World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

14.10.2013 07:17:29




World of Warcraft
Shaman Guide for the PC version
Copyright 2006 Aaron Larson.

This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private
use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly
without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or
as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.


[Current Patch Version -- v1.12.1]

October 2nd, 2006
Version 1.00 -- The basic "completed" form of the guide.


Table Of Contents:

(1) Introduction -- Welcome to Azeroth!
(2) About Shamans...
(3) Choosing Your Racial Identity
(3a) Orcs
(3b) Tauren
(3c) Trolls
(4) Choosing Your Talent Specialization
(4a) Elemental
(4b) Enhancement
(4c) Restoration
(4d) Sample / Model 'Talent Builds'
(5) Ready For Some Training?
(5a) Level 1 ( - 3 ? )
(5b) Level 4
(5c) Level 6
(5d) Level 8
(5e) Level 10
(5f) Level 12
(5g) Level 14
(5h) Level 16
(5i) Level 18
(5j) Level 20
(5k) Level 22
(5l) Level 24
(5m) Level 26
(5n) Level 28
(5o) Level 30
(5p) Level 32
(5q) Level 34
(5r) Level 36
(5s) Level 38
(5t) Level 40
(5u) Level 42
(5v) Level 44
(5w) Level 46
(5x) Level 48
(5y) Level 50
(5z) Level 52
(5aa) Level 54
(5bb) Level 56
(5cc) Level 58
(5dd) Level 60
(6) Shamanistic Equipment
(6a) Dungeon Set 1 -- Elements
(6b) Dungeon Set 2 -- Five Thunders
(6c) Tier 1 Raid Set -- Earthfury
(6d) Tier 2 Raid Set -- Ten Storms
(6e) Tier 3 Raid Set -- Earthshatter
(6f) PvP -- Rare
(6g) PvP -- Epic
(7) F.A.Q.s
(8) Contact Me


(1) Introduction -- Welcome to Azeroth!


Howdy! And welcome to my Shaman guide! Before going any further, allow me to
state that, in no manner, do I consider myself an expert on the Shaman class.
The thing I find most entertaining about World of Warcraft is that, no matter
how much you feel you know about the game, there's always something new to
explore or discover. Just goes with the saying: "You learn something new every

With that taken care of, a short personal introduction. My name's Aaron Larson,
as made evident in the copyright title. As of this moment, I'm a 19 year old
college student, majoring in Music with a concentration in Vocal Performance.
So in all fairness, the time I put into this guide should be spent on studying
and rehearsing and practicing and, well, all that jazz! But let's just keep
this between us, and not mention it to my professors, eh? Thanks a bunch!

As for my 'WoW' history and experience... I first played the game on a friend's
account, over a year ago. I tried out a Human Warlock -- and didn't really get
what I was doing [at all]. Zoom about eight months later, and I finally 'return
to Azeroth' as a Tauren Shaman. Over the time that I've spent working on this
toon, I tried out a Human Paladin... wasn't really my style, too defensive...
tried out a Night Elf Rogue... as offensive as it is, there were no real magic
capabilities... and most recently, I attempted an Undead Mage, and all that
insane power was definitely a blast (no pun intended), but the lack of any real
offensive strategy left me hanging. Not to mention, an absence in self-healing
spells, too. No kidding!

So after all this time, I've returned to the Tauren Shaman... now, I've yet to
try all the classes, and it may be a difficult struggle in deciding once I work
on an Undead Warlock I can't wait to get going, but at this specific moment,
Shaman has been my favorite class to play thus far. That said, throughout the
guide, I'll be careful to separate or note my own personal bias in the words.

To anyone even remotely interesting in finding me online...

Character Name -- Kasim
Server Name -- Twisting Nether (RPPVP)
Description -- Tauren Male Shaman



(2) About Shamans...


First, let's start with the basic information about the Shaman class. This is
an excerpt from the World of Warcraft Game Manual that came with your copy of
the game (or at least, I hope it did!)...

(World of Warcraft Game Manual, Pg. 82)
"Shamans are the spiritual advisors of the Horde. The shaman is a versatile and
flexible class that fulfills many roles in an adventuring party. While other
classes are pure fighters or spellcasters, the shaman enjoys a happy medium in
between. The shaman is an effective spellcaster, but can also fight extremely
well with mace and staff."

That said, it should be noted early on that Shaman (at this time) happens to be
a Horde-exclusive class. Much like Paladin (at this time) turns out to be an
Alliance-exclusive class.

Now, when you consider the versatility and flexibility of the Shaman class, you
may also realize an immediate downfall with a simple fact: that Shaman are, in
fact, a 'jack of all trades'. They don't particularly excel or fall behind in
a specific territory; they are simply in the middle of them all. This plays a
small issue when forming groups...

* If a group is seeking a pure healer, a Priest may be chosen over a Shaman.

* If a group is seeking strong 'DPS', a Rogue may be chosen over a Shaman.

* If a group is seeking high burst damage, a Mage may be chosen over a Shaman.

* If a group is seeking a main tank, a Warrior may be chosen over a Shaman.

... the bottom line, basically, is that if a group needs one specific or
individual role filled, there are other classes designed for such tasks, and
can perform at greater rates.

This considered, if at any time a group is in need of any combination of the
above, a Shaman is more likely to find a home amongst the crowd. With that
'jack of all trades' mentality does come the convenience of having a "2-in-1"
or even a "3-in-1," depending on what is needed.

Of course, there are many other factors to consider. For example, are you
attempting a standard '5-man dungeon,' or will you be entering a 'raid dungeon'
of 10-, 20-, or even 40-man stature? While some guilds may call for a specific
limitation on your character originality (a major desire for Restoration
spec'd Shamans, off the top of my head), there will always be a place for
Shamans. This will, of course, depend on the opposition your group is about to
face. Better safe than sorry?

This all said, I recommend to everyone, avoid in limiting your resources!
Any time you need additional materials or information to refer to, I strongly
recommend a visit to the 'WoW' community site!

... now let's get a touch more specific...


(3) Choosing Your Racial Identity


While the faction of choice should be relatively clear by now, you still have
to decide under which banner you will gain your honor, reputation, and pride!

(Note: The -gender- of your race does -not- affect the character in any way,
shape, manner, or form, aside from appearance; both genders are equal.)

There are three races to choose from: Orc, Tauren, and Troll. (This leaves out
Undead, in case this isn't clear.) When choosing your race, there's always the
easiest way to decide, and that's the look or feel. Do you like how your toon
looks? Do you feel 'right' or 'wrong' about deciding on one race over another?
For the basic or more casual player, I recommend starting off with whichever
you simply enjoy looking at most -- chances are, you'll be staring at your
choice several hours from now.

When it comes to strategically mapping out your long term progress in the game,
the racial deciding factor still includes personal preference. However, there
are a number of differences to consider. Here is a brief list of factors to
consider when making the final call...

* Which talent tree or specialization are you going to follow?

* Which racial traits benefit you most as a Shaman?

* Which racial traits benefit you [least] as a Shaman?

... without going into a long list, we will look at and contemplate each
specific possibility. At this point, let's start with a brief explanation of
the three different talent trees or specializations. And believe it or not,
this consideration starts off with your actual stats themselves, versus your
talent choices (or where you put your talent points)...

* For Elemental spec'd, your primary attributes are:
[] Stamina, Intellect, Spirit

* For Enhancement spec'd, your primary attributes are:
[] Strength, Agility, Stamina

* For Restoration spec'd, your primary attributes are:
[] Stamina, Intellect, Spirit

... now, this is rather limiting, and in reality, each stat can be just as
important as the next. However, we will begin dealing with specifics as we get
through each respective race.

(3a) Orcs

As an Orc, your starting stats are as follows:

| Str. | Agi. | Sta. | Int. | Spi. | Arm. | Health | Mana |
| | | | | | | | |
| 24 | 17 | 23 | 18 | 25 | 48 | 77 | 73 |

When it comes to primary attributes, the order of greatest to least is:
[] Spirit
[] Strength
[] Stamina
[] Intellect
[] Agility

With Spirit being your highest attribute, and Agility being your lowest, at
first glance, an Enhancement spec appears less effective. However, this can
immediately be altered with gear -- so this is a very small factor to consider,
if one you bother to look at, at all. Not to mention, if you follow the route
of an Enhancement spec, the Spirit attribute becomes "less important," thus
effectively placing both Strength and Stamina at the top of the list.

And now, let's look at the Orc racial traits...


* "May enrage, increasing damage but diminishing ability to be healed."
[] In game, this translates to:
Blood Fury (Racial) -- Instant cast / 2 min cooldown
* Increases base melee attack power by 25% for 15 sec and reduces healing
effects on you by 50% for 25 sec.
[] Opinion: There are two different ways you can look at this. The first, it
increases attack power -- excellent for Enhancement, still pretty good for
Elemental and even Restoration. The second, it halves your own healing,
for a longer time than the 'attack bonus', which can have a negative
impact, in case your enemy hasn't fallen by the time you need your next
heal. This second point also goes half-and-half with a Restoration build:
Your main focus is healing, so your heals are extra powerful, in the first
place... yet at the same time, they are still halved, and both your spell
and melee capabilities are not as specialized as they would've been in
another tree, possibly calling for additional time healing and / or new
defensive strategies. Up and down, for the most part.


* "Resistant to stun effects."
[] In game, this translates to:
Hardiness (Racial Passive)
* Chance to resist Stun effects increased by an additional 25%.
[] Opinion: An increased resistance to Stun effects benefits every class,
regardless of actual style or capabilities. That said, while this is a
plus for any Shaman, the more common Stun scenarios will occur in melee
range (not all, but more commonly). A Shaman with Enhancement spec gets
that lil' extra edge, since they are consistently at risk here. Still, any
Shaman could use this racial trait.


* "Damage done by pets increased."
[] In game, this translates to:
Command (Racial Passive)
* Damage dealt by Hunter and Warlock pets increased by 5%.
[] Opinion: All you need to read, really, is "Hunter and Warlock pets." For
the simple fact that Shamans do not have pets, they receive no benefit
from the racial trait. Definitely not helpful to a Shaman, and a waste.


* "Skill with Axes increased."
[] In game, this translates to:
Axe Specialization (Racial Passive)
* Skill with Axes and Two-Handed Axes increased by 5.
[] Opinion: As this deals with your weapon, it only benefits you in the case
that you are using either an Axe or a Two-Handed Axe. This has a balance
to it, in that you can't use a Two-Handed Axe as a Shaman unless you spend
at least 11 talent points down the Enhancement talent tree, anyway, so you
will already be working on improving your weapon skills. The other end of
the balance, however, is if you're not going to invest points in that
tree, you're going towards either Elemental or Restoration -- both are
which, not as concerned about the weapon you use, as much as the stat
bonuses or increases you receive from the weapon. And then, it only works
on a single weapon. Not a deciding factor unless you're going melee.


Personally speaking (with my own opinion / bias), I feel a better class choice
for an Orc would be either a Hunter or Warlock. "Command" becomes a huge
deciding factor, in it either being completely useful or completely useless.
As a Hunter, the Orcs can also send their pets to 'fight battles for them',
so the usage of "Blood Fury" is not as negative, so long as their damage is
lessened. (On the flip side, "Blood Fury" is relatively useless for a Warlock.)

These factors still considered, the offensive capabilities of an Orc Shaman are
indeed great. Though they could possibly benefit a Warrior just a bit more,
considering they are all melee and no magic (or healing spells). The issue of
"Blood Fury" is only a matter if you're going to use it; if not, Enhancement
is less primary, and Restoration is more effective. (At the same time, if you
skip using this racial trait, you are essentially creating another useless
spot on your toon.)

(3b) Tauren

As an Tauren, your starting stats are as follows:

| Str. | Agi. | Sta. | Int. | Spi. | Arm. | Health | Mana |
| | | | | | | | |
| 26 | 15 | 23 | 16 | 24 | 44 | 81 | 71 |

When it comes to primary attributes, the order of greatest to least is:
[] Strength
[] Spirit
[] Stamina
[] Intellect
[] Agility

With Strength being your highest attribute, and Agility being your lowest, at
first glance, either an Elemental or Restoration spec appears less effective.
At the same time, with Agility being at the bottom, an Enhancement spec may
receive a slight blow to its ego. However, this can all be altered with gear --
so this is a very small factor to consider, if one you bother to look at, at
all. Not to mention, if you follow the route of an Enhancement spec, the Spirit
attribute becomes "less important," thus effectively placing two of the major
attributes for Enhancement -- Strength and Stamina -- at the top of
the list.

And now, let's look at the Tauren racial traits...


