrup. It makes you feel all antsy in
your pantsy.
What it does:+5% to All Stats
How to get:Eat maple syrup or a sugar-coated pine cone
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures with maple syrup and 10
Adventures with sugar-coated pine cone

In game description:You just... don't... care...
What it does:-30% to All Stats
How to get:Eat a Yummy Tummy bean, a Mr. Mediocrebar, or fight a apathetic
lizardman, or fight a zombie apathetic lizardman
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures with Yummy Tummy bean, 10
Adventures with everything else

Name:Arabian Knighthood
In game description:You feel like you have the strength of 1,001 men. Arabian
men. Who are knights.
What it does:+5% muscle
How to get:Casted by Sweet Nutcracker
How many adventures it lasts:1 Adventure for every three pounds,only casts
after 10 lbs

In game description:You feel as strong as an ox. An ox with severe
gastrointestinal distress, as a result of having ingested
something very very spicy.
What it does:+200% Muscle
How to get:Drink a arse-a'fire elixir (No longer in game, so the effect is
can not be gotten)
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Aspect of the GravyPlum Fairy
In game description:You have visions of gravyplums dancing in your head. As
you visualize their dance, you begin to feel a little like
a gravy fairy.
What it does:Increases item drops
How to get:Casted by Sweet Nutcracker
How many adventures it lasts:1 Adventure for every three pounds,only casts
after 10 lbs

Name:Aspect of the Twinklefairy
In game description:You're prancing around like the whole world is made of
twinkliness. You're charged up with all kinds of weird
magic, too.
What it does:+5 Melee damage, +10% to All Stats
How to get:Eat a twinkly wad
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Astral Shell
In game description:An astral turtle shell surrounds you, greatly protecting
you from damage taken in combat.
What it does:+80 Damage Absorption, slight resistance to hot, cold, stench,
sleaze, and spookiness
How to get:Cast the Turtle Tamer skill Astral Shell
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Beaten Up
In game description:You've had the crap beaten out of you. You're going to
need some more crap.
What it does:-50% to all stats
How to get:Reaching zero HP in combat, getting eaten by a grue in Heart of
Very, Very Dark Darkness, Reaching zero HP from drinking at the
Giant's Drink, reaching zero HP from a Rolling Stone Trap,
Reaching zero HP from using a deactivated MicroMechaMech,
Reaching zero HP from using a fancy chocolate, reaching zero HP
from consuming a painful penne pasta, Reaching zero HP from
visiting the Grim Grimacite Site, Reaching zero HP from setting
off a trap in The Daily Dungeon while picking a lock, Reaching
zero HP while fighting the Naughty Sorceress, Reaching zero HP
while fighting the Naughty Sorceress Familiars, Drinking a can of
Dyspepsi-Cola or Cloaca-Cola with the effect Popping Stomach,
using explosion-flavoured chewing gum, eating foie gras, and
being kneecapped by the Penguin Mafia (No longer possible because
you can no longer by kneecapped by the Penguin Mafia)
How many adventures it lasts:3 Adventures when reaching zero HP from normal
combat, getting eaten by a grue, reaching zero
HP from drinking at the Giant's Drink,
Reaching zero HP while fighting the Naughty
Sorceress (first form). 4 Adventures when
reaching zero HP from a Rolling Stone Trap,
reaching zero HP from using a deactivated
MicroMechaMech, reaching zero HP from using a
fancy chocolate, reaching zero HP from eating
a painful penne pasta, reaching zero HP from
visiting the Grim Grimacite Site, reaching
zero HP from setting off a trap in The Daily
Dungeon while picking a lock, reaching zero HP
while fighting the Naughty Sorceress (second
form), and by reaching zero HP fighting the
Naughty Sorceress Familiars. 10 Adventures
when drinking a can of Dyspepsi-Cola or
Cloaca-Cola with the effect Popping Stomach,
or by using explosion-flavoured chewing gum,
or by being kneecapped by the Penguin Mafia
(No longer possible). 1 Adventure when eating
foie gras.

Name:Big Veiny Brain
In game description:You can practically hear the crackle of your synapses
firing. In fact, your concentration is so intense that
you're actually a little less aware of what's around you.
What it does:+2 Stats Per Fight, -20% Meat from Monsters
How to get:From a Knob Goblin learning pill
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Black Tongue
In game description:Your tongue is a shade of black that can best be described
as "serious."
What it does:+30% Item Drops from Monsters, +5 lbs. to Familiar Weight, +3
Stats Per Fight, +20 HP & +20 MP per Fight, +30% Meat from
How to get:Eat a black snowcone
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

Name:Bloody Hand
In game description:Your hand is covered with blood. It wouldn't be so bad if
the blood wasn't your own.
What it does:-1 Muscle
How to get:Use a seal tooth
How many adventures it lasts:3 Adventures

Name:Blue Tongue
In game description:Looks like your tongue has a serious case of the blues. It
dances around your mouth to a blue, blue beat.
What it does:+30% Item Drops from Monsters
How to get:Eat a blue snowcone
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

Name:Brawnee's Anthem of Absorption
In game description:Having this song stuck in your head makes you feel like
your armor is more effective.
What it does:+40 Damage Absorption
How to get:Hear the Accordion Thief song Brawnee's Anthem of Absorption
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 15 Adventures

Name:Broken Knees
In game description:You've been kneecapped. Or capped in the knee. Something
like that. Anyway, your knees are broken and it really
What it does:-30% Muscle
How to get:Being the victim of a "favor" from the Penguin Mafia (No longer
possible because the Penguin Mafia is not performing favors any
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Butt-Rock Hair
In game description:Your hair is huge. No, it's beyond huge. It's mammoth.
It's of Poisonesque proportions. You feel Moxious!
What it does:+15% Moxie
How to get:Use a can of hair spray
How many adventures it lasts:3 Adventures

In game description:A white Canadian every day keeps a man healthy and
Canadian, eh?
What it does:Changes "ou" to "oo" and adds an "eh?" randomly when you speak
in chat
How to get:Drink a white Canadian, Eat a fancy chocolate
How many adventures it lasts:white Canadian gives 3 Adventures, fancy
chocolate gives 10 Adventures

Name:Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation
In game description:Having this song stuck in your head makes you more likely
to encounter monsters while adventuring.
What it does:+5% chance of combat adventures
How to get:Hear the Accordion Thief song Carlweather's Cantata of
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 15 Adventures

Name:Chalky Equality
In game description:The extremely chalky taste left in your mouth is having a
weird effect on you -- your Mysticality and Moxie seem to
have equalized to the level of your Muscle.
What it does:Mysticality and Moxie become equal to base Muscle
How to get:Drink a potion of chalky equality (potion no longer available)
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:You're freshly shaved, and ready for a night out on the
town. Did somebody say "Moxious?" No? Well, then I'll say
it: Moxious!
What it does:+5 Moxie
How to get:Use a shaving cream
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Cletus's Canticle of Celerity
In game description:Having this song stuck in your head makes you feel fleet
of foot and nimble of... er... neck. You're less likely to
be taken by surprise in combat, and more likely to
succesfully run away.
What it does:Increases Combat Initiative by 20%
How to get:Hear the Accordion Thief song Cletus's Canticle of Celerity
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 15 Adventures

Name:Cock of the Walk
In game description:You're cock of the walk! Suck it, Trebek.
What it does:+200% Moxie
How to get:Use a Connery's Elixir of Audacity
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Cold Blooded
In game description:Your blood runs cold, not because your memory has just
been sold, but because your blood is actually, like,
really, really cold.
What it does:+10 cold damage, +30% Muscle, +20% Mysticality, +10% Moxie,
so-so cold resistance.
How to get:Use a cold wad
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Cold Breath
In game description:Your breath is frosty, as though you've just chewed a
piece of some ridiculously overhyped chewing gum.
What it does:Grants skill Cold Breath in combat
How to get:Eat a cold hi mein
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:You're as cold as ice, but without the double vision
usually associated with such a condition. Imagine a witch
who felt that her nipples weren't cold enough, so rubbed
them down with ice. That's close to how cold you are.
What it does:Changes all damage to Cold Damage and causes elemental damage to
the player to follow the elemental rules.
How to get:Use a phial of coldness
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 10 Adventures

