World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

11.10.2013 18:08:07
World of Warcraft
Tier 0.5 Armor Guide
By: omegachaos

1. Intro

Welcome to my FAQ! This guide is for those people crazy enough to
upgrade their tier 0 armor (like me). Upgrading tier 0 to tier 0.5
armor was introduced after patch 1.10 came out and is completely
optional. If you’re looking to upgrade your armor, read on.

2. Quest Supplies

This quest requires a lot of supplies and money for you to do this
chain. Most of these items you can find from the auction house or
receive from your guildies and friends. Here’s a list of the items:

Step 1: Bracers
- 20g

Step 2: Belt and Gloves
- 1 Delicate Arcanite Converter
- 4 Greater Eternal Essences
- 10 Stonescale Oil
- 5 more Goblin Rocket Fuel
- Fel Elemental Rod (see main guide)

Step 3: Pants, Shoulders and Boots
- 3 Dark Iron Bars
- 3 Mooncloth
- 20 Enchanted Leathe
- 4 Cured Rugged Hides
- 8 Large Brilliant Shards
- 4 Dark Runes

Step 4: Helm and Chest
- Honored with Argent Dawn (to buy a Hallowed Brazier
for 120g)
- Twilight Cultist Set
- Twilight Cultist Medallion of Station
- 1 Flask of Supreme Power
- Friendly with Cenarion Circle (to get the quest to get the
Medallion of Station)

You will most likely need a total of 700g for some of the mats and
what you have to pay for the quest requirements.

REMEMBER: You MUST have tier 0 armor first to get tier 0.5 armor from
the quests

3. Armor Guide

I. Bracers

To get the quest, go to Thrall’s Chamber in Orgrimmar and talk to
Mokvar for Horde. For Alliance, go to the throne room in Ironforge
and talk to Deliana. The quest is called An Earnest Proposition, but
Horde goes to Silithus and Alliance goes to Winterspring. You must
also have 20g on you.

An Earnest Proposition (Horde)

For Horde in Silithus, you must kill spiders and scorpions for venom
samples. The drop rate for these things suck, so expect to be there
for maybe 10-15 min or more. After you collect them, head back to
Orgrimmar and talk to Mokvar to get your bracers.

An Earnest Proposition (Alliance)

For Alliance in Winterspring, you must kill bears and wintersabers
for blood samples. The drop rate is about the same as Horde and
should take you about the same amount of time. After you collect
enough blood, head back to Deliana to get your bracers.

Note: For Alliance if you want to, you can go ahead and buy the Fel
Elemental Rod for 40g so you won’t have to make the long trip back
there from wherever you are.

II. Belt and Gloves

The Ectoplasmic Distiller

Your quest giver will now send you to Gadgetzan to talk to Mux
Manascrambler. He wants you to get materials to make an Ectoplasmic
Distiller, which is a Delicate Arcanite Converter, 4 Greater Eternal
Essence, 10 Stonescale Oil, and 25 Volcanic Ash. The Volcanic Ash
can be found in the Burning Steppes near lava flows. The rest of the
mats can be bought at the AH or provided by your friends or guildies.

Hunting for Ectoplasm

After you get the materials, go back to Mux to get the distiller and
his gift, which contains EZ Throw Dynamite, Discombobulator Ray, and
some Goblin Rocket Fuel. He then tells you to go to Silithus to get
12 Scorched Ectoplasm, Eastern Plaguelands to get 12 Stable
Ectoplasm, and Winterspring to get 12 Frozen Ectoplasm. To get
ectoplasm, simply put down the distiller near a group of the mobs you
need to kill and pull the mobs into the radius of the distiller so
you can get ectoplasm from the corpse. Remember, the distiller use
Goblin Rocket Fuel, so be sure to buy a few extra to use. To
maximize fuel, constantly pull mobs to the distiller with only few
breaks inbetween battles.

