Full Spectrum Warrior - Ten Hammers

Full Spectrum Warrior - Ten Hammers

14.10.2013 07:23:31
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For PC
Version 1.0
By Chris Zawada
User: antseezee
E-mail: antseezee@epix.net
Website: www.antseezee.com
Created: 11/26/06
Last Update: 12/2/06
Copyright 2006 Chris Zawada

Author's Note
Strategy games involving first person shooter elements are rare and odd
between. You may occasionally find a beautiful title like Battlefield 2 or Halo
2, but none of them really place THAT much emphasis on strategy. For the most
part, it has to do with running and gunning. Full Spectrum Warrior was one of
the first games to incorporate a strategy-only element, in a first-person
shooter like environment. With similarities to Brother in Arms, FSW: Ten
Hammers is the sequel to the original Full Spectrum Warrior. With every element
included from the original game, you must tactically guide U.S. Forces against
insurgents in the country of Zekistan. Will you thrive as the commander of your
batallion and lead your forces to victory or suffer a frail defeat?

If you have any contributions, feedback, or strategies you'd like to have
added to the guide, contact me via e-mail or on GameFAQs. I'll be more than
content to add your segment of information, and will also provide credit. If
you have any questions you'd like added to the Common Questions section, ask.
I simply don't have the time to sit around thinking of questions. Provide me
with what you want to know!

=12/2/06= v1.0
Completed the FAQ. This game was very difficult and I would have to rank it up
there with Men of Valor as one of the hardest modern shooters I have played to
date. Nonetheless, I was disappointed that there was no way to test or play
multiplayer games (even as a host by yourself). The lack of popularity for
this game is somewhat alarming.

=11/26/06= v1.0
Started the FAQ. Doing this guide mainly due to the bounty, but it's actually a
pretty fun game that often gets overlooked because it involves "strategy" only.
Expecting to finish it sometime around next week.

- I've now added a Quick Search function to the guide. Press CTRL + F, and
type in the designated (#.#) to be quickly forwarded to that specific section
of the guide.

- Table of Contents -
1) Introduction
2) Game Basics
> Controls
> Screen HUD
3) Single-Player Walkthrough
> Marching Orders (3.1)
> To the Rescue (3.2)
> The Monastery (3.3)
> British Invasion (3.4)
> Art of War (3.5)
> The Tien Hamir Bridge (3.6)
> Walking on Water (3.7)
> Scylla and Charybdis (3.8)
> Rain of Fire (3.9)
> Broken Men (3.10)
> The Lost Squad (3.11)
> Last Stand (3.12)
4) Types (4.1)
> Troops
> Vehicles
> Bonus Material
> Mission Performance
5) Multiplayer (5.1)
> Descriptions
6) Codes
7) Common Questions
8) Copyright/Distribution/Reproduction Guidelines
9) Proper Credits


- 1) Introduction -
Time and time again we see the same repetitive elements popping up in every
single shooting game. You point, you click, and boom - the enemy is dead. The
Full Spectrum Warrior series was originally started by Lucas Arts with the
intention of creating a shooting game that focused entirely on strategic
elements as opposed to "shooting" elements. Also developed in conjunction with
the U.S. military to be used as a simulator for American troops, the FSW engine
is basically a tactical based game with great graphics, but some harsh

Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers is the sequel to the game (not an
expansion). The gameplay continues where the first game left off, placing you
in a country called Zekistan where numerous groups are conflicting over engaged
territory. Your goal is to act as peacekeepers in the region, however, your
presence is very unwelcomed. The actual gameplay takes place from the third-
person, where you must move your soldiers to certain locations, and then select
"fire zones" to cause them to aim at an area. The game promotes tactical
distribution by allowing you to control multiple squads, or divide a squad into
pairs for advanced tactical maneuvers. What makes the game challenging is a
steep difficulty curve even on the lowest difficulty setting, making this a
challenge for even some veteran gamers out there. Some first-person shooting
elements are included, such as being able to manually aim from the scope of
certain soldiers, or for tossing grenades. Plus, Ten Hammers now allows players
to control vehicles on the battlefield to assist in the conflict of Zekistan.


##### GAME INFO #####
Players: 1-8 (online play)
Developer: Pandemic Studios
Released: 2006
Rarity: uncommon
Special Features: online play, voice over internet
ESRB: Mature
Cover Art on box:
- Shows soldier looking back in a moderate war zone

> Windows 2000/XP or better
> P3 1.5Ghz or better
> 256MB RAM +
> CD-ROM Drive (To install)
> 2.56GB+ free HD space
> DirectX 9.0c
> 64MB Video Card or better (GeForce 3 or ATI 8000+ series)


- 2) Game Basics -
The control scheme for FSW: Ten Hammers is fairly complicated, although it was
designed for primarily mouse or (if desired) keyboard use. The main key is that
the mouse will be used for targetting assignments and picking locations to
move. The keyboard will be used as a quick shortcut for switching squads or
selecting certain options.

Mouse - Look around, aim
Left Click - Action, confirm
Right Click - Action movement cursor
Mouse Wheel - Bring up precision fire, zoom in or out
Tab - Switch teams
W - Select team leader (TL)
A - Select grenadier
S - Select rifleman
D - Select automatic rifleman
Space - Cancels action, important button
E - Enter precision fire mode
F - Frag grenade
1 - Select team 1
2 - Select team 2
C - Take cover
T - Type team message in multiplayer
Y - Type global message in multiplayer
CTRL - Call radio button, report
R - Reload menu
G - Smoke grenade
V - Set fallback point
B - Fall back
H - Hot move
I - Interact, use button

/Screen HUD/

| [-----]|
| [ [1] ]|
| [-----]|
| |
| |
| |
| | |
| -- -- |
| | [2] |
| |
| /\ |
| /-----\|
| < [3] > | ||
| | [5] ||
| \/###>>[4] \-----/|

Meaning Key:

[1] - Minimap - Shows what you're currently looking at along with
your positioning.

[2] - Crosshair - Shows your current selecting icon, fire zone marker
or precise aiming.

[3] - Soldier Selector - Shows what soldier is currently selected in
the squad.

[4] - Weapon Indicator - Shows weapon type and how much ammo left in
clip along with % of clips in reserve.

[5] - Danger Meter - Shows how much enemy fire you're currently taking,
or how little exposure you have. Greater meter is
filled, higher risk of death.


- 3) Single-Player Walkthrough -
This is by far the most difficult feature of FSW: Ten Hammers - completing the
game fair and square. Even on the easiest difficulty, an exposed troop will be
easily mowed down by the opposition. It is essential to correctly guide your
troops to safety in order to complete the campaign. This section will guide you
step-by-step on how to complete the game. The walkthrough was played on
Sergeant difficulty.

"> There are 3 difficulties - Sergeant, Sergeant Major, and Authentic. The
only difference is that enemies tend to be stronger on the opposition and
may possess 1-2 additional flanking tactics.

/Marching Orders (3.1)/
Difficulty: ***
Main Goal: + Tutorial
+ Recover lost Delta team
+ Rescue wounded soldier(s)
+ Fend off insurgent rush

*A short video shows a news reporter talking about the situation in
Zekistan. Apparently there is an intense conflict going on that is causing
problems throughout the region between numerous factions. The reporter gets
shaken up when a nearby American APC is heavily damaged. We fast forward to
the battlefield where the reporter decides to tag along with some nearby

- The game will start off in a partial tutorial mode. Follow the text tips
displayed at the top of the screen EXACTLY as they say. The idea is to get your
introduced into the game, but more importantly, progress the level. Meet up
with the Bravo squad. You're told to sweep the nearby area. Bravo will go one
way, while you sweep the other way. Follow your new marker. Take cover at the
nearby wall. You will have to issue your first fire zone. Left click the mouse
to bring up the fire zone targeter, and aim it at the insurgents. Boom, both
men should die with ease. Congratulations, you killed someone.

- When you reach the next wall for cover, you'll have to toss a grenade. You
can press G, or simply hold down the left mouse button, and then highlight
frag. Once it is selected, move the aiming reticle up or down and project it so
the grenade will land between the two insurgents. Toss it and watch the men get
blown to pieces. Move forward as instructed. This next part takes some
practice. Move to the cover, then press D to pick the machinegunner. Now, press
and hold E to bring up precision mode. Precision mode is the only way to shoot
the gun by yourself, however, it exposes your soldier. DO NOT hold E down too
long. Hold it down quickly, then left click and your auto rifleman will lay
down suppressive fire. The other squad will flank the tangos and nail them.
Again, you will have to use precision fire with your team leader. You will
notice the team leader's rifle zooms in after you press E. Left click and let
go of E, and your TL should snipe the tango straight ahead. If he doesn't, redo
the command until you take him out.

- You will have to split up your squad into a buddy team. Right click-once,
then press 2 to divide the squad. You can switch between partners with A & W.
Place the one partner group on the left side, and other on the right. Have both
of them aim fire zones at the enemy. Your AI-controlled squad will flank both
groups of enemies and nail them. Hoorah. You'll have to regroup the team by
clicking right click, then holding down the left mouse button and highlighting
regroup. Move to the next point. Do a manual aim with the M203 nade launcher,
and pelt a round at the insurgents behind the car. Again, repeat the same
grenade round at the barricaded door to destroy the entrance to their hideout.
Now, proceed right and follow your orders. You'll end up running up a
staircase. Go to the window, and do a normal fire zone on the 3 insurgents
below. No need for precision fire, your elevated position is enough to remove
the threat.

- Regroup downstairs and move ahead. A nearby Humvee let's you know that Delta
team is lost nearby. Your mission is to recover them. You'll now have control
of a second team called Alpha. To switch between teams, press TAB. Now you'll
be commanding two squads, so don't forget to switch to Alpha or Bravo to
progress the level. Move Alpha to the next point. Have them lay down a fire
zone on the enemy. Flank with your other team by following the arrows. Reach
the designated point, then do a fire zone on the lone enemy. Move ahead so that
you're behind this next insurgent, and nail him with a fire zone as well. Now,
switch back to Alpha. Press CTRL to access the radio. Select to call the
Bradley armored vehicle by pressing Enter. Switch to Bravo and access the radar
by holding TAB. Pick the C-marked item on the map (your Bradley). Now you'll be
able to control this monstrous vehicle.

- The Bradley works just like your troops. Move by right clicking and selecting
a spot, and aim with the left click fire zone. You can manually aim by holding
down E. There will be about 6 enemies total, some along the rooftops. Guide the
Bradley to the destination and destroy the 2 enemy vehicles near Delta team.
Use tab to switch and issue both squads to Delta's position. A nearby RPG will
almost pelt your Bradley so it quickly retreats out of the area. You pick up
the wounded soldier, order a movement command, but hold the left mouse button
over the body. Have one of your men pick him up. Now, start to move towards
extraction. You'll reach an area with a tight tunnel and some good enemies
firing at your directly. Issue one squad to hide behind the little stone. Toss
a smoke grenade by holding down the left mouse button and selecting smoke.
Place it in the opening so your other squad can flank for cover. I used frag
grenades to rid of the two insurgents. Use another smoke grenade to distract
them. If they start running from the spot, issue the other squad to fire zone
on them. Precision shot works well, but make sure it's a quick shot.

