Geheimakte 3

Geheimakte 3

16.10.2013 06:49:04

Walkthrough by George

In this game, you examine or look at things by right clicking on them

Alexandria Egypt
you climb wall by grabbing cracks:
grab first crack
grab next crack above
grab next crack above
jump to crack above and to left
jump to crack above and to right
grab crack to right
jump to crack above and to right
jump to crack above and to left
jump to crack above and to right
jump to crack above and to left
jump to crack above and to left
grab crack to left
grab crack to left
jump to crack above and to left
jump to crack above and to right
jump to wall edge

Get past the first guard:
you are hiding on the right side of the stable
take the leather bag from wall near you
use the leather bag to catch the snake
throw the snake-bag through the window on side of stable

Get past the guards:
climb onto the beam
follow the beam down
walk along the beam to the right
follow the beam all the way to the top
take down the banner
follow the next beam down
continue down
walk along the beam to the right
wrap the linen cloth around the grappling hook
tie the rope to the muffled grappling hook
throw the rope with muffled grappling hook through
the window high over the door
look at the clay pots, right click them

Finistere France

Get out of the church:
pick up the mop on the right
use the mop with the flames
use burning mop to ignite the tapestry
take the robe at right of benches
soak the robe in the baptismal font
use wet robe to extinguish the burning shelves

note: the shelf can slso be extinguished by first soaking
the mop or by fillling the chalice with water

check out the ruined shelves to get a board
use the clothes hanger to remove the nail on column
use the nail to widen the wall joint on left side of statue

note: to earn the unconventional thinker achievement, you need
to use the nail to widen the hoint, not the hanger

insert the shelf into the wide wall joint
use the statue

choose level of difficulty

note: to earn the master achievement, you must accept the
challenge (timing is a bit faster)

rock the statue back and forth (quickly rock other way at
end of each movement)

note: to earn acrobat achievement, you need to topple the
statue without being told to find your rhythm

Berlin Germany

Search the aparment:
pick up the backpack to left of big shelves
look through the backpack by right clicking it
look through the book
look at the table of contents
enter the passage on the right
look at the map on the wall
place a flag on Adelaide
plack a flag on Brisbane
place a flag on Broome
place a flag on Hobart

Search the office:
use the key to unlock the desk drawer
look inside the drawer
take out the city map
take out the photos
take out the book
see 0504
look at the picture on the wall
turn on the lava lamp
turn on the aquarium
put the key into the refrigerator
alternately, you can pick up the stucco tool on the
crates and put this tool into the refrigerator
use the freezing key with the air conditioner
(the model and desk lamp must be off)
look at the documents in inventory
look at the cell phone
enter pin number 0504 and press OK button

Potbelly Hill Turkey

Search the excavation site:
take the chain
follow the path to the right
search through the trashcan
slide the bike wheel spoke through gap under door
look at shreads of paper
correctly arrange the shreads:
click a shred, drag it up to the turn button
and click to turn
use fax with cell phone

Locate Emre:
look at mobile phone
follow path to right
follow path up (must have excavation site map)
go to lot B
check the red earth, left click to get some
leave the lot
go to lot D
check the rock drill
leave the lot
go to lot E
use video of tree roots clue on the tree
use smell of oil clue on the puddle of oil
use engine sounds clue on the pump

Find a way underground:
use rock drill on rock slab
feed chain through drilled hole
leave lot
go to lot C
use key on elevator
pick up wooden crate
press button
put wood crate in elevator shaft
press button again
press button one more time
check smashed wooden crate, take items
continue through tunnel

Cross the abyss:
use pipe wrench to remove pressure gun
use hammer to crush clod of dirt
pour fine red sand into pressure gun
attach gun with paint to high pressure cleaner hose
insert pressure gun into overhead crevice
turn on high pressure cleaner
return to elevator
press button
enter elevator
leave the lot
go to lot D
attach chain to hammer
insert chain/hammer into color marking
leave lot
go to lot C
enter elevator
continue through tunnel
swing across the abyss

Open the gate:
stand on bottom lf left stone slab
stand on ox slab
switch to Emre and stand on tiger slab
switch to Nina and stand on ibis slab
switch to Emre and stand on fox slab
switch to Nina and stand on wild boar slab
switch to Emre and stand on lizard slab
switch to Nina and stand on dragonfly slab
switch to Emre and stand on grasshopper slab

Measure the radiation:
cut roots with knife
attach roots to geiger counter
lower geiger counter/roots into cistern

Get out of the car:
press light switch between hands
lift sunshade
take contents from sunshade
use comb on glove compartment
take folding rule from glove compartment
use folding rule on lunch box
look inside lunch box
use knife on safety belt
pick up metal box and look inside it
look at Emre's notes
look at roughbook
open email folder
airline capt. is Sullenberger (Easter egg)

Florence Italy

Get into the jail:
left click the door
left click the barrels
walk down to the marketplace
try to turn wooden wheel in alcove
pick up wooden wedge under cart
check out (left click) the sack up on the ledge
climb back down using the cart
sprinkle salt onto wooden wheel
turn wooden wheel
climb to balcony
remove sword from statue
climb back down using cart
use sword with cargo
follow wide alleyway to left
use sword with barrels