Name:Concentrated Concentration
In game description:You're concentrating so hard that you're about to
spontaneously produce fruit juice. Your spells are gonna
be wicked powerful, what with all of this concentration.
What it does:Spell Damage +20%
How to get:Use a concentrated cordial of concentration
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:You're concentrating very, very hard. Like a scanner, only
not darkly. Your spells will be more potent.
What it does:Spell Damage +10%
How to get:Use a cordial of concentration
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:You're sort of confused. Your Magicalness is suffering a
What it does:-30% Mysticality
How to get:Use a Dungeon of Doom potion, use a fancy chocolate, eat a herb
brownies, a mind flayer attack, eat a Now and Earlier, use a
roofie, eat a Senior Mints, get the Where There's Smoke...
adventure in The Hippy Camp, or eat a Yummy Tummy bean
How many adventures it lasts:The Where There's Smoke... adventure lasts 3
Adventures. Eating a herb brownies, eating a
Now and Earlier, eating a Senior Mints, and
eating a Yummy Tummy bean will each give you 5
Adventures. Everything else excluding the
Dungeons of Doom potion will give you 10
Adventures, with the Dungeon of Dooms potion
giving you 20 Adventures.

Name:Contemptible Emanations
In game description:They don't hate you because you're beautiful. They hate
you because you reek. Eureka!
What it does:+20 to Monster Level
How to get:Use a Cologne of contempt, or eat a Yummy Tummy bean
How many adventures it lasts:Both items give 5 Adventures

Name:Corroded Weapon
In game description:Your weapon has been corroded by acid, and doesn't do as
much damage. Unluckily for you, if you switch weapons, the
corrosion moves to your new weapon! Lucky for you, it'll
wear off after a little while.
What it does:Reduced weapon attack damage for 10-20%
How to get:Fighting an acid blob in The Dungeons of Doom
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Cupcake of Choice
In game description:Don't be shocked by the tone of my voice, but that cupcake
has done something to you that set your toes a-tapping.
Hmm, where could you find a hotel lobby to zoom around in
at this time of night?.
What it does:+30% Items from Monsters
How to get:Eat a blue-frosted astral cupcake
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

Name:Cursed by the RNG
In game description:You have been cursed by the Random Number Generator with
extraodinarily bad luck. Unfortunate!
What it does:?
How to get:?
How many adventures it lasts:?
*NOTE*This effect entered the game in a Tuesday update. It was removed
shortly after.

In game description:You're feeling Dill-Tastic! You're more Muscular, more
Mystical, and more Moxious than usual.
What it does:+15 to All Stats
How to get:Use a dill potion, eat a Yummy Tummy bean
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Disco State of Mind
In game description:You are in a Disco State of Mind. Your Moxie knows no
What it does:+2 Moxie
How to get:Use the Disco Bandit skill Disco Aerobics
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Dwarven Hardiness
In game description:Your gut is loaded with dwarf bread, and you're ready to
rumble. If someone were to scream "Are you ready to rumble
?" at you very loudly, you'd answer positively, and them
beat them senseless.
What it does:+5% Muscle
How to get:Eat dwarf bread
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Eau D'enmity
In game description:There's something about the way you smell. Something
absolutely infuriating. People are gonna hit you
especially hard as long as you smell like this.
What it does:+5 to Monster Level
How to get:Use a perfume of prejudice
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Egg-cellent Vocabulary
In game description:Your command of language allows you to much more
eff-egg-tively insult your opponents. Moxious!
What it does:+10% Moxie
How to get:Use a yellow polka-dot oyster egg, or a yellow plastic oyster egg
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

In game description:You feel egg-straordinarily egg-headed. Your magic is more
What it does:+10% Mysticality
How to get:Use a yellow paisley oyster egg, or a yellow plastic oyster egg
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

Name:Egg-stortionary Tactics
In game description:You're feelin egg-ceedingly un-egg-thical, and will thus
be able to get more Meat from your fallen foes.
What it does:+50% Increased Meat from monsters
How to get:Use a black paisley oyster egg, a black polka-dot oyster egg, or
a black striped oyster egg
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

Name:Egg-stra Arm
In game description:You've got an egg-stra arm growing out of your torso. It
will allow you to beat things up more eff-egg-tively.
What it does:+10% Muscle
How to get:Use a yellow striped oyster egg, or a yellow plastic oyster egg
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

Name:Eggs-tra Sensory Perception
In game description:You're egg-stremely perceptive, and will be able to find
more items during combat than you usually do.
What it does:+50% Increased Item Drop Rate from monsters
How to get:Use a off-white paisley oyster egg, a off-white polka-dot oyster
egg, or a off-white striped oyster egg
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

Name:Elemental Saucesphere
In game description:You are surrounded by a shimmering sphere of sauces, which
appear to be protecting you from all elemental attacks.
What it does:Provides so-so resistance to hot, cold, stench, sleaze, and
How to get:Cast the Sauceror skill Elemental Saucesphere
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

In game description:You're pretty embarrassed -- you feel less Moxious.
What it does:-30% Moxie.
How to get:Use a patchouli incense stick
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:You are attuned to the physical and emotional state of
your familiar. There are many familiars like it, but this
one is yours, and you're acutely aware of that fact. It's
tougher than it would otherwise be.
What it does:+5 to familiar weight
How to get:Casting the Turtle Tamer skill Empathy of the Newt
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Engorged Weapon
In game description:Your weapon is massive and mighty! You could break down
walls with it!
What it does:+10 Melee Damage
How to get:Use Meleegra pills
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:You're filled with rage. It makes you want to beat people
up even more than usual.
What it does:+10% Muscle
How to get:Temporary Muscle boost from a Clan Purchase, or eat a Yummy Tummy
How many adventures it lasts:The Yummy Tummy bean gives 5 Adventures and
the Muscle boost from a Clan Purchase gives
5, 10, or 15 Adventures

In game description:All things are equal. Allow me to clarify. All things in
the set of your Strongness, Magicalness and Moxie are
What it does:Muscle and Moxie become equal to base Mysticality
How to get:Use a equilibrium juice
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Ermine Eyes
In game description:Your eyes have become quite sharp. Sharper even than
Bette Davis eyes. Don't try to cut a tin can with them,
What it does:+10% Item drop from monsters
How to get:Use a eyedrops of the ermine
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 10 Adventures

Name:Expert Oiliness
In game description:You're oily. And you know what they say -- the oily boid
gets the woim. I guess by "they" I mean "Groucho Marx."
Then he does that thing with the cigar. It's cool when he
does that. And it's cool when you do anything, because
you're Expertly Oily!
What it does:Muscle and Moxie become equal to base Mysticality
How to get:Use a oil of expertise
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Extreme Muscle Relaxation
In game description:Your muscles are limber and loose, like a double-jointed
prostitute. Your mobility and strength are enhanced, but
you're way too relaxed to move very quickly.
What it does:+25% Muscle; -25% Combat Initiative
How to get:Use a Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Eye of the Lihc
In game description:You've got the Eye of the Lihc. Which is to say that
you're prepared to rise up to the challenge of your rival.
Which is to say that if your rival is spooky, you'll be
slightly better prepared to rise up to its challenge.
What it does:Meager Spooky Protection
How to get:Eat a lihc eye pie
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Far Out
In game description:Like, far out, man. You're, like, totally attuned to the
inherent Magicalness of nature, man. Totally.
What it does:+1 Mysticality
How to get:Use a patchouli incense stick
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric
In game description:Having this song stuck in your head makes you more likely
to find items on the corpses of your enemies.
What it does:+20% Item Drops from Monsters
How to get:Hear the Accordion Thief song Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 15 Adventures