Silithus – Southwind Village is the place you need to go to get
ectoplasm. Just put down the distiller and fight the mobs to get
ectoplasm. Pre-patch 1.12, there would usually be 1-3 Silithid Bugs,
but now, there should only be 1 bug that spawns, giving you an easier
time to farm these things.

Eastern Plaguelands – Northdale is your next stop. If possible,
have a warlock cast Greater Detect Invisibility so you’ll be able to
see the invisible ghosts that wander around. Either the banshees or
invisible ghosts will give you ectoplasm.

Winterspring – Lake Kel’Theril is the last stop for ectoplasms.
You can usually find a large number of ghosts by the ruins, so it
shouldn’t take long to get all 12 ectoplasms. If you happen to have
40-50g, you can go to Darkwhisper Gorge, to the first cave you see,
and buy the Fel Elemental Rod from Vi’el, a little imp, which will
save a lot of time in the upcoming steps.

A Portable Power Source

Now that you have the ectoplasm, go back to Mux and he should give
you a quest to kill Magma Lord Bokk in the Burning Steppes. He is
west of the Pillar of Ash, inside a small lava pool. Just look for a
giant earth elemental. He’s pretty easy to solo, just watch out for
his adds and the occasional 60 elite dragon.

A Shifty Merchant

Once he is dead, get his Magma Core an go back to Mux. Now he’ll
tell you to get a Fel Elemental Rod that hopefully you had gotten in
Winterspring while collecting ectoplasm. If not, just go to
Darkhisper Gorge in southern Winterspring and look in the first cave
you see to the right (be careful of the elite demons!). After giving
him the rod, he’ll tell you to go back to your quest-giver in
Ironforge or Orgrimmar, where they should give you your belt and

NOTE!: I’ve asked people about the price of the Fel Elemental Rod and
looked on the internet, and everyone seems to be buying it at 40g or
50g for many different reasons, like maybe people are buying it at
40g even though they’re on the quest, so if you find it at 50g, try
waiting for a little bit, then checking back to see if it’s 40g.

III. Pants, Shoulders, Boots

Dead Man’s Plea

Your quest-giver should now give you something called an Extra
Dimensional Ghost Revealer and send you to the main entrance of
Stratholme to find a ghost named Anthion Harmon. Use the revealer at
the entrance and a human ghost should appear in front of the meeting
stone named Anthion Harmon. He’ll tell you to rescue his wife from
Baron Rivendare in UD Stratholme. See the 45 Baron Run section for
more info.

Proof of Life

Once you save his wife, talk to the ghost again and he’ll give you a
quest to gather materials. What you will need are 3 Dark Iron Bars,
3 Mooncloth, 20 Enchanted Leather and 4 Cured Rugged Hide. After you
get the stuff and turn it in, he’ll send you to the Dire Maul library
to talk to Falrin Treeshaper.

Falrin’s Vendetta

Falrin will tell you to get 25 Ogre Warbeads from ogres in Dire Maul
and Lower Blackrock Spire. Lower Blackrock Spire has the highest
drop rate for the ogre beads, but there are fewer ogres in it than
Dire Maul North and outside Dire Maul, but it’s up to you where you
want to get the warbeads.

The Instigator’s Enchantment

After you get the 25 Ogre Warbeads, go back to Falrin, and then he’ll
send you on another quest to get materials. What he requires are 4
Dark Runes, 8 Large Brilliant Shards, and 1 Jeering Specter’s
Essence. You can find the essence in Dire Maul West from a group
drop off of ghosts.

The Challenge

Once you get the materials, turn them in to Falrin. He’ll then give
you a Banner of Provocation to put in Blackrock Depths. But after
you get the banner, you’ll be attacked by 5 or 6 ghosts. If you
defeat them, good for you. If not, you still win.