* "May stomp, stunning nearby opponents."
[] In game, this translates to:
War Stomp (Racial) -- 0.5 sec cast / 2 min cooldown
* Stuns up to 5 enemies within 8 yds. for 2 sec.
[] Opinion: Almost immediately, you will find this to be your best friend.
In the long run, popping this off and stunning any number of enemies for
two seconds can go a long way. Two points into Improved Ghost Wolf makes
it ('Ghost Wolf') a 1 sec cast -- War Stomp + Ghost Wolf. Lesser Healing
Wave, at any rank, is a 1.5 sec cast -- War Stomp + Lesser Healing Wave.
Or if you're trying to get off another spell, yet your instant casts are
still in cooldown, even a Lightning Bolt at Rank 8 can be brought down to
a 2 sec cast (via 5 points into the Elemental tree talent 'Lightning
Mastery') -- War Stomp + Lightning Bolt. There are a number of different
possibilities, and this racial trait combined with core Shaman abilities,
makes this a ridiculously useful ability. Not at all something to just
gloss over.


* "Maximum health increased."
[] In game, this translates to:
Endurance (Racial Passive)
* Total Health increased by 5%.
[] Opinion: More health is always a wonderful thing, regardless of class.
And since you can also heal as a Shaman, and eventually equip Mail armor,
the more health you have will simply make you even harder to kill. What
can seem so little as +4.05 Health at the start of the game, can decide
whether the next spell that targets you is a killing blow or not. Huge
bonus for all classes, Shamans being no exception.


* "Herbalism skill increased."
[] In game, this translates to:
Cultivation (Racial Passive)
* Herbalism skill increased by 15.
[] Opinion: This racial trait only affects your Herbalism skill. Note that
this only matters if you are taking Herbalism as a primary profession in
the first place. If not, this is completely useless. If so, this benefits
in picking some herbs a little earlier than normal; though in the grand
scheme, this doesn't play much a role once you hit 300 with your skill.
Not an important factor.


* "Resistant to Nature damage."
[] In game, this translates to:
Nature Resistance (Racial Passive)
* Nature Resistance increased by 10.
[] Opinion: I suppose this is only half effective, in terms of what it does.
Against Druids or other Shamans, it still leaves you at a Poor defense
rating for some spells -- still, it's better than nothing. While not a
complete waste, it's only a minor factor. (That said, I'm unsure as to
whether reflected spells consider or ignore the Nature Resistance in
damage calculations.)


Personally speaking (with my own opinion / bias), I feel the best race choice
for a Shaman is in fact Tauren. With the exception of "Cultivation" (and maybe
"Nature Resistance"), the lack of situational occurrences allow for a solution
in most any situation. Whether it's running a flag in Warsong Gulch, or fleeing
from a Rogue that got a little too close for comfort, the abilities work out
almost perfectly.

Everything considered, however, it's important to note the high capabilities of
a Tauren Warrior. While definitely similar in design, combining a Warrior's
innate abilities with the Tauren racial traits make for an extremely deadly
unit. ('Charge' alone, for instance.) This mentioned, I wouldn't recommend a
Tauren Hunter, as Orcs appear to have racials more attuned to that class.

(3c) Trolls

As an Troll, your starting stats are as follows:

| Str. | Agi. | Sta. | Int. | Spi. | Arm. | Health | Mana |
| | | | | | | | |
| 22 | 22 | 22 | 17 | 23 | 58 | 67 | 72 |

When it comes to primary attributes, the order of greatest to least is:
[] Spirit
[] Strength / Agility / Stamina
[] Intellect

With Spirit being your highest attribute, and Intellect being your lowest, at
first glance, no single spec appears more or less effective than the other.
However, note how the most important attributes to an Enhancement spec are all
equal, and only a single point under Spirit. The low count in Intellect can
immediately be altered with gear -- so this is a very small factor to consider,
if one you bother to look at, at all. Still, it seems clear a focus on a more
melee based style of toon is in order for this race.

And now, let's look at the Troll racial traits...


* "Berserk, increasing attack and casting speed."
[] In game, this translates to:
Berserking (Racial) -- 3 Mana + Instant cast / 3 min cooldown
* Increases your casting and attack speed by 10% to 30%. At full health
the increase is 10% with a greater effect up to 30% if you are badly
hurt when you activate Berserking. Lasts 10 sec.
[] Opinion: There isn't any negative or down side to this ability; can be
used well any talent tree specialization. For Elemental, this allows for
faster Lightning Bolts; for Enhancement, this allows for faster attacks,
possibly increased rate at 'weapon bonus procs'; for Restoration, if you
are in need of healing, the speed at which your healing spell goes off
will be faster, the more in need of it you are. This is, in a sense, as
good as the Tauren's Racial "War Stomp," except for the major factor that
this doesn't affect enemies. Meaning, even if your spells cast at a 30%
increased rate, a consistent barrage of attacks may still interrupt your
chance of successful casting. Not to mention, depending on your talents,
your spells may already have reduced casting times, and would benefit more
from having surrounding opposition stunned versus just more speed.


* "Regeneration increased."
[] In game, this translates to:
Regeneration (Racial Passive)
* Health regeneration rate increased by 10%. 10% of total Health
regeneration may continue during combat.
[] Opinion: Depending on how you look at it, this is half beneficial and
half unnecessary. If it increased your -Mana- regeneration rate, then we'd
be in business. However, as a Shaman, you have healing capabilities. The
'in combat' clause sounds nice on paper, but when damage being dealt is
negating any basic health recovery, you'll most likely be turning back to
your healing spells, either way. That said, it also reads like it works
with the high Spirit attribute; however, your greater concern as a Shaman
will be in your Mana efficiency -- something this doesn't help at all.


* "Damage increased versus beasts."
[] In game, this translates to:
Beast Slaying (Racial Passive)
* Damage dealt versus Beasts increased by 5%.
[] Opinion: This is very situational, and only effective against Beasts. The
up to this, is having some sort of advantage over a specific type of
enemy -- at the same time, it is [just] a single type. Minor plus, but not
a huge deal for Shamans.


* "Throwing and Bow Weapon skills increased."
[] In game, this translates to:
Throwing Specialization (Racial Passive)
* Skill with Throwing Weapons increased by 5.
Bow Specialization (Racial Passive)
+ Skill with Bow Weapons increased by 5.
[] Opinion: While it certainly looks nice, that if you create a Troll, the
single description splits up into two separate racial traits. So what's
the problem? Shamans can use neither Throwing Weapons or Bow Weapons. As
such, this (or these) racial traits are completely useless to a Shaman.


Personally speaking (with my own opinion / bias), I feel a better class choice
for an Orc would be either a Hunter or Rogue. "Berserking" is definitely nice
in a spell scenario, but imagine the insanity of a Hunter or Rogue with haste.
Emphasis can be placed on the Rogue, considering how quick your standard Rogue
already is (not considering "Dagger spec'ced").

The main problem with the racial traits is the emphasis on situational
factors. The increased weapon skills are useless, in the first place.
"Regeneration" is slightly misplaced, if anything, and "Beast Slaying" is nice
against only a specific group; when it comes down to farming certain instances,
you may not notice it or even bother to try to.


(4) Choosing Your Talent Specialization


Before even attempting to force yourself to understand the ugly talent design
I'm gonna try to use, I highly recommend either referring to the in-game talent
sheet, or using a Talent Calculator online somewhere. For instance, from the
'WoW' Community Site...

... which should make it a lot easier to understand; or even, if you like, feel
free to skip past the talent design and read the 'opinions'! Though the route
is up to you. For now, a brief explanation of how they will look.

[] Example #1

|-------| |-------| |-------| |-------|
| A / 3 | | B / 5 | | C / 2 | | D / 1 |
|-------| |-------| |-------| |-------|

* Each individual talent will appear with both a letter and a number.
* The letter is simply for reference to the talent description below.
* The number is how many points can be invested in a specific talent.

|-------| |-------|
| E / 1 | >>>>> | F / 5 |
|-------| |-------|
| G / 1 |

* The '>' and 'V' are arrows demonstrating specific paths. Some talents call
for prerequisites to be met; in the above scenario, you can't learn -G-
without first learning -F-... and you can't learn -F- without first
learning -E-... so on and so forth.
* Each level of descent, regardless of a path or not, is considered the next
"Tier". (The very top is Tier 1, the next one down is Tier 2, below that
is Tier 3, etc.)
* The following Tier cannot be reached until a minimum count of 5 talent
points has been invested per Tier level desired. For example, to reach
Tier 4, a minimum of 15 points are needed: 5 for Tier 1, 5 for Tier 2, and
5 for Tier 3. (Note that you do -not- have to spend 5 points in -each-
Tier; where you spend isn't important in reaching the next Tier, just that
you actually -invest- them somewhere.)

[] End Example

... that all said, I will once again include the link to the official talent
calculator from ''! ...

... it will be -much- easier to read, I can almost completely assure you. But
with the explanation out of the way, let's jump into the mess, eh?

(Note: I plan to include my own personal opinion for each talent in the near
future. In the end, though, it's important to decide on its overall benefit to
you versus whatever I say. I will attempt to look at more sides than just one,
or just my own, as well. This said, if you completely neglect some abilities,
then regardless of how awesome they are, the points will be wasted. Y'know?)

(4a) Elemental

|-------| |-------|
| A / 5 | | B / 5 |
|-------| |-------|

|-------| |-------| |-------|
| C / 2 | | D / 3 | | E / 3 |
|-------| |-------| |-------|

|-------| |-------| |-------|
| F / 1 | | G / 5 | | H / 5 |
|-------| |-------| |-------|
|-------| |-------| V |-------|
| I / 2 | | J / 3 | V | K / 3 |
|-------| |-------| V |-------|
|-------| |-------| V
| L / 2 | | M / 1 | V
|-------| |-------| V
V |-------|
V | N / 5 |
V |-------|
| O / 1 |

* Elemental Shaman Talents

####### [] Tier 1 #######

|-------| * Convection
| A / 5 | Reduces the mana cost of your Shock, Lightning Bolt and Chain
|-------| Lightning spells by ___%.
[] ___ 2% ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] ___ 4% ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] ___ 6% ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] ___ 8% ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] __ 10% ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

|-------| * Concussion
| B / 5 | Increases the damage done by your Lightning Bolt, Chain
|-------| Lightning and Shock spells by ___%.
[] ___ 1% ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] ___ 2% ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] ___ 3% ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] ___ 4% ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] ___ 5% ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

####### [] Tier 2 #######

|-------| * Earth's Grasp
| C / 2 | Increases the health of your Stoneclaw Totem by ___% and the
|-------| radius of your Earthbind Totem by ___%.
[] ___ 25% ___ / ___ 10% ___ (Rank 1 / 2)
[] ___ 50% ___ / ___ 20% ___ (Rank 2 / 2)
* Opinion

|-------| * Elemental Warding
| D / 3 | Reduces damage taken from Fire, Frost and Nature effects by
|-------| ___%.
[] ___ 4% ___ (Rank 1 / 3)
[] ___ 7% ___ (Rank 2 / 3)
[] __ 10% ___ (Rank 3 / 3)
* Opinion

|-------| * Call of Flame
| E / 3 | Increases the damage done by your Fire Totems by ___%.
|-------| [] ___ 5% ___ (Rank 1 / 3)
[] __ 10% ___ (Rank 2 / 3)
[] __ 15% ___ (Rank 3 / 3)
* Opinion

####### [] Tier 3 #######

|-------| * Elemental Focus
| F / 1 | Gives you a 10% chance to enter a Clearcasting state after
|-------| casting any Fire, Frost, or Nature damage spell. The
Clearcasting state reduces the mana cost of your next damage
spell by 100%.
[] ___ (Rank 1 / 1)
* Opinion

|-------| * Reverberation
| G / 5 | Reduces the cooldown of your Shock spells by ___ sec.
|-------| [] ___ 0.2 sec ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] ___ 0.4 sec ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] ___ 0.6 sec ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] ___ 0.8 sec ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] ___ 1.0 sec ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

|-------| * Call of Thunder
| H / 5 | Increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt and
|-------| Chain Lightning spells by ___%.
[] ___ 1% ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] ___ 2% ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] ___ 3% ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] ___ 4% ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] ___ 6% ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

####### [] Tier 4 #######

|-------| * Improved Fire Nova Totem
| I / 2 | Reduces the delay before your Fire Nova Totem activates by ___
|-------| sec. and decreases the threat generated by your Magma Totem by
[] ___ 1 sec. ___ / ___ 25% ___ (Rank 1 / 2)
[] ___ 2 sec. ___ / ___ 50% ___ (Rank 2 / 2)
* Opinion

|-------| * Eye of the Storm
| J / 3 | Gives you a ___% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that
|-------| lasts for 6 sec after being the victim of a melee or ranged
critical strike. The Focused Casting effect prevents you from
losing casting time when taking damage.
[] ___ 33% ___ (Rank 1 / 3)
[] ___ 66% ___ (Rank 2 / 3)
[] __ 100% ___ (Rank 3 / 3)
* Opinion

|-------| * Elemental Devastation
| K / 3 | Your offensive spell crits will increase your chance to get a
|-------| critical strike with melee attacks by ___% for 10 sec.
[] ___ 3% ___ (Rank 1 / 3)
[] ___ 6% ___ (Rank 2 / 3)
[] ___ 9% ___ (Rank 3 / 3)
* Opinion

