The Elder Scrolls 4 - Knights of the Nine

The Elder Scrolls 4 - Knights of the Nine

17.10.2013 21:46:02

~~The Elder Scrolls IV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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FAQ/Walkthrough (for PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3)
V1.00 2006-02-17
Copyright 2006, 2007 Barry Scott "PapaGamer" Will

After the release of Oblivion in March 2006, Bethesda Softworks released a
series of eight official plug-ins (or mods) for the game. These mods are
available, for a price, to both PC owners via

and Xbox 360 owners via Xbox Live Marketplace.

The official plug-ins, in the order they were released, are:

DLC1 Horse Armor Pack
DLC2 Orrery
DLC3 Wizard's Tower
DLC7 The Thieves Den
DLC9 Mehrunes' Razor
DLC5 The Vile Lair
DLC4 Spell Tomes
DLC8 Knights of the Nine

In November 2006, Bethesda released a retail boxed set containing all eight
official plug-ins. The boxed set is also called Knights of the Nine (after the
largest of the official mods), and is available only for PC owners. PC owners,
therefore, have the ability to purchase the official plug-ins individually (at
a total cost of $23.52 US) or buy the boxed set containing all eight plug-ins
(at a cost of $19.99 suggested retail price). Xbox 360 owners can continue to
purchase the plug-ins from the Marketplace (at a total cost for all eight of
1,930 Marketplace points).

In addition to the mods, players must install the v1.1.511 patch for the core
game. Several of the mods require this patch in order to run. The patch must
be installed before the plug-ins. PC owners can download the patch at

Or, PC owners with the KoN boxed set, will find the patch on the CD with the
official plug-ins. Xbox 360 owners can obtain the patch from Xbox Live
Marketplace. The patch is, of course, free of charge.

The following FAQ/Walkthrough is concerned only with the eight official mods
collectively known as Knights of the Nine. It assumes basic familiarity with
the core game. For a complete walkthrough of the entire game (including the
official mods), see

After installing any (or all) of the mods, be sure to use the Data Files
option on the Oblivion launch menu and make sure all the mods are enabled
(boxes checked).

~~The Elder Scrolls IV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

To contact me about the guide, send email to:

Please include "Knights FAQ" in your subject line so I don't auto-discard the
message. Also, please read the FAQ carefully prior to asking for help on any
part of the game. If you send me additional suggestions or hints for the game
and I find them useful, you will be acknowledged in the Credits.

If you found this guide useful and would like to contribute a small token for
my efforts, you may send money through PayPal by using the Donate link found
on my Web site:

Thank you, and enjoy the guide!

~~The Elder Scrolls IV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Horse Armor Pack DLC1................HA00
Orrery DLC2..........................OR00
Wizard's Tower DLC3..................WT00
The Thieves Den DLC7.................TD00
Mehrunes' Razor DLC9.................MR00
The Vile Lair DLC5...................VL00
Spell Tomes DLC4.....................ST00
Knights of the Nine DLC8.............KN00
The Shrines of the Crusader.......KN02
Priory of the Nine................KN03
Nature's Fury.....................KN04
The Path of the Righteous.........KN05
Stendarr's Mercy..................KN06
Wisdom of the Ages................KN07
The Faithful Squire...............KN08
The Sword of the Crusader.........KN09
The Blessing of Talos.............KN10
Umaril the Unfeathered............KN11
Version History & Credits............VH00

HA00: Horse Armor DLC1: $1.99 (PC), 200 Marketplace points (Xbox 360)
This mod adds two types of barding (horse armor) to the game: Elven (gold
color) and steel. Both types are available at Chestnut Handy Stables (outside
the west gate to Imperial City) from Snak gra-Bura. This mod is active as soon
as you load a game with the mod enabled.

Even though it's only two bucks, it's not worth the download. Horses are an
affectation, not a necessity, and the armor doesn't do a whole lot of good
since you still can't fight from your horse. Does look pretty, but that's
about it. For vanity players only.

OR00: Orrery DLC2: $1.89 (PC), 150 Marketplace points (Xbox 360)
Adds a simple step-n-fetch quest, Repairing the Orrery, to the game. After
finishing the quest, you have access to the Imperial Orrery, which will grant
you a Greater Power depending on the phase of the moon.

It's OK. The quest is very simplistic and the Powers granted by the Orrery are
not hugely useful. (They all Fortify one attribute by 20 and Drain another by
20 for a total of 60 seconds.) Overall, not a huge addition, and probably not
worth the money.

This quest is added as soon as you load a game after having installed the
official mod Orrery DLC2. After installing the mod, the next time you load a
game (or leave the tutorial sewers), you get a note from Bothiel, resident
astronomer at Arcane University.

It seems she is attempting to repair the Imperial Orrery, an astronomical
device, but parts she was having delivered were stolen. Evidence points to
Camp Ales as a possible base for the bandits who stole the parts. Camp Ales is
due north of Kvatch. Travel there and kill the lone bandit inhabiting the
place. From his body, get an undelivered message and the first Dwarven part.

The message points you to four other camps: Dagny's Camp, Brotch Camp, Bodean
Camp and Varus Camp. These camps are arranged in a rectangular pattern around
Ales. Travel to each one and kill the bandit or bandits you find there. From
one of the bodies in each camp, retrieve a Dwarven part for the Orrery. At the
last camp you visit, you'll face the bandit leader and two minions, so prep
for a major battle before entering the camp.

After all five Dwarven parts are in your pockets, Fast Travel to Arcane
University. If you have not completed the Mages Guild Recommendations quests,
Bothiel will be waiting for you, during normal hours, in the Arch Mages Lobby.
(The only place open to the general public.) If you are a member of the Mages
Guild with access to Arcane University, you may find Bothiel elsewhere. Just
use your objective marker to track her down.

After delivering the parts, Wait until the next day and visit Bothiel again.
She'll give you a key to the Orrery, which is accessible from a door in the
Arch Mages Lobby. Go up to the Orrery and Activate it.

Once activated, the Orrery will permanently grant you a greater power
depending on the phase of the moon. Just Activate the Orrery any time you want
to gain a power. These powers are just like racial powers: use them once per
24 hours; each has a duration of 60 seconds.

To figure out which power you will get, look up the number of days that have
passed since you started the game (available on the Accomplishments tab of
your Stats menu). If the number of days passed is greater than 23, divide by
24 and look at the remainder (modulus).

