Rainbow Six - Iron Wrath

Rainbow Six - Iron Wrath

18.10.2013 05:56:28
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Iron Wrath
Version 1.0
Created by idyoticwyzard
Copyright (c)2007 idyoticwyzard

Table of Contents

1. Legal Intro
1.1 Version History
2. Gameplay Tactics
3. The Campaign
3.01 Scorched Legend
3.02 Solo Furnace
3.03 Dagger Harness
3.04 Tower Shark
3.05 Radiant Haven
3.06 Arcing Bronze
3.07 Ursa Cavern
4. The Classic Missions
4.01 Cold Thunder
4.02 Iron Comet
4.03 Little Wing
5. Closing


1. Legalities

This guide should only be available at the following sites:


If you see this guide on another site, or would like to use this on your own
site, or would like to contact me anyway, here is my info:

Email: idyoticwyzard@hotmail.com
AIM: idyoticwyzard

Eric Fung/idyoticwyzard copyrights this document, so if you steal it *shakes
fist* then screw you.

1.1 Version History

Version 1.0 (2/6/07): Covers the single player campaign and classic missions.


2. Gameplay Tactics

--(Thanks to PyroFalkon) SATS Sniping: Smoke and Thermal Strategy.
This tactic gives you free reign to take out terrorists at your leisure. You
throw a smoke grenade and let it saturate, then stand in the middle of the
cloud and begin sniping using the thermal scope. You will be able to see your
enemies, but you won't be seen until the smoke wears off. THE best technique
to use, except the AI can't pull it off because they don't turn on their
thermal scopes (and therefore can't see the enemy through the smoke). You
need to control the SATS sniper in order for it to work.
--Team AI has seriously improved from the rest of the Rainbow Six series. With
good planning, you can let the computer complete the mission for you. Maybe
not, but still take advantage of the computer's high reflexes.
--Unlike the previous two Rainbow Six games, you can control every single
character that you deploy. This allows for better variation in equipment,
including snipers armed with smoke grenades and thermal scopes.
--Try not to continue the campaign with dead operatives; it's unprofessional.
If your characters are wounded, continue only if you're absolutely frustrated
with the mission AND you have a decent substitute for the next mission.
--For the sake of organization, I usually assign the main objectives to Red
Team, Green Team serves as a supporting assault team, and Gold Team contains
the specialists, including the primary sniper.
--There isn't just one solution to each level. Experiment with other weapons
and team members to find your way around problem spots.


3. The Campaign

Note: Mission plans were tested in both the Veteran and Elite campaigns.

EXT = extraction zone
INS = insertion zone

3.01 Scorched Legend

-This map is gigantic, but the few tangos you'll find are amateur and pretty
easy to take down.

Red Team

Walther, Jorg
Light Black
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Filatov, Genedy
Light Black
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Loiselle, Louis
Light Black
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Rakuzanka, Kazimiera
Light Black
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades

Starting from the east INS, make your way to the south entrance of the nearby
building. With Green, enter and clear this room of the two tangos, one on each
floor. You may catch one coming down the stairs to the left. When it's safe,
climb the east set of stairs and enter the conference room just to the north.
Crack open the door and toss in a flashbang, then secure the hostage in the
room. Proceed south and also flash and clear this SW room. Leave and cross the
bridge west to the other part of the university.
Approach the next hostage room. When you reach the door, turn north and you'll
see a sniper on the balcony. Take him out. Enter and flashbang the two hostage
guards, securing the hostage. Head out onto the balcony where the tango was on
and look in the courtyard below for one more enemy. Once he's dead, head down
the nearby stairs to the last hostage room. Flashbang this room and save the
final hostage. Leave and head north down the hallway to the library. Open the
door slowly and stay crouched as you proceed to the NE exit; there is a patrol
in this room. Finally, head NE into a large open room, where you will find two
remaining tangos. Escort the hostages to the northern EXT.