Take care of the guards:
pick up torture devices
go back outside
use mouth spreader to open shop
use sword on window, on right of jail, or use poker
hang net on hooks above door
climb onto roof
sprinkle salt on clothes line
climb down the net
use sword on clothes line
climb onto roof
tie clothes line to poker
throw grappling hook at chimney
climb up to chimney
drop henbane down chimney
climb down to roof
pick up poker with clothesline
climb back down net
go back inside

Free An-Nasir:
place wooden wedge in recess, the square area in front of cell door
use poker on cell door
enter cell
pick up wood bucket
leave cell
go back outside
fill wood bucket with snow
go back inside
enter cell
use wood bucket of water to wake An-Nasir

Follow An-Nasir past the alley:
leave cell again
go outside
follow narrow alleyway to left
read sign on wall
use cell phone on sign on wall
pick up fish offal
walk back down
walk down to the marketplace
use fish guts on iron mask
use iron mask/fish to catch cat
follow wide alleyway to left
enter jail
enter cell
use fish guts on An-Nasir
use wood bucket of water to wake An-Nasir
release cat through far passage
follow cat through far passage, straight ahead

Follow An-Nasir past the next alley:
leave cell
go back outside
follow narrow alleyway to left
enter far passage
pour bucket of water into hollow
walk back down
walk down
fill bucket with some snow
go back inside
enter cell
use bucket of water to wake An-Nasir
enter passage on right

Follow An-Nasir past the courtyard:
leave cell
open ash pan
go outside
follow narrow alleyway on left
enter far passage
enter passage on right
use ashes on any of the three gates
leave courtyard
walk back down
walk down
go inside
enter cell
use bucket of water to wake An-Nasir
look at, right click, fingerprints on left gate
enter left gate

Follow An-Nasir past the bridge:
leave cell
go back outside
follow narrow alleyway to left
enter far passage
pick up ladder
enter right passage
enter left gate
use ladder on porch
climb to porch
walk down
leave courtyard
walk back down
walk down
go back inside
enter cell
use bucket of water to wake An-Nasir
look at footprints in snow
follow path on right

Find the cylinder:
pick up tool from dish on left
use lighter on oil lamp of vehicle
pick up jack
use jack on vehicle
take chisel from wall
use chisel on right arm of scales
check left arm of scales and get cylinder

Open the cylinder:
look at master craftsmen diploma above door
look at mechanical cylinder
press second button five times
press third button once
press fifth button four times

Decipher the diary page:
pick up paint pot
take walking stick
dip walking stick in paint pot
use walking stick/paint to draw on canvas
use diary page with canvas
pick up book on stand to left of door
use deciphered diary page on chronicle

San Francisco USA

Get rid of the policeman:
talk to policeman and tell him you're a fan of Leonardo
the policeman asks you if you've seen Titanic (easter egg)
get something to drink from shopman
pick up piece of glass
pick up magazine
right click magazine
pick up bottle
use glass on magazine
dip label in puddle
attach damp label to empty bottle
pour iced tea into empty whisky bottle
put bottle of iced tea into display
ask policeman about buying alcohol
report violation of ban on selling alcohol

Explore the museum:
open trunk of police car
follow path to museum
enter museum
climb stairs
climb out window
enter window on right
pick up frame of glasses
use frame of glasses on drawer

Restore the power:
pick up watering can
climb out window
enter window on left
walk down stairs
go outside
use bolt cutter on metal door
pour can of diesel into watering can
pour watering can/diesel into emergency generator
turn on emergency generator

Search the basement:
go back inside
walk down stairs
use keycard on door
look at fuse box, right click it
turn on lights
enter door
pick up lamp
walk right and plug lamp into socket
go back left
leave through left door
look at fuse box
turn on power
back through door to office

Find the painting:
walk right and turn on computer
look at computer
click on Artist
select Leonardo da Vinci as artist
select Madonna Benois as title
select 1477 as year
click confirm button
put painting into x-ray machine
a very long cut-scene
use cell phone with computer

Escape from the cells:
investigate showcase by right clicking it
left click clothes hanger
enter open cell
check out shelves, left click them
use mug on toilet
leave cell
throw mug of water at air conditioning over green sign
use bolt cutter to remove cable
return to cell
pick up bricks
take blanket from bed
wrap bricks in blanket
use cable to tie blanket bricks
check out window, left click
hang sack of bricks from window
drop sack of bricks to courtyard
climb out window
use clothes hanger to slide down cable

Get past the robot:
enter door on left
pick up combat robot
rummage through scrap heap, left click
attach a weapon to combat robot
(buzz saw or drill makes robot more vulnerable)
return to corridor
use combat robot on opposing robot
battle until victory

note: battles are random, no best strategy, limpet
mines are useful.
if you lose, robot is repaired while enemy robot
remains damaged.