* Days 0, 1 & 2 - Masser's Might: Strength +20, Speed -20
* Days 3, 4 & 5 - Masser's Grace: Agility +20, Endurance -20
* Days 6, 7 & 8 - Secunda's Will: Willpower +20, Intelligence -20
* Days 9, 10 & 11 - Secunda's Opportunity: Luck +20, Personality -20
* Days 12, 13 & 14 - Masser's Alacrity: Speed +20, Strength -20
* Days 15, 16 & 17 - Secunda's Magnetism: Personality +20, Luck -20
* Days 18, 19 & 20 - Secunda's Brilliance: Intelligence +20, Willpower -20
* Days 21, 22 & 23 - Masser's Courage: Endurance +20, Agility -20

Example 1: 83 days have passed since you started the game. 83/24 = 3 remainder
11. The power granted on day 11 is Secunda's Opportunity. Example 2: 120 days
have passed since you started the game. 120/24 = 5 remainder 0. The power
granted on day 0 is Masser's Might.

You can only have one power at a time. Each time you use the Orrery, whatever
Orrery-granted power you currently have will be replaced by the new Orrery

WT00: Wizard's Tower DLC3: $1.89 (PC), 150 Marketplace points (Xbox 360)
Adds Frostcrag Spire to the game, and gives you a deed to the place. Frostcrag
is a wizard's tower with a garden full of alchemical ingredients, including
many from Oblivion, an enchanting altar, a spellmaking altar, the ability to
summon an atronach (storm, fire or frost) servant and an alchemical table that
boosts your Alchemy skill by 15 when you stand near it. In order to get the
tower functioning, you have to buy the materials from a newly added merchant
in Imperial City. This merchant also buys/sells alchemical ingredients and
potions and recharges enchanted items.

Definitely worth the money for the plant conservatory alone. Characters who
want to enchant and craft spells without joining the Mages Guild will also
find a lot to like. It's quite expensive (around 14,000 gold) to get the place
up-and-running, but it is a nice house, so, in that respect, it's cheaper than
buying and furnishing a house elsewhere. Also includes a ton of books and a
vault guarded by imps. Plus, there's no fighting to get it.

Price: Free
Furnishings: (Aurelinwae, Mystic Emporium, Market District, Imperial City)
* Alchemy Lab, 2455
* Magetallow candles, 2 boxes, each 3275
* Bedroom Area, 1637
* Library Area, 1637
* Vault Area (includes guardian imps), 1637
Total cost: 13,916
Desirability factor: 8/10
Extras: Altar of Enchanting, Altar of Spellmaking, alchemical table & garden,
portals to all Mages Guilds

You receive this tower, free-of-charge, when you purchase and install the
Wizard's Tower (DLC3) official mod. Even though the tower is free, furnishing
it is not. In addition to the furnishings, you must buy certain equipment to
get everything functional. (Namely, magetallow candles at a total of about
6,500 gold to get the enchanting and spellmaking altars working.)

The tower is remote and difficult to reach without using Fast Travel. When you
do use FT, you are deposited quite a distance away and have to climb up to the
tower, and then up three flights of stairs before you can enter. Also, the
official description promises breathtaking views, but the weather is always
lousy, so good luck getting a glimpse of Imperial City from the top of your

What pushes this up into the top four homes is the conservatory, containing a
large variety of alchemical ingredients (including some normally only found in
Oblivion), and the enchanting and spellmaking altars. With this tower, you
don't need to join the Mages Guild to make your own spells, enchant equipment
and experiment with Alchemy.

TD00: Thieves Den DLC7: $1.89 (PC), 150 Marketplace points (Xbox 360)
Adds Dunbarrow Cove; and, a little quest along with it. Dunbarrow Cove is a
hidden cavern underneath Castle Anvil, and it contains the wreck of the
infamous pirate ship, Black Flag. It also contains the animate skeletons of
the Black Flag's crew. Full details of this mod are under the Home Ownership
section of Miscellaneous Adventures.

Basically, this is another house mod. After a simple quest and the expenditure
of some money, you have another place to hang out. The hook this time is for
players who like to go around randomly robbing people; but, don't want to join
the Thieves Guild (why not?). You can set yourself up in this little cave and
you actually have it better than if you were the Gray Fox--high quality fence,
lots of Expert training in Stealth skills and access to Stealth-type spells
(Fortify Stealth skills, Open Locks, Chameleon, etc.). Overall, Frostcrag
Spire might be a better investment of your money, but, hey, it's only two

Price: Free
Furnishings/Crew: (Dahlia Rackham, Clarabella)
* Upgraded quarters (500 gold): slightly improves the appearance of the
captain's--that is your--quarters.
* A fence (1,000 gold): Khafiz and his pet warthog, Bacon, settle in to
Dunbarrow. Khafiz is an Expert trainer in Mercantile and a fence with
1,500 gold (the same as Fathis Ules of the Thieves Guild).
* A fletcher (1,000 gold): Melliwin moves in and hangs out along the back
wall of the cavern. She is an Expert trainer in Marksman and sells some
basic supplies and Stealth-related spells.
* A security expert (1,000 gold): Tahm Blackwell sells a few supplies, some
Stealth-related spells and provides Expert training in Security. He has a
little campsite to your right as you enter the main cavern.
* A spymaster (1,000 gold): Kovan Kren is a dark elf who likes to spend his
time practicing with his sword over to your left as you enter the main
cavern. He sells Stealth-related supplies and spells and provides Sneak
training up to Expert level.
* A supplier (1,000 gold): Jak Silver takes up residence in the Black Flag
mid-deck. He has a number of interesting items for sale and also provides
Expert-level Speechcraft training.
* Miscellaneous pirates (no cost): Talk to one of these guys and send them
out to plunder. They'll return in a week and give you a share of the
Total cost: 5,500
Desirability factor: 8/10
Extras: Fence, trainers, plunder!

Once you buy the Thieves Den official mod, you'll get a message telling you to
investigate Dunbarrow Cove. You'll find Dunbarrow by entering a smuggler's
cave at water level on the south side of the island occupied by Castle Anvil.
Go straight through the cave to enter the Cove.

Inside is the wreckage of a pirate ship and the undead crew. There are six
skeletons in the main cavern, plus the undead Cap'n Dugal in his cabin. Defeat
them all; then, go see Dahlia Rackham on the Clarabella. The Clarabella is the
eastern ship docked at Anvil. (If you ventured into the ship previously, it
was occupied by un-named pirates and minimal loot.)
Rackham sells the services of a crew, as well as improvements to the
underground wreck.

Once you've fully "furnished" the Cove, you have your own pirate gang to do
your bidding. There are Expert-level trainers for Mercantile, Speechcraft,
Marksman, Security and Sneak skills. There's a fence (1,500 gold limit) and
several different types of merchants. You can also order your crew to go out
an plunder. Return a week later and get your share of the loot, which is very
large. A definite must-have for Stealthy characters, and not a bad hangout for
other types of characters as well.

MR00: Mehrunes' Razor DLC9: $2.99 (PC), 250 Marketplace points (Xbox 360)
Adds the "Unearthing Mehrunes' Razor" side quest to the game. This quest is
activated as soon as you load a game or leave the starter sewers after
installing the plug-in.