- Continue onward, and again, you'll have a flanking route. Have on squad
station left, and the other flank right. Smoke 2 grenades as distraction and
have the squad on the right nail the one insurgent who runs in this back alley.
Then, have the other squad move up a bit and start firing at the man in the
peep-hole wall. Again, use a frag grenade or flank with one squad (while the
other suppresses) to kill him. Move to the white circle where the humvee is. If
you have any soldiers with wounded soldiers, left-click over the white circle
and select CASEVAC. This will evacuate your wounded men. You can also resupply
the other squads. Your men will start scrambling as insurgents are surrounding
them. Both squads will automatically seek cover. In order to live, you're going
to have to switch to the Delta humvee. It will swivel into a niec mounted spot.
Hold down TAB and switch to Delta by clicking on D on the map. The 50 CAL can
rape infantry, but it must be aimed. Aim straight ahead at the group of men.
They will get slaughtered. Watch the left flank though as multiple insurgents
will rush it. Have Alpha do a fire zone, and switch back to the Humvee and fire
zone towards the encampment to the left. When most of them are dead, switch
back to fire straight ahead. Finally, an Apache will assist in killing the
Zekistan rebels.

*Your men are excited over the adrenaline rush. However, that's not all.
HQ was receiving a garbled radio transmission regarding help. They are
unsure of who it is, but they know this person/soldier needs help. Your
next mission is to find them.*

/To the Rescue (3.2)/
Difficulty: ***
Main Goal: + Rescue wounded Warlord
+ Reach roadblock detonator
+ Blow roadblock
+ Reach bus depot

*Apparently, the weak radio signal was coming from a fellow American colonel
who is trapped in the city. He needs immediate help. There is also a
wounded warlord that the Americans must retrieve from a local marketplace.*

- This next part can be tough for those of you who don't divide your squads
into partners. If you don't divide into partners, you'll find that you'll take
more casualties. Start off by dividing both squads by right clicking and
pressing 2. Take one squad left, and one squad right of the market. Now, have
one partner team lay down a fire zone on the enemy. Move the second partner
team behind one of the cars. Have this partner team fire. Use precise fire and
fire when the target exposes himself, or decides to run to the nearby
barricade. As for the right side, you'll want to repeat this technique. Put one
partner team against the brick wall, and another behind the car. Start firing
with both to cover one while squad moves. Get the partner teams gradually
closer, and use precise fire techniques to pick off the men.

- Once the initial defense of the insurgents is down, move one partner team on
BOTH sides of the marketplace near the two main entrances. DO NOT move the
entire squad on the right side. One sneaky insurgent will try to attack you
guys with your back turned. Have the one partner team cover. Once the exterior
men are all dead, now it's time to move in. Keep the partner teams as they are.
Have one partner team go left, and one go right. You will find 3-4 insurgents
in the marketplace, and they will most likely run to the far side barricades.
Have one team fire, and have another throw a grenade behind them. This should
flush the enemy out. Quickly shoot him him. Repeat this for the opposite wall,
then proceed to the center where you will find the wounded warlord laying on
the ground. Have one squad pick him up.

- I have found that if you don't do the partner technique, it becomes difficult
to flank and get an advantage on these enemies. Regroup your partner teams by
right clicking then holding down the left click and selecting regroup. Once the
warlord is picked up, let's get ready to move. Take the one squad with the
wounded warlord and place him at the CaseVAC. The white circle is left of the
green truck (off of the waypoint, so look for it). Move there and hold down the
left click to CaseVAC him.

- You'll receive new orders that one of your potential allies is somewhere
deeper near a bus depot. You'll have to try and retrieve him if he is still
alive. Regroup both squads down the right street. Go down the middle tunnel and
you'll notice a group of enemies to the left. Toss a smoke grenade as a
distraction, and have one squad go up the nearby stairs. Have them pop out of
the stairs and lay down fire to their left on the entrenched enemies. Have your
other squad do the same, and use precision fire to nail the tangos. Move ahead
with both squads, but send one squad back up to this upper room. Have them look
out the left window, and open fire on the lone insurgent. Then, have them move
to the other window while your second squad moves down the narrow alleyway.

- You'll run into some enemies to your left outside of this alleyway. Just have
one squad fire back at them. If they hide, toss a frag grenade behind the small
wall. Once they're dead, regroup both squads, and you'll notice a Bradley
bursts through the bricks. Regroup both squads behind the Bradley, hold down
CTRL, and call in the CaseVAC to your area. Resupply both squads while you're
here before moving. OK, now, select Charlie by holding down TAB and picking the
C icon on the map. Move down the street while engaging the enemy troops. Fire a
bit more, then go left, and engage the enemies at the roadblock. A BMP will
come onto screen. Precision fire by holding E and wait till it turns red. Do
this a few times to destroy the BMP. Move Alpha near the Bradley, and have
Bravo go right on the flank. You'll run into about 3 enemies or so on this
right flank. Initially you will see no one down this long alleyway. Watch out
for a sniper in the window. Use one of the block stones for cover, and precise
fire him. Move ahead to the end, then jut a left. Watch out for an immediate
enemy. Nail him as well. Run towards the roadblock and get to the detonator.
Move over it and hold the left click to pick it up. Now, press CTRL, and press
enter to use the detonator.

- With the roadblock blown, move the Bradley ahead. Jut left, and watch for 2
civilians around the corner. Don't precise fire until they're out of the way,
then fire at the RPG men. Use precise fire, as the cannon will do significant
damage to the 2 RPG insurgents. Move towards the roadblock to finish the level.

*Your troops advanced toward the colonel's position, but the signal is
coming in very weak. You try to tell him that it's only a matter of time
before he is saved.*

/The Monastery (3.3)/
Difficulty: ****
Main Goal: + Navigate through the heavy defenses
+ Search for Daniels

*Apparently, you can't get a clear transmission line to Daniels position.
HQ wants you to come back as the situation is dangerous as is, but Mendez
prefers otherwise. He wants to attempt to rescue Daniels. He tries to urge
Daniels to head back to HQ, but he refuses as well. OK, let's go save this

- You'll start off initially in a dangerous area. Move one squad to where the
left alley is, and have the other squad engage the accurate insurgent through
the diagonal opening. While this happens, have your flanking move squad move to
the corner of the left alley, and engage the sniper on the rooftop. Then, have
them move forward and flank the second insurgent. Both should die fairly
easily. Move ahead to the next corner by following the blue waypoint. This is
where it begins to get difficult. There will be a technical (a 50 CAL jeep)
that pulls up in the large area ahead with about 2-3 men. Here's how I made it
by. Get one squad and put them near the left side, but not behind the sandbag
just yet. Put another squad right of the square, but not too far so they'll be
exposed. Toss a smoke grenade with the left team, then, move behind the sand
bunker. Now, toss a frag at the technical jeep to scare it off. With the second
squad, put a fire zone on the nearby insurgents to the right. Flank with the
left team to kill them.

- Get both squads a bit further in this area, but don't go too far up. One lone
insurgent will pop out from the middle left door and surprise your men. Make
sure your men have cover along the right side of this area. Enter the narrow
tunnel towards the monastery gate. Up ahead will be another scattered area. You
will find about 5-6 enemies in this next part. One will be in the left
alleyway. I split one squad into partner teams, and took one partner team in
the left alleyway, while another partner team in the middle. Use your second
team to lay cover fire on the insurgents in the middle, and use the partner
team to lay down precision mode shots. This should kill the men. Feel free to
use frag grenades OR the apache call sign (hold down E with the Alpha squad,
and the TL will call in air support). You only have 2 callsigns with the
Apache, so use them wisely.

- Clear this area out and move ahead to the next narrow passageway. You'll see
a slightly open entrance with a civilian. She says there are soldiers up here,
and then gets shot. For this part, you need to use smoke grenades. Smoke the
front entrance, then get one squad next to the green dumpster. Now comes the
easy part. Pick the Grenadier in your squad with G, then precise aim 2 rounds
behind each of the enemies that appear on the upper balcony. They should die
easily. One enemy will be entrenched left of the building behind an object. Use
a frag grenade as he constantly ducks. Move into the left tunnel with both
squads and put your best shot behind the front dumpster. Three men will appear
from a far away distance, but they're unexposed. Use precise fire rifle rounds
to kill all 3 of them. Now, do a Hot move into the area where Daniels is
suppose to be. To do this, right click to move, but hold down the left click at
the destination, and select Hot. Your men will take care of a lone insurgent
who tries to trick you up above. Enter with both squads now.

- When you hot move, do it along the right side right where the gaping hole in
the wall is. If you don't, 2 insurgents will surprise ambush your men. Keep
Alpha here and set a fire zone at this gate entrance. This will prevent the
reinforcements from pelting your men. Meanwhile, send your other squad towards
the gate from the right wall (or use your other team). The game recommends
using the airstrikes, but you've most likely used them by now. Simply throw a
frag grenade or precise fire a M203 round at the gate to block their
reinforcements. Move both squads towards the marker to check the building.

*Daniels is dead. A civilian was trying to operate the radio, but the
garbled signal was a worthless effort. Your SGT tries to say otherwise, but
you know it was worthless.*

/British Invasion (3.4)/
Difficulty: ***
Main Goal: + Take out the RPG unit with the sniper
+ Rescue wounded soldier
+ Progress to soccer field

*A few details regarding the situation in Zekistan are revealed. Apparently
the leader of the terrorist laid out an emotional speech telling all rebels
to go and seek arms against the coalition forces. The governor of Zekistan
is pleading for coalition forces to assist him in ridding of this threat.
We fast forward in time to see Daniels scrambling to a British convoy for
help. Daniels has numerous men scattered and lost throughout this area. He
needs the Brits help. They somewhat refuse, but are engaged into action
when an RPG destroys a nearby car with some militia troops. This could be a
bloody hell.*

- You'll notice that you have control of a British squad, another British
squad, and a separate Charlie squad (who happens to be an elite sniper). Hold
TAB and switch to Charlie. Move the sniper to the wall corner, and then do a
precise aim on the RPG man. Nail his head. Then, do a fire zone to kill the
lone soldier who tries to engage you. Boom, this sniper is good. OK, now switch
back to the default squads and start moving ahead. Navigate them down the
street. You will hardly find any resistance except maybe one insurgent near the
market point. Bring Charlie close as well, but leave him to the rear for now.

- When you get near the end of the road, 2-3 men will take cover behind stone
encampments. What you need to do is precise fire them, or use a little smoke
for cover. Splitting up your current squad into 2 works as well. You CAN use
Charlie, but sometimes he won't fire because he'll be taking fire. Once the men
are dead, hold down CTRL and call in the CaseVAC. Move everyone ahead towards
the wounded soldier. Put Charlie in the roof area just left of the CaseVAC.
There should be stairs. Flank either squad in the right alleyway. Your humvee
should take care of the enemies straight ahead. While the one squad flanks
right, you'll have 1-2 enemies to deal with behind some barrels. Use
suppressive fire and precise firing techniques to eliminate him. You will find
the wounded soldier at the end of the lower right alley. Scoop him up, and
return him to the convoy. Put him on the white circle for CaseVAC (it's
slightly right of the parked convoy).