Name:Flame-Retardant Trousers
In game description:Your pants have been coated with flame-resistant powder.
Until it wears off, you can run around like your head's on
fire but there's absolutely no chance of your ass
What it does:So-So Hot Resistance
How to get:Use hot powder
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Flaming Weapon
In game description:Your weapon is imbued with an absolutely fabulous halo of
flame. Dangerous!
What it does:+3 Hot Damage
How to get:Use hot nuggets
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Flower Power
In game description:Your veins throb and your muscles bulge with the
devastating power of pretty flowers. Grrrr!
What it does:+20% to All Stats
How to get:Eat a flower petal pie or drink a shot of flower schnapps
How many adventures it lasts:3 Adventures

Name:Fresh Scent
In game description:You smell springtime fresh! Monsters will find it more
difficult to detect you, what with your deodorant covering
the scent of all of your pheromones.
What it does:+5% chance of non-combat adventures
How to get:Use deodorant
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Frigid Weapon
In game description:Your weapon is as frigid as a middle-aged housewife.
Y'know. A middle-aged housewife being described by
somebody who is really insensitive and makes totally
unfair generalizations.
What it does:+3 Cold Damage
How to get:Use cold nuggets
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Frog In Your Throat
In game description:The slick, glistening, oily, adjective-packed refreshment
of Frogade has certainly put a spring in your step. Maybe
more of a hop. Anyway, you've got more energy with which
to bash things, and after tasting what you just tasted,
that's just what you feel like doing.
What it does:+25 Muscle
How to get:Use Frogade
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 10 Adventures

Name:Fury of the Bells
In game description:The resounding echoes of Yuletide bells in your head makes
you want to... kill something, actually. Your muscles
ripple with the longing to deliver a holiday smackdown
unto a deserving foe.
What it does:+10% Muscle
How to get:Eat a bell-shaped Crimbo cookie or eat a bell-shaped Crimbo
cookie with a glass of goat's milk in your inventory
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures without the milk, 20 with milk

Name:Ghostly Shell
In game description:A ghostly turtle shell surrounds you, protecting you from
damage taken in combat.
What it does:+80 Damage Absorption
How to get:Cast the Turtle Tamer skill Ghostly Shell
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Gnawed-Off Arm
In game description:You've gnawed one of your own arms off. It's gonna take a
while to grow back.
What it does:-5 Muscle
How to get:The Coyote Ugly adventure on St. Sneaky Pete's Day in a St.
Sneaky Pete's Day Stupor
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Goofball Withdrawal
In game description:Your body is freaking out because it wants you to take
more goofballs. You can't stop shaking, and you can't
concentrate. It's really, really unpleasant.
What it does:-50% to All Stats
How to get:Having the Hopped Up on Goofballs effect run out the previous day
How many adventures it lasts:100 Adventures

Name:Got Milk
In game description:burp Man, this stuff urp works really well, but belch the
heartburn is burp terrible.
What it does:Gives an additional (1 + (0.2*X)) adventure(s) per food eaten,
where X is the original adventures the food would have given you
How to get:Use a milk of magnesium
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:You're all gothy. You feel a little bit more mystical,
like a vampire, but also weak and uncool, like a dorky
What it does:-10 Muscle, +20 Mysticality, -10 Moxie, Randomly inserts
italicized "gothy" words into your message in chat
How to get:Use fancy chocolate, spooky eyeliner, spooky lipstick, or drink
gloomy mushroom wine
How many adventures it lasts:All give 10 Adventures except the wine which
gives 20 Adventures

In game description:You feel gr8! You feel twice as good as you usually do.
You're on top of the world, looking down on cre8ion.
What it does:+100% to All Stats
How to get:Use a potion of temporary gr8tness
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Grapefruit Power
In game description:You're as Strong, as Magical, and as Moxious as a
What it does:+50% to All Stats
How to get:Use a grapefruit juice of powerful power
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Green Tongue
In game description:Your tongue is the color of spring, all cool and friendly-
like. Believe me, it's not so easy having your tongue this
color. You feel more attuned to the natural world, as well
as slightly sick from eating so much corn syrup.
What it does:+5 to familiar weight
How to get:Eat a green snowcone
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

In game description:You are stuck in an awkward quantum state -- partially in
the physical realm, and partly in a very strange alternate
dimension. Also, your pupils are like totally dilated.
What it does:Allows you to go on A Journey to the Center of Your Mind
How to get:Use an astral mushroom
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Heavy Petting
In game description:"He's not heavy, he's my familiar." Your familiars are
temporarily larger, meaner, and have glossier coats
(feathers, peels, whatever). Unfortunately, the fumes
coming off of them cause you to sneeze uncontrollably.
What it does:+5 Familiar Weight, -10% from All Stats
How to get:Use a Knob Goblin pet-buffing spray
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

In game description:You've got a henna tattoo on. You're feeling more Mystical
than usual. Hippy.
What it does:+3 Mysticality
How to get:Use a henna tattoo
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:You've blown a gasket -- a gut gasket.
What it does:-70% Muscle
How to get:Use a mafia aria without a support cummerbund
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Hippy Stench
In game description:You smell like a hippy. Every monster in a ten-mile radius
can smell you coming from ten miles away. That's, like, 20
miles worth of monsters, man.
What it does:+5% chance of combat adventures
How to get:Use a reodorant
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Hombre Muerto Caminando
In game description:You're walking a line between this world and the next. And
it's a fine line, so be careful not to lose your balance.
Keep a close watch on those feet of yours.
What it does:Maximum MP +20, So-So Spooky Resistance
How to get:Use a marzipan skull
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Hopped Up on Goofballs
In game description:You're all hopped up on goofballs. You feel energetic and
your reflexes are improved. Your parents are getting
worried about you, though.
What it does:+20% Muscle, +20% Moxie
How to get:Use goofballs
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Hot Blooded
In game description:You're hot blooded -- check it and see. You've got a
temperature of, like, 200, actually.
What it does:+10 hot damage, +30% Muscle, +10% Mysticality, +20% Moxie, so-so
hot resistance
How to get:Use a hot wad
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Hot Breath
In game description:Your breath smells like fire. It's like you've been eating
cinders. Or embers. Or cymbals. Cymbals made of fire.
What it does:Grants skill Hot Breath in combat
How to get:Eat a hot hi mein
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:Your entire body is both bathed in and composed of flame.
It's like that time you took a bath in human flesh, only
instead of human flesh, it's fire.
What it does:Changes all damage to Hot Damage and causes elemental damage to
the player to follow the elemental rules.
How to get:Use a phial of hotness
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Incredibly Hulking
In game description:AAAAARGH! [PLAYER NAME] SMASH!
What it does:Muscle +200%
How to get:Use a Ferrigno's Elixir of Power
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Insulated Trousers
In game description:Your pants have been magically insulated against low
temperatures. You're still probably succeptible to cold
feet and the cold shoulder, though.
What it does:So-So Cold Resistance
How to get:Use a cold powder
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Izchak's Blessing
In game description:What could be more stylish than the blessing of the
coolest lighting store owner in all of Yendor? Getting it
from a potion, without ever having met him, that's what!
What it does:+25% Moxie
How to get:Use a Dungeons of Doom potion
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Jabanero Saucesphere
In game description:You are surrounded by a glistening sphere of extremely
spicy sauce. Anything that attacks you will probably take
quite a bit of damage from it.
What it does:Monsters attacking you take 1-5 damage; the damage is converted
into an MP gain
How to get:Cast the Sauceror skill Jabanero Saucesphere
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Jackasses' Symphony of Destruction
In game description:Having this song stuck in your head makes you angry. So
angry that you hit harder with weapons and spells. Grr.
What it does:+12 Melee Damage, +12 Spell Damage
How to get:Hear the Accordion Thief song Jackasses' Symphony of Destruction
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 15 Adventures