This is the first official plug-in that is a real quest, as deep as any other
side quest in the game. You get a large and interesting dungeon to explore, a
plot to overthrow the empire and a cool new weapon that can one-hit kill any
enemy in the game. You also get a mod that will tax your system to its limits.
There are lots of pitched battles between numerous NPCs. You'll find yourself
fighting four or five NPCs at a time. If your PC starts to lag noticeably when
fighting two or three enemies, or has difficulty with lots of dynamic light
sources (i.e. torches and campfires), you may want to think twice about buying
this plug-in. You will have serious problems in some areas--all of them
involving fights. Low framerates during a fight is a good way to end up dead.

After installing the plug-in, the next time you load a game or exit the
tutorial sewers, you will get a message informing you of rumors of a fabled
weapon, Mehrunes' Razor, that may be located beneath the ruined fort of
Sundercliff Watch.

Before setting off in search of Mehrunes' Razor, divest yourself of all non-
essential equipment. You'll be underground for quite a while, and you don't
want to leave loot behind because you're over-encumbered. (Investment in a
Feather spell or potions or equipment is recommended.) You should also be high
enough level to handle four or five enemies at once. There are some pitched
battles ahead of you.

Sundercliff Watch is in the far east of Cyrodiil. The nearest quest-related
point is Peryite's Shrine (due west of the fort). Inside the front door is a
large room with two guards, one standing still and one patrolling. Take them
out, then approach the wooden door to the south. To the right of the door is
an abandoned knapsack. Loot this for a diary that gives you the password to
get through the door, "Chimer". Beyond the door are two more guards.

To the south you'll come out on a raised platform with another guard
patrolling below. Your path then turns east through a tunnel, which leads to
the upper level of a circular room. There are three to four guards below you,
one of which is a veteran (much tougher than the soldiers you've faced thus
far). Once you've cleared the lower level, exit to the north to reach
Sundercliff Village.

This underground town has quite a few NPCs wandering about. Immediately to
your left as you exit the tunnel you'll find four to five soldiers sitting
around a campfire. Wait until a couple have gone off on patrol before
attacking the ones that remain. If you get lucky, the patrol won't come
running back to help. If you're unlucky...

Well, hope you have some decent weaponry or spells or it's reload time. These
soldiers are the main problem on the upper level of this large cavern. Stay on
the upper levels, exploring the buildings. Most buildings have one or two
occupants and a fair bit of treasure. In the northwest corner is the jail;
inside, locked in a cell, is a Morag Tong (Morrowind assassin). Kill him for
his full suit of Morag Tong armor (especially good for Stealth-based

From the top level of the cavern, exit to the east into Sundercliff Forge. At
the T-intersection, go left (north) and follow the tunnel around until you see
a large tunnel to your left (east). Follow this tunnel to the door to
Sundercliff Mines.

The Mines is basically one large room with two levels--you enter at the
bottom. There are a lot of soldiers and laborers in the Mines, and it is
almost impossible to avoid a 4-on-1 or 5-on-1 battle near the entrance.
Fortunately, the laborers aren't that tough and do little damage (unless
you're attempting this as a low-level character).

Once you've cleared your way into the Mines, it gets easier. Find the tunnel
entrance to the southeast and follow the path to the upper level of the main
cavern--you can pick off the laborers and soldiers here one-by-one. Once you
reach the upper level of the main cavern, you'll have to pick your way through
two or three patrolling soldiers. Again, if you're careful and watch the
patrol patterns, you can take them one at a time.

To the northeast is the tunnel that leads back to Sundercliff Forge; this
time, you're below where you came in from the Village. Follow the only path,
fighting your way through four apprentices, to reach the Forgemaster. Watch
out for his enchanted axe! Once he's dead, loot his tent, making sure you pick
up the enchanted bezoar. Return to Sundercliff Village through the shortcut on
the north side of the Forgemaster's cave.

Clean out the lower portion of the Village. Find one of two exits to the west
(the upper-level exit is better) to enter Sundercliff Commune. If you come in
on the lower level of the Commune, you'll face a couple of veterans. On the
top level are mostly laborers and a couple of soldiers. Along the bottom chasm
of the Commune is the Veteran's Lodge, which contains two or three veterans
and a boss-level chest.

On the north top tier of the Commune is Drothan's cabin, mentioned in the
diary you picked up earlier. Enter his cabin and find his journal on a small
table. It mentions the Ayleid city where Mehrunes' Razor is hidden, and tells
how Drothan has shielded the entrance. You need two enchanted bezoars to get
through the shield. You got one from the Forgemaster. The other is right next
door in the Commander's quarters.

Now that you have the two enchanted bezoars in hand, go west through the lower
chasm of the Commune. At the Ayleid door, Activate the pedestal to either side
to place a bezoar and dispel the shield. Follow Drothan through the door to
the Ayleid ruin. This first section is a long series of halls with no enemies
and no traps. Just run through to the door into Varsa Baalim.

Varsa Baalim is a large cavern with an Ayleid ruin inside. Advance carefully
(and, preferably, in Sneak mode) to witness a battle below you. The combatants
are some Drothmeri soldiers and vampires. Wait until the dust has settled to
go down and take out the survivors. Along the south wall are two entrances to
Cava Arpenia. This side area has two vampires and a little loot.

Further exploration will reveal, to the west, some more vampires as well as a
door to Cava Beldameld. Enter this small room, dispose of the vampire, and
exit at the far side to return to Varsa Baalim, this time in the southwest
corner in a previously inaccessible area. Leave Cava Beldameld in Sneak mode.
As you re-enter Varsa Baalim, there's a battle in front of you. Let the
soldiers and vampires settle their differences before mopping up.

Go to your left (northwest) to reach the large, northern section of Varsa
Baalim. There are more vampires down here, and, in the northern corner of the
area, a door to Cava Marspanga. Enter here and go slowly down the stairs. At
the bottom, three Drothmeri soldiers and three vampires are mixing it up.

Once you've helped them all to the great beyond, re-enter Varsa Baalim. You're
now on the extreme northern edge of the large cavern. Go right (west) to find
a small encampment with a single vampire and some loot chests. Once you've
satisfied your avarice, go back east past the door to Cava Marspanga. To your
left you should see a collapsed walkway forming a ramp leading up.

Climb up to find some more vampires, including the vampire patriarch. They
should be weakened by a fight with soldiers that occurred while you were
looting. Take them out and keep climbing and following the causeway until you
see a giant welkynd stone marking the entrance to The Nefarivigum.

Down the stairs you go, through the door, and down a lot more stairs. All the
enemies on the stairwell are dead. At the bottom is Drothan himself, studying
a statue. He's a powerful mage, so adjust your battle tactics accordingly.
Leading with a Sneak attack is always helpful.

After Drothan is dead, Activate the statue of Msirae Faythung. (If you're
using Detect Life, you may notice the statue is glowing. But it's not really
alive...yet.) The statue contains a beating heart. Remove the heart and then
open your inventory and consume (use) the beating heart. The statue comes
alive and you've got an angry dremora to defeat.