Green Team

Price, Eddie
Light Black
FAL, mini scope
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Weber, Dieter
Light Black
PSG-1, thermal scope
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades

Begin with Red in the east INS and lead them to the south door. When you get
there, continue west just a bit until you can peek into the window. Shoot the
guard in the room beyond. Now enter and kill the two tangos inside. Head for
the alcove to the NW and climb the stairs here. On the second story, throw a
smoke grenade at the window as you climb to the third floor and eliminate the
enemy sniper here. Once that's done, return to the second floor and snipe all
the visible tangos. One is on the ground floor, 2-3 are to the south on the
bridge, and sometimes one is just west of you. Wait here for Alpha.

Alpha, head downstairs and head for the northern EXT.

--Order of Operations--
Begin as Green and perform the SATS sniping yourself. By the time you switch
to Red, they will be just about ready to secure the first hostage. Take them
through the rest of the mission.

3.02 Solo Furnace

-This mission depends on a certain amount of stealth just to keep your teams
away from alerted tangos.

Red Team

Bogart, Daniel
Medium Black
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades
Murad, Jamal
Medium Black
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades
Haider, Karl
Medium Black
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades

Hold at the NW INS for Alpha. Alpha, head all the way south and down a floor.
Continue south and clear the basement; there can be up to two tangos here. Head
up the stairs to get to the south part of the plant and carefully open the next
door. A tango is camping near the north part of the room, but you can sneak
behind him and shoot him in the back. Circle around the room to make sure it's
clear, then head up the ramp to the 2nd floor. Secure the hallway leading north
and hold for Bravo before the entrance to the reactor room (the room with 2 big
black squares and a catwalk above it).

Bravo, blitz across the catwalks to help clear this last room.

Green Team

Novikov, Arkadi
Medium Black
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades
Hanley, Timothy
Medium Black
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades

Starting at the eastern INS, head directly west and enter the small room. Hold
for Alpha by the double doors. Alpha, enter and clear the warehouse-type area,
going into the room adjoining to the north. Leave through the double doors to
the west and hold for Bravo in this hallway, just before the room with 4 doors.

Bravo, blitz into the room to the south, then continue on and help Red and
Gold clear the reactor room.

Gold Team

Johnston, Homer
Medium Black
AW Covert, thermal scope
Mk23, silenced
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Raymond, Renee
Medium Black
L85A1, silenced
Mk23, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades

Begin in the NW INS and throw a smoke at the corner of the wall, just to be
safe. Once it's thick enough, step out and snipe the two guards far to the
south (on your level), a tango on the 2nd floor partially hidden by a window,
and also look for a tango on the catwalk above you. With all four down, head
east following Green's path but turn north as you enter.
Listen for a guard in this room, he usually hides behind a pile of stuff on the
south wall of the room. Take him down, then head up the ramp. Before going all
the way up, throw a smoke grenade at the top to cover your advance. Two tangos
patrol through this corridor; it would be best to wait here to snipe them. When
both are down, continue south into the next room and hold for Bravo by the SE

Before Bravo, smoke the door and step out into the reactor room. Snipe anyone
you find on the catwalks, then continue to smoke the staircase and slowly step
down as you look for any survivors on the first floor.

--Order of Operations--
Control Gold until they have killed the two patrols at the top of the ramp,
then give Alpha. You may want to control Red next, but the computer does a
decent job of it. When all teams are waiting for Bravo, you should help make
the takedown safer by smoking the door and sniping whoever you can find in the
room before actually giving the go-code.

3.03 Dagger Harness

-These tangos shoot fast, so it'll take quite some skill and a little luck to
stay alive on this map.