####### [] Tier 5 #######

|-------| * Storm Reach
| L / 2 | Increases the range of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning
|-------| spells by ___ yards.
[] ___ 3 yards ___ (Rank 1 / 2)
[] ___ 6 yards ___ (Rank 2 / 2)
* Opinion

|-------| * Elemental Fury
| M / 1 | Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Searing,
|-------| Magma, and Fire Nova Totems and your Fire, Frost, and Nature
spells by 100%.
[] ___ (Rank 1 / 1)
* Opinion

####### [] Tier 6 #######

|-------| * Lightning Mastery
| N / 5 | Reduces the cast time of your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning
|-------| spells by ___ sec.
[] ___ 0.2 sec ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] ___ 0.4 sec ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] ___ 0.6 sec ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] ___ 0.8 sec ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] ___ 1.0 sec ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

####### [] Tier 7 #######

|-------| * Elemental Mastery
| O / 1 | (Instant) -- (3 min cooldown)
|-------| When activated, this spell gives your next Fire, Frost, or
Nature damage spell a 100% critical strike chance and reduces
the mana cost by 100%.
[] ___ (Rank 1 / 1)
* Opinion

(4b) Enhancement

|-------| |-------|
| A / 5 | | B / 5 |
|-------| |-------|

|-------| |-------| |-------| |-------|
| C / 2 | | D / 5 | | E / 2 | | F / 3 |
|-------| |-------| |-------| |-------|
|-------| V |-------| |-------|
| G / 2 | V | H / 1 | | I / 5 |
|-------| V |-------| |-------|
|-------| |-------|
| J / 5 | | K / 5 |
|-------| |-------|

|-------| |-------| |-------|
| L / 2 | | M / 3 | | N / 1 |
|-------| |-------| |-------|
V |-------|
V | O / 5 |
V |-------|
| P / 1 |

* Enhancement Shaman Talents

############### [] Tier 1 ###############

|-------| * Ancestral Knowledge
| A / 5 | Increases your maximum Mana by ___%.
|-------| [] ___ 1% ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] ___ 2% ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] ___ 3% ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] ___ 4% ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] ___ 5% ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

|-------| * Shield Specialization
| B / 5 | Increases your chance to block attacks with a shield by ___% and
|-------| increases the amount blocked by ___%.
[] ___ 1% ___ / ___ 5% ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] ___ 2% ___ / __ 10% ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] ___ 3% ___ / __ 15% ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] ___ 4% ___ / __ 20% ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] ___ 5% ___ / __ 25% ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

############### [] Tier 2 ###############

|-------| * Guardian Totems
| C / 2 | Increases the amount of damage reduced by your Stoneskin Totem
|-------| and Windwall Totem by ___% and reduces the cooldown of your
Grounding Totem by ___ sec.
[] __ 10% ___ / ___ 1 sec. ___ (Rank 1 / 2)
[] __ 20% ___ / ___ 2 sec. ___ (Rank 2 / 2)
* Opinion

|-------| * Thundering Strikes
| D / 5 | Improves your chance to get a critical strike with your weapon
|-------| attacks by ___%.
[] ___ 1% ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] ___ 2% ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] ___ 3% ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] ___ 4% ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] ___ 5% ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

|-------| * Improved Ghost Wolf
| E / 2 | Reduces the cast time of your Ghost Wolf spell by ___ sec.
|-------| [] ___ 1 sec. ___ (Rank 1 / 2)
[] ___ 2 sec. ___ (Rank 2 / 2)
* Opinion

|-------| * Improved Lightning Shield
| F / 3 | Increases the damage done by your Lightning Shield orbs by ___%.
|-------| [] ___ 5% ___ (Rank 1 / 3)
[] __ 10% ___ (Rank 2 / 3)
[] __ 15% ___ (Rank 3 / 3)
* Opinion

############### [] Tier 3 ###############

|-------| * Enhancing Totems
| G / 2 | Increases the effect of your Strength of Earth and Grace of Air
|-------| Totems by ___%.
[] ___ 8% ___ (Rank 1 / 2)
[] __ 15% ___ (Rank 2 / 2)
* Opinion

|-------| * Two-Handed Axes and Maces
| H / 1 | Allows you to use Two-Handed Axes and Two-Handed Maces.
|-------| [] ___ (Rank 1 / 1)
* Opinion

|-------| * Anticipation
| I / 5 | Increases your chance to dodge by an additional ___%.
|-------| [] ___ 1% ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] ___ 2% ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] ___ 3% ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] ___ 4% ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] ___ 5% ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

############### [] Tier 4 ###############

|-------| * Flurry
| J / 5 | Increases your attack speed by ___% for your next 3 swings after
|-------| dealing a critical strike.
[] __ 10% ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] __ 15% ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] __ 20% ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] __ 25% ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] __ 30% ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

|-------| * Toughness
| K / 5 | Increases your armor value from items by ___%.
|-------| [] ___ 2% ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] ___ 4% ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] ___ 6% ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] ___ 8% ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] __ 10% ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

############### [] Tier 5 ###############

|-------| * Improved Weapon Totems
| L / 2 | Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Windfury Totem by
|-------| ___% and increases the damage caused by your Flametongue Totem
by ___%.
[] __ 15% ___ / ___ 6% ___ (Rank 1 / 2)
[] __ 30% ___ / __ 12% ___ (Rank 2 / 2)
* Opinion

|-------| * Elemental Weapons
| M / 3 | Increases the melee attack power bonus of your Rockbiter Weapon
|-------| by ___%, your Windfury Weapon effect by ___% and increases the
damage caused by your Flametongue Weapon and Frostbrand Weapon
by ___%.
[] ___ 7% ___ / __ 13% ___ / ___ 5% ___ (Rank 1 / 3)
[] __ 14% ___ / __ 27% ___ / __ 10% ___ (Rank 2 / 3)
[] __ 20% ___ / __ 40% ___ / __ 15% ___ (Rank 3 / 3)
* Opinion

|-------| * Parry
| N / 1 | Gives a chance to parry enemy melee attacks.
|-------| [] ___ (Rank 1 / 1)
* Opinion

############### [] Tier 6 ###############

|-------| * Weapon Mastery
| O / 5 | Increases the damage you deal with all weapons by ___%.
|-------| [] ___ 2% ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] ___ 4% ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] ___ 6% ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] ___ 8% ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] __ 10% ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

############### [] Tier 7 ###############

|-------| * Stormstrike
| P / 1 | (204 Mana / Instant cast) -- (9 yd range / 20 sec cooldown)
|-------| Gives you an extra attack. In addition, the next 2 sources of
Nature damage dealt to the target are increased by 20%. Lasts
12 sec.
[] ___ (Rank 1 / 1)
* Opinion

(4c) Restoration

|-------| |-------|
| A / 5 | | B / 5 |
|-------| |-------|

|-------| |-------| |-------|
| C / 2 | | D / 3 | | E / 5 |
|-------| |-------| |-------|

|-------| |-------| |-------| |-------|
| F / 3 | | G / 5 | | H / 1 | | I / 3 |
|-------| |-------| |-------| |-------|

|-------| |-------|
| J / 5 | | K / 5 |
|-------| |-------|
|-------| V |-------|
| L / 3 | V | M / 1 |
|-------| V |-------|
V |-------|
V | N / 5 |
V |-------|
| O / 1 |

* Restoration Shaman Talents

############### [] Tier 1 ###############

|-------| * Improved Healing Wave
| A / 5 | Reduces the casting time of your Healing Wave spell by ___ sec.
|-------| [] ___ 0.1 ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] ___ 0.2 ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] ___ 0.3 ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] ___ 0.4 ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] ___ 0.5 ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

|-------| * Tidal Focus
| B / 5 | Reduces the Mana cost of your healing spells by ___%.
|-------| [] ___ 1% ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] ___ 2% ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] ___ 3% ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] ___ 4% ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] ___ 5% ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

############### [] Tier 2 ###############

|-------| * Improved Reincarnation
| C / 2 | Reduces the cooldown of your Reincarnation spell by ___ min and
|-------| increases the amount of health and mana you reincarnate with by
an additional ___%.
[] __ 10 min ___ / ___ 10% ___ (Rank 1 / 2)
[] __ 20 min ___ / ___ 20% ___ (Rank 2 / 2)
* Opinion

|-------| * Ancestral Healing
| D / 3 | Increases your target's armor value by ___% for 15 sec after
|-------| getting a critical effect from one of your healing spells.
[] ___ 8% ___ (Rank 1 / 3)
[] __ 16% ___ (Rank 2 / 3)
[] __ 25% ___ (Rank 3 / 3)
* Opinion

|-------| * Totemic Focus
| E / 5 | Reduces the mana cost of your totems by ___%.
|-------| [] ___ 5% ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] __ 10% ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] __ 15% ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] __ 20% ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] __ 25% ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

############### [] Tier 3 ###############

|-------| * Nature's Guidance
| F / 3 | Increases your chance to hit with melee attacks and spells by
|-------| ___%.
[] ___ 1% ___ (Rank 1 / 3)
[] ___ 2% ___ (Rank 2 / 3)
[] ___ 3% ___ (Rank 3 / 3)
* Opinion

|-------| * Healing Focus
| G / 5 | Gives you a ___% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage
|-------| while casting any healing spell.
[] __ 14% ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] __ 28% ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] __ 42% ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] __ 56% ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] __ 70% ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

|-------| * Totemic Mastery
| H / 1 | The radius of your totems that affect friendly targets is
|-------| increased to 30 yd.
[] ___ (Rank 1 / 1)
* Opinion

|-------| * Healing Grace
| I / 3 | Reduces the threat generated by your healing spells by ___%.
|-------| [] ___ 5% ___ (Rank 1 / 3)
[] __ 10% ___ (Rank 2 / 3)
[] __ 15% ___ (Rank 3 / 3)
* Opinion

############### [] Tier 4 ###############

|-------| * Restorative Totems
| J / 5 | Increases the effect of your Mana Spring and Healing Stream
|-------| Totems by ___%.
[] ___ 5% ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] __ 10% ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] __ 15% ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] __ 20% ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] __ 25% ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

|-------| * Tidal Mastery
| K / 5 | Increases the critical effect chance of your healing and
|-------| lightning spells by ___%.
[] ___ 1% ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] ___ 2% ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] ___ 3% ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] ___ 4% ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] ___ 5% ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

############### [] Tier 5 ###############

|-------| * Healing Way
| L / 3 | Your Healing Wave spells have a ___% chance to increase the
|-------| effect of subsequent Healing Wave spells on that target by 6%
for 15 sec. This effect will stack up to 3 times.
[] __ 33% ___ (Rank 1 / 3)
[] __ 66% ___ (Rank 2 / 3)
[] _ 100% ___ (Rank 3 / 3)
* Opinion

|-------| * Nature's Swiftness
| M / 1 | (Instant) -- (3 min cooldown)
|-------| When activated, your next Nature spell with a casting time less
then 10 sec becomes an instant cast spell.
[] ___ (Rank 1 / 1)
* Opinion

############### [] Tier 6 ###############

|-------| * Purification
| N / 5 | Increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by ___%.
|-------| [] ___ 2% ___ (Rank 1 / 5)
[] ___ 4% ___ (Rank 2 / 5)
[] ___ 6% ___ (Rank 3 / 5)
[] ___ 8% ___ (Rank 4 / 5)
[] __ 10% ___ (Rank 5 / 5)
* Opinion

############### [] Tier 7 ###############

|-------| * Mana Tide Totem
| O / 1 | (20 Mana / Instant cast) -- (5 min cooldown)
|-------| ___ Tools: Water Totem ___
Summons a Mana Tide Totem with 5 health at the feet of the
caster for 12 sec that restores 170 mana every 3 seconds to
group members within 20 yards.
[] ___ (Rank 1 / 1)
* Opinion

(4d) Sample / Model 'Talent Builds'

These are a few sample templates that can be followed when choosing what to
invest your talent points into. Of course, you're not required to follow these
point-by-point, so feel free to go against the grain and pick up some different
abilities. However, these are basically general ideas, going in to the world
of talent specialization. (This said, feel free to submit your own to me!)

[] My "Kasim" Build v1.0 (Initial Spec)
* Enhancement / Restoration -- 0 / 30 / 21

[] Elemental Talents
___ Tier 1 ___
* ...