There's not a lot of room to maneuver for ranged fighters, so you might want
to revert to quick jabs with a one-handed weapon and then dance out of the way
while he swings. Or you can just tank him if you have the appropriate armor
and weapons. When Faythung is dead, a gate to the south opens and Mehrunes'
Razor is yours.

After you take the Razor, a secret passage leading to some Forgotten Tunnels
opens. There's nothing in the Tunnels except a rock fall and some rats. At the
end is a small pool; dive in to find a door that leads into Lake Canalus, west
of Fort Sundercliff.

Congratulations! You now have a lot of loot, including a dagger that is
capable of one-hit killing any enemy in the game. (Only a small chance,

VL00: The Vile Lair DLC5: $1.89 (PC), 150 Marketplace points (Xbox 360)
Adds a house for evil characters. Actually, to be more explicit, the vile lair
is a vampire hangout. When you load up a game after installing the mod, you
get a journal entry about a key and a note letting you know you have inherited
a place known as Deepscorn Hollow. The place is marked on your map; it is
south-southeast of Leyawiin, not far from Tidewater Cave (Nocturnal's Quest)
and Bogwater Swamp ("The Renegade Shadowscale"). Travel there, find the
submerged entrance and read the diary just inside the door. Then go buy your
"furnishings" from Rowley Eardwulf at the Wawnet Inn. Return and revel in your
wretched hive of villainy. Full details are under Home Ownership.

Truly evil players may get a kick out of ordering someone to go kill in their
name; and, the Altar of Sithis might be useful. Non-evil characters can use
the Purgeblood Salts and Font of Renewal as an easy way to cure vampirism, and
you don't have to buy any furnishings to do that. Still, this is a vampire's
home and only vampires will get full use of it.

Price: Free
Furnishings: (Rowley Eardwulf, Wawnet Inn)
* Bedroom Area, 3060
* Cattle Cell, 3060
* Dark Minion, 3060
* Dining Area, 3060
* Garden, 3060
* Storage Area, 3060
* Study Are, 3060
* Ichor of Sithis, 5066
Total cost: 26,486
Desirability factor: 5/10 (10/10 for vampires)
Extras: Altar of Sithis, murdering minion, free food (for vampires),
Vampire bath

Like Frostcrag Spire, you don't have to do anything to obtain this little
country cottage other than purchase and install the official mod. When you
reload your game after installation, a journal entry informs you of Deepscorn
Hollow and marks it on your map. It is south-southeast of Leyawiin, not far
from Tidewater Cave (Nocturnal's Quest) and Bogwater Swamp ("The Renegade

Deepscorn Hollow is a little island just off the coast. There's a bridge over
to it if you don't want to get your feet wet. Find the partially submerged
towers on the south side of the island and swim down to a large, hollow log
that protrudes from the base of one of the towers. Swim into the log to find
the door to the lair; you have the key to open it (the key is added by the

Inside, just as you come up from the water, you'll find a diary. Click it to
update your journal and read about the former owner of this place. Yes, you
are now the proud owner of a vampire lair. If you are not a vampire, you may
still find a use for this wretched hive of villainy--there's an easy cure for
vampirism. Explore the ruins a bit--there are no monsters...well, other than,
perhaps, you--until you find the trap door that leads outside. You can now use
that trap door as well as the submerged door to get back into the lair.

Now, if you don't really need a vampire lair, you can avoid purchasing any of
the equipment from Rowley Eardwulf. If you ever need a cure for vampirism,
return to Deepscorn Hollow, go to the Cloister area and find the pool on the
south side of the Cloister. In one corner of the room is a Purgeblood Salts
rock formation. Activate a formation to collect some Purgeblood Salts, enter
the pool and Activate the Font of Renewal in the center.

Tada! You're cured of vampirism. (That's a lot easier than the Vampire Cure
quest, isn't it?)

If you are a vampire, or just ornery enough to use the lair anyway, follow the
suggestion of your new journal entry and travel to Wawnet Inn outside Imperial
City. Find Rowley Eardwulf sitting on the stairs and purchase the necessary
furnishings from him. They're expensive, so be sure to raid your bank account
prior to visiting. In addition to the furnishings, you'll need a bottle of
Ichor of Sithis in order to activate the Altar of Sithis in your new home.
(Eardwulf is also a Journeyman Sneak skill trainer.)

Return to Deepscorn Hollow to find that your furnishings have been put in
place. Wandering around the lair is your new minion (if you purchased the
minion). Unlike Dark Brotherhood murderers, this one won't go along with you
as a companion; but, he will go out and kill in your name and return the loot
to you in a Victim's Loot Chest in his room next to the garden. You'll also
find a prison cell with a sleeping prisoner. The prisoner sleeps 24/7 and
can't be wakened--a feeding trough for vampires.

Finally, you'll find the Altar of Sithis. Activate it with the Ichor in your
inventory and the altar is now working. Only those whose Infamy is higher than
Fame can use the Altar. When you Activate it, you receive the following buffs:
Fortify Sneak 10, Fortify Health 20, Fortify Agility 5. The buffs last for
1,000 seconds (or a little over 16-1/2 minutes). The altar will also cure
disease, poison, damage attributes, health, etc.

ST00: Spell Tomes DLC4: $0.99 (PC), 80 Marketplace points (Xbox 360)
Adds spell tomes to the game. Spell tomes are books that teach you a spell.
Formerly, to learn spells you had to pay a spell merchant; though, a few were
given as quest rewards. Now, if you find a spell tome, you can read it and add
the spell it teaches to your spellbook. Tomes are only available as random,
leveled treasure. Some of the spell tomes teach spells and spell effects not
previously available in Oblivion.

Meh. The best spells are still the ones you make yourself. However, if you're
a pure (or close to pure) mage and want the new spell effects, then this might
be a useful mod. Of course, you can't guarantee you'll find any of the new
spells without cheating.

A list of the new spells added is here:

KN00: Knights of the Nine DLC8: $9.99 (PC), 800 Marketplace points (Xbox 360)
Adds a large quest and new faction (guild) to the game.

Pricey, but well worth the money, especially if you play paladin-type

Install the Knights mod and make sure it's active. Unlike the other official
mods, Knights of the Nine does not automatically start when you next load up
your game. This mod is intended for good characters--especially paladin types
(i.e. melee fighters with healing magic and a hatred for undead). When you
finish the quest, you'll be the leader of a new guild: Knights of the Nine.

The Crusader's Relics you collect are a suit of armor and both a blunt and
blade weapon. The armor matches your level when you receive it; however,
unlike other quest rewards, there's a method in the game to keep it up-to-date
with your increasing power. The armor will either be light or heavy depending
on which skill is higher. There's no difference in appearance between the
light and heavy armor.