Red Team

Chavez, Ding
Medium Black Camo
M16A2, mini scope
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades
Filatov, Genedy
Medium Black Camo
M16A2, mini scope
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades
Maldini, Antonio
Medium Black Camo
M16A2, mini scope
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades

Advance north along the west side of the map. As you pass the opening to the
east, aim in that direction looking for a patrol. Continue north and stick as
close as you can to the west wall. As you round the corner of the building that
has stairs, look up and shoot the sniper. Also look east for a tango on the 2nd
floor of the building in front of you. Green may have already taken care of
him. Follow the north wall east until you reach the chainlink fence.
You might see a tango to the south of you. If you do, shoot him and draw out
some more tangos to make Green's job a little easier. But watch out, since a
pair of tangos might come out of the door just above the wooden platform to the
east to investigate. In any case, enter through that door and frag the
neighboring rooms, starting with the south one first. You want to only crack
open the doors since these tangos are quick shots.
When both are down, smoke the northern door that leads to the loading docks.
This will give you some cover as you look for a tango in the northern cargo
area and also on the south end of the docks. These two wander around the field,
so don't worry if you don't get them yet. Run north and east, using the big
piles of stuff as cover, then climb the stairs. Shoot the sniper on the catwalk
through the window, then smoke the next door and take out the sniper inside.
Now for the hostages. Clear this floor from north to south, using flashbangs
when necessary. Climb down a floor and flash the next room to the north. Two
tangos are in there. Continue clearing the NE room of this floor and exit into
the hallway to kill yet another. Exit and cross the field south to the SE
hostage building. Flash and secure this hostage, then throw a frag upstairs to
neutralize the sniper up there. Finally, hold for Bravo downstairs by the

Bravo, exit and head west, clearing the small building just NE of the hostage
building as you proceed to EXT.

Green Team

Novikov, Arkadi
Medium Black Camo
M16A2, mini scope
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades
Burke, Andrew
Medium Black Camo
M16A2, mini scope
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades

Go north from INS and turn east as soon as you can. Follow this small corridor
east until you reach some barrels next to a little staircase and hold for Alpha
here. You might be able to shoot a 2nd floor sniper north of here.

Alpha, head north through the building and around the truck, approaching the
hostage building to the SE with caution. The 2nd floor sniper may come out as
you approach, so be warned. Enter the building from the south door, then flash
the hostage room and secure it. Climb upstairs to make sure it's empty and hold
for Bravo up there.

Bravo, escort your hostage to EXT.

--Order of Operations--
Obviously, you'll be controlling Red for most of the mission. Remember that
these terrorists shoot very quickly, so be on your guard. When Red is holding
for Bravo, send Green to rescue their hostage. Call Bravo to extract the

3.04 Tower Shark

-What's with the gigantic maps? This one is probably the toughest mission of
the expansion. With a little luck and some practice, you should be able to
pull through without any injuries.

Red Team

Chavez, Ding
Medium Black
AUG, high capacity magazine
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Noronha, Alexandre
Medium Black
AUG, high capacity magazine
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Haider, Karl
Medium Black
AUG, high capacity magazine
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades

From the southern INS, head up and set up a sniping position NW of the
forklift. You should be positioned near the path leading north towards the
warehouse, and you should be aiming west towards the staircase and two doors.
Two tangos will run into your view, so eliminate them as they come. Hold here
for Alpha.

Alpha, head north of the forklift through the path lined by cargo, then head
NE towards the outdoor staircase. Keep your scope up and pointed towards the
cargo sheds to the far east. You will eventually spot a patrol pass by here.
Throw a smoke at the corner of the warehouse and peek north to make sure nobody
sneaks behind you as you go up the stairs. As you get closer to the top, keep
an eye on the window above you and shoot the sniper inside once you get the
chance. Smoke the door and open it to take out the two catwalk guards inside
the warehouse. Hold here for Bravo.

Bravo, cautiously head north towards the hostages. You want to stay on the
eastern set of catwalks. As you pass by the set of stairs, mark the waypoint as
Milestone 1 (for timing reasons). Continue north to the door, crack it open,
and flashbang the room. Take out the tango inside, then hurry to the west door
and throw another flashbang over the partition. Usually a tango will try to run
away through the south door, so shoot him first. Throw another flashbang over
the partition and run around the east side to shoot the two hostage guards, as
well as anyone who tries to come in through the SW doors. Smoke the window and
try to shoot anyone on the ground floor or staircase. Hold here for Charlie.

Charlie, escort the hostages downstairs and to the EXT in the NW of the map.