[] Enhancement Talents
___ Tier 1 ___
* Ancestral Knowledge (Rank 5 / 5)
___ Tier 2 ___
* Thundering Strikes (Rank 5 / 5)
* Improved Ghost Wolf (Rank 2 / 2)
* Improved Lightning Shield (Rank 3 / 3)
___ Tier 3 ___
* Two-Handed Axes and Maces (Rank 1 / 1)
___ Tier 4 ___
* Flurry (Rank 5 / 5)
___ Tier 5 ___
* Elemental Weapons (Rank 3 / 3)
* Parry (Rank 1 / 1)
___ Tier 6 ___
* Weapon Mastery (Rank 5 / 5)

[] Restoration Talents
___ Tier 1 ___
* Tidal Focus (Rank 5 / 5)
___ Tier 2 ___
* Totemic Focus (Rank 5 / 5)
___ Tier 3 ___
* Nature's Guidance (Rank 3 / 3)
* Healing Focus (Rank 1 / 5)
* Totemic Mastery (Rank 1 / 1)
___ Tier 4 ___
* Tidal Mastery (Rank 5 / 5)
___ Tier 5 ___
* Nature's Swiftness (Rank 1 / 1)

[] My "Kasim" Build v2.0 (Tentative Re-spec)
* Elemental / Restoration -- 30 / 0 / 21

[] Elemental Talents
___ Tier 1 ___
* Convection (Rank 5 / 5)
* Concussion (Rank 5 / 5)
___ Tier 2 ___
* ...
___ Tier 3 ___
* Elemental Focus (Rank 1 / 1)
* Reverberation (Rank 5 / 5)
* Call of Thunder (Rank 5 / 5)
___ Tier 4 ___
* Eye of the Storm (Rank 1 / 3)
___ Tier 5 ___
* Storm Reach (Rank 2 / 2)
* Elemental Fury (Rank 1 / 1)
___ Tier 6 ___
* Lightning Mastery (Rank 5 / 5)

[] Enhancement Talents
___ Tier 1 ___
* ...

[] Restoration Talents
___ Tier 1 ___
* Tidal Focus (Rank 5 / 5)
___ Tier 2 ___
* Totemic Focus (Rank 5 / 5)
___ Tier 3 ___
* Nature's Guidance (Rank 3 / 3)
* Healing Focus (Rank 1 / 5)
* Totemic Mastery (Rank 1 / 1)
___ Tier 4 ___
* Tidal Mastery (Rank 5 / 5)
___ Tier 5 ___
* Nature's Swiftness (Rank 1 / 1)

[] My "Kasim" |negative| Build v-1.0 (Discarded Re-spec)
* Elemental / Enhancement -- 30 / 21 / 0

[] Elemental Talents
___ Tier 1 ___
* Convection (Rank 5 / 5)
* Concussion (Rank 5 / 5)
___ Tier 2 ___
* ...
___ Tier 3 ___
* Elemental Focus (Rank 1 / 1)
* Reverberation (Rank 5 / 5)
* Call of Thunder (Rank 5 / 5)
___ Tier 4 ___
* Eye of the Storm (Rank 1 / 3)
___ Tier 5 ___
* Storm Reach (Rank 2 / 2)
* Elemental Fury (Rank 1 / 1)
___ Tier 6 ___
* Lightning Mastery (Rank 5 / 5)

[] Enhancement Talents
___ Tier 1 ___
* Ancestral Knowledge (Rank 5 / 5)
___ Tier 2 ___
* Thundering Strikes (Rank 5 / 5)
* Improved Ghost Wolf (Rank 2 / 2)
* Improved Lightning Shield (Rank 3 / 3)
___ Tier 3 ___
* Two-Handed Axes and Maces (Rank 1 / 1)
___ Tier 4 ___
* Flurry (Rank 5 / 5)

[] Restoration Talents
___ Tier 1 ___
* ...


(5) Ready For Some Training?


To keep it short and sweet, you are definitely going to want to upgrade your
abilities with every chance you get. That said, with the exception of Levels 2
and 3, new spells or abilities will become available with every other level.
(For example, Level 4, 6, 8, 10, 12...)

As for where you can learn new Shaman abilities, you will want to find a Shaman
Trainer in either the Orc capital of Orgrimmar, or the Tauren capital of
Thunder Bluff. Most upgrades cannot be purchased without having obtained the
previous ranking. Then again, why wouldn't you already have it, anyway? There's
nothing to lose and everything to gain, so be sure you save up for your next
visit to a trainer.

Now, specific abilities correspond to an individual type of combat. The three
categories are Elemental Combat, Enhancement, and Restoration. To say the
least, they correspond for the most part to each respective talent tree. That
said, nothing is stopping you from learning every Shaman ability, as this is
separate from your actual talent point investments. Buy 'em out!

Starting note -- there is one ability, immediately available to learn once you
start your new toon. While it is readily available, feel free to wait until
Level 4 to purchase it, along with the rest of your abilities. Either way, you
start with a couple spells (included below), so you should be perfectly fine
until then, and even beyond, for the most part.

(Those starting abilities are included below for organization / clarification.)

Now, the costs are standard prices without discounts. This said, there are two
separate 10% discounts you can obtain in the game. One 10% discount can be
obtained by reaching the Honored status in reputation with a specific faction.
After, anything purchased from a member of that faction will have 10% marked
off. (This said, the only factions this will help you with in terms of Shaman
training, will be Orgrimmar and Thunder Bluff.)

The second 10% discount can be obtained by reaching the Sergeant status in
terms of Honor and / or Battlegrounds. These include Warsong Gulch, Arathi
Basin, and Alterac Valley (though there are other methods of gaining Honor).
Once you have hit the Rank of Sergeant, any item you purchase anywhere in
Azeroth will have 10% marked off.

That all said, these discounts -do- in fact stack to a total of 20% off. With
the faction reputation, you will permanently keep that 10% off unless you
manage to lose reputation within your faction (and to be honest, I haven't
personally found any way to do this). With the Honor, your Rank can fluctuate
if you're not consistently participating in Battlegrounds. At any time your
Rank drops below Sergeant, you will lose the 10% discount instantly. (Anything
purchased thus far will not suddenly charge you that 10%, fortunately.)

Something serious to consider, once the abilities start costing you gold!

(5a) Level 1 ( - 3 ? )

[] Lightning Bolt (Rank 1) -- *YOU START WITH THIS*
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 15 Mana / 1.5 sec cast -- (30 yd range)
* Casts a bolt of lightning at the target for 13 to 15 Nature damage.

[] Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 1) -- Cost: 10 copper
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 15 Mana / Instant cast
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon, increasing melee attack power by 29 and
allowing melee attacks to cause additional threat when using that weapon.
Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Healing Wave (Rank 1) -- *YOU START WITH THIS*
[] Category: Restoration
[] 25 Mana / 1.5 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
* Heals a friendly target for 34 to 44.

(5b) Level 4

[] Earth Shock (Rank 1) -- Cost: 1 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 30 Mana / Instant cast -- (20 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
* Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing 17 to 19 Nature
damage. It also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that
school from being cast for 2 sec. Causes a high amount of threat.

(5c) Level 6

[] Earthbind Totem -- Cost: 1 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] ???? mana / Instant cast -- (15 sec cooldown)
___ Tools: Earth Totem ___
* Summons an Earthbind Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 45
sec that slows the movement speed of the enemies within 10 yards.
???? The mana cost is not specific; it is roughly 4% of your maximum mana.
(This calculation has not been proven, nor has it been tested to check
whether or not increasing your maximum mana and / or decreasing your spell
costs affects the overall mana cost in any manner.)

[] Healing Wave (Rank 2) -- Cost: 1 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 45 Mana / 2 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
___ Requires: Healing Wave (Rank 1) ___
* Heals a friendly target for 64 to 78.

(5d) Level 8

[] Earth Shock (Rank 2) -- Cost: 1 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 50 Mana / Instant cast -- (20 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Earth Shock (Rank 1) ___
* Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing 32 to 34 Nature
damage. It also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that
school from being cast for 2 sec. Causes a high amount of threat.

[] Lightning Bolt (Rank 2) -- Cost: 1 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 30 Mana / 2 sec cast -- (30 yd range)
___ Requires: Lightning Bolt (Rank 1) ___
* Casts a bolt of lightning at the target for 26 to 30 Nature damage.

[] Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 1) -- Cost: 1 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 15 Mana / Instant cast -- (30 sec cooldown)
___ Tools: Earth Totem ___
* Summons a Stoneclaw Totem with 50 health at the feet of the caster for 15
sec that taunts creatures within 8 yards to attack it.

[] Lightning Shield (Rank 1) -- Cost: 1 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 45 Mana / Instant cast
* The caster is surrounded by 3 balls of lightning. When a spell, melee or
ranged attack hits the caster, the attacker will be struck for 13 Nature
damage. This expends one lightning ball. Only one ball will fire every few
seconds. Lasts 10 min.

[] Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 2) -- Cost: 1 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 25 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 1) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon, increasing melee attack power by 58 and
allowing melee attacks to cause additional threat when using that weapon.
Lasts for 5 minutes.

(5e) Level 10

[] Flame Shock (Rank 1) -- Cost: 4 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 55 Mana / Instant cast -- (20 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
* Instantly sears the target with fire, causing 21 Fire damage immediately
and 28 Fire damage over 12 sec.

[] Flametongue Weapon (Rank 1) -- Cost: 4 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 30 Mana / Instant cast
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon with fire. Each hit causes 4.2 for 13.0
additional Fire damage, based on the speed of the weapon. Slower weapons
cause more fire damage per swing. Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 1) -- Cost: 4 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 25 Mana / Instant cast
___ Tools: Earth Totem ___
* Summons a Strength of Earth Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster.
The totem increases the strength of party members within 20 yards by 10.
Lasts 2 min.

(5f) Level 12

[] Fire Nova Totem (Rank 1) -- Cost: 8 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 95 Mana / Instant cast -- (15 sec cooldown)
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Fire Nova Totem that has 5 health and lasts 5 sec. Unless it is
destroyed within 4 sec., the totem inflicts 48 to 56 fire damage to
enemies within 10 yd.

[] Purge (Rank 1) -- Cost: 8 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] ???? Mana / Instant cast -- (30 yd range)
* Purges the enemy target, removing 1 magic effect.
???? The mana cost is not specific; it is roughly 7% of your maximum mana.
(This calculation has not been proven, nor has it been tested to check
whether or not increasing your maximum mana and / or decreasing your spell
costs affects the overall mana cost in any manner.)

[] Ancestral Spirit (Rank 1) -- Cost: 8 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] ???? Mana / 10 sec cast -- (30 yd range)
* Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 65
health and 120 mana. Cannot be cast when in combat.
???? The mana cost is not specific; it is roughly 70% of your maximum mana.
(This calculation has not been proven, nor has it been tested to check
whether or not increasing your maximum mana and / or decreasing your spell
costs affects the overall mana cost in any manner.)

[] Healing Wave (Rank 3) -- Cost: 8 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 80 Mana / 2.5 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
___ Requires: Healing Wave (Rank 2) ___
* Heals a friendly target for 129 to 155.

(5g) Level 14

[] Earth Shock (Rank 3) -- Cost: 9 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 85 Mana / Instant cast -- (20 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Earth Shock (Rank 2) ___
* Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing 60 to 64 Nature
damage. It also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that
school from being cast for 2 sec. Causes a high amount of threat.

[] Lightning Bolt (Rank 3) -- Cost: 9 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 45 Mana / 2.5 sec cast -- (30 yd range)
___ Requires: Lightning Bolt (Rank 2) ___
* Casts a bolt of lightning at the target for 45 to 53 Nature damage.

[] Stoneskin Totem (Rank 2) -- Cost: 9 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 60 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Stoneskin Totem (Rank 1) ___
___ Tools: Earth Totem ___
* Summons a Stoneskin Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem protects party members within 20 yards, reducing melee damage taken
by 7. Lasts 2 min.

(5h) Level 16

[] Lightning Shield (Rank 2) -- Cost: 18 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 80 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Lightning Shield (Rank 1) ___
* The caster is surrounded by 3 balls of lightning. When a spell, melee or
ranged attack hits the caster, the attacker will be struck for 29 Nature
damage. This expends one lightning ball. Only one ball will fire every few
seconds. Lasts 10 min.

[] Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 3) -- Cost: 18 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 50 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 2) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon, increasing melee attack power by 88 and
allowing melee attacks to cause additional threat when using that weapon.
Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Cure Poison -- Cost: 18 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] ???? Mana / Instant cast -- (30 yd range)
* Cures 1 poison effect on the target.
???? The mana cost is not specific; it is roughly 6% of your maximum mana.
(This calculation has not been proven, nor has it been tested to check
whether or not increasing your maximum mana and / or decreasing your spell
costs affects the overall mana cost in any manner.)