Name:Jalapeno Saucesphere
In game description:You are surrounded by a glistening sphere of very spicy
sauce. Anything that attacks you will probably take some
damage from it.
What it does:Monsters attacking you take 1-5 damage; the damage is converted
into an HP gain
How to get:Cast the Sauceror skill Jalapeno Saucesphere
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Jazz Hands
In game description:Your hands are covered in jazz soap. You keep shaking your
hands to try to get it off, but it just makes people
impressed with you.
What it does:Will occasionally add "~jazz hands~" to the end of what you type
in chat.
How to get:Use jazz soap
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

Name:Knob Goblin Lust Frenzy
In game description:You feel pretty. Oh so pretty. You feel pretty, and witty,
and very much like a Knob Goblin.
What it does:+2 Moxie
How to get:Use a Knob Goblin love potion
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Knob Goblin Perfume
In game description:You reek of Knob Goblin Perfume...
What it does:Along with the Harem Girl Disguise, allows you to succesfully
enter the King's Chamber
How to get:Use a Knob Goblin perfume
How many adventures it lasts:1 Adventure

Name:Leash of Linguini
In game description:You hold a leash made of enchanted noodles, which is
attached to the neck of your familiar. Unless you don't
have a familiar, in which case it's just hanging like a
limp noodle at your side.
What it does:+5 to familiar weight
How to get:Cast the Pastamancer skill Leash of Linguini
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Lemon Enlightenment
In game description:Your mind has expanded to an entirely new plane -- a plane
of lemony goodness.
What it does:+100% Mysticality
How to get:Use a cosmic lemonade
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:Let there be this stuff!
What it does:Unknown
How to get:Use a birthday candle (No longer available)
How many adventures it lasts:3 Adventures

Name:Macho Profundo
In game description:You're opening up a can of whoopass, from the diaphragm!
What it does:+60% Muscle, +60% Moxie
How to get:Use a Mafia aria while wearing a support cummerbund
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Magical Mojomuscular Melody
In game description:Having this song stuck in your head makes you feel
especially tuned to your spiritual side -- your maximum MP
is higher than usual.
What it does:+10 Mysticality, +20 MP
How to get:Hearing the Accordion Thief song The Magical Mojomuscular Melody
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 15 Adventures

Name:Maraschino Moxiosity
In game description:You're feeling as Moxious as Moxious can be. And believe
you me, that's pretty darned Moxious!
What it does:+100% Moxie
How to get:Use a maraschino moxiosity potion (No longer available)
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Mariachi Mood
In game description:You're in a Mariachi Mood. Moxious!
What it does:+1 Moxie, +4 HP
How to get:Using the Accordion Thief skill Moxie of the Mariachi
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Missing Eyebrows
In game description:Your eyebrows have been burned off, somehow. You're going
to feel really self-conscious about them until they grow
What it does:?
How to get:?
How many adventures it lasts:?

Name:Missing Fingers
In game description:Some of your fingers are gone. It really hurts, and
they're going to take a little while to grow back.
What it does:-3 Muscle
How to get:Use a Knob Goblin firecracker
How many adventures it lasts:3 Adventures

Name:Moxious Madrigal
In game description:Having this song stuck in your head makes you feel
What it does:+10 Moxie
How to get:Hearing the Accordion Thief song The Moxious Madrigal
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 15 Adventures

Name:Musk of the Moose
In game description:You smell like moose and squirrel. Actually, just moose.
Monsters can probably smell you coming from a mile away,
which will make you more likely to bump into them when
you're adventuring.
What it does:+5% chance of combat adventures
How to get:Cast the Seal Clubber skill Musk of the Moose
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Mysteriously Handsome
In game description:You're handsome. And mysterious. Doubly mysterious if
you're a female. With a face like that, danger is sure to
come a-courtin'.
What it does:+5% Moxie, +3 to Monster Level
How to get:Use a handsomeness potion
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Mystic Pickleness
In game description:As you ponder the fact that an entire culture believes
'pickle' to be a suitable flavor for candy, you find your
mind opening up to the mysteeerious universe around you.
While your stomach opens up to the possibilities of
reverse ingestion.
What it does:+5 Mysticality, -5 Muscle
How to get:Use a pickle-flavored chewing gum
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Mystically Oiled
In game description:You're coated with a highly mystical ointment. It smells
sort of like peppermint.
What it does:+100% to Mysticality
How to get:Use a ointment of the occult
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Newt Gets In Your Eyes
In game description:Spraying your eyes with the juice of crushed newt eyeballs
certainly has increased your visual reflexes. That's
because you're frantically looking for an optometrist, or
at least someone with a stick you can gouge your eyes out
What it does:+25 Moxie
How to get:Use a eyedrops of newt
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 10 Adventures

Name:Object Detection
In game description:You are more finely attuned to the presence of objects.
Not only do you have an increased ability to point out the
obvious, but you also have a better chance of finding
What it does:+12.5% Increased Item Drops, allows you to detect all promising
chunks of rock in Inside of Itznotyerzitz Mine and Deep Inside
the Knob Shaft
How to get:Use a Dungeons of Doom potion
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Ocelot Eyes
In game description:You have the eyes of an ocelot. Figuratively. Not, like,
in a bag, or in your pocket. That'd be gross.
What it does:Increase item drops
How to get:Use a eyedrops of the ocelot
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Ode to Booze
In game description:Having this song stuck in your head makes you feel like you
enjoy drinking more than most people do. Alcoholic
beverages will give you marginally more adventures.
What it does:Gives more adventures when drinking booze
How to get:Hear the Accordion Thief song The Ode to Booze
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 15 Adventures

Name:Olive Drabness
In game description:Everything seems so boring. I guess it's time to beat the
crap out of some bad guys.
What it does:Makes Muscle equal to base Mysticality
How to get:Use a drab potion
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:On the Shoulders of Giants
In game description:You feel as though you could describe the universe in a
nutshell, or even write a brief history of time. The only
unusual side effect is that your voice has taken on a
strange monotone quality.
What it does:+200% Mysticality
How to get:Use a Hawking's Elixir of Brilliance
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Orange Appeal
In game description:You're as Moxious as an orange.
What it does:+100% Moxie
How to get:Use a orangish aphrodisiac
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Orange Tongue
In game description:Your tongue is the specific shade of orange that a
blood-faced volleyball turns when it's been left out in
the sun too long. Yummy!
What it does:+3 Stats Per Fight
How to get:Use a orange snowcone
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

Name:Oriental Mysticism
In game description:You are no longer disoriented when it comes to
mysticality. You have the mystique of the far east about
you. It smells a little like herbal tea and a little like
gunpowder. Mystical!
What it does:+5% mysticality
How to get:Casted by a Sweet Nutcracker
How many adventures it lasts:1 Adventures for every three pounds

In game description:Your veins are filled to the tiniest capillary with
powerful papaya juice. You're feeling potent, puissant,
and peppy.
What it does:+2 Stats Per Fight, +10 Melee Damage
How to get:Use a papotion of papower
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Pasta Oneness
In game description:You feel at one with the forces of the pastaverse. Your
fingers pulse with Magicalness.
What it does:+2 Mysticality
How to get:Use the Pastamancer skill Manicotti Meditation
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Patience of the Tortoise
In game description:You feel strong and silent, like a tortoise.
What it does:+1 Muscle, +4 Max HP
How to get:Cast the Turtle Tamer skill Patience of the Tortoise
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Peeled Eyeballs
In game description:Your eyes are as sharp as a really sharp-eyed thing, but
your other senses have dulled in comparison.
What it does:+15% items, -15% meat, -1 substats/battle
How to get:Use a Knob Goblin eyedrops
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

In game description:You're pheeling especially pherocious and phorceful.
What it does:+100% Muscle
How to get:Use a philter of phorce
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:You've been poisoned. You look like something the cat
dragged in.
What it does:-30% to all stats
How to get:Use a bag of airline peanuts, use a deadly nightshade, use a
marzipan skull, use a Yummy Tummy bean, break through a door in
The Daily Dungeon, get hit by a big creepy spider, get hit by a
completely different spider, get hit by a dodecapede, get hit by
a mayonnaise wasp, get hide by a disease-in-the-box, get hit by a
whitesnake, get hit by a swarm of killer bees, or get hit by a
spectral jellyfish.
How many adventures it lasts:Breaking through a door gives 3-4 Adventures.
Using a bag of airline peanuts, a marzipan
skull, or a Yummy Tummy Bean gives 5
Adventures. Getting hit by anything gives 10
Adventures. Using the deadly nightshade gives
16-23 Adventures.