- It gets tricky from here on. You're going to run into enemies ahead, but they
will have the advantage in ambushing you. Before proceeding forward (you'll
know because a save point will trigger), toss a smoke grenade down the road.
Bring Charlie up to the front where he can provide some cover fire. There will
be 2-3 enemies patrolling on the ground level. Either bring both squads up, and
have one flank left while the other goes right, or divide a squad into partner
groups and do the same. Finish off the enemy, then call Charlie up again and
lead him to the next area. Have one of your main squads toss smoke down the
main road. Put Charlie behind the green station wagon, and do precise aiming
shots on the 3 men down this long road. Take out the RPG man on the very high
roof, then do a fire zone on the 2 remaining tangos. Bring up Alpha & Bravo for
support fire and move towards the soccer field entrance to end the level.

*Daniels is a bit pissed off that he let his men get trapped behind enemy
lines. He was out playing baseball while it happened. He's extremely
thankful the Brits decided to help him, since he thought they were arrogant
fools. I think not.*

/Art of War (3.5)/
Difficulty: *****
Main Goal: + Reach southern gate
+ Eliminate technical
+ Reach western gate
+ Take out snipers and open southern gate
+ Destroy weapons cache

*The British HQ wants their men to take out a nearby weapons cache that
coalition forces desire to be taken down. It will be your primary objective
before attempting to reach the bridge.*

- This mission will start off with no air support, however, you'll have 2
British squads to maneuver. Start off by moving down the left street. Peek out
as about 3-4 insurgents will sprint for cover. Place a fire zone and use
precise fire if it is hard to nudge down the targets. Then, right click for a
movement, and right click again but place your opposite squad on the nearby
wall. Repeat this technique to move one team, while the other team lays down a
fire zone of cover. There will be some stairs along the left side of the
street. Have one squad go up them, then cut a right down the hall, and make
ANOTHER sharp right. They should be facing the same street you were just on,
but looking towards the southern gate (which is the objective). Now, move your
opposite squad down the street so it triggers the spawning of 2-3 insurgents.
Use precise fire from this elevated position with the other team to take out
the targets, while your other squad distract fires. Move your other squad
towards the southern gate with cover from the opposite squad.

- When your squad near the southern gate gets close to it, the enemy will close
it. You'll have to reroute to the western gate. Backtrack, but now, move your
upstairs squad near the adjacent side (next window facing a new side, but not
the opposite windows). Move your primary squad on the street towards this new
area. You will find one tango right around the corner behind a box. Frag him,
and do a fire zone so he gets shot when he runs. Move ahead a bit but use a Hot
movement. Two to three men will come from the right, but without cover, those
insurgents will get raped. There are 2 more men around the left corner near a
marketplace with a civilian. Move your upstairs squad towards the window facing
this marketplace, but aim their fire zone away from the civilian on the left
(otherwise you get a more poor efficiency ratio). Flank with one squad while
the upstairs squad fires on them, and boom, they're dead. OK, now, look
slightly above this marketplace for a stairwell against an inner building. Move
a squad up the stairs, and move a ground squad towards the blue objective.

- You will discover a technical 50 CAL ahead, along with one guard. The key to
getting past this area is a little patience, and correct tactical decision
making. The squad on the ground should take cover behind the small shack just
south of this technical. Throw a smoke grenade in the middle of the street,
then move the squad across the street to the nearby building. Now, move around
the corner to the right, but DO SO WITH A HOT movement. There will be 2
insurgents on the roof, but they will be slow on reaction time. Use fire zones
or precise fire to take both of them out. You will have NO cover, so make sure
it's a hot movement. With both roof tangos out, enter the stairwell near the
end corner, then approach the window behind the technical jeep.

- Shoot the gunner, and toss a frag grenade on the technical to destroy it.
Flank with the other squad in the opposite window, and do a precise shot on the
exposed terrorist distracted by the first squad. Make sure to destroy the
technical (use a M203 round on your Grenadier if necessary). Now, move one
squad towards the blue marker but by the corner. Leave your roof squad behind
the technical where it was (they will provide cover fire). This next part is
tricky as there will be a center tower with one sniper, a courtyard with about
5-6 insurgents, and so forth. What you have to do is have one squad on the
ground take cover, and have them do a fire zone. Meanwhile, command the squad
in the upstairs area to move closer but near a corner in front of squad #1.
Repeat the swish swash tactic (one squad cover fires while other moves to get
advantage position). When the sniper appears in the center window, have one
squad cover fire to distract him. While he aims at that squad, have the other
TL do a precise fire shot on the sniper and hopefully kill him. Frag grenades
are VERY hard to get into the tower, and precise fire is your only practical
option. Don't forget to use smoke grenades to breach the courtyard while you do
flanking maneuvers to rid of the tangos inside it.

- Now you must continue north towards the Art center. Move one squad to the
left but DO NOT round the corner. Move one squad to the right, but use the
corner wall for cover. You will have 4-5 enemies here that have to be dealt
with. Do precise shots to take them out as they rarely use cover. Use a smoke
grenade if cover is necessary. Move to the south gate market, and interact with
the gate console by holding down the left click (after right clicking). With
the gate open, use your radio twice to call up the CaseVAC & Wolf. If you have
any wounded personnel, take them to the CaseVAC outside the south gate. If you
need ammo, resupply there (I recommend you do for at least 1 squad). Once
ready, the Wolf will start to engage enemies at the road block. Now, go all the
way back where your first squad was.

- Here comes the even harder part. Throw a smoke grenade and move one of your
squads facing this left courtyard that is adjunct off of your waypoint. There
will 5-6 insurgents that attempt to engage you. The key is to fight back using
a combination of both squads. Have one squad take the far left, and one on the
far right. Use cover fire from both squads to kill targets that retreat from
place to place. Use 1-2 frags to flush tangos out. Precise firing doesn't work
too well due to close proximity. When them dead, keep one squad facing this
direction (a few stray enemies may still live). Push forward with your
alternate squad down the main road. Up ahead will be a major ambush of enemies.
Use precise fire to pick off the lone targets near the stray bunkers and the
window snipers. Ignore the balcony sniper for now (he will be suppressed by the
Wolf gunfire). Push forward on the left flank while one squad cover fires. Move
this squad towards the main entrance, but you'll notice 1-2 enemies are
entrenched here. Throw a long frag grenade to kill them, and this should permit
entrance to the weapons cache building. Go inside and go up the right stairs.
Plant the C4 by interacting with the waypoint (right click then hold left
click). Now, retreat this squad out. Press CTRL to access radio and detonate
the C4.

*The weapons cache will explode. Your British troops took a few casualties
and HQ is generally angry as you've barely reached the bridge yet. British

/The Tien Hamir Bridge (3.6)/
Difficulty: *****
Main Goal: + Reach Captain Smithson's position
+ Defend the oncoming onslaught from the upstairs
+ Use the Bradley to take out infantry
+ Destroy the mines and clear a path for Bradley
+ Move forces to north side for defense

*Apparently, our HQ center is under heavy fire and is suffering numerous
casualties. While you and your men are exhausted, their importance is
crucial to the success of the coalition forces. Off we go to save our
fellow comrades.*

- When the mission first starts off, you'll find a small marketplace down the
alley and around the corner with numerous civilians. Start off by moving Bravo
behind the silver box just near your position. Do not set a cover fire zone,
but do a precise fire shot on the lone insurgent that appears out of nowhere.
Then, use a smoke grenade heave to display some fuzzy smoke for cover. Move
each squad up one by one, until 1-2 more enemies appear. Use cover fire
techniques, and manual launchers from the M203 to dispose of the targets. Move
one squad into the stairwell straight ahead (preferably Bravo). Move Alpha on
the ground, and just a right. Don't expose them to this large open area yet.
Have them go to the corner.

- This is where it gets tricky. There are about 7-8 insurgents spread out. 2-3
are on the far side of the building, while the remaining men are scattered in
this area. I found it best to remove the top threats first. Move your upstairs
squad topside and shoot down on the exposed soldiers. Now, move towards the
window where you will assist Bravo. Have Alpha cover fire from their corner,
then do precise fire shots on the exposed targets below. If you can't aim at
one of the men, toss a smoke grenade, and have Alpha advance further (but in
cover). You will want to use Alpha's Rifleman or M203 launcher to dispose of
the tangos. Move toward Smithson's building from the left, but do so with
cover. Two insurgents will appear near the stairwell entrance, but more
importantly, 2 will also appear right of Smithson's building.

- These men will attempt to ambush you. If you have cover, you won't suffer
casualties. If you don't, then you may lose 1-2 men. Pick up the wounded
soldiers and head inside.

*Smithson bitches that it took you forever to reach him. He now disregards
you with a new mission - to clear the bridge area. There may be mines on
the bridge, so they would have to be disposed of with C4. He is going to
coordinate your attack with an American armored unit for support. He will
also setup a CaseVAC area to the northeast.*

- This next part is tricky. Try to get it so one squad has all of your wounded,
or, you at least have one squad with 4 free men. Place one squad in this
upstairs area towards the south window. Split another squad so one can watch
the north side of the bridge, and another towards the west. From here, just
follow the waypoint instructions. Eventually, a Bradley will make it to the
battlefield. Press TAB and click on C to switch to the Bradley. Start firing
away. Don't forget that precise fire shoots shells which do explosive splash

- Now you will have to target enemies to the south from a marketplace. Lay down
cover fire as usual until the objective is complete, and it says to secure the
bridge to the north. If you check your radio, you have SEVERAL options. You
have 4 fire missions, which are basically mortar strikes. These rule in taking
out enemies. The key is to use the <- and -> arrows to switch between the
targets (they will be circled on the map). When you see enemies on the rail
bridge or in the area of the mortar strike, order it with the radio. You should
get some easy kills. Start moving the Bradley northward, but stop before the
big green mines on the bridge. Move on of your lesser wounded squads out of the
upstairs building to ground level. While the Bradley covers them, move your
squad north towards the mine. You have 2 options. You can plant explosives on
the mines by holding left click over the mines, OR use the Bradley precise fire
to eliminate them (little known fact). Whatever works best for you - do it.

- Not all 4 mines need to be destroyed. Just take out 2 so there is a clear
path for the Bradley. Move it forward, and it will stop because the bridge
doesn't look safe. Switch to your primary squad, and split it into partner
groups. Toss a smoke grenade with one partner group, and move it behind the
bulldozer. Move another partner group behind some debris and lay fire on the
rail bridge slightly to your upper left. Use precise fire is necessary. Inspect
the bridge by following the waypoints. You'll find one more row of mines ahead.
Disable them as usual (use explosives). Now, the Bradley will be able to move.

- Up ahead will not be a pretty site. A BMP will move into view with about 3
insurgents positioned behind bunkers. Immediately go into precise fire mode
with the BMP and start aiming shells at the shelling of the BMP. It will take
about 4 direct shots, but that should destroy it. Then, lay cover fire on the
infantry, and use precise fire to implode the insurgents hiding behind the sand
bunkers. Move an infantry group to the designated waypoint to complete the
level. Whew.