Anyways, go to Blackrock Depths and go to the arena. When Theldrin
starts to talk crap, put down the banner. Instead of the usual
mobs that come out, mobs that seem to be class specific come out.
These mobs are immune to taunt, but not to fear effects or polymorph.
Use that to your advantage while you beat down the mobs. Once the
mobs and Theldrin are defeated, he’ll drop a box of loot that only
drops if the banner is down, and the Top Piece of Lord Valthalak’s

Turn in the quest you get to Anthion at Stratholme. He will then send
you back to your quest-giver in Ironforge or Orgrimmar. Turn in your
tier 0 stuff to get your new tier 0.5 pants, shoulders, and boots.

IV. Helm and Chest

Your quest-giver should now give you a quest to find a gnome ghost
named Bodley in Blackrock Mountain. Go to the mountain and use the
ghost revealer on the balcony just before the entrance to Blackrock

Three Kings of Flame

He gives you a quest to get Incendicite of Incendius, Ember of
Emberseer, and Cinder of Cynder. Lord Incendius can be found in
Blackrock Depths, Pyroguard Emberseer can be found in Upper Blackrock
Spire, and the Duke of Cynders needs to be summoned in Silithus. The
items are group drops so anyone on the quest can get the items. For
the Duke of Cynders you will need a Twilight Cultist set and a
Twilight Cultist Medallion of Station to summon the duke. You must
be Friendly with Cenarion Circle to get the quest to get the
medallion. You’ll be able to summon him from a regular Wind

Note: The Cinder of Cynder will still drop if you are in a raid.

The Left Piece of the Amulet

Turn in the items to Bodley and he’ll give you a random quest
followed by a similar random quest to get the left piece of Lord
Valthalak’s Amulet. Here is the list of places he might send you to:

- Purgation Isle in Hillsbrad Foothills where you have to kill
Condemned Monks, Condemned Acolytes, Cursed Paladins and Writhing
Mages for Soul Ashes of the Banished. Bodley should then send you
to Scholomance to summon the ghost of Kormok in Ras Frostwhisper’s
room. See the Bosses section for the strategy on him.

- Tyr’s Hand in Eastern Plaguelands to kill Preatorians to find the
Brilliant Sword of Zealotry. You can find Preatorians in the
inner part of Tyr’s Hand. Bodley will then send you to Live
Stratholme to summon the ghosts of Jarien and Sothos in
Balnazzar’s room. See the Bosses section for the strategy on

- Hive’Regal in Silithus to kill Hive’Regal Burrowers, Hive’Regal
Spitfires, and Hive’Regal Slavemakers to get Druidical Remains.
Bodley will then send you to Lower Blackrock Spire to summon the
ghost of Mor Grayhoof in War Master Voone’s Room. See the Bosses
section for the strategy on him.

- Frostwhisper Gorge in Winterspring to kill Frostmaul Giants and
Frostmaul Preservers for the Starbreeze Village Relic. Bodley
will then send you to Dire Maul East to summon the ghost of
Isalien in Alzzin the Wildshaper’s room. See the Bosses section
for the strategy on her.

Note #1: The quest to kill elites for stuff is easily doable with 2-3
people, so don’t go crazy looking for a full group of people do this

Note #2: You must NOT be in a raid when killing the ghosts.
Otherwise, no amulet for you. :(

I See Alcaz Island In Your Future...

After getting the amulet, Bodley will send you to Alcaz Island in
Dustwallow Marsh to gather 20 Bloodkelp. They drop off the elite
Naga, and there is some Bloodkelp in Bloodkelp Baskets. Again, 2
people are good enough to fight the elites there.

The Right Piece of the Amulet

Now Bodley will send you to do two more random quests from above to
get the right piece of the amulet. Once you have the right piece,
make it into Lord Valthalak’s Amulet and turn it in to Bodley.