Name:Polka of Plenty
In game description:Having this song stuck in your head makes your money
troubles go away -- monsters you slay will drop more Meat!
What it does:Increases meat drop rate by 50 %
How to get:Hear the Accordion Thief song The Polka of Plenty
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 15 Adventures

Name:Ponderous Potency
In game description:Your potency is a potency of prodigious proportions.
You'll probably punch punkasses more powerfully than you
previously punched punkasses.
What it does:+20 Melee Damage
How to get:Use a potent potion of potency
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 10 Adventures

Name:Popping Stomach
In game description:Your stomach is filled with delicious Rock Pops. When you
belch, you can hear them down there, still poppin' away.
What it does:None
How to get:Use Rock Pops
How many adventures it lasts:3 Adventures

Name:Power Ballad of the Arrowsmith
In game description:Having this song stuck in your head makes you feel sort of
sensitive, but also really tough. Mostly just tough. Your
Strongness is higher than usual.
What it does:+10 Muscle
How to get:Hear the Accordion Thief song The Power Ballad of the Arrowsmith
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 15 Adventures

Name:Pronounced Potency
In game description:It's pronounced potency! It's pronounced pote-n-see.
You're hitting stuff harder than you normally do.
What it does:+5 Melee Damage
How to get:Use a potion of potency
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Provocative Perkiness
In game description:You're feeling especially lively. And especially aware of
your surroundings. Anybody who thinks they're going to
sneak up on you is likely to have another thing coming!
What it does:Increased combat initiative
How to get:Use a libation of liveliness
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Psalm of Pointiness
In game description:Having this song stuck in your head makes you feel pointy
-- like anything that attacked you would get a stab.
What it does:Damages attacking enemies
How to get:Hear the Accordion Thief song The Psalm of Pointiness
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 15 Adventures

Name:Purple Tongue
In game description:I never meant 2 cause u any sorrow

I never meant 2 poke u in the lung

I only wanted 2 one time see u laughing

See u laughing with a purple tongue

Purple Tongue, purple tongue.
What it does:Restores 20 HP and MP after a battle
How to get:Eat a purple snowcone
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

Name:Rage of the Reindeer
In game description:You're feeling as fierce as a reindeer. Your muscles throb
with figurative antlers.
What it does:+10% Muscle and +10 Melee Damage
How to get:Cast the Seal Clubber skill Rage of the Reindeer
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Rainy Soul Miasma
In game description:This rainy miasma truly drowns your soul. You're feeling
depressed, evil, and depressed.
What it does:+10 Muscle, +10 Mysticality, -5 Moxie
How to get:Use a picture of a dead guy's girlfriend, use a fancy chocolate,
use a yummy tummy bean, or use a thin black candle
How many adventures it lasts:Using a picture of a dead guy's girlfriend
gives 1 Adventure, using a fancy chocolate or
a Yummy Tummy bean both give 5 Adventures, and
using a thin black candle gives 10 Adventures

Name:Red Tongue
In game description:Your tongue is a bright, vibrant red instead of its usual
fleshy pink. It makes you feel like each adventurer is
entitled to an equal share of all the meat in the Kingdom.
Or at least that you're entitled to more than you've been
What it does:+30% meat
How to get:Use a red snowcone
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

Name:Reedy Pipes
In game description:Your voice is as smooth and suave as the noble reed pipe.
Which is slightly less smooth than a pan pipe, but
definitely more moxious than a skillet pipe.
What it does:+5% Moxie
How to get:Casted by a Sweet Nutcracker
How many adventures it lasts:1 Adventure for every three pounds

Name:Reptilian Fortitude
In game description:You are imbued with the strength of 1000 snakes and
lizards. Your maximum HP is higher than normal.
What it does:+30 HP
How to get:Cast the Turtle Tamer skill Reptilian Fortitude
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Rushin' Hands
In game description:You feel like your hands move faster than before. And
since velocity + mass = force, you can hit harder.
Remember kids, learning is fun!
What it does:+3 Melee damage
How to get:Casted by a Sweet Nutcracker
How many adventures it lasts:1 Adventure for every three pounds

Name:Salamander In Your Stomach
In game description:No one can deny the fact that pulped magical fire-lizard
is an effective enhancement to magical power. However,
they also won't deny the fact that it tastes like, well,
pulped magical fire-lizard. Oog.
What it does:+25 Mysticality
How to get:Use a salamander slurry
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:You are channelling the Magicalness and Strengthliness of
the Ancient Brotherhood of Gravymakers.
What it does:+1 Mysticality and +4 HP
How to get:Use the Sauceror skill Sauce Contemplation
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Seal Clubbing Frenzy
In game description:You're in a mood. A seal-clubbing mood. This makes you
feel stronger.
What it does:+2 Muscle
How to get:Cast the Seal Clubber skill Seal Clubbing Frenzy
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Sharp Weapon
In game description:Your weapon has been sharpened.
What it does:Increases your weapon power by 30
How to get:Use a Knob Goblin sharpening spray
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Shiny Happy Cupcake
In game description:That was certainly a delicious cupcake. It puts a big
happy smile on your face.

After a while, your cheeks start to hurt. Maybe 'rictus
grin' is a more appropriate description. Still, you do
enjoy cake.
What it does:+3 Stats Per Fight
How to get:Eat a orange-frosted astral cupcake
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

Name:Shot in the Arse
In game description:You've been shot in the arse. It's got you all agitated.
What it does:+15 to all Stats
How to get:Be shot with Kucolan's arse-shooting crossbow (Since Kucolan sold
his account, this effect is probably non-existant)
How many adventures it lasts:40 Adventures

Name:Sleaze-Resistant Trousers
In game description:Your pants seem a lot less scandalous than they usually
do. They fail to cover nothing. They leave everything to
the imagination. They're utterly and completely dignified.
What it does:So-So Sleaze Resistance
How to get:Use sleaze powder
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:Your entire being is consumed by sleaze. You're so greasy
that even grease slides right off of you. It's as though
your entire body is nothing but naughty bits -- you've
taken on the form of pure inappropriateness.
What it does:Changes all damage to Sleaze Damage and causes elemental damage
to the player to follow the elemental rules.
How to get:Use a phial of sleaziness
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Sleazy Breath
In game description:Your breath smells really, really sleazy. Like you used an
entire bottle of breath spray all at once and then gargled
with aftershave.
What it does:Grants skill Sleazy Breath in combat
How to get:Eat a sleazy hi mein
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Sleazy Weapon
In game description:Your weapon is dripping, both literally and figuratively,
with pure, unadulterated sleaze.
What it does:+3 Sleaze Damage
How to get:Use a sleaze nuggets
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:You are very sleepy. Your muscles feel weak.
What it does:-30% Muscle
How to get:Use a Decorative fountain, use a Dungeons of Doom potion, use a
Hippy herbal tea, or use a Yummy Tummy bean.
How many adventures it lasts:Using a Decorative fountain gives 1 Adventure,
using either a Hippy herbal tea or a Yummy
Tummy bean both give 5 Adventures. Using a
Dungeons of Doom potion gives 20 Adventures.