(5i) Level 18

[] Flame Shock (Rank 2) -- Cost: 20 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 95 Mana / Instant cast -- (20 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Flame Shock (Rank 1) ___
* Instantly sears the target with fire, causing 45 Fire damage immediately
and 48 Fire damage over 12 sec.

[] Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 2) -- Cost: 20 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 30 Mana / Instant cast -- (30 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 1) ___
* Summons a Stoneclaw Totem with 150 health at the feet of the caster for 15
sec that taunts creatures within 8 yards to attack it.

[] Flametongue Weapon (Rank 2) -- Cost: 20 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 55 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Flametongue Weapon (Rank 1) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon with fire. Each hit causes 6.2 to 19.2
additional Fire damage, based on the speed of the weapon. Slower weapons
cause more fire damage per swing. Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Healing Wave (Rank 4) -- Cost: 20 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 155 Mana / 3 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
___ Requires: Healing Wave (Rank 3) ___
* Heals a friendly target for 268 to 316.

[] Tremor Totem -- Cost: 20 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 60 Mana / Instant cast
___ Tools: Earth Totem ___
* Summons a Tremor Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster that shakes
the ground around it, removing Fear, Charm and Sleep effects from party
members within 30 yards. Lasts 2 min.

(5j) Level 20

[] Frost Shock (Rank 1) -- Cost: 22 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 115 Mana / Instant cast -- (20 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
* Instantly shocks the target with frost, causing 89 to 95 Frost damage and
slowing movement speed by 50%. Lasts 8 sec.

[] Lightning Bolt (Rank 4) -- Cost: 22 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 75 Mana / 3 sec cast -- (30 yd range)
___ Requires: Lightning Bolt (Rank 3) ___
* Casts a bolt of lightning at the target for 83 to 95 Nature damage.

[] Searing Totem (Rank 2) -- Cost: 22 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 45 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Searing Totem (Rank 1) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Searing Totem with 5 health at your feet for 35 sec that
repeatedly attacks an enemy within 20.0 yards for 13 to 17 Fire damage.

[] Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 1) -- Cost: 22 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 60 Mana / Instant cast
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon with frost. Each hit has a chance of causing 35
additional Frost damage and slowing the target's movement speed by 25% for
8 sec. Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Ghost Wolf -- Cost: 22 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 100 Mana / 3 sec cast
* Turns the Shaman into a Ghost Wolf, increasing speed by 40%. Only useable

[] Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 1) -- Cost: 22 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 105 Mana / 1.5 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
* Heals a friendly target for 162 to 186.

(5k) Level 22

[] Fire Nova Totem (Rank 2) -- Cost: 30 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 170 Mana / Instant cast -- (15 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Fire Nova Totem (Rank 1) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Fire Nova Totem that has 5 health and lasts 5 sec. Unless it is
destroyed within 4 sec., the totem inflicts 102 to 116 fire damage to
enemies within 10 yd.

[] Water Breathing -- Cost: 30 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 50 Mana / Instant cast -- (30 yd range)
___ Reagents: Shiny Fish Scales ___
* Allows the target to breathe underwater for 10 min.

[] Cure Disease -- Cost: 30 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] ???? Mana / Instant cast -- (30 yd range)
* Cures 1 disease on the target.
???? The mana cost is not specific; it is roughly 6% of your maximum mana.
(This calculation has not been proven, nor has it been tested to check
whether or not increasing your maximum mana and / or decreasing your spell
costs affects the overall mana cost in any manner.)

[] Poison Cleansing Totem -- Cost: 30 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] ???? Mana / Instant cast
___ Tools: Water Totem ___
* Summons a Poison Cleansing Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster
that attempts to remove 1 poison effect from party members within 20 yards
every 5 seconds. Lasts 2 min.
???? The mana cost is not specific; it is roughly 7% of your maximum mana.
(This calculation has not been proven, nor has it been tested to check
whether or not increasing your maximum mana and / or decreasing your spell
costs affects the overall mana cost in any manner.)

(5l) Level 24

[] Earth Shock (Rank 4) -- Cost: 35 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 145 Mana / Instant cast -- (20 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Earth Shock (Rank 3) ___
* Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing 119 to 127
Nature damage. It also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in
that school from being cast for 2 sec. Causes a high amount of threat.

[] Frost Resistance Totem (Rank 1) -- Cost: 35 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 75 Mana / Instant cast
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Frost Resistance Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster
for 2 min. The totem increases party members' frost resistance by 30, if
within 20 yards.

[] Lightning Shield (Rank 3) -- Cost: 35 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 125 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Lightning Shield (Rank 2) ___
* The caster is surrounded by 3 balls of lightning. When a spell, melee or
ranged attack hits the caster, the attacker will be struck for 51 Nature
damage. This expends one lightning ball. Only one ball will fire every few
seconds. Lasts 10 min.

[] Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 4) -- Cost: 35 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 75 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 3) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon, increasing melee attack power by 129 and
allowing melee attacks to cause additional threat when using that weapon.
Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Stoneskin Totem (Rank 3) -- Cost: 35 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 90 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Stoneskin Totem (Rank 2) ___
___ Tools: Earth Totem ___
* Summons a Stoneskin Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem protects party members within 20 yards, reducing melee damage taken
by 11. Lasts 2 min.

[] Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 2) -- Cost: 35 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 65 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 1) ___
___ Tools: Earth Totem ___
* Summons a Strength of Earth Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster.
The totem increases the strength of party members within 20 yards by 20.
Lasts 2 min.

[] Ancestral Spirit (Rank 2) -- Cost: 35 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] ???? Mana / 10 sec cast -- (30 yd range)
___ Requires: Ancestral Spirit (Rank 1) ___
* Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 150
health and 260 mana. Cannot be cast when in combat.
???? The mana cost is not specific; it is roughly 70% of your maximum mana.
(This calculation has not been proven, nor has it been tested to check
whether or not increasing your maximum mana and / or decreasing your spell
costs affects the overall mana cost in any manner.)

[] Healing Wave (Rank 5) -- Cost: 35 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 200 Mana / 3 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
___ Requires: Healing Wave (Rank 4) ___
* Heals a friendly target for 376 to 440.

(5m) Level 26

[] Lightning Bolt (Rank 5) -- Cost: 40 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 105 Mana / 3 sec cast -- (30 yd range)
___ Requires: Lightning Bolt (Rank 4) ___
* Casts a bolt of lightning at the target for 125 to 143 Nature damage.

[] Magma Totem (Rank 1) -- Cost: 40 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 230 Mana / Instant cast
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Magma Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 20 sec
that causes 22 Fire damage to creatures within 8 yards every 2 seconds.

[] Far Sight -- Cost: 40 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 80 Mana / 2 sec cast -- (50000 yd range)
* Changes the caster's viewpoint to the targeted location. Lasts 1 min. Only
useable outdoors.

[] Flametongue Weapon (Rank 3) -- Cost: 40 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 80 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Flametongue Weapon (Rank 2) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon with fire. Each hit causes 9.3 to 28.6
additional Fire damage, based on the speed of the weapon. Slower weapons
cause more fire damage per swing. Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Mana Spring Totem (Rank 1) -- Cost: 40 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 40 Mana / Instant cast
___ Tools: Water Totem ___
* Summons a Mana Spring Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 1
min that restores 4 mana every 2 seconds to group members within 20 yards.

(5n) Level 28

[] Flame Shock (Rank 3) -- Cost: 60 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 160 Mana / Instant cast -- (20 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Flame Shock (Rank 2) ___
* Instantly sears the target with fire, causing 86 Fire damage immediately
and 96 Fire damage over 12 sec.

[] Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 3) -- Cost: 60 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 55 Mana / Instant cast -- (30 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 2) ___
___ Tools: Earth Totem ___
* Summons a Stoneclaw Totem with 220 health at the feet of the caster for 15
sec that taunts creatures within 8 yards to attack it.

[] Fire Resistance Totem (Rank 1) -- Cost: 60 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 75 Mana / Instant cast
___ Tools: Water Totem ___
* Summons a Fire Resistance Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster
for 2 min that increases the fire resistance of party members within 20
yards by 30.

[] Flametongue Totem (Rank 1) -- Cost: 60 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 90 Mana / Instant cast
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Flametongue Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem enchants all party members' main hand weapons with fire if they are
within 20 yards. Each hit causes 6.4 to 19.6 additional Fire damage, based
on the speed of the weapon. Slower weapons cause more fire damage per
swing. Lasts 2 min.

[] Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 2) -- Cost: 60 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 85 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 1) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon with frost. Each hit has a chance of causing 53
additional Frost damage and slowing the target's movement speed by 25% for
8 sec. Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Water Walking -- Cost: 60 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 95 Mana / Instant cast -- (30 yd range)
___ Reagents: Fish Oil ___
* Allows the friendly target to walk across water for 10 min. Any damage
will cancel the effect.

[] Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 2) -- Cost: 60 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 145 Mana / 1.5 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
___ Requires: Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 1) ___
* Heals a friendly target for 247 to 281.

(5o) Level 30

[] Searing Totem (Rank 3) -- Cost: 70 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 75 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Searing Totem (Rank 2) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Searing Totem with 5 health at your feet for 40 sec that
repeatedly attacks an enemy within 20.0 yards for 19 to 25 Fire damage.

[] Astral Recall -- Cost: 70 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 150 Mana / 10 sec cast -- (15 min cooldown)
* Yanks the caster through the twisting nether back to their home location.
Speak to an Innkeeper in a different place to change your home location.

[] Grounding Totem -- Cost: 70 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] ???? Mana / Instant cast -- (15 sec cooldown)
___ Tools: Air Totem ___
* Summons a Grounding Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster that
will redirect one harmful spell cast on a nearby party member to itself
every 10 seconds. Will not redirect area of effect spells. Lasts 45 sec.
???? The mana cost is not specific; it is roughly 4% of your maximum mana.
(This calculation has not been proven, nor has it been tested to check
whether or not increasing your maximum mana and / or decreasing your spell
costs affects the overall mana cost in any manner.)

[] Nature Resistance Totem (Rank 1) -- Cost: 70 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 75 Mana / Instant cast
___ Tools: Air Totem ___
* Summons a Nature Resistance Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster
for 2 min that increases the nature resistance of party members within 20
yards by 30.

[] Windfury Weapon (Rank 1) -- Cost: 70 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 90 Mana / Instant cast
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon with wind. Each hit has a 20% chance of granting
you 2 extra attacks with 46 extra melee attack power. Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Healing Stream Totem (Rank 2) -- Cost: 70 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 50 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Healing Stream Totem (Rank 1) ___
___ Tools: Water Totem ___
* Summons a Healing Stream Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for
1 min that heals group members within 20 yards for 8 every 2 seconds.

[] Reincarnation -- Cost: 70 silver
[] Category: Restoration
___ Reagents: Ankh ___
* Allows you to resurrect yourself upon death with 20% health and mana.

(5p) Level 32

[] Chain Lightning (Rank 1) -- Cost: 80 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 280 Mana / 2.5 sec cast -- (30 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
* Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing 191 to 217 Nature damage and
then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Each jump reduces the damage by
30%. Affects 3 total targets.

[] Fire Nova Totem (Rank 3) -- Cost: 80 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 280 Mana / Instant cast -- (15 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Fire Nova Totem (Rank 2) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Fire Nova Totem that has 5 health and lasts 5 sec. Unless it is
destroyed within 4 sec., the totem inflicts 184 to 208 fire damage to
enemies within 10 yd.

[] Lightning Bolt (Rank 6) -- Cost: 80 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 135 Mana / 3 sec cast -- (30 yd range)
___ Requires: Lightning Bolt (Rank 5) ___
* Casts a bolt of lightning at the target for 172 to 194 Nature damage.

[] Purge (Rank 2) -- Cost: 80 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] ???? Mana / Instant cast -- (30 yd range)
___ Requires: Purge (Rank 1) ___
* Purges the enemy target, removing 2 beneficial magic effects.
???? The mana cost is not specific; it is roughly 7% of your maximum mana.
(This calculation has not been proven, nor has it been tested to check
whether or not increasing your maximum mana and / or decreasing your spell
costs affects the overall mana cost in any manner.)

[] Lightning Shield (Rank 4) -- Cost: 80 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 180 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Lightning Shield (Rank 3) ___
* The caster is surrounded by 3 balls of lightning. When a spell, melee or
ranged attack hits the caster, the attacker will be struck for 80 Nature
damage. This expends one lightning ball. Only one ball will fire every few
seconds. Lasts 10 min.

[] Windfury Totem (Rank 1) -- Cost: 80 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 115 Mana / Instant cast
___ Tools: Air Totem ___
* Summons a Windfury Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem enchants all party members main-hand weapons with wind, if they are
within 20 yards. Each hit has a 20% chance of granting the attacker 1
extra attack with 122 extra melee attack power. Lasts 2 min.