Final Preparations

Bodley will then send you into Blackrock Spire to kill orcs to get 40
Blackrock Bracers. You also need to give him a Flask of Supreme

Mea Culpa

Once you have those items, turn them in to Bodley and he should let
you summon Lord Valthalak, which can be done in The Beast’s Room in
Upper Blackrock Spire. Look in the Summonable Bosses section for his

Once you defeat Valthalak, loot him and get the quest from
Valthalak’s spirit to return to Bodley. Bodley will then send you
all the way back to your quest-giver in Ironforge or Orgrimmar to
finally receive your 0.5 head and chest.

You have just completed on of the most tedious and
expensive quest chain in the game!

Once you turn in the quest, you are then able to summon any of the 4
bosses and Valthalak at any time you want. You also get a book about
the summonable bosses.

4. 45 Baron Run

- The most efficient classes to use in the party would be of course a
warrior (to tank) and a mage to sheep the occasional humanoid and for
ranged DPS. A great class to have is a priest so they can shackle
all those pesky undead mobs, along with healing of course. Any other
DPS class would be great for the remaining two classes like for
example a rogue and warlock. And of course, these guys should all be
60 to make the run more efficient.

- It would be a very good idea to stock up on mana pots, health pots
and heavy runecloth bandages. You should use the bandages on
yourselves or other people a lot to save the healer mana and a lot of

- You must constantly be pulling mobs. Always concentrate on the mob
with the lowest health first, then the next mob and so on and so
forth. You should only sit down to eat or drink for maybe a few
seconds before getting back up and fighting more mobs.

- If anything green or above drops, greed it all no matter what item
it is. You simply don’t have the time to discuss on who will get the
loot. If something epic drops, don’t argue over it, just need it and
go on with your life.

- When you need to kill the guys in the ziggurats, just have your
mage go in there with his ice shield and have him AOE the mobs in
there to death. While he’s doing that, have the party go ahead and
work on other mobs on the path to the Baron.

Baroness Anastari – Before you face her, take out the mobs in the
courtyard-type place near her, and then take out the mobs to the left
of her. You don’t need to kill the mobs to the right, since they
shouldn’t aggro when you pull the baroness herself. When fighting
her, just DPS the crap out of her. If she mind-controls anyone, DPS
the person down fast so you can once again concentrate on the

Nerub’Enkan – After Miz Anastari is dead, head towards
Nerub’enkan. Kill the mobs on the right side of the street and avoid
the mobs on the left. Once you get to the ziggurat, kill the mobs to
the left of the ziggurat, then pull Nerub toward you without pulling
the mobs on the right.

Maleki the Pallid – Go through the rat trap near Nerub’s house
(remember about all those rabid undead rats), then take out
patrolling mobs. Go along the right side of the fountain around the
corner, taking out mobs along the way. When you get to the stairs,
take out the mobs to the left of the stairs first, then take out the
mobs on the stairs. Ignore the mobs to the right and fight Maleki
where he is standing.

Ramstein the Gorger – After Maleki, go along the right wall and
go through the gate without pulling the left mobs or Magistrate
Barthilas to the right (you can take down the magistrate after you
defeat Rivendare). Once you get into the gate, start pulling
abominations immediately. It’s better to do it one at a time, but if
you’re in somewhat of a rush, It might be safe to pull two. Remember
to AOE the bile things that spawn when Bile Spewers die. When there
is one last abomination, fully heal up, then kill it. Rammstein
should then come out. Once he’s dead, a group of elite skeletons
will come out of the slaughterhouse. Once they’re dead, a lot of
non-elite skeletons will come. Simply AOE them to death, then head
into the slaughterhouse to fight Baron Rivendare.

Baron Rivendare – You don’t have to defeat the baron to stop the
time, but you need to at least start fighting him to stop the time
limit. If you have quite a bit of time left, take your time in
getting ready. Once you’re good, start the fight and the time limit
should stop. Remember to AOE his skeletons when they spawn and DPS
the good baron to his doom.

NOTE: If you wipe on Baron Rivendare, he will immediately kill Ysida,
causing a shockwave of anger and frustration of your party members
and the inevitable “/leave party” command...