Green Team

Bogart, Daniel
Medium Black
AUG, high capacity magazine
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Loiselle, Louis
Medium Black
AUG, high capacity magazine
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Raymond, Renee
Medium Black
AUG, high capacity magazine
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades

From the southern INS, run NW towards the forklift and use it for cover as you
snipe the tango just north of it, in the building's extension. When the tango
goes down, run into that tunnel-like area and hold for Alpha by the door. From
here, you might be able to shoot an investigating tango.

Alpha, race north and set up to snipe the southern warehouse entrance. You
should be positioned a bit behind the truck cab. Wait here for Bravo as you
pick off the majority of the warehouse guards.

Bravo, run into the warehouse through the opening you were guarding, head for
the SE corner, then turn back north into the room with the stairs. As you leave
this room, you can slow to a walk and continue north to clear this area of the
warehouse. Instead of going through the door, exit east through the open bay
door and make your way north to the NE entrance of the warehouse. Wait for
Charlie on the ramp here.

Charlie, blitz west and eliminate any tangos in sight, then proceed to the
closest EXT.

Gold Team

Lofquist, Annika
Medium Black
AUG, high capacity magazine
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Morris, Gerald
Medium Black
AUG, high capacity magazine
Flashbang Grenades
Breaching Charge

Starting with the other teams in the south INS, approach the office and head
for the entrance to its SW, where the windows are. Head north through a few
rooms and reach the staircase. You should probably open the door by the stairs
to make sure that room is empty (Red will have sniped the two guards coming
through here). Go upstairs, slowly round both corners and look for a sniper in
the hall. Smoke the door right at the corner, and once it saturates, slowly
enter and flashbang the room. Up to 3 tangos can be inside, so you want to be
cautious clearing this floor. Make your way towards the door just north of the
conference table and flashbang the next room. Clear it and download the data
from the laptop.
Go downstairs and exit the building through the north door. Head east, staying
behind the truck and passing Green Team. Head directly east, passing a vehicle
to the north and entering a maze of sorts of cargo sheds. Turn north and keep
an eye on the warehouse; eventually you will be able to see the cargo doors
that Green will eventually exit through. Snipe here until Bravo; you should be
able to get at least one tango.

Bravo, continue north until you reach the corner of the last cargo shed before
the hostage building. Smoke this corner, then step out from cover and shoot the
tango who is usually at the window. Breach the door and secure the hostage. Go
NW and set a breach on the NE entrance of the warehouse. Wait here for Charlie.

Charlie, blow down the door and run in, clearing the south part of this sector
as Green covers the north. When it's clear, head to EXT.

Order of Operations
Begin as Green to secure the outdoors, then switch to Gold to clear the rest
of the offices. Once it's safe to download the data, give Alpha and switch to
Red, putting them in position on the catwalks. Switch back to Gold, who should
just be leaving the building. When everyone is ready for Bravo, give the
go-code and control Gold as they rescue their hostage. Switch back to Red in
time to finish securing their two hostages. Give Charlie to mop up the last few
tangos and end the mission.

3.05 Radiant Haven

-Thankfully, you get an easy hostage rescue after that last beast of a mission.
This one should be over in a snap.

Red Team

Yacoby, Ayana
Light Black
FNC, high capacity magazine
AP Army
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades

Start at the southern INS and head north until the hedge stops on your left.
Hold for Alpha here.

Alpha, run up the nearby stairs and approach the window. There are two tangos
in the living room here, so shoot them both and use a flashbang if you need to.
Go in through the double doors and head north through a laundry room, then
enter a hallway. Sometimes a tango patrols this entire hallway, other times
he's in the piano room. Whatever the case, crack open the door to the hostage
room and throw a flashbang in. Secure the hostage and gun down anyone who
enters through the south double doors. Go to those doors and throw a flashbang
into ballroom, towards the piano. Shoot the last tango by the bar in the NW
corner of the room.
Climb the stairs here, then head NE and climb halfway up these stairs to the
3rd floor. On the landing, toss a flashbang around the corner before heading up
and eliminating the 1-2 tangos here. Approach the room to the south and crack
open the door, flashbanging the room to be safe. With this spa area clear,
finally exit into the hallway and hold for Charlie by the south door that leads
to the hostages.