[] Healing Wave (Rank 6) -- Cost: 80 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 265 Mana / 3 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
___ Requires: Healing Wave (Rank 5) ___
* Heals a friendly target for 536 to 622.

(5q) Level 34

[] Frost Shock (Rank 2) -- Cost: 90 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 225 Mana / Instant cast -- (20 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Frost Shock (Rank 1) ___
* Instantly shocks the target with frost, causing 206 to 220 Frost damage
and slowing movement speed by 50%. Lasts 8 sec.

[] Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 5) -- Cost: 90 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 100 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 4) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon, increasing melee attack power by 211 and
allowing melee attacks to cause additional threat when using that weapon.
Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Sentry Totem -- Cost: 90 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 65 Mana / Instant cast
___ Tools: Air Totem ___
* Summons an immobile Sentry Totem with 100 health at your feet for 5 min
that allows vision of nearby area and warns of enemies that attack it.
Right-Click on buff to switch back and forth between totem sight and
shaman sight.

[] Stoneskin Totem (Rank 4) -- Cost: 90 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 115 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Stoneskin Totem (Rank 3) ___
___ Tools: Earth Totem ___
* Summons a Stoneskin Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem protects party members within 20 yards, reducing melee damage taken
by 16. Lasts 2 min.

(5r) Level 36

[] Earth Shock (Rank 5) -- Cost: 1 gold
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 240 Mana / Instant cast -- (20 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Earth Shock (Rank 4) ___
* Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing 225 to 239
Nature damage. It also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in
that school from being cast for 2 sec. Causes a high amount of threat.

[] Magma Totem (Rank 2) -- Cost: 1 gold
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 360 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Magma Totem (Rank 1) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Magma Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 20 sec
that causes 37 Fire damage to creatures within 8 yards every 2 seconds.

[] Flametongue Weapon (Rank 4) -- Cost: 1 gold
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 105 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Flametongue Weapon (Rank 3) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon with fire. Each hit causes 14.9 to 45.8
additional Fire damage, based on the speed of the weapon. Slower weapons
cause more fire damage per swing. Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Windwall Totem (Rank 1) -- Cost: 1 gold
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 115 Mana / Instant cast
___ Tools: Air Totem ___
* Summons a Windwall Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem protects party members within 20 yards, reducing ranged damage taken
by 32. Lasts 2 min.

[] Ancestral Spirit (Rank 3) -- Cost: 1 gold
[] Category: Restoration
[] ???? Mana / 10 sec cast -- (30 yd range)
___ Requires: Ancestral Spirit (Rank 2) ___
* Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 250
health and 420 mana. Cannot be cast when in combat.
???? The mana cost is not specific; it is roughly 70% of your maximum mana.
(This calculation has not been proven, nor has it been tested to check
whether or not increasing your maximum mana and / or decreasing your spell
costs affects the overall mana cost in any manner.)

[] Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 3) -- Cost: 1 gold
[] Category: Restoration
[] 185 Mana / 1.5 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
___ Requires: Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 2) ___
* Heals a friendly target for 337 to 381.

[] Mana Spring Totem (Rank 2) -- Cost: 1 gold
[] Category: Restoration
[] 60 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Mana Spring Totem (Rank 1) ___
___ Tools: Water Totem ___
* Summons a Mana Spring Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 1
min that restores 6 mana every 2 seconds to group members within 20 yards.

(5s) Level 38

[] Lightning Bolt (Rank 7) -- Cost: 1 gold 10 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 165 Mana / 3 sec cast -- (30 yd range)
___ Requires: Lightning Bolt (Rank 6) ___
* Casts a bolt of lightning at the target for 227 to 255 Nature damage.

[] Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 4) -- Cost: 1 gold 10 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 75 Mana / Instant cast -- (30 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 3) ___
___ Tools: Earth Totem ___
* Summons a Stoneclaw Totem with 280 health at the feet of the caster for 15
sec that taunts creatures within 8 yards to attack it.

[] Flametongue Totem (Rank 2) -- Cost: 1 gold 10 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 140 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Flametongue Totem (Rank 1) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Flametongue Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem enchants all party members' main-hand weapons with fire if they are
within 20 yards. Each hit causes 9.1 to 27.9 additional Fire damage, based
on the speed of the weapon. Slower weapons cause more fire damage per
swing. Lasts 2 min.

[] Frost Resistance Totem (Rank 2) -- Cost: 1 gold 10 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 120 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Frost Resistance Totem (Rank 1) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Frost Resistance Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster
for 2 min. The totem increases party members' frost resistance by 45, if
within 20 yards.

[] Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 3) -- Cost: 1 gold 10 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 110 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 2) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon with frost. Each hit has a chance of causing 84
additional Frost damage and slowing the target's movement speed by 25% for
8 sec. Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 3) -- Cost: 1 gold 10 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 125 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 2) ___
___ Tools: Earth Totem ___
* Summons a Strength of Earth Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster.
The totem increases the strength of party members within 20 yards by 36.
Lasts 2 min.

[] Disease Cleaning Totem -- Cost: 1 gold 10 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] ???? Mana / Instant cast
___ Tools: Water Totem ___
* Summons a Disease Cleansing Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster
that attempts to remove 1 disease effect from party members within 20
yards every 5 seconds. Lasts 2 min.
???? The mana cost is not specific; it is roughly 7% of your maximum mana.
(This calculation has not been proven, nor has it been tested to check
whether or not increasing your maximum mana and / or decreasing your spell
costs affects the overall mana cost in any manner.)

(5t) Level 40

[] Chain Lightning (Rank 2) -- Cost: 1 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 380 Mana / 2.5 sec cast -- (30 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Chain Lightning (Rank 1) ___
* Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing 277 to 311 Nature damage and
then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Each jump reduces the damage by
30%. Affects 3 total targets.

[] Flame Shock (Rank 4) -- Cost: 1 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 250 Mana / Instant cast -- (20 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Flame Shock (Rank 3) ___
* Instantly sears the target with fire, causing 152 Fire damage immediately
and 168 Fire damage over 12 sec.

[] Searing Totem (Rank 4) -- Cost: 1 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 110 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Searing Totem (Rank 3) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Searing Totem with 5 health at your feet for 45 sec that
repeatedly attacks an enemy within 20.0 yards for 26 to 34 Fire damage.

[] Lightning Shield (Rank 5) -- Cost: 1 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 240 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Lightning Shield (Rank 4) ___
* The caster is surrounded by 3 balls of lightning. When a spell, melee or
ranged attack hits the caster, the attacker will be struck for 114 Nature
damage. This expends one lightning ball. Only one ball will fire every few
seconds. Lasts 10 min.

[] Windfury Weapon (Rank 2) -- Cost: 1 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 115 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Windfury Weapon (Rank 1) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon with wind. Each hit has a 20% chance of granting
you 2 extra attacks with 119 extra melee attack power. Lasts for 5

[] Mail -- Cost: 1 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Mail
* Grants Mail armor proficiency.
???? In-game states "Requires Mail," but this skill basically allows you to
equip armor of the Mail type; an upgrade in armor versus your spellbook.

[] Chain Heal (Rank 1) -- Cost: 1 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 260 Mana / 2.5 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
* Heals the friendly target for 320 to 368, then jumps to heal additional
nearby targets. If cast on a party member, the heal will only jump to
other party members. Each jump is 50% as effective as the previous target.
Heals 3 total targets.

[] Healing Stream Totem (Rank 3) -- Cost: 1 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 60 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Healing Stream Totem (Rank 2) ___
___ Tools: Water Totem ___
* Summons a Healing Stream Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for
1 min that heals group members within 20 yards for 10 every 2 seconds.

[] Healing Wave (Rank 7) -- Cost: 1 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 340 Mana / 3 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
___ Requires: Healing Wave (Rank 6) ___
* Heals a friendly target for 740 to 854.

(5u) Level 42

[] Fire Nova Totem (Rank 4) -- Cost: 1 gold 60 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 395 Mana / Instant cast -- (15 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Fire Nova Totem (Rank 3) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Fire Nova Totem that has 5 health and lasts 5 sec. Unless it is
destroyed within 4 sec., the totem inflicts 281 to 317 fire damage to
enemies within 10 yd.

[] Fire Resistance Totem (Rank 2) -- Cost: 1 gold 60 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 120 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Fire Resistance Totem (Rank 1) ___
___ Tools: Water Totem ___
* Summons a Fire Resistance Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster
for 2 min that increases the fire resistance of party members within 20
yards by 45.

[] Grace of Air Totem (Rank 1) -- Cost: 1 gold 60 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 155 Mana / Instant cast
___ Tools: Air Totem ___
* Summons a Grace of Air Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem increases the agility of party members within 20 yards by 43. Lasts
2 min.

[] Windfury Totem (Rank 2) -- Cost: 1 gold 60 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 175 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Windfury Totem (Rank 1) ___
___ Tools: Air Totem ___
* Summons a Windfury Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem enchants all party members main-hand weapons with wind, if they are
within 20 yards. Each hit has a 20% chance of granting the attacker 1
extra attack with 229 extra melee attack power. Lasts 2 min.

(5v) Level 44

[] Lightning Bolt (Rank 8) -- Cost: 1 gold 80 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 195 Mana / 3 sec cast -- (30 yd range)
___ Requires: Lightning Bolt (Rank 7) ___
* Casts a bolt of lightning at the target for 282 to 316 Nature damage.

[] Nature Resistance Totem (Rank 2) -- Cost: 1 gold 80 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 120 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Nature Resistance Totem (1) ___
___ Tools: Air Totem ___
* Summons a Nature Resistance Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster
for 2 min that increases the nature resistance of party members within 20
yards by 45.

[] Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 6) -- Cost: 1 gold 80 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 125 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 5) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon, increasing melee attack power by 393 and
allowing melee attacks to cause additional threat when using that weapon.
Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Stoneskin Totem (Rank 5) -- Cost: 1 gold 80 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 160 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Stoneskin Totem (Rank 4) ___
___ Tools: Earth Totem ___
* Summons a Stoneskin Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem protects party members within 20 yards, reducing melee damage taken
by 22. Lasts 2 min.

[] Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 4) -- Cost: 1 gold 80 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 235 Mana / 1.5 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
___ Requires: Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 3) ___
* Heals a friendly target for 458 to 514.

(5w) Level 46

[] Frost Shock (Rank 3) -- Cost: 2 gold
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 325 Mana / Instant cast -- (20 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Frost Shock (Rank 2) ___
* Instantly shocks the target with frost, causing 333 to 353 Frost damage
and slowing movement down by 50%. Lasts 8 sec.

[] Magma Totem (Rank 3) -- Cost: 2 gold
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 500 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Magma Totem (Rank 2) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Magma Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 20 sec
that causes 54 Fire damage to creatures within 8 yards every 2 seconds.

[] Flametongue Weapon (Rank 5) -- Cost: 2 gold
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 130 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Flametongue Weapon (Rank 4) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon with fire. Each hit causes 24.4 to 75.0
additional Fire damage, based on the speed of the weapon. Slower weapons
cause more fire damage per swing. Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Windwall Totem (Rank 2) -- Cost: 2 gold
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 170 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Windwall Totem (Rank 1) ___
___ Tools: Air Totem ___
* Summons a Windwall Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem protects party members within 20 yards, reducing ranged damage taken
by 50. Lasts 2 min.

[] Chain Heal (Rank 2) -- Cost: 2 gold
[] Category: Restoration
[] 315 Mana / 2.5 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
___ Requires: Chain Heal (Rank 1) ___
* Heals the friendly target for 405 to 465, then jumps to heal additional
nearby targets. If cast on a party member, the heal will only jump to
other party members. Each jump is 50% as effective as the previous target.
Heals 3 total targets.

[] Mana Spring Totem (Rank 3) -- Cost: 2 gold
[] Category: Restoration
[] 80 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Mana Spring Totem (Rank 2) ___
___ Tools: Water Totem ___
* Summons a Mana Spring Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 1
min that restores 8 mana every 2 seconds to group members within 20 yards.

(5x) Level 48

[] Chain Lightning (Rank 3) -- Cost: 2 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 490 Mana / Instant cast -- (30 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Chain Lightning (Rank 2) ___
* Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing 378 to 424 Nature damage and
then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Each jump reduces the damage by
30%. Affects 3 total targets.

[] Earth Shock (Rank 6) -- Cost: 2 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 345 Mana / Instant cast -- (20 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Earth Shock (Rank 5) ___
* Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing 359 to 381
Nature damage. It also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in
that school from being cast for 2 sec. Causes a high amount of threat.

[] Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 5) -- Cost: 2 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 105 Mana / Instant cast -- (30 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 4) ___
___ Tools: Earth Totem ___
* Summons a Stoneclaw Totem with 390 health at the feet of the caster for 15
sec that taunts creatures within 8 yards to attack it.