/Walking on Water (3.7)/
Difficulty: *****
Main Goal: + Destroy crane
+ Destroy weapons cache
+ Reach northern insertion point

*A new video is shown involving what happened with Daniels and his major
mistake. While he was playing baseball, he left one of his privates alone
at the soccer field, and that's when the rebels attacked and killed the
private. He vows to get vengeance and assist the Brits (who are now at the
bridge) under heavy fire. He has new orders from HQ, but he promises to do
his best. The nearby local you were playing baseball with wants to help out
in scouting out the area.*

- The key to mission is Achmed and precision fire. I struggled numerous times
trying to guide my squad through without the use of Achmed, and it generally
was futile. I would immediately be spotted, hope all of my squads had cover,
and then attempt to precise fire from behind a bunker. That does not work too
well. Instead, you must treat Charlie as your primary objective. Think of
Achmed as the spy with a disguise. While he isn't formally trained, and he has
an AK47, this guy can still precise fire. Lead him down the docks to the 2nd or
3rd sandbag. From here, look far to the left for a sniper on the roof of a
small dockhouse. Precise fire him.

- Now, 3-4 insurgents will be alarmed. Precise fire them as well (however, they
won't necessarily engage you unless they directly see you). Move Achmed through
the first land bridge, but do not go all the way as it will trigger a release
of enemies. Continue Achmed but jut a right after the first land bridge. Go
into the small boathouse, and go near the exit (but not down the long narrow
dock that leads towards the crane). Bring Alpha up near the first land bridge,
and move them to cover. Bring Bravo behind a wheelbasket in this area. One
enemy will be triggered in the upper right area where Achmed has passed. Kill
him. Next comes the hard part.

- Move Bravo along the left portion of the Y-split and move him to the corner.
One insurgent will be on a boathouse roof around the corner. Do a fire zone to
eliminate him. Move Alpha toward Achmed's position, but keep them back as we
don't want to trigger an enemy alertness to your position. Now, move Bravo
ahead and make them go right at the T. Keep them against the small stack of
2x4's, but not so much that they're exposed. Bring Achmed out to the long deck
behind the first sandbag. He'll immediately notice 1-2 insurgents. Have him
take cover behind the sandbag then do a precise fire. If you're pinned down,
use a frag grenade to scare one of the enemies off, then counter-fire. Once the
2 insurgents are down, move Achmed up to the next sandbag (past the block on
the ground). This will trigger the release of 3-4 insurgents. They will have
Achmed pinned down, and precise fire will be useless. With Bravo, toss a smoke
grenade left of the enemy's position. Move Bravo through once the smoke starts
fuming, and have them stop slightly left diagonal of the enemies. Now, toss a
frag grenade at the group of enemies.

- Then, place a fire zone on the group of enemies. The frag should kill 1-2
insurgents. Toss another one if necessary. When the smoke wears off, your 2 men
should execute the remaining insurgents. If they don't, use precise fire. This
will kill the inital bombardment of enemies. Now, move Bravo through this next
boathouse bridge, but stop them behind the blue refridgerator. Look to your far
left on a roof for a sniper. Precise fire him down. There will be another enemy
on the dock. Use Achmed to precise fire the fool. Now the initial defense of
insurgents is down. OK. Move Achmed up but NOT past the side doorway that leads
into this warehouse. There are 5 lovely insurgents inside the warehouse ready
to ambush anyone who walks by. Place Achmed behind some crates facing the open
doorway. Meanwhile, move Bravo around on the flank to cover the front doorway
(you'll also see the crane). Call for Alpha up to Bravo's position. Have Alpha
& Bravo each throw a smoke grenade so the entire front entrance to the
warehouse is blocked. Now, order Bravo to blow the crane (right click then hold
left click over the crane).

- Detonate the explosives with your radio. Immediately move Alpha to turn
around, and move them to cover. Two insurgents will ambush you from the rear.
Move Bravo over to Achmed's spot. With Achmed, you can precise fire a few of
the insurgents, but most will have sufficient cover. Use Bravo to lay down a
fire zone and deal out damage. Use a frag grenade, and finish off the remaining
insurgents in this warehouse. Back with Alpha, use the M203 grenade launcher on
your Grenadier in precise fire mode to rid of both threatning targets. If
Achmed is still alive, go to where the civilian waypoint is. You can resupply
ammo or bring wounded soldiers here for CaseVAC. I just resupplied Achmed since
he was raping it up to this point.

- OK, another crane must be dealt with. Bring Alpha & Bravo together towards
the next boathouse that heads towards the 2nd crane. Meanwhile, Achmed should
be slightly to the left on another flank. Bring Achmed to Alpha & Bravo's
position. Move Achmed ahead, but watch the right corner as a few insurgents
will flood out of the doorway. Nail the 1-2 men that pop out, then move Achmed
to the small front door. Call up Bravo, and have them go in front of this
warehouse. Make them go right though near the corner. Have Achmed act as a
distraction, but don't have him waste his ammo. Instead, move Bravo further
down the right side of this warehouse until you can sneak them near the lone
single door on the right. Open a fire zone on the 2 insurgents here behind the
stack of crates. If they retreat back, seek cover as they will have the
advantageous shots on you. With these 2 men down, have Achmed move into the
warehouse behind a box, and open a fire zone on the distracted insurgents. With
all 4 insurgents down, plant explosives on the weapons crate, and detonate with
the radio.

- If you have any wounded, take them to the civilian CaseVAC area. Resupply any
low ammo squads. Move Alpha to the rear, but not out of this area. Have them
view right of the bridge in the background, and an enemy will appear. Blast him
down. Regroup Bravo & Achmed on the front flank where the brown crates are and
a concrete dock that leads to this new warehouse. Have Alpha lay down support
cover. Gradually move Bravo and Achmed up. Have Achmed flank the right of this
warehouse, while Bravo covers the front. Use basic fire zones to deal with the
enemies. Move Alpha up to the front, then Bravo to the interior crate for
cover. Two to three men will be waiting in a small side room. Deal with them

- Finish the level off by moving Bravo in, and having Alpha flank to the left.
Alpha will find 2 men around the corner. Do a normal fire zone. Bravo will have
2 men right around this corner. Use a crate for cover and normal fire zone.
Move to the waypoint to complete the mission.

*You get an overview of the battlefield with numerous soldiers marching
through to victory. We hear commands being yelled out, and that it is our
turn to help the Brits.*

/Scylla and Charybdis (3.8)/
Difficulty: *****
Main Goal: + Secure bathhouse plaza for CaseVAC
+ Clear balconies of snipers
+ Take detour route to Parliament

*The major problem is that you have orders not to move north, otherwise,
you'll involve the coalition forces with an entirely different war going
on. However, you're suppose to move north to help the Brits out by
destroying the big artillery guns that the rebels have. Either way, Daniels
wants to repay the Brits for saving his life, and he plans on doing it by
destroying these bastardous weapons.*

- This is another fairly difficult mission thanks to your starting position.
Start off by moving out of the narrow hall and split Alpha into partner groups.
Send one group left, and one right. Have them set fire zones around the
corners. Now bring up Bravo, and have Bravo sprint to the next adjacent corner
past one that is covered. Don't worry, this two man team won't get shot. Now,
move this squad behind the enemy's position. Toss a smoke grenade around the
corner, then use a chair row for cover. Open a fire zone and start tossing frag
grenades at the combatants. This should make them scatter into Alpha partner
team's firing zones. If not, use precise fire to finish off the 4 men. With
this area clear, a CaseVAC will be opened up. Resupply any squads that wasted

- Jut a left towards the next waypoint. Regroup Alpha at the designated marker
behind the bathtubs. Open a fire zone and you'll nail a few of them. Use your
TL or Rifleman and do precise fire shots on the other men. DO NOT run to the
middle as there are 2 snipers (one on each vertical side) of the second floor.
Before moving Alpha, switch to the Grenadier, and zoom in with the mousewheel.
Look for a sniper that is not on your waypoint sighter, but on the second floor
(you can see his shadow through the balcony bricks). Fire a precise aimed
grenade at him to kill him. This means there is only one sniper left. Do a Hot
movement across the room with Alpha. The sniper will see you, but your men will
suppress fire to keep him distracted. Wait until your men are about 3/4 of the
way across and do a scout movement to quickly sprint to the stairs. The sniper
is most likely alive, but we want it that way for now.

- Go up 2 flights of stairs, then jut a right up the stairs. At this next part,
smoke the first corner opening. Peek out the corner and nail the sniper if
possible. If not, move to the next corner. Then do a fire zone to eliminate the
3rd floor theat. There are 2 3rd floor snipers, so make sure they're both
killed. You'll find one remaining sniper across the balcony. Do a fire zone to
kill him, and use precise fire mode with the grenadier to blast a M203 round
near the bastardous sniper. You'll know you've killed everyone here when the
game does a save. OK. Go down the stairs, and go right into the hallway. You'll
see an insurgent get exploded by an RPG round - hoorah! Send a partner squad
behind the pillar overlooking the balcony. You will find 4 insurgents total - 2
below, 1 on the far left tower, and 1 on a lower balcony below the high sniper.
Use the grenadier to take out the high threat, and your precise fire in rifle
mode to eliminate the sniper threat. Do fire zones to kill the men on the
ground. Frag grenades work as well.

- Once this area is cleared, your men report that the rebels are retreating.
Bring Bravo up here, and go down the stairs with both squads. Head towards the
exit. A coalition fighter will get gunned down in the street. Take out the
sniper down the street. Use your radio and call in the CaseVAC to the Bathhouse
exit. You will find the CaseVAC just by the stairwell at this exit area. Reload
your ammo, and send any wounded out. OK, regroup both squads to the exit area
and let's move. Move down the street to the corner. Again, move forward up to
the caravan, and peek out this corner at the marketplace. Two insurgents will
be on the roof, along with 2 in the marketplace. Fortunately, you will have
militia fighters that help out and will kill them. Flank left down and use the
side debris for cover. There are 3 men here, 1 initially, and 2 that pop out
from an open door on the left. Move your other squad around the right flank,
and once the area is clear, use your radio and order the militia to take the
first empty building.

- In the next segment, your men will comment on how it is too quiet. Move a
small partner team or Bravo to the wheel caravan and 5-6 insurgents will expose
themselves. An RPG will be directly above you on the roof, along with 3-4
across this plaza on the ground level. Order the militia men to invade the
nearby empty building via your radio. Now, take the fight back by either
grenade launching a precise shot at the RPG man, or fragging him. Deal with the
remaining insurgents by direct fire, a smoke grenade for cover, and/or frag
grenades. With this section clear, let's move to the last area. Order your men
to invade the last building with the radio. Move one squad to the end of the
street, but not around it. A MG nest will have you pinned down. There is also a
technical preventing the militia from advancing down the street. Take Bravo or
a partner team and flank along the right section of this area. Use your map for
reference. When you see the adjunct street to the encounter, smoke it for
cover, and continue to the right flank. The small square building just right of
the MG nest has stairs. Go up them, and peek out the window. Use a smoke
grenade first to block the technical's line of fire. Then, toss a frag grenade
at the technical. IF the man flees, do a fire zone to kill him. To finish off
the MG nest, toss a frag grenade, or launch a nade. Move one squad to the
waypoint to complete the mission.