Charlie, bounce a flashbang into the room and secure the hostages, taking them
to whichever EXT you want.

Green Team

Weber, Dieter
Light Black
PSG-1, thermal scope
AP Army
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades

Begin at the north INS and pick the lock to the greenhouse. Go through and
smoke the area just outside the eastern double doors. Head out a bit and look
south to snipe the two snipers above. Look east again and kill the tango in
the courtyard, one that runs out onto the porch, and even one more who comes
downstairs to investigate. When they're all down, head up the nearby stairs and
smoke the end of the hallway. SATS snipe the hallway patrol, then continue down
the hall and smoke the window above the piano room. (It doesn't really show up
on the recon map but it's just above the double doors on the first floor. You
will see it if you use the 3D map guide in the planning phase.) Shoot out the
window and snipe whoever you can until Bravo.

Bravo, continue west and south down the hall, climbing the stairs at the end.
Smoke the corner of the hallway and snipe anyone that Red hasn't killed yet.
Wait for Charlie by the north door of the hostage area.

Charlie, head inside and help Red secure the hostages, then return to EXT.

Order of Operations
Begin as Green to finish all the SATS sniping until Bravo, then switch to Red
for the remainder of the mission. Once you enter the piano room, give Bravo to
send Green on their way. Give Charlie when both teams are ready to secure the

3.06 Arcing Bronze

-Any map without hostages has got to be pretty enjoyable, and this one is no
different. This map involves a lot of long range combat.

Red Team

Chavez, Ding
Medium Black
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Filatov, Genedy
Medium Black
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Beckenbauer, Lars
Medium Black
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades

Head south from INS until you reach the corner of the building. Wait here for
Alpha. The other teams' gunshots will bring a few tangos out through the nearby
doors, so make sure they don't make it very far.

Alpha, crack open one of the double doors and flashbang the room, then take
out the guards inside. Head north through the next set of double doors and lob
a flashbang down the west wall of this room. Clear this area and continue north
into the hallway. As you go down this hall and turn right, be alert for maybe
1 or 2 patrols. When you reach the door north of the bomb, toss your last flash
into the room and secure it. Disarm the bomb.
Exit SE and climb the stairs to the bridge that leads to the east half of the
map (not the roof). Halfway down the bridge, throw a smoke east near the top of
the stairs. When it's thickened enough, continue east and shoot the sniper up
here. Now carefully approach the north windows and you'll likely spot a patrol
on the ramps down below. Shoot him through the window, then do the same for the
window to the east: this side will have 2-3 tangos. If you feel the need, smoke
the windows before you approach them, but it's not really necessary. Hold for
Bravo near the middle of the room.

Bravo, go downstairs and head towards the SE corner of the map. Follow the
east wall of the map to the north until you reach the room with the final bomb,
which you should disarm.

Green Team

Walther, Jorg
Medium Black
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades
Noronha, Alexandre
Medium Black
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades
McAllen, Roger
Medium Black
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Flashbang Grenades
Frag Grenades

Beginning at INS, head south and east to the SE corner of the office building.
Start sniping the door just east of you until Bravo. Some tangos might come out
once they hear Gold sniping.

Bravo, enter the door you were guarding and frag the next room. When it's
clear, continue forward towards the SE corner of the map. Neutralize anyone you
see on this floor as you head back up the ramp to disarm this bomb. Come back
down and enter the room just west of you (the one with a cross-shaped ramp in
the middle). Head north into the last storage area, mopping up any remaining

Gold Team

Johnston, Homer
Medium Black
M82A1, thermal scope
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Rakuzanka, Kazimiera
Medium Black
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Frag Grenades
Smoke Grenades