Helm of the Crusader:
- Fortify Restoration
- Fortify Personality
- Serene Beauty (Calm on touch)
Cuirass of the Crusader:
- Fortify Restoration
- Resist Normal Weapons
- Fortify Health
Boots of the Crusader:
- Fortify Restoration
- Woodland Grace (normal woodland animals will not be hostile;
e.g. lions and wolves and bears, oh my!)
Gauntlets of the Crusader:
- Fortify Restoration
- Resist Disease
- Merciful Touch (Restore Health on touch)
Greaves of the Crusader:
- Fortify Restoration
- Fortify Destruction
- Blessing of the Eight (Shield on touch)
Shield of the Crusader:
- Reflect Spell
Mace of the Crusader:
- Fire Damage
- Turn Undead
- Fortify Blunt
Sword of the Crusader:
- Fire Damage
- Damage Magicka
- Fortify Blade

You'll be fighting lots of spirits during this quest, so you'll want silver,
daedric or enchanted weapons or plenty of Destruction spells--at least, until
you acquire the Mace of the Crusader about a third of the way into the story.

In order to wear and use the Crusader's Relics, you must have an Infamy score
of zero (0). If you gain one point of Infamy, you'll receive a warning. If
your Infamy increases to two (2) or higher, you can't equip the Relics until
you have once again walked the Pilgrim's Way (first quest for KoN).

To kick off this quest, you must talk to a Prophet, who is declaiming across
the street from the Temple of Dibella in Anvil. You may hear Rumors of an
attack on the Temple from just about anyone in all Cyrodiil; however, you do
not need to hear these Rumors before talking to the Prophet.

<~~~~~~ PILGRIMAGE ~~~~~~>

Talk to the Prophet and follow the natural lines of conversation until he asks
if you are a worthy champion to defeat Umaril the Unfeathered. Use any "No"
answer and the Prophet will tell you that you must follow the Pilgrim's Way
and visit a wayshrine of each of the Nine Divines. He gives you a map showing
the locations of one wayshrine for each of the Nine.

In Cyrodiil, there are at least three wayshrines for each of the Nine. These
wayshrines are part of the base game and you may have already encountered some
during your travels. Normally, when you pray at (Activate) a wayshrine, you
receive a small buff for five minutes or so (assuming your Infamy is zero).
You can perform this quest even if your Infamy is greater than zero; however,
you won't receive the blessings as you pray. When you complete the Pilgrim's
Way, your Infamy is reset to zero.

Now, you do not specifically have to go to the wayshrines marked on the map
the Prophet gives you. There are at least three wayshrines in Cyrodiil for
each of the Nine. Unfortunately, wayshrines are never marked on your primary
map--even with this mod installed; so, you have to find them on your own. Here
is the quickest route (from Anvil) to a wayshrine for each of the Nine:

* Go around to the east side of Anvil and head straight east, passing Fort
Strand to the north, to find a Wayshrine of Akatosh.

* Walk straight north until you cross the Kvatch-Anvil road, then turn north-
northwest until you find a Wayshrine of Arkay in a small hollow among the

* Go back to the Kvatch-Anvil road and travel east until you reach Gottshaw
Inn. A Wayshrine of Zenithar is on the hill behind the Inn (to the east).

* Go around the south side of Kvatch and catch the road to Skingrad. Follow
the road east toward Skingrad. You'll cross over a stone bridge; on the far
side turn left (north) and you'll see a Wayshrine of Talos up the slope.

* Go east-northeast a short distance to a Wayshrine of Mara.

* From the Wayshrine of Mara, go due north into the Imperial Reserve to find a
Wayshrine of Kynareth. The Wayshrine is located directly on top of the "E" in
"IMPERIAL" on your map.

* Go due east and you'll soon run in to a Wayshrine of Julianos. On your map,
it sits directly on top of the "A" in "IMPERIAL".

* Head due northeast, going through Weatherleah ("Legacy Lost") and Hackdirt
("Shadow Over Hackdirt") to find a Wayshrine of Dibella.

* Fast Travel to the sewer entrance where you started the game (just outside
Imperial City Prison). Go south along the shore until you see a wayshrine
across the lake. Swim over and pray at the Wayshrine of Stendarr.

*NOTE* You can encounter a couple of other knights walking the Way if the last
shrine you visit is one marked on the map given you by the Prophet. While not
important to the quest, if you want to meet these knights, go to a different
Wayshrine of Stendarr as your last stop. Fast Travel to Bravil and head down
the road toward Leyawiin. About halfway along that road is the Wayshrine to
Stendarr marked on your map.

As soon as you pray at the last wayshrine, you'll have a vision and speak to
Pelinal Whitestrake. He marks the location of his lost shrine on your map. It
just so happens to be in the middle of Lake Rumare, not far south of the
Wayshrine of Stendarr.

How convenient!

You also receive the Greater Power, Pilgrim's Grace. This power fortifies your
Agility, Endurance, Intelligence, Luck, Personality, Speed, Strength and
Willpower by 10 for 300 seconds.



The Shrine of the Crusader is located inside the Ayleid ruin of Vanua. The
entrance to Vanua is under water, just north of the Ring Road bridge over the
Upper Niben River. Water Breathing is a plus; but, not required. Suit up for
undead hunting in an Ayleid ruin and swim out to the spot marked on your map.

Dive down and find the entrance to Vanua (it's easier to do this on a bright,
sunny day). Once inside, you'll have to swim about 10 meters to a stairway
that takes you out of the water--if you don't have Water Breathing, be sure
you have enough breath before entering the ruin.

At the top of the stairs is your first encounter with a (leveled, obviously)
undead. Many more will follow. Continue straight until you reach a T-
intersection. The right (east) branch is eventually blocked, so go left
(west). When you reach a large room and dispose of the guardians, go through
the tunnel to the north into the Shrine of the Crusader.'s not that simple. This area is a lot like the secret passages under
the Imperial prison--lots of ruins mixed with crawling through tunnels; and,
undead all over the place. Go straight and drop down into a ruin; turn left
(west) and then right (north) until your way is blocked. A hole in the wall to
your left (west) leads through a small cavern and then into the shrine. You
can now see the target; but, you can't reach it yet.

Loot the skeleton on the raised bit of floor to get Sir Amiel's key, ring and
diary. This opens the next quest, "Priory of the Nine", and lets you continue
on your way. First, unlock the gate to the south and deal with the undead
guardian of that path. That's your shortcut back out once you've retrieved the
Helm of the Crusader.

Go through the gate to the west and kill the undead. In the next room, find
the hole in the west wall and jump into another tunnel. Fight your way north
and then drop down into the ruin again. Take the south hall for a little
treasure, then take the door to the north. This leads to the Lost Catacombs.

Follow the catacombs--make sure you take opportunities to loot--until you
reach a door leading back into the Shrine. There are actually two doors;
either will serve. Back in the Shrine, fight your way to the altar where the
Helm is located. Watch out for the undead near the altar--it might be down in
a little doorway on the north side of the area.