5. Bosses

MOVES: - Summons 4 non-elite Skeletons every 10-15 secs
- Shadowbolt Volley
- Bone Shield

STRATEGY: This guy isn’t very hard. Simply DPS him down
while doing crowd control on the skeletons. When he summons
skeletons, have the mage (or whoever is doing AOE) break DPS and
AOE the suckers down. At one point, Kormok will summon 2 elite
skeleton mages that will use a Fire AOE every 5 secs, and will
immediately focus on your healer. Have everyone except the tank
break DPS from Kormok, DPS the mages down, and continue working
on Kormok. He will summon those type of guys for the rest of
the fight.
Kormok also casts a Bone Shield that he casts on himself. If
any melee attacks are done with the shield up, it will reflect
shadow damage back at them. If you see it go up, simply dispel

Note: He puts the shield up at the beginning of the fight, so
don’t forget to dispel it then!

Jarien and Sothos

- Cleave

- Fear
- Random Charge
- Shadowbolt Volley

STRATEGY: This fight may be a little tricky, but it
isn’t too hard. It doesn’t hurt to take along a few extra
Shadow Protection potions (or just have your priest buff Shadow
Protection on you) as well. Usually it’s best to take out
Sothos, as he likes to randomly charge people, fear a lot, and
do some nasty damage with his Shadowbolt Volley. Have an
offtank tank Jarien while Sothos is being killed. When Sothos
id dead, his spirit will come and help in the fight against
Jarien (although it’s not much).
Jarien isn’t too hard as all she has is a Cleave attack, but it
does around 1000 damage to everyone in the room everytime she
does it, so DPS her down quick.

Mor Grayhoof

MOVES: Caster Form: - Shapeshift
- AOE Moonfire
- Hurricane
- Rejuvenate
- Healing Touch

Bear Form: - Maul

Cat Form: - Sunder Armor (?)

Sprite Darter: - Sleep
- Arcane Explosion
- Reflection

STRATEGY: This may seem hard with all the forms, but
it’s not. Just think of fighting an elite druid with powerful
attacks. Anyways, he starts out in his Caster form. Be careful
of his AOE attacks Hurricane and Moonfire, especially Moonfire.
The magic effect should be dispelled immediately by your priest
or paladin (if one is there). He is also able to heal himself,
as all druids can.
Once he is at around 75% health, he’ll shift into Bear form.
Not exactly challenging, since all it did was give him increased
armor and more attack power.
At 50% health, he switches to Cat form, boosting his attack
power more and gaining a stackable ability similar to Sunder.
Healers should be overhealing the tank when he’s sundered.
At 25% health, he changes into a Sprite Darter. This little guy
can be slightly annoying, since he randomly sleeps a party
member. He also has Arcance Explosion and a thing called
Reflection, which is a shield he puts up. It reflects all
spells back at the caster for about 10 secs.


MOVES: - Heal
- Starfire
- Root
- Summon Hippogryph

STRATEGY: This boss is a joke. About 10 secs. into the
fight, she’ll summon her pet hippogryph. DPS the thing down and
concentrate on Isalien. Her Starfire does decent damage, but
nothing to worry about. She can also Root people in place, but
it’s no big deal. The thing you should worry about most is her
healing spell. Whenever possible, you should interrupt her when
she is healing. Otherwise, it’s gonna be a long fight.

Lord Valthalak
- Shadow Wrath
- Life Drain
- Summon Spectral Assassins
- Enrage
- Shadowbolt Volley

STRATEGY: This is the most challenging boss in the quest
chain. He has three distinct phases, the first of which is
slightly complicated. It is a very good idea to stock up on
Shadow Protection potions for the third phase.