*Your men are excited after encountering the dangerous technical. They also
feel somewhat fatigued but must move on for those trapped Brits.*

/Rain of Fire (3.9)/
Difficulty: ****
Main Goal: + Infiltrate the Parliament building
+ Take out artillery gun #1
+ Take out artillery gun #2

*After making an infiltration towards the artillery, the British Captain
informs you that he will have no choice but to shell artillery over the
interior of the city to take out the enemy mortar guns. Daniels pleads with
him to spare some time so he and his men can move to the area.*

- Right as you begin, there are 3-6 insurgents hiding behind the main entrance
and destroyed bus. Have Bravo set a fire zone on the doorway, and do precise
fire shots. Alpha can lay down suppressive fire to distract the fools. Toss
frag grenades to flush out any pinned-down insurgents. Move Bravo to the right
at the flanking doorway. Move Alpha in Hot movement directly ahead behind the
smoked bus. Move Alpha to this doorway with the hot movement. The scout
movement, while useful, does not provide the aggressive counter-fire that you
need with the hot movement. Take out the initial insurgent. Pop smoke if
possible and move Alpha in behind some cover. Frag the lone insurgent in the
upper left window with a well-aimed frag grenade.

- Now, you'll have to reach the stairs on the right side. Before going there,
it is eesential to do a cover fire zone to the left area of the temple. Two men
will pop out and try to nail anyone who goes for your stairwell. Use precise
fire to eliminate one of them, then do a flank with Alpha by a partner split to
eliminate the remaining tango. Take one of your partner squads up the right
stairwell. Do so by holding the left click over the stairwell, and select
Breach (this is like a hot movement up a stairwell). You'll have to proceed up
2 small rooms to reach the first artillery piece. Note that each of these rooms
has men in them. Use frag grenades to rid of insurgents behind concrete blocks,
and cover fire for remaining targets. When you reach the first arty piece,
don't charge to destroy it. Look right, and take cover by the lone pillar. Toss
a frag to eliminate the nearby insurgent, then, 2 more insurgents on top of the
temple roof will appear. Take cover behind a block away from them. Do a fire
zone to eliminate the exposed tangos on the roof. Destroy the arty by planting
explosives, then retreating to a safe distance, and detonating.

- You will inform Smithson that one arty piece is down. He says he cannot hold
out much longer. Hehe, right. A CaseVAC location will be moved right next to
the right stairwell. I recommend you use it to resupply grenades or ship out
any wounded. Move Alpha regrouped near the front door, but near cover. Two
insurgents will be there, one of which is armed with an RPG. Meanwhile, send
Bravo up the right stairwell, and have them toss a smoke grenade at the doorway
that is LEFT of the arty doorway. Then, have then move behind the sandbags. Do
a fire zone at the 3 insurgents in the next room, and toss a frag grenade in
the middle ot kill all of them. Hoorah.

- This next part will be difficult. Lead Bravo ahead till you see two
stairwells (one leads left, one leads right at a flanking position to this main
parliament room). What you want to do is lead Bravo along this right stairwell.
Do a breach movement, and have them seek immediate cover. There will be a 50
CAL sandbag gun firing on Bravo. Toss a smoke grenade out the window as a
destruction, then run across the small concrete bridge to the next room. Have
Bravo make their way around on this flank. When you reach the rear room, take
cover and do a fire zone at the enemies down the end of the room with all the
pews. Use precise fire if necessary. This distraction till take some heat off
of Alpha. With Alpha, breach them through the main door now. Use a smoke
grenade and do a hot movement. There should be no insurgents manning the 50 CAL
machine gun. Split Alpha into 2 groups. Have one go to the left corner, and one
to the right. Do fire zones to shoot these insurgents from their rear flanks.
Advance Alpha into the main room, and have them aim towards the upper left
where the waypoint marker is pointing.

- Advance Bravo down the end of that room, and more enemies will await you in
the small segment rooms leading up to the blue waypoint. Use frag grenades to
scare them off of precise fire to take out the tangos. Your game should
automatically save just before a tall stairwell. CaseVAC anyone or resupply at
the old marker from before. Bring Alpha to Bravo's position. Have Alpha toss a
smoke grenade up the stairwell. Do a breach movement and you'll find one lone
insurgent. Take him down. There's another descending stairwell. Drop another
smoke grenade down, and do a breach movement. Take cover at the nearest debris,
and take out the 2 insurgents down the hall. Move towards the waypoint, and the
mission will end.

*Right before you and your men can plant charges and destroy the second
artillery gun, the Brits cannot hold out any longer. Captain Smithson
decides to send out his own artillery barrage. Your squad leader orders his
men to get the hell out of here as he notices about 15-30 enemy insurgents
in the Parliament courtyard. It doesn't matter if you guys destroy gun #2,
there's a barrage of incoming fire. Your men start to retreat out, but your
squad leader gets rattled by a nearby friendly artillery shell. Your men
continue to retreat.*

/Broken Men (3.10)/
Difficulty: *****
Main Goal: + Find 2 American soldiers
+ Reach Embassy
+ Acquire empty BMP tank
+ Clear Bus Depot of enemy resistance
+ Reach Embassy again
+ Defend Embassy

*Your so-called off books mission to assist the Brits was a disaster.
Both rebels and the separatist faction in the country of Zekistan believe
coalition forces to be enemies, even though the separatist faction was
assisting the rebels in attacking coalition forces before the strike.
Nonetheless, war has erupted and more importantly, you and your men are
scattered. A squad is lost somewhere in the interior of the city whom you
must retrieve. Fortunately, Sgt. Daniels will be manning this mission
himself, along with two men. Note that if Daniels dies, you get a mission

- Yay, Daniels can't die. No surprise there considering he is the main
character of the game. I found it best to leave Daniels behind on this mission.
It's not for the sake of the ease of the level, but also for the fact that if
he dies, all of your progress is practically worthless. Simply leave him
behind. Alpha ahead to the corner. Nail the insurgent. From here, go spot-to-
spot on the side inlets of the street for cover. You will find 2-3 more
insurgents (including one around the right corner who executes a civilian). Be
careful. If you open a fire zone on civilians, and your crossfire kills the
civilian, you will be charged with the kill. If you let the terrorists kill the
civilians, the kills will not be accredited to you. Continue forth. Your two
squadmates will only be a short distance away. Reunite with them to get access
to both Bravo & Alpha squads.

- Now we have to make it to the embassy. Move Alpha to the corner, and snipe
the initial man with precise fire. DO NOT move the next corner. Instead, take
cover behind the sedan as an insurgent will appear straight ahead. Once he's
dead, call the next squad up while issuing cover fire. Move Bravo to the right
of Alpha, and snipe the long-range shooter in the distance with precise fire.
Advance Alpha up along the left flank, but NOT TOO FAR. Take them up halfway
before the T-split in the road. Move Bravo to the right, and you'll notice a
stairwell leads to the second-floor of a building. Move Alpha in a hot movement
up to the corner behind the sandbags. They should nail an enemy that runs out.
Move Bravo up the stairs, and lead them to the window. You'll have a guy near
the west gate who must be shot at (use a fire zone). Two more snipers will
appear in an exposed position for Bravo - end their lives.

- Now, run to the west gate. The embassy officer will inform you that most of
the wounded from the artillery strike need to be moved out of here. She is sure
that you and your men can help. Issue Bravo & Charlie move to the west gate
where Alpha is. Move towards the front of the embassy.

*A short sequence introduces us to Cpl. Bates who is skilled in the art
of bazooka firing. Actually, he is armed with an RPG. He mentions that
there is a bus nearby that can be used to transport the wounded. However,
the Americans must commandeer an abandoned BMP first.*

- Bates can now be controlled as a Delta team member. Remember to leave Charlie
behind as we need Daniels to survive to continue the storyline. Move a squad
ahead while you command Delta ahead. Place Bravo behind a car as well. The idea
is to use Alpha & Bravo as escorts for Delta. Once you spot the BMP, that's
where Delta becomes a useful tool. Move Delta to the designated blue box for
cover. The BMP will now aim at him. Flank ALpha on the left corner, and toss a
smoke grenade in front of the BMP towards Delta's position. Switch to Delta,
and the BMP will stop firing with the smoke deployed. Precise aim the RPG, wait
for the red dot, and fire. It takes 3 rounds to destroy this BMP. Once it is
destroyed, advance a squad to the next corner, and one lone insurgent will be
next to the empty BMP. Toss a smoke grenade for cover, advance up behind the
cars for cover, then precise fire the bunkered terrorist.

- Move Delta towards the empty BMP. He'll get in and start driving. All squads
will automatically follow him. This is where the game becomes a real pain in
the ass. Rather than whooping ass in the BMP, save it for now. Use Alpha &
Bravo to advance down the street towards the Bus Depot. You will encounter
about 2-4 RPG men total. The farther you advance the BMP down the street, then
more RPG shooters will spawn and attempt to disable your BMP. We do not want
this as holding the BMP is crucial in the bus depot section. You will know you
are close to the depot when there is a left curve, and a medic CaseVAC area to
the right. Place any wounded here, and call up Charlie along with all squads &
the BMP. Fortunately, Daniels receives radio contact from his fellow apache. He
is willing to lay support fire down to rid of the bus depot resistance.

- Move your BMP forward around the corner and look slightly left down the road.
Quickly do a precise fire tank shell shot at the opposing BMP. Repeat this 3-4
times to destroy their BMP. In the same process, your BMP will get disabled
from crappy design and Delta complains to you about it. You will notice a
technical jeep, and about 4-5 insurgents spawn down thr street. Place Charlie
at the street corner, and have Alpha/Bravo toss a smoke grenade near Charlie
for cover. Move Charlie to the nearest sandbag, and do a precise fire shot on
the technical. Hold it down long enough for the Apache to confirm your
coordinates. When the Apache comes in, it should slaughter the technical. Now,
bring up Alpha to Charlie's position, and have them rid of remaining
insurgents. Flank Bravo to the right side of the Bus Depot, and Alpha to the
left. Leave Charlie behind.

- If you want to play it risky, bring Charlie forward to the left corner, have
Alpha suppress fire, and have Charlie issue a coordinate strike on the
technical in the upper left corner of the depot. You can do that or toss a long
frag grenade to rid of it. Have Bravo pop its corner with a fire zone, and do
the same for Alpha. Do a hot movement closer so you can flank the enemies
firing at Bravo. Kill off the remaining insurgents, and a medic should pop out
into the bus. If you have wounded, retreat them back to the CaseVAC area from

- Now, go towards the West Gate of the embassy, and 2 insurgents will spawn
right next to the gate. Snipe them both. There should also be one enemy on the
other side of the west gate. Be careful as the gate slides open without
warning, so do a hot movement to kill him. Now we have to defend the Embassy
from a potential rebel raid. The waypoint marker says to put both squads in the
courtyard. Only put one squad in this center area. Place another squad in the
small square building right next to the courtyard (there are stairs). You must
first defend the northern gate. Point towards the marker and make sure both
Alpha & Bravo are facing it with sufficient cover. Place Charlie to the rear in
a safety spot so he doesn't die. Firing zones will eliminate most targets, and
there is no need for precision fire. You will have to defend the west gate
which is where you came in. Move your Bravo squad to the facing window, and
place Alpha on the building corner. Move Charlie to safety. Repeat the same
technique for the south gate. A technical jeep will screach into the courtyard.
Precise fire the gunner, then frag grenade the jeep for safe measures. Make
sure to move Bravo & Charlie to respective positions.