Collect the Helm, jump over the fence and go through the south gate you opened
earlier. This takes you to a tunnel leading back into Vanua. In Vanua, you'll
pass through a room with at least three undead--including one boss-level mob.
In the same room is an Ayleid Reliquary with your reward for this dungeon.
Leave Vanua and embark on the next stage of your quest.

<~~~~~~ PRIORY OF THE NINE ~~~~~~>

Your next stop is the old Priory of the Knights of the Nine. This is located
in the middle of nowhere, halfway between Skingrad and Bravil. Lucky you, it's
marked on your map; but there's precious little close by that you can Fast
Travel to. The closest may be Silorn (Mages Guild quest, "Ambush"); or, you
can Fast Travel to Skingrad and hoof it.

Regardless of how you go, stock up on healing potions or a good healing spell
and Magicka potions before you go. When you reach the Priory, all appears
peaceful. Enter the Priory and find the Knights of the Nine seal on the floor.
Activate it and Sir Amiel's ring opens the door to the basement. (You did
remember to loot Amiel's ring in the Shrine, right?) Go down into the
basement, which is a training room, then take the door into the Undercroft.

There's the Cuirass of the Crusader! That was easy.

Yeah, right. Eight of the original Knights of the Nine surround you and you
have to beat them all in personal combat (i.e. one-on-one). You can use any
style of combat you wish, just so long as you beat each one. They are all
swordsmen, and good ones; but, they are leveled to match you so you should be
able to handle them. Use the brief respite in between each fight to heal up
and restore your Magicka. Summon help if you need it.

When you have bested all eight knights, claim the Cuirass as your own. When
you get the quest update telling you to talk to the knights about the other
Relics, go around the circle and speak to the knights. The four important
conversations are with Sir Casimir (Gauntlets of the Crusader), Sir Ralvas
(Mace of the Crusader), Sir Henrik (Shield of the Crusader) and Sir Juncan
(Boots of the Crusader).

You can quest after these items in any order with one restriction: you must
retrieve the Boots before you can get the Mace. All clear? On with the show

<~~~~~~ NATURE'S FURY ~~~~~~>

To get the Boots of the Crusader you must travel to a Shrine of Kynareth west
of Imperial City. Make this your active quest and the shrine's location will
be marked on your map; it's southwest of Wawnet Inn and north of Clavicus
Vile's shrine. When you find it, talk to Avita Vesnia to get the details of
your test. She instructs you to go to the Grove of Trials and face whatever
test Kynareth has for you.

Go ahead and sheath whatever weapon you may be carrying. Not only do you not
need it, you best not use it. Travel west a short distance to a ring of white-
barked trees. Enter them and wait a bit until a wild animal enters and attacks
you. You can block the attacks; but, don't return the favor. Take your lumps
and, pretty soon, Kynareth deems you worthy, shows you a secret door; and, you
enter Kynareth's Grotto and get the Boots.



The Mace of the Crusader is protected by Zenithar in his chapel in Leyawiin.
Make sure you have the Boots of the Crusader before you attempt to get the
Mace. Travel to Leyawiin; go to the chapel and downstairs into the Undercroft.
There will be at least four spirits down here. Dispatch them; then, Activate
the Tomb of Saint Kaladas at the far end of the Croft.

You'll find yourself in space, on a floating piece of a fort. In the distance
is the Mace. If you have the Boots of the Crusader equipped, you just walk
across the misty path that appears. If you don't have the Boots equipped--
well, go get them and put them on!

As soon as you grab the Mace, you re-appear in the Undercroft. Go ahead and
equip the Mace (or your favorite weapon) and gird your loins. As you leave the
Undercroft and enter the chapel, you'll be attacked by Aurorans--Umaril's
daedra servants. You'll have help killing them, try to be careful you don't
harm the eager knight that greeted you when you first entered the Temple. He
soon declares himself a new Knight of the Nine and runs off to join your

<~~~~~~ STENDARR'S MERCY ~~~~~~>

This is a pretty simple quest. Go to the Chapel of Stendarr in Chorrol and
talk to the priest, Areldur. He'll tell you the sad tale of Sir Casimir and
his descendents. He'll also inform you Kellen, the current scion of the
Casimir family, is in the temple trying to be rid of the family curse.

Go downstairs to the Chapel Hall and find Kellen. He's typically sitting in a
small bedroom off to the side. Kellen tells you more about his curse and says
he thinks Areldur knows the cure but is holding out on him. Return to Areldur
and confront him about Kellen. He reveals the only way to cure Kellen is to
take the curse yourself. Once you show mercy to Kellen, you can lift the

Pray at the altar of Stendarr and you'll be asked if you want to take Kellen's
curse on yourself. Answer yes and you'll receive a one-use Lay Hands lesser
power. Go downstairs and Lay Hands on Kellen. He'll be cured and you'll suffer
the Curse of the Consumed, which is a permanent Damage Fatigue effect. (It is
by no means crippling and you'll hardly notice it.)

In the main chapel, find the gauntlets laying on the floor behind the altar;
Activate them to pick them up. On with the show!

<~~~~~~ WISDOM OF THE AGES ~~~~~~>

Make "Wisdom of the Ages" your active quest and find Fort Bulwark in eastern
Cyrodiil. It is northeast of Leyawiin and not particularly near anything. The
closest quest point is Fort Teleman (Mages Guild, "Bloodworm Helm"). Fast
Travel to Teleman and go south, or go to Leyawiin and head northeast.

Approach Fort Bulwark warily. There are conjurers also seeking the Shield and
two are outside the main doors--one at ground level and one at the top of the
tower. If you can draw the ground-level conjurer outside the fort and dispatch
him, you can sneak into the fort without the upper-level mage knowing about
it. Or, run upstairs and take care of him too.

Inside, watch your step as there are plenty of conjurers and daedra to impede
your progress. The quickest route to your target is to follow the corridor
around a left turn, then take the first left-hand branch and then the next
right through a double wood door.

You'll be in a large room on a raised catwalk. Note the gate to your right and
raised drawbridge to your left. Go past these two obstacles and through
another set of double wood doors. Follow the tunnel to a makeshift bedroom
with two conjurers. When they are down, turn the handle on the north side of
the room and pick up the Conjurer's Note from the desk to the right of the

Backtrack a short way down the tunnel and take the left-branch. You'll come to
a balcony overlooking a room with two raised drawbridges. Turn the handle and
watch the drawbridges lower and a gate rise. That's the gate you passed a
short while ago. Backtrack to it and go through, across the drawbridges and to
a corridor with four rows of three pressure plates.

If you follow the clue on the Conjurer's Note, you need to step on the plates
in this order: left - middle - right - left. There's no penalty if you mess
up, other than you have to go back and start the sequence over. Go through the
door into the second area of Fort Bulwark.