PHASE ONE: Have the main tank get 5 sunders on Val and have
him face away from the raid. Once the sunders are up, DON’T DPS
until Val has his mana drained. It makes the fight MUCH easier.
Once it’s drained, DPS can start (remember to keep his mana
drained). Have melee chars stay at max range from Val so Shadow
Wrath doesn’t jump from the tank to the melee chars. Shadow
Wrath also heals Val every time damage is done with it. His
Life Drain is also able to jump from people. This must be
interrupted whenever it is done, since it heals Val. If
possible, mana drain Val so he won’t be able to do some of his
moves. Val also summons two Spectral Assassins which cast a
spell called Defile, which basically kills the player instantly
after 10 secs. Have hunters and rogues DPS them down before
they get a chance to finish casting their spell. It’s also
possible to use stun spells and scattershot from the hunters to
disrupt the assassin’s spellcasting.

PHASE TWO: When Val is at 40%, he gets Enraged and starts
hitting really hard. To make it easier on your life, DISARM
him. Trust me, it helps a lot. In this stage, he won’t summon
the annoying Spectral Assassins, so you can keep steady DPS on
him. Remember to always keep his mana drained. When he gets to
around 20%, drink a Shadow Protection potion, since you’ll be
getting hit with shadow spells.

PHASE THREE: This phase starts when he is at 15% health.
This is basically like phase two, except now he casts Shadowbolt
Volley on everyone in the raid. Use a Shadow Protection Potion
if you haven’t already, and DPS the crap out of him. Again,
always have his mana drained.

6. Tier 0 Armor Locations

For those of you who want to get your tier 0 armor and upgrade it to
0.5, or just want to get tier 0 armor and screw over 0.5, here is a list
of the locations of the tier 0 armor for each class.


Wildheart Raiment

Wildheart Bracers: Stratholme (various mobs)
Scholomance (varios mobs)

Wildheart Belt: Scholomance (various mobs)
Blackrock Spire (various mobs)

Wildheart Gloves: Stratholme (The Unforgiven)
Blackrock Spire (various mobs)

Wildheart Boots: Blackrock Spire (Mother Smolderweb)

Wildheart Kilt: Stratholme (Baron Riverdare)

Wildheart Spaulders: Blackrock Spire (Gizrul the Slavener)

Wildheart Cowl: Scholomance (Darkmaster Gandling)

Wildheart Vest: Blackrock Spire (General Drakkisath)


Beaststalker Armor

Beaststalker’s Bindings: Blackrock Spire (various mobs)
Stratholme (various mobs)

Beaststalker’s Belt: Blackrock Spire (various mobs)

Beaststalker’s Glove: Blackrock Spire (War Master Voone)

Beaststalkers Boots: Stratholme (Nerub’enkan)

Beaststalker’s Pants: Stratholme (Baron Rivendare)

Beaststalker’s Mantle: Blackrock Spire(Overlord Wyrmthalak)

Beaststalker’s Cap: Scholomance: (Darkmaster Gandling)

Beaststalker’s Tunic: Blackrock Spire:(General Drakkisath)


Magister’s Regalia

Magister’s Bindings: Blackrock Spire: (various mobs)

Magister’s Belt: Stratholme: (various mobs)

Magister’s Gloves: Scholomance: (Doctor Theolen Krastinov)

Magister’s Boots: Stratholme: (Hearthsinger Forresten)

Magister’s Leggings: Stratholme: (Baron Rivendare)

Magister’s Mantle: Scholomance: (Ras Frostwhisper)

Magister’s Crown: Scholomance: (Darkmaster Gandling)

Magister’s Robes: Blackrock Spire: (General Drakkisath)


Lightforge Armor

Lightforge Bracers: Scholomance (various mobs)

Lightforge Belt: Stratholme (various mobs)

Lightforge Gauntlets: Stratholme (Timmy the Cruel)

Lightforge Boots: Stratholme (Balnazzar)

Lightforge Legplates: Stratholme (Baron Rivendare)

Lightforge Spaulders: Blackrock Spire (The Beast)

Lightforge Helm: Scholomance (Darkmaster Gandling)

Lightforge Breastplate: Blackrock Spire(General Drakkisath)