Name:Slippery Oiliness
In game description:You're as slippery as an adventurer coated in oil of
slipperiness. Which is to say, pretty darn slippery. So
slippery, in fact, that it seems to have affected your
muscles and brains as well. That's really slippery!
What it does:Set Muscle and Mysticality to base Moxie
How to get:Use a oil of slipperiness
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Smelly Pants
In game description:Your pants smell really bad. The constant odor from
downstairs inures you against odors from elsewhere.
What it does:So-So Stench Resistance
How to get:Use a stench powder
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:The Smile of Mr. A.
In game description:The bearer of a Golden Mr. Accessory has smiled on you!
You feel more Muscular, Mystical, and Moxious than before
What it does:All Attributes +15
How to get:Open a box of sunshine
How many adventures it lasts:40 Adventures

Name:Smooth Movements
In game description:You glide smoothly and stealthily from shadow to shadow.
You're less likely to encounter monsters while
What it does:+5% chance of non-combat adventures
How to get:Cast the Disco Bandit skill Smooth Movement
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Spicy Limeness
In game description:You feel at once spicey and limey. Which isn't to say
you're walking around saying "Pip pip, cheerio, and all
that," while hurting peoples' tongues. The fruit and spice
mix on your palate in a decidedly moxious fashion. Moxious
and painful.
What it does:+5 Moxie, -5 Muscle
How to get:Use a lime-and-chile-flavored chewing gum
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Spicy Mouth
In game description:While the spice is the life, it sure feels like death when
it's dancing on your tongue. The pain is distracting, but
it makes you fight all the harder. So you can get back to
scrubbing your tongue.
What it does:+5 Mysticality, -5 Moxie
How to get:Use a jabanero-flavored chewing gum
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Spiky Hair
In game description:Your hair is seriously spiky. It looks good, and it could
put an eye out -- the eye of your foe.
What it does:+6 Muscle, +6 Moxie
How to get:Use a super-spikey hair gel
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Spirit of Bacon Grease
In game description:The arteries and pores of your metaphysical being are
clogged with the thick, oily spirit of bacon grease.
You're even more in tune with the cosmic lard than a deep
fat friar is. You feel bloated, sluggish, and decidedly
What it does:All Pastamancer Spells deal Sleaze Damage
How to get:Use the skill Spirit of Bacon Grease
How many adventures it lasts:40 Adventures

Name:Spirit of Cayenne
In game description:The core of your being is infused with the essence of
red-hot cayenne pepper. Steam wafts from your ears and
sweat beads on your forehead. Flowers wilt beneath your
feet as you walk. Wait, that's just because you never wash
your feet. Hippy.
What it does:All Pastamancer Spells deal Hot Damage
How to get:Use the skill Spirit of Cayenne
How many adventures it lasts:40 Adventures

Name:Spirit of Garlic
In game description:Your entire aura is infused with the essence of stinky,
awful, nasty garlic. It sweats from the very pores of your
soul. The sheer stinky power of it is intoxicating -- it's
almost enough to make up for the horrible taste in your
mouth (which won't go away for a couple of months).
What it does:All Pastamancer Spells deal Stench Damage
How to get:Use the skill Spirit of Garlic
How many adventures it lasts:40 Adventures

Name:Spirit of Peppermint
In game description:The core of your being is infused with ice-cold
pepperminty freshness. You realize even though it's a warm
moonlit day in the Kingdom, you can see your breath. And
this time, it's not just because you haven't brushed your
teeth in a while.
What it does:All Pastamancer Spells deal Cold Damage
How to get:Use the skill Spirit of Peppermint
How many adventures it lasts:40 Adventures

Name:Spirit of Wormwood
In game description:Dear Adventurer,
The core of your being is infused with the hallucinogenic,
mystic, and bitter essence of wormwood. The eldritch
mysteries that lie beneath the world as we know it swirl
and shift around you, making unfathomable shadows in the
mist (some even look like gorillas).
Your affectionate uncle, Screwtape.
What it does:All Pastamancer Spells deal Spooky Damage
How to get:Use the skill Spirit of Wormwood
How many adventures it lasts:40 Adventures

Name:Spooky Breath
In game description:Your breath smells like a corpse's breath. I know, I know,
corpses don't breathe. But if they did, this is what it
would smell like. It's pretty creepy.
What it does:Grants skill Spooky Breath in combat
How to get:Eat a spooky hi mein
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Spooky Demeanor
In game description:Your demeanor is particularly spooky today. You're
spookier than the offspring of Wednesday Addams and that
girl from Beetlejuice. You're even... er... damn. That'd
be really hot. I mean spooky. Really spooky.
What it does:+10 spooky damage, +10% Muscle, +30% Mysticality, +20% Moxie,
and so-so spooky resistance
How to get:Use a spooky wad
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Spooky Weapon
In game description:Your weapon is exuding some serious spookiness. The
heebie-jeebies it inspires in your enemies will
undoubtedly be severe. Severe heebie-jeebies.
What it does:+3 Spooky Damage
How to get:Use a spooky nuggets
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:Your body has taken on the form of purified spookiness.
It's a good thing your eyes are made of spookiness, too,
otherwise you'd jump out of your skin the first time you
accidentally saw yourself in a mirror. Provided your skin
wasn't also also made out of spookiness. You get the idea.
What it does:Changes all damage to Spooky Damage and causes elemental damage
to the player to follow the elemental rules.
How to get:Use a phial of spookiness
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:Your pants are really spooky right now. They're so spooky
that other spooky things seem less spooky by comparison.
It's sort of spooky, if you think about it.
What it does:So-So Spooky Resistance
How to get:Use a spooky powder
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Springy Fusilli
In game description:You're spring loaded with pasta quickness. You're much
more likely to get the jump on your opponents in combat.
What it does:+40% Combat Initiative
How to get:Cast the Pastamancer skill Springy Fusilli
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Stabilizing Oiliness
In game description:You're coated in a shiny film of grease. It's kind of
disgusting, and seems to be doing things to your Moxie and
Mysticality. Hopefully good things.
What it does:Mysticality and Moxie become equal to base Muscle
How to get:Use a oil of stability
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:Your entire body is made out of stench. Not in the
figurative way, the way hippies are made out of stench,
but in a wholly literal way. It's a good thing you can't
smell yourself.
What it does:Changes all damage to Stench Damage and causes elemental damage
to the player to follow the elemental rules.
How to get:Use a phial of stench
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:Your noisomeness has reached a level previously unknown to\
man. Make sure you don't run into any Pythagoreans --
they'd probably string you up as soon as catch a whiff of
What it does:+10 stench damage, +20% Muscle, +30% Mysticality, +10% Moxie,
so-so stench resistance
How to get:Use a stench wad
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Steroid Boost
In game description:You feel strong. And mean. You feel strong and mean.
What it does:+2 Muscle
How to get:Use a Knob Goblin steroids
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Stevedave's Shanty of Superiority
In game description:Having this song stuck in your head makes you feel better
than everybody else. Well, better than monsters, at least.
Probably about 10 levels better, on average.
What it does:+10% to All Stats
How to get:Hear the Accordion Thief song Stevedave's Shanty of Superiority
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 15 Adventures

Name:Sticky Fingers
In game description:Your fingers are sticky, and orange. This makes it easier
for you to grab Meat. The stickiness, that is. The
orangeness just makes it easier for you to get your
keyboard all filthy.
What it does:Extra meat from monsters
How to get:Eat a bag of Cheat-Os
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Sticky Hands
In game description:You can't clap, but you've got a much better grip on your
What it does:Decreased chance of fumbling
How to get:Use a pine tar or eat a sugar cog
How many adventures it lasts:Pine tar gives 30 Adventures and the sugar cog
gives 10 Adventures.