You're in a corridor with prison cells to either side. Go past the first pair
and then enter an open cell to your left. There's a door on the north side of
the cell that leads to a torture room and a conjurer or two. Dispose of them,
then go to the cell on the other side of the corridor and open it to free Sir
Thedret. He'll give you a clue to reach the shield and then leave for the
Priory of the Nine.

At the end of the prison corridor is another room full of mages. Get rid of
them and loot their stuff. There's another note that details what they have in
mind for Sir Thedret. Continue west, keeping an eye out for conjurers. You
will soon reach a long room running north-south with raised drawbridges. The
handle for the first drawbridge is right next to the bridge. Turn it, watch
the drawbridge lower and marvel at the number of darts being flung out by the
traps in the ceiling.

If you've got plenty of health, you can just make a run for it. Otherwise,
watch the pattern of the darts and try to slip through in between cycles. At
the end of the first bridge, you'll make a left and find another handle that
lowers the second bridge. This handle is in a safe spot out of range of the
darts, so take a breather here and heal up if necessary. Then, dodge your way
across the second bridge and continue.

Advance carefully into the next room. There are at least two conjurers in this
room and one of them is the boss of this dungeon. Get rid of the mages, then
study the room. You'll see four Stone Guardians on pedestals around a seal of
Julianos. At the base of each Guardian is a handle. Turn each handle until
each Guardian is turned to face the seal of Julianos. You may have to turn
each handle multiple times until the Guardian rotates all the way around.

Once all four Guardians are facing the seal, a door in the south wall opens
and you can advance to the third area of the fort. Fortunately, there are no
more enemies or traps, so you can move ahead swiftly.

Area three is small--just a short tunnel and a big room. The room has a raised
platform with a chest and eight Stone Guardians around the edges of the room.
Each Guardian is turned away, facing the wall, and has a chest at its base.
The large chest in the center of the room is randomly filled with one of eight

* Rodgar's Book
* Rodgar's Gem
* Rodgar's Goblet
* Rodgar's Hammer
* Rodgar's Helm
* Rodgar's Skull
* Rodgar's Stone
* Rodgar's Sword

You have to take the item that appears in the large chest and place it in the
correct small chest at the base of one of the Guardians. When you place the
correct item in a Guardian's chest, the chest glows and the Guardian turns to
face the room. If you place the incorrect item in a Guardian's chest, nothing
happens. The item will randomly show up again in the large chest.

If you want to solve this yourself...why are you using a walkthrough? Anyway,
each time you take an item out of the chest, scan the room. One of the
Guardians will randomly display a floating image of the item it wants.

Start facing the door, the Guardians to the left, beginning with the one
closest to the door, take: sword, goblet, helm, stone. Facing the door, the
Guardians to the right, beginning with the one closest to the door, take:
book, hammer, skull, gem.

Lights flash, a door opens at the top of the stairs and you can go into the
next room and retrieve the Shield of the Crusader as well as other goodies.
Once you pick up the Shield, doors to either side of the altar open and you
can take a shortcut back to the top level of the fort. You'll come out on the
drawbridge you couldn't lower earlier. Leave Fort Bulwark and Fast Travel back
to the Priory of the Nine.

<~~~~~~ THE FAITHFUL SQUIRE ~~~~~~>

Upon your entry to the main Priory building, you'll be accosted by Lathon,
squire to Sir Roderic. (You may have met Roderic and Lathon on your Pilgrimage
if you used the wayshrines on the Prophet's map.) Lathon tells you of the
death of Sir Roderic at the hands (or ephemeral representations thereof) of
Sir Berich's ghost. Lathon presents you with the Greaves of the Crusader and
tells you the Sword of the Crusader is still in the misty appendages of Sir
Berich in Underpall Cave.

Further, Lathon asks if you'll allow him to join the newly formed Knights of
the Nine. If you say yes, Lathon not only becomes one of your Knights, he also
accompanies you on the upcoming quest for the Sword. If you're a stealthy
fighter, this won't be a good thing and Lathon will just keep getting in your
way. The upcoming mission is no more difficult than the invasion of the Shrine
of the Crusader, so tell Lathon to be patient a bit longer.

Explore the Priory a bit more. You'll see many of the people you have
previously met on this adventure. They have come to join your Order. (Yes,
it's your Order. Several of the warriors address you as Commander.) The place
is nice and livable now and has become a place of residence for you. And
there's a very nifty contraption in the Undercroft.

Go down to where the eight ghostly Knights still await the completion of Sir
Pelinal's crusade. Speak to Sir Amiel about Berich for a little more history
of the original Knights of the Nine. Behind Amiel is the armor stand where you
first found the Cuirass. Activate the stand and place all your current Relics
on it; then, target the bit of stand showing between the greaves and take all
the Relics back. You'll find them completely repaired and recharged and, if
you've increased enough in level, leveled up.

Seriously Sweet.

Leave the Priory and Fast Travel to Bruma. Refit yourself (healing potions,
arrows, etc.) and look for the quest marker pointing to Underpall Cave. It's
north of the Orange Road between Bruma and Chorrol. Leave Bruma by the East
Gate and travel the Orange Road toward Chorrol. When you get to a point east
or southeast of the cave, cut cross-country.


When you reach the cave, go ahead and charge in. There's nothing in the cave
portion of this dungeon. Deep in the cave is a sunken fort; it is inside the
fort where you will encounter all the enemies (primarily undead, though a few
creatures show up as well).

Once inside the fort, advance to the first main room, kill the undead creeping
around, and make a U-turn down another south-running hallway. The other two
exits from this large room--to the east and west--lead back out into Underpall
Cave. There's a little loot on those paths if you're intent on scavenging as
much as possible.

Advance carefully down the south-running hall. There's one door that blocks
your way; on the other side is a rock-fall trap. Only take a step through the
door, then jump back to avoid the rocks. At the end of the hall is the door to
the Underpall Reflecting Room and your big boss fight with the remains of Sir

Go through the entrance tunnel slowly. There are two ways to proceed; both are
about equivalent. You may or may not encounter any enemies, depending on your
level. The left (east) path has Sir Roderic's body. When you enter the main
chamber, you're in for a fight with a wraith. You'll need a silver, daedric or
enchanted weapon (such as the Mace of the Crusader), or spells. This can be a
difficult fight; however, there's plenty of room for maneuvering and you can
even run away into the tunnels for a bit to heal up. Just try not to fall into
the water, as there's only one place where you can climb back out.

When the wraith has spewed forth its final essence, pick up the Sword of the


It's cursed and, if you equip it, you will be cursed as well. Leave Underpall
the same way you came in and Fast Travel to Cheydinhal. Rest and refit before
entering the Temple of Arkay. Upon entering the Temple, you'll be attacked by
Aurorans. You have two choices:

1) Kill all the Aurorans (with the help of the other people inside the Temple)
and then pray at the altar to consecrate the Sword.