Vestments of the Devout

Devout Bracers: Stratholme (various mobs)

Devout Belt: Blackrock Spire (various mobs)

Devout Gloves: Stratholme (Archivist Galford)

Devout Sandals: Stratholme (Maleki the Pallid)

Devout Skirt: Stratholme (Baron Rivendare)

Devout Mantle: Blackrock Spire (Solokar Flamewreath a.k.a Father

Devout Crown: Scholomance (Darkmaster Gandling)

Devout Robe: Blackrock Spire (General Drakkisath)


Shadowcraft Armor

Shadowcraft Bracers: Scholomance: (Instructor Malicia and various mobs)

Shadowcraft Belt: Blackrock Spire (various mobs)

Shadowcraft Gloves: Blackrock Spire (Shadow Hunter Vosh’Gajin)

Shadowcraft Boots: Scholomance (Rattlegore)

Shadowcraft Pants: Stratholme (Baron Rivendare)

Shadowcraft Spaulders: Stratholme (Cannon Master Willey)

Shadowcraft Cap: Scholomance (Darkmaster Gandling)

Shadowcraft Tunic: Blackrock Spire (General Drakkisath)


The Elements

Bindings of Elements: Stratholme (various mobs)

Cord of Elements: Blackrock Spire (various mobs)

Gauntlets of Elements: Blackrock Spire (Pyroguard Emberseer)

Boots of Elements: Blackrock Spire (Highlord Omokk)

Kilt of Elements: Stratholme (Baron Rivendare)

Pauldrons of Elements: Blackrock Spire (Gyth)

Coif of Elements: Scholomance (Darkmaster Gandling)

Vest of Elements: Blackrock Spire (General Drakkisath)


Dreadmist Raiment

Dreadmist Bracers: Blackrock Spire (various mobs)

Dreadmist Belt: Scholomance (various mobs)
Stratholme (various mobs)

Dreadmist Wraps: Scholomance (various mobs)

Dreadmist Sandals: Stratholme (Baroness Anastari)

Dreadmist Leggings: Stratholme (Baron Rivendare)

Dreadmist Mantle: Scholomance (Jandice Barov)

Dreadmist Mask: Scholomance (Darkmaster Gandling)

Dreadmist Robe: Blackrock Spire (General Drakkisath)


Battlegear of Valor

Bracers of Valor: Blackrock Spire (various mobs)

Belt of Valor: Blackrock Spire (Highlord Omokk)
Stratholme (various mobs)

Gauntlets of Valor: Stratholme: (Ramstein the Gorger)

Boots of Valor: Scholomance (Kirtonis the Herald)

Legplates of Valor: Stratholme (Baron Rivendare)

Spaulders of Valor: Blackrock Spire (Rend Blackhand)

Helm of Valor: Scholomance (Darkmaster Gandling)

Breastplate of Valor: Blackrock Spire (General Drakkisath)

7. Contact Info

My e-mail is If you want to
e-mail me, here are the things I would like in the e-mails to me and
what I don’t want

What I want

- Criticism that doesn’t contain anything stupid
- Asking for permission to use my FAQ on your site
- Info that could be added to the FAQ

What I don’t want

- Criticism consisting of “UR FAQ IS GHEY”
- Asking for my personal information
- Giving info that is already in the FAQ
- Anything else that I probably won’t care about

If you want to contact me in-game, my char name is a 60 Tauren
warrior, named Ranglor on the Greymane server. But only contact me
for a good reason, otherwise you might find yourself on my ignore

8. Credits

Thanks to:

- for some of this info
- Gamefaqs for posting my FAQ of course
- Daniel Hnizdo for politely reminding me that you actually can get
the Ember, Incendicite and Cynder from the three kings of flame
during a raid, and for telling me to put a Boss section.

Copyright omegachaos 2006.

THE END. Now go upgrade your armor n’ stuff.

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Hunter Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

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Shaman Guide
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