*The embassy doctor is grateful that you assisted in getting the bus &
for planning to move the wounded. Daniels says he is staying behind as 2 of
his men are unaccounted for. This could be interesting.*

/The Lost Squad (3.11)/
Difficulty: *****
Main Goal: + Secure first area
+ Call up convoy
+ Flank northern position
+ Secure second area
+ Call up convoy again
+ Flank right road to eliminate bunkered enemy
+ Destroy central building enemies
+ Kill IED man

*Seeing as you have a few men missing, it's necessary to stay back a bit
to find them. More importantly, you have to scout out the area ahead and
assume the passageway is safe for transport of the wounded civilians from
the interior of the city.*

- This definitely was one of the most frustrating missions right from the
start. You're basically on a street-cleaning mission, and the streets are
infested with these bastardous insurgents. What you have to focus on is correct
movement selection and lots of smoke grenades. Start off by moving Alpha to the
first corner. An insurgent is on a balcony, and capable of landing great shots
on you. You'll have to take him out with a precise shot. Once he's down, go
back and go up the main street. The game will even tell you to flank the other
way as the RPG man here is being a nuisance. When you move to the designated
spot, make sure you select HOT movement. Otherwise, the RPG guy will run and
fire a round on your team killing everyone.

- The hot mode will suppress the RPG guy. Frag the window to kill him, or use
the Grenadier in precise fire to nade a round near him. Down the road a bit are
2 insurgents. DO NOT use the cars for cover. As a matter of fact, they lack
cover and will get your team killed. Hug the inner section of the road for
cover. If the RPG man is still alive, you can junct a right at the T, and frag
him from here. Do not go down this middle street (which is straight towards the
objective). Instead, you want to take the left road where you saw those 2
insurgents. I must warn you that this road has lots of men lined up down the
road, however, it does not have a technical jeep or RPG ambushers waiting for
you. Use smoke grenades when 2 insurgents are behind debris, move to a closer
position, then frag the insurgents. Repeat this strategy, and feel free to call
up Bravo if you need their help.

- Near the end of this outside road will be an RPG firer. Smoke a grenade, then
use the grenadier in precise aim and fire a nade round near the left second-
floor balcony doorway. Again, do a hot movement so you're behind this technical
jeep, and take out the gunner. The jeep should skid away. Use your radio and
call up the convoy. You do not have a resupply option on this mission, so
conserve ammo if possible and use your precise aim as much as you can. This
next part is difficult as it takes patience and correct planning. Use Alpha,
and take them to the street corner after the bus takes some fire. After you
peek around the corner, you'll notice two rival factions are fighting each
other. Try to take out the two guys behind the bunker with cover fire and a
precise shot. Otherwise, the other enemy faction will do the job for you. Once
this is accomplished, toss 2 smoke grenades slightly right of the main
stairwell across this hot street. Toss the 2 smoke grenades so they cover the
whole vicinity of the right flank where an RPG man & 2 terrorists are. Sprint
up the stairs, go to the window, then do a fire zone on the 3 insurgents below
to kill them. Bring up Bravo, and have them go left where the two guys behind
the sandbags were. Bravo should notice a machine gunner ahead. Do a precise
head shot to eliminate him.

- Move forward a bit, and an RPG will shell the ground. It's too dangerous to
go this way. Take Bravo back, and bring Alpha back down to the street level.
Have Bravo go the other way on this street and take cover at the first
sandbags. You'll now have to kill 6-7 insurgents, but they come out in patient
spurts. DO NOT get impatient and run ahead to the weaker cover. The rest of the
cover on this street sucks as it is just cars or very low objects. These
sandbags are the only decent cover. If you think the coast is clear, it isn't.
Use a scout movement and send one of your men ahead. When he sees the enemy, he
will retreat back. This will lure the enemy to Bravo's sandbag spot. Do precise
fire and cover fire to kill them. Continue doing the scout movements until
there are no more enemies. Move Alpha to this corner where you'll notice a
stairwell that has a blue marker on it. Retreat Bravo back a bit just right of
the main intersection. You'll notice there are numerous enemies here, and you
have a rear position, but they will be alerted to your presence. Don't engage
them. There is a dangerous sniper on the roof, along with a man in the left
window, and 2 men on the ground.

- What you have to do is take Alpha, who is on the right flank of this
position, and move them to the sandbag. Do a fire zone on the window, and do a
precise shot to take out the window rifleman. Then, split Alpha into a partner
group and get the partner group behind the small stone bench (but right of it
so they have cover against the 2 insurgents to the left). Nail these 2
distracted insurgents from the rear. Finally, you have to deal with the sniper.
In Alpha's area, he is on the upper right roof that is diagonally downright of
the stairwell. Look at Bravo, and peek the corner to get an idea where he is.
Since he doesn't have a shot on Alpha, toss a frag grenade to the roof to kill
him (or launch a M203 round). If you try to sprint for the stairs without
killing the sniper, he will snipe most of your squad members with ease. Do a
breach into the stairwell once everyone is dead (don't forget to call up

- Do a breach movement into the stairwell now that everyone is dead. With
Alpha, peek at the first balcony towards the new area. There's a man on the
roof that can easily be dealt with due to a fire zone. After he is dead, move
to the corner of the descending stairwell. Descend one of your partner groups
down the stairs, and get them to the nearest corner. There is little cover
ahead on this northern street, so toss a smoke grenade with a fair distance.
Move to the next corner, and you'll notice an RPG man on a middle walkway. Toss
a frag to kill him up above. Once he's dead, move to the next corner, and there
is another RPG man behind a sand bunker. Deal with him through the use of
precise aim or cover zones. With these 2 men down, most of the northern street
is secure. Move ahead, and then with Bravo, take them back to that first
sandbag street (before they flanked). You'll find an alternate alleyway that
leads to the same designation. Bring Bravo there and you'll be able to call up
the convoy. Do so with your radio. Once the convoy arrives, call up all squads,
and head towards the convoy to board it.

*Along the way, some of your men notice a mattress with an electrocution
chamber setup on it. They begin to fear that the two missing Americans may
have been tortured. As you approach the next area where a destroyed humvee
is, your men notice an insurgent planting explosive charges on a dumpster.
You have to find the spotter, otherwise, the bus will be history.*

- What you don't want to do is take the left side. The dumpster will blow up
causing everyone to die. What you want to do is take the right flank, and
you'll notice there is a progession of tire debris that can be used for cover.
Take Alpha, split them into partner squads, then gradually place one squad on
left cover, and one on right cover. Do precise fire and fire zones to take down
the 4-5 insurgents that rest down this street. Gradually make progress until
you hear a 50 CAL firing on your men. Move left and use the small stone wall
for cover. Do a fire zone on the 50 CAL firing. There is a nearby resupply spot
if you need to get ammo. I recommend resupplying all squads as this the only
spot to get more ammo irregardless of the circumstances.

- Once reloaded, go back to the starting point, but go left. Don't go behind
the convoy truck at the corner, otherwise, it will explode. Instead, you will
find a basement stairwell right by this Y-split at the bottom of the split.
Take it, then move to the doorway. Split Alpha into partner groups, and send
one group behind the sandbags here. You will have 2 enemies on the upper left
balcony. Do a fire zone on them to eliminate them. Next, move a partner group
to the left corner of the central building, and one partner group to the right
corner. With the right corner, move to the nearest sandbag, then target the
lone soldier on the middle walkway that overhangs the street. Move your second
partner group at the left corner up a little bit, but DO NOT cross the street
or approach the stairwell. If you do, you will get ambushed by a central
building sniper. Instead, flank with your right corner partner group up the
street, to the left, then cut back. You will find a central building doorway.
Enter it, then continue onward, and breach the second stairwell you find in
this building. Your partner group should kill the central building sniper.

- Put this partner group in the window facing the IED building. Take your
second partner group, and do 2 breaches up the stairwells. Suddenly, 2 enemies
will appear on the ground level. Call Bravo, and bring them through the
basement stairs. Have them take cover behind the sandbags, then move left
behind the blue car. Open a fire zone on the 2 ground insurgents. Once these
fools are dead, then you can move your partner group in the IED building
forward. Advance him, then pull him towards the stairs up to the IED man.

*The IED man notices he is about to die, and detonates himself in a furious
jihad. Daniels makes sure everyone is OK, and chuckles a joke saying the
road is clear now.*

/Last Stand (3.12)/
Difficulty: *****
Main Goal: + Destroy machine gunner
+ Flank and proceed towards north temple
+ Defend bus from rear attackers
+ Reach northern section of temple
+ Reach western section of temple
+ Kill RPG man

*You guys cannot escape the furious grip of Zekistan just yet. One of
your squads spot a mounted machine gun ahead, and you'll have to eliminate
it, along with gaining contact with allied units for air extraction. You're
almost there, and Daniels gives his attempt at a motivating speech. Let's
do this.*

- Right when you move to the first corner, there is a mounted machine gun. Toss
a smoke grenade into the street, then advance with Bravo to the east alleyway
on the flank. Move Bravo to the corner, then move a partner group up to the
brown box. Do a fire zone on the bunker-mounted insurgent. Now, move your
partner group to the right corner. Now, with your right partner group, peek the
corner and take out the lone enemy. Move to the second stairwell on the left
and go inside. Go to the top window, and you'll see a group of insurgents below
(they come out of an ammo closet). There's also a sniper to your left. Aim a
fire zone below, and just sit here. Four to five insurgents will appear, but
you will be safe as you have a height advantage. Bring up your other partner
group the same way you came along the right flank. Have them do a hot movement
towards the right stairwell to suppress the sniper. Breach the stairwell to
kill the sniper. Move this partner group to the window facing the Chinatown-
look-a-like doorway. There's a sniper there. Aim a fire zone on him to suppress
him. Now, toss a long frag grenade at him to kill him. Regroup Bravo outside,
and lead them to the corner of the street where the broken bus is.

- Aim a fire zone at the sniper, and use precise fire to nail him. With him
down, move ahead a bit for the game to save. Immediately switch back to your
spawn where Alpha & Charlie are. What's going to happen next is an ambush on
the bus, so we want to move both of these squads in position so they're facing
the bus (basically facing the spawn). Move Charlie to the nearest corner so
that he has cover. Move Alpha in a similar fashion, but remember, you want
cover facing your own bus. Ensure Charlie is to the rear (since Daniels must
always live). Now, to trigger the event, move Bravo a bit forward since you
just took out the sniper. Don't forget there is one insurgent to the left.
After they move forward a bit, send one Bravo partner group up this stairwell
to the left in BREACH movement. They will kill an elevated insurgent. Send
another partner group to the corner with the descending wall. Suddenly, you
will hear that the bus is being attacked from the rear.

- Switch to Alpha and toss smoke/frags. Set a fire zone as well. Watch out as
these insurgents rush you, so make sure you have square cover, and not just a
wall. After the four men area dead, your team will reunite in front of the
temple. Now comes the hard part. Smoke the entrance to the temple, mount an
entire squad on one of the corners, and move a partner group to the nearest
stone wall cover. You will have to kill 3 insurgents. Use frag grenades and/or
grenadier fire to blast them out. Your chopper will be inbound, but shifts west
as they are taking small arms fire. Look left with a fire zone as one enemy
will pop out. Precise fire him down. Then, shift your other partner group to
the left corner of the temple. Send your current partner group to the door
entrance of the temple. Inside the temple, you'll find 2 ground insurgents, and
2 on the upper balcony. Deal with the 2 on low ground with precise fire & fire
zones. Toss a smoke grenade, then move inside to one of the hall corners, and
fire upwards or toss frag grenades. If this doesn't work, flank on the left
with your other partner group.