2) Run straight to the altar and pray to consecrate the Sword. You can then
use the Sword to kill the Aurorans.

Either way, the Aurorans end up dead, the Sword is now useable and you'll find
you've also lost the Curse of the Consumed you took from Kellen, descendant of
Sir Casimir. All-in-all, a good day's work. Return to the Priory of the Nine.
It's time to put an end to this business.

<~~~~~~ THE BLESSING OF TALOS ~~~~~~>

As soon as you arrive at the Prior, you're met by Sir Thedret. The Prophet has
come sticking his nose into your business again and is preaching to your
knights in the chapel. Well, you'll just have to see about this. Enter the
chapel and listen to the Prophet's sermon. He then approaches you and tells
you to get on with killing Umaril and all. As an aid, you get one thing
Pelinal did not: the Blessing of Talos. This Power will enable you to follow
Umaril into the spirit realm and destroy him once and for all.

After the Prophet's speech, go around the chapel and induct all the people who
want to become Knights of the Nine. They'll run off, suit up and head out for
Umaril's headquarters, Garlas Malatar. Before following them, head down into
the Undercroft and chat with the spirit of Sir Berich, now restored to his
brothers. Repair, recharge and (possibly) upgrade your Relics while you're
down there.

Ready to kick some butt?


Garlas Malatar is located on the coast, northwest of Anvil. Fast Travel to
Anvil and head out to the coast and then go north. You'll find some, if not
all, of your knights on the beach facing the bridge that leads over to the
main entrance. If all eight knights are not there, wait for a few minutes and
the rest will show up.

Once they are all gathered, give one of them the command to charge and they
will. They'll bowl over the two Aurorans stationed outside the main door, then
charge inside. Try to keep up. There are two more Aurorans in the first large
room, then your way is blocked by some gates. The button to open the gates is
on top of one of the altars in the room.

Before opening the gates, take the opportunity to walk around and use Merciful
Touch (healing Lesser Power granted by the Gauntlets) on your knights. Push
the button, charge up the stairs and continue your rampage through the ruins.
Your path leads to the northeast section of the ruins and through a door into
Garlas Malatar, Ceysel.

When you enter Ceysel, you'll be stopped by a couple of gates. The button to
push is right there--on the wall between the gates. Again, take the
opportunity to go around the use Merciful Touch on your companions. Open the
gates and charge into the next room.

Ignore the Aurorans and run around the right (east) side of the large raised
platform in the center. Go around the back and head west up a flight of stairs
and around to the top of the platform. Ignore any Aurorans that get in your
way. When you reach the glowing orb, Activate it to destroy it. The orb
explodes and time stops...

Now, you can take some time and loot the area. Your knights and the Aurorans
are gone; but, you can still collect welkynd stones and anything else you can
find lying around. You should also use this time to heal up and make sure
you're ready for battle.

When you're ready to move on, go back up to the orb platform and go north into
Garlas Malatar, Carac Abaran. Run through the halls, disposing of a couple
Aurorans on the way until you reach the main chamber, where Umaril is waiting
for you. The door is blocked behind you, so this is a fight to the finish.

Umaril is big and packs a big punch; but, he's predictable. He will
occasionally shoot lightning at you, which is easy to dodge. Then he'll run up
close and make a big thrusting attack. This attack is easy to avoid since he
spends a lot of time winding up. He is also easily distracted by other
enemies, so summon help if he's giving you fits.

Generally, if you just stay out of the way of his lightning blasts and sword
thrusts, you can take him down pretty easily with potshots from range or by
getting in a few, quick strikes right after he's made a sword attack. The
higher your level, the tougher Umaril will be; but, he should be manageable by

When he's dead, you'll get a quest entry reminding you to cast The Blessing of
Talos to follow Umaril into the spirit realm. Don't rush off! Heal yourself
first and restore your Magicka as well. Loot the place. There are some Ayleid
casks around, not to mention Umaril's body and his sword. Once you've picked
the place clean, cast The Blessing of Talos.

You'll find yourself fighting in the clouds over Imperial City. Umaril is
quite a ways off, so take the opportunity to stick a couple of arrows into
him. (If they're poisoned first, so much the better.) Repeat your earlier
tactics. Umaril is no tougher now than he was earlier. When he dies, you fall
into mist...

And come to in the Undercroft of the Priory of the Nine. Sir Amiel chats with
you right before the old knights pass into glory. When you leave the
Undercroft, Sir Thedret greets you and tells you what happened in Garlas
Malatar after you destroyed the orb. He then goes out and speaks to your
assembled knights. They all cheer. And then...

<~~~~~~ EPILOGUE ~~~~~~>

Life goes on. You are now the Commander of the Knights of the Nine. There will
always be eight other knights available to you in the Priory. Any that were
killed in the attack on Garlas Malatar are replaced by generic, no-name NPCs.
You can, at any time, ask one of the knights to accompany you as a henchman-
type person.

There's also the armor stand in the Undercroft, waiting to repair, recharge
and upgrade your threads. You have your own bedroom in the Priory (to the left
at the top of the right-hand set of stairs). Right outside your room is a
bookshelf with a number of books about Pelinal and the original Knights. You
can read these sometime when you want more history of the original Crusader
and the Order. The altar in the Chapel functions just as the altars in the
Temples in the big cities, curing diseases, poisons, damaged attributes and
the like.

And, oh yes, there's the little matter of praying at the crypts of the eight
original knights. (Sir Berich, you may remember, is not buried in the
Undercroft.) Praying at a knight's crypt grants you a permanent boost to one
ability score. This remains in effect until such time as you pray at another
knight's crypt--i.e. only one of these blessings can be in effect at one time.
The amount of boost you get to your ability score depends on your level when
you pray. The knights and the blessings they bestow are:

Sir Gregory (Dibella): Fortify Personality
Sir Juncan (Kynareth): Fortify Speed
Sir Casimir (Mara): Fortify Endurance
Sir Torolf (Arkay): Fortify Willpower
Sir Henrik (Julianos): Fortify Intelligence
Sir Caius (Stendarr): Fortify Personality
Sir Ralvas (Zenithar): Fortify Luck
Sir Amiel (Akatosh): Fortify Strength

Remember, the cost of having all this goodness is you must keep your Infamy at
zero (0) or one (1). Anything higher and you have to walk the Pilgrim's Way
again to reduce your Infamy and be able to be the Crusader.

~~The Elder Scrolls IV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
v1.00 2007-02-17
- First published version

~~The Elder Scrolls IV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Written & Copyright 2006, 2007 by Barry Scott Will

Trademarks and other marks are reserved to their original owners. This guide
is not endorsed or authorized by 2KGames or Bethesda Softworks.

This guide is for informational purposes only and no explicit or implicit
warranty is made with regards to the suitability of this information. The
reader agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the author, Barry Scott Will,
from any consequences of using this information.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
License. To view a copy of this license, visit
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