[] Flametongue Totem (Rank 3) -- Cost: 2 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 200 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Flametongue Totem (Rank 2) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Flametongue Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem enchants all party members' main-hand weapons with fire if they are
within 20 yards. Each hit causes 12.3 to 37.9 additional Fire damage,
based on the speed of the weapon. Slower weapons cause more fire damage
per swing. Lasts 2 min.

[] Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 4) -- Cost: 2 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 135 Mana / Instant cast
___ Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 3) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon with frost. Each hit has a chance of causing 134
additional Frost damage and slowing the target's movement speed by 25% for
8 sec. Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Lightning Shield (Rank 6) -- Cost: 2 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 305 Mana / Instant cast
___ Lightning Shield (Rank 5) ___
* The caster is surrounded by 3 balls of lightning. When a spell, melee or
ranged attack hits the caster, the attacker will be struck for 154 Nature
damage. This expends one lightning ball. Only one ball will fire every few
seconds. Lasts 10 min.

[] Ancestral Spirit (Rank 4) -- Cost: 2 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] ???? Mana / 10 sec cast -- (30 yd range)
___ Requires: Ancestral Spirit (Rank 3) ___
* Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 400
health and 600 mana. Cannot be cast when in combat.
???? The mana cost is not specific; it is roughly 70% of your maximum mana.
(This calculation has not been proven, nor has it been tested to check
whether or not increasing your maximum mana and / or decreasing your spell
costs affects the overall mana cost in any manner.)

[] Healing Wave (Rank 8) -- Cost: 2 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 440 Mana / 3 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
___ Requires: Healing Wave (Rank 7) ___
* Heals a friendly target for 1017 to 1167.

[] Mana Tide Totem (Rank 2) -- Cost: 11 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 40 Mana / Instant cast -- (5 min cooldown)
___ Requires: Mana Tide Totem (Rank 1) ___
___ Tools: Water Totem ___
* Summons a Mana Tide Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 12
sec that restores 230 mana every 3 seconds to group members within 20
???? Mana Tide Totem (Rank 1) can only be obtained by spending a minimum of 31
talent points into a Restoration spec; in the final Tier.

(5y) Level 50

[] Lightning Bolt (Rank 9) -- Cost: 2 gold 40 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 230 Mana / 3 sec cast -- (30 yd range)
___ Requires: Lightning Bolt (Rank 8) ___
* Casts a bolt of lightning at the target for 347 to 389 Nature damage.

[] Searing Totem (Rank 5) -- Cost: 2 gold 40 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 145 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Searing Totem (Rank 4) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Searing Totem with 5 health at your feet for 50 sec that
repeatedly attacks an enemy within 20.0 yards for 33 to 45 Fire damage.

[] Windfury Weapon (Rank 3) -- Cost: 2 gold 40 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 140 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Windfury Weapon (Rank 2) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon with wind. Each hit has a 20% chance of granting
you 2 extra attacks with 249 extra melee attack power. Lasts for 5

[] Healing Stream Totem (Rank 4) -- Cost: 2 gold 40 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 70 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Healing Stream Totem (Rank 3) ___
___ Tools: Water Totem ___
* Summons a Healing Stream Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for
1 min that heals group members within 20 yards for 12 every 2 seconds.

[] Tranquil Air Totem -- Cost: 2 gold 40 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] ???? Mana / Instant cast
___ Tools: Air Totem ___
* Summons a Tranquil Air Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem reduces the threat caused by all party members within 20 yards by
20%. Lasts 2 min.
???? The mana cost is not specific; it is roughly 6% of your maximum mana.
(This calculation has not been proven, nor has it been tested to check
whether or not increasing your maximum mana and / or decreasing your spell
costs affects the overall mana cost in any manner.)

(5z) Level 52

[] Fire Nova Totem (Rank 5) -- Cost: 2 gold 70 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 520 Mana / Instant cast -- (15 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Fire Nova Totem (Rank 4) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Fire Nova Totem that has 5 health and lasts 5 sec. Unless it is
destroyed within 4 sec., the totem inflicts 396 to 442 fire damage to
enemies within 10 yd.

[] Flame Shock (Rank 5) -- Cost: 2 gold 70 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 345 Mana / Instant cast -- (20 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Flame Shock (Rank 4) ___
* Instantly sears the target with fire, causing 230 Fire damage immediately
and 256 Fire damage over 12 sec.

[] Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 4) -- Cost: 2 gold 70 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 225 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Strength of Earth Totem (Rank 3) ___
___ Tools: Earth Totem ___
* Summons a Strength of Earth Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster.
The totem increases the strength of party members within 20 yards by 61.
Lasts 2 min.

[] Windfury Totem (Rank 3) -- Cost: 2 gold 70 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 250 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Windfury Totem (Rank 2) ___
___ Tools: Air Totem ___
* Summons a Windfury Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem enchants all party members main-hand weapons with wind, if they are
within 20 yards. Each hit has a 20% chance of granting the attacker 1
extra attack with 315 extra melee attack power. Lasts 2 min.

[] Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 5) -- Cost: 2 gold 70 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 305 Mana / 1.5 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
___ Requires: Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 4) ___
* Heals a friendly target for 631 to 705.

(5aa) Level 54

[] Frost Resistance Totem (Rank 3) -- Cost: 2 gold 90 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 180 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Frost Resistance Totem (Rank 2) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Frost Resistance Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster
for 2 min. The totem increases party members' frost resistance by 60, if
within 20 yards.

[] Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 7) -- Cost: 2 gold 90 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 150 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Rockbiter Weapon (Rank 6) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon, increasing melee attack power by 554 and
allowing melee attacks to cause additional threat when using that weapon.
Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Stoneskin Totem (Rank 6) -- Cost: 2 gold 90 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 210 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Stoneskin Totem (Rank 5) ___
___ Tools: Earth Totem ___
* Summons a Stoneskin Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem protects party members within 20 yards, reducing melee damage taken
by 30. Lasts 2 min.

[] Chain Heal (Rank 3) -- Cost: 2 gold 90 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 405 Mana / 2.5 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
___ Requires: Chain Heal (Rank 2) ___
* Heals the friendly target for 551 to 629, then jumps to heal additional
nearby targets. If cast on a party member, the heal will only jump to
other party members. Each jump is 50% as effective as the previous target.
Heals 3 total targets.

(5bb) Level 56

[] Chain Lightning (Rank 4) -- Cost: 3 gold
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 605 Mana / 2.5 cast -- (30 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Chain Lightning (Rank 3) ___
* Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing 493 to 551 Nature damage and
then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Each jump reduces the damage by
30%. Affects 3 total targets.

[] Lightning Bolt (Rank 10) -- Cost: 3 gold
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 265 Mana / 3 sec cast -- (30 yd range)
___ Requires: Lightning Bolt (Rank 9) ___
* Casts a bolt of lightning at the target for 419 to 467 Nature damage.

[] Magma Totem (Rank 4) -- Cost: 3 gold
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 650 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Magma Totem (Rank 3) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Magma Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 20 sec
that causes 75 Fire damage to creatures within 8 yards every 2 seconds.

[] Flametongue Weapon (Rank 6) -- Cost: 3 gold
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 155 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Flametongue Weapon (Rank 5) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon with fire. Each hit causes 32.4 to 99.9
additional Fire damage, based on the speed of the weapon. Slower weapons
cause more fire damage per swing. Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Grace of Air Totem (Rank 2) -- Cost: 3 gold
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 250 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Grace of Air Totem (Rank 1) ___
___ Tools: Air Totem ___
* Summons a Grace of Air Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem increases the agility of party members within 20 yards by 67. Lasts
2 min.

[] Lightning Shield (Rank 7) -- Cost: 3 gold
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 370 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Lightning Shield (Rank 6) ___
* The caster is surrounded by 3 balls of lightning. When a spell, melee or
ranged attack hits the caster, the attacker will be struck for 198 Nature
damage. This expends one lightning ball. Only one ball will fire every few
seconds. Lasts 10 min.

[] Windwall Totem (Rank 3) -- Cost: 3 gold
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 225 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Windwall Totem (Rank 2) ___
___ Tools: Air Totem ___
* Summons a Windwall Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem protects party members within 20 yards, reducing ranged damage taken
by 64. Lasts 2 min.

[] Healing Wave (Rank 9) -- Cost: 3 gold
[] Category: Restoration
[] 560 Mana / 3 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
___ Requires: Healing Wave (Rank 8) ___
* Heals a friendly target for 1367 to 1561.

[] Mana Spring Totem (Rank 4) -- Cost: 3 gold
[] Category: Restoration
[] 100 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Mana Spring Totem (Rank 3) ___
___ Tools: Water Totem ___
* Summons a Mana Spring Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 1
min that restores 10 mana every 2 seconds to group members within 20

(5cc) Level 58

[] Frost Shock (Rank 4) -- Cost: 3 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 430 Mana / Instant cast -- (20 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Frost Shock (Rank 3) ___
* Instantly shocks the target with frost, causing 486 to 514 Frost damage
and slowing movement speed by 50%. Lasts 8 sec.

[] Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 6) -- Cost: 3 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 140 Mana / Instant cast -- (30 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 5) ___
___ Tools: Earth Totem ___
* Summons a Stoneclaw Totem with 480 health at the feet of the caster for 15
sec that taunts creatures within 8 yards to attack it.

[] Fire Resistance Totem (Rank 3) -- Cost: 3 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 180 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Fire Resistance Totem (Rank 2) ___
___ Tools: Water Totem ___
* Summons a Fire Resistance Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster
for 2 min that increases the fire resistance of party members within 20
yards by 60.

[] Flametongue Totem (Rank 4) -- Cost: 3 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 275 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Flametongue Totem (Rank 3) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Flametongue Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The
totem enchants all party members' main-hand weapons with fire if they are
within 20 yards. Each hit causes 15.8 to 48.7 additional Fire damage,
based on the speed of the weapon. Slower weapons cause more fire damage
per swing. Lasts 2 min.

[] Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 5) -- Cost: 3 gold 20 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 160 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Frostbrand Weapon (Rank 4) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon with frost. Each hit has a chance of causing 175
additional Frost damage and slowing the target's movement speed by 25% for
8 sec. Lasts for 5 minutes.

[] Mana Tide Totem (Rank 3) -- Cost: 16 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 60 Mana / Instant cast -- (5 min cooldown)
___ Requires: Mana Tide Totem (Rank 2) ___
___ Tools: Water Totem ___
* Summons a Mana Tide Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 12
sec that restores 290 mana every 3 seconds to group members within 20
???? Mana Tide Totem (Rank 1) can only be obtained by spending a minimum of 31
talent points into a Restoration spec; in the final Tier.

(5dd) Level 60

[] Earth Shock (Rank 7) -- Cost: 3 gold 40 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 450 Mana / Instant cast -- (20 yd range / 6 sec cooldown)
___ Requires: Earth Shock (Rank 6) ___
* Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing 517 to 545
Nature damage. It also interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in
that school from being cast for 2 sec. Causes a high amount of threat.

[] Searing Totem (Rank 6) -- Cost: 3 gold 40 silver
[] Category: Elemental Combat
[] 170 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Searing Totem (Rank 5) ___
___ Tools: Fire Totem ___
* Summons a Searing Totem with 5 health at your feet for 55 sec that
repeatedly attacks an enemy within 20.0 yards for 40 to 54 Fire damage.

[] Nature Resistance Totem (Rank 3) -- Cost: 3 gold 40 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 180 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Nature Resistance Totem (Rank 2) ___
___ Tools: Air Totem ___
* Summons a Nature Resistance Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster
for 2 min that increases the nature resistance of party members within 20
yards by 60.

[] Windfury Weapon (Rank 4) -- Cost: 3 gold 40 silver
[] Category: Enhancement
[] 165 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Windfury Weapon (Rank 3) ___
* Imbue the Shaman's weapon with wind. Each hit has a 20% chance of granting
you 2 extra attacks with 333 extra melee attack power. Lasts for 5

[] Ancestral Spirit (Rank 5) -- Cost: 3 gold 40 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] ???? Mana / 10 sec cast -- (30 yd range)
___ Requires: Ancestral Spirit (Rank 4) ___
* Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 600
health and 800 mana. Cannot be cast when in combat.
???? The mana cost is not specific; it is roughly 70% of your maximum mana.
(This calculation has not been proven, nor has it been tested to check
whether or not increasing your maximum mana and / or decreasing your spell
costs affects the overall mana cost in any manner.)

[] Healing Stream Totem (Rank 5) -- Cost: 3 gold 40 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 80 Mana / Instant cast
___ Requires: Healing Stream Totem (Rank 4) ___
___ Tools: Water Totem ___
* Summons a Healing Stream Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for
1 min that heals group members within 20 yards for 14 every 2 seconds.

[] Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 6) --- Cost: 3 gold 40 silver
[] Category: Restoration
[] 380 Mana / 1.5 sec cast -- (40 yd range)
___ Requires: Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 5) ___
* Heals a friendly target for 832 to 928.


(6) Shamanistic Equipment


The basic concept I'll present here is that you only have two hands (or paws,
or claws, or whichever). This said, you are either going to equip a main hand
or one hand weapon along with a shield, or a two-handed weapon. As a Shaman,
you start out with the capability of using One-Handed Maces and Staves.
However, you can expand your weapon arsenal by training in new weapon skills at
each respective weapon master. (This said, the weapon master in Thunder Bluff
has nothing for you to train in, normally.)

You can learn One-Handed Axes, Daggers, and Fist Weapons from the weapon master
in Orgrimmar, named Sayoc, at 10 silver a piece. (The Troll next to him,
Hanashi, will only teach you One-Handed Axes. Seems pointless to me.) Also, you
can learn Daggers from the weapon master in Undercity, named Archibald. On both
accounts, if you invest enough talent points into Enhancement, you can enable
training in both Two-Handed Axes and Two-Handed Maces. Sayoc in Orgrimmar can
train Two-Handed Axes, and Ansekhwa in Thunder Bluff can train Two-Handed
Maces, respectively. 10 silver each as well.

Now below are listings of the major, high end 'Lv 60' armors you will get as
you progress towards more end game content. Some can be more beneficial than
others, depending on your playstyle or more importantly, your talent build. You
can always mix and match, though you get bonuses for wearing more of each set.

(6a) Dungeon Set 1 -- Elements

| Equipment | Armor | Str. | Agi. | Sta. | Int. | Spi. | Lvl. Req. | Binds On |
| Head | 297 | +7 | | +13 | +23 | +12 | Req. Lv57 | Pick Up |
| Shoulders | 266 | +6 | | +14 | +15 | +6 | Req. Lv55 | Pick Up |
| Chest | 370 | | | +13 | +20 | +20 | Req. Lv58 | Pick Up |
| Wrist | 148 | | | +7 | +10 | +10 | Req. Lv52 | Equip |
| Hands | 218 | +9 | | +4 | +10 | +16 | Req. Lv54 | Equip |
| Waist | 193 | +9 | | +6 | +17 | +7 | Req. Lv53 | Equip |
| Legs | 315 | +12 | +6 | +7 | +15 | +20 | Req. Lv56 | Pick Up |
| Feet | 240 | | +9 | | | +17 | Req. Lv54 | Pick Up |

[] Additional Stats
* (NONE) * -- ...

[] Equip Bonuses
* (NONE) * -- ...

[] Set Bonuses
* (2) * -- +200 Armor.
* (4) * -- Increases damage and healing done by spells and effects by up
to 23.
* (6) * -- Chance on spell cast to increase your damage and healing done
by up to 95 for 10 sec.
* (8) * -- +8 All Resistances.

(6b) Dungeon Set 2 -- Five Thunders

| Equipment | Armor | Str. | Agi. | Sta. | Int. | Spi. | Lvl. Req. | Binds On |
| Head | 314 | | | +22 | +21 | +12 | None | Pick Up |
| Shoulders | 286 | +10 | | +11 | +11 | +10 | None | Pick Up |
| Chest | 387 | +12 | | +17 | +17 | +16 | None | Pick Up |
| Wrist | 167 | | | +10 | +9 | +9 | None | Pick Up |
| Hands | 223 | +9 | | +12 | +14 | | None | Pick Up |
| Waist | 214 | +10 | | +11 | +11 | | None | Pick Up |
| Legs | 339 | +10 | | +17 | +17 | +16 | None | Pick Up |
| Feet | 266 | +12 | | +13 | +12 | +10 | None | Pick Up |

[] Additional Stats
* (NONE) * -- ...

[] Equip Bonuses
* Head * -- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 14.
-- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by
* Shoulders * -- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 12.
* Chest * -- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by
-- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 14.
* Wrist * -- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 8.
* Hands * -- Restores 4 mana per 5 sec.
-- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 12.
* Waist * -- Restores 4 mana per 5 sec.
-- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 12.
* Legs * -- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 11.
* Feet * -- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 12.
-- Restores 4 mana per 5 sec.

[] Set Bonuses
* (2) * -- +8 All Resistances.
* (4) * -- Chance on spell cast to increase your damage and healing done
by up to 95 for 10 sec.
* (6) * -- Increases damage and healing done by spells and effects by up
to 23.
* (8) * -- +200 Armor.

(6c) Tier 1 Raid Set -- Earthfury

| Equipment | Armor | Str. | Agi. | Sta. | Int. | Spi. | Lvl. Req. | Binds On |
| Head | 343 | | | +24 | +23 | +13 | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Shoulders | 317 | | | +17 | +18 | +10 | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Chest | 422 | | | +17 | +27 | +13 | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Wrist | 185 | | | +10 | +17 | +11 | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Hands | 264 | | | +14 | +13 | +15 | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Waist | 237 | | | +12 | +21 | +7 | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Legs | 369 | | | +18 | +19 | +21 | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Feet | 290 | | | +15 | +10 | +22 | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |

[] Additional Stats
* Head * -- +10 Fire Resistance.
* Shoulders * -- +7 Shadow Resistance.
* Chest * -- +10 Fire Resistance.
* Hands * -- +7 Fire Resistance.
* Waist * -- +7 Fire Resistance.
* Legs * -- +10 Shadow Resistance.
* Feet * -- +7 Shadow Resistance.

[] Equip Bonuses
* Head * -- Restores 6 mana per 5 sec.
-- Increases healing done by magical spells and effects by up to
* Shoulders * -- Restores 4 mana per 5 sec.
-- Increases healing done by magical spells and effects by
up to 18.
* Chest * -- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by
-- Increases healing done by magical spells and effects by up
to 22.
* Wrist * -- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 6.
* Hands * -- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by
-- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 9.
* Waist * -- Restores 4 mana per 5 sec.
-- Increases healing done by magical spells and effects by up
to 18.
* Legs * -- Restores 6 mana per 5 sec.
-- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 12.
* Feet * -- Increases healing done by magical spells and effects by up to

[] Set Bonuses
* (3) * -- The radius of your totems that affect friendly targets is
increased by 10 yd. Does not stack with Totemic Mastery.
* (5) * -- After casting your Healing Wave or Lesser Healing Wave spell,
gives you a 25% chance to gain Mana equal to 35% of the base
cost of the spell.
* (8) * -- Your Healing Wave will now jump to additional nearby targets.
Each jump reduces the effectiveness of the heal by 80%, and
the spell will jump to up to two additional targets.

(6d) Tier 2 Raid Set -- Ten Storms

| Equipment | Armor | Str. | Agi. | Sta. | Int. | Spi. | Lvl. Req. | Binds On |
| Head | 392 | | | +20 | +24 | +12 | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Shoulders | 362 | | | +23 | +17 | +8 | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Chest | 482 | | | +17 | +31 | +16 | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Wrist | 211 | | | +13 | +16 | +9 | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Hands | 301 | | | +15 | +17 | +13 | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Waist | 271 | | | +13 | +18 | +11 | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Legs | 422 | | | +16 | +18 | +20 | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Feet | 332 | | | +17 | +16 | +16 | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |

[] Additional Stats
* Head * -- +10 Frost Resistance.
-- +10 Shadow Resistance.
* Shoulders * -- +10 Fire Resistance.
* Chest * -- +10 Fire Resistance.
-- +10 Nature Resistance.
* Hands * -- +10 Shadow Resistance.
* Waist * -- +10 Shadow Resistance.
* Legs * -- +10 Arcane Resistance.
-- +10 Fire Resistance.
* Feet * -- +10 Fire Resistance.

[] Equip Bonuses
* Head * -- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by
-- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 9.
-- Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 18.
* Shoulders * -- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with
spells by 1%.
* Chest * -- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 23.
* Wrist * -- Restores 6 mana per 5 sec.
* Hands * -- Restores 6 mana per 5 sec.
-- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 8.
-- Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 15.
* Waist * -- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by
-- Increases healing done by magical spells and effects by up
to 26.
* Legs * -- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by
-- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 29.
* Feet * -- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 20.

[] Set Bonuses
* (3) * -- Increases the amount healed by Chain Heal to targets beyond
the first by 30%.
* (5) * -- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with Nature
spells by 3%.
* (8) * -- When you cast a Healing Wave or Lesser Healing Wave, there is
a 25% chance the target also receives a free Lightning Shield
that causes 50 Nature damage to attacker on hit.

(6e) Tier 3 Raid Set -- Earthshatter

| Equipment | Armor | Str. | Agi. | Sta. | Int. | Spi. | Lvl. Req. | Binds On |
| Head | 449 | | | +26 | +30 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Shoulders | 306 | | | +24 | +19 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Chest | 576 | | | +26 | +32 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Wrist | 242 | | | +17 | +18 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Hands | 346 | | | +21 | +28 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Waist | 311 | | | +18 | +25 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Legs | 484 | | | +28 | +30 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Feet | 372 | | | +20 | +25 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Finger | | | | +16 | +16 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |

[] Additional Stats
* (NONE) * -- ...

[] Equip Bonuses
* Head * -- Restores 8 mana per 5 sec.
-- Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 68.
* Shoulders * -- Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to
-- Restores 6 mana per 5 sec.
* Chest * -- Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 59.
-- Restores 12 mana per 5 sec.
* Wrist * -- Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 33.
-- Restores 4 mana per 5 sec.
* Hands * -- Restores 6 mana per 5 sec.
-- Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 35.
* Waist * -- Restores 7 mana per 5 sec.
-- Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 42.
* Legs * -- Restores 9 mana per 5 sec.
-- Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 59.
* Feet * -- Restores 6 mana per 5 sec.
-- Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 37.
* Finger * -- Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 37.
-- Restores 6 mana per 5 sec.

[] Set Bonuses
* (2) * -- Reduces the mana cost of your totem spells by 12%.
* (4) * -- Increases the mana gained from your Mana Spring totems by 25%.
* (6) * -- Your Healing Wave and Lesser Healing Wave spells have a chance
to imbue your target with Totemic Power.
* (8) * -- Your Lightning Shield spell also grants you 15 mana per 5 sec.
while active.

(6f) PvP -- Rare

| Equipment | Armor | Str. | Agi. | Sta. | Int. | Spi. | Lvl. Req. | Binds On |
| Head | 337 | +6 | | +24 | +16 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Shoulders | 311 | +5 | | +16 | +10 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Chest | 398 | +17 | | +18 | +18 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Hands | 242 | | | +15 | +9 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Legs | 348 | | | +18 | +17 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Feet | 266 | +13 | | +14 | +12 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |

[] Additional Stats
* (NONE) * -- ...

[] Equip Bonuses
* Head * -- Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.
-- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by
* Shoulders * -- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 15.
-- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with
spells by 1%.
* Chest * -- Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.
* Hands * -- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 13.
-- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by
* Legs * -- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 21.
-- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by
* Feet * -- Increases the speed of your Ghost Wolf ability by 15%.

[] Set Bonuses
* (2) * -- +40 Attack Power.
* (4) * -- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with all Shock
spells by 2%.
* (6) * -- +20 Stamina.

(6g) PvP -- Epic

| Equipment | Armor | Str. | Agi. | Sta. | Int. | Spi. | Lvl. Req. | Binds On |
| Head | 382 | +11 | | +35 | +19 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Shoulders | 353 | +17 | +9 | +18 | +18 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Chest | 470 | +9 | | +35 | +20 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Hands | 353 | +17 | | +18 | +17 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Legs | 396 | | | +23 | +23 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |
| Feet | 311 | | | +18 | +17 | | Req. Lv60 | Pick Up |

[] Additional Stats
* (NONE) * -- ...

[] Equip Bonuses
* Head * -- Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.
-- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by
-- Increase damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 9.
* Shoulders * -- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 16.
* Chest * -- Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.
-- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by
-- Increase damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 9.
* Hands * -- Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.
* Legs * -- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and
effects by up to 27.
-- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by
-- Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.
* Feet * -- Restores 5 mana per 5 sec.
-- Increases damage and healing done by magical spells by up to
-- Increases the speed of your Ghost Wolf ability by 15%.

[] Set Bonuses
* (2) * -- +20 Stamina.
* (4) * -- Improves your chance to get a critical strike with all Shock
spells by 2%.
* (6) * -- +40 Attack Power.


(7) F.A.Q.s


... and the problem with this section is that, well, having just sent it out,
I haven't really received any questions, let alone been asked any frequently
enough to list here. Erm, so feel free to ask away? ^^;;


(8) Contact Me


If you have any questions, then feel free to send me an e-mail at! (And while you're at it, replace "nospam" with "yahoo"
IN YOUR SUBJECT OR HEADING! Otherwise, it will be deleted immediately.

Thank you!


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Hunter Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

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