Aircraft Carrier

Escape from the container:
check the green light
use spray paint for marking with keycard
slip keycard with color through ventilation cover
back right, pick up plastic cup
pick up threaded bar
use threaded bar to open ventilation cover
climb out

Access the Rotterdam container:
pick up clipboard, far left side
look at clipboard
leave through door at top of ladder
climb ladder
pick up screwdriver over to left, behind jet
use plastic cup to collect grease from right wheel
climb back down to stern
use screwdriver on red lamp
go inside
spread grease over red glass
stick greased glass on bottom white container
use threaded bar to open container door

Access the control panel:
look at part inside container, right click it
choose level of difficulty
connect segment JP-156899 to right of existing one
continue in a clockwise direction
correct pieces click into place
rotate and connect segment JX-326595-45
rotate and connect segment JQ-7896-78
rotate and connect segment JT-25568-X2
connect segment JT-654495-4B
rotate and connect segment JR-56-AX-27
rotate and connect segment JQ-12565-8C
connect segment JL-TU577-4F
rotate and connect segment JS-25689-25
rotate and connect segment JP-5689-56B
rotate and connect segment JT-654495-4B
very long cut-scenes

Cern Switzerland

Search the room:
check bottom wall cupboard on right behind curtain area
talk to Max
look at cooling chamber on right of Max
look at cooling chamber on left

look for signs of the watcher:
walk forward four times
open door at end of corridor
pick up plush toy
see camera through shop window across street
check heap of stones on right of there
throw stone at shop window
pick up another stone from heap
throw it at shop window
pick another stone
throw it at window
take camera
use camera to look at middle ruin high up
the balcony has fallen

Find the watcher:
search balcony between subway sign and overturned tanker, you get a bar
open car door
release handbrake
use iron bar to remove air duct grating
climb down air duct
stick plush toy on iron bar
use iron bar/teddy with gasoline running down wall by tunnel
return to surface through hole in wall
hold teddy/gas in fire
climb back down air duct
use burning teddy to ignite gasoline
climb up through bus to ruin

Talk to the watcher:
check the cable roller
attach steel cable to other steel cable
attach end of steel cable to elevator
turn small hand wheel beside large elevator wheel
check the desk
give pen and paper to Nina
use computer terminal
use note with coordinates in the input field
click search button

Santorini Greece

Find a way into the base:
choose level of difficulty
you're in a mini-sub that's movable
moving cursor around screen you often find heap of stones
click on heap of stones to automatically go there
search heap of stones in top left area
search heap of stones in top right area
search heap of stones in bottom right area
search heap of stones in bottom left area
place green crystal into recesses in the middle
recesses is a four section circle
place another green crystal into the recesses
place another green crystal into the recesses
place a final green crystal into the recesses

Open the door:
look at stone figures on right by right clicking them
look at Indian ornaments
look at hieroglyphs
look at terminal on left
press first button on left four times
press second button five times
press third button once
press fourth button three times
press button on outside of right side
enter door

Unlock the clock:
walk left and look at mural high up
continue left and move compass circle five times
move eye six times
move dagger seven times
move paint brush four times
move Mars symbol four times
move Venus symbol six times
move pistol four times
move skull four times
enter door

Save Max:
look at console
make a decision;
it's wise to save Max
slide small horizontal block left one space
slide right large vertical lock down one space
slide the top large horizontal block right three spaces
slice left large vertical block up one space
slide small horizontal block left one space
slide right small vertical block up one space
slide bottom large horizontal block right three spaces
slide left small vertical block down one space
slide small horizontal block left two spaces
alide left large vertical block down three spaces
slide red block right three spaces
slide left large vertical block up one space
slide bottom large horizontal block left one space
slide right large vertical block down two spaces
slide red block right one space
leave through door
pick up bag
look inside bag
give antidote to Max

Cern Switzerland

Obtain a keycard:
search drawer
check ashtray to get a cigar
look through wastepaper basket
leave through door
search lab coats
use key with lighter king ring to light cigar
place lit cigar on nearest left table
attach poster strip to pocket mirror
use pocket mirror/poster strips on laser grid
attach poster strip to model UFO
use model UFO/poster strips on rear table

Get out of the elevator:
take the keycard
use keycard to remove slab in ceiling
climb up through exit
climb up ladder
pick up metal pin
use metal pin to stop guide wheels

Get into the data center:
use keycard on hospital ward door
enter the hospital ward
use key on lighter key ring on top wall cupboard behind curtain
leave through door
use keycard on console
follow corridor to data center
point laser at sprinkler system
use defibrillator with puddle
enter data center Entrance

Defend the data center:
use defibrillator on fire cabinet
investigate fire cabinet
use fire axe on pipe above door

Save the world:
climb the ladder
try to enter the transformer building
use the walkie talkie with Max
look at the lock
use keycard on any of the screws
look at the identifier
look away from the lock
use walkie talkie with Max.
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Geheimakte 3, Version 1.3 deutsch Diverse Spielstände. Kopiere die Savegames hier her: X:\Users\DEIN NAME HIER\Documents\Geheimakte 3 Lege vorab eine Sicherungskopie der eigenen Spielstände an.
04.Май 2016
Alle Achievements plus grafischer Bestätigung.

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

16.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Komplettlösung im pdf-Format

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
25.Июнь 2019
11.Февраль 2016
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Июль 2014