- When they get to the end of the temple, round the corner, seek cover, then
toss a frag grenade from the rear flank of the upper balcony man (through one
of the open windows). He should die. Call up your other partner squad, and you
will radio to the Chinook for extraction.

*Your men start to load the wounded into the Chinook when an RPG hits a tree
and nearly nails the chopper. Daniels decides to charge forward in attempt
to kill the RPG man. He dives after a near-hit RPG almost nails him.*

- The game will quickly shift control of Daniels to you. Hurry and precise aim
upwards at the balcony and nail that son of a bitch. Once the RPG man is dead,
press CTRL to access the radio, and call the chopper to tell them everything is
good. If you look back, you'll notice the entrance you came is in now
barricaded due to the RPG almost hitting Daniels. He has no way out. Suddenly,
you'll notice insurgents start to flood from all around you. Quickly do fire
zones and precise shots.

*It's too late. The insurgents keep on flooding (about 8 or so), and Daniels
is surrounded. Daniels orders the chopper to get out without him. The game
zooms out. The chopper makes it away, however, we see the news reporter
from the beginning of the game. He talks about the story of a man named SGT
Daniels. He goes through the story, talking about Daniels & his guilt after
he let Pvt. Sadler die back at the soccer field. Ever since then, he took
more and more chances trying to redeem himself for losing that young man.
In the end, Daniels sacrificed his life so the chopper with the wounded
could get away. Daniels died.*

>>Press Left or Right to scroll through the end-game messages.

*The end game message shows Daniels earned a reprimand for leaving the
baseball field prior to the Khardiman uprising. However, he earned a Silver
Star shortly later for his actions in helping the wounded escape.*

*Cpl. Lefkowitz was among those wounded who managed to make it out thanks to
Daniels sacrifice. He dedicates his life as a career soldier to Daniels.*

*Achmed, the civilian who assisted the Americans ended up becoming a well
respected citizen of the Khardiman neighborhood, and formed numerous

*Pfc. Silverman had a brief career as an unsuccessful stuntman. He ended
up becoming a Master Sergeant and now trains at Fort Benning.*

*Sgt. Sims ended up returning to Khardiman years later, and setup an
orphanage as part of charity work to this day.*

*Sgt. Mendez had too much guilt for leaving Daniels behind. He became a
high school math teacher.*

*Cpl. Devereux had enough of the war and setup his own restaurant down in
Baton Rouge.*

*Pvt. Shehadi remained interested in the war and turned his life towards
a career interpreter.*

*Pvt. Jensen ended up becoming a priest and started his own Church in
Minnesota after surviving critical wounds.*

*Pvt. Martz ended up having permanent war syndrome problems, constantly
aching from ringing ears and being jumpy at irregardless times.*

*Lance Cpl. Black returned to London where he became a prolific darts
player. He drinks a pint of lager to lost comrades from the war.*

.' '. THE
| | END
jgs '.____.'


- 4) Types (4.1) -
Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers is a tactical based game. This section will
go through the troop types, their advantages/disadvantages, along with
vehicles, bonus material, and what the mission performance items mean.


.../ TEAM LEADER |.........................................................
Power: ****
Accuracy: *****
Range: ****
Overall: *****

- The Team Leader is the practical leader of the team, and a necessity. This is
generally the person who fires around corners with the rifle, although the
Rifleman has the same equipment setup. TLs issue orders, and generally have the
most personality compared to other troop types. In precise aim mode, they can
fire long accurate shots, and tend to be more courageous when under fire.

+ Team Leaders have the radio communications to HQ. Make sure your TL's stay
alive (at least one of them).

.../ GUNNER |.........................................................
Power: **
Accuracy: **
Range: **
Overall: ***

- Often called the AR in the group, the Gunner is responsible for wielding the
assault rifle, better known as the SAW. The effectiveness of the SAW is that
its basically a light machine gun, portable, with a huge clip. The main purpose
of this guy in your squad is for getting close-range kills, but also for
suppressing targets. If you precise aim with him, you can suppress a target (X
over their head), allowing you to flank troops, and what not.

+ The Automatic Rifleman (Gunner) works best in Hot movement, as his automatic
fire will rip enemies to shreds. The Gunner also leads on movements as well,
and is perfect for suppressing snipers.

.../ GRENADIER |.........................................................
Power: *****
Accuracy: *****
Range: *****
Overall: *****

- The Grenadier is probably the most useful type of troop in your group. This
guy can launch long-range grenade projectiles that cause massive explosions.
You don't even have to hit near the target to cause death. They only fire M203
rounds when in precise aim, and the game developer's seem to have not really
added an arching pattern like a real M203 grenade - so this means it basically
launches like a straight-on missile. They also have an assault rifle, and will
fire it at default (the grenade launcher is an attachment).

+ You can fire grenade rounds at nearby walls of enemies, or the ceilings. The
blast radius is enough to kill the target.

.../ RIFLEMAN |.........................................................
Power: ****
Accuracy: *****
Range: ****
Overall: ****

- The Rifleman has pretty much the same setup as the Team Leader, except they
have slightly less courage. This means they'll duck more often, and will rarely
stay up as long as a Team Leader when in precise fire. Nonetheless, they have a
default rifle that can fire semi-automatic rounds when zoomed in. They often
guard the rear of your squad as well when in hot movement. They are often led
by with movements (as the other members follow the Rifleman).

.../ SNIPER |.........................................................
Power: *****
Accuracy: *****
Range: *****
Overall: ****

- The Sniper is a rare troop unit only used in a handful of single-player and
online versus missions, but it has its use. The basic premise is that the
sniper is designed for precise fire mode. Use precise fire, then use the mouse
wheel to zoom in or out. Fire and boom, long-distance kill. Snipers work best
in elevated positions with covers (windows, hint). The rebels have SVDs, while
the British troops generally have a Barretts variant rifle.

.../ ANTI-ARMOR |.........................................................
Power: *****
Accuracy: ***
Range: ****
Overall: ***

- The Anti-Armor/RPG man is another rare unit. This is only used in a handful
of single-player and online versus missions. This troop unit is designed for
attacking infantry with explosive damage, but its primary use is for assaulting
armored vehicles. Again, this unit works best in elevation. You must precise
fire in order to launch a rocket. Rebels have RPGs, while coalition forces tend
to have a variant version of the RPG.

>> NOTE: There are other exclusive classes that are only available in online
versus mode. Usually the skin/weapon selection is altered to fit the
purpose of the class. Some of these classes could not be tested due to
the lack of online support with the game (more of the less, no players
to play against).


.../ BRADLEY |.........................................................
Power: ****
Accuracy: ***
Range: ****
Overall: ****

- The Bradley APC is the American's version of armored support for infantry
troops. This large armored vehicle has a machine gun turret that fires up top,
along with a cannon shaft for launching explosive rounds. When precise aimed,
it will fire the tank shell rounds. Ensure that the red dot appears before
clicking to fire in precise mode. You must target manually with the machine gun
for it to aim at hostiles. Has slightly better movement and aiming techniques
than the BMP.

.../ BMP |.........................................................
Power: ****
Accuracy: **
Range: ****
Overall: ***

- The BMP is the version of the Zekistan rebels and what not. This armored
piece of clunk looks dark green, has a machine gun turret, and tank shell
cannon. Unfortunately, it moves slightly slower than the Bradley, and also
takes a bit of time when swiveling the turret. Prefer the Bradley if possible.

>> Technicals = Enemy jeeps with 50 CALs mounted. You do not control these in
the game.

__________________________________BONUS MATERIAL______________________________

>> This is a menu item where you can view videos and background information
about the game. Most of the videos are unlocked as you progress through the
single player campaign.

== Battle Drills ==
- These are tutotial based drills that quiz you on how to do certain moves
or tactics.

== Concept Art ==
- Shows art pieces, pictures, and then in-game renders of what actually
was designed for the gameplay. Some of the stuff is neat to watch.

== Credits ==
- Displays the in-game credits.

== Movies ==
- Displays movies that are displayed in-game, or unlocked as a result:

> Chapter One (Chapter 1 intro video)
> Chapter Two (Chapter 2 intro video)
> Chapter Three (Chapter 3 intro video)
> Chapter Four (Chapter 4 intro video)
> Finale (Game's ending movie)
> Squad Biography 1 (Shows a little history surrounding the guys)
> Squad Biography 2 (Shows a little history surrounding British guys)
> Squad Biography 3 (Shows a little history surrounding the guys)
> Squad Biography 4 (Shows a little history surrounding the guys)

== Cheats ==
- This is where you enter cheat codes.

_________________________________MISSION PERFORMANCE________________________

>> The Mission Performance screen is your % rating based on how well you did
with the mission. Fortunately, mission performance ratings are not time-
based, but they are based off of 5 categories:

--> Kill Performance
> How many kills did you acquire based off of total kills possible on
the mission.

--> Command
> This tends to be low on most maps for some reason. It's based off of
using the least amount of orders I believe, or some other parameter
that is undefined in the game manual.

--> Cover Use
> The higher this rating, the more effectively you used cover, and the
less filled was your "danger" meter (the one that fills up red).
Always use solid structures with enough height for soldiers to crouch.
Never use destructible debris.

--> Precision Fire
> This is based off of how accurate you were with precision fire. Each
time you press E to use it, you SHOULD hit your enemy. You will have a
lower % if you missed targets more often.

--> Tactical Efficiency
> This is based off of squad ordering, partnering squads, and using
suppression fire on targets with flanking.

++ AWARDS ++
Awards are handed out as bonus items, but if you complete a mission, the
awards are added to your career totals. Unfortunately, not much is known as
to exactly how rewards are awarded. Here is what I know so far:

- Killstreaks (10 or greater)
- Tank/Technical killed with Grenades
- Level Won on Authentic with No Losses

- Killstreaks (6 or greater)
- Finished level on Sgt. Major
- Multikills (4 or greater)
- Half of Controlled Characters Never Fired
- Multiplayer Ownage!

- Killstreaks (4 or greater)
- Level won with Single Survivor
- Tank killed with RPG
- Multikills (3 or greater)

- Killstreaks (2 or greater)
- Multikills (2 or greater)
- No Civilian Deaths in area
- Crushed Hostile with Tank

- Teamkiller
- Level Lost with no Kills

- These are unique colored ribbons handed out based on the actions of your
squad members. The colors appear as follows:

- Red, Olive, Blue, Purple, Green, Awua, Orange, Navy Blue


- 5) Multiplayer (5.1) -
What makes FSW: Ten Hammers an even better game is the online play. Nearly
every aspect of the original game was improved upon. Now take all of those
gameplay elements, and toss them into 8 different scenarios, and you have
yourself a well-rounded multiplayer game. This section will briefly discuss
multiplayer. I'd like to give credit to:


- for providing these level descriptions.

>> NOTE: Unfortunately, due to the lack of popularity for the game, I could
not physically play or host any online games. The game won't let you
start a multiplayer game empty, so it's hard to describe possible

/Descriptions (3.12)/
- Up to 8 people can play at the same time on XBOX Live or the PC version. Up
to 4 people can play at the same on the PS2. There are actually two different
game modes:

1) Versus
> The ideal goal is to face opponents. Each person picks a faction
which has controllable elements. There are 8 different scenarios in
Versus mode, and no typical capture the flag or similar items of
gameplay. Everything is based off of objectives.