From INS, blitz around the office and smoke the SE corner of it. Step out and
look up at the sniper in the bridge. Shoot out the windows (the ones behind him
too) and he will pop his head up, letting you take your shot. Continue forward,
watching for tangos coming your way from the north. Once you're under the
bridge, frag the area in front of the entrance to the office. A tango is hiding
there. Now smoke the bottom and top of the ladder and send your teammate up
while you watch the north for two advancing tangos. Sometimes they won't come
at all, but you still need to check anyway.
Up on the roof, smoke the thing NW of you (air conditioning vent?) to cover
yourself from the sniper on the NW corner of the roof. When he's down, smoke
the area he was in and set up to snipe until Bravo. Aim down towards the
loading docks, where you might be able to get a tango or two.

Bravo, head downstairs and into the loading docks, looking out for one more
patrol that you might've missed. Smoke the south entrance to the large
warehouse and step inside. SATS snipe anyone you can see, then advance north
slowly to help eliminate the last few tangos.

Order of Operations
Start as Gold to do all the sniping, then clear the office as Red. After Red
is waiting for Bravo, switch back to Gold and let the other teams do their
thing while you provide support.

3.07 Ursa Cavern

-The final mission has quite a complex layout and aggressive tangos, but it's
nothing you can't handle. Just remember not to shoot the terrorist leader,
whom you want alive.

Red Team

Chavez, Ding
Medium Winter Camo
M14, mini scope
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Galanos, Kure
Medium Winter Camo
M82A1, thermal scope
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Yacoby, Ayana
Medium Winter Camo
M14, mini scope
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades

Run downstairs from INS and sidestep past the window. One guard is patrolling
in this basement and he's easy to eliminate. Switch to your sniper and take the
stairs going up west. Soon the sniper on the south guard tower will come into
view, so get the first shot off. Smoke the door, then step out and get ready
for a slaughter: 1 will be close by, having heard the shot; 1 on the bridge
near the middle of the map, 1 on the bridge connecting the warehouses to the
far north (you'll probably need auto-aim to see him because thermal scope
doesn't work that far through the window), peek around the corner to the NW for
another coming your way, and 3 should be approaching from the far NE. Keep
sniping on the west railroad tracks until Alpha.

Alpha, head north and enter the building to your west through the closest
door. Continue down the hallway to the double doors, which you should crack
open and flashbang. Kill the two tangos inside, but be careful since the
equipment inside may have blocked the flashbang's effect. Head for the north
exit of this building and smoke the door. Open it up and you should see a tango
in front of the door to the north. Drop him and the last sniper tower guard to
your west. Smoke the west entrance to the warehouse just north of you and go
inside. One last guard should be in here. Take him down too and head upstairs.
Cross the bridge to the eastern warehouse. Green should have handled most of
the tangos, but there might be one on the catwalks up here. Shoot him and go
downstairs to clear whoever's left, if there is anyone left.

Green Team

Novikov, Arkadi
Medium Winter Camo
M14, mini scope
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Loiselle, Louis
Medium Winter Camo
M14, mini scope
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Raymond, Renee
Medium Winter Camo
M14, mini scope
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades

Follow the other teams downstairs and cross to the northern staircase. Smoke
the door and step through. Kill anyone you see in this loading dock area; there
will be about 2 tangos, maybe one who also comes through the door to the north.
Wait by the door until Alpha.

Alpha, follow the east wall north, then take the western door into the east
warehouse. You can drop two tangos in here, and the catwalk guard might come
down too to investigate. Go down the stairs nearby and hold for Bravo at the

Bravo, move forward a bit and flashbang the room to the north. Kill the guy in
here, then move into the hall and get the guy here too. Now for the two western
rooms. Flashbang and clear the two, then rinse and repeat for the two rooms to
the south. Be careful in this area, since tangos are likely to try to sneak
behind you. Make your way west into the room with the ladder, then continue
west into the corridor. Smoke the corner and shoot the tango here. Keep moving
forward into the other half of the basement. A guard watches the door, so get
the first shot. Wait here until the mission ends.