Name:Stinky Breath
In game description:You've had bad breath before, but nothing like this. Your
breath smells like you've been eating raw sewage and
washing it down with sweat samples from an athlete's foot
What it does:Grants skill Stinky Breath in combat
How to get:Eat a stinky hi mein
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Stinky Weapon
In game description:Your weapon has been rubbed with stench nuggets, and is
consequently very stenchy. Er, stinky.
What it does:+3 Stench Damage
How to get:Use a stench nuggets
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Strange Mental Acuity
In game description:Your mind races with awareness. Awareness wins, but it's
very, very close.
What it does:+25% Mysticality
How to get:Use a Dungeons of Doom potion
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Strawberry Alarm
In game description:You're alarmed by the fact that your Muscle and
Mysticality have become very, very similar to your Moxie.
What it does:Muscle and Mysticality become equal to your base Moxie
How to get:Use a alarming strawberry juice
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Strength of Ten Ettins
In game description:Your Muscles throb with the power of that groovy, groovy
potion you just drank.
What it does:+25% Muscle
How to get:Use a Dungeons of Doom potion
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Sugar Rush
In game description:You're full of sugar. The net effect is the same as being
full of piss and vinegar.
What it does:+5% Muscle, +5% Moxie, -10% Mysticality
How to get:Eat a Angry Farmer candy, a brainbracker sweetm a candied kobold,
a candy brain, a candy cane pizza, a candycaine, a eggnogtini, a
gingerbread stir-fry, a gumdrop chow mein, a Gummi-Gnauga, a
marzipan skull, a Now and Earlier, a Rock Pops, a Senior Mints, a
Sugar Cog, a sugar-coated pine cone, a Tasty Fun Good rice candy,
a Wint-O-Fresh mint, or eat a Yummy Tummy bean.
How many adventures it lasts:Eating a candied kobold, a Rock Pops, a Senior
Mints, a Wint-O-Fresh mint, or a Yummy Tummy
bean all give 3 Adventures. Eating a marzipan
skull, a Now and Earlier, a Sugar Cog, or a
Tasty Fun Good rice candy all give 5
Adventures. Eating an Angry Farmer candy, a
brainbracker sweet, a candy cane pizza, a
candycaine, a eggnogtini, a gingerbread stir-
fry, a gumdrop chow mein, a Gummi-Gnauga, or a
sugar-coated pine cone all give 10 Adventures.
Eating a candy brain gives 15 Adventures.

In game description:You've got a nasty sunburn. It's not pretty, and it hurts
when you move.
What it does:-2 Muscle, -2 Moxie
How to get:The Sun at Noon, Tan Us adventure at The Palindome
How many adventures it lasts:3 Adventures

In game description:It ain't easy bein' this sleazy. It's really not. It takes
skill to be as loathsome as you are right now.
What it does:+10 sleaze damage, +15% Muscle, +15% Mysticality, +30% Moxie,
so-so sleaze resistance
How to get:Use a sleaze wad
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Superhuman Sarcasm
In game description:You're being totally sincere when you say that you're
feeling twice as sarcastic as you usually do.
What it does:+100% Moxie
How to get:Use a serum of sarcasm
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Tamarind Torment
In game description:You have ingested the foulest fruit flavor imaginable.
However, since it didn't kill you, it's made you
temporarily stronger.
What it does:+5 Muscle, -5 Moxie
How to get:Use a tamarind-flavored chewing gum
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:For some reason, you keep randomly teleporting from place
to place. It's kind of annoying.
What it does:Randomly transports you to the Haiku Dungeon, the Haunted
Pantry, The Limerick Dungeon, the Outskirts of Cobb's Knob, the
Sleazy Back Alley, the Spooky Forest, or The Oracle Will See You
Now adventure when you attempt to adventure.
How to get:The A big Q. adventure at The Enormous Greater-Than Sign, a
Quantum Mechanic attack, or a Dungeons of Doom potion.
How many adventures it lasts:The A big Q. adventure and the Quantum
Mechanic attack both give 5 Adventures. The
Dungeons of Doom potion gives 10 Adventures.

Name:Temporary Blindness
In game description:Exposure to too much of that stuff that comes out of the
Evil Day-Star has made you temporarily blind. (Or there's
something over your eyes. You can't tell because you can't
see what it is.) It's like that time back in Adventurer
College where you sewed your eyes shut on a dare, but with
less blood. It's really hard to see.
What it does:-25% Moxie Causes all enemy encounters to appear as the
darkness, hides their attack message, and lists the name of any
item drop as "something?"
How to get:Gazing at The Sorceress' Chamber or the Sun from The LAAAAME
Observatory (No longer possible), looking through the hole in the
Construction Site (No longer possible), or drinking white
How many adventures it lasts:Drinking white lightning or looking through
the hole in the Construction Site both give 3
Adventures. Looking at The Sorceress' Chamber
or the Sun from The LAAAAME Observatory gives
5 Adventures.

Name:Temporary Lycanthropy
In game description:Your veins are polluted with the blood of the Wereseal.
Your Muscles wax and wane with the moons.

Oh, no, Paul! You is a Warsil!
What it does:+X% Muscle, where X = 25 * (light - 4)
How to get:Use a blood of the Wereseal
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Tenacity of the Snapper
In game description:You're as tenacious as a Snapping Turtle from the Days of
Old. You latch onto your enemy and don't let go until you
hear thunder. Or whatever. You do more damage in combat.
What it does:+8 Melee Damage
How to get:Cast the Turtle Tamer skill Tenacity of the Snapper
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:The Cupcake of Wrath
In game description:The cupcake you ate has somehow temporarily teleported you
to a parallel universe where everything is exactly the
same, except the monsters are stronger and hate you more.

That's a helluva side-effect for one lousy cupcake. Didn't
the FDA check these out at all?
What it does:+10 to Monster Level
How to get:Eat a green-frosted astral cupcake
How many adventures it lasts:20 adventures

Name:The Sonata of Sneakiness
In game description:Having this song stuck in your head makes you less likely
to encounter monsters while adventuring.
What it does:+5% chance of non-combat adventures
How to get:Hear the Accordion Thief song The Sonata of Sneakiness
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 15 Adventures

Name:Ticking Clock
In game description:My love for you is ticking clock -- Berserker! The ticking
of the clock fills you with rage while reminding you of
the passage of time. You're determined to make the most of
every combat.
What it does:Increase Combat Initiative by 30%
How to get:Use a cheap wind-up clock
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Tingly Biceps
In game description:Your biceps tingle with Muscle.
What it does:+5 Muscle
How to get:Use a phonics down
How many adventures it lasts:3, 4, or 5 Adventures

Name:Tingly Elbows
In game description:Your elbows tingle with Moxie.
What it does:+5 Moxie
How to get:Use a phonics down
How many adventures it lasts:3, 4, or 5 Adventures

Name:Tingly Wrists
In game description:Your wrists tingle with Mysticality.
What it does:+5 Mysticality
How to get:Use a phonics down
How many adventures it lasts:3, 4, or 5 Adventures

Name:Tiny Bubbles in the Cupcake
In game description:The cupcake you ate appears to have opened a tiny gateway
between your body and some other heavily-carbonated
dimension. You can feel your blood fizzing, filling you
with both physical and magical energy. It really tickles.