2) Co-Operative
> A select amount of single-player missions can be played co=operatively.
Certainly a fun experience, but limited in the amount of players to 2.

______________________________VERSUS MODE__________________________________

.../AMMO BLAST\...
Factions: US > Alpha/Charlie, Bravo/Bradley APC --> (2) slots
Mujahideen > Officers, RPG Fanatics, BMP APC, Snipers --> (4) slots

"A large Mujahideen munitions dump is located in the Gallery of the Arts
Center. The insurgents are currently divided into warring factions. An
aggressive and determined American force must find and destroy the munitions
before the insurgents can unite and defend it."

- The interesting thing about this versus mission is that only the officer slot
can command the AI-controlled insurgents on the map. You have to show your
uniform to convince them, so isolate your default men for the time being.

Factions: Al-Ra'id > Warlord, Martyr, Guerrilla, Sniper --> (4) slots
Mujahideen > Commander, Demo Expert, Recruit, Assassin --> (4) slots

"The historic Monastery of Tien Hamir serves as the Anser al-Ra’id base and as
a symbol of Northern Zeki independence. The Mujahideen have breached the walls
in an attempt to topple Ra’id’s power in the region. Each side is eager to gain
supporters and destroy the other’s base of operations. Whoever gains control of
the monastery has won a symbolically important battle."

- One of the more oddball maps involving terrorist versus terrorist faction.
What makes this a key tradeoff is that each of you must destroy a set explosive
objective (either the supplies or the walls of the stronghold). Either way, use
cover fire and dynamic techniques. Remember that both teams have snipers, so
it's best to stay back.

Factions: US > Alpha, Anti-Armor, Bradley APC, Snipers --> (4) slots
Al-Ra'id > Zareef Bin Fassi, Fedayeen, Mechanics, Anti-Armor
--> (4) slots

"US Forces have invaded Khardiman, and Zareef Bin Fassi himself, a commander of
the Al-Ra'id, is drumming for local support against the American advance. The
Al-Ra'id will attempt to extract Zareef to a recruiting center where he can
gain local support and more soldiers. The Americans must prevent him from
reaching the area and eliminate remaining Al-Ra'id forces."

- An interesting mission that seemed to have been added last minute into the
game. You'll have the advantage of being able to plant mines to slow the
American advance, along with Anti-Armor units of your own. Remember that the
Bradley precise fire can destroy mines, which saves time.

Factions: Mercenaries > Alpha, Bravo --> (2) slots
Militia > A Team, B Team --> (2) slots
Al-Ra'id* > Warlord, Auto Rifleman --> (2) slots
Mujahideen* > Leader/RPG, Auto Rifleman --> (2) slots

* - Optional teams

"Former Al-Afad minister, Tariq al-Sadif has stolen a national Zeki treasure.
The Mujahideen want to capture him as a traitor to Al-Afad. The Anser al-Ra’id
want the treasure as a symbol of their ascendancy to power. The Zeki militia
want to return the treasure to the people of Zekistan, and some British
mercenaries just want to get rich. They all battle each other in a mad scramble
to capture al-Sadif."

- Probably the most fun in a mission you'll have if you can fill 8 people in a
game. This basically pits the scenario as a free-for-all, although you can
subtract two of the teams for a 2-on-2 battle. The entire area clashes at a
center building with lots of elevation.

Factions: Coalition > Alpha, Bravo*, Charlie*, Delta* --> (4) slots
Al-Ra'id > Infantry, Infantry*, Support*, Sniper* --> (4) slots
* - Optional teams

"The Anser al-Ra’id is broadcasting propaganda from a protected radio tower and
is slowly gaining public support. Coalition forces are determined to silence
the broadcasts and put a stop to the al-Ra’id resurgence, but the insurgents
know the value of communication and are determined to protect their tower."

- Certainly a great 2-player map, although the map itself is quite large and
scattered. You'll find lots of roadways, so use the side adjuncts for

Factions: Coalition > Alpha, Bravo --> (2) slots
Mujahideen > Infantry, Infantry, Heavy Weapon, Heavy Weapon
--> (4) slots

"A US helicopter has been shot down. However, there are survivors and Captain
Fredricks is determind to rescue them. The Mujahideen, flush with excitement
over the downed chopper, know that more Americans are on their way and are
laying in wait to ambush the would-be rescuers."

- Reminds me a ton of Blackhawk Down. Watch for elevated positions if
navigating the US forces to the designated area. Use of smoke is wise,
especially for the last charge to the chopper.

Factions: US > Alpha, Bravo/Charlie --> (2) slots
Fanatics > Sniper, Infantry, Heavy Weapons, Anti-Armor
--> (4) slots

"A fanatical faction of the Anser al-Ra’id has announced that it will explode
bombs at selected targets at 7:00pm as a demonstration of their power. American
intel knows which locations they are targeting. To undercut this violent public
relations stunt, the Americans scramble to prevent the explosions."

- What's key on this mission is lots and lots of flanking. You have to watch
for explosive entails as most human player will prefer to use the RPGs to
ambush you. Smoking towards the bomb sites is a smart idea, but as usual, your
opponents will be elevated or established near the bomb itself (to prevent

Factions: US > Alpha, Bravo, Charlie --> (3) slots
Al-Ra'id > Guards, Assault --> (2) slots

"An American gunship has crashed into the dark waters of the Khamar River. Two
wounded pilots have swum to safety, only to be captured by the Anser al-Ra’id.
The al-Ra’id insurgents want to use the prisoners as political pawns and have
them guarded by elite snipers. The Americans must proceed with extreme caution
to rescue their wounded comrades."

- Since the terrorists are outnumbered, it's a given sign they have a tactical
and weaponry advantage (which they do). The key here is to use a #*$&load of
smoke grenades at the captive site, so that the enemy cannot precise fire with
their snipers. As an insurgent, leave one home squad, and move the assault
squad at an unsuspecting ambush angle.

_____________________________CO-OPERATIVE MODE________________________________

>> All missions are identical to single-player, except there are 2 human
players (one controls each squad). Here is the list of available missions:

> Chapter 1
- To the Rescue
- The Monastery
> Chapter 2
- British Invasion
- Art of War
- The Tien Hamir Bridge
> Chapter 3
- Walking on Water
- Scylla and Charybdis
- Rain of Fire
> Chapter 4
- Broken Men
- The Lost Squad
- Last Stand


- 6) Codes -
Surprising as it is, there are no cheat codes for FSW: Ten Hammers. There is
only one known code, which allows you to unlock the multiplayer co-op missions
without having to complete the single-player campaign. I'd like to thank:


- for providing this cheat code.

Go to Bonus Material -> Cheat Menu -> type in:


- And all co-op maps will be unlocked for online play.


- 7) Common Questions -

)) Gameplay ((

<< What would you rate Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers? >>

- I'd rate the game a [7/10]. While I never did play the original Full Spectrum
Warrior game, I did have the chance of playing a title like Brothers in Arms
which is similar to FSW. My hands-on experience with FSW: Ten Hammers proved a
lot in terms of gaming reality. Who would have thought that a developer out
there would create a game that simulates many real-life squad tactics and
potential realistic situations? The graphics in the game shine quite
beautifully with nice detail. Music and sound effects are certainly on point,
although the game intermittantly had volume issues during cutscenes. The
gameplay is where FSW: Ten Hammers is unique. Most squad tactics are employed
by assigning position slots, and using precise aim to nail targets. My major
complaints with the gameplay involve the control scheme, and high rate of
difficulty. Moving squads to certain positions becomes a pain in the arse,
especially since you can't use an overview map to say: "Go here." Difficulty is
increasingly difficult, probably enough to turn off the average gamer. I
completed the game on the default difficulty of Sergeant, and it took me
several retries on most of the levels. This game definitely ranks up there with
Men of Valor as 2 of the most difficult shooters I have ever played. No wonder
why they used this game with the US Army for commanding tactics.

<< What's the current patch? >>

- Unfortunately, there is no patch. Generally, most online PC games tend to get
a patch maybe a few weeks or months after release. This title did not, and it
probably could have to boost online play. It's a polished product as is, but
there are some graphical glitches & animation problems during gameplay.

<< Are there any other versions of this game? >>

- Yes. There is a PC version, along with an X-BOX & PS2 release. The X-BOX & PC
versions are strinkingly similar with the same amount of supportable options.
PC's graphics are slightly better. The PS2 version has player support cut in
half due to processor limitations. There is also the original Full Spectrum
Warrior game, but many of the features are missing compared to the sequel
(which feels like a downgrade).

<< Why does no one play multiplayer? >>

- The game did not sell too well from what I hear. Previews revolutionized the
game as the next premiere strategic shooter, which it was. However, when you
take an average gamer, and tell them that they can only move troops and set
goofy fire zones, there is a turn-off factor. People like aiming weapons, and
even in FSW: Ten Hammers, aiming can be difficult & risky. The game is only a
few months old, but online play is a rarity due to the lack of popularity of
the release sequel.

<< Where does this game take place? >>

- It takes place in the country of Zekistan. A majority of the storyline is a
spin-off of the current Iraq conflict and/or Persian Gulf. You have rival
terrorist factions, lots of chaotic events, and a crapload of coalition forces
here and there.

<< Are there any other titles like this one? >>

- The original FSW & Brothers in Arms are your two best choices. BiA takes
place during World War II. Note that there was also a sequel put out for BiA.
This game tends to go into more details with tactics than BiA.

<< What's your best % ranking, and what mission? >>

- 82% on Rain of Fire & 82% on Art of War. I'm great and efficient with moving
tactics & finding cover. My fault lies in precision fire (if you do a precision
fire and don't mouse click, it counts as a miss).


- 8) Copyright/Distribution/Reproduction Guidelines -
This FAQ/Strategy Guide/Walkthrough is my own published work, and copyrighted
by Christopher Zawada. Whatever you do, DO NOT edit this FAQ in any way. DO
NOT steal anything from this FAQ. If you want to use some information in your
own guide, simply ask me. If you want to place this guide on your website,
either link to the GameFAQs game page, or download the file and place it on
your own web server. Basically, you can post this on your website as long as
it's in ORIGINAL form, and not linking directly to GameFAQs. Aside from that,
all proper credit is due when necessary. Also, don't even think about selling
FAQs. Trying to prosper off of other people's work will get you in big time
trouble (coming from an eBay seller myself).

Any site out there has permission to host my FAQs (following the above terms),
however, these are a list of current sites that host my FAQs officially:

- http://www.gamefaqs.com/
- http://www.ign.com/
- http://www.neoseeker.com/
- http://www.cheatcc.com/
- http://www.cheatplanet.com/


- 9) Proper Credit -
I'd like to thank the following people for their help in making this FAQ

)) CJayC (( for constantly updating GameFAQs, and dedicating his entire life
to it. Takes a lot of effort to keep a site going this long.

)) Rootsecure.net (( for letting me use an excellent ASCII generator, which
composed this typical-style art. Sweet.

)) Pandemic Studios (( for creating a great strategy game, but not necessarily
a functional shooter game.

)) Gamespot.com (( for providing the cheat code that can be inputted into
the cheat console.

)) GameFAQs Bounty Program (( for adding a little incentive to complete the

"Some people make sacrifices to make other people happy." - Chris Zawada
"Freeeeeeddooommmmmmmmm!" - William Wallace (Braveheart)

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