Gold Team

Bogart, Daniel
Medium Winter Camo
M14, mini scope
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Arnavisca, Santiago
Medium Winter Camo
M14, mini scope
Desert Eagle (.50cal)
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades

Follow Red up to their sniping post on the south end of the tracks. Snipe
along the east side of the train so that no one sneaks up on Red. Wait here
until Alpha.

Alpha, head directly west and go down the ladder. Behind the door, snipe
north until Charlie (remember to open the door first).

Charlie, flashbang the first room to your west. The terrorist leader is in
this office, along with two guards. He will surrender automatically, so head
north to the room you were watching before Charlie. The last tango is in here.

Order of Operations
Start as Red to get the sniping done with, then switch to Green as soon as you
can. Give Alpha and control Green through the warehouse, then switch back to
Red and clear the entire map (minus the basement). Bravo and control Green to
clear the first half of the basements, then Charlie and Gold to finish the


4. The Classic Missions

These three missions have been updated from previous versions of Rainbow Six.
Cold Thunder was in the original Rainbow Six, Iron Comet in Rogue Spear: Urban
Operations, and Little Wing in the Eagle Watch expansion. As you probably
expected, the updated game engine prevents you from using the same strategies
you might have used while playing them the first time. Find these three maps
under Custom Mission -- Practice Mission.

4.01 Cold Thunder

-A simple hostage rescue with more sniper action than close-quarters combat.

Red Team

Chavez, Ding
Light Black
Model 17
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Woo, Tracy
Light Black
Model 17
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades

Advance north behind Green, letting the other team clear a path for you.
Approach the building along the west side of the map, and when you get to the
SW corner of the house, hold for Alpha and snipe to the NW in case any tangos
try to flank you from this direction.

Alpha, head north to the stairs leading to the cellar and toss a flashbang
down there. Secure the hostage and proceed upstairs. One tango is on this floor
in the room to the NW. You can flush him out with another flashbang. Now head
up to the 2nd floor. At the top of the stairs, toss a smoke grenade at the
corner of the hallway to hide from the 2 tangos up here. One is in the middle
room on the south side, one is near the hostage. The hostage guard will come
investigate the noise after you kill his friend, so just wait in the smoke for
him to come. Return to EXT with both hostages.

Green Team

Petersen, Einar
Light Black
Dragunov, thermal scope
Model 17
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Yacoby, Ayana
Light Black
Model 17
Flashbang Grenades
Smoke Grenades

Run north ahead of Red team until the clearing opens up. Using the cover of
the bushes and the wooden shed ahead of you, snipe the outdoor guard to the NE
and the tango to the east by the small camp. Carefully continue NE, staying
alert for any other tangos. Once you get to the NE corner of the house, throw
a smoke grenade at the corner of the stone wall and slowly step out. There will
be up to 4 tangos on this side of the building; 2 wandering around and 2 on the
front porch. Take them all down, and snipe the area until Bravo.

Bravo, return to EXT.

Order of Operations

Control Green until the outdoors are secure, then give Alpha and switch to Red
to clear the house.

4.02 Iron Comet

-This is the only mission that has civilians mixed in with the terrorists. So
when you're outside, make sure the guy has a gun before you shoot him. Other
than that, the tangos are pretty quick shots, so be careful as you advance
through the bazaar.

Red Team

Price, Eddie
Light Black Camo
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Rakuzanka, Kazimiera
Light Black Camo
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
Beckenbauer, Lars
Light Black Camo
Flashbang Grenades
Breaching Charge

Head NW from INS cautiously, letting Green clear the way for you first. You
can go normal pace once you're in the alley, and as you emerge, take the door
under the ramp into the marketplace. Breach the next door to stun the tango
outside; sometimes he will even surrender as you come through. Continue east
into the restaurant and at the kitchen, toss a flashbang out the back door.
Two tangos wait for you here, and another might come in from the SE. If he
hasn't, throw another flashbang through that opening and go get him yourself.
Hold for Bravo by the door that leads to the SW shops.