Don't jump up and down too much, though, or you might get
an aneurysm.
What it does:Regenerate 20 HP and 20 MP per adventure
How to get:Use a Purple-frosted astral cupcake
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

Name:Tomato Power
In game description:You're as Strong, as Magical, and as Moxious as a
grapefruit. I mean a tomato.
What it does:Adds 50% to all stats
How to get:Use a Tomato juice of powerful power
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Tomato Smoothness
In game description:You're smooth, like the skin of a fresh tomato. Made of
silk. And baby's asses.
What it does:Makes Moxie equal to base Mysticality
How to get:Use a tomato smoothie
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

In game description:Your pants (or your lap, if you're not wearing any) are
twinkling with arcane mysticality and wizardly
enchantedness. They're probably doing a better job of
protecting you from damage than they usually do.
What it does:+30 Damage Absorption
How to get:Use a twinkly powder
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Twinkly Weapon
In game description:Your weapon has been imbued with the essence of twinkly
nuggets. It's not nearly as effeminite as it sounds,
though. The twinkles are made of pain.
What it does:+3 Melee Damage
How to get:Use a Twinkly nuggets
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Two Left Feet
In game description:Your right foot has been turned into an additional left
foot. It's going to make you considerably less graceful
until it wears off.
What it does:?
How to get:?
How many adventures it lasts:?

In game description:Your Muscle and Moxie aren't behaving as predictably as
they normally do.
What it does:Randomly affects your Muscle and Moxie by up to 10
How to get:Use a probability potion or eat a Yummy Tummy bean
How many adventures it lasts:The probability potion gives 10 Adventures.
The Yummy Tummy bean gives 5 Adventures.

Name:Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance
In game description:Having this song stuck in your head makes you very, very
annoying. Monsters will be enraged by you, and want to hit
you very, very hard. Did you do that? Yes. Yes you did.
What it does:+2 Monster Level per level of listener
How to get:Hear the Accordion Thief song Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance
How many adventures it lasts:5 or 15 Adventures

In game description:You've been wanged. Which is to say that somebody has used
a magical word processor to correct your "typos" in the
chat pane.
What it does:Corrects your text in chat
How to get:Use a wang
How many adventures it lasts:100 Adventures

Name:Wasabi Sinuses
In game description:Whooo! Feel the burn! Your nasal passages have never been
clearer, allowing you to smell all kinds of stuff. It
makes your eyes water, though, and it's a little hard to
What it does:+30% meat, -10% items, -1 substats/battle
How to get:Use a Knob Goblin nasal spray
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures

Name:Whitened Teeth
In game description:Your teeth have been whitened to just a notch below
blinding. Moxious!
What it does:+10% Moxie
How to get:Boost from a Clan Purchase
How many adventures it lasts:5, 10, or 15 Adventures

In game description:You've got wings. Evidently Red Minotaur actually does
give you wings.
What it does:?
How to get:Drink a can of Red Minotaur
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:The Wrath of Grapes
In game description:You're full of wrath. Your muscles pulse with it.
What it does:+100% Muscle
How to get:Use a wrath serum
How many adventures it lasts:5 Adventures

Name:Wreathed in Merriment
In game description:You're having an excellent time -- you're positively
stuffed with seasonal good feelings. You feel far more
Moxious than you do during the other times of the year.
What it does:+10% Moxie
How to get:Eat a wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie or eat a wreath-shaped Crimbo
cookie with a glass of goat's milk in your inventory
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures without the milk, 20 with milk

In game description:You feel weak. Like a weak little wuss. Wuss.
What it does:-3 Muscle
How to get:Use a wussiness potion, or eat a Yummy Tummy bean
How many adventures it lasts:The wussiness potion gives 3 Adventures, and
the Yummy Tummy bean gives 5 Adventures.

Name:Yellow Tongue
In game description:Your tongue is a bright yellow color that makes you look
like you've got jaundice. Of the tongue.
What it does:Adds a message after eating or drinking
How to get:Use a yellow snowcone
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

Name:Your Cupcake Senses Are Tingling
In game description:How strange -- the cupcake you ate has somehow granted you
a heretofore unknown sixth sense, which alerts you to the
proximity of meat. Since you yourself and everyone you
know are made of meat, it's pretty much constantly going
off, but it's still kind of handy.
What it does:+30% Meat from Monsters
How to get:Use a pink-frosted astral cupcake
How many adventures it lasts:20 Adventures

Name:Yuletide Sappiness
In game description:Your memory is filled with pleasant memories of childhood
Crimbo celebrations. You're, like, totally in touch with
your emotions. You big sissy.
What it does:+10% Mysticality
How to get:Eat a tree-shaped Crimbo cookie or eat a tree-shaped Crimbo
cookie with a glass of goat's milk in your inventory
How many adventures it lasts:10 Adventures without the milk, 20 with milk
3.Intrinsic Effects

Intrinsic effects are effects that do not disappear as long as the item that
gives the effect is equipped.

In game description:Your pants are 1337. You're embarrassed at the grammar,
but fortified by the 1337ness of 'em.
What it does:+6 Muscle, -3 Moxie
How to get:Wear 1337 7r0uZ0RZ

Name:Chapped Legs
In game description:Ride 'em, cowboy! You're feeling stylish, but it's hard to
look tough with your ass hanging out.
What it does:-2 Muscle, +4 Moxie
How to get:Wear leather chaps

Name:Complete Delusion
In game description:You believe you are an anthropomorphic wolf. You attack
like an animal, but in reality you're just a huge dork.
What it does:+4 Muscle, +5 Moxie
How to get:Wear a wolf mask

Name:Draggin' Balls
In game description:Your hat is stylish, but heavy. Smoothness and fatigue --
a winning combination!
What it does:+6 Moxie, -3 Muscle
How to get:Wear a draggin' ball hat

Name:Free Bird
In game description:Your pants are nice and loose, the better to allow
mystical forces to flow through you. Or, at least, flow
through your pants.
What it does:+20 Mysticality
How to get:Wear Radio Free Pants

Name:Radio Head
In game description:You have tuneful tunes from Radio KoL stuck in your head.
You've got happy feet. And head.
What it does:+20 Moxie
How to get:Wear a Radio Free Baseball Cap

Name:Red Neck
In game description:Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw! You're tougher, but a lot less
What it does:+4 Muscle, -2 Moxie
How to get:Wear a mesh cap

Name:Shiny Happy Weapon
In game description:Your weapon is shiny and happy. Put it in the ground,
where the flowers grow. Or bury it in your enemies,
What it does:+20 Muscle
How to get:Wield a Radio Free Foil

Name:Sleeping with the Fishes
In game description:When you sleep in these shoes, you sleep with the fishes.
What it does:More effective resting at your campsite
How to get:Wear cement shoes
4.Frequently Asked Questions

Q.What is your Kol name?
A.Well, I mentioned it in my Intro, but I guess you didn't's

Q.How many effects are there?
A.Including buffs and Intrinsic Effects, there are 216 effects if I counted

Version 0.02
August 22,2006
-Sections 1,5,6,7 done for now
-Section 2 started, done up to Apathy

Version 0.07
August 23,2006
-Section 2 done up to Butt-Rock Hair

Version 1.0
September 5,2006
-All sections finally done

This section contains all the places and peoples that I would like to thank in
this guide.

-CJayC, for making a great site
-Jick and Mr.Skullhead, for creating Kol
-Kol Wiki, I can't thank them enough, I learned a lot of information about
effects from this website. This is a great place to go if you are stuck on
something! (
-Me, for making this
-You, for reading this

Don't steal my Faq, I worked pretty hard on it. If you want to host it on
another site, tell me first, cause chances are high that I'll say yes. As of
now, the only site that is allowed to host this is

-GFaqs (

If you see this Faq anywhere besides the above locations, please notify me.
Kingdom of Loathing and anything having anything to do with it is the property
of Asymmetric Productions.

Copyright 2006 electrosho
8.Contact Info

If you wish to contact me,please put "Kingdom of Loathing-Effects FAQ" into the
title so I don't delete as spam.My email is listed below.

iamgamecrazy (at) gmail (dot) com

This is the only email address that I will respond to, so please send to this
if you have any questions, or reporting any errors, etc.
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Effects FAQ
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Tattoo FAQ
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Trophy FAQ
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Engl. Leitaden

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30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
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30.Декабрь 2013
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