Bravo, head west to the staircase, but flashbang the opening first. Doing this
may drive the tango up the stairs, so be on your guard as you climb them. When
you reach the top, turn east towards the hostages. Breach the door to the room
they're being kept in, then breach the door to the balcony. A sniper is out
there. Finally, flashbang the room to the north and kill this guard. Wait for
Charlie nearby.

Charlie, escort the hostages to EXT.

Green Team

Johnston, Homer
Light Black Camo
WA-2000, thermal scope
Smoke Grenades
Smoke Grenades
Noronha, Alexandre
Light Black Camo
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades

Head west from INS and smoke the corner by the north bazaar. SATS into the
crowd, picking out the two tangos among the civilians. Sidestep north a bit and
look up to take down the sniper. Approach the alley leading west and snipe the
guy hiding in there. Continue to the end of the alley where you can snipe two
more tangos out in the open. Hold for Alpha by the canopy and snipe south at
the ramp.

Alpha, climb up that ramp and go through the door. Smoke the corner to cover
yourself from one visible guard. Another might come in to investigate, and
also look for one through the windows to the east. Continue south and smoke
the opening. Use the cover to look around the catwalks, especially the southern
one that leads to the hotsages. Once this area is clear, head back north a bit
and through the door to the west. This leads to a hallway overlooking the
bazaar. You might be able to kill some tangos in this hall. Hold here for

Charlie, return to EXT.

Order of Operations
This mission is straightforward enough: Green until sniping for Alpha, then
Red through most of the ground floor until Bravo, then Green to clear most of
the second floor until Charlie, and finally wrap it up with Red.

4.03 Little Wing

-A compact map that combines long range and small rooms, making for a somewhat
challenging hostage rescue.

Red Team

Walther, Jorg
Light Blue
M4, silenced
Mk23, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades
McAllen, Roger
Light Blue
M4, silenced
Mk23, silenced
Flashbang Grenades
Flashbang Grenades

From INS, head north and around into EXT. Wait for Alpha here as you watch 2
patrols come down this corridor. Shoot them as you see them.

Alpha, head west down the hall and enter the large room in the center. There
is one tango on the ground floor and 2 on the 2nd one. Green will have taken a
few out, but now is your chance to finish the job. Head up the ramp and
carefully enter the room to the west. A tango patrols this area, and there is
one more hiding by the ladder to the far west. Shoot both, then walk clockwise
around the room to keep out of sight of the hostage guard. When you reach the
bridge, toss a flashbang down into the shuttle and race down there to secure
the hostages. Disarm the bomb and escort the three back to EXT.

Green Team

Narino, Emilio
Light Blue
SR-25, thermal scope
Mk23, silenced
Heartbeat Sensor
Smoke Grenades

Climb the stairs right in front of INS all the way to the 3rd floor. As you
step outside, snipe the patrol on the bridge leading to the shuttle. Now
slowly make your way to the only room on this floor and smoke the corner before
turning it. One tango is in this southern area. When he's down, head south a
little more and you'll see a window looking down on the room with the ramp.
Smoke the window and snipe whoever you can find here until the smoke runs out.
Now run around towards the ladder and you will attract the attention of a
tango down there. When you hear him get alerted, peek over the ladder and snipe
him when he comes to investigate. Head down the ladder to the 1st floor,
advance west to the opening, and use the HB sensor to find the last few tangos
on this floor. Eliminate them to keep them out of Red's path, but do not expose
yourself to the 2nd floor tangos. When you're done, return to EXT.

Order of Operations

You might want to start as Red first to put them in position without getting
wounded. Then switch to Green to clear the 1st and 3rd floors. Control Red to
finish the mission.


5. Closing

For those still having problems, here are some cheats that might come in handy:

Press ~ once you have entered the map and type in:

godhostage 1 Hostages are invincible
godteam All Rainbow operatives are invincible
playerinvisible Operative in control is invisible
disarmbombs Bombs become disarmed automatically

Of course, you can ask me if you have still any further questions.

Thanks to Red Storm Entertainment and UbiSoft.

Copyright (c)2007 idyoticwyzard
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